In Lizzie Bright and the Buckminster Boy, which characters are in conflict? Select 4 opti
Turner and the townspeople
Mrs. Cobb and Mrs. Hurd
Lizzie and Turner
Lizzie and her grandfather
Mr. Stonecrop and the Malaga islanders
Turner and the Tripps
Turner and Reverend Buckminster


Answer 1

Answer: hope this helps!

 1  Turner and the townspeople

 2  Lizzie and Turner

 3  Lizzie and her grandfather

 4  Turner and Reverend Buckminster

In "Lizzie Bright and the Buckminster Boy," the characters of Turner, Lizzie, her grandfather, and Reverend Buckminster are in conflict. Turner, the main character, is in conflict with the townspeople of Phippsburg, Maine over their plan to displace the black residents of Malaga Island, including Lizzie and her grandfather. Turner is also in conflict with Lizzie over their differing views on Malaga Island and its residents. Lizzie and her grandfather are also in conflict over her grandfather's desire to remain on the island despite the townspeople's plans. Additionally, Turner is in conflict with Reverend Buckminster over his role in the displacement of the island's residents.


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What does Claudius admit about his crime Act 3 Scene 1?


Claudius admits that his wrongdoing in passing but yet shows  clear concern for his tormented nephew. The duality of evil is demonstrated by Claudius, who gradually discloses the extent of his criminality while still inspiring pity by demonstrating his vulnerability as a human.

What about his crime does Claudius admit to himself?

The front of his own altar, Claudius falls to his knees and tells to God he killed his brother. Despite his admission that this was a terrible mistake, he refuses to give up his newfound authority and position. Instead, he pleads with God to soften him so that he can ask for forgiveness.

What self-disclosure does Claudius make in Act 3?

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The main purpose of Teddy Roosevelt's big stick policy was to bargain peacefully while remaining firm in the event that something goes wrong.

What fundamental concepts underpin "big stick" diplomacy?

"Big stick diplomacy" refers to the tactic of carefully regulated talks backed up by the implicit threat of a powerful military. In 1904, Roosevelt established the United States as the Western Hemisphere's "police power," paving the way for the country's dealings with Central and Latin America over the next several decades.

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How does an apostrophe change the meaning of a sentence?


Possession is indicated by the use of apostrophes. They denote who owns a noun.

What is Possession?Possession refers to a person's ownership, control, or occupancy of any asset, object, or piece of property.According to Missouri cases like this one, possession is defined as "the detention and control, or the manual or ideal custody, of anything that may be the subject of property, for one's use and enjoyment, either as owner or as the proprietor of a qualified right therein, and either held personally or by another who exercises it in one's place and name."There are two main categories of possession:Actual possession, sometimes referred to as possession in fact, denotes direct physical contact. According to this New York court decision, "actual possession is what most of us think of as possession—having physical custody.

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What values of St. Joseph Do you want to imitate with and why?


The values of St. Joseph to imitate are:

a) Just                           b) Faithful

c) Obedient                 d) Chaste and loving

e) Humble                     e) Hardworking

f)  Contemplative  

In this great solemnity of the man chosen today by God the Father to raise his son according to his humanity and to care for the mother he chose for this son and for us. , we are called upon to do more than celebrate that saint. We are called to imitate. Saints are given to show us how to live.

St. Joseph was a good man. St. Matthew writes that he was a "righteous man" or a "righteous man." He was "holy" and in right relation with God. It may not look flashy on the outside, but it glows on the inside. As Pope Benedict once said, in a rare pun, St. Joseph "conformed" his life to the Word of God. His whole life was in a relationship with God.

Like Abraham implicitly compared in today's second reading, St. Joseph is for us the Father of Faith. His example reminds us of his loving trust, his complete surrender to God's providence, his acceptance of God "in his word," i.e., imitating his intentions without clearly seeing them. Recommended. When the angel said to him, "Don't be afraid to bring Mary your wife into your house," he did as the angel commanded him. Trusting God does not mean seeing everything clearly by His own standards.

Joseph was “righteousprecisely because he was docile and obedient to God and was “faithful” because he did with trust what the Lord asked him. We see his prompt obedience in his response to the angel of God’s interventions in his dreams. When God sent his angel in a dream to tell him not to be afraid to receive Mary into his home because the child was conceived by the Holy Spirit, Joseph awoke and “did as the angel of the Lord had commanded him.”

