


Answer 1


in (Option #4)

Answer 2


because out of all the answers "in" makes the most sense.

Related Questions

What was Chief Joseph's purpose in the surrender speech?


Chief Joseph's purpose in the surrender speech was to provide  peoples  their choices, fulfill shortage of food and comforters and he had desire to find the youngsters who were lost during in the battle.

Chief Joseph was a spokesman and caretaker for his individuals, not really a former general. Although Chief Joseph wasn't a military commander, his surrender speech cemented his reputation as a powerful Indian leader in the minds of Americans—for a long time, many presumed he was the one who led the immensely outmatched Nez Perce in a sequence of military triumphs against the United States army. When the United States military forcibly removed Chief Joseph's people from their territories in the Wallowa Valley of eastern Oregon in 1877, Chief Joseph assisted in leading some 750 men, women, and children on a nineteen combat surrender toward Canada.

To learn more about Chief Joseph refer here


Chief Joseph's purpose in the surrender speech endure support communities in their selections, conform deficiency of meat and comforters and he had the desire to find the children the one were absent all the while in the battle.

Chief Joseph was a communicator and supervisor for welcome things, not genuinely a departed inexact. Although Chief Joseph wasn't a military administrator, welcome surrender talk sealed welcome opinion as an effective Indian ruler in the minds of Americans—for a very long time, many dared he was the one who managed the excessively outmatched Nez Perce in a series of military triumphs against the United States company.

When the United States military against one will detach Chief Joseph's nation from their domains in the Wallowa Valley of eastern Oregon in 1877, Chief Joseph helped in superior few 750 husbands, girls, and minors on a nineteen combat surrender toward Canada.

To know more about Chief Joseph refer to:


What part of speech is above in the line .our blessings come from above?


There are eight parts of speech in the English language: noun, pronoun, verb, adjective, adverb, preposition, conjunction, and interjection.

What part of speech is above in the line our blessings come from above?

A preposition is a word used to indicate the direction, time or place of a thing.

It is usually used before a noun or a pronoun or a phrase.

In the above sentence, the word 'above' tells us that the blessings come straight from heaven that is from God.

Other examples of prepositions include to, for, out, etc.

The birds were soaring far over the trees, as a preposition (followed by a noun). when used as an adverb (without a noun after it): She looked up at the stars. Adverbs of place provide more specific location information.

While some location modifiers can act as prepositions when modifying nouns, when modifying verbs, they are referred to as place adverbs. Above is an example of a place adverb.

To learn more about part of speech refer to:


What personal qualities are important to be successful in this dance teacher career?


The dance teachers have strong communication, organizational, and leadership skills, allowing them to manage a classroom, organize a curriculum, and explain difficult concepts to their students.

What are the characteristics of a dance teacher?Dance is the rhythmic movement of the body, usually to music and within a specific space, for the purpose of expressing an idea or emotion, releasing energy, or simply enjoying the movement itself.A good dancer must have great coordination, a highly developed kinesthetic awareness (to know and control the position and state of the body), weight control, and balance in motion, in addition to strength and mobility.

6 characteristics of a great dance teacher

1) The ability to form a positive relationship with your child.

2) A patient, caring, and kind personality.

3) Learner knowledge.

4) Dedication to teaching.

5) Promotes and boosts your child's self-esteem.

6) Involving students in their learning.

To learn more about dancing refer to :


What is a router What are the steps followed by this device to transmit data?


A cable is used to connect a wireless router to a modem. It may now send information to the internet and receive information from it thanks to this.

What is meant by router?

An object that connects two or more packet-switched networks or subnetworks is a router. Its two primary functions are to manage traffic between these networks by forwarding data packets to their intended IP addresses and to allow several devices to share a single Internet connection.

In addition, a Wi-Fi uses radio waves to transport data over frequencies between your device and a router. In order to know where to look for information, routers frequently use IP addresses. Your computers can use routers to connect to the internet and download files from servers. It also guarantees that data is returned to the device that requested it.

