Every society tries to regulate the behavior of individuals; this general process is called ______. a. neighborhood watch b. self control c. social control


Answer 1

Every society tries to regulate the behavior of individuals; this general process is called social control. The correct answer is c.

The general process of regulating the behavior of individuals in a society is called social control. This can take many forms, such as laws, customs, and institutions, and is often enforced by various means such as socialization, punishment, and rewards. The aim of social control is to maintain social order and stability, and to ensure that individuals conform to the norms and values of the society in which they live.

Examples of social control include the criminal justice system, religious institutions, and educational institutions, which all play a role in shaping the behavior and beliefs of individuals. However, this process can also be oppressive and restrictive and can lead to negative consequences.

To learn more about social control visit: https://brainly.com/question/1172628


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Why did the British war start?


The war started due to the trade restrictions imposed by British council and Impressment.

The war of 1812 was fought between British and United States due to the border issues between the two states. The United States claimed the North American colonies of the British empire but Britain was not ready to give these colonies. The other reasons which escalated the war included the order which was passed by the British council which restricted the American Trade with Europe. This increased tensions between the two. The other reason for the start of war was the policy of Impressment under which the Royal Navy took seaman from the merchant ships of America to full the crew of their own warships.

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Why did the US government pass the Volstead Act?


The Volstead Act was a law passed in the United States in 1919 that established the legal definition of intoxicating liquor and banned the manufacture, sale, and transportation of alcohol for consumption.

Why did the US government pass the Volstead Act?

The Volstead Act was enacted by the United States government in 1919 to enforce the 18th Amendment to the United States Constitution, which prohibited the manufacture, transportation, and sale of alcoholic beverages. The Volstead Act defined intoxicating liquor and provided for the implementation of the 18th Amendment.It was the US government's response to growing public support for the temperance movement and its calls for alcohol prohibition. The Act was conceived as a means to reduce crime and violence, improve public health and safety, and prevent minors from consuming alcohol.

What is Volstead Act?

The Volstead Act was a law passed in the United States in 1919 that defined intoxicating liquor and prohibited the manufacture, sale, and transportation of alcohol for human consumption. The act was named after its sponsor, Minnesota Representative Andrew Volstead. The Act established the legal framework for enforcing the Eighteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution, which forbade the manufacture, sale, and transportation of intoxicating liquors. The Volstead Act was repealed by the Twenty-First Amendment to the United States Constitution in 1933.

To know more about Volstead Act ,



The House submitted a bill known as the Volstead Act (H.R. 6810), named after Minnesota's Andrew Volstead, the chairman of the judiciary, to enforce the Prohibition Amendment by outlining the steps to take in order to outlaw the manufacturing and distribution of alcoholic drinks.

The legislation that was enacted to ensure that the 18th Amendment would be enforced was known as the Volstead Act. The 21st Amendment nullified the 18th Amendment. The "Fighting Quaker" U.S. Attorney General worked to purge America of communist, socialist, and un-American tendencies. Because it was challenging to determine whether someone was consuming alcohol within their private property, significant resources was required to implement the Volstead Act. Early in the 1930s, Prohibition rapidly lost public favour due to its costly failure to fully enforce sobriety and its failure to enforce it. National Prohibition was abolished in 1933 after the 21st Amendment to the Constitution was approved and enacted.

To learn more about Volstead Act click the link below:



Which of the following best describes dating violence? 1. a misdemeanor committed by someone who's casually dating the victim 2. violence committed by someone who's sexually intimate with the victim 3. violence committed by someone who's in a romantic or intimate relationship with the victim 4. a felony committed by a person with whom the victim shares a child


The next sentence best sums up Dating violence is defined as violence that is performed by a person who is dating or otherwise intimately involved with the victim.

What does violence in a relationship actually mean?

Relationship violence is characterized by persistent acts against adults who are involved in close dating relationships, such as threatening, verbal and physical abuse. Two adults that are not engaged, not living alone, and who do not share children are often the victims of relationship violence.

What are some common reasons why people get violent during dating?

