George may _____ playing with his friends this evening.
a. have
b. be​


Answer 1


B. be


Answer 2




George may have playing with his friends this evening.

sound incorect and improper

George may be playing with his friends this evening.

sounds better and is correct

Related Questions

How does the structure of each passage
affect what the passage reveals ?
Passage 2 reveals the movement of the
characters, while Passage 1 reveals only the
appearance of the main character.
Passage 1 reveals the details of multiple
settings, while Passage 2 reveals only what
the characters think about the setting
Passage 2 reveals the point of view of
multiple characters, but Passage 1 roveals
only the point of view of an outside narrator.
Passage 1 reveals the inner thoughts of the
main character while Passage 2 reveals only
the words and actions of the characters


Answer: A. will  be your answer

Difference between Qin dynasty and rana regima​



The answer is below


There are differences between the Qin dynasty and the Rana regime or dynasty. Some of which includes

1. Qin dynasty is the first dynasty in China and it lasted between 221 to 206 BCE. Rana dynasty was a dynasty in the Kingdom of Nepal and it lasted between 1846 to 1951

2. Qin dynasty was famous for the achievement of the Great Wall and a large army of Terracotta Warriors.

While Rana of Regime was famous for the massive production of raw materials exported from Nepal in huge quantities. These raw materials were sent abroad in trading activities in Europe through the seaport.

what comparison is the speaker making between the fly and himself



multiply chocie or?


Questions are from the scholastic story works, the cow's horn.

ln Part 3, Alfie has trouble focusing on soccer because he's thinking about

A. his homework
B. the weather
C. going to college
D. his model rocket


Alfie is thinking about his homework

What are two things from one subject?


Answer: can you be a little more specific with the question? like what is it about? I would be glad to help!


Answer: Laughing and smiling are a subject of joy.

Twirling and jumping are in the subject of Dancing

Heartbreak and Happiness are both involved in relationships

Snow and warm fires are both in the subject of winter

Fire and ash are both in the he subject of fire


Hope this helps!

high point questions




Thanks for the points.




"Everything my name is on is going to be criticized in a good way or bad way," James told the paper. "Who cares what anyone says?" What does Lebron James mean by his statement above?


Answer: See explanation


In 2018, Vogue announced that its magazine for April will have both Gisele Bundchen, and LeBron James on its cover.

The image of LeBron James used led to controversy as commentators said the image was racial and that he posted like a gorilla. Some people even says that he looked like “King Kong".

When James was spoken to regarding the image, he said that he was pleased with the picture and that he just showed some emotions.

He then said “Everything my name is on is going to be criticized in a good way or bad way,” James told the paper. “Who cares what anyone says?”

He said that he wasn't concerned with what others said about him because people were always going to criticize anyways.




Question 3
Which is the BEST way to recount this part of the story?
"As thanks," said the snake. "I will grant you
anything you wish."
Kazu plunged his hands into the shining
nuggets and laughed with
Kazu smiled gently, thinking the snake was only
boasting. All right. I wish for a barrel of gold."
The snake was grateful to Kazu and
said it would grant him a wish.
But when Kazu returned home, a barrel of gold
stood by his table. He plunged his hands into the
shining nuggets and laughed with astonishment
The thankful snake offered to grant
Kazu any wish, so Kazu wished for gold
and soon received it.
Kazu thought the snake was just
bragging, but at home he found a barrel
of gold next to his table.


Answer: C. The thankful snake offered to grant Kazu any wish, so Kazu wished for gold and soon received it.


Sorry, Wrong number by Lucille fletcher.

Which statement best describes the main conflict in the play?

A.) Mrs. Stevenson is trying to call her husband‘s office, but the line is busy

B.) mrs. Stevenson has overheard a murder plot, but she can’t get anyone to do anything about it.

C.) mrs. Stevenson is expecting her husband to come home, but he has gone away on a business trip.

D.) mrs. Stevenson wants to hire a nurse, but the hospital won’t send one without a doctors order.





