En San José, yo___ _a mi amigo.


Answer 1
The answer would be “vi”
Answer 2


En San José, yo vi a mi amigo


Vio is when you say “el“ Like, “el vio“

vieron is when is They

Vimos is when is We


Related Questions

Señala cuáles de las siguientes opciones son elementos estructurales característicos del microcuento: * 3 puntos Se vale de expresiones humorísticas e irónicas que evocan otra situación. La narración empieza presentando el tema del que va a hablar Dada su brevedad, la narración empieza en medio de una acción. Los personajes son definidos mediante elementos cómicos.


La respuesta correcta es "La narración empieza presentando el tema del que va a hablar Dada su brevedad."

Un elemento estructural característicos del micro cuento es "La narración empieza presentando el tema del que va a hablar Dada su brevedad."

El micro cuento es una narración breve que puede ir de media a una cuartilla. Se usa frecuentemente en formatos digitales ya que su extensión es limitada y favorece a la lectura por parte de las audiencias que gustan de historias cortas, pero interesantes. Los personajes son pocos y existe la posibilidad de incluir una moraleja al final de la historia.

El hecho de que sea micro cuento no priva de correcta escritura estructurada. Es decir, con un comienzo, un desarrollo y un final.

3. Los aficionados del cine viajan cada año a Buñol.
Corrige la afirmación falsa.





falso meaning false

true or false In latin America,use "ustedes" when speaking to one person





Because ustedes means your.


it is FALSE!


it refers to more then one person it it for more for like 2 people or more

if they were speaking to one person it would be "usted"

hope i helped


Fill in the blank with the Spanish word that best completes the following sentence. If you don't sleep enough at night, you will be very ____ in the morning.


Answer: Cansado

Explanation: Cansado means very tired or needing rest

I agree with the first dude

With stem-changing verbs, the stem often does not change for ____.
A. yo y tú
B. nosotros y vosotros
C. ellos y ustedes
D. él y ella



B. nosotros y vosotros
















B.Nosotros y yo because it changes the stem




Blank One: Quieres; Blank Two: Puedo; Blank Three; Volver


One: The tu form of Querer is Quieres, he's asking "do you want to ride bikes"

Two: The yo form of Poder is Puedo, saying "No, I can't"

Three: After "tengo que" you use an infinitve verb, in this case "volver"

PLSSSS HELLP MEEEEE Consider this statement: "I'm not black, I'm Dominican." Based on what we've learned about the difference between race and ethnicity, can someone be both black and Dominican? Why or why not? What about people of other Latin American nationalities (Mexican, Puerto Rican, Brazilian, etc.)?


Answer:yeah u can be both black and Dominican but let’s say if ur mom is from Mexico and ur dad is black u wil be considered black and Mexican or u can just call ur self Hispanic but don’t get it messed up cause sum be thinking oh I have Hispanic in me no u might have sum probably not even 50% it could be less.


Form phrase based on the model
Please help me.


Forma frases según el modelo. Form phrases based on the model.

Answer 1. Tú hablas español.

Translation 1: You speak Spanish.

Answer 2. Nosotros leemos una novela.

Translation 2: We read a novel.

Answer 3. Carlos y Lupe aprenden mucho.  

Translation 3: Carlos and Lupe learn a lot.

Answer 4. El Sr. Moreno usa mi móvil.

Translation 4: Mr. Moreno uses my cell phone.

Answer 5. Teresa estudia.

Translation 5: Teresa studies.

Answer 6. Ellos salen ahora.

Translation 6: They go out now.

Answer 7. Yo hago una tarea.

Translation 7: I do a homework.  

Answer 8. Nosotros jugamos al fútbol.

Translation 8: We play soccer.

Answer 9. Mis hermanos comen.

Translation 9: My brothers eat.


You ask your pen pal who is your age:
—Yo soy de Panamá.


Um, what? What do you mean?

Help with this plssssss



1= Almorzamos en el restaurante de mi tío

2= escuchamos

3= mira


5= juegan

6= escribo

7= quiero

8= haces

espero que te sirva de ayuda ;)

i hope this will help you

Talk about what you and your friends do.

Usa las fórmulas correctas de los verbos entre paréntesis para completar el correo electrónico de Alejandro. (Complete the e-mail with the correct verb forms.)


