How important is music in the news media


Answer 1


Well in my thoughts it's not that important.


Music is not important in the news media if the news are actually informative and the social people can get distracted .

Related Questions

In what way are Johnny and Ponyboy like Adam and Eve in chapter 5?​


Provide a picture of 'chapter 5' and I can help!! :)

Analyze The narrator says that Balboa is “dragging the mantle of civilization up the pristine slopes, over the mud, over the leaves” (paragraph 2). What does this image suggest about Balboa and the “civilization” that he is bringing with him to the setting of the New World? Support your response with evidence from the text.




It says that Balboa is dragging the responsibility of building or developing this civilization up the pure and unspoiled (as in neat and clean and fresh) slopes, over the mud and leaves. Meaning that it's considered heavy and difficult since he doesn't trust people so he refuses to have companions to help him out throughout the process. Balboa was making history and building an extremely effective civilization that would affect him and all Indians and the whole history, alone.


It would be difficult since he doesn't trust people so he refuses to have companions to help him out throughout the process.

What type of mood is created by Romeo and Juliet's first kiss?



passionate that is the mood

What type of figure of speech is a pun? A. alliteration B. repetition C. hyperbole D. irony


Hello There!!

Your best answer choice is:

D. Irony

Because, A pun, also called paronomasia, involves a word play which suggests two or more meanings, by exploiting multiple meanings of words, or of similar-sounding words, for an intended humorous or rhetorical effect. Puns are constructions used in jokes and idioms whose usage and meaning are entirely local to a particular language and its culture. To be understood, puns require a large vocabulary.

P.S Tell me if this wrong....


#[tex]Be[/tex] [tex]Bold[/tex]

# [tex]Always[/tex] [tex]Brainly![/tex]


A pun is a type of speech where the speaker plays with words. The meanings expressed are often the opposite of what is literally stated. So, the  figure of speech that a pun constitutes is;

D. Irony

Irony is a figure speech where the author means the opposite of what he says.

It also occurs when the opposite of what is expected happens. An example of irony is trying to run from a fire and then falling into a fire.

Therefore, pun is a type of irony because the literal meanings of the words used are usually the opposite of what the author means.

Learn more here:

What is the figurative meaning of the moon in the passage?


take a picture so i can see the passage

This is the passage

What is an effective way for parents to enforce their rules and expectations with their children at home?​


locking up dangerius places, putting tennis balls on sharp corners like tables.

watching your kid at all times. having a baby sitter, ETC


Can anybody answer 5 of these questions for me


I can’t really answer these question for you this is more of “you have to do this yourself.” Because these question are asking things about YOU.


Ok what is that about? First what the heck? Second WHAT THE HECK?????????????


How regularly did Professor Bhaer visit Jo?

every night
once a week
twice a day, after breakfast and for dinner
once a fortnight when in town for business



The story is Little Women, and the answer is "every night."

What is an example of tension in "Goldfish"?