We invoke St. Joseph in the Divine Praises as Mary’s “most chaste spouse.” We see him often depicted with a lily, as we do in the statue in this chapel, as a sign of purity. His life shows us that total devotion to another need does not necessarily require a sexual relationship. He loved Maria. It meant being willing to do what was best for Mary and the Divine Child she had.

It takes humility to put yourself completely in the hands of others and fully devote yourself to the service of others. And Saint Joseph is an example of humility. One area where this humility was important was in his daily life raising the Son of God from the dead. He was the one who taught Jesus to pray with Mary. Especially Joseph himself must have taken Jesus to the Sabbath ceremony in the synagogue. Also, he must have taken them to Jerusalem for the great feast of the Israelites. Furthermore, according to Jewish tradition, Joseph would have daily prayers in his home, morning, evening, mealtimes, and during the most important religious festivals.

If we think Mary’s heart was contemplative, piecing together everything as a mosaic and holding on it with all her strength — what it means that she pondered these things, treasuring them in her heart. One particular prayer I like to say to help me be more contemplative throughout my work and life.

Learn more about Imitate:


Joseph's humility is what terrifies the demons. He is entrusted with power and authority not simply because of his internal strength but because of his complete reliance upon and fidelity to God.

What guidance does St. Joseph offer us?

St. Joseph was a laborer. He was a straightforward craftsman who helped his neighbors with his creations. He instilled in his foster son Jesus the value of perseverance. The simplicity of Joseph's attitude to his labor and providing for the Holy Family is likely a result of the humility he demonstrated in the events of recorded Scripture. While St. Joseph is shown in the Gospels as a strong, bold, and hard-working man, we can also see that he has a deep tenderness, which is not a sign of weakness but rather of inner fortitude and the capacity for true care, compassion, and love.

To know more about St. Joseph visit:


Why did Maryland decide to tax the national bank?


Maryland decide to tax the national bank because they did not want the national bank competing with their own banks.

The states of Maryland did not want the National Bank competing with their own banks and objected to the establishment of a National Bank as an unconstitutional exercise of Congress’s power. The state of Maryland imposed a tax on the bank of $15,000/year which cashier James McCulloch of the Baltimore branch refused to pay. The case went to the Supreme Court. Maryland argued that as a sovereign state. it had the power to tax any business within its borders. McCulloch’s attorneys argued that a national bank was “necessary and proper” for Congress to establish in order to carry out its enumerated powers. the Court ruled that Maryland could not tax the national bank.

To learn more about Maryland Tax on national banks please visit:


What is the area of the rectangle?


The area of the rectangle, given the dimensions of the rectangle, is 243 square feet.

How to find the area ?

The dimensions of the rectangle are given in yards and yet the question wants to area of the rectangle to be in square feet.

This means that you have to convert the dimensions of the rectangle to feet before finding the area.

1 yard in feet is 3 feet so 9 yards would be:

= 9 x 3

= 27 feet

3 yards would be:

= 3 x 3

= 9 feet

The area of the rectangle is :
= Length x Width

= 27 x 9

= 243 square feet

Find out more on the area of a rectangle at


The full question is:

A rectangular floor is 9 yards long and 3 yards wide. What is the area in square feet!

Which agency is responsible for preventing terrorist attacks within the United States ?


Other federal departments assist the Homeland Security Department in preventing, responding to, and recovering from terrorist & catastrophic events that compromise American security.

What is the role of homeland security?

The Homeland Security Department strives to increase American security. Enforcement of customs, boarder, and immigration laws, emergency service to natural and man-made disasters, work against terrorism, and cybersecurity are all tasks carried out by the Department.

Do the police work for Homeland Security?

The Federal Protective Service section of the Management Directorate is a component of the U.S.. Department of National Security (DHS). serving as the Department of Homeland Security's police force.

To learn more about Homeland Security visit:


According to the text, what implications
might this new technology have for the relationship
between humans and animals? How might it affect animal
welfare? Explain your answer using evidence from the text.


Experiments show that bad handling can affect an animal welfare, health, and performance, mostly through animal stress and fear.

Why is animal welfare important?