Physical abuse occurs more frequently following a serious commitment. Contextual Elements Violence frequently arises when there is tremendous strain in the lifestyle of either of the couples or if there is interpersonal stress.

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What does Thoreau mean by peaceable revolution?


According to him, a "Peaceable revolution" would result from a sizable group of people simply refusing to pay taxes since without money, the government would be unable to pay for staff.

What exactly does Thoreau mean when he talks about a peaceful revolution?

It wouldn't be as violent and bloody if a thousand men refused to pay their taxes this year as it would be if they did pay them, allowing the State to use force and kill innocent people. In actuality, if such a thing is even possible, this is the essence of a peaceful revolution.

What does Thoreau's civil disobedience revolve around?

To gain the right to levy taxes on its inhabitants, according to Thoreau, the government must put an end to its unfair practices. He went on to say that as while the government did unfair things, conscientious people had to decide if to pay taxes or not and rebel against it.

To know more about civil disobedience visit:



Who is responsible for notifying the supervising authority of a breach?


If this occurs, and the breach is likely to jeopardise an individual's rights and freedoms, your company/organization must notify the supervisory authority without undue delay, and no later than 72 hours after becoming aware of the breach.

Part 3 of the DPA 2018 requires all organisations to notify certain types of personal data breaches to the Information Commissioner. Where possible, you must do this within 72 hours of becoming aware of the violation. within the next 72 hours The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) requires organisations to notify personal data breaches to the applicable supervisory body beginning on May 25, 2018, if the breach poses a danger to the affected individuals.

Learn more about to supervisory authority



The data breach must be reported to the controller's primary supervisory authority. When there is little chance that a risk to the rights and freedoms of natural persons will come from a data breach, an Entity is not compelled to notify the supervisory authority.

A data breach must be reported to the supervisory body by who?

If such happens and it is likely that the breach puts someone's rights and freedoms at danger, your company or organization is required to notify the supervisory authority without undue delay—and certainly no later than 72 hours after becoming aware of the breach.

Who is in charge of filing a breach report?

All companies now have a responsibility to notify the Information Commissioner of specific types of personal data breaches under Part 3 of the DPA 2018 regulations. Where possible, you must take action within 72 hours of learning about the incident.

To Know more about natural persons



our political ideology may affect your opinions about the issue in the prompt. Which opinions do you most agree with


A political party ideology identity is a way of thinking about how a country ought to be run.

What is Ideology?

A set of beliefs is an ideology, especially the political beliefs on which individuals, parties, or nations base their actions. the ideology of capitalism Synonyms: Ideology has numerous synonyms, including belief(s), ideas, principles, and ideals.

A group's or an individual's set of opinions or beliefs is called an ideology. Regularly philosophy alludes to a bunch of political convictions or a bunch of thoughts that describe a specific culture. Ideologies include Marxism, communism, socialism, and capitalism.

Political ideologies in the UK:






To know more about Philosophy, visit:



What impact did the House Un-American Activities Committee hearings have on Hollywood?


Ten Hollywood screenwriters and filmmakers were jailed as a result of hearings by the House Committee on Un-American Activities, while hundreds more were blacklisted.

Why is Hollywood named that?

According to legend, the first inhabitants of Southern California were so moved by a beautiful shrub that resembled a holly bush that they decided to name their new home Hollywood.

What makes Hollywood so unique?

As a location for the production of films and television shows, it has widespread fame. The Hollywood Walk of Fame and the well-known Hollywood Sign are only two of the numerous attractions there. For all of these reasons, Hollywood attracts a lot of tourists.

To know more about hollywood visit;



What are the 4 benefits of the EU?


The major benefit of the European Union is that it guarantees the right of freedom to all the member states.

Due to the formation of various supranational institutions at the global level such as United Nations and the European Union, the world is at a condition of peace and also there are several benefits of having these institutions. The benefits of the European Union are:

Al the member states within the European Union live in a state of peace and harmony with each other and the world.The Human rights are guaranteed to the citizens of the member states and they enjoy lead a life with dignity.The European Union has provided a market which is one of the largest among the world.It also provides aid to the people all around the world in the time of crisis.

