My sister is interested in people's eating habits. She went to school to study nutrition and different ways people eat food. She can tell you what food is healthy and what is bad for you. She is a


Answer 1
I would think it’s dietician

Related Questions

Is retiring at 60 too early?


Although retirement at 60 may not be too early, it is too early for Social Security.

Do most people retire at 60?Although 61 is the typical retirement age, most people must wait until age 67 to begin receiving their full Social Security payments (if you were born after 1960).The usual retirement age is 65 according to Social Security payout standards. Compared to men, who typically retire at age 64.6, women work an average of 62.3 years before doing so.Health advantages, vacation chances, or beginning a new job or company endeavour are perks of retiring early. Early retirement has drawbacks, including a drain on funds owing to higher costs and reduced Social Security payments, as well as a dismal impact on mental health.

Learn more about retirement refer to :


Read this excerpt from a passage.
In 2001, a group of students and parents in Texas took a school district to court contending that the school's mandatory
uniform policy violated First Amendment rights. The Fifth Circuit Court ruled that the school's policy was constitutional and
that students had failed to show that the policy suppressed free expression. In cases involving school dress codes, courts across
the country have generally upheld school policies. But some school dress codes seem unnecessarily restrictive. There are dress
codes that forbid sandals, flip-flops, fuzzy slippers, boots, leggings, and clothes with the names of sports teams.
Which sentence in the excerpt is not objective?
"There are dress codes that forbid sandals, flip-flops, fuzzy slippers, boots, leggings, and clothes with the names of sports
"But some school dress codes seem unnecessarily restrictive."
"The Fifth Circuit Court ruled that the school's policy was constitutional and that students had failed to show that the
policy suppressed free expression."
"In 2001, a group of students and parents in Texas took a school district to court contending that the school's mandatory
uniform policy violated First Amendment rights."


In the excerpt is not objective of sentences is "The Fifth Circuit Court ruled that the school's policy was constitutional and that students had failed to show that the policy suppressed free expression." The correct option is (C).

What do you mean by the First Amendment rights?

Religious freedom, freedom of speech, freedom of assembly, and the right to petition are all protected under the First Amendment. It prohibits Congress from endorsing one religion above others and from limiting a person's ability to practise their religion.

A Texas school district was sued in 2001 by a group of students and parents who claimed that the school's need for uniforms was unconstitutional under the First Amendment.

Our unshakeable adherence to these ideals has endured challenging conflicts throughout our history and has remained a pillar of our democracy.

Therefore, in the excerpt is not objective of sentences is "The Fifth Circuit Court ruled that the school's policy was constitutional and that students had failed to show that the policy suppressed free expression."

To know more about the First Amendment rights, visit:


Who represents the secret police in Animal Farm?


In the aforementioned statement, the dogs stand in for Animal Farm's secret police.

What is the hidden meaning of Animal Farm?

Another great metaphor for the 1917 Russian Revolution is Animal Farm. Old Major represents Karl Marx, Snowball represents Leon Trotsky, Napoleon represents Josef Stalin, Squealer represents propaganda, & Boxer represents all Russian laborers & workers.

What is the real message of Animal Farm?

How common people can still support a revolution that has been utterly deceived is the main concern of Animal Farm. Orwell claimed that the ideal of democracy made by the revolution was being undermined by Napoleon and the other pigs in charge.

To know more about Animal Farm visit:


What do you do for a personal ransomware attack?


Ransomware victims can report their attacks to federal law enforcement through IC3 or a Secret Service Field Office, and they can also get in touch with CISA to ask for technical support or offer information that will help others.

Can you recover from ransomware?

In addition to reporting their ransomware attack to federal law enforcement through IC3 or a Secret Service Field Office, victims can contact CISA to ask for technical support or to share information that might be useful to others.

The Remote Desktop Protocol, phishing emails, and software flaws are common attack methods employed by extortion Trojans. Therefore, both people and businesses may be the target of a ransomware assault.

Restoring your systems from backups is the simplest and fastest method of recovering from ransomware. You need to have the most recent version of your data and applications, both of which must be free of the ransomware you are presently afflicted with in order for this approach to function. Remove the ransomware first, then perform the restore.

