delegated powers *
O prohibits public officials from holding closed meetings
O granted or delegated to the national government
O provision in a law that sets an automatic end date
O if not delegated to the national government, what states have


Answer 1

the Government's Bills that were submitted to Parliament. These powers enable Ministers to carry out tasks that would otherwise need another Bill through delegated legislation.

What is the law's main objective?

The process through which a legislative body drafts and enacts laws is referred to as "legislation." During the legislative process, which involves evaluating, amending, and voting on new legislation, it is crucial to take into account the language used in the bill to reflect the values, opinions, and goals of the proposal.

What does a piece of law signify all at once?

the procedure through which local, state, or federal legislatures create and enact laws. In other contexts, term may also be used to administrative body policies and local regulations.

To know more about legislation visit:


Related Questions

What was a characteristic of the high middle ages in the twelfth century?



The rapidly increasing population of Europe and the first developments of rural exodus and of urbanization. -was a characteristic of the high middle ages


Key historical trends of the High Middle Ages include the rapidly increasing population of Europe, which brought about great social and political change from the preceding era, and the Renaissance of the 12th century, including the first developments of rural exodus and urbanization.

How did the ancient Egyptians apply their knowledge of astronomy?

They built the pyramids.
They developed a calendar.
They wrote medical textbooks.
They created a process for embalming.


The ancient Egyptians applied their knowledge of astronomy in multiple ways.

-They built the pyramids, using the stars and the alignment of the constellations to align the pyramids with cardinal points and to serve as a marker for the pharaoh's tomb.

-They developed a calendar based on the cycles of the sun, the moon, and the stars.

-They wrote medical textbooks, in which they used astronomical knowledge to predict the floods of the Nile River and to time the planting and harvest of crops.

-They created a process for embalming, in which they believed that the soul would journey through the afterlife guided by the stars and the night sky.

All of the above statements are true, the ancient Egyptians applied their knowledge of astronomy in multiple ways and not just building the pyramids.



Fun fact

An apple, potato, and onion all taste the same if you eat them with your nose plugged

The nature of the relationships amongst the various native american tribes revealed in the excerpt best supports which statement? (2 points) the tribes successfully maintained a strong confederacy in their common goal to stop further european settlement of their lands. indecision and chaos amongst the tribes weakened their resolve to fight for protection of their lands. divisions among the tribes contributed to their loss in their fight to limit migration of white settlers. warfare between the tribes did not contribute to their defeat in the fight to save their lands.


Option (c), Tribal strife led to the Native Americans' defeat in their battle to stop the influx of white settlers.

What ultimately led to the defeat of Native American tribes?

The settlers ultimately sought to expel the tribes from the areas they desired, initially with the assistance of local militias and later with support from the federal government. Since the Indian tribes lacked the resources and cohesiveness required to defend themselves against such well-armed adversaries, the effect was disastrous for them.

What gave birth to Native American uprisings against settlers?

For more than 250 years, while Europeans fought for control of the newly colonized American continent, war raged between Native Americans and the frontiersmen who encroached on their land, resources, and trade.

Learn more about Native American tribes:


Native Americans who spoke Algonquian lived in


Algonquian-speaking Native Americans originally lived in the region now known as the Northeastern Woodlands, which encompassed parts of the present-day Canadian provinces of Quebec and Ontario, and extends southward into the Northeastern United States, including the states of Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, New York, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, and Virginia.

100 pts !!!
Pitch Your Idea
When it comes to freelance journalism, one of the most important aspects to finding work is creating a pitch. For this lab, we will create an email pitch for a story idea to a local newspaper or magazine. This idea can be real or made up, but it must include all of the components of a pitch.

Spend some time researching and developing a story idea that you believe would be relevant to your local newspaper or magazine. Select a story idea that would be something you would consider pitching to the newspaper or magazine.

Using a word processing program, create your email pitch. Be sure to include:

A subject line for the email
A brief description of your story idea
A short statement about your experience (if you don’t have any journalism experience, you can create a fictitious background)
Reference to an online portfolio or attached files of sample work (this can also be fictitious)
Reference to a deadline
Call to action
Contact information
Your email pitch should use proper grammar and contain no spelling errors.


Subject: Pitch for Local Feature Story

Hello [Newspaper/Magazine],

I am a freelance journalist with experience writing for local publications. I have a story idea that I think would be a great fit for your newspaper/magazine.

I propose writing a feature story about the increasing popularity of plant-based diets in [City]. As the demand for plant-based options grows, more and more restaurants and markets are offering vegan and vegetarian options. I would like to explore this trend by interviewing local business owners, chefs, and customers about their experiences with plant-based diets and the impact it has had on the food industry in our city.

Attached, you will find a few samples of my work. I am confident that my writing style and passion for this topic will make for an engaging and informative feature story.

