big government is ____________ considered a core u.s. value.


Answer 1

Big government is not considered a core U.S. value.

The United States is a country built on the principles of individual liberty, freedom of choice, and personal responsibility.

A large, intrusive government is not seen as necessary to uphold these foundational values. In fact, the citizens of the United States often view big government as a hindrance to achieving the American dream.

It is for this reason that the U.S. has traditionally favored limited government, with the focus being on providing citizens with the necessary tools to make their own decisions and pursue their own paths.

To learn more about core, click here:


Related Questions

What was the impact of Cold War?


The Cold War affected domestic policy two ways: socially and economically. Socially, the intensive indoctrination of the American led to a regression of social reforms. Economically, enormous growth spurred by industries related to war was aided by government expansion.

Historians have identified several causes that led to the outbreak of the Cold War, including: tensions between the two nations at the end of World War II, the ideological conflict between both the United States and the Soviet Union, the emergence of nuclear weapons, and the fear of communism in the United States.

The concrete legacy of the Cold War rotates around three elements: nuclear weapons and the related arms control and non-proliferation treaties; local conflicts with long-lasting consequences; and international institutions that continue to play a key role today. During 1989 and 1990, the Berlin Wall came down, borders opened, and free elections ousted Communist regimes everywhere in eastern Europe. In late 1991 the Soviet Union itself dissolved into its component republics. With stunning speed, the Iron Curtain was lifted and the Cold War came to an end.

Learn more about Cold War at :


What is the most commonly used for sanitizing?


The most common method of sanitizing is using a disinfectant or sanitizer.

Define sanitizing.

Sanitizing is a process of cleaning an area or object to eliminate bacteria, germs, and other harmful microorganisms. It is a form of disinfection that is usually done with the use of soap, detergents, or other cleaning agents. Sanitizing is often used in food preparation and medical settings to reduce the risk of food-borne illnesses and other infection.

Sanitizing can be in the form of a spray, wipe, or liquid solution. Commonly used sanitizers include bleach, hydrogen peroxide, alcohol, and quaternary ammonium compounds.

To know more about Sanitizing,


the most commonly used for sanitizing Alcohol,Chlorine and chlorine compounds.,Formaldehyde,Glutaraldehyde,Hydrogen peroxide.

sanitizing is the process of sanitising a space or a piece of equipment. It might also implySanitization of data, which makes it more difficult to recover lost dataIn military and governmental settings, sanitation (secret information)Censorship, which prevents the publication of informationwebsite sanitization and removal of potentially hazardous elementsFor the sake of hygiene and to fend off diseases or pests, plants are cut down or harvested.see also sanitation, drinking water supply, and sewage disposalData cleansing, detection, and repair of inaccurate or flawed data.

Learn more about sanitizing:


Behavior is more likely to reoccur ifO there is intrinsic reinforcementO. it has been reinforced.O it is extinct O it has been punished


If a behavior has been reinforced, it is more likely to occur again.

A reinforced behavior is what?

Punishment results in a behavior being decreased, whereas reinforcement results in an increase in the behavior. Punishment can be used in a positive or bad way, much like reinforcement. Positive or negative reinforcers both increase the probability of a behavioral response.

Which kind of behavior is encouraged?

While behaviors that are punished get weaker, those that are reinforced grow stronger. The four varieties of reward and punishment are: A favorable consequence is added to promote a behavior through positive reinforcement. Negative punishment is the elimination of a bad result to reinforce a behavior.

To know more about behavior reinforced visit:


the judge ______________ tore down his father’s baal altar that was kept on the family farm.


The baal altar that his father had kept on the family farm was destroyed by the judge Gideon.

What transpired at the Baal altar?

The priests became enraged, leaped onto the altar, and yelled into the night. Although they prayed for a response from their god, there is still no fire. Elijah was next in line. He erected an altar to the Lord, excavated a trench around it, then prepared the offering.

What does the biblical term Baal mean?