Learn more about European Union at:



what is the set of regulations that defines the legal actions expectd of and limitations placedo n the emt


The scope of practice is the entire body of laws and moral precepts that define the parameters and range of an EMT's job.

What is an EMTs primary ethical consideration?

Making patient care and well-being a priority within the parameters of an EMT's practice is the main ethical consideration, even if doing so means making certain compromises for oneself.

The whole body of laws and moral principles that establish the boundaries and extent of an EMT's work are known as the scope of practice.

The phrase "scope of practice" refers to the range of activities and services that an EMT is legally permitted to provide. The term "standard of care" refers to the treatment that would be anticipated of another EMT who had undergone the same training to deliver to the same patient under the same conditions.

For the EMT to make physical contact with the patient in order to administer care, the patient must give their consent.

To learn more about Legal actions visit:



______ is the degree to which a society values assertiveness and materialism versus feelings, relationships, and quality of life.


Power distance

Uncertainty avoidance



Uncertainty People strive to avoid unpredictable circumstances when faced with uncertainty, which is known as avoidance. So they steer clear of circumstances that can result in unforeseen events.

What exactly is uncertainty?

Lack of assurance regarding someone or something is indicated by words like uncertainty, doubt, dubiety, skeptic, suspicion, and mistrust. Uncertainty can range from a degree of doubt to a near total absence of belief or information, particularly regarding a course of action or outcome.

What is the example of uncertainty?

Epistemic scenarios with incomplete or ambiguous knowledge are referred to as uncertain. It applies to measurement results that have previously been performed, to the unknown, and to projections of future events. In simulated or stochastic circumstances, as well as from ignorance, complacency, or both, uncertainty can develop.

to know more about uncertainty visit:



Positive thinking leads towards more creative solutions because positive thinkers _______. a. think in different contexts b. eat food like carrots c. are very lucky d. are typically right brain dominant please select the best answer from the choices provided a b c d


Positive thinkers think in a variety of circumstances, which results in more original answers.

Contextual thinking: What is it?

We describe contextual thinking as the cognitive practice of looking for behavioral explanations outside of individuals and within the framework of the organization.

What are the top 5 benefits of having an optimistic outlook?

longer life expectancy

lower depression rates.

Lessening of pain and distress.

greater ability to fight off diseases.

improved physical and psychological well.

lower risk of death from heart disease and stroke and improved cardiovascular health.

What are some good examples of thinking?

being content while having few resources. enjoying yourself even while you are losing. celebrating another person's achievement. despite your difficult present circumstances, having hope for the future.

To Know more about  circumstances,



______is an example of a monocular cue. O ParallaxO Retinal disparity O Convergence O Interposition


One illustration of the a monocular cue is parallax. O ParallaxO Disparity in the retina Convergence, O O Interposing

What signals do binoculars give off?

The pictures that both eyes focus on to create stereopsis, or the feeling of depth, are known as binocular depth cues. Using binoculars, one may see the world in three dimensions. Binocular depth cues can be classified as either retinal disparity or convergence. Convergence centers on a single object while using both eyes.

Which five depth cues are there?

The brain of a human uses eight depth cues to determine the relative distances of the items in every scene we see. These include relative movement, vergence, stereopsis, light and shading, color intensity and contrast, focus, perspective, occlusion, and shading.

To know more about binocular cues visit:



which fallacy involves an attempt to distract the reader from the real issue under debate, by bringing up something that is irrelevant?


Red herring, A red herring is a fallacious argument that attempts to divert attention from a real issue by creating confusion or distraction.

Red herrings typically include an irrelevant notion, information, or incident that has little bearing on the main problem. Logical fallacies are flawed, dishonest, or inaccurate arguments that can be disproved with reasoning. These are the main fallacies that you should be aware of.

College and academic discourse often include arguments and disputes. However, not all arguments are strong. Some can be dissected because they make logical and rhetorical mistakes. These are referred to as "logical fallacies," and they happen frequently.