I am available to start working on this story immediately, with a deadline of [Date]. I hope to hear back from you soon and discuss the possibility of publishing this piece.

Thank you for considering my pitch. Please don't hesitate to contact me with any questions or comments.


[Your Name]

[Contact Information]

Vocabulary Choice Board

Use 4 of the 6 choices and complete the task for all of the vocabulary words on the vocabulary sheet. That’s 6 words per choice.
Use all 6 of the choices and complete the task for all of the vocabulary words on the vocabulary list. That’s 4 words per choice.

Text Talk

Write a sentence using the vocabulary word.

Simile or Metaphor

Create a simile or metaphor using the vocabulary word.

Draw It Out

Create a drawing that describes the vocabulary word. Digital images cannot be used.
Test Questions

Write a test question about the vocabulary word.

Meme It

Create a meme using the vocabulary word.
Newspaper Headline

Write a Front Page Newspaper Headline about the vocabulary word.


Examples of Similes:
Hungry like a wolf
Cute as a button
Tough as leather
Work like a dream

Examples of Metaphors:
Life is a highway
Blanket of snow
Heart of gold
All the world’s a stage

Unit 7 Vocabulary

Transfer all of the definitions to your journal

Vocabulary quiz Monday, January 9, 2023
Urbanization - When people move from rural areas to cities (usually to find better jobs)
Monroe Doctrine - 5th President James Monroe's foreign policy... it told Europe..."European colonization in the western hemisphere was no longer allowed"
Erie Canal - This man-made waterway enabled midwestern farmers to ship their goods from the Great Lakes region to major east coast cities like New York; The canal helped cities in the northeast develop faster.
Transcontinental Railroad - Chinese and Irish immigrants blasted through mountains & built bridges over rivers to build this in order to connect the east coast to the west coast.
Interchangeable parts -This idea improved HOW goods were manufactured and led to mass production techniques, which made goods cheaper and easier to repair. (You could order replacement parts)
Missouri Compromise (1820) - allowed Missouri to enter the Union as a slave state and Maine to enter as a free state; it outlawed slavery in any territories or states north of 36°30´ latitude.
Free Enterprise - an economic system in which private business operates in competition and largely free of state control.
Era of Good Feelings - A peaceful period during Monroe's presidency when the country had a strong sense of nationalism
Lowell Mills - Textile mills located in the factory town of Lowell, Massachusetts - they hired young women and girls to work in the mills/factories. ("Lowell Mills Girls")
Telegraph & Morse Code - Enabled instant long-distance transmission of messages and news; Invented by Samuel Morse.
Factory System - Made producing goods more efficient by completing all steps under one roof, usually with the help of machines.
Textile - another word for cloth or fabric
Nationalism - A strong feeling of pride in and devotion to one's country
Francis Scott Key - wrote the star-spangled banner during the war of 1812
Industrialization - the process where machine-production of goods replaces hand-made or homemade goods. (= Efficiency)
Profit (profitability) - A financial gain; the difference between the amount earned and the amount spent in buying, operating, or producing something
Mass Production - the industrial process that creates the potential for reaching millions, even billions, of diverse, anonymous people at around the same time
Interstate Commerce - Trade (commerce) between two or more states. The Supreme Court Case of Gibbons v. Ogden established the federal government's authority to regulate interstate commerce.
Rural - relating to farm areas and life in the country. (Opposite of urban)
2nd Great Awakening - Religious movement that led to social reforms
War Hawks (1811-1812) - Democratic-Republican Congressmen who pressed James Madison to declare war on Britain. Largely drawn from the South and West, the war hawks resented British constraints on American trade and accused the British of supporting Indian attacks against American settlements on the frontier.
Monopoly - Complete control of a product or business by one person or group
Impressment - British practice of taking American sailors and forcing them into military service
Capitalism - an economic and political system in which a country’s trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit.



Text Talk

Urbanization: I'm moving to the city so I can find better job opportunities.

Monroe Doctrine: Europe's colonization of the western hemisphere was no longer allowed, according to the Monroe Doctrine.

Erie Canal: The Erie Canal enabled midwestern farmers to ship their goods to major east coast cities.

Transcontinental Railroad: Chinese and Irish immigrants built the Transcontinental Railroad to connect the east and west coasts.

Interchangeable parts: Thanks to interchangeable parts, goods were cheaper and easier to repair.

Missouri Compromise: The Missouri Compromise allowed Missouri to enter the Union as a slave state and outlawed slavery in territories north of 36°30´ latitude.

Simile or Metaphor

Urbanization: The city was a beacon of opportunity, luring people away from the rural areas.

Monroe Doctrine: The Monroe Doctrine was a shield that protected the western hemisphere from European colonization.