Which ending to this sentence
provides the best context
clues to the meaning of the
underlined vocabulary word?
When the new family moved
in, the neighbors all
ingratiated themselves . . .
A. in some way every day.
B. even though they were complete
C. by offering their friendship and their
D. as soon as the newcomers had gotten


The answer is C. By offering their friendship and their help




i searched it

hope helped

will give brainly Which sentence from the excerpt best expresses a call for unity?

excerpt from

Democratic National Convention Keynote Address, 1976

by Barbara Jordan

Barbara Jordan, a US representative from Texas, delivered the following speech at the 1976 Democratic National Convention. She was the first woman and the first African American to deliver a keynote speech at a Democratic National Convention.

Let there be no illusions about the difficulty of forming this kind of a national community. It's tough, difficult, not easy. But a spirit of harmony will survive in America only if each of us remembers that we share a common destiny; if each of us remembers, when self-interest and bitterness seem to prevail, that we share a common destiny.

I have confidence that we can form this kind of national community.

I have confidence that the Democratic Party can lead the way.

I have that confidence.

We cannot improve on the system of government handed down to us by the founders of the Republic. There is no way to improve upon that. But what we can do is to find new ways to implement that system and realize our destiny.

Now I began this speech by commenting to you on the uniqueness of a Barbara Jordan making a keynote address. Well I am going to close my speech by quoting a Republican president and I ask you that as you listen to these words of Abraham Lincoln, relate them to the concept of a national community in which every last one of us participates:

"As I would not be a slave, so I would not be a master." This—This—"This expresses my idea of Democracy. Whatever differs from this, to the extent of the difference, is no Democracy."

Thank you.


Answer: A Call for Unity," urged blacks to end the civil rights demonstrations in Birmingham. They claimed that such action would set back legal efforts to reach a racial compromise. This letter represented a larger threat that King hoped to combat: moderate politics.



"But a spirit of harmony will survive in America only if each of us remembers that we share a common destiny; if each of us remembers, when self-interest and bitterness seem to prevail, that we share a common destiny."


Which of these options is a complex sentence?

Choose 1 answer:

(Choice A)
After considering all the options, my favorite rock drummer of all time has to be John Weathers.

(Choice B)
After considering all the options, my favorite rock drummer of all time has to be John Weathers, although I also really like Janet Weiss.








A complex sentence is basically adding another dependent clause, kind of like countering it.

Ex: Even though he was rich, he still felt like he was missing something more.

What is the meaning of renaissance



the revival of art and literature under the influence of classical models in the 14th - 16th centuries

Answer: The meaning of renaissance is the revival of art and literature under the influence of classical models in the 14th–16th centuries.                                   I hope this helps!

Explanation: Renaissance is a French word meaning “rebirth.” It refers to a period in European civilization that was marked by a revival of Classical learning and wisdom.

Why does the author give insight into Tanisha's photography
habits in the exposition of "A Whole New World"?
to explain why it is important to her father and
grandfather that she use the camera
to provide background information as to why Tanisha
would feel she did not need an old camera
to make the reader empathize with her when she
O gets bored while her father demonstrate the
to show that she is preoccupied with her friends and
does not have the time to take real pictures




Explanation: i took the test





Could world war 1 have been avoided? 50 words total!! 20pts total!!!!



World War One could have been prevented, if Archduke Franz Ferdinand had survived the assassin's bullet. Franz Ferdinand was the strongest spokesman for peace in Austria-Hungary. He believed that a war with Russia would lead to the downfall of both empires. On this day in 1914, Great Britain reluctantly declared war on Germany. This was also one of the few wars to be fought for no clear reason other than power itself. Most wars are fought over land grabs or irreconcilable differences between nations, be they religious, political or economic.


the ambitous jackle


The start of WWI could not have been avoided.

At that time period (1914), all of Europe except for Switzerland and France were rule by Kings and Queens known as royal families. The general belief was these families were part of a higher class. They married within their class and in many cases, the rulers were related by blood. In effect they were ordained by God to rule their people.