I say it’s Stress I’m not really sure

Mad Libs: Colonial America Vocabulary Review Objective SWBAT strengthen their understanding of key terms from Colonial America. Directions Using the words found in the word bank below, complete the following mad libs reading on Colonial America. You may use words more than once, or not at all. Word Bank - People Colonists Benjamin Franklin Indentured servants Native Americans French Enslaved people Thomas Jefferson House of Burgesses Word Bank - Terms Ship building Colonies Southern Land Cash crops Town hall meetings Slavery New England Fishing East Grains Mercantilism Raw materials Democracy Agriculture In the early 1600’s, ___________ (people) came from Europe to establish new _______________ (term) on the American continent. When they began establishing settlements, they immediately ran into conflict with the _____________________ (people) who had been living on the land for thousands of years. The two groups competed for land, food, and the use of natural resources. British colonies dominated the ____________ (term) coast of the American continent. There were a total of 13 colonies by the early 1700’s. Europeans came to America for a variety of reasons; some came looking for religious freedom, others came to seek gold and fortune. The poorest Europeans, often criminals, signed a contract obligating them to service for an average of seven years, and came to the Americas as ______________________ (people). Their terms of work required them to perform certain tasks such as field work, sewing, cooking, or other chores. In exchange they often received a free passage to the United States, room, lodging, and were even often given ___________ (term) upon their release from service. Each of the 13 colonies was unique in terms of environment and geography. This led to different economic activity. In the ___________________ (term) colonies, because of the rocky soil and harsh winters, farming was not a lucrative economic pursuit. However, because of their coastline, industries such as _________________ (term) and _________________ (term) became popular ways to earn income. In the middle colonies, because of milder winters and less rocky soil, ________________ (term), such as wheat and rye, were often cultivated, giving these colonies the nickname “breadbasket colonies”. The ____________________ (term) colonies had a nearly year round growing season due to warmer winters and humid summers. This allowed them to grow ________________ (term) such as tobacco and rice. The British colonies had to comply with the British economic policy of ____________________ (term). This meant that all ________________ (term) cultivated in the colonies had to be shipped to England. England would in turn provide the colonies with manufactured goods, often at a marked up higher price. This ultimately meant that the colonies were forever in debt to the British government and that the colonists couldn’t sell their goods or raw materials to any other nation legally. Almost all colonies participated in the trade of _____________ (people) from Africa. Over time, the institution of ____________ (term) grew so quickly that there were more _________________ (people) from Africa than colonists from Europe or Native Americans. Politically, the colonies each formed different governments; however, most incorporated some aspect of _____________ (term). Whether it was the equal representation found in the Virginia _______________________ (people), or ____________________ (term) in New England, the democratic roots of America were formed in these early years. For nearly 100 years, the colonies each operated fairly independently; this lasted until the French and Indian War threatened the safety and security of the British colonists. Specifically, British colonists were trying to expand their settlements into the Ohio River valley, which the __________________ (people) claimed as their own territory. This was further complicated by the French colonists, who were also trying to settle on this same land. Just before the French and Indian War, ______________ (people) wrote a piece called “Join or Die” calling for the thirteen colonies to unite against their common enemies. This would be the first time the colonists united against a common enemy, but it would not be their last.



In the early 1600’s, Colonists came from Europe to establish new Colonies on the American continent. When they began establishing settlements, they immediately ran into conflict with the Native Americans who had been living on the land for thousands of years. The two groups competed for land, food, and the use of natural resources.

British colonies dominated the East coast of the American continent. There were a total of 13 colonies by the early 1700’s. Europeans came to America for a variety of reasons; some came looking for religious freedom, others came to seek gold and fortune.

The poorest Europeans, often criminals, signed a contract obligating them to service for an average of seven years, and came to the Americas as Indentured servants. Their terms of work required them to perform certain tasks such as field work, sewing, cooking, or other chores. In exchange they often received a free passage to the United States, room, lodging, and were even often given land upon their release from service.

Each of the 13 colonies was unique in terms of environment and geography. This led to different economic activity.

In the New England colonies, because of the rocky soil and harsh winters, farming was not a lucrative economic pursuit. However, because of their coastline, industries such as Fishing and Ship building became popular ways to earn income.

In the middle colonies, because of milder winters and less rocky soil, Grains, such as wheat and rye, were often cultivated, giving these colonies the nickname “breadbasket colonies”.

The Southern colonies had a nearly year round growing season due to warmer winters and humid summers. This allowed them to grow Cash crops such as tobacco and rice.

The British colonies had to comply with the British economic policy of Mercantilism. This meant that all Raw materials cultivated in the colonies had to be shipped to England. England would in turn provide the colonies with manufactured goods, often at a marked up higher price. This ultimately meant that the colonies were forever in debt to the British government and that the colonists couldn’t sell their goods or raw materials to any other nation legally.

Almost all colonies participated in the trade of Enslaved people from Africa. Over time, the institution of Slavery grew so quickly that there were more Enslaved people from Africa than colonists from Europe or Native Americans.

