Mind lending a hand here? (Please answer both)

Mind Lending A Hand Here? (Please Answer Both)


Answer 1


Number 4: The first one

Number 5: All are true


Lmk if this helped

Related Questions

English and French have become common languages spoken in Sub-Saharan Africa because of —


it’s the second one that’s the right answer

When did the Second Continental Congress vote on declaring independence from Great Britain, and what colonies voted in favor of independence?



On July 1, 1776, the Second Continental Congress met in Philadelphia, and on the following day 12 of the 13 colonies voted in favor of Richard Henry Lee’s motion for independence. Why it was difficult to produce the Declaration of Independence? The major reason for the delay was the high value that the colonists attached to unanimity.


I got you July 1, 1776

Answer: On July 2, 1776


On July 2, 1776, Congress again took up the question of independence for a final vote.

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Write a paragraph about Sulah-Hudaybiah. And highlight the positive effects of this treaty.
words. And also add an ayah as a reference to not believe the disbelievers.





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the Massachusetts Government Act, which replaced the elective local government with an appointive one and increased the powers of the military governor

Social Studies. Giving brainliest! Part 6!

What does NAFTA do for the US, Canada, and Mexico? What does it not do?


NAFTA went into effect in 1994 to boost trade, eliminate barriers, and reduce tariffs on imports and exports between Canada, the United States, and Mexico. According to the Trump administration, NAFTA has led to trade deficits, factory closures, and job losses for the U.S.



NAFTA reduced or eliminated tariffs on imports and exports between the three participating countries, creating a vast free-trade zone.  It does not eliminate regulatory requirements on companies wishing to trade internationally.

What form of transportation in the early 1900's transformed America?

A. airplanes
B. stagecoach
C. automobiles
D. trains


By the early 1900s, American cities had grown. So, too, had public transportation. The electric streetcar became a common form of transportation. These trolleys ran on metal tracks built into streets




please help!! :))) i dont have that many points but i will give 10



I think it's A

In your own words (do not copy and paste), How did New Deal programs attempt to provide relief, recovery and reform to the American economy after the Great Depression?



The main purposes of the New Deal were relief, recovery, and reform. By relief, the president meant that he intended to aid people in need right now by providing employment, food lines, and welfare. The goal of the recovery was to restore the economy and put an end to the Great Depression.

The Additional Deal imposed new restrictions and protections on the financial industry, as well as measures to re-inflate the economy following a dramatic drop in prices. During Franklin D. Roosevelt's first term in office, the New Deal initiatives comprised both congressional legislation and presidential executive orders.

Help please! I'll mark brainliest!


the answer to this question is the third option C.
ya what the person send on the top

Why is English and French spoken in South Africa


French Like English, the French introduced their language to Africa through colonization, and former French colonies in West and Central Africa largely still use it.
the French introduced their language to Africa through colonization, and former French colonies in West and Central Africa largely still use it.

What is the difference between side lighting and backlighting?


Side lighting contrasts between deep shadows and hard light, or bright intense light to produce striking images, while backlighting places the subject in a hazy silhouette with long, dramatic shadows
Put simply, it is where your main source of light is coming from. If it's in front of a subject, it's called Front Light. If it's behind, it's called Backlight.

When molecules in a substance vibrate faster and faster, what happens to the temperature of the substance?
It stays the same.
It gets warmer.
It gets colder.
It depends on the change in speed of the vibrations.

i'd love a fast answer!! :)


the answer is b! as things move they get warmer


B is the answer, when molecules vibrate faster in means that the liquid is warmer

What grievances does the Declaration of Independence address?



Impact of Colonial Grievances on the Constitution and the Bill of Rights

When the colonists declared themselves independent in the Declaration of Independence, they told King George III exactly why there were unhappy by listing many grievances or complaints.  Well, they just didn’t complain.  They took action to fix their issues!

The writers of the Constitution addressed every single grievance in the Declaration.

Grievance listed in the Declaration of Independence

Where it was addressed in the U.S. Constitution

The King imposed taxes without the consent of the colonists.

U.S. Constitution provides that all taxes must be approved by the House of Reps and the Senate.

The King made the military superior to the civil government.

U.S. Constitution provides that the Commander-in-Chief is a civilian – the President

The King had kept a large standing army among the colonists.

Congress has the right to raise and support armies.  It determines their size through its control of funds.

The king quartered his troops in colonists’ homes.

The Third Amendment of the Bill of Rights prohibits the peacetime quartering of soldiers.

The King refused colonists permission to petition for a redress of their grievances.

The First Amendment of the Bill of Rights guarantees citizens the right to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

The King made judges dependent on his will.

All federal judges are appointed for a life term

The King deprived some colonists of a trial by jury.

The Sixth Amendment of the Bill of Rights guarantees trial by jury to all persons.



Grievance listed in the Declaration of Independence Where it was addressed in the U.S. Constitution The King made judges dependent on his will. All federal judges are appointed for a life term.