To learn more about internet, visit:


Identify the type of pronoun error in the sentence.
Neither of we campers was going to the lake.


Reference is the answer

Based on context clues in this sentence, what is most likely the meaning of
the word disparage?
When running for class officer, you are not allowed to disparage the
other candidates; if you talk about them at all, you are only allowed to
say nice things.



These substitutions come quickly to mind ...  

speak ill of






Why did God allow Jesus to be born in a stable?


The stable serves as a reminder that Jesus was born into absolute poverty. The shepherds stand in for us, the people for whom Jesus came. The Bible contains many stories that feature sheep. Jesus is described as God's lamb.

The shepherds would not have been allowed to view Jesus if He had been born in a palace. The unclean shepherds loved the Son of God from Heaven who was laying in a manger in the cave that was used as a stable.

God extended an invitation to the shepherds to see His Son, Jesus. They witnessed God's dazzling brilliance while it was dark. They heard from an angel who instructed them on how to locate and recognize God's Son Jesus.

In the town of Bethlehem, they would discover Him in a manger, clothed in swaddling clothes. Jesus the King of glory was born in this tiny town, in an inconspicuous cave.

Learn more about Jesus here


The god allowed Jesus to be born in a stable to depict that he was born in the world to help everyone- not just the wealthy.

What is Christ's stable called?

The Christ's stable is called the creche - a place where Jesus was born to help all mankind.

What is important about the Christ's birth?

The Christ's birth granted us the ability to serve as a beacon of his love and grace in the world.

God allowed Jesus to be born in a stable to show all the people that God belonged to all, and his love is equal for all mankind.

Jesus mirrored the God's love by sacrificing the glory of the heaven and sharing the pain and poverty.

Learn more about Jesus here:


Can you dedicate yourself?


While scheduling one‟s preferences is one way to commit to success, it's equally important to ensure that you're dedicating your time to the most important aspects of your shots on goal at any given moment.

What is the significance of self-dedication?

Each successful person has a high degree of dedication, which indicates their commitment to achieving objectives but rather life goals. Understanding what it tends to mean to just be dedicated or decided to commit to achieving a particular goal is a fundamental life principle.

What exactly is spiritual dedication?

Commitment is a spiritual change that alters the essence or inherent meaning of something.

To know more about dedication visit:


What does it mean if you remember a dream about your crush?


According to professional dream analyst Lauri Loewenberg, "we often dream about the things that are most on our minds." It's very normal to dream about your crush, and it happens frequently when the subconscious mind is exploring potential outcomes.

Does dreaming about your crush mean they like you?

Your dream about your crush proposing to you or showing interest in you suggests your self-assured demeanor. You can be positive and certain that your relationship will work out. So, if you have this dream, prepare ready to share it with your dream partner. The good news is that having a crush in a dream signifies fresh opportunities in your life, according to Arzt.

She explains that while being enthusiastic about the prospect of being with your crush might be the case, it might also indicate that you are eager about other possibilities. Your desires might be revealed by your dreams. Typically, the feelings you have for someone in your waking life are reflected in your dreams.

To learn more about dream, refer to :


Why is Nick Carraway unreliable?


Nick is also unreliable because of his fondness for Gatsby, which affects his view of the story and is contrasted by his clear distaste for the other characters in the book.

Why is Nick Carraway unreliable?

Nick is a selective narrator because he chooses which details to include in his narrative of the events, which renders him an unreliable source. Any narrator who intentionally or unintentionally misleads readers is considered an unreliable narrator.

Due to circumstances, personality faults, or psychological issues, many people are unreliable. In rare instances, a narrator will purposefully omit or misdirect important details from readers. Any narrator who intentionally or unintentionally misleads readers is considered an unreliable narrator.

Due to circumstances, personality faults, or psychological issues, many people are unreliable. In rare instances, a narrator will purposefully omit or misdirect important details from readers.

To learn more about unreliable refer to:


Does God love humble people?


