How did political and social changes in Europe during the 1100's lead to an increase in trade?
a. More centralized governments and increased social movement allowed for economic freedoms
b. Less centralized governments and increased social movements allowed for economic freedoms
c. Less centralized governments and decreased social movements allowed for economic freedoms
d. More centralized governments and decreased social movements allowed for economic freedoms


Answer 1

More centralized governments and increased social movement allowed for economic freedoms are the political and social changes in Europe during the 1100's lead to an increase in trade. Hence, option A is correct.

How is Europe during the 1100s?

There have been many changes, but I think the Crusades, the cessation of barbarian invasions, the rise in population, the creation of cities, the ability to employ agricultural surpluses for trade, and so forth, are the best.

Europe saw upheavals when the X century gave way to the XI century. The medieval world experienced an era of peace, safety, and growth once the barbarian invasions finally came to an end.

Thus, option A is correct.

For more information about Europe during the 1100s, click here:


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The Four Great Classics of China?


The Four Great Classical Novels are four works of art in Chinese literature. Writings from the Ming and Qing eras include Dream of the Red Chamber, Outlaws of the Marsh, Romance of the Three Kingdoms, and Journey to the West.

Who is the father of chinese literature?

Lu Xun the father of contemporary Chinese literature, Zhou Shure, who has been better known since the early 1920s by his pen name Lu Xun, was widely recognized in his own time as the best representation of the country's conscience. His early success was based on a body of short stories he wrote in the contemporary Chinese vernacular, which were frequently scathing but also occasionally hilarious. However, he also produced prose, poetry, polemical essays, literary history, and cultural criticism. As a master of the feuilleton, he gained fresh notoriety and power. He used it as a rhetorical weapon against the Nationalist Party, which assumed control of the republic's government in the 1930s, as well as the warlord regime in Beijing in the late 1920s.

To know more about chinese literature, refer:


In 1912, factory workers included __.
a. only men
b. only women
c. only men and women
d. men, women, and children


C, only men and women :)

He does not worry about incurring reproach for those vices without which he can hardly maintain his position, because when we carefully examine the whole matter, we find some qualities that look like virtues, yet – if the prince practices them-they will be his destruction, and other qualities that look like vices, yet –if he practices them – they will bring him safety and well-being.


The person who made the above statement is Niccolo Machiavelli. The comment was made in chapter 15 of his book, The Prince.

What is The Prince about?

Niccol Machiavelli's 1513 political book, The Prince is a brief treatise on how to gain power, establish a state, and maintain it. It reflects Machiavelli's attempt to give a roadmap for political action based on historical lessons and his own experience as a foreign secretary in Florence.

The Prince's overarching subject is that princely goals, such as glory and survival, can justify the employment of immoral means to attain such goals. According to Machiavelli's correspondence, a version with the Latin title De Principatibus was issued in 1513. (Of Principalities).

Machiavelli's goal in creating 'The Prince' was twofold: first, to demonstrate to a ruler or would-be ruler how to maintain a secure a wealthy state in the midst of the political turbulence of early 16th century Italy, and second, to redeem himself in the eyes of Florence's ruler, Lorenzo de' Medici.

Learn more about The Prince:


Full Question:

"He does not worry about incurring reproach for those vices without which he can hardly maintain his position, because when we carefully examine the whole matter, we find some qualities that look like virtues, yet – if the prince practices them-they will be his destruction, and other qualities that look like vices, yet –if he practices them – they will bring him safety and well-being."

Who made the above statement?

What was daily life like in the internment camps? Cite at least 2 examples from your reading.

What impact did the internment camps have upon those affected?


Internees slept in barracks or cramped rooms without running water, ate in huge mess halls, and conducted much of their daily business in public.

"Psychological distress and cardiovascular illness resulted. Former internees had a 2.1 higher risk of cardiovascular disease, mortality, and premature death than non-internees."

This is further explained below.

What are the internment camps?

Generally, At least 125,284 persons of Japanese heritage were forcefully transferred and detained by the United States government during World War II.

There were 75 documented detention locations where these people were held. The majority of people resided in concentration camps in the western interior of the nation, which were located along the Pacific Coast.