To learn more about ransomware refer to:


What's heaven look like?


But one thing is clear In heaven, we will have new and perfect bodies-- bodies that will noway progress or come weak or die because they will be like Christ's noble body after His rejuvenation.  

It's primarily God's dwelling place in the biblical tradition, a  resemblant realm where everything operates according to God's will. Heaven is a place of peace, love, community, and deification, where a heavenly court and other heavenly beings girdle God.

The reunion will take place, but not as hubby and woman. We learn this in Jesus' explanation to the Sadducees" When people rise from death, there will be no marriage.

To learn more about heaven, visit here


In global revision, you revise which of the following?



Global revision essentially focuses on the overall structure, concepts, audience, goal, and supporting details of your essay. More attention is paid to sentence-level revision in local revision: Clarifying a sentence by replacing words, fixing grammatical or typographical problems, etc.


ideas, purpose, audience, evidence, analysis, and organization.


Basically, global revision involves the big picture of your essay; it relates to Local revision focuses more on sentence-level revision: changing words so that a sentence is clearer, correcting grammatical or spelling errors, etc.hope it helps

How do you appreciate a dedicated person?


Being deliberate with your comments is a key component of professional praise. You must be concerned with making other people feel at ease, inspired, and proud of themselves.

What is dedication?

The trait or state of being committed to a person, group, cause, etc. is defined as having an extremely strong sense of support or loyalty for that person or thing. We completed the assignment on time, however it took a lot of effort and commitment.

Consecrate, devote, and hallow are a few popular alternatives of dedicate. Despite the fact that all of these words have the same meaning—"to set apart for a specific and frequently higher end"—the term "dedicate" suggests solemn and unwavering devotion to a serious or sacred use or purpose. Feast of dedication. a broad term used in the Bible to refer to the act of designating or dedicating someone, something, or someone else to God (or Gods).

To know more about dedication visit:


What do you call someone who is controlling and manipulative?


Machiavellian is we call someone who is controlling and manipulative.

What does it mean if someone is Machiavellian?Machiavellians are cunning, dishonest, mistrustful, and shrewd. They are distinguished by their callousness, cynicism, and misanthropic ideas. They also strive for wealth, power, and prestige and employ devious influencing strategies.As I mentioned before, Machiavellians, or "High Machs," are master manipulators. Most of us fall into the Low Machs category, which implies that our Machiavellian inclinations are within the usual range, however other people are classified as High Machs.High Machs people are more prone to be dishonest and have a cynical, unfeeling disposition than low Machs people. Along with the subclinical forms of psychopathy and narcissism, it is one of the dark triad characteristics.

Learn more about Machiavellian refer to ;


What is it called when someone is dedicated?


People are frequently described as "devoted" or "committed" when they are dedicated.

What is it called when someone is dedicated?

People are frequently described as "devoted" or "committed" when they are dedicated. When someone is committed, they are typically extremely motivated, laser-focused, and ready to work hard and make the sacrifices necessary to succeed. They are frequently devoted and helpful, and they are prepared to make compromises in order to assist others or accomplish their goals. Someone who is committed to a certain cause or objective is frequently described as having "passion" for that cause. They are frequently motivated by a clearly defined goal and the desire to have a positive impact on the world. There are various ways to be committed to others. It could be providing assistance and care to close friends and family, giving your time and money to others in need, or making an effort to improve your neighborhood or the wider world. Having committed to the collective achievement of the group might also mean being a dependable and encouraging teammate or coworker.

To know more about dedication, visit:


What is the mood in poetry?


In order to characterize the reader's emotional response to a poem, the term "mood of a poem" refers to how the author's tone, the subject matter, and word choice work together to establish an overall mood.

What is a mood of a poem?

The emotional undertone that an author delivers in a piece of literature is known as mood. A piece of writing's or mood in poems is determined by its atmosphere and the overall impression it leaves on the reader.

The overall tone or emotional makeup of a piece of writing, or simply the range of emotions it arouses in the reader, is known as the work's mood. The atmosphere the author creates for the reader is known as the mood. Due to the tone that the poet utilized in the poem, it is what happens inside the reader.

To learn more about mood in poems, visit:


What was Gulliver's punishment?