Because so many animals are harmed due to their usage in entertainment, food, medicine, design, scientific research, and as exotic pets, animal welfare is crucial. Every animal has a right to a happy life filled with the advantages of the Five Domain.

What is included in animal welfare?

Humane handling, management, feeding, disease prevention, veterinary care, slaughter, and killing practices are all necessary for good animal welfare. Animals should not be used for experimentation, entertainment, food, or clothing, according to animal rights. These usage are acceptable as long as "humane" rules are fulfilled, according to animal welfare.

To learn more about animal welfare visit:


Why is Joseph important to Christianity?


He was appointed Egypt's governor for his talent for deciphering Pharaoh's dream. He made the smart decision to ration the nation's food supply in anticipation of famine. Joseph is compared to Christ in the Old Testament.

A monotheistic religion founded on the life and teachings of Jesus of Nazareth, Christianity is an Abrahamic religion. With adherents or almost one-third of the world's population, it is the biggest and most pervasive religion.

Joseph works hard to meet the needs of God's family, the Holy Catholic Church has earned unique benefits in heaven that are unsurpassed by any other saint, with the exception of the Blessed Mary, because of his unique role as the foster father of the Child Jesus.

To know more about Christianity, refer to this link:


The purpose of this passage in driving my own destiny (paragraph 26-28) is mainly to


The purpose of this passage in driving my own destiny (paragraphs 26-28) is mainly to encourage the reader to take control of their own life and make their own choices, rather than allowing themselves to be controlled by outside forces.

What is driving my own destiny?

Generally, In order to attain success and contentment in one's life, the passage places an emphasis on the significance of self-empowerment and accepting responsibility for one's own choices.

The primary objective of this section of driving my own destiny (paragraphs 26-28), which is referred to as "driving my own destiny," is to persuade the reader to take charge of their own lives and decide what they want to do with them rather than submitting to the influence of other factors.

Read more about "driving my own destiny"


What is author's viewpoint examples?


A topic or the concepts being conveyed are viewed from the author's point of view. Viewpoint encompasses both the data's presentation's language and content.

A topic or the concepts being conveyed are viewed from the author's point of view. Viewpoint encompasses both the data's presentation's language and content. An author's point of view, beliefs, theories, presumptions, and potential bias are discerned by thoughtful readers. Students who get author's viewpoint instruction read critically to determine the veracity of material. Students recognise phrases and words that express an author's strong opinions in favour of or against a certain person, group, or subject. They point up choices that offer diverse viewpoints on a subject. Readers pick up on expressed and implied points of view.

learn more about author's point of view here


Although Jones's class is hard, I still learn a lot and feel confident about my work. Perspective of the Author: The speaker uses the phrase "learn so much" to convey her happiness at having Mrs. Jones as a teacher, which contributes to her positive outlook on the situation.

What is the writer's point of view?

The author's perspective is how they see a subject or the ideas being described. The content and language used to present the data are included in Viewpoint. An author's perspective, opinions, hypotheses, assumptions, and potential bias are deciphered by thoughtful readers.

How can you examine an author's perspective?

A reader must consider the author's experience and the argument being made in order to comprehend the author's perspective. Language is used to convey perspective; As a result, students need to pay close attention to what an author says and make connections between it and the author's knowledge and beliefs.

To learn more about Author here:


Directions: Read the prompt below and write your response in the text box. Please be sure to double check your spelling and grammar. No length requirement.

Prompt: It has been said by many that True Winners must also know how to Lose. What is YOUR interpretation of this phrase? What does it mean to YOU?


You can write a paragraph saying your interpretation is that one can only appreciate the victory after tasting the loss, which means a lot to you.

Winning vs losing

This question requires a personal answer. Although we are not allowed to write the paragraph for you here, we can give you ideas on how to do it, what topics to write about:

You can say that your interpretation of the affirmation is that we can only learn the value and importance of a victory when we have lost before. Someone who always wins in life only knows privilege. They do not really know what it is to achieve something after putting in the necessary effort. If things come too easily, we do not appreciate them.You can say that affirmation means a lot to you in the sense that this is how your life has been. You have had to work really hard to get things, to achieve your dreams, and the more difficult it is - the more you lose - the more you appreciate what you get.