Erie Canal: The Erie Canal was a lifeline that connected the Great Lakes region to the east coast.

Transcontinental Railroad: The Transcontinental Railroad was a bridge that connected the east and west coasts.

Interchangeable parts: Interchangeable parts were the building blocks of mass production.

Missouri Compromise: The Missouri Compromise was a delicate balance between slavery and freedom.

Draw It Out

Urbanization: Draw a city skyline with people walking towards it from the countryside.

Monroe Doctrine: Draw a shield with the word "Monroe Doctrine" written on it.

Erie Canal: Draw a canal with boats travelling along it and a city skyline in the background.

Transcontinental Railroad: Draw a train travelling on a railway that stretches from coast to coast.

Interchangeable parts: Draw an image of a factory with a conveyor belt with interchangeable parts on it.

Missouri Compromise: Draw two hands shaking, one with a slave manacle on it and the other with a liberty bell.

Test Questions

Urbanization: What is the process of people moving from rural areas to cities in search of better jobs called?

Monroe Doctrine: What foreign policy did 5th President James Monroe issue to Europe?

Erie Canal: What man-made waterway enabled midwestern farmers to ship their goods to east coast cities?

Transcontinental Railroad: What was built by Chinese and Irish immigrants to connect the east coast to the west coast?

Interchangeable parts: What idea improved how goods were manufactured and led to mass production techniques?

Missouri Compromise: What compromise allowed Missouri to enter the Union as a slave state and outlawed slavery in territories north of 36°30´ latitude?

Meme It

Urbanization: A meme with a picture of a city skyline and the caption "Urbanization: Moving to the city for better opportunities."

Monroe Doctrine: A meme with a picture of a shield and the caption "Monroe Doctrine: Protecting the western hemisphere from European colonization."

Erie Canal: A meme with a picture of a canal and the caption "Erie Canal: Connecting the Great Lakes region to the east coast."

Transcontinental Railroad: A meme with a picture of a train and the caption "Transcontinental Railroad: Connecting the east coast to the west coast."

Interchangeable parts: A meme with a picture of a factory and the caption "Interchangeable parts: The building blocks of mass production."

Missouri Compromise: A meme with a picture of two hands shaking and the caption "Missouri Compromise: Balancing slavery and freedom."

Newspaper Headline

Urbanization: "Urbanization on the Rise: People Flocking to Cities for Better Opportunities"

Monroe Doctrine: "Monroe Doctrine Established: Europe Prohibited from Colonizing the Western Hemisphere"

Erie Canal: "Erie Canal Connects Great Lakes Region to East Coast Cities"

Transcontinental Railroad: "Transcontinental Railroad Connects East Coast to West Coast"

Interchangeable Parts: "Interchangeable Parts Revolutionize Manufacturing and Mass Production"

Missouri Compromise: "Missouri Compromise Establishes Balance Between Slave and Free States"


Match the items.
a. New engines required stronger steel which meant the need for coal; this pushed the coal and iron mining.
b. Improved through inventions like the mechanized loom and Spinning Jenny; it helped push the need for
the steam engine.
c. Impacted by the creation of the steam engine which allowed ships to transfer goods across the Atlantic in
17 days, half of the time a wind powered ship could make it.

1. Textile-
2. Steam Engines, Iron, Steel-
3. Transportation-


The correct match for new engines required stronger steel which meant the need for coal; this pushed coal and iron mining as option two i.e. Steam Engines, Iron, and Steel Industry.

What is Steam Engines?

A steam engine is a heat engine that uses steam as its working fluid to carry out mechanical work. The steam engine moves a piston back and forth inside a cylinder using the force created by the pressure of the steam.

Further, there is a connecting rod and crank that can convert this pushing force into a rotational force for work. The steam turbine is not typically referred to as a "steam engine," only reciprocating engines like the one just described are.

Other correct matches are as follows:

Improved through inventions like the mechanized loom and Spinning Jenny; it helped push the need for the steam engine: Textile.
Impacted by the creation of the steam engine which allowed ships to transfer goods across the Atlantic in 17 days, half of the time a wind-powered ship could make it: Transportation

Therefore, the phrase "steam engine" can, in general usage, be used to describe whole steam plants (containing boilers and other components), such as railroad steam locomotives.

Learn more about Steam Engines:


In 1662, "partus sequitur ventrem" was passed and it meant that.


Partus sequitur ventrem aimed to attach a legal materiality to the enslaved woman's womb that enslave women's children and nullified the latter's claims to freedom, even when the father was free.

Answer:in the matter of sex between free English men and “negro women,” the legal condition of the child should follow that of the mother.


Do great on your assingment!

according to the map below, which faction occupied the largest geographic area during the american revolution?


four largest American colonies were Virginia (447,016), Pennsylvania (240,057), Massachusetts (235,308), and Maryland (202,599).