Baal (/be.l, b.l/), also known as Baal (Hebrew: baal), was a title and honorific used in ancient Levantine dialects of the Northwest Semitic family that meant "owner" or "lord." Its use among humans led to its application to gods.

To know more about  Baal altar visit:


Which of the following statements is true of ethical theories?
a. Most ethical theories place utmost importance to matters of personal opinion, individual desires, preferences, and wants.
b. Ethical theories are very abstract and disconnected from the realities of the everyday life.
c. Ethical theories not only guide our actions but also provide reasonable justification for prescribing behavior.
d. Most ethical theories hold that good and bad acts should be judged by their consequences.
Which of the following statements is true of utilitarian ethics?
a. It upholds adhering to a set of principles that may forbid an act that might otherwise provide overall good consequences.
b. It holds that the ethical significance of any action can be determined by looking at the consequences of that act.
c. It applies most appropriately to ethical personal behavior and decision making.
d. It believes in maximizing personal well-being and the achievement of hedonistic pleasures.
Which of the following reasons accounts for utilitarianism's dominance among policy makers and administrators?
a. The utilitarian emphasis on measuring, comparing, and quantifying reinforces the view that policy makers should be neutral administrators.
b. Policy experts at all levels are focused on results and getting things done.
c. Efficiency is simply another word for maximizing happiness.
d. Policy experts focus on the collective or aggregate good.
e. All of the answers are correct.
f. None of the answers are correct.
Which of the following statements is consistent with principle-based ethics?
a. Obligations, responsibilities, and commitments do not determine the correct approach to ethics.
b. Individuals have rights that should not be sacrificed in order to generate a net increase in the collective good.
c. Although certain acts are wrong, they should be performed for the overall happiness they may produce.
d. An act that produces the greatest beneficial consequences is the ethically right thing to do.


Most ethical theories place utmost importance to matters of personal opinion, individual desires, preferences, and wants.

What are the major ethical perspectives?

A well-known ethical viewpoint that is in line with economics and the free-market orientation that has come to rule much of today's thinking about business, management, and economics is utilitarianism. Though John Stuart Mill (author of On Liberty and Utilitarianism) and others pushed it as a standard for what is just, Jeremy Bentham is frequently cited as the movement's originator. With utilitarianism, outcomes are prioritized above rules.

The deontological viewpoint advocated in Immanuel Kant's writings contends that having a moral intention and abiding by the norms is a better road to ethical behavior than attaining the correct outcomes, in contrast to the utilitarian viewpoint. A deontologist, such as Kant, is likely to hold the view that ethical behavior results from doing one's obligations, which are determined by reason.

The question of "distributive justice," or how to fairly transfer resources among a group of people, is a concern for social justice theorists. According to Marxist theory, society's members should get things in accordance with their requirements. But in order to select who receives what and when, a controlling power would be needed.

To learn more about utilitarian visit here:


To solve an ethical dilemma, decision makers try to make a(n) ______ argument. A. irrational. B. defensive. C. rational. D. offensive.


To solve an ethical dilemma, decision makers try to make a rational argument. (Option C)

An ethical dilemma, also called ethical paradox or moral dilemma, refers to a problem in the decision-making process between two possible options which are neither absolutely acceptable from an ethical perspective. Ethical dilemmas are extremely complicated challenges and cannot be easily solved. The biggest challenge of an ethical dilemma lies in the fact that it does not offer an obvious solution that would comply with ethical norms. Hence, to solve an ethical dilemma, decision makers try to make a rational argument which us the best possible argument as it incorporates all relevant information in direct proportion to its relevance.

Learn more about Ethical dilemma:





According to Piaget's theory, Beth's eight-month-old baby understood the concept of objective permanence, that is, babies understand that objects continue to exist even when they disappear from their visual field.

What are the strengths and weaknesses of the level of cognitive development according to Piaget?

This question answers letter b of the question proposed by the statement. In this phase of cognitive development, babies have secondary circular reactions as forces, where there is the development of habits, generally object-oriented, where there is the repetition of actions with results that lead to learning.