Politically, the colonies each formed different governments; however, most incorporated some aspect of Democracy. Whether it was the equal representation found in the Virginia House of Burgesses, or Town hall meetings in New England, the democratic roots of America were formed in these early years.

For nearly 100 years, the colonies each operated fairly independently; this lasted until the French and Indian War threatened the safety and security of the British colonists.

Specifically, British colonists were trying to expand their settlements into the Ohio River valley, which the Native Americans claimed as their own territory. This was further complicated by the French colonists, who were also trying to settle on this same land.

Just before the French and Indian War, Benjamin Franklin wrote a piece called “Join or Die” calling for the thirteen colonies to unite against their common enemies. This would be the first time the colonists united against a common enemy, but it would not be their last.

This excerpt provides information about the Roman Empire. Which sentence in the excerpt speaks about the purpose of the text?
The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
by Edward Gibbon (excerpt)

In the second century of the Christian era, the empire of Rome comprehended the fairest part of the earth, and the most civilized portion of mankind. The frontiers of that extensive monarchy were guarded by ancient renown and disciplined valor. The gentle but powerful influence of laws and manners had gradually cemented the union of the provinces. Their peaceful inhabitants enjoyed and abused the advantages of wealth and luxury. The image of a free constitution was preserved with decent reverence: the Roman senate appeared to possess the sovereign authority, and devolved on the emperors all the executive powers of government. During a happy period of more than fourscore years, the public administration was conducted by the virtue and abilities of Nerva, Trajan, Hadrian, and the two Antonines. It is the design of this, and of the two succeeding chapters, to describe the prosperous condition of their empire; and after wards, from the death of Marcus Antoninus, to deduce the most important circumstances of its decline and fall; a revolution which will ever be remembered, and is still felt by the nations of the earth.

The principal conquests of the Romans were achieved under the republic; and the emperors, for the most part, were satisfied with preserving those dominions which had been acquired by the policy of the senate, the active emulations of the consuls, and the martial enthusiasm of the people. The seven first centuries were filled with a rapid succession of triumphs; but it was reserved for Augustus to relinquish the ambitious design of subduing the whole earth, and to introduce a spirit of moderation into the public councils. Inclined to peace by his temper and situation, it was easy for him to discover that Rome, in her present exalted situation, had much less to hope than to fear from the chance of arms; and that, in the prosecution of remote wars, the undertaking became every day more difficult, the event more doubtful, and the possession more precarious, and less beneficial. The experience of Augustus added weight to these salutary reflections, and effectually convinced him that, by the prudent vigor of his counsels, it would be easy to secure every concession which the safety or the dignity of Rome might require from the most formidable barbarians. Instead of exposing his person and his legions to the arrows of the Parthians, he obtained, by an honorable treaty, the restitution of the standards and prisoners which had been taken in the defeat of Crassus.



The answer is "It is the design of this, and of the two succeeding chapters, to describe the prosperous condition of their empire; and after wards, from the death of Marcus Antoninus, to deduce the most important circumstances of its decline and fall; a revolution which will ever be remembered, and is still felt by the nations of the earth."

mark me brainliest!


It is the design of this, and of the two succeeding chapters, to describe the prosperous condition of their empire; and after wards, from the death of Marcus Antoninus, to deduce the most important circumstances of its decline and fall; a revolution which will ever be remembered, and is still felt by the nations of the earth


what happened in the book peak pages 52-61



what type of question..........

Which statement contains explicit information from the text? General Howe was a complete failure during the war. General Burgoyne was a better officer than General Howe. General Clinton sent a letter to General Burgoyne by messenger. General Clinton used a mask to write a secret message.



It's General Clinton used a mask to write a secret message.

aka D

Answer: d

Explanation: edge 2020

Which sentence has the correct comma placement?
A The movie, although Susan enjoyed it immensely, left her in tears.
B The movie although Susan enjoyed it immensely left her in tears.
C The movie, although Susan enjoyed it immensely left her in tears.
D The movie although, Susan enjoyed it immensely, left her in tears.