Internees slept in barracks or tiny compartments without running water, ate their meals in enormous mess halls, and conducted the majority of their daily business in public while they were in the camps. Camp life had a distinct military aspect.

What kind of repercussions did the internment camps have?

"The long-term effects on health included mental agony as well as an elevated risk of cardiovascular disease.

According to the findings of a survey, formerly interned individuals had a 2.1 times higher risk of cardiovascular illness, cardiovascular mortality, and premature death when compared to their non-interned counterparts."

Read more about cardiovascular illness


What 2 cities are not within Muslim lands?


Paris, France

Orlando, Florida

These two cities are not within Muslim lands, are not considered Muslim lands, and are not under the rule of Muslims .

Describe the “golden age of jewish culture” in Spain during the middle ages.


The golden age of Jewish culture in Spain, which coincided with the Middle Ages in Europe, was a period of Muslim rule during which, intermittently, Jews were generally accepted in society and Jewish religious, cultural, and economic life flourished.

What this word means Assumption


According to the Oxford Dictionary, an assumption is a thing that is accepted as true or as certain to happen, without proof.

A thing that is accepted as true or as certain to happen ,without proof

But answer this question:
The First Amendment Protections are broad, but they are not unlimited. Where would you draw the line between what should be protected and what shouldn't?
Each Group should focus on one protected freedom:

Group 1- Religion
Group 2-Assembly
Group 3-Petition
Group 4 - Press
Group 5-Speech


Group 1 - Religion should be protected because everyone has a right to express their religion. However Religion should not be protected in a political sense that laws should accommodate to a specific religion.

Group 2 - Assembly should be protected since if the people need to assemble against the government, they should. The government is for the people and the people have a right to disagree and voice it together.

Group 3 - Similar to group 2 (assembly), if the people disagree with something with the government they should be able to voice it and appeal to authority with respect to a particular cause.

Group 4 - Press should be protected since it is critical to a democracy in which the government is accountable to the people. A free media functions as a watchdog that can investigate and report on government wrongdoing.

Group 5 - Speech should be protected since it supports the freedom of an individual or a community to articulate their opinions and ideas without fear of retaliation, censorship, or legal sanction.

The approximately 500,000 enslaved Africans that were taken to British North America represented about what percentage of the Atlantic slave trade?


Answer:1700 there were 27,817 enslaved Africans in British North America. In 1740, there were 150,024. By 1770, the number of slaves had grown to 462,000, about one-fifth of the total colonial population.


Essay bout republican of china


Essay on Republicans of china

China is a country with a rich cultural history, a large population and some of the most majestic mountains in the world. This country is the third largest and most populous in the world. It is also home to one of the first recorded civilizations. Thanks to its large mountains, it is rich in natural resources from the earth. China produces a wide range of products from steel to cameras to synthetic materials. Electricity production is one of the largest in the world. Its government is one of the oldest in the world since 1726. All these things make up China, so let's get into the details, starting with geography.

China is officially the People's Republic of China and is located in East Asia. To the north of it lie several countries, such as Russia, Mongolia and Kazakhstan. It borders to the west on Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Pakistan and India. In the south are Bhutan, Myanmar, Vietnam and Laos. Almost all of eastern China is bordered by water. There are more than 3,

00 offshore islands, the largest of which is Hainan in the South China Sea. The area of ​​China is about 3,696,100 square kilometres excluding the Republic of China. China is a very mountainous country, with

3% of the land is classified as mountainous. China is also home to some of the world's largest mountains, including Mt. Everest and K2. All mountains are surrounded by many plains and valleys. These regions are rich in water and mineral resources.

The population of China consists mainly of people under 30 years of age. The government wanted to try to control the population, but it didn't work. So China has the largest population in the world and is very crowded. Most people differ not in the race, but in religion or language. The current population is 1,306,000,000 and growing at an incredible rate. Putonghua is spoken in China and most people know it as Mandarin. China is trying to change its written language to simplify it. There are two main religions in China:

Christianity Buddhism.

Both religions practice their religion openly.

To learn more about the republican of china. visit;


What’s the correct answer answer asap for brainlist


Answer: Panamanians had revolted against the Colombian government, declared the independent Republic of Panama, and established a provisional government junta.