The weaknesses, on the other hand, are related to the fact that the scholar has neglected factors of the baby's social interaction and culture on his cognitive and rational development.

Therefore, according to Piaget's theory, the fact that Beth's baby found the ball even though it was hidden behind the pillow, demonstrate its capabilities of interactions with objects and the concept of their objective permanence.

Find out more about Piaget on:


Explain why some may feel that the United States has a fair voting system
Explain why some may feel that the United States has an unfair voting system
Be sure to use details and/or examples to support your answer


Many people may believe that the US voting system is fair because it allows citizens to access it in many different ways.

Many people believe that the US voting system is unfair because it often disregards the popular vote.

Why is the US voting system relevant worldwide?Because it is one of the greatest symbols of the democratic system.Because it represents a system where the population chooses its rulers.

The US voting system is a very relevant democratic symbol, but it has some controversies about how it is established.

Many people believe that it is fair because it allows the population to have access to vote in different ways, such as by mail, and by establishments, among others.

However, the use of the electoral college as one of the main ways to promote the election of a candidate makes some people consider this system unfair, as it removes the power and sovereignty of the people.

Learn more about the electoral college:


What were the reasons for the Cold War conflict?


The first major cause of the Cold War was the increased tensions between the United States and the Soviet Union at the end of World War II.  

During the Second World War, the Soviet Union under the leadership of Joseph Stalin, was allied with Britain, France, and the United States against Nazi Germany, Italy and Japan.  At the time, the alliance was based around destroying the fascist regimes in the Europe and Japanese expansionism in the Pacific.  However, by 1945 the major fighting in both the European Theater and Pacific Theater began to come to an end. 

However, the Yalta Conference is now viewed as a major event in the Cold War as well, because it highlighted the divide between Stalin and the other two leaders. Neither side trusted the other and Joseph Stalin was resentful of the other two believing that they delayed the Normandy Invasion and Allied invasion of Italy to cause the Soviet army to struggle alone against Nazi Germany.  This divide would be further highlighted at the later Potsdam Conference.

Learn more about Cold War at :


in common sense, what central idea does paine develop about the relationship between america and britain? support your answer with details from the text


In Common Sense, Paine disputed that it was senseless for an isle to rule a Continent, that America commit prevent European conflicts by being innocent of Great Britain, and that London was also far from America to rule it.

Paine likewise demanded that the American colonies wanted to part ways with England in consideration of remaining what skills would never be of better importance in the record for that to occur. He maintained that America had a connection with Europe all at once, not just England but it wanted to freely do business in an established country with its own government like France and Spain.

In 1776, he wrote Common Sense, a forceful armament of American Independence from England. He well-traveled accompanying the Continental Army and wasn't a gain as a mercenary, but he caused The American Crisis (1776-83), which assisted stimulate the Army.

To know more about Paine refer to:


What are examples of human services careers? select four options.



Case Worker. ...

Community Outreach Worker. ...

Substance Abuse Counselors. ...

Social and Community Service Management. ...

Court Support Workers. ...

Social Worker. ...

Family Court Advocate. ...

Crisis Support Worker

List one example of a conflict that was a result of
European partitioning in Africa.



The British became players in a civil war in Northern Nigeria and backed one side against the other. This was the pattern of divide and rule which had long been used by European imperialists, since the sixteenth century.


Why many countries are doing international trade Give 3 reasons?


Increasing chances of success, decreasing reliance on the local market, and increasing productivity are all popular justifications for engaging in international trade.

Which ten benefits of global commerce?

Revenue growth, to start.

a. Lessened rivalry

b. A longer product lifecycle.

c.  Simpler management of financial flows.

d.  Taking advantage of currency conversion.

e.  Having access to export funding

What constitutes the primary drivers of global trade?

The presence of government regulations, disparities in resource endowments, differences in demand, the presence of economies of scale, and differences in technology are the five key factors that drive international commerce.

Which four crucial elements characterize global trade?