Gulliver was punished for saving the palace of Lilliput by urinating. A clyster inserted into his rear, half covered by a curtain.

What is the main idea of Gulliver's Travels?

Described as "a satirical classic," Gulliver's Travels was written in 1726 by an Irish author and cleric. Jonathan Swift's fantasy work "Gulliver's Travels" has a lot of wholly made-up details. The Lilliputian people are shown as living on the mythical island of Lilliput. The central theme of Gulliver's Travels is the inherent humor of human custom and habit, as well as the relative nature of morality and society as they depend on historical precedent. Like many other works by Jonathan Swift, Gulliver's Travels principally satirizes the British monarchy and imperialism. Satire is used in Gulliver's Travels to highlight human foibles and offer solutions through narration, setting, character, and storyline.

To learn more about Gulliver refer to:


What were the 3 main effects of the Great Depression?


Displacement grew, and lay off workers to 25%. Housing prices fell, trade on a global scale failed, and depreciation shot up. The stock market's recovery took 25 years are the effects of Great Depression.

What are 3 main causes of the Great Depression?

The 1929 stock market crash, the Smoot-Hawley Tariff's impact on global trade, government policies, bank failures and panics, and the depletion of the money supply are a few of the explanations cited for the Great Depression.

Who was affected by the Great Depression?

By 1928, the markets of Southeast Asia, Brazil, and Germany were all in recession. The economies of Poland, Argentina, and Canada were in decline by early 1929, and the U.S. economy followed throughout the middle of the year.

Why did the Great Depression start?

Following the 1929 October stock market crash, it started. As failing businesses laid off employees over time, consumer spending and investment fell. This resulted in decreases in industrial output and employment.

To know more about Great Depression visit:


What are 2 examples of eustress?


Starting a new career, being in a relationship, and having a parent are a few examples of changes that can produce this kind of advantageous stress. This stress is eustress.

Smaller difficulties: Eustress might take the form of the thrill of a roller-coaster ride, a spooky movie, or a fun challenge. Eustress, which can be psychological, physical, or biochemical/radiological, is a form of healthy stress. Endocrinologist Hans Selye came up with the phrase, which literally translates to "good stress" and is made up of the Greek prefix EU-, which means "good," and stress. The type of stress reaction we experience when we are excited is positive stress, sometimes referred to as good stress or eustress. Positive stress is another term for when you handle a difficulty brought on by a stressor well.

To know more about example refer to the link below :


Starting a new job, getting involved in a relationship, and raising children are all examples of changes that can lead to this kind of positive stress.

Smaller difficulties: Examples of stress include the thrill of a roller coaster ride, a scary movie, or a fun challenge.

What are two good types of stress?

Starting a new job, going on vacation, and learning a new hobby are all examples of common positive stressors. You are motivated to perform well in the situation when you are stressed.

What's your stress level?

Positive stress—either psychological, physical, or biochemical/radiological (hormesis)—is referred to as eustress. Endocrinologist Hans Selye came up with the term, which is composed of the Greek prefix eu-, which means "good," and stress, which literally means "good stress."

To learn more about positive stress here:


What are the 3 methods of analysis?


Methods of analysis that is descriptive and focuses on what has already occurred an analysis known as a diagnostic one aims to determine the cause of an event.predictive analysis forecasts trends for the future.

What exactly do descriptive and diagnostic analytics entail?

With the use of data and graphics in reports and dashboards, descriptive analytics narrates what has happened in your company during the last week, month, or year. The cause of an event is revealed by diagnostic analytics. The outcomes of current and historical actions and trends are predicted through predictive analytics.

Analysis that is descriptive and focuses on what has already occurred An analysis known as a diagnostic one aims to determine the cause of an event. Using previous data, predictive analysis forecasts trends for the future.

The cause of an event is revealed by diagnostic analytics. The outcomes of current and historical actions and trends are predicted through predictive analytics.      

To learn more about Methods of analysis refer to:


Why was Joseph successful in everything he did?


God is with us in no incident of our life situation. At different stages of his life, Joseph was a slave, a prisoner, and a national leader. whatever Joseph was, God was at work in his life in different ways Joseph could not have understood at the time.