Is it offensive for sports teams and their fans to use Indigenous names, imagery and gestures? A common question is; "is it pride or racism?"
What is currently being done, and what still needs to change, to address systemic racism in Canada towards Indigenous people? In your opinion, how can average Canadians contribute to this change?


It is offensive for sports teams and their fans to use Indigenous names, imagery and gestures because it is racism to address systemic racism in Canada towards Indigenous people then there must be law that will guide that and penalty for defaulters.

What is the act of racism?

Racism can be described a the ct of discrimination between people which is usually as a result of he differences in the color.

It should be noted that this can as well be seen in sport activities, as sen in the question, however this can be savaged by making a law against this act as well as the penalties for anyone that is found guilty of this.

Read more about sports at:


What did Augusta Savage's education look like in her youth?


Answer:In 1921 she enrolled at Cooper Union in the four-year sculpture course, but her instructors quickly waived many of the classes in light of her talent. She graduated in three years. In 1923 Savage became the focus of a racial scandal involving the French government and the American arts community.


In your opinion, did the facts presented support the claim that the military situation justified the temporary suspension of parts of the Constitution? Justify your answer*


The US government ordered the relocation and arrest of Japanese Americans living in that region based on military advice that there was a real threat of Japanese invasion of the west coast, as well as a credible threat of Japanese espionage. This was justified.

What was it about?

The Supreme Court decided that Korematsu's violation of the evacuation order was legal, and that it was unnecessary to consider the constitutional racial discrimination problems in this case.

According to the majority view, the court should not address the full of the order under which Korematsu was convicted, which contained provisions compelling individuals to report to assembly and relocation facilities. The majority felt it was only essential to determine on the constitutionality of the specific clause under which Korematsu was convicted.

Learn more about Constitution on:


Complete the following extended response question: Who should have the power?

• Develop a claim in response to the question.
• Cite evidence from the provided sources to support your claim.
• Use your knowledge of government in your response.


Power should be held by intellectuals and the most studied and prepared people in society, as Plato stated in his book "The Laws".

Who should have the power?

From our point of view, power is a good that all citizens of a society must possess because this would allow no one to have more power than others and thus take advantage of this condition for their own benefit. In general, I believe that the way power is distributed in democracy is good because it allows for organization through representation and surveillance of citizens through different forms of participation.

On the other hand, according to the text The Laws of Plato, democracy is a failed system that should not be applied in society. All this because who reaches government positions are people who elected the majority, that is to say that everyone does not agree with this decision.

On the other hand, the fact that whoever is elected is the one with the most votes allows only those people who have the greatest influence in society to be elected, even if they are not prepared for their positions. Therefore, Plato argued that only those intellectual individuals prepared to hold public office should do so because they would be fully aware of their actions and their impact on society. On the other hand, society would be prevented from being managed by ignorant people (as is happening in some cases today).

Note: This question is incomplete because there is some information missing. Here is the complete information:

Source of information:

Plato "The Laws"

Learn more about government in:


SOmeone pleaee help me like relally fast becuase i have to go so PLEASE.


First, let's go over a few primary factors behind the collapse of Rome.

#1: East-West Split

The East was the more powerful half of the empire. Constantinople was easily defended and the richest and most populous provinces like Anatolia and Egypt were in the East.

This left the West economically weakened and missing key population centers for recruiting.

#2: Corruption

Corruption really killed Rome in a number of ways. The system was so broken it is hard to imagine how it could be repaired.

The rich were able to bribe their way into paying no taxes. The middle-class tax collectors were responsible for collecting a set amount and if they failed they would be forced to pay out of pocket to cover the shortfall.

So they would squeeze and abuse the lower and middle classes for every possible penny. This led to rampant poverty and even then the tax collectors never collected enough. So the Empire never got enough money- leading to a perpetual treasury shortage.

In addition, Roman politics didn’t look so good anymore. Political careers were seen as dangerous and corrupt so the brilliant and capable avoided political careers and focused on working in the private sector instead.

#3: A shift in economics

Rome had experienced an economic shift after the crisis. The Empire was short on slaves as all conquest had stopped. So the wealthy Roman landowners began to rely on cheap laborers to run their massive estates.

The landowners did not want their labor force to be recruited. So they used their wealth to shield their estates from recruiting.