Todos los domingos, nosotros (1) almorzamos en el restaurante de mi tío. Después, mis abuelos (2) escuchan música. Mi padre (3) mira la televisión y mi madre (4) lee un libro. Mis hermanos (5) juegan al fútbol y yo (6) escribo correos electrónicos. Este domingo yo (7) quiero hacer otra cosa más divertida. ¿Qué (8) hacéis tú y tu familia los domingos?



Every Sunday, we have lunch at my uncle's restaurant. Afterwards, my grandparents listen to music. My father watches television and my mother reads a book. My brothers play soccer and I write emails. This Sunday I want to do something more fun. What do you and your family do on Sundays?


1) No me gusta gastar dinero...... soy ____________
2) Mis padres no me permiten hacer nada. Son __________
3) Tengo mucho que hacer y no tengo mucho tiempo.. Me siento _________
4) Mi abuela murió el año pasado. Ahora, mi abuelo es ________.

Please someone help


1) pobre

PLEASE HELP!! Restate the sentence using a possessive pronoun...


1. Mio
3. Nuestros
4. Mio
5. Vuestros I think

En la espacio en blanco escribe la conjugación correcta del presente de los verbos entre paréntesis. Mis amigos___ (venir) cuando yo___ (hacer) gazpacho andaluz.


Mis amigos vienen (venir) cuando yo hago (hacer) gazpacho andaluz.

What percentage of the total US population does the US Census Bureau estimate will be constituted by people of Hispanic origin?



Hispanic Origin


Hispanic origin can be viewed as the heritage, nationality, lineage, or country of birth of the person or the person’s parents or ancestors before arriving in the United States. People who identify as Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish may be any race.

E. Raíces. Teniendo presente que los verbos compuestos se conjugan como la raíz, escribe el
significado del infinitivo. Luego, conjuga el verbo en el pretérito según el sujeto.
1 detener
2 entretener
5. deshacer

4. proponer
5. componer
6. convenir
7. intervenir



yea probably dogs


i think this is rifht because dog go bark bark

Fill in the blanks with the nationality adjectives that would describe these people.

Example: You see: Juana es de Costa Rica. You answer: Ella es costarricense.

1. Lukas y Katharina son de Alemania. Ellos son __________.

2. Me llamo Francisco y soy de México. Yo soy ________ .

3. Marie-Claire es de Francia. Ella es __________.

4. Belem es de Portugal. Ella es ___________.

5. Tú (masculino) eres de Puerto Rico. Eres ________.

6. Yo (masculino) soy de Bolivia. Soy ___________.


1-. Alemanes
2-. Mexicano
3-. Francesa
5-. Puertorriqueño





no sé



I need help in Spanish :(


number 1 is how long have we been in face masks?

Number 4 is: Felipe piensa cortar la hierba.

Read the dialogue and choose the option with the correct adjectives missing in the blanks to complete the sentences. —Hola, Antonia. ¿La señora Yolanda y el señor Miguel son ________ bisabuelos? —Hola, sí, ellos son mis bisabuelos. ¿Tienes bisabuelos tú? —No, pero mi amigo Miquel sí. ________ bisabuela tiene 95 años. tu; Sus tus; Su tus; Sus tu; Su


La respuesta correcta es:
Tus, Su

My dad cooks Columbia’s food today



mi papá cocinó comida colombiana hoy

Select the correct answer.
Which idiom best completes this sentence?

Con la nueva ley de medio ambiente que tendremos, el problema de tirar basura no existirá __________.

por escrito
para siempre
está para
para entonces





B. para siempre it translates to forever

According to the time of day, write a sentence saying how you would
greet the following people and ask how they are doing. Use the formal or
familiar greetings appropriately. An example has been done for you.
Sr. Vargas /7 p.m.
- Buenas noches Sr. Vargas. ¿Cómo está usted?
1. The school principal / 10 am.
2. Your best friend / 2 p.m.
3. Your brother/sister /9 p.m.
4. Your grandpa / 11 am.
Mr. Garza/4 p.m


Answer: Buenas días director.¿Cómo está usted?

Buenos tardes amigo mejor. ¿Cómo estás?

Buenos noches hermano y hermana. ¿Cómo estás?

Buenos días abuelo. ¿Cómo está usted?