The Revolutionary War began in Massachusetts but majority of battles were fought in New York, New Jersey and South Carolina, with more than 300 military engagements occurring in these three colonies alone.

The First Continental Congress sent letter to King George III and asked him to stop taxing colonists. It is unfair to tax without representation in Parliament. The Taxation Acts, the Boston Massacre, Boston Tea Party, and the Intolerable Acts were four main causes that lead to American Revolution.

From rocky terrain of north, humid swamplands of the south and dense forests of the west, Continental Army's superior knowledge of varied geography gave them an incredible advantage. As such, mapping was critical to colonists' victory.

The American Revolution was principally caused by colonial opposition to British attempts to impose greater control over the colonies and to make them repay crown for its defense of them during French and Indian War

learn more about American Revolution at


Virginia (447 016), Pennsylvania (240 057), Massachusetts (235 308), and Maryland were the four biggest American colonies (202,599).

State of Virginia, also known as the Commonwealth of Virginia, is located between the Atlantic Coast and the Appalachian Mountains in the Mid-Atlantic and Southeastern parts of the United States. The Commonwealth's topography and climate are influenced by the Blue Ridge Mountains and the Chesapeake Bay, which serve as habitat for a large portion of its flora and animals. Richmond serves as the state's capital; Virginia Beach is its most populated city; and Fairfax County is its most populous political unit. Over 8.65 million people called the Commonwealth home as of 2020, with 36% of them residing in the Baltimore-Washington metropolitan area. Several indigenous tribes, including the Powhatan, are responsible for the region's early history. The first permanent English colony in the New World was founded by the London Company in 1607 with the Colony of Virginia. This status is alluded to in Virginia's state nickname, the Old Dominion. Conflicts both inside and beyond the colony were fostered by the slave labour and land that were taken from displaced native tribes, which fueled the plantation economy's expansion. Virginia was one of the original Thirteen Colonies during the American Revolution, and conflicts there helped to ensure the country's freedom.

Learn more about Virginia here


Who fought in the Boer War?

The Zulu and the British

The British and the Boers

The Boers and the Zulu

The Zulu and the Afrikaaners





Between 1889 and 1902 British army fought a bitter war against the Boer

(B)The British and the Boers fought in the boer war.

The boer War was fought between Britain and the self-governing Afrikaner (Boer) colonies of the South African Republic. It was the first war to be marked on an international scale.

The war began on 11 October 1899. In February 1901, the British Commander-in-Chief in South Africa was more willing to compromise for peace and offered terms to the Boer generals.

To know more about boer war:

Current president of Pakistan


you have a phone for a reason you know, why didn't you just search it up

Please help ASAP will mark brainist

What were some of the arguments made by the framers for the term lengths and age limits?


Answer: Term limits is based on the arrogant assumption that the voters are incapable of deciding who they want to represent them in Congress. Term limits have failed to assure that any elected official is more wise, more honest or more energetic because he is incapable of running for reelection.

Hope this helps. ^w^


4. Computers rely on binary codes to operate. These codes contain a series of 0's and 1's.
Which classical scientist's contribution was most important for developing these binary codes?
A. Brahmagupta
B. Aryabhata
C. Pythagoras
D. Archimedes


Sorry if I’m wrong but I think the answer is phythagoras

Which of the following
statements is true about
the "Short-Term Aggregate
Supply" curve?
A. Positive shifts are to the right, while
negative shifts move the curve to the
B. The Short-Term Aggregate Supply
Curve is dependent upon the
unemployment rate.
C. The curve is a vertical line.
D. The curve is a horizontal line.


In the "Short-Term Aggregate Supply" curve Positive shifts are to the right, while negative shifts move the curve to the left. Option (D) is correct.

What do you mean by Supply?

The quantity of items a provider makes available to customers is referred to as supply. Prices and the consumption of goods and services are largely influenced by supply and demand. According to the law of supply, rising demand encourages suppliers to boost their output.

The link between projected national output (GDP) and the general price level is known as short run aggregate supply (SRAS). When calculating SRAS, we make the short-term assumptions that productivity, production costs, and technological advancements will not change.

The total supply demonstrates the correlating link between the supply of all products produced in the economy and the price level.

The amount of total output that will be generated at each price level in the near term is depicted by the upward-sloping short-run aggregate supply curve. The rising slope of the short-run aggregate supply curve is explained by wage and price stickiness.

Therefore, Option (D) is correct. Positive shifts are to the right, while negative shifts move the curve to the left.

Learn more about Supply, here;


What was one result of the Treaty of Paris


The Treaty of Paris was signed in 1783 and ended the American Revolutionary War between Great Britain and the United States. One result of the treaty was that Great Britain recognized the independence of the United States. The United States also gained significant territory, including all of the land east of the Mississippi River and north of Florida.

why did the role of samurai change


The reason why  the role of samurai change was modern militaries emerged in the 19th century, the samurai were rendered increasingly obsolete .