During disputes on television, in class, and among friends, you'll encounter logical fallacies. Even resisting the urge to use them yourself might be difficult.

To learn more about red herrings please click on below link



You read about a proposed amendment to require all students to remain in high school until they are able to pass all required courses. You argue that it will not become an amendment. Based on Amendments 11 to 27, why would you argue that it will NOT become an amendment


Amendments may be introduced by the Congress or by a joint resolution that has received a two-thirds majority vote.

Which of the following is a method used to approve a proposed constitutional amendment?

Having the power to change the U.S. Constitution

Only when passed by the legislatures or conventions of three-fourths of the states are congressional or convention amendments considered to be legally binding (i.e., 38 of 50 states).

(18 June 1951) A bill amending the Indian Constitution (Amendment) Act, 1951 to include the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes.

When passed by three-fourths of the States, a proposed amendment becomes a permanent part of the Constitution (38 of 50 States).

When two thirds of both Houses believe it essential, the Congress must propose amendments to the Constitution. Alternatively, on the request of the legislatures of two thirds of the various States, the Congress must convene a convention to propose amendments, which must be valid in both cases.

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According to Albert Bandura, children are most likely to pattern their own behavior based on the of their parents. a. actions b.reinforcement c. punishment styles d.stated rules


According to Albert Bandura, children are most likely to pattern their own behavior based on their parent's actions. Here option A is the correct answer.

According to Albert Bandura's Social Learning Theory, children are most likely to pattern their own behavior based on the actions of their parents.

Bandura argues that children learn through observing and imitating the behavior of those around them, particularly their parents and other role models. This process, known as modeling, is thought to be one of the most powerful ways in which children learn new behaviors and develop their sense of self.

Children tend to observe the behavior of their parents and other role models, and then imitate it. This is why parents should be aware of their actions as they can influence children's behavior and attitudes, positively or negatively.

To learn more about Albert Bandura



Which best summarizes the intent of Franklin Roosevelt's Hundred Days legislation and programs?

to provide Americans with relief.


The First Hundred Days, the New Deal's inaugural period, marked the commencement of his presidency Franklin.

FDR and congress established hundreds of laws during this time period promoting social welfare and launching so-called "alphabet soup" schemes. Franklin because he pledged a "new deal for the American people" in a campaign address, these initiatives came to be known as the "New Deal." The three main objectives of the New Deal were financial reform, economic recovery, and assistance to the poor. Roosevelt overruled Congress during the First Hundred Days to create jobs to aid the economy's recovery. The first action taken by FDR was to rebuild public trust in the nation's banks and address the issues that had caused the stock market disaster. In the In its first 100 days, the New Deal established the largest public works program in history, the National Recovery Administration, as well as an industrial recovery program that set minimum prices and wages for workers in the manufacturing industry. The New Deal's three principal objectives were financial reform, economic recovery, and assistance to the poor.

Learn more about Franklin here :



Franklin Roosevelt's Quarter Century policies and programs aimed to provide relief for Americans.

What do you mean by legislation?

Legislation involves a executive branch in additional to a legislative body. Legislation could become law even without executive's consent unless the veto is overturned by a substantial majority in both houses of the legislature. The executive's work also calls for much more than merely support or resistance. As the head of state and a political figure, the executive actively participates in the development of govt policy and sometimes in the actual writing of law. legislation is the method used by local, state, or national legislatures to draft and pass laws. It can also be used in situations when local ordinances are involved.

To learn more about legislation:



The actualizing tendency is to _____ as striving for superiority is to _____.
a. Abraham Maslow; Carl Jung
b. Alfred Adler; Karen Horney
c. Carl Rogers; Alfred Adler
d. Carl Jung; Carl Rogers


The actualizing tendency is to as Carl Rogers striving for superiority is to  Alfred Adler.

During this time, Rogers created his therapeutic strategy, which he initially referred to as "non-directive therapy." Client-centered therapy is the term used to describe this method, in which the therapist facilitates rather than directs the therapy session.

