"Her eyes are like blue pools of sparkling water."

This is a ...

A. personification example

B. metaphor example

C. simile example


Answer 1




Its a simile because it says "Like"

Answer 2




Anything using like or as is an example of a simile.

Related Questions

what do you do when your teacher makes your head hurt


i jump off of a bridge, hoping for them to shhhh

Read the following and answer the question.
Which of the following questions is most likely answered in this excerpt?

Ortega knew he had to find the owner of the briefcase since it contained so much money. “I know I could have kept the money and no one would have known,” said Ortega. “But that’s not being honest.” Ortega spoke to the grocery store clerk and found the owner of the briefcase because he knew it was the right thing to do.

Where did it happen?
Why did it happen?
Who did it?
How did it happen?


Answer: hope this helps tell me ur score later! :)


here are my two thoughts it said were it happend " Ortega spoke to the grocery store clerk and found the owner of the briefcase because he knew it was the right thing to do."


Why did it happen?

"Ortega knew he had to find the owner of the briefcase since it contained so much money. “I know I could have kept the money and no one would have known,” said Ortega. “But that’s not being honest.”

Where did it happen

! Olivia has 5 coupons! She wants a new tablet. The tablet originally cost $800. She has a coupons for 5% off, 10% off, 15% off, 20% off, and 25% off.What is the final price after she applies each coupon? Show work.




please help ASAP 10 points

In which sentence is the verb extinguish used incorrectly?

1 An uprising by the army threatened to extinguish the newly formed government.
2 Anthony hoped to extinguish himself by winning the debate competition.
3 The volcano's eruption extinguished all life in surrounding areas.
4 The firefighters extinguished the blaze before it spread to other buildings.





The 2nd one is used incorrectly

Please help!

Either Impressionist music or paintings (is, are) to be discussed in today's





Why does Bob Cratchit go upstairs in the future?

a. The body of his dead son is there
b. He is very tired
c. He is getting presents for the Children
d. He has to use the bathroom





7. What is the DEPENDENT CLAUSE in the following sentence: When leaders 1 point
attempt to navigate the slippery slope of fairness, they will find themselves
arbiter of public opinion and hostage to the politically correct.
when leaders attempt to navigate the slippery slope of fairness
they will find themselves arbiter of public opinion and hostage to the politically
none of the above





Many companies monitor their employees at work. Companies use technology to do this. Monitoring can help companies. But it can upset workers. What do you think?

Advances in technology have led to an unacceptable loss of individual privacy.


Explain why you choose your answer the way you did.



I agree. The internet is a dangerous place. People can do very imature and very volgure things on the internet. Hackers can hack into your computer, phone, i-pad and many other devises.


I agree because you never know what people will do these day some people could try to help while other not so much

When I see the newest model cars fly toward me, I scream like it's my birthday and cry happy tears.

Adverb Phrase

Adverb Clause

Adjective Clause

Adjective Phrase





about How much of the world population does the United states Makeup???



the United States population is equivalent to 4.25% of the total world population. the U.S.A. ranks number 3 in the list of countries (and dependencies) by population.



the United States population is equivalent to 4.25% of the total world population. the U.S.A. ranks number 3 in the list of countries (and dependencies) by population.


g.o.o.g.l.e <3

Which statement provides the best definition of external conflict?

A) A struggle between a person and other people, nature, or society
B) A conflict that a person has within his or her own mind
C) A compromise that is the result of an argument between people


A- A struggle between a person and other people, nature, or society
A- A because an external conflict is a struggle that takes place outside the persons body

True or False Bible Question
3. The Name of the sons of Idrael would be worn by Aaron when he went into the holy place.



The Name of the sons of Israel would be worn by Aaron when he went into the holy place.



If you were going to run a marathon in 6 months, what things might you do to get ready for it?


This sounds like something the teacher wants you to figure out in your own words.

How should I prepare in the weeks before the marathon?