Answer: A

Explanation:" the movie left her in tears." It is a main clause but " although ......" is a subordinate clause

According to the observations that Washington Matthews made of Navajo songs, which of the following reasons is most likely the purpose of “Twelfth Song of Thunder”? ask the gods for wealth and material items heal the sick people within the community welcome visitors and travelers ask for a gift, such as rain, from nature



D. to ask for a gift, such as rain, from nature


According to the observations that Washington Matthews made of Navajo songs, the reason that is most likely the purpose of “Twelfth Song of Thunder” is "to ask for a gift, such as rain, from nature"

From the excerpt of “Twelfth Song of Thunder”, it is seen that the author was asking for a "gift from nature like rain" which he terms the voice that beautifies the land and the voice of thunder.

He further reveals that the voice is among plants. This means a gift like rain from nature.




Take a look at the guidewords listed below. If you wanted to look up the word blighted, from the poem "Casey's Revenge," in a dictionary, on which page would you search?

A. bite - black
B. black-and-blue - black hole
C. blender - blithest
D. blitz-blond​





because thats the one you would most likely search


The answer is D.


People who tried to reform the Anglican Church were called* A Anglicans B Separatists C Puritans D Catholics



The answer would be C, the Puritans!





I got it right on my test

Please write me a short three paragraph story tail about modern day cinderella but as a boy make sure to include in the story - glass loafers, his name is cinderfella, fairy godfather, cruel stepbrothers and stepfather. | Please try your hardest this is a assignment for my english class


     Answer One day a boy of the name of Cinderfella was cleaning the house when the door rang. His cruel stepfather said, " BOY go answer the door NOW!" He walked to the door wiping his hand on the rag he had in his hand and opened the door. There stood a royal messenger at the door. He handed over the letter and slowly Cinders shut the door, In his hand lay an envelope. He walked slowly into the house to the living room. " Father, sir?" and his stepfather replied, " Who was at the door, and what did they want!?" Cinders replied calmly " Sir it was the messenger (slowly opening letter) It reads, All the most eligible  bachelors are invited to the President's Mansion  for  his daughter's hand." By then the two brothers had arrived home from hanging with their friends. " This means I can go." His stepbrothers and his stepfather started laughing, His brother said " Ha you think you..." another one of his stepbrothers said " can go, yea right.!" Later that night he was getting ready to go but his father's old suit he thought it would be suitable as he walked down his brothers were in their older suits. They ran up to him a ripped his sleeves into tarnishes. They walked swiftly out of the room and left.  He ran and was angry at his stepbrothers how could they do this to him? All of a sudden this dude was this kneeling next to him, " Why are you so angry boy?" the boy replied"My stepbrothers ripped my only clothes for the dance in tarnishes. The man waved his wand and bang, the boy was wearing a tux and glass loafers!! The man said " I am your fairy godfather, Now you can go to the dance! But when the bell strikes twelve then all magic will disappear.  The boy entered his limo and the driver drove quickly and they soo entered the gates of the mansion. The boy walked swifltly up the stairs and he walked through the doors and everyone was looking at how cool he looked. The president saw the boy and saw how clean he looked and walked up to him and said " Dance with my daughter " He pushed his daughter into the unknown boy's arm. They danced and danced . The bell striked twelve and the boy said " I have to go" and he ran out and down the stairs as people yelled at him to stop. On the stairs he dropped his glass loafer.

Can you finish this! Thanks!

Identify the following clause as either independent or dependent. she smiled at Dominic


Answer: hi there! the correct clause is independent

hope this helps!

since the sentence "she smiled at Dominic" can stand alone it is independent

-addy young ^_^

The predicate of a sentence is​



The predicate of a sentence is the part that modifies the subject in some way.



what is said about the subject or what the subject does.


Just took it.

What is the meaning of variable?

A. a type of experiment

B. a condition that is permanent

C. a type of equipment

D. a condition that can change


The correct answer is A.