How and why did the samurai culture in Japan evolve through time?

Over the course of the roughly 250-year Edo Period, there was a fair amount of peace. As a result, fighting prowess became less important, and many samurai turned to careers as administrators, educators, or artists. The samurai class was eliminated a few years after the feudal era in Japan came to an end in 1868.

Samurai became more and more outmoded and expensive to maintain in comparison to the average conscript soldier as modern forces evolved in the 19th century. They transitioned into professional and business roles after the Meiji Restoration put an end to their feudal roles.

Learn more about samurai at:


The New Economic Policy introduced a food tax, which helped the economy because
Select one:

peasants could afford to pay very high taxes to the government.

members of the Communist Party could take food from peasants and sell it, keeping the money for themselves.

food was taken from peasants by force and given to people in cities.

peasants had an incentive to grow more so they could sell what wasn't given in taxes.


The New Economic Policy introduced a food tax, which helped the economy because option A. peasants could afford to pay very high taxes to the government.

What is an economic policy?

An economic policy is a set of guidelines or rules that a government or other organization uses to manage its economic affairs. These policies can cover a wide range of areas, including taxation, budgeting, trade, monetary policy, and regulation of financial markets.

Economic policies are designed to achieve specific goals, such as controlling inflation, boosting economic growth, reducing unemployment, or increasing the standard of living for the population. Economic policies can be implemented through legislation, executive action, or other means, and they can be developed at the national, regional, or local level.

Therefore, the correct answer is as given above

learn more about economic policy:


Who was the NAWSA president in 1916 that was able to convince president Wilson to support suffrage?



The National American Woman Suffrage Association (NAWSA) president in 1916 who was able to convince President Woodrow Wilson to support suffrage was Carrie Chapman Catt.


Catt was a leader in the women's suffrage movement and served as the president of NAWSA from 1900 to 1904 and again from 1915 to 1920.

Liang Shenyue of the Southern Dynasties wrote a poem "Sorrowing Spring": "Nian Fang was banned, and the fireworks were twisted."
Volume 8 of Song Zhang Shinan's "You Huan Ji Wen": "The fourth preface says: 'Ge's nephew and daughter return home, and send it as a "Girl's Tour": 2 "The rain is clear and the clouds are gathering, the fireworks are faint, and the distant mountains are green. Drive to ask for the road, and enjoy the spring breeze in Nanmo. "
Qing Wei Xian's poem "West Lake Spring Dawn": "Ten miles of cold pond road, the fireworks are half awake.


Firecrackers and fireworks, both of which contain explosives and black powder, are structurally similar.

What was the message in  "Sorrowing Spring" ?

Fireworks and fireworks shells are loaded with a lot of gunpowder for launch and explosion in order to produce a good performance impact. The radius covered by these dots can be as large as 80 metres, in contrast to a 20 cm firework shell that won't explode until it reaches an altitude of roughly 200 metres after being thrown.

Winter and autumn have a high frequency of depression, and major hospitals in Changchun City's psychological clinics have seen an increase in this condition recently. Patients with emotional disorders are now more prevalent.

Learn more about "Sorrowing Spring" here


“Education is the state’s greatest tool for propaganda.” meaning


Propaganda schooling can be in shape throughout all elements of the curriculum. A key purpose of propaganda schooling is the way to interpret messages even as being aware and strategic. Use acquainted and inquiry-orientated pedagogies to assist mirror and making meaning. Layer those practices in one-of-a-kind topics being studied.

Propaganda contributes its percentage to the infodemic, a time period the World Health Organization has used throughout the coronavirus pandemic to explain the avalanche of statistics that humans ought to sift through to make selections approximately their fitness and safety.

Propaganda may be located in amusement, schooling, and the control of public opinion, in which thoughts approximately ethical person and moral values grow to be embedded into the cloth of culture. Propaganda has helped to form your feeling of private identification via religious, commercial, or amusement narratives that depict what it approaches to guide an amazing lifestyle.

Depending on your factor of view, the coolest lifestyles can also additionally encompass worrying about your family, traveling the world, honoring humans with disabilities, or maybe appreciating the undying splendor of pricey watches.

To learn more about propaganda, refer to the link below:

During the eighteenth century, more than half the Africans shipped to the New World as slaves were
Choose matching definition
violence directed against Indian people by white American soldiers and settlers
carried on British vessels.
Pontiac's Rebellion.
freedom of press


The majority of Africans transported as slaves to the New World in the eighteenth century were transported on British ships.

What had the most influence on the growth of slavery?

