
Answer 1


sorry we need more people to answer this so we can all answer each question

Answer 2
Omg I remember those in 6th grade I never did them lol

Related Questions

4. What happened to the children and
mothers during this time?



they either got burned alive or put into horrible camps. Kids were tricked into traps that killed them without knowing

FORM AND SUPPORT OPINIONS Should the Senate have ratified the Treaty of
Versailles? Support your opinion.!!!!!



no but thats just my opinion


No but that’s my opinion hmmm

The trial of John T. Scopes centered around the teaching of what prohibited topic?
O Evolution
O Creationism
O Nationalism
O Nativism


Answer: Evolution


It would be Evolution

How were African Americans affected by the Black Codes?



Under the Black Codes, all Black people, convicts or not, were subject to curfews set by their local governments. Even their day-to-day movements were heavily dictated by the state. Black farm workers were required to carry passes from their employers, and meetings Black people took part in were overseen by local officials.


Should the government be able to restrict individual rights in order to protect citizens ? PLEASEEE HELPP HURRY !! NEED BY 9:00



Those few provisions protecting individual rights include Article I, Section 9, which ... that allowed the courts to order the release of persons unlawfully imprisoned or ... “The Citizens of each State shall be entitled to all Privileges and Immunities of ... only on the power of the federal government, and not the power of the states.


PLEASE HELP ME I WILL GIVE YOU THE BRAINLY THING What was President Lamar's policy toward American Indians?
F He encouraged American Indians to settle in the Republic of Texas.
He set aside land in the Republic of Texas for American Indian reservations.
(H He negotiated peace between the Republic of Texas and several tribes.
He forced most American Indians to move out of the Republic of Texas.


Answer:  Lamar Declares, "No Compromise," 1838

Most Texans agreed with Lamar that Indians and whites could not live together as neighbors. Lamar instituted a hard-line policy that he hoped would result in the expulsion or extermination of Indians from Texas. House Journal, Third Congress of the Republic of Texas.Jun 23, 2017



Lamar hoped to convince the Cherokees to leave Texas peacefully, but he made it clear that if they did not leave, they would face unmerciful military action. Lamar sent a commission of leading hard-liners, including David G.
I hope this helped!

whats the french revolution......... lol



overthrowing the corrupt french monarchy to start a democracy




The French Revolution was a period of major social upheaval that began in 1787 and ended in 1799. It sought to completely change the relationship between the rulers and those they governed and to redefine the nature of political power. Historians widely regard the Revolution as one of the most important events in history. The displacement of these Frenchmen led to a spread of French culture, policies regulating immigration, and a safe haven for Royalists and other counterrevolutionaries to outlast the violence of the French Revolution. The French Revolution lasted 10 years from 1789 to 1799. It began on July 14, 1789 when revolutionaries stormed a prison called the Bastille. The revolution came to an end 1799 when a general named Napoleon overthrew the revolutionary government and established the French Consulate (with Napoleon as leader).


Which statement best describes the Missouri Compromise?
A. Missouri was admitted as a free state and Maine was admitted as a free state.
B. Missouri was admitted as a free state and Maine as a slave state.
C. Missouri was admitted as a slave state and Maine as a free state.
D. Missouri was admitted as a slave state and Maine as a slave state.


C. Missouri was admitted as a slave state and Maine as a free state
C! Bc it was admitted as a slave state!

Why are the English upset with the French? The Governor is now angrier and knows he must get rid of the French or else risk losing England's rights to this valuable tract of land. Why do the English want the French to vacate the land they feel is their own? How do you think Washington felt when the French would not leave Fort LeBoeuf as ordered? What do you think you will be told to do next and how do you feel about this?


Answer is given below


The French, who initially had a strong presence in the Great Lakes area, built a fort in Green Bay in 1717 to strengthen their hold on the Western Great Lakes. He fought several wars with the country of Mesakwaki (Fox). Conflicts along trade routes along the Fox-Wisconsin waterway, important to Mississippi, were damaged. The French developed a new route along the Maumi, Wabash and Ohio rivers to bypass the western lakes. Great land between the French bases of Canada and the British colonies along the east coast of North America and was supposed to be a battleground between these two European rival armies. 1754 to 1763, the British and French fought for this jungle, which had enormous potential for conflict as part of a wider seven-year war known as the French and Indian War. The French and Indian War took place in North America to determine whether Britain or France were strong powers. France and its colonists and Indian allies fought against Britain, its colonists and Indian allies. The war began with a dispute over land. French explorers were the first Europeans around the Great Lakes and the Ohio and Mississippi rivers. France sent traders and trappers to these areas and set up trade centers there. Britain claimed the same land. When the king granted land to someone in North America, no one knew where the west coast was, but it was thought to extend from the east coast to the west coast. The lands along the east coast were congested, and the settlers moved westward. The whites are destroying the hunting grounds of the Indians. Indians were worried that they would lose their land use. Indian tribes were opposed to people moving to the West if united. But their own struggles set Indian groups apart. When Britain and France started fighting each other, some Indians helped the British. Others helped the French.

can yall please help with number 2? its Tx historyyy





On June 23, 1845, a joint resolution of the Congress of Texas voted in favor of annexation by the United States.

need help asap

What caused Christianity to spread to Britain, Ireland, and northern Europe?
Most Christians migrated north to escape the Roman Empire.
Christian emperors from Rome conquered these regions.
Missionaries brought Christian teachings to these places.
People read about Christianity in books and other writings.