#4: A shift in religion

Rome became a Christian Empire with the rise of Constantine the Great. While this was not as bad as many made it out to be (Edward Gibbon) it nonetheless caused significant problems.

The biggest problem was determining what branch of Christianity was Orthodox and what wasn’t. There was an immediate divide in the Christian community and this divide led to conflict and political struggles.

#5: Barbarians inside the gates

The Goths showed up on the border in the 370s. Valens, the emperor at the time allowed them to settle.

Many other barbarians start making incursions into Roman territory.

#6: Racism

Rome had been uncommonly tolerant throughout its history. Their ability to abandon ideas or cultural elements without prejudice was among their greatest strengths.

Rome was tolerant of all cultures and religions- to a degree that’s hard to imagine for the time. They were not perfect but this toleration allowed them to rule over one of the most ethnically diverse empires in history.

But around the late 300s, the Roman aristocracy decided to draw a strange line. Now being a full-blooded Roman was necessary to be taken seriously.

Pls Mark As Brainliest

1. If a black soldier was capture by the Confederate forces, they were often threatened with what?
A. Enslavement
B. Death
C. Being sold to another country
D. Both A & B



both A & B


cause there black and those people are racist

The citizen-soldiers became loyal to
C laws
D generals
A senators
B Carthaginians


The Citizen Soldiers Became Loyal To (D) The Generals Which Who Paid Them
the citizen soldiers become loyal to (D) the generals.

Which government intervention would most likely cause problems for inhabitants of region marked “Indian territory”?


The Homestead Act is perhaps most likely to pose issues for people who live in areas designated as "Indian Territory." As a result, Option (A) is the appropriate response.

What is Homestead Act?

The United States had various statutes known as the "Homestead Acts" that allowed applicants to obtain ownership of public or government land, often known as a "homestead."

Congress created the Homestead Act of 1862, which gave 160 acres of federal property to anyone who committed to farming it, in order to aid in the development of the American West and promote economic progress. Individual settlers received millions of acres of land in the west as a result of the act.

Hence, the accurate answer is option (A).

Learn more about Homestead Act, from:


Your question is incomplete, probably the complete question is-

Which government intervention would most likely cause problems for inhabitants of region marked “Indian territory”?

A) Homestead Act

B) Battle of Sand Creek

C) Bureau of Indian Affairs

D) Dawes Act

Pls help. Multiple choices


He established a committee of reformers (1792–1793) and issued a number of new laws known as the nizam–cedid (“new order”) as a whole.These included changes to taxation, land tenure, and provincial governorships.

What is called for Selim III's reforms?

Selim III, an Ottoman sultan from 1789 to 1807 who implemented a program of Westernization and whose reign was marked by the intellectual and political upheaval brought on by the French Revolution, was born on December 24, 1761, in Constantinople, Ottoman Empire (currently Istanbul, Turkey), and passed away on July 29, 1808, in Constantinople.Selim, an outstanding poet and composer of Ottoman classical music, had previously enjoyed more independence than the previous Ottoman princes.Selim's enthusiasm for reform was influenced by his father, Mustafa III (reigned 1757–1744). When Selim became emperor on April 7, 1789, he made an effort to put an end to the social, economic, and administrative upheaval the empire was experiencing.He established a committee of reformers (1792–1793) and issued a number of new laws known as the nizam–cedid (“new order”) as a whole.These included changes to taxation, land tenure, and provincial governorships.More noteworthy were his changes to the military: he established new corps of infantry educated and equipped along European lines, funded by proceeds from forfeited and escheated fiefs as well as by taxes on alcohol, tobacco, and coffee, in addition to new military and naval colleges.Finally, Ottoman embassies were established in the major capitals of Europe to allow for direct interaction with the West. The treaties of Sistova (Svishtov; 1791) with Austria and of Jassy (1792) with Russia had to be signed by Selim, who ascended to the throne during a war (1787-92) with Austria and Russia.Napoleon's invasion of Egypt in 1798 compelled Selim to form an alliance with Russia and Great Britain.Following the French withdrawal from Egypt (1801), Selim, inspired by Napoleon's victories in Europe, not only acknowledged him as emperor (1804), but also declared war on Russia and Great Britain (1806) according to General Sébastiani, Napoleon's ambassador in Constantinople. The set of Ottoman reforms implemented under Mahmud's sons Abdülmecid I (reigned 1839–61) and Abdülaziz is known as the Tanzimat (1861–76).The Hatt-erif of Gülhane ("Noble Edict of the Rose Chamber"; November 3, 1839) and the Hatt-Hümayun ("Imperial Edict"; February 18, 1856) are the two reforms that are most well-known. There has been a great deal of debate around the Tanzimat.Many Western scholars have criticized Ottoman reform pledges as essentially a ruse to gain European allies at crucial junctures, and some aspects of the Tanzimat seem to confirm this theory.The promises of equality for Christian subjects were not always carried out; for instance, in 1855 it was suggested that the poll tax paid by non-Muslims be abolished and that they be permitted to serve in the army. However, the old poll tax was merely replaced by a new exemption tax levied at a higher rate, and Christians were still barred from the army.