The creation of the cotton gin and its quick and widespread adoption was one of the main causes of the resurgence of slavery. With the use of this machine, Southern farmers were able to grow a range of cotton, including short-staple cotton that was particularly well suited to the region's environment.

Who comprised colonial society's elite?

The colonial elite was made up of New England merchants, southern planters, and royalists, and they initially worked well together. After 1750, adjustments to tax and trade laws divided the colonial elite, allowing the radical aspects of colonial society to flourish.

To know more about slaves visit:-


The correct option is c. carried on British vessels. More than half of the Africans sent to the New World as slaves in the eighteenth century were transported on British ships.

British nationals, usually referred to as Britons or Brits, are residents of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, as well as the British Overseas Territories and Crown Dependencies. Modern British citizenship and nationality are governed by British nationality law and can be obtained, for example, by ancestry from British nationals. When used in a historical context, the terms "British" and "Britons" might refer to the Ancient Britons, who were the original residents of Great Britain and Brittany and are still represented today by the Welsh, Cornish, and Bretons. Additionally, it refers to former British Empire residents who arrived in the nation before 1973 but do not possess either UK citizenship or nationality. Although the earliest claims to be British date from the Late Middle Ages, a sense of British national identity was first sparked by the Union of the Crowns in 1603 and the establishment of the Kingdom of Great Britain in 1707. Because of Britain's involvement in multiple major wars with France in the 18th and early 19th centuries, the idea of being British and a common British identity were established, and they further grew during the Victorian era.

Learn more about British here


What was the world's initial reaction to what Hitler and the Nazis were doing in Germany?


It is to be noted that the world's attitude to Hitler and the Nazis were divided at first, with some countries attempting to avoid violence and others condemning their acts.

What is the rationale for the above response?

The world's reaction to what Hitler and the Nazis were doing in Germany was varied at first. Some countries, such as the United States, pursued a noninterventionist strategy and aimed to remain out of European politics.

Other countries, like the United Kingdom and France, tried to placate Hitler in order to prevent war. The world began to take note as Hitler proceeded to disobey the conditions of the Treaty of Versailles and pursue his aggressive foreign policy. Many people and nations began to speak out against Hitler and the Nazis, and by the late 1930s, the world community was growing increasingly concerned about Germany's predicament.

Learn more about Hitler:

What do you think might cause a civilization to thrive, or succeed?
What might cause a civilization to fail?


Many civilizations have flourished and then failed or fell apart. There are many reasons for this, but many historians point to three patterns in the fall of civilizations: internal change, external pressure, and environmental collapse

Document 6
Image options
You swore to establish a government, not depending upon the life of one individual, not tyrannical but firm, stable and
liberal; bestowing freedom on Frenchmen, and worthy to obtain by gratitude from foreign nations, that confidence and
esteem, which your predecessors and yourself have commanded by the dread of your bayonets. When I shortly afterwards
went to lead armies -- disorganized and defeated -- your last words were: 'I know your love of your country; be victorious,
and France shall force admiration, even from her rivals and foes, by the liberty she enjoys at home, and by the generosity
of her external negotiations!" How have you respected these fulfilled these promises? How have you respected these
oaths? In my degraded country, I see nothing but cringing slaves and proud tyrants; base placemen and infamous spies.
Source: Letter from Moreau (political prisoner) to Napoleon, From the Dungeon of the Temple (Paris), March 1, 1804.
According to this passage, do you think Napoleon is a great leader or dictator? Explain.


Napoleon is famous for introducing the Napoleonic Code. The Napoleonic Code recognized the freedom of religion, eliminated birth-based privileges and mandated that government offices be given to the most qualified.

Who was Napoleon?Napoleon Bonapartelater known by his full name Napoleon I,[b] was French was a military commander and a prominent political leader during the French Revolution, victorious and successful. He led the campaign during the Revolutionary War. From 1799 he was the de facto leader of the French Republic as First Consul until 1804, then from 1804 he became Emperor of France again in 1815. rice field. As a highly celebrated and controversial leader, Napoleon's political and cultural legacy continues to this day. He initiated many liberal reforms that have endured in society and is considered one of the greatest military commanders in history. His wars and campaigns are studied by militaries around the world. Between 3 and 6 million civilians and soldiers lost their lives in the so-called Napoleonic WarsNapoleon was born not long after Corsica was annexed by France, into a local family descended from Italian nobility. In 1789, while serving in the French army, he supported the French Revolution and sought to spread its ideals in his native Corsica. In 1796 he launched a campaign against Austria and its ally Italy. started, won a decisive victory and became a national hero. Two years later he led a military expedition into Egypt, which was a stepping stone to political power. He planned his November 1799 coup and became the First Consul of the Republic.

learn more about napoleon


select on the map the route(s) traveled by manufactured goods destined to be traded for enslaved africans.