Besides being the rulers of their countries, they were very wealthy. At the time there were a complex set of alliances where if one kingdom was attacked, its allies would rush to its aid.

The various royal families believed in having a strong military. The military served two purposes. First, would be as a strong defense and second would be as a supreme powerful offensive force.

What effect can you note where Death is referred to as “poor death”?

help me you help millions like me and i pray that god bless you with a good life and for the other's out there and all i want is just for you to stay safe from the corona virus that is taking life's and making people life bad of there hope



Referring to death as “poor death” causes a weakening and impotence effect in relation to the image we know about death.


This question is about the poem "Death Be Not Proud," where the poet redefines death. He presents death as something weak, limited and despicable, showing that it is not the imposing and arrogant figure we know, but it is an ordinary, unimportant and weak being. To reinforce this image, he calls death “poor death” in order to weaken it, show it as impotent and irrelevant.

What type of sentence structure is shown in the sentence below?
The file was filled with notes, old tests, and grade sheets.
A) simple
B) compound
C) compound-complex
D) complex


i think it’s C. it’s definitely not A. good luck


Explanation:The compound-complex sentence combines elements of compound and complex sentences. ... There are two types of clauses: the independent lause and the dependent clause. c. Independent Clause. An independent clause makes a statement or asks a question that can ... the example below to help guide your writing.

2. Alliteration
a. The repetition of beginning consonant sounds
b. Repetition of "ALL" words
c. A direct comparison using like or as
d. A reference to something from history or religion


A- The reputation of beginning consonant sounds.


1. or A. The reputation of beginning consonant sounds.


2. Which of the following elements
has the lowest amount in the



what are the elements


Why couldn`t the traveler see where the road was leading?
(the road not taken)


Because they didn’t go down that route they went a different way so it lead to something different

In February of 2009, Jane Goodall wrote an article called 'Loving Chimps
to Death' for the Los Angeles Times. It is about a chimpanzee that was
shot and killed after he mauled a friend of his owner. Goodall criticized
the common use of chimps in advertising and entertainment, and
pointed out the problems with having wild animals as household pets.
Consider this information together with Stewart's passage, A Lifetime of
Learning. Which BEST interprets an important message of Goodall's life?
We can learn many things from chimpanzees, which
should be studied in all environments.
We can learn many things from chimpanzees, which
should remain in their own environment.
To discover the secrets of the animal kingdom, the
best animal to study is the chimpanzee.
Researchers should study chimpanzees but should
never interact with them because they are dangerous
wild animals





Extending so I can send

If your good at English pls help I’ll mark brainliest



In my head


Hope this helps :)

42. Nature's imagery is typically the inspiration for what form of poetry?



Romanticism was an extensive artistic and intellectual movement, described by Isaiah Berlin as ‘the greatest single shift in the consciousness of the West that has occurred’[1]. Originating in late eighteenth-century Europe, it challenged the Age of Enlightenment’s scientific and rational, objective ideas, and instead promoted the power of individual imagination and subjective experience. Nature was a predominant Romantic theme in the light of the Industrial Revolution, which not only posed a threat to its preservation, but also prompted a rise in local countryside tourism to escape the expanding urban areas. Poets sought to demonstrate this through, as Carl Thompson observes, their ‘appreciation of landscape, and especially of wild or what was often termed “romantic” scenery’[2] in their work. Moreover, natural forces and iconic landmarks were also associated with the ‘sublime’, an aesthetic theory defined by Edmund Burke as ‘whatever is in any sort terrible [...] is productive of the strongest emotion which the mind is capable of feeling’[3]: fear and awe, which inspire imagination to the greatest degree. Besides this organic sense of nature, Marcel Isnard argues that ‘nature also means the principle or power that animates or even creates the objects of nature’[4], alluding to the idea of pantheism where God or a divine creative force is inherent within nature, or even the creative power of man himself. I will analyse how Percy Shelley’s ‘Ode to the West Wind’ (1820) and William Wordsworth’s ‘Tintern Abbey’[5] (1798) thus explore nature to express their admiration and desire to be at one with its power, as well as to address the social and cultural impacts of man’s creative progress.