C because missionaries would spread religion everywhere




Franks = Germanic-speaking people who invaded the Western Roman Empire in the 5th century

Secular = denoting attitudes, activities, or other things that have no religious or spiritual basis (basically unreligious)

Charlemagne = Former King of the Franks

Feudalism = Feudalism, also known as the feudal system, was a combination of the legal, economic, military, and cultural customs

Lord = a person or deity who has authority, control, or power over others, acting like a master, a chief, or a ruler

Fief = an estate of land, especially one held on condition of feudal service

Vassal = a holder of land by feudal tenure on conditions of homage and allegiance

Serf = an agricultural laborer bound under the feudal system to work on his lord's estate

Manor = a large country house with lands

Chivalry = the medieval knightly system with its religious, moral, and social code

Hope this helps :)

How did Martin Luther King Jr. fight racism in the south



he made the biggest speech ever and there were more people agreed with it so they all standed up



he fought racisum all over amarica. he wanted everything to be equal. a place where  white boys and  black girls (or the other way around) could do to school together. be mindful that segeration was just not in the south. it was even in the north.


Who was the ruler of the diverse population of Austria-Hungary?


Franz Joseph was the ruler of the diverse population of Austria-Hungary. He ruled from (1848-1916).

Hope this helps


I believe it was Francis Joseph. I hope this helped

What branch of government deals with citizens’ conflicts in society and government?

•The Judicial Branch
•The states
•The president





I believe the correct answer is The Judicial Branch

Why were many Northerners opposed to abolition?
Many felt that the abolitionist movement was too violent

Northern mill owners and merchants depended on cotton from the South and they
saw attacks on slavery as a threat to their livelihood.
Some Northerners relied on slave labor to support their way of life.


B, it sounds logical

What did the Oak Ridge scientists conclude?


that the neutron had split the uranium atom into lighter atoms and converted some of its mass energy
The oak ridge scientist concluded that the neuron has split the uranium atoms into lighter atoms

Help pls!! True of False??



incorrect :p


Learning about Muslims death


what’s your question?
what are you asking here ?

Why is skeletal muscle tissue striated


The striations are caused by the regular arrangement of contractile proteins
Skeletal muscles are long and cylindrical in appearance; when viewed under a microscope, skeletal muscle tissue has a striped or striated appearance. The striations are caused by the regular arrangement of contractile proteins (actin and myosin).

what do you think of when you hear the word geography in your on word



I think about things that deal with the earth , volcanoes and natural elements around us even the weather

Conservatives advocate for political, economic and social
reforms by direct, and often uncompromising methods.
True or False


The answer is false, Conservative ideals are more on the traditional side.

I will award 50 points to good answers and will give brainliest as soon as you answer

From the example about whites in the image below, how is that an example of foundation myth? (Foundation myth is what historical stories are distorted, omitted or reduced to the half truth) basically, what parts of history are ignored.



Tried my best. Hope this helps! Please spell check, mine is being buggy today.


The parts of the stories that could be considered fountational myth is the fact that race was a word before whites and blacks met. It was a word with meant a competitive  sport in which to people try to win over the other. It was added to with a secound definition  after they noticed different ethnicities. Secoundly, it doesn't really explain what the need for the thrid to last sentence was. If it had gone into further clarity, maybe it would've tied in, but as it is it just doesn't make any sense. Lastly,  it doesn't explain what whites were before the term race was invented. It comments about it, but that's as far as it goes.

Which best describes the Shang class system?

O A. Only lower classes could vote.

O B. Upper-class people were buried with treasures.

O C. There was no class system in place.

D. The upper class included merchants and farmers.


There was not much of a class system
B) is the answer I just took the quiz

Which statement summarizes the Bill of Rights? 12 A It outlined the power of state governments. B It listed the grievances against the King of England. C It granted voting rights to all citizens. D It protected the rights of individuals and citizens.​



D. It protected the rights of individuals and citizens.​


The Bill of Rights of the United States Constitution is a list of ten amendments that details the rights of the citizens of the US. It explicitly states certain rights and the different protections that a citizen has the right to use.

In this context, we can safely say that the Bill of Rights provides protection to the citizen and their rights. Thus, the correct answer is option D.

can someone pls help






It's B


As someone with this disorder, I know these symptoms.

Which statement most accurately describes the modern role of the U.S. Military as a tool of foreign policy?


Options are;

A. Use of the military has become infrequent in the past 20 years.

B. The U.S. military has become less powerful than the armed forces

of other nations.

C. Since World War II, conflicts have become more complicated and

less successful.

D. Conflict between military leaders and diplomats has been a



C. Since World War II, conflicts have become more complicated and

less successful.


Shortly when the World war 2 was over, the containment policy which was led by United States of America to keep communism under check included increasing the US military bases all over the world.

However, since then, the military conflicts have become much more complicated and way less successful. Also, they have been utilizing a more political form rather than just pure military conflicts such as was seen in the Vietnam war as well as Korean war.

Due to this fact, military interventions being used as a tool of foreign policy since then has proven to be less successful.

Looking at the options, the correct one is Option C

After September 11, 2001, the United States overthrew the government of
Saudi Arabia



The answer is Afghanistan.


It was Afghanistan's government

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.” The ideas expressed by Thomas Jefferson in the excerpt were most similar to those of which enlightenment thinker



The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America

When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security. — Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government. The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States. To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid world.

please mark me brainliest and follow me my friend.

In which of the following industries are the majority of jobs in the United States and Canada found?
O A. Service
O B. education
O C. healthcare
D. tourism


A I think because service is the management of the history


i say B because education is important right now

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