The route traveled by manufactured goods destined to be traded for enslaved Africans in the past is commonly referred to as the "triangular trade" or "transatlantic slave trade". This trade route involved a circuitous journey that connected Europe, Africa, and the Americas.

The Triangular Trade

The first leg of the triangular trade began in Europe, where manufactured goods such as textiles, guns, and tools were loaded onto ships and transported to Africa. These goods were then traded with African merchants, rulers, and traders for enslaved Africans. The enslaved Africans were then transported across the Atlantic Ocean to the Americas, where they were sold to European settlers and plantation owners.

The second leg of the triangular trade was the transatlantic voyage itself, which was often brutal and inhumane. Enslaved Africans were packed tightly into the holds of ships, where they were subjected to disease, starvation, and violence. The mortality rate on these voyages was high, and it is estimated that as many as 20% of enslaved Africans died during the crossing.

The third leg of the triangular trade was the transportation of enslaved Africans to the Americas, where they were sold to work on plantations, mines, and in households as forced labor. The trade in enslaved Africans was a big part of the economy in the Americas when they were colonies, and it went on for many centuries until it was finally stopped in the 19th century.

It is important to note that the enslaved people were captured and forced into the transatlantic trade by various European powers; they were not willingly going along the trade route. The trade was a significant and painful chapter in human history, and its legacy is still felt today.

The answer is general, as the map is not given.

Learn more about enslaved Africans here:


Giving brainiest to whoever answers these 4 questions correctly.

For each question below give FOUR bullet points that answer the question and provide examples. TWO COMPLETE PARAGRAPHS REQUIRED FOR EACH QUESTION (if not no brainiest)

1. In what ways did the invention of the printing press lead to an explosion of science and knowledge in the 1500s? What were the lasting effects of the printing press?

2. What was the Columbian Exchange? What were some effects then, and how does it still affect us today?

3. European exploration had many lasting effects. Explain TWO and give examples.

4. What were some of the new ideas introduced during the Scientific Revolution? What group was against the revolution, and why?


1. One of the main ways the printing press led to an explosion of science and knowledge was by making books and other written materials more widely available. Before the printing press, books had to be copied by hand, which was a slow and expensive process. With the printing press, books could be produced quickly and cheaply, making them more accessible to a wider range of people. This led to an increase in literacy and education, and more people had access to information about science, philosophy, and other subjects.

The printing press also allowed for the standardization of knowledge and information. Before the invention of the printing press, books were often copied by hand, and errors and variations would creep in. With the printing press, books could be printed in large quantities and distributed widely, which allowed for the standardization of information and a more consistent understanding of a given subject.

The lasting effects of the printing press were far-reaching and enduring. The printing press has been credited with playing a key role in the Renaissance, the Scientific Revolution, and the Enlightenment, by making books and other written materials more widely available, and by facilitating the spread of new ideas and discoveries. The printing press allowed for the democratization of knowledge and led to an increase in literacy and education, which in turn led to social and economic changes that continue to shape the world today.

2. The Columbian Exchange refers to the exchange of plants, animals, ideas, and culture between the Americas and Europe, Africa, and Asia after Christopher Columbus' arrival in the Americas in 1492. This exchange had a profound impact on the world, as it brought together peoples and cultures that had been separated for thousands of years.

One of the most significant effects of the Columbian Exchange was the introduction of new crops and animals to the Americas. European crops such as wheat, barley, and grapevines, as well as animals such as horses, cattle, and sheep, were brought to the Americas, while American crops such as corn, potatoes, and tomatoes were brought to Europe. These new crops and animals had a profound impact on the economies and societies of both the Americas and Europe.

The Columbian Exchange still affects us today in many ways. The introduction of new crops and animals led to significant changes in the diets of people all over the world, and has had a lasting impact on global agriculture and food production. The exchange of ideas and culture also had a profound impact on the development of the modern world, and continues to shape our societies and economies today.

3. One of the lasting effects of European exploration was the establishment of trade routes and the development of global trade networks. European explorers opened up new trade routes to Asia, Africa, and the Americas, which led to the exchange of goods and ideas between different cultures and civilizations. This increased trade led to the development of new industries and the growth of economies around the world. For example, the spice trade, which was dominated by the Portuguese and the Dutch, allowed for the exchange of spices such as pepper, cinnamon, and nutmeg between Europe, Asia, and Africa, which had a significant impact on the economies of these regions.

Another lasting effect of European exploration was the spread of diseases. European explorers brought with them diseases such as smallpox and measles, which had a devastating impact on the populations of the Americas and other regions that had no immunity to these diseases. For example, the arrival of the Spanish in the Americas led to the deaths of millions of indigenous people from diseases such as smallpox, which had a significant impact on the populations and societies of the Americas.