Este plato siempre necesita pimienta y _______.


Answer:Este plato siempre necesita pimienta y __sal_____.





Got it right on edge

1. Para mi cumpleaños, mis papás siempre me (enviar) unos regalitos.
2. Mi esposo se mantener) en buena forma corriendo por lo menos cuatro
millas por día.
3. La casa de mis tíos (oler) a humo porque se nos quemó la cena.
4. A mi hermano y a mí solo nos gustar) hablar con la gente con opiniones
bien informadas.
5. ¿Cuántos exámenes te quedar) antes de terminar el semestre?
6. La entrevista que Raquel tiene el martes (ser o estar) en el centro de la
7. Mis papás (ser o estar) en Costa Rica para pasar un rato con mis abuelos.
8. ¿Llevas un vestido nuevo? i (ser o estar) hermosa esta noche!
9. Mi familia está superbién. ¿Y la (posesivo) ?
10. Durante la prepa, jugaba al tenis todos los días, pero demostrativo) fue
hace muchos años.




1.- Enviaron.

2.- Mantiene.

3.- Huele.

4.- Gusta.

5.- Quedan.

6.- Está.


8.- Será.

9.- Tuya.

10.- Eso.

Saludos !!

1. Envían
2. Mantiene
3. Huele
4. Gustan
5. Quedan
6. Será
7. Están
9. Tuya
10. Eso (?)

Hope this helps !!

Complete the sentences using the vocabulary or grammar in this chapter.
Cuando nieva, también
A hace frío
B. hace mucho calor
C. hace buen tiempo
D. llueva





Would you use tú or usted when speaking to your boss?



I would use "usted" becuase "tu" would be impromper(for me anyway)





I think the correct thing to do would be to use "usted", since it is more formal, instead of "tu" it is informal, (for me).

Lee la siguiente leyenda guaraní sobre el mate y contesta la pregunta al fondo.
En algunas regiones de Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay y Brasil viven los guaraníes, un grupo indigena. Hay una antigua leyenda guaraní sobre
los orígenes de la yerba mate, una planta usada para preparar una bebida tradicional similar al té verde. Hoy esta bebida forma parte integral
de la cultura moderna de estos países.
Según una versión de la leyenda, había una vez una joven hermosa que vivía con su padre viejo en la selva (jungle), muy lejos de otras
personas de su tribu. Ellos eran agricultores nómadas, y cada año tenían que cambiar de lugar para cultivar la comida. El viejo ya no era fuerte
y no podia seguir a los otros. Un día, cuando su hija pescaba y buscaba frutas para los dos, un hombre que no conocían llegó a su casa. El
viejo y su hija lo recibieron generosamente, le dieron de comer y le prepararon una cama para pasar la noche alli. Al dia siguiente, el hombre
les dijo que era en verdad Tupá, el gran dios guarani. Por su hospitalidad Tupá les regaló al viejo y a su hija una planta nueva con grandes
poderes (powers) y les enseñó como preparar una bebida de la planta. Cuando el viejo la bebió, le dio fuerza (strength) y pudo regresar a su
tribu. Años después, cuando el viejo murió, su hija se transformó en una diosa, la diosa del mate.
El viejo no podia seguir a su tribu porque

él tenía que buscar comida para su familia
no sabía adonde fueron
ya no era muy fuerte
Tupá llegó a su casa con una planta especial



Here is your translation


Read the following Guarani legend about the matte and answer the question in the background.

In some regions of Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay and Brazil live the Guarani, a indigenous group. There is an ancient Guarani legend  the origins of yerba mate ( yehr-bah mah-teh), a plant used to make a traditional drink similar to green tea. Today this drink is an integral  of the modern culture of these countries.

According to a version of legend, there was once a beautiful young woman who lived with her old father in the jungle, far from other

of his tribe. They were nomadic farmers, and every year they had to change places to grow food. The old man was no longer strong

and he couldn't follow the others. One day, when his daughter fished and looked for fruit for both of us, a man they didn't know came home. The

and his daughter greeted him generously, fed him, and prepared a bed for the night there. The next day, the man

told them that it was indeed Tupá, the great guarani god. For his hospitality Tupá gave the old man and his daughter a new plant with large

powers (powers) and taught them how to prepare a drink from the plant. When the old man drank it, he gave her strength and was able to return to her  tribe. Years later, when the old man died, his daughter became a goddess, the goddess of the matte.