In international trade, there are four main cost factors, or "Four Ts":

a.Costs of transactions.

b.Costs with and without taxes

c.Transport expenses.

d. Time is money.

To know more about international trade visit:


What are the 2 main concepts of Enlightenment?


The central doctrines of the Enlightenment were individual liberty and religious tolerance, in opposition to an absolute monarchy and the fixed dogmas of the Church.

What is Enlightenment?

Man's breakout from his artificial nonage is what is meant by enlightenment. The inability to apply one's own knowledge without assistance from others is known as nonage. If the source of this nonage is not a lack of comprehension but rather a lack of bravery to use one's own judgment without the assistance of another, then this nonage is self-imposed. Go ahead and experiment! Speak clearly. The enlightenment's credo is, thus, "Have the guts to apply your own intellect."

The reason why such a big portion of humanity is content to live as minors their entire lives, long after nature has liberated them from outside guidance, is because of laziness and cowardice. They are the causes of why it is so simple for other people to appoint themselves as guardians. Being a minor is quite comfy.

To know more about Enlightenment visit:


What are the two types of social interdependence?


Social interdependence comes in two flavours: positive (i.e., acts that support the accomplishment of shared goals) and negative (i.e., actions that block the accomplishment of one another's goals).

What makes social interconnectedness so crucial?

Interdependence gives people the strength to assist one another and concentrate solely on their own self improvement. Imagine a society in which everyone is interdependent.

What underpins interdependence as a whole?

The concept of personal interconnectedness, which is described as "the process through which interacting people impact one another's experiences," is central to the social exchange theory known as interdependence theory. 

To know more social interdependence about visit:


Select the correct answer from each drop-down menu.
Water districts and park authorities are examples of

Most of these types of local governments are run by


Water districts and park authorities are examples of special purpose districts.

What do you mean by special purpose districts?

Local governments known as special purpose districts were created to address certain needs. They are state political subdivisions that are created, granted rights and obligations, and disbanded in compliance with statutory processes.

In order to satisfy a particular demand of the local community, special purpose districts are typically established by the county legislative body. Some are made by local governing authorities.

A new service, a more advanced level of an existing service, or a financing option made possible through the establishment of a special purpose district, like a transportation benefit district, may be required.

Enabling legislation outlines the district's goals, creation steps, authorities, responsibilities, make-up of the governing body, sources of funding, and other rules.

Learn more about special purpose districts, here



Water districts and park authorities are examples of Special Districts, I do not know the second one, sorry.

Hope this helps!


with _____, marketers group people by their values, attitudes, personality, and lifestyle.


With Psychographics marketers group people by their values, attitudes, personality, and lifestyle.

The cognitive and psychological characteristics of a consumer known as psychographics reflect their views, values, and ambitions. In marketing, psychographics is combined with demographics to better understand consumer buying patterns.

three different psychographic categories. Interests, actions, and opinions are the three primary categories of psychographics. That can also be divided into subcategories. (Attitudes differ slightly from opinions, whereas lifestyle and behavior differ slightly from activities.)

The psychological features and attitudes that our consumers base their purchasing decisions on are known as the psychographics of our target market. You can gather this data from website traffic statistics, visitor feedback (communication), focus groups, or market research, as alternatives.

Learn more about Psychographics here:


the exercise of power over large groups, such as by governments, is called ________.



"The way of the water."

Can you work as a dental assistant without being certified in USA?


Yes, some states allow dental assistants to work without certification, although most states do require certification to work as a dental assistant.

In the USA, is it possible to work as a dental assistant without a certificate?In the United States, while it is not mandatory to be certified to work as a dental assistant, many employers prefer to hire those who have completed a certification program.In some states, there are specific regulations that require dental assistants to be certified. As such, it may be beneficial to obtain certification in order to increase one's chances of finding employment.Certification programs are available through the Dental Assisting National Board and accredited postsecondary institutions. These programs provide hands-on training and instruction in dental office procedures, dental anatomy, and sterilization techniques.Upon completion of the program, most will be eligible to sit for the Dental Assisting National Board Exam.Passing this exam will result in the award of a Certified Dental Assistant (CDA) credential.Those who are considering working as a dental assistant without certification should be aware that their opportunities for employment may be limited.The American Dental Association recommends that those who seek employment as a dental assistant become certified. Furthermore, having certification may increase one's salary and chances for advancement. Therefore, in order to maximize one's potential in the field, it is best to obtain certification.