Answer: D is the correct answer


Explain how you might feel if you were called "lazy," when someone really was trying to describe you as tired. What about the connotation of the word "lazy" would make you feel that way?



While lazy actually means being averse to work or avoiding it, it can also be used to describe something slow-moving or unenergetic, like when you stroll down the garden path with a lazy gait, not in a hurry to get anywhere.


i would feel hurt because lazy is not wanting to do anything but when your tired you want to go to sleep . Lazy and tired are very different


Why do people try so hard to fit in.



People feel a need to be exeped by others. When they arnt the start to feel alone and rejected and know one likes feeling like that. If they arnt concitered "normal" then people will not give them a chance. I wrote a song called perfectI imperfections because who are we to decide what is normal and what is weird?


Beginning in the late 14th century, swept through Europe in waves, causing millions to suffer.


Answer: The bubonic plague, aka The Black Death



the bubonic plague

Read this sentence from the passage.
5. The reader can conclude that Alison giggles because –
A. She thinks it is funny that Absalom wants to kiss her.
B. She thinks it is funny that Nicholas tricks Absalom.
C. She is having fun playing a joke on Nicholas.
D. She is having fun making fun of her husband.



werent you just complaining about me how I making everyone do my home work and your doing the exavt same thing


The way population is spread over an area is called?
O Population density
O Population Distrubtution
O Demography
Population Spill


I think it’s B hopefully it is


Population distribution

Explanation: the word is pretty self explanatory

what historical reality is represented in this excerpt?​


Answer; it A welcome love yall :)


Answer is A. the struggle of the Navajo to retain their culture and traditions

on edge

What does Miyax insist on doing, near the end of Part I, to remain true to who she is?

A. Returning to her husband
B. Singing her favorite song
C. Standing and walking upright
D. Refusing to eat meat


The thing which Miyax insists on doing, near the end of Part I, to remain true to who she is C. Standing and walking upright

What is a Narration?

This refers to the storytelling that is done with the aid of a narrator to show the sequence of actions to advance a plot.

Hence, we can see that The thing which Miyax insists on doing, near the end of Part I, to remain true to who she is C. Standing and walking upright

Read more about narration here:


Your principal has asked you to propose some suggestion which are needed to encourage a healthy lifestyle at school (directed writing)



As a part of my duty as a president of ‘disciplinary society’ (a joy that I have had for past five years), I have been asked, to write a report suggesting the changes I think are needed to maintain a healthy decorum for young children and teenagers in school premises. After having some professional surveys, we have discovered that there are five sites which are prompting ailing environment in our prestigious institution.

Potently, ​ ​unhealthy​ food​ is offered in five main cafeterias of school with lack of hygiene products. ​ ​Junk food might taste good, but eating too often in your diet can have negative​ ​effects on your overall health. ​ ​A​s ​these diets are high in​ ​saturated fat and calories and​ ​low in nutrients​ and​ can ​​contribute to illness and obesity. According to the​ ​U.S. Department of​ ​Agriculture (USDA), if everyone adopted a healthier diet, it could prevent $71 billion in expenses associated with lost productivity, medical costs and premature deaths.

We can improve the situation by strong implications of some rules. For example, new menus might be introduced with less oily food. A program of regular exercises and guidance should be arranged on how to eat healthily and live a healthier life. Cafeteria must be modified to deliver a hygiene food and environment for students.

This would prove beneficial for both students and institution. Consequently, there would be fewer absences from school because of stomach upsets. Leading to a more alert mind leading to better concentration and academic performance. Generally, finding school more attractive.  The school would also benefit from an enhanced reputation and this would eventually increase the number of candidates as parents would become aware of the new regime.

Once again, we hope that the recommendations from this report are taken seriously as there is clear need to invest in health sector to promote a healthy community to reduce health issues among students.