In order for people to realize their natural need for development and fulfillment, they need to be treated with unwavering kindness. It is essentially an individual's biological, instinctual, unconscious urge that is concerned with satisfaction.

A newborn's conduct is solely determined by instincts at birth (id). The ego separates from the id as the child ages. The part of the personality that makes decisions is known as the ego. Despite being most known as the creator of client-centered therapy.

Learn more about Alfred Adler here:



who is the president of Nigeria​


Answer: Muhammadu Buhari


the _______ are smooth, hairless, inner lips of the vulva that are sensitive during sexual arousal.


The smooth, hairless inner lips of the vulva called labia minora are responsive to sexual stimulation.

The smaller, hairless inner set is referred to as the labia minora. The labia majora, which make up the outer set, are bigger and have hair on the outside. Lips are called labia in Latin. On either side of the vaginal vestibule are the labia minora, which are small, delicate folds of vascular, fat-free, hairless skin.

Labia minora refers to the inner set's smaller, hairless portion. The larger, outside-haired labia majora, which make up the outside set, are what distinguish them. Latin refers to lips as labia. The labia minora, which are tiny, delicate folds of vascular, fat-free, hairless skin, are located on either side of the vaginal vestibule.

Learn more about arousal Visit: brainly.com/question/14087273


What are the three limitations in Section 9?


No ex post facto law or bill of attainder may be passed. No direct tax, such as a capitation, may be imposed unless it is proportional to the headcount or enum that has been previously mandated.

How does attainder law work?

A law that finds someone guilty of a crime is known as a bill of attainder. Through bills of attainder, the government can penalize a party for an alleged wrongdoing without first holding a trial.

What does a bill of attainder look like?

A proclamation of attainder was a piece of English common law legislation that imposed the death sentence without a court hearing. Later, the scope of that description was broadened to encompass "bills of pains and penalties" that enforced exile as a kind of criminal punishment.

To know more about attainder visit:



Can you retire at 55 and not collect Social Security?


Unfortunately, the answer is no. Social Security retirement payments can be started at age 62. Social Security is a federal programme that collects payroll taxes from workers today and uses the money to pay retirement benefits to those who qualify.

A government programme that offers financial aid to those with low or no income. In particular, it protects financial stability in the event of old age, unemployment, illness, disability, job injury, maternity, or death of a breadwinner. It also gives people and households access to health care. It emphasises safeguarding qualified candidates.The people we serve at Social Security are guaranteed their security and fundamental well-being. About 64 million people receive benefits from it, including retirees, kids, widows, and widowers. We will be by your side throughout your entire life, from conception to retirement. It is a government initiative that collects employee payments and uses them to fund benefits for eligible retirees.

To know more about Social Security:



What were the two biggest achievements of the civil rights movement?


The civil rights movement in the United States was a long and difficult struggle to bring about racial equality and social justice. Some of the most significant achievements of the movement include The Civil Rights Act of 1964 and The Voting Rights Act of 1965.

The Civil Rights Act of 1964: This act, which was signed into law by President Lyndon B. Johnson, prohibited discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, or national origin in public places and in employment. It was a major victory for the civil rights movement and had a profound impact on the lives of millions of people.

The Voting Rights Act of 1965: This act, which was also signed into law by President Lyndon B. Johnson, eliminated many of the barriers that had been used to prevent African Americans from exercising their right to vote. It was a major victory for the civil rights movement and had a significant impact on increasing political representation for African Americans.

To learn more about the civil rights movement



a "role set" refers to all the roles a person has over the course of a lifetime.



A role set refers to all the roles a person has over the course of a lifetime.

Which country benefits the most from international trade?


The world's highest trade-in goods values in 2021 were reported by the  US and China.

International trade agreements are most advantageous to whom?

Both the exporting nation and the importer nation gain access to new markets for their products. Some advantages of trade agreements include the introduction of new trade opportunities, an increase in exports, economies of scale, increased competition, and the utilization of surplus raw commodities.

Is everyone always benefited from global trade?