4. One of the new ideas introduced during the Scientific Revolution was the concept of the scientific method, which emphasized the importance of observation, experimentation, and the use of reason in the study of natural phenomena. This idea was developed by scientists such as Galileo Galilei and Francis Bacon, who believed that scientific knowledge should be based on empirical evidence rather than on tradition or authority.

Another new idea introduced during the Scientific Revolution was the concept of the heliocentric model of the solar system, which proposed that the sun, rather than the earth, was at the center of the solar system. This idea was proposed by scientists such as Copernicus, Kepler, and Galileo and challenged the traditional Ptolemaic model of the solar system, which placed the earth at the center.

The idea of natural laws and regularities in the natural world also emerged during the Scientific Revolution. Scientists such as Kepler and Galileo proposed that the natural world was governed by mathematical laws and regularities, which could be discovered through the use of reason and observation.

Match the following.

1 .
site of church founded after stoning of Stephen
2 .
first pastor of Antioch church
3 .
Greek god
4 .
worshiped by citizens of Antioch
5 .
site of first European missionary activity
6 .
Mars Hill
Roman proconsul
7 .
accompanied Paul and Barnabas
8 .
first stop on first missionary journey
9 .
Paul's companion on second journey
10 .
opposed the Gentiles
11 .
John Mark
12 .
discussed circumcision of Gentiles
13 .
Jerusalem Conference
first European convert
14 .
Sergius Paulus
call came to Paul to go there
15 .
located in Athens


Philippi - site of first European missionary activity.

Antioch - site of church founded after stoning of Stephen.

What do you mean by the Antioch?

Antioch, also known as Turkish Antakya, was a large metropolis in south-central Turkey and a populous city in ancient Syria.

Therefore, the correct match pair are:

Philippi - site of first European missionary activity. Antioch - site of church founded after stoning of Stephen. Judaizers - opposed the Gentiles.Barnabas - first pastor of Antioch church.Jupiter - Greek god.Mars Hill - located in Athens.Bar-Jesus - sorcerer.Ashtaroth - worshiped by citizens of Antioch.Silas - Paul's companion on second journey.Macedonia - call came to Paul to go there. John Mark - accompanied Paul and Barnabas.Cyprus - first stop on first missionary journey.Jerusalem Conference - discussed circumcision of Gentiles.Sergius Paulus - Roman proconsul.Lydia - first European convert.

To know more about the Antioch, visit:


1. Westward expansion in the mid-1800s was a big challenge to every settler family. Explain how all three
of these documents offer evidence of the nature of that challenge?


Document 1: A letter from a settler in the mid-1800s:  This document offers evidence of the challenge of Westward expansion in the mid-1800s because it details the struggles and hardships that the settler experienced.

What is Document?

A document is a written or printed piece of material that contains information or data about a particular subject.

Document 1: A letter from a settler in the mid-1800s
This document offers evidence of the challenge of Westward expansion in the mid-1800s because it details the struggles and hardships that the settler experienced. It provides a firsthand account of the difficulties of life in a new and unfamiliar land, including the difficulties of finding adequate food and shelter, the harshness of the climate, and the dangers of Native American attacks.

Document 2: A newspaper article from the mid-1800s
This document offers evidence of the challenge of Westward expansion in the mid-1800s because it provides reports of the difficulties encountered by settlers along the way. It details the various obstacles they faced, such as the scarcity of resources, the threat of disease, and the lack of reliable transportation. It also details the economic difficulties that settlers encountered when attempting to establish successful businesses in the new territories.

Document 3: A diary entry from a settler in the mid-1800s:
This document offers evidence of the challenge of Westward expansion in the mid-1800s because it provides a personal account of the hardships that the settler faced. It details the mental and emotional stress of leaving a familiar home and venturing into unknown lands, as well as the physical toll of the long and difficult journey. It also provides an insight into the everyday struggles that settlers encountered, such as finding adequate food and shelter, dealing with extreme weather conditions, and facing the dangers of Native American attacks.

To learn more about Document

What were some restrictions placed on the plebeians during the early years of the Roman Republic?


Answer: Plebeians couldn't hold public office and were not allowed to marry patricians.

Explanation: how would i explain this

Please explain our belief about the two natures of Jesus. In your explanation, give an example of each from the story of Lazarus.


The story of Lazarus teaches the Christians and the world about how we can attain the eternal life if we follow Jesus  Christ. Only God can help in achieving eternal life.

What is a story?

A story is a depiction of a journey. In a story we follow a character or a series of characters on a journey as they pursue something up against certain obstacles.

A story is the telling of an event, either true or fictional, in such a way that the listener experiences or learns something just by the fact that he heard the story.

A story is a means of transferring information, experience, attitude or point of view. Every story has a teller and a listener.

Learn more about a story here:


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