It can be argued that God does love humble people. True humility is not a sign of weakness, but rather of strength. It is essential that we look out for the interests of others, even if those others are less powerful or influential than ourselves.

In the Bible, humility is often regarded as a key component of true faith. The apostle Paul writes in Philippians 2:3-4 “Do nothing from rivalry or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others.”

This passage from the Bible highlights the importance of humility. It is essential that we look out for the interests of others, even if those others are less powerful or influential than ourselves. In order to be humble, we must not put ourselves above others or seek to dominate them.

Some people may argue that God does not love humble people because humility is a trait that is often associated with weakness. However, this is not always the case. True humility is not a sign of weakness, but rather of strength.

Some people may argue that humility is not a key component of true faith. However, this is not always the case. True faith is not based on our own abilities or accomplishments, but rather on the belief in God. Humility is a key part of trusting in God.

Learn more about Bible at :


Why is homework important for students essay?


Students can develop self-worth, tenacity, responsibility, and time management skills through homework. It's beneficial for pupils to finish their homework since it helps them form excellent habits.

Why is homework important essay?

The most important things that homework teaches pupils are responsibility, time management, perseverance, and self-worth. "The act of doing homework offers benefits in terms of helping pupils form positive habits." This demonstrates how homework is helping pupils learn a variety of abilities.

Students learn problem-solving skills via their homework. The opportunity to review content from class is provided by homework. Parents can check on their children's learning through their homework. Assuming responsibility for their part in the educational process is a skill that homework teaches pupils.

Teachers spend hours checking it, and students spend hours doing it. Although homework might be a hassle for both students and instructors, it is nonetheless required. Some people question the value of homework, yet experts agree that it is crucial.

To learn more about tenacity refer to:


Did Japan ever apologize for Nanking?


Sadly, the Japanese government refuses to offer an adequate apology for the Nanjing Massacre, in which Japanese soldiers committed atrocities against Chinese men, women, and children from late 1937 to early 1938.

Was Japan remorseful for the massacre in Nanking?

The country's Justice Minister today retracted his statements this week that the massacre of hundreds of thousands of Chinese by Japanese forces at Nanjing in 1937 was a "fabrication," as Japanese diplomats raced to quell outrage across Asia.

Does Japan have a formal apology for the war?

July 6, 1992. Koichi Kato, Chief Cabinet Secretary, stated: Regardless of their nationality or place of birth, the government wishes to reiterate its sincere apologies to all those who have endured incalculable hardship as so-called "wartime comfort women."

To learn more about Japanese government here:


Read the following passage and then answer the question below"

Excerpted from Butler, Book VIII

“I am a good hand at every kind of athletic sport known among mankind. I am an excellent archer. In battle I am always the first to bring a man down with my arrow, no matter how many more are taking aim at him alongside of me. Philoctetes was the only man who could shoot better than I could . . . . I far excel every one else in the whole world, of those who still eat bread upon the face of the earth, but I should not like to shoot against the mighty dead, such as Hercules, or Eurytus the Cechalian-men who could shoot against the gods themselves. . . . . I can throw a dart farther than any one else can shoot an arrow. Running is the only point in respect of which I am afraid some[one] might beat me . . .”

In no less than 150 words, tell who is speaking these words and what the context is. Then, explain what Odyssey theme the general subject demonstrates and what the purpose of the speaker might be.


The essay that  tell who is speaking these words and what the context is. and the thing that Odyssey theme general subject demonstrates and others is given below

Odyssey theme general subject

The passage is excerpted from Butler's Book VIII of The Odyssey. The speaker is the character Telemachus, the son of Odysseus. The context of this passage is that Telemachus is on his journey to visit Nestor and Menelaus, two important allies of his father, in order to gather news of his father and learn how to be a better leader himself.