Although it is generally agreed that more international commerce is good for the economy of the participating countries, the advantages are not shared equally among the citizens of those countries, and some citizens may even pay a price.

To know more about International trade visit:



Survival Horror games was created in 2014 and would continue to receive sequels for several years. What is its name


The Evil Within 2 is a survival horror video game for the PlayStation 4 and Windows, that was created by Tango Gameworks and released by Bethesda Softworks. It is the follow-up to The Evil Within from 2014.

What is the name of a well-known survival horror game series?

In the 2016 video game Dead by Daylight, one player assumes the role of a killer while the other four play as survivors. The presence of numerous characters from other survival horror series like Resident Evil and Silent Hill is another noteworthy aspect of the game.

The first horror game was created when?

The first video game console, the Magnavox Odyssey, contained a Haunted Home overlay in 1972, drawing inspiration from haunted house tales, marking the most basic attempt at a horror video game.

To learn more about video games visit:



The map above shows the direction people have moved in the United States over 100 years. By 1890, after the Civil War, many
people had moved further west. The main reason for this westward movement was the
A. search for religious freedom.
OB. desert landscape.
OC. available land.
OD. need for lumber.
0 of 10 Answered
Session Timer: 10:53
Session Score: 0% (0/0)



i don't know can anybody tell


collective goods are those which are ____ available and ____ be reasonably denied to others:


Collective goods are those that are broadly available and cannot be reasonably denied to others.

Collective goods, also known as public goods, are goods or services that are broadly available and cannot be reasonably denied to others. These goods are often provided by the government, as they are not typically produced or supplied by the market. Collective goods have several characteristics that distinguish them from private goods. They are non-excludable, meaning that it is difficult or impossible to prevent others from using them, and non-rivalrous, meaning that one person's use of the good does not reduce the amount of the good available to others. Examples of collective goods include national defense, public parks, and street lights.

Learn more about collective goods here: brainly.com/question/29811749


What are women's rights? Mention them.​



There are several women rights


Right to equal share of property

Right to marriage and reproductive health

Right to employment

Right to health facilities

Right to participate in every bodies of state

What are the two types of breaches?


There are two types of breaches that can be further classified the contract of breach that generally falls under the two categories that is Actual breach and Anticipatory breach.

Anticipatory breach defined as the party states in advance that they will not be delivering on the terms of the contract on the other side Actual breach referred as the one party refused to fully performed the terms of the contract.

A promisor refused to perform his promise leading to an anticipatory breach of contract then promisee was excused from further performance of his obligations.

Learn more about Anticipatory breach click on the link here:



Actual breach: When one party declines to carry out all of the obligations under the agreement.


An anticipated breach occurs when one party informs the other in advance that they won't be fulfilling their obligations under the agreement.

What kinds of breaches are there?

Material Contract Breach

Minor Contract Breach

Contract Breach That Was Expected.

Actual Contract Breach

How You Can Lower Your Risk

Make certain that everyone knows their responsibilities.

Monitor the fulfillment of the contract.

What are the two categories of contract breach damages?

Expectation damages and consequential losses make up the majority of them.

What is a breach, exactly?

violation of a rule, requirement, tie, or norm. a betrayal of trust sued them for contract violation. a damaged, torn, or ruptured state or region.

To Know more about agreement.



Check My Work The ___ system is marked by low to moderate autonomic arousal and a tendency to approach, which could characterize happiness or ange


The BAS system is marked by low to moderate autonomic arousal and a tendency to approach, which could characterize happiness or anger.

The behavioral activation/approach system is what it stands for. It is an appetitive-motivational system that is triggered by approach behavior and conditioned signals of reward or non-punishment. When a student chooses to answer more questions during class in order to receive candy from his teacher, this is an illustration of the behavioral activation system in action. The next time someone compliments your behavior, keep in mind that your behavioral activation system is in action. It is a kind of mental health care for depression. Teaching a patient to make plans for enjoyable and meaningful activities is the goal of behavioral activation for depression.

To learn more about the behavioral approach system, click at:



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