Your last long run should take place approximately three weeks prior to the marathon. It takes that long for the training-induced muscle damage to resolve. Adding one more long run could lead to trouble. There will be minimal gain, if any, and may cause an athlete to suffer from "dead legs" during the event.
The mileage two weeks before the race should be reduced by 25% to 50% versus the previous week. You should further cut this mileage in half the week before the race.
This period may be when you wonder, "Did I train enough?" Don’t worry. You cannot make up training in the last two weeks. You will not de-condition while you are tapering off. If you put in the training, you are ready.
Like you taper your work to restore your muscles, focus on sleep the week prior to the race. Your body will appreciate it. Even if nervousness stops you from getting sleep the night before the race, the extra sleep you got during the preceding week will make up for this.
This is a good time to review the map of the course. Visualize yourself cruising along the course, enjoying the trip.

What to eat and drink before the marathon

Make sure you are well-hydrated prior to the start of the race. Drink lots of water during the week before the race. This optimizes your hydration before you hit the start line.

Eat a diet rich in complex carbohydrates, such as breads, rice, pasta and starchy vegetables. This helps maximize your glycogen (energy) stores. Don't experiment with new foods this week. Carbohydrate loading (carb loading) can be complicated. Try it some other time, perhaps before other long runs.

Be sure you have on hand your hydration and food sources for the race, including an electrolyte source. Be sure these are the same you have tested during your long runs. Nothing new on race day!

Adjust your strength training

Consider tapering your strength training for the last four months of training. For the last six-eight weeks prior to an event, strength training should consist only of calisthenics, ball exercises, Pilates or other strength training methods with minimal external resistance. The goal is not to build new muscle, but to maintain your strength going into your event.

There should be no strength training the week of an event. You need to rest your muscles and prepare them for the race.

How should I prepare the day before the marathon?

Lay out the clothing that you will wear. Do not wear a new outfit for the race — 26.2 miles is a long way to run if something is chafing you. A clothing tag can become a painful enemy very quickly.

Do not wear new shoes in the marathon. Wear a pair that you have worn during a few long runs (as long as they did not create any problems). Remember, nothing new on race day ever!

Be prepared for anything. Fill a gym bag with the essentials:

Dry shirt.
Extra pair of socks.
Tissue (you never know when the portable toilet supply will run out).
Extra shoelaces.
Hat or cap.
Vaseline® (or other lubricant).
Extra safety pins.
Blister care products.
Whatever else is a must for you.
You can throw your sweats into the bag prior to starting the race. Most races have a baggage check area.

Should we stay fully remote, return to blended, or go all-in? Write at least one paragraph in support of your position . Be sure to write at least six sentences and include your position and supporting reasons.



fully remote because it's more safer and better

I believe that we should stay fully remote because it is much safer this way. Even with small blended classrooms, there is opportunity to spread the disease. Going “all in” would cause a rapid spread of the virus and could be detrimental to students and their families. Students should have the option to stay fully remote because many families include people who are immunocompromised. Returning to school in any capacity creates even more risk for these people and their families. It is an all around safer option to continue being fully remote until the pandemic is over.

Read this sentence:

In some cultures, showing the bottom of your feet is taboo and forbidden by society at large.

Which word is a synonym context clue for taboo?




The word is forbidden. it is forbidden because a taboo is an illegal action. If it is illegal then it is also forbidden.





I you have a friend and he/she is not talking to you anymore. Type here and I hope you luck to fix your friendship!



I do


she mean tho..........


Explanation: because I am home schooled just for this year

Please help!!

Either Impressionist music or paintings (is, are) to be discussed in today's lecture.





Do you think the United States uses more than its share of the world's timber? why or why not? PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEE HELPPPP I BEGGED YOUUUUU PLEASEEEE



yes The United States of America has eight percent of the forested area of the world - some 770 million acres (312 million hectares). Fourteen percent of the world's growing stock (including 18 percent of the softwood growing stock) is in the United States. This country cuts about one fifth of the timber removed from the world's forests. Although some forest products are exported, most of this cut is for domestic consumption. The United States also imports more forest products than she exports. Imports are primarily softwood lumber, newsprint paper, wood pulp and pulpwood


Read this passage from Liesl's brother's diary.