The passage demonstrates the theme of heroism and the desire for glory. The speaker, Telemachus, is boasting about his athletic abilities, saying that he is the best at various sports and that he is an excellent archer. He compares himself to the famous archer Philoctetes and even suggests that he could have competed with legendary heroes like Hercules and Eurytus. The purpose of the speaker is to express his own confidence in his own abilities and to show that he is a worthy heir of his father.

Therefore, the  passage also hints on the desire for glory, which is an important aspect of Greek hero's mindset. Telemachus's confidence and the desire to prove himself as worthy successor of his father reflects the heroic ideals of ancient Greece. He wants to prove himself a worthy heir of his father, Odysseus, who is known as one of the greatest heroes of his time.

Learn more about Odyssey from


What lesson do you learn from the story After Twenty Years?


The narrative emphasizes the importance of loyalty, trust, and friendship by showing how Jimmy kept his pledge to his friend Bob from 20 years ago, despite having a demanding and busy schedule.

What is the central theme in the narrative 'After Twenty Years'?

In the story "After Twenty Years", since Jimmy honored his promise to his friend Bob from 20 years ago despite having a very demanding and busy job, loyalty, trust, and friendship are the story's key themes. However, they did meet that day at the arranged place.

Their reunion is only sweet in that Jimmy, whom Bob accidentally runs into while he is out on patrol, sends a plainclothes police to capture his old friend, who he had recognized as a wanted felon. However, the situational irony in "After Twenty Years" is that Bob is waiting for Jimmy yet is unaware that he is actually speaking to Jimmy.

To learn more about After Twenty Years, visit:


What happened to the milk and apples in Animal Farm?


The pigs consumed the milk and apples in Animal farm. In chapter three, the pigs will be adding milk and apples to their mash, according to Squealer.

Where are the milk and apples now? Squealer rationalized in what way?

All were taken by the pigs. In order to maintain their health and have healthy brain function, Squealer claimed that since pigs performed all of the brain work, they needed to consume apples and milk. The animals discover that every day, pigs' mash is made using a combination of mash made from pigs' mash and windfall apples from cows. Squealer responds to the animals' objections by saying that the pigs require the milk and apples in order to maintain themselves while working for the good of all the other animals. The animals stare longingly at the five milk gallons as the pigs milk them. They shouldn't worry about the milk, says Napoleon, because it will be "attended to."

To know more about Animal farm visit:


What is the importance of humility so we can remain in truth?


Humility is a virtue that is considered very important in order to remain in truth. Truth is the foundation of any good and honest relationship. If someone is not truthful, they can't be trusted and their words cannot be believed.

Humility is the key to being truthful because it allows us to be aware of our own limitations and to accept help from others. It also allows us to be compassionate and understanding towards others. Finally, humility allows us to be honest with ourselves and to recognize our own strengths and weaknesses. These are all essential qualities for a successful life.

Humility is one of the most important virtues for a Christian to have. It is the ability to recognize our own limitations and to put others first. Humility is the key to remaining in truth. When we are humble, we are able to see the truth about ourselves and others. We are able to listen and learn from others. We are able to forgive and be forgiven.

Humility is also important for our spiritual growth. When we are humble, we are able to ask God for help. We are also able to receive help from others. We are able to find peace and happiness.

Learn more about Humility at :


listening for pleasure or enjoyment is called ____________ listening.


Listening for pleasure or enjoyment is called Appreciative listening

What is Appreciative listening?

When engaging in appreciative listening, the listener looks for information that will satisfy his or her needs and goals and that they will find valuable. When listening to music, poetry, or a speech with moving words, one uses appreciative listening.

The purpose of appreciative listening is to give the speaker a sense of value and complete, unfiltered understanding. The Appreciative Listening framework makes it easy and even enjoyable to listen to people. The listening technique known as "appreciative listening" involves actively seeking out auditory information that the listener finds appealing or interesting. Appreciative listening may also be used to help someone meet needs or further a goal.

Appreciative listening can be used, for instance, when taking in high-quality music, meditation classes, poetry, audiobooks, or a speech from a well-known speaker.