Learn more about writing paragraphs here:


Imagine you have always lived in a state with plenty of land where you worked on a farm and had horses. You did not have many people around you, and you would now like to move to a state where there will be more people to interact with. Which of the following states would be the best match for you?


Based on the fact that you have always lived in a state with plenty of lands where you worked on a farm and had horses and you did not have many people around you, and you would now like to move to a state where there will be more people to interact with, you should move to California.

What is Migration?

This refers to the movement of people from one place to another with intentions of settling, permanently or temporarily, at a new location.

Hence, it can be seen that from the list of answer choices, California is the best option and this is because they have the most population from others and would be the best fit.

California would help you have access to many people whom you can interact with and would give you more exposure than others.

Read more about migration here:


Imagine you have always lived in a state with plenty of land where you worked on a farm and had horses. You did not have many people around you, and you would now like to move to a state where there will be more people to interact with. Which of the following states would be the best match for you?

A Wyoming

B New Mexico

C Idaho

D California

How does Equiano use
emotional appeals within
his autobiography?



He uses pity to make his readers feel bad for him.


at least thats what i think...

What is the concept of aggression?


Onrad Lorenz claimed that four primary, survival-seeking animal urges influence human behaviour in his landmark work On Aggression from 1963.

What does aggression serve as?

An attempt to settle interpersonal disputes, such as physical or psychological aggravation, some other user's disobedience, perceived unfairness, and a threat to one's personal group, was made, it was concluded. Aggression is a behavioural technique.

What 3 forms of violence are there?

Reactive-expressive verbal, physical, and physical-verbal aggression made up the three forms of aggression. Aggression that can damage human relationships, such spreading false rumours, is proactive-relational aggression and is manifested as both reactive-inexpressive anger and aggression

To know more about aggression visit:


What is the meaning of haiku by Basho?


Basho's haiku's primary theme is nature. The author's goal is to describe the attempts made by people to live in harmony with nature. Numerous haiku incorporate this concept. His story serves as a travel journal during the journey through northern Japan.

What message is conveyed in the poem?

Poets are motivated to write poetry by a message. Once you understand the poetry's meaning, you can find the message. Readers take away a message or piece of wisdom after reading the poem.

What is a haiku and why do they exist?

A classic Japanese haiku is a three-line poem with seventeen syllables that has a syllable count of 5/7/5. Haiku places a premium on simplicity and directness of communication, frequently relying on naturalistic pictures.

To know more about Basho's haiku's visit :-


What does the checkmark over the 1 in the first service box indicate?


The first service is denoted by checking () the box with the number 1 in the serving player's column. The total points scored by the serving team up to that point are recorded in this box once the team has lost the service.

Who authenticates the volleyball score sheet?

The first referee verifies the score sheet's accuracy at the conclusion of the game before signing it.

After a deuce, what is the call when the serving team is up by one point?

After a deuce, the first point is known as an advantage. The server or the receiver may have this advantage. The set is won by the first player or team to win six games.

To know more about deuce visit:-


What are the 6 common styles of dining service?


Dining service comes in a wide variety of forms, as well as in a variety of looks, settings, and roles. Understanding and performing the ideal table setting can be challenging, but there is no room for mistake in this.

The most common type of dining service are: Formal silver service, Informal silver service, Russian service, French service, American service and English service. Some are explain here: The most prevalent service model in use now throughout the world is American-style service. In this kind of service, the food is prepared in the restaurant's kitchen and then plate in a predetermined and uniform manner. The restaurant's waiters then bring it to the diner's table where they can enjoy it. One of the most intriguing and traditional forms of restaurant service is French-style, however it is today less popular due to its complexity. In this kind of service, the waiter or server offers the customers a variety of preparations that are placed on a platter for them to select from. The diner must pick the most appetizing items and help himself by using a spoon and a fork in the right and left hands, respectively.

Learn more about service here:


What is the importance of dance to you as a person?


For people of all ages, sizes, and shapes, dancing can be a great way to stay fit. It has numerous physical and mental advantages, including: improved state of your lungs and heart increased motor fitness, endurance, and muscular strength.

Why ought we to dance?

Dance encourages physical and creative development, socialization, and increased activity. Among the many advantages of dancing more are the following: improved levels of relaxation, stronger bones and muscles, better control of one's weight, and a healthier brain all come from this.

What role does dance play in our daily lives?