        To learn more about trazimat  reforms refer


If a certain country’s economy has begun to significantly expand and certain industries have begun to export to other countries, _____. this country is in the transition stage of economic development this country is in the highly developed stage of economic development this country is in the semideveloped stage of economic development this country is in the takeoff stage of economic development


this country is in the semi-developed stage of economic development

which individual is most closely associated with the changes indicated on these maps?


The person most closely linked to the developments associates on these maps is Simon Bolivar.

What did Simon Bolivar do and who was he?

Today, Simon Bolivar is regarded as the most influential figure in South American independence and indicated on maps. He oversaw a large uprising against Spanish colonial rule in South America, which began in 1810. He was greatly influenced by the American Revolution, the French Revolution, and Napoleon as well as other historical instances. A soldier and statesman from Venezuela named Simon Bolivar was a key figure in the South American independence movement. Bolivar ruled Peru and Gran Colombia as tyrant from 1819 to 30. (1823–26).

To learn more about Simon Bolivar here


Question: How did the countries in the Middle East develop in the time following their independence through the end of the Cold War?


The term "Cold War" refers to a duration of battle among the United States and the USSR, that final kind of from the cease of World War II till 1991.

It changed into a battle over most important monetary philosophies--capitalism and communism--and is called "cold" due to the fact there has been by no means any direct combating among the United States and the USSR. The Soviet Union used its dating with Western Europe to benefit beneficial monetary cooperation with the Arab international at some stage in the Cold War, and won have an impact on withinside the Middle East with the aid of using inciting proxy conflicts among the Arab states and their Jewish neighbour.

The Soviets and United States felt powerful, and while a rustic feels it’s militaristic powers are excessive they get violent as proven in WW1. They determined to try and show their independence with the aid of using the soviets attacking Iran. Since America subsidized Iran it can additionally be the begin to America’s morale duty to staying there to the existing day.

Learn about cold war:


Which scenario best illustrates the principle of popular sovereignty?Which idea comes from the Enlightenment and is reflected in the Constitution?


A scenario that best illustrates the principle of popular sovereignty is C) members of Congress vote for laws that the majority of Americans support.

An idea that comes from the Enlightenment and is found in the Constitution is The powers of government should be divided.

What is popular sovereignty?

Popular sovereignty refers to the underlying principle of democracy which is that the government is elected by the majority of people and the way the government is run refers to the views of the majority in society.

This is why Congress would vote for laws that most Americans support because it was that American majority that put them in power.

Popular sovereignty is an enlightenment idea and another one is that the powers of government should be divided between the three branches of the Executive, the Legislative, and the Judiciary.

The full questions are:

Which scenario best illustrates the principle of popular sovereignty?

A. the president signs treaties, and congress approves them. B) voters choose representatives rather than voting on bill directly. C) members of Congress vote for laws that the majority of Americans support. D) States retain rights over state laws while the federal government has power over foreign affairs

Which idea comes from the Enlightenment and is reflected in the Constitution?

governmental authorities get their power from god, the powers of government should be divided, the most efficient government is one given the most flexibility to act, state and federal governments share power

Find out more on Popular Sovereignty at


Explain what was happening in France during the French Revolution that was causing mass frustration for people. In other words, what were the causes of this revolution?



Poor harvests, drought, cattle disease and skyrocketing bread prices, dissatisfied with their lack of rights. Many expressed their desperation and resentment toward a regime that imposed heavy taxes—yet failed to provide any relief—by rioting, looting and striking.