I draw pictures of New York in my diary every night. Every time I think about New York, my legs jitter with excitement. Everything will be so new and different! I practice English with everyone I know, even with my family who still wants to speak to me in German. I'm starting to think in English and can't wait until English is all I speak. People walk around here like they are sad, but I couldn't be happier. I think I've already forgotten my life in Hamburg. Ellis Island, here we come!

In the fourth paragraph of "A Letter from the Atlantic," Liesl wonders what will happen "if the English all around [her] displaces the German of [her] youth."

How does Liesl's viewpoint conflict with that of her brother?

A. Liesl fears she will not speak English well, while her brother is confident in his English skills.
B. Liesl plans to remain proficient in German, while her brother plans to embrace English.
C. Liesl worries about losing ties to her home culture, while her brother looks forward to joining a new culture.
D. Liesl is certain she will be able to embrace two cultures, while her brother thinks he must choose one.


I think answer A is the best choice
sounds the best and makes more sense

Answer the following question about music using at least 7 complete sentences.

Listen to some classical music. Then, reflect on how the music influenced what you wrote and how you felt while writing.


I listened to xxxtentacion and it made me feel old because it is a old artist from 6 years ago and it made me sad to think i’m growing up.
I listened to The Swan by Carnival of The Animals. It sounded like clouds and make me feel like I was levitating LOL

Oi can someone help me it due today.



Ah- like taking a breath

Amazing- great

Husband- significant other

wish- as in hope

we- together

yearly- every year

to- a place

and- also


i dont know if this is right











Egads-Proper noun








which of the rules to live by in "if " are similar to a rule or theme in bud not buddy

heres the poem

If you can keep your head when all about you

Are losing theirs and blaming it on you;

If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,

But make allowance for their doubting too:

If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,

Or being lied about, don’t deal in lies,

Or being hated, don’t give way to hating,

And yet don’t look too good, nor talk too wise;

If you can dream—and not make dreams your master;

If you can think—and not make thoughts your aim,

If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster

And treat those two impostors just the same:

If you can bear to hear the truth you’ve spoken

Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools,

Or watch the things you gave your life to, broken,

And stoop and build ‘em up with worn-out tools;

If you can make one heap of all your winnings

And risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss,

And lose, and start again at your beginnings

And never breathe a word about your loss:

If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew

To serve your turn long after they are gone,

And so hold on when there is nothing in you

Except the Will which says to them: “Hold on!”



im a guy and i like this poem did u make


Anytime an adult cautions you to pay attention and speaks to you in a soothing tone, do not pay attention and instead run away as quickly as you can because something truly terrible is about to happen. especially if the police are following you.

What is the theme of the story Bud Not Buddy?

A main idea or point that the author wants the reader to comprehend is known as a theme. There are four main themes in Christopher Paul Curtis' book Bud, Not Buddy. They are the value of family, the virtues of hope and tenacity, and the consequences of racism.

Most likely because Bud's name encapsulates everything that occurs in the book. Look at this: Bud is a "little fist of love" who fights with his foster brother, sleeps with a knife in his mouth, and uses a rake to whack hornets' nests.

Learn more about the theme here:



Figurative language uses words that we have to figure out what they mean in a sentence.

A. True

B. False





figurative language uses words that in a way, don't get straight to the point, this allows readers to want to try to understand them more, with engages the readers.

I need a topic, main idea and details please and thank you :/

also, you prob don't care but I'm listing to classical music rn :)


Maybe consent or equal rights

The number devil started doing the problem in his head, but his face turned bright red again and swelled up like a balloon. Was it because he was angry, Robert wondered, or because the problem was hard?

“Wait a second,” the number devil mumbled. “I can’t seem to come up with anything. You were right. It doesn’t work. How did you know?”

“I didn’t. You don’t think I’m crazy enough to try a problem like that do you? I was just guessing.”

“Guessing? Guessing is not allowed in Mathematics! Mathematics is an exact science!”

“But when you said that numbers don’t stop, that they go on till the cows come home, that was a guess, wasn’t it?”