Through a wide range of disciplines, dance teaches us the importance of movement and fitness. It teaches us how to move in the right positions by coordinating our muscles. In addition, it is a great activity that can be done at any age.

To learn more about dance fitness, here:


What is formal speech and informal speech?


Colloquialisms, contractions, and first-person pronouns like "I" and "We" are not used in formal speech. Language that is informal is more casual and spontaneous.

It is utilized in written or verbal communication with friends and family.

What exactly is a formal speech?

The term "formal speech" refers to speech that is used in formal, "serious" settings like the office or a dinner party.

How does informal speech work?

Speech that is casual and relaxed, like conversations with friends, is called informal speech. Slang, contractions, and common phrases are all commonplace in informal speech.

What are some examples of speeches, both formal and informal?

Informal: The experiment required that the balloon be inflated. Formal: The experiment required that the balloon be inflated. Informal: The patient recovered from his condition. Formal: The patient was cured of his condition.

To learn more about formal speech here:


Can someone give me an example of Juxtaposition in Julius Caesar, please?


juxtaposes concrete, simple statements about Caesar that his audience can relate to or that they know to be true, such as that Caesar was his friend, that his audience once loved Caesar, that Caesar made many conquests for Rome, that he refused a crown, etc., with statements that he clearly wants his audience to disagree with, such as that the good Caesar did should be “buried or forgotten

What is objective truth ?


When the requirements for truth are satisfied without prejudice brought on by the mind of a sentient being, a proposition is regarded as having objective truth.

What is meant by objective and subjective truth?It is possible to establish if a claim is accurate or untrue for factual matters using commonly accepted criteria and methodologies. A subjective claim, on the other hand, is an expression of belief, opinion, or personal choice and is not based on evidence. In philosophy, objectivity refers to the idea of truth that is separate from personal subjectivity. When the requirements for truth are satisfied without prejudice brought on by the mind of a sentient being, a proposition is regarded as having objective truth. The Bible makes statements about the reality of things. They apply to everyone and always if they are true. Knowing this, we can acknowledge that our Christian beliefs are not "our truth" because they can be reasoned about. The events described in the gospel can be verified as historical by using the same methods as other historical claims.A fact that is based on a person's viewpoint, emotions, or ideas is said to be subjective. Our senses and perceptions serve as our main sources of information for everything we know. Thus, what we know is a matter of opinion.

To learn more about subjective truth refer to:


Is Little Boy Based on a true story?


Yes, Little Boy is Based on a true story in which Jesus changed the after-effect of World War II by giving magical powers to an eight year old kid.

What was World War II?

The Second World War, also known as World War II, lasted from 1939 to 1945. The vast majority of countries in the world fought as members of two opposing military alliances, the Allies and the Axis.

Many participants poured economic, industrial, and scientific resources into this total war, blurring the distinction between civilian and military resources. Aircraft played a critical role in enabling strategic bombing of population centres, as well as the only two nuclear weapons ever used in combat.

With 70 to 85 million people killed, the vast majority of whom were civilians, World War II was by far the bloodiest conflict in human history. Tens of millions of people died in genocides.

Learn more about World War II


hi can u help me please​



HIV is a viral infection. It targets and gradually weakens the body's immune system by damaging cells called CD4 T cells. This damage means that, over time, the body becomes less able to fight off other infections. If the immune system becomes impaired enough, infections that are typically mild can be life threatening.

I hope helpful this answer

Which sentence is an example of assonance?
A The truck was going a million miles an hour.
B The toy boat whizzed past the dock.
C The small boy grabbed Roy's toy.
D Sheila pinches pennies like Scrooge.


The small boy who grabbed Roy's toy is an example of assonance. Thus option C is correct.

What is a sentence?

A sentence can be defined as the part where the phrase and the words are. This often contains a subject and a predicate. For a sentence, it needs to be grammatically correct. Also, there should be proper punctuation marks that are needed in a sentence. It can contain a noun or a pronoun. The sentence helps in communicating the thoughts.

Assonance is a similarity in the vowel as well as consonant notes of two or more words, and syllables. However, in American use, assonance amid consonants is typically referred to as Assonance. Therefore, option C is the correct option.

Learn more about sentence, Here:


Why Dedicated is important?