To learn more about Dental Assisting National Board Exam refer to:


Conflict theorists contend that multinational corporations are attracted to developing countries because developing countries

1.have a small pool of cheap labor.

2.enact repressive antilabor laws which restrict union activity and collective bargaining.

3.encourage strong trade unions.

4.protect local workers, rather than exploit them.



1. Cheap labor


What is the purpose of the Declaration of Independence What are the key Enlightenment ideas in this document?


The Declaration's fundamental purpose was to establish the rights of the colonists to rebellion against monarch rule. The ideas of the Declaration of Independence are the right to liberty, life, and the pursuit of happiness; the equality of all people; and the right to overthrow the government.

What was the purpose of the Declaration of Independence?

The Monarch, the colonists, and the entire world were among the target readers of the Declaration of Independence. It also has a multitasking design. Its objectives were to mobilize the troops, win over allies internationally, and proclaim the formation of a new nation and to get overthrow British rule in the United States.

What was the resolution of the Declaration of Independence?

This United Colonies were, and of right to be Free and independent, is the most significant assertion at the conclusion of this declaration. It declares an end to all ties with Britain and the King and asserts its independence.

To know more about the Declaration of Independence, check out:


What kind of situations can be reasons for revoking a doctor's license?


The situations can be reasons for revoking a doctor's license:

1. Professional misconduct, such as sexual misconduct or fraud
2. Substance abuse
3. Unprofessional behavior, such as physical or verbal abuse of patients
4. Incompetence due to lack of training or knowledge
5. Failure to meet applicable standards of care
6. Conviction of a crime
7. Unethical or unprofessional financial practices
8. Practicing medicine while impaired (e.g. under the influence of drugs or alcohol)
9. Violating state or federal laws related to the practice of medicine
10. Failing to obtain proper consent from a patient before performing a procedure

What is doctor's license?

A doctor's license is a formal document issued by a government or medical board that grants a doctor the legal authority to practice medicine. It is essential that a doctor obtain a license in order to practice medicine, as it serves as a demonstration of their ability, knowledge, and experience to provide medical care in a safe and competent manner.

To learn more about doctor's license

A stimulus for which there is no conditioned response is called a(n) __________ stimulus. A. unconditioned B. conditioned C. neutral D. reconditioned Please select the best answer from the choices provided A B C D


A stimulus for which there is no conditioned response is called a(n) unconditioned stimulus

What is stimulus?Anything that can cause a change in behavior or physical state is a stimulus. Stimuli is the plural of stimulus. External or internal stimuli might be used. The way a medication affects your body is an illustration of an external stimulus. Your vital signs altering as a result of a change in your body is an example of an internal stimulus.The term "stimulus" in biology refers to a "detectable change (physical or chemical) in an organism's environment that results in some functional activity." For instance, sunlight stimulates plants, causing them to grow or migrate toward it.A stimulus in physiology is a perceptible alteration in the internal or external surroundings of an organism's physical or chemical composition. Sensitivity is the capacity of an organism or organ to recognize external stimuli and respond accordingly.

Learn more about stimulus refer to :


Why is Article 4 of the Constitution important?


The United States shall guarantee a Republican system of government to each State in this Union and shall safeguard each of them from invasion, upon request from the legislature or the administration (in circumstances where the legislature cannot be called).

Has Article 4 any significance?

In Article Four of the U.S. Constitution, the ties between the many states and between each state and the federal government are outlined. It also grants Congress control over the administration of the territories and other federal lands as well as the admission of new states.

What aims does the Constitution's Article 4 pursue?

