10. Many colonists were angered by the Proclamation of 1763
because it

(A) took too much land from Canada

(B) gave Floride to the french

(C) limited the freedom to move West

D) encouraged raids by Native Americm undians


Answer 1
C. the British only wanted them east of the mountains so they could keep an eye on them.
Answer 2


C) limited freedom to move west


Since the 13 colonies were starting to become crowded, after they won the French and Indian War (also known as the 7 years war) many were planning to move west so the people could become spread out and have their own land. When the King set up the Proclamation of 1763, many were furious because they believed that they should be able to move and that the colonies were packed with people already.

Related Questions

The predicate of a sentence is

a group of words that is acted upon by the subject.
what is said about the subject or what the subject does.
the form of a verb used to show when an action happened.
a verb quality that tells if its subject performs or receives action.


The predicate of a sentence is what is said about the subject or what the

subject does.

A sentence is divided into two main parts which are:


The predicate is the part of a substance which contains the verb. The verb

helps to describe or tell us the action the subject performed. The

underlined part in the example below is the predicate.

The goat broke the window

Read more about Predicate here https://brainly.com/question/24328511

Answer: b

Explanation:tool test

What is the hierarchy of Brainly?


What means hierarchy


what is hierarchy if you mean research you can research anything well not anything cause most people don't have the question you have that why points exist so you can ask questions, I think.. well you can ask questions in brainly people answer fast but something nobody answers or it take like a long time but mostly people answer and you can't give out free points in brainly or you get a warning

What continent may have once been apart of Africa’s west coast ?



It is connected to Asia by the Isthmus of Suez in Egypt


The usual line taken to divide Africa from Asia today is at the Isthmus of Suez, the narrowest gap between the Mediterranean and Gulf of Suez, the route today followed by the Suez Canal. This makes the Sinai Peninsula geographically Asian, and Egypt a transcontinental country.

write down some causes

measures for domestic violence



Domestic violence (also called intimate partner violence, domestic abuse, dating violence, spousal abuse, and intimate partner abuse) is any form of maltreatment that takes place in a heterosexual or homosexual romantic relationship between adults or adolescents.

Intimate partner abuse is a major public health problem, due to its affecting more than 2 million women and 800,000 men and resulting in homelessness, injury, or death of victims, billions of dollars in health care costs, and lost work productivity.

Intimate partner abuse has been and, in some ways, continues to be endorsed in all societies through legal sanctioning of the subjugation of women and lack of legal protections for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) victims.

While domestic abuse strikes couples of all races, religions, social economic status, and sexual orientations, risk factors for men or women becoming victims or abusers include poverty, lack of a high school education, witnessing family violence as a child, having a low sense of self-worth, and attitudes of male domination and substance abuse, especially alcohol abuse.

Warning signs for individuals to consider if they suspect they are the victim of intimate partner violence include feeling demeaned, assaulted, or excessively controlled by their partner.

Warning signs friends, family members, and coworkers can look for if they wonder whether the person they care about is the victim of domestic abuse include frequent absences from school or work, numerous injuries the victim tries to explain, low self-esteem, a change in their personality, fear of conflicts, passive-aggressive behavior, blaming him- or herself for the problems in their relationship, isolation from others, or stress-related physical symptoms.

Health professionals unfortunately only screen for intimate partner abuse in about 20% of the patients seen. Domestic violence is most effectively assessed when the professional asks questions that call for more than a "yes" or "no" answer and do not directly inquire about domestic abuse, at least earlier during any assessment interview.

Domestic abuse is treated by establishing and maintaining the safety of the victim, providing appropriate legal consequences to the batterer, addressing the emotional impact on the victim and the problems of the abuser, particularly if one of the problems includes alcohol or other substance abuse.

The prognosis of domestic violence can be quite negative if it goes on untreated, in that the emotional and physical consequences of continued abuse can be severe and even end in homicide. Treatment and enhancing social supports to the victim can improve prognosis.

Prevention of domestic violence involves providing economic opportunity, mentors, role models, organized community programs for youth and families, a school environment that promotes prevention of abusiveness in any relationship, and adult family members who are nurturing and who provide consistent, structured support.


make be brainylist

Aerial photography, satellite imagery, and radar are all examples of __________. A. GPS B. remote sensing C. GIS D. weather forecasting Please select the best answer from the choices provided A B C D






The answer is B


I took the test

True or False, Ruth Bader Ginsburg grew up in California.