In ‘Ode to the West Wind’, Shelley depicts how the wind drives seasonal change, with the persona addressing it as ‘thou breath of Autumn’s being’[6] who blows the dead leaves from the trees ‘like ghosts’ (3). This dark imagery of Autumn bringing death by Winter, is then contrasted with ‘Thine azure sister’ (9), Spring, who revives the fallen seeds, bringing new life. Moreover, the poem’s form – which combines a reworking of the Italian terza rima using four tercets and a Shakespearean sonnet couplet, following the rhyming scheme of aba bcb cdc ded ee – presents an interwoven, cyclical pattern, where the ending of one rhyme brings the next, reflecting on the theme, as Michael O’Neill observes, of ‘rebirth and regeneration’[7]. However, as Ferber notes, ‘Though the annual cycle from autumn to autumn via the renewal of spring consoles us for our losses [...] nature also destroys life on longer and larger scales’[8], and so the focus in the next stanzas is shifted to the temperamental weather and sea. Shelley’s forceful imagery in describing how ‘Black rain and fire and hail will burst’ (28) during a storm, evokes a threatening image of chaos or the end of the world; whilst ‘the Atlantic’s level powers / Cleave themselves into chasms’ (37-38), forming waves powerful enough to submerge ‘palaces and towers’ (33). These imaginative metaphors epitomise Burke’s theory of the sublime, as these destructive natural forces incite terror and awe.


Wordsworth presents a more passive portrayal of nature in ‘Tintern Abbey’, where the persona returns to the country after five years and feels a sense of nostalgia as he beholds ‘These waters, rolling from their mountain-springs’ (3)[9]. The flowing imagery demonstrates how they provide a ‘tranquil restoration’ (30) from ‘the din / Of towns and cities’ (25-26), making the universal experience of visiting the countryside subjective, as it corresponds to the persona’s individual thoughts. Additionally, the poet’s use of blank verse enables him to express this without the rigid poetic structure favoured by neo-classical poets; a freedom that he also wishes to impart upon his readers, inviting them, as Andrew Bennett notes, ‘to identify with [...] this experience [...] and these thoughts’[10], promoting individualism. Nicola Trott observes that ‘Wordsworth’s tourism enacts the principles of return and renewal which are embedded at the heart of his imaginative self-conception and development’[11], for he owes to nature ‘the power / Of harmony’ (47-48); a new perception that enables the persona to detect:


In which part of a poetic line would you look to find the rhyme scheme?

the end
the beginning
it can vary
the middle


The end for example cat touched the hat

how did Robinson Crusoe leave for London​



In the year 1651 Robinson Crusoe boarded a ship for London. ... The ship was hit by a storm and the men on board had to be rescued by a nearby ship.


Importance of freedom to individuals in Christian religious study​


Religious freedom prevents the cultural majority from using the power of the state to impose their beliefs on others. This protects everyone—religious and nonreligious alike—from the government becoming so powerful that it can tell people what to think and how to act. Conscience is the individual's most sacred right.

Please give me a thanks I would really appreciate it

Do you think that Governor McAuliffe made the
right decision?


I don’t have any of my friends for

where is the Neskantaga first nation located? how isolated is this community?