Which title is capitalized correctly?
A. How the North Won the Civil War
B. A Writer's Collection of winter Poems
C. Ten Tips for Writing the Perfect Essay
D. The Art Of Japanese Cooking


Answer: it's C they capitalized north on here but north isn't capitalized in edge 2020


Ten Tips for Writing the Perfect Essay that title is capitalized correctly. The correct option is C. Focus, development, unity, coherence, and correctness are just a few examples of the five characteristics of good writing. Writing academic and expository essays requires the characteristics we've just discussed. A single, distinct central idea should be present in every essay.

What makes a great essay?

An essay ought to have a single, well-developed thesis. There should be a clear main idea or topic sentence in every paragraph. The main idea of the paper should be supported or expanded upon in each paragraph. Each paragraph's main idea needs to be explained and illustrated with the help of examples, specifics, and descriptions.

Respond to the question that was posed. In your own words, write the response. Consider your essay's subject matter while making sure to show that you have solid social scientific knowledge. Consider your essay's structure, making sure to showcase strong writing abilities and adhere to any word limits.

Thus, the ideal selection is option C.

Learn more about a great essay here:


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Fall found me settled at the old Boelling Hotel in Astoria, with my nephew, Frank Hobson, and my little son George. Our board was paid, Itaking care of our small room, and our clothes, with the privilege of doing our washing and ironing on Saturdays. And now I encountered one of mysharpest trials, for, on entering school, and being examined in mental arithmetic, I was placed in the primary class!Mr. Deardorff, the principal, kindly offered to assist me in that study after school, and, later, permitted me to enter both classes. Words cannever express my humiliation at having to recite with children of from elght to fourteen years of age. This, however, was of brief duration, for in afew weeks, I had advanced to the next class above, and was soon allowed to enter the third (and highest) class in mental arithmetic.At the end of the term of nine months, I had passed into most of the advanced classes; not that I was an apt scholar, for knowledge hasalways been acquired by the hardest labor, but by sheer determination, industry and perseverance. At 4 lamp was always burning, and Iwas poring over my books, never allowing myself more than eight hours of sleep.Nothing was permitted to come between me and this, the greatest opportunity of my life. From Dr. Owens-Adair: Some of Her Life Experiences. Published by Mann & Beach, Printers, Portland,What was Bethenia's main problem in this passage?O 1. She did not have enough money to live on.O 2. She had nobody to take care of George while she was in school.O 3. She had to do arithmetic with the primary students.04. She could not seem to master mental arithmetic. Climate change is an unprecedented common challenge facing human society. How can the Paris Agreement be implemented? How can countries around the world cooperate more effectively in this regard? China is already the backbone of the new energy revolution, but China's energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions are large, and the future economic development will require more energy, how to accelerate and deepen China's energy transformation? What challenges and opportunities does Hunan face in terms of energy production and consumption level and structure? What is the situation of my country in these regards? What can I do to contribute to a low-carbon life and economy? Identify the nutrient that kale and other leafy greens contain in significant amounts? Fossil fuels has been used more in the existing world. Why? By the end of the Bronze Age, civilizations began to emerge in * mountain rangesocean coastlinesriver valleysrain forests Jews trace their national and religious origins back to God's call to A. Moses B. Abraham C. David D. Solomon What is the solution to the equation?0 x=-BX-20OX-21 The end of the cattle boom ___ What happened in 2016 that now seems to haveimportant ramifications for the replacement ofJustice Ginsburg I need 4 to 5 sentences please I need help with this integral question! It is short and easy if you know what you're doing. Due in an hour! Thanks!!! Describe an important situation in which you had to make a compromise. Why did you decide to make the compromise? How did it solve the problem? what is the cinder cone volcano's shape? Write a two-column proof. Given: line BD bisects angle CBE. Prove: angle ABD approximately equal to angle FBD. What actions rusesabagina took when the genocide broke out HELP!!describe how primary producers and all consumers obtain energy and nutrients How often do Christianity followers meet why was the wedding of the rails important to those who believed in Manifest Destiny? Of the three types of restaurants we learned about in this unit, which do you prefer? Why? What number should be added to both sides of the equation to complete the square? x2 + 8x = 4 2. What are some health issues teens face?