The French reacted to Algeria's independence movement with violence. Which nation had a similar experience?







Read this it should have the answer


Nationalist parties had existed for many years, but they became increasingly radical as they realized that their goals were not going to be achieved through peaceful means. Prior to World War II the Party of the Algerian People (Parti du Peuple Algérien) had been founded by Messali Hadj. The party was banned in the late 1930s and replaced in the mid-1940s by the Movement for the Triumph of Democratic Liberties (Mouvement pour le Triomphe des Libertés Démocratiques; MTLD). A more radical paramilitary group, the Special Organization (Organization Spéciale; OS), was formed about the same time, but it was discovered by the colonial police in 1950, and many of its leaders were imprisoned. In 1954 a group of former OS members split from the MTLD and formed the Revolutionary Committee of Unity and Action (Comité Révolutionaire d’Unité et d’Action; CRUA). This organization, later to become the FLN, prepared for military action. The leading members of the CRUA became the so-called chefs historiques (“historical leaders”) of the Algerian War of Independence: Hocine Aït-Ahmed, Larbi Ben M’Hidi, Moustapha Ben Boulaid, Mohamed Boudiaf, Mourad Didouche, Belkacem Krim, Mohamed Khider, Rabah Bitat, and Ahmed Ben Bella. They organized and led several hundred men in the first armed confrontations.

The war began on the night of October 31, 1954. The movement, led by the newly formed FLN, issued a leaflet stating that its aim was to restore a sovereign Algerian state. It advocated social democracy within an Islamic framework and equal citizenship for any resident in Algeria. A preamble recognized that Algeria had fallen behind other Arab states in social and national emancipation but claimed this could be remedied by a difficult and prolonged struggle. Two weapons would be used: guerrilla warfare at home and diplomatic activity abroad, particularly at the United Nations (UN).

B- India
India had a similar experience when ghandiji started acts on Britishers and the Britishers reacted with violence. Acts like-
Quit India Movement 1942,Civil Disobedience Movement1930, Non-cooperation Movement 1920,etc

Which of these was a way that cartography contributed to European exploration of the Americas?
European maps became inexpensive and available to more people.
European maps became geographically more accurate and reliable.
European maps began using keys and scales for the first time.
European maps began to use Native American mapping techniques.


The answer is D or A which ever one sounds better to u or is more reliable sorry if I’m not much help
D. European maps began to use Native American mapping techniques

Why do some areas of the Arctic North have for darkness half the year
and sunlight for half the year?



Day length varies with the time of year and the latitude at which you are situated.


Because of the earth's tilt, areas above the Arctic Circle receive 24 hours of sunlight each summer, but 24 hours of darkness each winter

The phenomenon occurs when the earth is tilted by an axis about 23 degrees creating it so one side is facing the sun and the other is not. The sun only rises and sets once each year.

Giving brainliest! Part 7!
What did the 1930s drought do? How did it do this?



It caused exposing the bare, over-plowed farmland

Explanation: Without deep-rooted prairie grasses to hold the soil in place, it began to blow away.


The 1930s drought had a effect on crops/farm land. The drought led to erosion and loss of topsoil.


Why wasnt people able to trade in the embargo act? what cause it to happen? was it because of Britain or France?


On December 22, 1807, President Thomas Jefferson signed the Embargo Act, which was enacted by the United States Congress and signed by him. It made it illegal for American ships to trade in any foreign port.

The United States Congress established the Embargo Act in 1807, which made it illegal for American ships to trade at any foreign port. The legislation was in reaction to a catastrophic circumstance that America found itself in when it was caught in the middle of a French-British conflict.

Consider me as your Brainliest answer, please.

- Robert




What is Puerto Rico's primary/main source of income ( money )?

Please don't search it up ( i've tried T>T )



The main imports are chemicals and chemical products, petroleum and coal products, food products, transportation equipment, and computers and electronics. :D


Sports, farming and landscaping





Different : Today,Australia and the islands of Oceania are a blend of European, traditional Pacific, and Asian cultures. Antarctica has no permanent human inhabitants. Although huge livestock ranches spread across Australia and New Zealand, life in these two countries is largely urban, with most people living in coastal cities.

Similar : Oceania is the only world region not connected by land to another region. ... The region of Oceania includes Australia, the realms of the Pacific Islands, and the polar regions of the Arctic and the Antarctic.

These the answer that you ask in the question
Hope you are satisfied with these answer

Which of the following describes a dictatorship?

The country is led by a king or queen.

The political leader has unlimited power.

The leader is selected through free elections.

The citizens remain loyal due to tradition.





if you look in china there presadint is a dictator

The country is led by a king or queen

If all of the gas in container A is transferred to a smaller container, B, with no change in temperature, the pressure in container B will _________________.
not change
become equal to the outside air pressure


B because I’m going home now and I’m going home and then I can come over and see you and see what I want your dad and




its the same so why would it change

Which of these BEST describes an investment in capital goods?