Answer: false


The geography of the fertile Crescent affected the growth of mesopotamian civilizations by


Answer: Helping civilizations grow lots of food

Explanation: APEX

students set up a controlled experiment they put five crickets in each of the three identical containers they set one container to 15c and one to 20c and one to 25c hen they count the number of cricket chirp in each container during one hour what is the manipulated variable in this experiment
A. The kind of containers used
B. The numbers of crickets in each container
C. The temperature of each containers
D. The number of cricket chirps


B would be the answer




I took the quiz, got it right. :)

The period known as the Gilded Age was marked by

economic growth and a lack of jobs.
economic problems and a lack of jobs.
economic growth and changing technology.
economic problems and changing technology.


3 is the answer
Hope this helps you :)


Answer economic growth and changing technology .

Which region is the only area to experience a Mediterranean climate?

Pacific Northwest


Northwest might be right

loksabha is the key public organisation of the nation​. Give reason.


Lok Sabha at many times has the final voice in decisions. As the members in Lok Sabha is more than the other house, agreements related to bills from both houses get majority voice from members of Lok Sabha. Lok Sabha also intervenes in monetary related subjects as the budget is solely prepared by this house.

Who was the most powerful in the colonial government
-the governor
- the colonial assembly
-the governors council
-the English monarch


The governor because he served as the chief law enforcement officer in the colony

One day in class you meet a student who has different beliefs in a different background when you ask him about whether he saw a football game on TV the night before he explains that he and his family believe it is wrong to watch television which of the following responses would best demonstrate tolerance.



It will be D.  

showing understanding by telling the student you respect his choice


sorry if not correct

While guns were responsible for many Aboriginal people dying, the majority of
deaths were due to


Corona Virus because we have hit over a million deaths

Hello can someone pls help me !


Provinces in Western Canada are Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta, and British Columbia
:) !

written as per the will and aspiration of people?
Write three reason
c) What is popular will? Why should a constitution be​


Answer: One of the basic principles of governance is the realization that governments exist to serve the will of the people. The founders of the American republic understood this basic fact when they ratified these words from Thomas Jefferson:

“…Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.”

In one sentence, Jefferson explained these salient points:

Government flows from the consent of those governed

Those governed have the right demand government be responsive to their wishes

If a government is unwilling, unable or incapable of fulfilling the first two points, then the governed have the right to dissolve their current government and replace it with something that will.

To this end, constitutions, which describe the relationship between the governed and the government, must be written with fulfilling the wishes of the governed in mind. Likewise, a constitution that is not approved by the governed and is simply imposed by the government cannot have legitimacy.


What was the Salzburgers’ first settlement?
1. Spanish Florida
2. Savannah
3. Ebenezer
4. South Carolina



3) Ebenezer


you can find a whole article online and its rather easy to understand.


I believe it would be C pretty sure just a little not


Ancient civilizations used censuses for taxation and __________. A. employment B. military service C. to provide public services D. congressional apportionment





Answer: b is you answer


Which of these are very common features in Islamic art?

illustrations of people and animals
geometric designs and repeating patterns
monochromatic, or single-color, color schemes
plain, readable text combined with patterns



I think its B geometric designs and patterns


hope this helped


The answer is B


263. Why did Jesus have trouble with both the Jewish leaders and the
Roman authorities?


56 is the awnswerj ;v[y8[9dl j]-s0ic'jk co=wd-dokj nscodc-jk ie0djihrherehrrhr

In Science experiments, it is very important to “control the variables” so that there is only ONE independent variable and ONE dependent variable. We “control the variables” by making anything else that could change during the experiment into a constant. For example, if you are doing an experiment to find out what material can hold more water, then it is important to make sure all the materials you are testing are the same size. Why is it so important to control the variables? What would happen if we did not control them?


ANSWER       Importance of Controlled Variables

Lack of awareness of control variables can lead to faulty results or what are called "confounding variables." Additionally, noting control variables makes it easier to reproduce an experiment and establish the relationship between the independent and dependent variables

Confounding variables, often known as incorrect outcomes, can result from not being aware of control variables. It is also simpler to repeat an experiment and establish a connection between the independent and dependent variables when control factors are noted.

What is the control variable?

A control variable in an experiment is a variable that is maintained constant in order to examine the relationship between several variables. A control variable is anything that stays the same during an experiment to help researchers better understand how the other factors under study relate to it.

A control variable, also known as a scientific constant, is an experimental component that remains constant (controlled) and unaltered over the course of research. If control variables were not maintained constant throughout the experiment to examine the relative relationship between the dependent variable (DV) and independent variable, the outcomes of the experiment could be significantly impacted (IV). The experimenter is not very interested in the control variables themselves.

Learn more about control variable, from:



The men rowed as hard as they could, until at last, they reached the open sea. In front of them lay the island of Thrace, full of grazing cattle and sheep.