“How dare you? What are you, anyway? A beginner! A rank amateur! And you want to teach me my trade?”

—The Number Devil,
Hans Magnus Enzenberger

What is one difference between Robert and the Number Devil that you learn from the passage?

Robert likes to guess, but the number devil does not.
The Number Devil asks questions, but Robert does not.
The Number Devil likes doing math, but Robert does not.



Robert likes to guess, but the number devil does not.


He says that guessing is not allowed so he never does it but robert thinks its ok to geuss when you know the answer.


I made this account to give brainliest to person on top :3


What is one of your special moments?



    The most special moment that I could possibly think of was when my aunt and uncle adopted me and my little brother after four years with them.

    Just a few weeks before my brother's birthday in April, a lady from D.H.S. came to pick us up. We weren't sure what was going on until we arrived at my aunt and uncle's house. They took us in with no problem.

    We still live with them to this day and I don't think that we've ever been happier.

is the word jump and hop would be considered
A. denotations
B. synonyms
C. connotations
D. antonyms





Yes the answer B I took the test

Answer from the pic please





4^2 + 2^2 = ~4.47^2





Just revise the passage, like it says. Replace some words, spruce it up a bit. Make sentences more formal than they are informal.


For example, in the sentence "stop them from bringing products in," you could say "stop them from importing products." Just find a good spot for the words export and blockade, like it tells you to. Review every single sentence - How can you improve them, or make them sounds better?

Just revise the passage, like it says

Which statement contains personification?
-To which the future is as was the past
-Pillars of the sky at rest
-They have been here now for too long a time
-of their peace


pilars of the sky at rest
Other Questions
another question, what is 94939423^2 have fun! A rectangular prism is shown below. What is the lateral surface area? ____________is the unnecessary or improper use of a drug for non-medical purposes.A. Over-dosingB. Withdrawal symptomsC. Substance abuseD. Psychological dependency Consider the line 2x+8y=8.What is the slope of a line parallel to this line?What is the slope of a line perpendicular to this line? Words to knowFill in this table as you work through the lesson. You may also use the glossary tohelp you.analysisa carefulcharacterizationthe way a character isconflictabetween two forcesnuity, Inc. In C3 cycle one carbon compound is accepted by? Below is an equilateral triangle. Find the value of x, then find the value of a side length. Who were the people who led the synagogues? J'ai un problme avec ma voiture donc je vais chez le mcanicien. What is interarchyWill be giving 15 points! Earthquakes can occur when _____.A plates of ocean crust and continental crust collide, releasing huge amounts of energyB volcanoes erupt and release huge amounts of energy along faultsC a huge amount of magma pushes crust apart along seamsD two plates rub against each other along faults, releasing huge amounts of energyi think its A or C but im not sure I need the answer and dont put a random wrong answer just because you need points i really need to know this answer If a baby's leg pops out at 11:59PM but his head doesn't come out until 12:01, which day was he born on? Compare these costs.48 paper plates for $2.9975 paper plates for $3.99 Please I need Help!! Prophase I Metaphase I Anaphase I Telophase I Prophase II Metaphase II Anaphase II Telophase II Is playstatium a mineral? Which chemical equations show a precipitation reaction?Select all the correct answers.2NaNO3(aq) + NiCl2(aq) 2NaCl(aq) + Ni(NO3)2(aq)MgSO4(aq) + CaCl2(aq) MgCl2(aq) + CaSO4(s)AlBr3(aq) + 3LiI(aq) AlI3(aq) + 3LiBr(aq)FeCl2(aq) + Na2CO3(aq) FeCO3(s) + 2NaCl(aq)2AgNO3(aq) + Na2S(aq) Ag2S(s) + 2NaNO3(aq) Which expression is equivalent to 8(5-2a)? did i get this question right?? please help me omg :(( Suppose you have 4 purple marbles, 3 green marbles, and 5 red marbles.If 4 marbles are selected at random, what is the probability you will get exactly 1 purple?*Note, write your answer as the most reduced fraction possible.For example 1/3 NOT 6/18.