The old man couldn't follow his tribe because  he had to look for food for his family  he didn't know where they went  he was no longer very strong . Tupá came home with a special plant

Tu _____(buscar) la tarea en linea. a buscan b busco c buscas d buscamos


The answer is c. buscas

Answer: C. Buscas

Reason: I speak Spanish and that makes sense.

Click here for audio.



caliente is the answer

The answer is caliente .

¿Cierto o falso?
Ustedes is only used in Spain.






Nuestra abuela es muy simpática. Siempre ____ da galletas y leche cuando le visitamos.


Siempre me da galletas y leche cuando le visitamos


Nuestra abuela es muy simpática. Siempre nos da galletas y leche cuando le visitamos.


good luck!

trust me I speak Spanish

Other Questions
Let F(x)=-7x-12 and g(x)=13-3x. What is f-g? the area of a rectangle 54 cm2. and its length =9cm. find :A) tge widtg of the rectangle. B) the ratio between the width of the rectangle and its length. C) the ratio beetween the width of the rectangle and its perimeter. Use the midpoint formulaIn a running race, the 200-meter dash is run in approximately 21 seconds. Estimate the time to run the 100-meter dash.Answer fast!!! Fall found me settled at the old Boelling Hotel in Astoria, with my nephew, Frank Hobson, and my little son George. Our board was paid, Itaking care of our small room, and our clothes, with the privilege of doing our washing and ironing on Saturdays. And now I encountered one of mysharpest trials, for, on entering school, and being examined in mental arithmetic, I was placed in the primary class!Mr. Deardorff, the principal, kindly offered to assist me in that study after school, and, later, permitted me to enter both classes. Words cannever express my humiliation at having to recite with children of from elght to fourteen years of age. This, however, was of brief duration, for in afew weeks, I had advanced to the next class above, and was soon allowed to enter the third (and highest) class in mental arithmetic.At the end of the term of nine months, I had passed into most of the advanced classes; not that I was an apt scholar, for knowledge hasalways been acquired by the hardest labor, but by sheer determination, industry and perseverance. At 4 a.m.my lamp was always burning, and Iwas poring over my books, never allowing myself more than eight hours of sleep.Nothing was permitted to come between me and this, the greatest opportunity of my life. From Dr. Owens-Adair: Some of Her Life Experiences. Published by Mann & Beach, Printers, Portland,What was Bethenia's main problem in this passage?O 1. She did not have enough money to live on.O 2. She had nobody to take care of George while she was in school.O 3. She had to do arithmetic with the primary students.04. She could not seem to master mental arithmetic. Climate change is an unprecedented common challenge facing human society. How can the Paris Agreement be implemented? How can countries around the world cooperate more effectively in this regard? China is already the backbone of the new energy revolution, but China's energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions are large, and the future economic development will require more energy, how to accelerate and deepen China's energy transformation? What challenges and opportunities does Hunan face in terms of energy production and consumption level and structure? What is the situation of my country in these regards? What can I do to contribute to a low-carbon life and economy? Identify the nutrient that kale and other leafy greens contain in significant amounts? Fossil fuels has been used more in the existing world. Why? By the end of the Bronze Age, civilizations began to emerge in * mountain rangesocean coastlinesriver valleysrain forests Jews trace their national and religious origins back to God's call to A. Moses B. Abraham C. David D. Solomon What is the solution to the equation?0 x=-BX-20OX-21 The end of the cattle boom ___ What happened in 2016 that now seems to haveimportant ramifications for the replacement ofJustice Ginsburg I need 4 to 5 sentences please I need help with this integral question! It is short and easy if you know what you're doing. Due in an hour! Thanks!!! Describe an important situation in which you had to make a compromise. Why did you decide to make the compromise? How did it solve the problem? what is the cinder cone volcano's shape? Write a two-column proof. Given: line BD bisects angle CBE. Prove: angle ABD approximately equal to angle FBD. What actions rusesabagina took when the genocide broke out HELP!!describe how primary producers and all consumers obtain energy and nutrients How often do Christianity followers meet why was the wedding of the rails important to those who believed in Manifest Destiny?