“If you kill any of them, you and your ship will be destroyed.”

Odysseus told his men what the prophet Tiresias had said and commanded them to row on. But Eurylochus did not agree.

“We are all exhausted,” he said. “Let us land on this shore for just one night, so that we may rest and eat the food that Circe gave us.”

–The Odyssey

How does this passage show that Greeks valued obeying laws and rules?

A. Circe gives the crew an island filled with cattle and sheep.
B. Odysseus commands his men to give up a chance at food.
C. Eurylochus speaks up for the others in the group.
D. The crew works hard rowing their boat to reach the open sea.



b sport bye yeet


read carefully


its B


I just took the quiz

what makes up a molecule of oxygen?



oxygen is composed of three stable isotopes, 16^O, 17^O, and 18^O

Hello so I said that I would not do this unless I have to but I just want to vent a little.
(so feel free to tell me im being dramatic)
yay vent time let's go
1. I love to draw and doodle so I am writing down notes sometimes I doodle and my mom got mad at me and sayed "wow you get like one c and your already slacking off"
(may I mind you I have been working very hard and all of my classes are c's and b's) and she wanted me to erase my doodles and thats rude you dont just yell at someone for drawing like come on.
2. Ever since my mom came back from Las Vegas she has been nitpicking everything like oh the microwave is dirty it's Alexis she made the microwave a mess not the other 2 people who could use the microwave.
(hint the sarcasm is real)
3. (this goes with the first point) my mom had said that I was being lazy but my sister is not even though she was doing nothing at the time other then using her electronic's but like I said she's not lazy


you where not being lazy,and your not being sarcastic ether. looks like you mom got a little ahead of her self at Las Vegas no offense. with the microwave thing I think that was a little out of line but I can totally relate.


like I have to do stuff for my mom and if I don't want to she says "ok, fine well don't ask me for eney thing ever again" like what I just didn't want to do this one thing for you. so I can totally understand how you feel

Please help

One of the main goals of OPEC's members is to
A. help set international oil prices
B. experiment with new energy sources
C. settle conflicts over water resources
D. discover all of the world's petroleum sources
Please select the best answer from the choices provided



Its A




Hope I helped


into how many types sir Edward Burnett Tylor has classified the society



Sir Edward Burnett Tylor was an English anthropologist ,the founder of cultural anthropologist.


360 Tribes

hope it helps

"Deborah, a prophetess, the wife of Lappidoth, was leading Israel at that time. She held court under the Palm of Deborah between Ramah and Bethel in the hill country of Ephraim, and the Israelites came to her to have their disputes decided. She sent for Barak son of Abinoam from Kedesh in Naphtali and said to him, The Lord, the God of Israel, commands you: ‘Go, take with you ten thousand men of Naphtali and Zebulun and lead the way to Mount Tabor. I will lure Sisera, the commander of Jabin's army, with his chariots and his troops to the Kishon River and give him into your hands.'" —Judges 4:4–7, Holy Bible Who was the commander of the enemy's forces? a. Deborah c. Barak b. Lappidoth d. Sisera



d. Sisera


From the story or Bible verse. It is apparent that Deborah who happened to be a prophetess is the leader of the Israelites. Lappidot was her husband. And Barak the son of Abinoam who is from Kedesh but lives in Naphtali is the leader or commander of her army. While the Jabin's army they want to fight was led by Sisera.

Hence, in this case, the correct answer is that SISERA was the commander of the enemy's forces


The answer is Sisera


Why is it important that your Organ systems work together give an example of them working together




An organ system is a group of organs that work together to perform a certain function in a body. The human body has 11 different organ systems, some of which are the cardiovascular, respiratory, muscular, and nervous systems. For example, the cardiovascular system consists of the heart, arteries, veins, and capillaries.

Not only organs that make up an organ system have to work together, but organ systems as well. Otherwise, our body wouldn't be able to work properly. For example, the respiratory system and the cardiovascular system cooperate to deliver oxygen to cells and expel the carbon dioxide, which is the product of the cells.

Explain why the first hill on a roller coaster is always the highest. Use evidence from class to help you explain your answer.



the first hill is always the highest fro friction and speed. If they waited til the end to make that hill the biggest the ride would not be fast and towards the end if you put the hill down there it probaly wouldnt stop in time because the friction and gravity of going down hill makes you go faster.


Why are there 360 longitudes and only 180 latitudes?



The South Pole and the North Pole have separated by 180° apart, The longitude lines cross from the North Pole to the South Pole. While persisting on the North Pole, you can ideally recognize the whole circle of the globe. This is why it begins at zero and finishes at 360 longitudes.

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