This clause mandates that each state have a republican-style government. The federal government of the United States is responsible for enforcing this clause. This section provides each state with protection from invasion and domestic violence.

Learn more about Article 4 of the Constitution:


What type of criticism focuses mainly on your own reaction to the text?


The type of criticism focuses mainly on your own reaction to the text is Reader-Response criticism.

Reader-response criticism is a branch of literary theory that focuses on the reader (or "audience") and experience of a literary work, unlike other schools and theories that focus primarily on the author or judges of the content and form of the work.

We can divide reader response theorists into three groups:

Those who focus on the experiences of individual readers (“individualists”); those who conduct psychological experiments on defined groups of readers (“experimenters”). and those that assume that the response from all readers is fairly uniform (“uniformists”).

To learn more about ‘reader-response criticism’, here:


according to the cognitive theory of motivation, _____ influence our goal-directed behavior.


Cognitive processes, such as thoughts and beliefs, influence our goal-directed behavior by affecting our motivation and decision-making.

According to the cognitive theory of motivation, cognitive processes influence our goal-directed behavior.

The Impact of Cognitive Processes on Goal-Directed Behavior

Cognitive processes refer to our thoughts and beliefs, which have a profound influence on our goal-directed behavior. Cognitive processes shape our motivation by impacting our perceptions of rewards and punishments associated with particular goals, and our decision-making by affecting our evaluation of the costs and benefits of different courses of action. Furthermore, cognitive processes can also shape our behavior through self-regulation and self-control, as we use our thoughts to motivate ourselves and stay focused on our goals.

Learn more about Cognitive Processes:


Which of the following is a strategic communication process that builds mutually beneficial relationships between organizations and their publics?

O Communication
O Strategic & Organizational Communication
O Public Relations
O Public Engagement


Building beneficial relationships between organizations and their publics is the goal of public relations, a strategic communication process. C is the correct answer.

The goal of Public Relations, or PR, is to create a positive image and reputation for an organization by managing and shaping communication between the organization and its stakeholders. PR professionals use a variety of tactics and strategies to achieve this goal, including media relations, crisis communication, event planning, and community outreach. PR helps organizations build trust and credibility with their stakeholders by providing accurate and timely information and by addressing concerns and addressing issues proactively. By fostering mutually beneficial relationships, PR enables organizations to achieve their goals while also meeting the needs and expectations of their stakeholders.

Learn more about public relations here:


if happiness is the most fundamental standard of a good life, then question 2 options: a) happiness is only an instrumental good b) the goodness of anything else is explained by the fact that it increases happiness c) nothing else matters for a good life


Happiness is the most fundamental  standard of a good life,  the goodness of anything else is explained by the fact that it increases happiness coreect opion (C).

In the context of mental or emotional states, happiness refers to positive or pleasant emotions ranging from contentment to intense joy. Life satisfaction, well-being, subjective well-being, flourishing, and eudaimonia are some of the other forms.

Happiness research has been carried out in a wide range of scientific disciplines since the 1960s, including gerontology, social psychology and positive psychology, clinical and medical research, and happiness economics.

What exactly is happiness in life?

Happiness is more than a pleasant emotion or a yellow smiley face. It's the sensation of truly happiness our life and wanting to make the most of it. Happiness is the "secret ingredient" that allows us to be and do our best.

Learn more about  happiness to visit this


who was the most powerful banker of the late 1800s who gained control of several major railroads and took over Carnegie Steel?


J.P. Morgan Senior was sold Carnegie Steel in 1901 for $480 million.

How did China slow their population growth down?


Naturally China slowed its population growth through the Covid-19 pandemic where the number of births in China fell to 12 million.

What was the measure China took to reduce population growth?

One of the measures that China had to establish to reduce population growth was to establish a limit on the number of children per couple.

This measure is of utmost importance as it helps the country to turn around politically and economically as the birth rate has managed to drive a rapid aging of its population and social challenge.

Learn more China and foreign influence in:


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