Learn more about listening on:


What are the 3 following elements to consider in understanding and analyzing a persuasive text?



Ethos, Pathos, logos


The secret lies in following the advice of Aristotle, breaking down the essential elements of persuasion into three parts: (1) logos or logic, (2) ethos or ethic, and (3) pathos or emotion.

What is the moral of humility?


Humble people can take a hard look at themselves and defensively admit their own sins, limitations, and defects while still feting their individual strengths.  

Humility as a value, at its loftiest, allows selflessness and quality for a better world. A person with modesty listens to and accepts others. Humility is staying stable, maintaining power on the inside, and not demanding to control others on the outside.

Humility allows us to appreciate who we are and remain confident in our strengths and sins while designedly looking for ways to lift others to advanced situations of confidence and experience. Rather than seek the blessing of others, a humble people place a high value on feting the benefactions of others.

To learn more about humble people, visit here


What is the main disadvantage of social media?


The main disadvantage of social media is that it can be a source of distraction and negative influences, such as cyberbullying, trolling, and online harassment. Social media can also make it easier for people to spread false information and engage in unhealthy comparison with others.

What is Social media?

Social media is the collection of online communication channels for users to interact and share information, ideas, and content. It includes websites and applications that allow users to create and share text, images, videos, and audio. Social media has become an important part of everyday life and allows people to connect with each other on a global scale.

To learn more about Social media

Stored energy is:

kinetic energy
old energy
potential energy



The correct answer is potential energy.


Hope it helps you


What does the behavioral model of parent training rely on?
Group of answer choices
a. broad concepts like developmentally appropriate practice or being a supportive parent
b. training parents to take precise data every two minutes
c. observable behaviors and the environmental factors that control them
d. using procedures such as computer based training


Behavioral model of parent training relies on observable behaviors and the environmental factors that control them. The correct answer is c.

The behavioral model of parent training relies on the idea that parenting behaviors can be observed and modified through specific techniques. This model focuses on identifying specific behaviors that parents can change, such as effective communication or positive reinforcement, and teaching parents how to use these techniques in their interactions with their child.

The model also takes into account the environmental factors that can influence parenting behaviors, such as stress or lack of resources. By targeting specific behaviors and the factors that control them, the behavioral model aims to improve the overall functioning of the parent-child relationship.

To learn more about parenting visit:


How does Ethernet know destination MAC address?


Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) is the procedure that a source host employs to ascertain the IPv4 address-related destination MAC address (ARP).

How does a device know MAC address of destination?

The packets are transferred by internet routers from the source network to the destination network and finally to the local area network (LAN) that the target device is connected to. The local network, which changes the IP address into a MAC address, adds the MAC address to the data stream before sending it to the proper device.

Neighbor Discovery is the procedure a source host employs to learn the IPv6 address's associated destination MAC address (ND). Any device that may connect to a network is given a MAC by its Network Interface Card (NIC) of any device that can connect to the internet.

To learn more about internet, visit:


describe how a beanie look like in detail


A beanie is a close-fitting hat that covers the head and ears. It is typically made of a soft, stretchy material such as wool, acrylic, or a blend of these fabrics. The fabric is knitted or crocheted in a circular shape and then seamed together at the top to create a dome-like shape. The fabric is also often ribbed, which gives it a textured appearance and helps it stretch to fit the head.The beanie is worn by pulling it down over the top of the head and tucking in the hair. Some beanies have a rolled-up cuff at the bottom edge, which can be worn either folded up or down. Other beanies have a slouchy fit, with excess fabric that drapes down over the ears and neck.Beanies come in a wide range of colors and styles, from solid colors to multi-colored patterns. They can be plain or embellished with details such as pom-poms, embroidery, or appliqué. Beanies are often worn in colder weather to keep the head warm and to protect against the wind and cold. They are a popular choice for outdoor activities such as skiing, snowboarding, and hiking, as well as for everyday wear.