The importance of dedication lies in its ability to motivate you to persevere through even the most challenging tasks or jobs. You will always find a cause to continue doing what you are doing as long as you are committed to it.

Why is dedication important?

If you question why you aren't succeeding in what you are doing as much as you could, reflect on your past and assess your level of commitment. You'll soon see why dedication can help you achieve the achievement you've been looking for once you put more effort into it.Being entirely focused and committed to whatever task you are working on will enable you to finish it, therefore dedication becomes crucial in what you do. It will be harder for you to finish what you've started or even do well at it if you somehow find yourself thinking about doing other things while also engaging in other activities that are wholly unrelated to your primary activity.

No matter how long it takes to complete a task you started for your own reasons, you must commit to it and give it all of your attention. Dedication is crucial in whatever pursuit you may have in life.

To know more about dedication, click here:


Select all the correct words in the excerpt. highlight two words that mean "tired" in this excerpt from anne bradstreet's "as weary pilgrim, now at rest." as weary pilgrim, now at rest, hugs with delight his silent nest, his wasted limbs now lie full soft that miry steps have trodden oft,


Weary and wasted are the two terms that need to be stressed in this excerpt.

What should be understood by weary and wasted pilgrim?

Weary in this context denotes the fact that the traveller is worn out, exhausted, and in need of a place to rest and call home. In this context, the second term, wasted, denotes the pilgrim's arms and legs being worn out by travelling the journey to a new country he may call his own. In general, weary means quite exhausted, especially after working for a prolonged period of time and wasted means not necessary.

To know more about the word "tired" in the context of pilgrim, check out:


This unit focuses on literature from Africa and many of the texts have the shared topics of “People and the Complex Relationships They Share”. In at least one complete paragraphs, identify a text that deals with the topic “People and Complex Relationships They Share” and fully explain how the author shows complex relationships through direct characterization, indirect characterization, and plot events.


The novel My Sister's Keeper, written by Jodi Picoult, is an excellent example of literature that deals with people and the complex relationships they share. In it, Picoult is able to show complex relationships through a combination of direct characterization, indirect characterization, and plot events. Direct characterization is used in showing the thoughts and motivations of the characters in the novel and the roots of their relationships. Picoult puts the spotlight on the role of parental love in the decisions of many characters in the novel, showing how it is the basis for some decisions, and the lack of love in other relationships allowing for resentment and anger to flourish. Indirect characterization is also used, as entire story arcs revolve around the emotions of the characters and their relationships. Through Picoult’s writing, one is able to feel and understand the anger, frustration, sadness, and hope that the characters express and experience in navigating through these complex relationships. Finally, plot events further expand upon these layers of complex relationships, as various plot points show how the characters’ unique perspectives of their relationships become increasingly entwined, sometimes leading to damaging and painful events.

Is it OK to be angry Catholic?


According to Catholic, anger is a healthy emotion, but expressing it violently is usually wrong and wicked.

There are appropriate and healthy levels of anger. Jesus was angry in this way at the scribes and Pharisees. This is the kind of rage one has in response to social injustices such as abortion, poverty, discrimination, corruption, war, etc.

One experiences fury like this when they have been severely wronged. When anger enables someone to recognise the wrongdoing and inspires them to take positive action to address it, anger can be beneficial. When one can recognise a wrong or an injustice and take action to correct it, anger can be helpful. Martin Luther King, Jr., Cesar Chavez, and Mahatma Gandhi are among figures that exhibited righteous anger.

Learn more about Catholic here:


What is the main conflict in The Great Gatsby?


Large-scale combat The wealthy Daisy Buchanan, who belongs to the upper class, is the object of Gatsby's love, but his enigmatic history prevents him from winning her approval.

What's The Great Gatsby's major point?

The American Dream is ultimately out of reach, according to the book The Great Gatsby. As a socialite, Jay Gatsby had amassed considerable riches and fame, but his greatest desire was to spend the rest of his life with Daisy.

What social lessons can we learn from The Great Gatsby?

The characters in The Great Gatsby reflect the wealthiest sections of New York society in the 1920s. They are not represented as being very aspirational, despite their wealth. Instead, the unsavory traits of the wealthy characters—wastefulness, hedonism, and carelessness—are highlighted.

To know more about The Great Gatsby visit:-


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