The Neskantaga First Nation (formerly known as the Lansdowne House Indian Band) is a remote government of the Oji-Cree First Nation band located on the shore of Attawapiskat Lake in the district of Kenora in the northern reaches of the Canadian province of Ontario. The First Nation is a signatory of Treaty 9 (originally as part of the Fort Hope Band) and has reserved 831,50 hectares for itself. Neskantaga Indian Reserve, on Attawapiskat Lake, which includes the main village of the Lansdowne House Indian Settlement. The Summer Beaver Indian Settlement is affiliated with the Neskantaga First Nation and is shared with the Nibinamik First Nation. Lansdowne House is linked by the Lansdowne House Airport to the rest of Ontario and by winter roads and ice roads to points south of Ontario. Via the Resource Trail to Northern Ontario. There is a total registered population of 414 people as of November 2011, of which 304 live on their own reservation. Neskantaga is a fly-in community and is therefore not accessible by road. Northern Light Mission Trips were carried out by members of the Tintern Church of Christ in Beamsville, Ontario, for the children of the community.


hope this helped i found this on the wikipedia

(A) Why does Anne want to keep a diary? Why does she feel she can trust a diary more than the



Anne Frank believes that paper has more patience than people. She believes that a diary will have more patience to listen to her plight. That is why she could confide more in her diary than in people


How does the description of the Easter Sunday event in "Marian Anderson Sings" differ from the description of the same event in the biography "Marian Anderson: Legendary Singer"?
"Marian Anderson Sings" lists the songs that Marian Anderson performed, but "Marian Anderson: Legendary Singer" does not include this information.

"Marian Anderson Sings" describes Mrs. Roosevelt's major role in arranging the event, and "Marian Anderson: Legendary Singer" states that Mrs. Roosevelt was not very involved.

"Marian Anderson Sings" includes dialogue while "Marian Anderson: Legendary Singer" only includes description.

"Marian Anderson Sings" includes the number of attendees while "Marian Anderson: Legendary Singer" does not address this detail.



the correct answer is c :)



Other Questions
how might cathers childhood on the nebraska frontier had influenced the subjects she chose for her stories and novels? REEEEEEEEEE THANK YALL SSOOOOOO MUCH PLEASE HELP The table and graph below show the distances traveled by two different objects.WORTH (15 PTS)Which statement is correct about the speed of the two objects?a Both travel at steadily increasing speed.b Both travel at the same constant speed.c Object A travels at an increasing speed but Object B travels at a constant speed.d Object A travels at a constant speed but Object B travels at an increasing speed. means of "LOVE IS PERFECTED IN FIDELITY" Solve 2x + 8< 10 or 2x + 8 > 20 Which chemical reaction is correctly balanced? *a. CH4 +2O2 CO2 +2H2Ob. 2CH4 +2O2 CO2 +2H2Oc. CH4 +O2 CO2 +H2Od. None of the above Please help me with this question Need help right now!!! Due soon! Brianna only has to answer 20% of her math packet. If there are 70 questions in the packet, how many questions must she answer? I need help and Im marking as brainliest and if u do thank you Problem: Find an evuivalent ratio in simplest terms 42:18 What are four reasons that Lodge gives for opposing the Treatyof Versailles 7(3+5)= ___+___15-10=___ (3-2)(20 points) How does the federal reserve slow inflation and economic growth Now, use the evidence and sources you compiled in part A to write a response to this question: What qualities does someone need to pursue greatness or success? For culinary artsss24. What menu format is a handwritten or printed menu on a wall or easel? a. printed menu c. spoken menu b. menu board d. clip-on PLS HELP ASAP I NEED BOTH OF THESE Helpppp 20 Points!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! las diferencias existentes entre espacios de poblacin ( regiones, reas de salud, municipios) respecto a condiciones de vida , de salud y pobreza en grupos de mujeres y recin nacidos haciendo uso de indicadores de estadsticas ( vivienda, agua, luz, disposicin de excretas, eliminacin de basuras, nivel de educacin, disponibilidad de bienes, situaciones de pobreza, esperanza de vida al nacer, tasa de fecundidad, mortalidad materna, mortalidad infantil y causas de mortalidad materna e infantil) Read the passage from "The Tell-Tale Heart":How, then, am I mad? Hearken! and observe how healthily--how calmly I can tell you the whole story.What is the connotative meaning of the word healthily?fondlysanelyeagerlywell 1. Marta es-O pelirrojasO pelirrojoO pelirrojaO pelirrojos