Drag the tiles to the correct boxes to complete the pairs.
Match each of the Reconstruction amendments with its effect on black men.


Matching each Constitutional amendment with its goal-

1. Thirteenth Amendment - Abolish slavery in the United States

2. Fourteenth Amendment -  Guarantee citizenship to anyone born in the United States

3. Fifteenth Amendment - Guarantee all men of the United States the right to vote.

What is Constitution?

A constitution is a fundamental document that defines rules and regulations, laws and legislation as well as the power and authority of the government to conduct the functioning of any country.

An Amendment refers to any alteration or modification taken place in existing laws to support the welfare of the people living in the country by improving the objective for better implementation.

The amendments' primary goal is to give regulation to the federal government's authority. It is a new provision or amendment to the US Constitution.

Learn more about the Constitutional amendment, here:-


The complete question is probably

Match each Constitutional amendment with its goal.

1. Thirteenth Amendment

2. Fourteenth Amendment

3. Fifteenth Amendment

A. Guarantee all men of the United States the right to vote

B.Abolish slavery in the United States

C.Guarantee citizenship to anyone born in the United States

Indigenous peoples who spoke Algonquian, Iroquoian, and Siouan languages all:
A. led nomadic lifestyles to find food
B. planted “three sisters” crops
C. relied solely on hunting and gathering
D. lived in large established towns


Indigenous peoples who spoke Algonquian, Iroquoian, and Siouan languages all planted “three sisters” crops. Even after they started farming, the Algonquians continued to rely on hunting and gathering for their food.

The "three sisters"—corn, beans, and squash—were known to all the tribes of the Northeast because of their complementing growth characteristics, nutritional worth, and ease of storage. Men would hunt and occasionally help in farming, while women would pick berries and till the cornfields. Indigenous Native Americans from the Northeast who lived close to rivers would fish for salmon and gather shellfish as well. The Iroquois people referred to corn, squash, and beans collectively as the sacred "three sisters."

The Iroquois believed that the three sisters crops could only flourish if they were planted closely together. Iroquois and Siouan created sophisticated pottery to store the excess food when there was an abundance of it. They also made baskets to help in farming.

Learn more about Native Americans here:


Click the button below to review a map created by the NOAA, a government agency.

Hide Map
What is the purpose of this map?

to warn people living in certain regions that wildfires are likely in their area

to inform people of how wildfires have ravaged certain ecosystems

to warn people not to light fires outside during certain months of the year

to inform people of where wildfires have historically occurred in America


The Geospatial mapping, which is created by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration will most likely serve the purpose of warning the people living in certain regions that wildfires are likely in their area

What is the role of NOAA Agency?

The NOAA Agency is a short form of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Government agency in United States. It is a scientific and regulatory agency within the United States Department of Commerce that forecasts weather, monitors oceanic and atmospheric conditions, charts seas, conducts deep sea exploration and manages the fishing and protection of marine mammals.

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Government agency have main five fundamental activities. They are:

Constant monitoring and observing of Earth systems with instruments and data collection networks.Describing and Understanding of Earth systems through research and analysis of data.Assessment and prediction the changes in these systems over time.Advising and informing the public and partner organizations with relevant information.To be a custodianship of environmental resources.

Read more about NOAA Agency



to warn people living in certain regions that wildfires are likely in their area


i got it right

During the Constitutional Convention, the delegates from South Carolina supported the ideas of the Virginia Plan over those of the New Jersey Plan. What was the reason for this?

South Carolina had an industrial economy.

South Carolina had a large population.

South Carolina did not have many slaves.

South Carolina did not have much wealth.


Answer: D- South Carolina did not have much wealth- because after the Revolutionary War South Carolina was faced with indebtedness and depression. Political tensions between the coastal elite and the backcountry folk in Massachusetts; better known as Shays’ Rebellion-were instrumental in bringing about the call for a stronger central government that could control that type of rebellion.

Order the events in the Pacific Theater in chronological order.


When ordered, the chronological order of events in the Pacific Theater is:

a. U.S. forces begin recapture of the Philippinesg. The Doolittle Raidc. Battle of the Coral Sead. Battle of Midwayf. Battle of the Philippine Seae. Battle of Iwo Jimab. Battle of OkinawaHow did the Pacific Theatre progress?