Read the excerpt from franklin d. roosevelt's inaugural address.
small wonder that confidence languishes, for it thrives only on honesty, on honor, on the sacredness of obligations, on faithful protection, on unselfish performance; without them it cannot live. using your knowledge of figurative language, the bold-faced section is an example of which technique? a. alliteration b. metaphor
c. simile d. personification


The correct answer would me metaphor, since it is creatively used to demonstrate that someone or something shares characteristics with another object in Roosevelt's speech.

What is the central idea of the inaugural address?

President Roosevelt criticised the frightening response to local problems while lamenting the nation's economic situation at the time. He urged Americans to look for workable solutions to the issues that were pressing them in the face. Roosevelt's counsel to the populace was helpful in that he suggested a variety of practical actions they might take to increase their prospects of surviving the economic troubles. Putting the people to work would be one of the main ways that this would be done.

To know more about Roosevelt, check out:


Answer: Personification

Explanation: Confidence cannot physically languish or "live." It does not physically "thrive on honesty." This is an example of personification.

1. An organization should focus on external supply:
a. when planning for promotions.
b. when organizing training and development.
c. when determining retention initiatives.
d. when a shift in culture, techniques and practices is required.
2 points QUESTION 3
1. Which of the following does not measure efficiency, and should not be used to measure the efficiency of HR programs
a. Time - amount of time it takes to perform various tasks
b. Volume - the number of items or people processed
c. Cost - the amount an organization pays per hour
d. Quality - how good the program is


An organization should focus on external supply "when organizing training and development" that is option 'B'

The term "External Supply" refers to potential employees who are either currently in a transitional stage, between jobs, or unemployed, are undergoing training (such as university students), working for competitors, or are members of unions or professional associations.

Quality doesn't measure the efficiency. Efficiency is dependent on the amount of time invested in correspondence to the cost an organizations pays. However, effectiveness is concerned the quality.

For further information regarding organizations, click the link below:


Do you think doing homework is important for students give reason?


Education in time management is provided by homework. Students that have homework learn how to prioritize their tasks.

Is homework helpful or harmful to students?

Students learn time management skills through homework. Students learn how to prioritize tasks through homework. By giving their pupils homework, teachers can assess how well their lessons are being absorbed by their students. Students learn problem-solving skills via their homework.

It seems that students in middle and high school have a lot to gain academically by completing their assignments. The average high school student who completed their homework performed better than 69% of the students in a class who did not. Middle school homework wasn't as productive.

While classroom instruction places a strong emphasis on conceptual clarity, homework is designed to assist students formulate responses to questions within a set time limit. Students get valuable time management skills as a result of this. For students taking exams, this is useful.

To learn more about management skills refer to:


What is one of figurative speech use in the poem?




simile, metaphor, personification, hyperbole, and understatement.

What is the purpose of the inaugural parade?


The first gathering of a new organisation or the first speech made by a new leader of an organisation or a nation is known as an inaugural meeting or address. A parade is a grouping of people or vehicles that pass through a crowded area to mark a significant occasion.

INTERESTING FACTS about inaugural parade:

*Since George Washington took the inaugural oath of office in 1789, the   Inaugural Parade has become a presidential institution.

*The custom of watching the parade procession from the White House after the inaugural celebrations, as opposed to on the route to the swearing-in ceremony, was established by President Grant in 1873.

*The first president to participate in the procession in a car was Warren Harding in 1921.

Learn to know more about parade:


The first gathering of a new organisation or the first speech made by a new leader of an organisation or a nation is known as an inaugural meeting or address. A parade is a grouping of people or vehicles that pass through a crowded area to mark a significant occasion.

INTERESTING FACTS about inaugural parade:

*Since George Washington took the inaugural oath of office in 1789, the   Inaugural Parade has become a presidential institution.

*The custom of watching the parade procession from the White House after the inaugural celebrations, as opposed to on the route to the swearing-in ceremony, was established by President Grant in 1873.

*The first president to participate in the procession in a car was Warren Harding in 1921.

Learn to know more about parade:


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