Which of these BEST describes an investment in capital goods?

A: buying new machinery or computers.

B: access to public libraries easier.

C: providing on the job training

D: decreasing spending on machinery and tools



I'm kind of skeptical on this one, but it's A.





The answer is actually B.) Improving access to public libraries



C is the answer. Enforcing federal laws at the state level

What is the name of the set of major stages that an animal goes through starting at birth? (2 points)
a An animal cycle
b A growing cycle
c A life cycled
d A reproduction cycle



A life cycle is defined as the developmental stages that occur during an organism's lifetime. In general, the life cycles of plants and animals have three basic stages including a fertilized egg or seed, immature juvenile, and adult.

Answer: Your answer is C. A life cycle.

Hope this helps!

Which battle resulted in the retreat of Mexican troops to Mexico City?
A) Battle of Cerro Gordo

B) Battle of Buena Vista

C) Battle of the Alamo

D) Battle of San Antonio


The answer is battle of creek Gordo

Describe how a government may be both a theocracy and a monarchy. Be sure to include limits to governmental authority and civil liberties.




A Monarchy is "a form of government with a monarch at the head", or in other words, a king/queen-ruled country that is passed down to their heirs/children upon death. A Theocracy is "a system of government in which priests rule in the name of God or a god." A government can be both a Theocracacy and a Monarchy through the king or queen leading, but having not half as much power as the priests. In a Monarch-Theocratic country, the monarchs are in charge but the priests are the ones with the actual power.

Which description gives the steps for creating hydroelectric power?

River water stored in a reservoir flows through a turbine and into a channel in a dam. At the end of the channel, the water turns a generator, which produces electricity; then the water flows back upstream. (A)

River water enters a dam through a generator. The movement of the water through the generator produces electricity. Then the water flows out of the dam through turbines into a reservoir. (B)

River water enters a dam through channels. The channels are connected to a transformer, which turns a generator, producing electricity. The water is then transported through turbines to wastewater canals. (C)

River water stored in a reservoir flows down a channel in a dam, turning a turbine as it passes. The turbine is connected to a generator that produces electricity, and then the water continues downstream. (D)
BTW this is science.. but that's not an option so I put social studies



D) River water stored in a reservoir flows down a channel in a dam, turning a turbine as it passes. The turbine is connected to a generator that produces electricity, and then the water continues downstream


hope it helps

Did the lives of the early Filipinos improve due to the economic changes which were introduced by the Spaniards? Type your insights/realizations on the topic.



The Spanish period

Spanish colonial motives were not, however, strictly commercial. The Spanish at first viewed the Philippines as a stepping-stone to the riches of the East Indies (Spice Islands), but, even after the Portuguese and Dutch had foreclosed that possibility, the Spanish still maintained their presence in the archipelago.

The Portuguese navigator and explorer Ferdinand Magellan headed the first Spanish foray to the Philippines when he made landfall on Cebu in March 1521; a short time later he met an untimely death on the nearby island of Mactan. After King Philip II (for whom the islands are named) had dispatched three further expeditions that ended in disaster, he sent out Miguel López de Legazpi, who established the first permanent Spanish settlement, in Cebu, in 1565. The Spanish city of Manila was founded in 1571, and by the end of the 16th century most of the coastal and lowland areas from Luzon to northern Mindanao were under Spanish control. Friars marched with soldiers and soon accomplished the nominal conversion to Roman Catholicism of all the local people under Spanish administration. But the Muslims of Mindanao and Sulu, whom the Spanish called Moros, were never completely subdued by Spain.

Ferdinand Magella

Manila was also the ecclesiastical capital of the Philippines. The governor-general was civil head of the church in the islands, but the archbishop vied with him for political supremacy. In the late 17th and 18th centuries the archbishop, who also had the legal status of lieutenant governor, frequently won. Augmenting their political power, religious orders, Roman Catholic hospitals and schools, and bishops acquired great wealth, mostly in land. Royal grants and devises formed the core of their holdings, but many arbitrary extensions were made beyond the boundaries of the original grants.

until the late 18th century, as shifting cultivation gradually gave way to more intensive sedentary farming, partly under the guidance of the friars. The socioeconomic consequences of the Spanish policies that accompanied this shift reinforced class differences. The datus and other representatives of the old noble class took advantage of the introduction of the Western concept of absolute ownership of land to claim as their own fields cultivated by their various retainers, even though traditional land rights had been limited to usufruct. These heirs of pre-Spanish nobility were known as the principalia and played an important role in the friar-dominated local government.


That was i know...Pa brainlest po

How will the rising of a hot air balloon in cold air be different than if it rises in warm air?
It will rise faster in cooler air.
It will rise more slowly in cooler air.
There will be no difference.
It will sink in cool air and rise in warm air.


Since cold air is more dense than warm air, a hot air balloon will be more buoyant in cold air.

A is the answer.
the answer is a! in cooler air heat will rise!
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