After the Philippines fell to the Japanese, the United States did not take long to begin to recapture the Philippines. As a means of taking revenge against the Japanese for Pearl Harbor, the Doolittle Raid over Japan led to civilian and military casualties.

The Battle of Coral Sea happened and the Battle of Midway led to the Japanese Navy being soundly defeated. The Battle of Okinawa was one of the last battles as it was fought just outside the Japanese home islands.

Rest of the question is:

a. U.S. forces begin recapture of the Philippines

b. Battle of Okinawa

c. Battle of the Coral Sea

d. Battle of Midway

e. Battle of Iwo Jima

f. Battle of the Philippine Sea

g. The Doolittle Raid

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2h2(g)+O2(g)----> 2H2O(g)How any moles of o2 are required to react with 2 moles of H2 Graph the inequality and give interval notation for the solution. Use two o's (as in octopus) forinifinity and a U for union as needed.-- 5x + 4 >I 19 OR 22 - 15 3-8 -7 -6 -5-4-3-2-] 022345678Clear All Draw:Interval notation for the above inequality and graph is which factors predicts how local firms in emerging economics will respond to multinational competitors? competitive assets and industry pressures to globalize formal and informal institutions market dominance and market fragmentation cooperation and signaling what is the answer to (-6, 9), (7, -9)? -Quadratic Equations- Solve each by factoring, write each equation in standard form first. Read the excerpts from "The Royal House of Thebes" and "The Story of a Warrior Queen.""We are women," she told her sister. "We must obey. We have no strength to defy the State." "Choose your own part," Antigone said. "I go to bury the brother I love." "You are not strong enough," Ismene cried. "Why, then when my strength fails," Antigone answered, "I will give up." She left her sister; Ismene dared not follow her."The Royal House of Thebes"Again and again the Romans were defeated, till it almost seemed as if the Britons really would succeed in driving them out of the country. Boadicea herself led the soldiers, encouraging them with her brave words. "It is better to die with honor than to live in slavery," she said. "I am a woman, but I would rather die than yield. Will you follow me, men?" and of course the men followed her gladly."The Story of a Warrior Queen"How are the themes presented in these two passages similar? Benjamin & Associates, a real estate developer, recently built 194 condominiums in McCall, Idaho. The condos were either two-bedroom units or three-bedroom units. If the total number of rooms in the entire complex is 494, how many two-bedroom units are there? How many three-bedroom units are there The graph shows the number of quarts picked and the amount of money the customer paid.Another customer pays $8.75 for the strawberries she picks. What point (n, a) on the graph represents this???? Which of the following processes is used to separate a collection of different size DNA fragments?0000gel electrophoresispolymerase chain reactiontransformationrecombinant DNA in the inequality 6a+4b>10, what could be the possible value of a if b=2? Sobczak,8(.8((8.8(.;77;.;& Calculate the potential energy of a roller coaster when the coaster is at the top of a 107.1 meter high hill and has a mass of 2,078.1 kg when fully loaded with passengers. Caleb predicted that his favorite player would score 27 points in the firrst round of the NCAA tournament game. The player actually scored 23 points. What is the percent ERROR of Caleb's prediction? Round your answer to the nearest tenth of a percent. massive dynamic computers sources the components for its laptops from various suppliers on the market. the firm pays $100 for processors, $35 for disk drives, $50 for screens, $10 for memory, and $40 for graphics and wireless internet cards. massive dynamic has determined that it would cost $200 per unit to produce all of the necessary components in its in-house manufacturing facility. in this scenario, massive dynamic should if you run 5/6 of a mile in 1/12 of how hour how much is that A private agency that hears consumer complaints but does not have the power to enforce laws. Consumer Protection safety commission Ucc Better business bureau Federal trade commission HOLLYWOOD DREAMS OF WEALTH, YOUTH, AND BEAUTY An integer is chosen at random from 1 to 50. find the probability that the chosen integer is not divisible by 2, 7 or 9a)13/50b)16/25c)9/25 Given these points please solve this problme. 19. Translate the following statement into an algebraic statement: "Two more than seven times a number is fifteen" I