God calls His people to live solid lives. Joseph refused to join in a faithless relationship with his master’s wife. Though Joseph’s wholeness led to prison rather than a promotion, God later honored Joseph’s loyalty in a far greater way. In the end, Potiphar would have been a helper to Joseph!

the account of Joseph and Potiphar teaches us that our victory is in direct proportion to God’s gift.

Joseph was successful no matter what he did. As Potiphar’s helper, as a model prisoner, and as a national leader, Joseph was successful because God was with him.

To know more about Joseph:


Match the pairs of words that are synonyms, meaning they have similar meanings.




The pairs of words that are synonyms, meaning they have similar meanings have been matched as follows:

Imminent - LoomingPrecarious - DangerousUsurp - SeizeTranquility - CalmnessWhat are synonyms?

Synonyms are words that have similar meanings. In the above list of words provided, we can see a range of words that are close in meaning.

The word imminent means a looming event. Such an event is very close at hand and might take over suddenly. A precarious situation is a dangerous one and to usurp a property means to seize the property. A tranquil condition simply translates into a peaceful and calm condition.

Learn more about synonyms here:


AR article
scientist got to the root of how well the drongos system worked by

A: installing cameras to watch the drongos thorought the forest
B: Putting tracking devices on starling and drongos
C: playing a number of alarm calls to pied babblers


The scientist got to the root of how well the drongo's system worked by playing a number of alarm calls to pied babblers.

Who is Drongo?

The drongos are an Old World tropics passerine bird family. The drongos are a family of short-legged, mostly black or dark grey birds with an upright stance when perched. Their tails are forked, and some have elaborate tail decorations.

Some birds, such as drongos, have been observed mimicking the alarm calls of other birds or mammals in order to cause them to drop their food and flee for safety (thinking that another bird has seen something dangerous like a predator nearby).

Therefore, Option (C) is correct.

Learn more about Drongo, here;


What are the four types of deception?


The four types of deception are self-deception, concealment, false representation, and lies.

What is mean by deception?Deception is a type of untruthful behavior that is intended to mislead or manipulate another person. It involves a person intentionally providing false information to another person or group of people in order to gain an advantage or to avoid an unfavorable outcome. Deception can take many forms including lies, omissions, half-truths, exaggerations, and more. It can be used to manipulate people into taking certain actions or believing certain things. It can also be used to deceive one's self, by denying the truth or creating false beliefs in order to make sense of reality. Deception can also be used in a variety of contexts, such as business, politics, relationships, and more. Ultimately, deception can be damaging to relationships and trust, and can lead to serious consequences.

To learn more about deception refer to:


Which excerpt from Chapter 2 of Wheels of Change supports the viewpoint that cycling has health benefits?

“The bicycle is the devil's advance agent morally and physically in thousands of instances." Smith's resolution called for "all true women and clergymen" to join with her in denouncing the bicycle craze among women as “indecent and vulgar.”
The Reverend Dr. A. Stewart Walsh, a respected clergyman in New York City and a cyclist himself, wrote a letter to the editor of the Brooklyn Eagle declaring, "I have associated with thousands of riders . . . and I have not seen among them . . . anything that could begin to approach the outrageous and scandalous indecency of the resolutions of the alleged rescue league."
In fact, the impact of the bicycle on the health and welfare of its riders was the subject of a great deal of discussion in the 1890s. At first, the popularity of the safety drew mostly praise as its use seemed to usher in a new era of robust living.
Medical literature linked cycling to cures for everything from asthma and diabetes to heart disease and varicose veins, while one study credited the decreasing death rate from consumption (tuberculosis) among women in Massachusetts to their increasing use of the bicycle.



Medical literature linked cycling to cures for everything from asthma and diabetes to heart disease and varicose veins, while one study credited the decreasing death rate from consumption (tuberculosis) among women in Massachusetts to their increasing use of the bicycle. THIS PART



Not Imagery
It's strange that all this is still sO clear to me, now that
the summer has long since fled and time has had its
way. A grindstone stands where the bleeding tree
stood, just outside the kitchen door. and now if
an oriole sings in the elm, its song seems to die up in
the leaves, a silvery dust. The flower garden is prim,
the house a gleaming white, and the pale fence
across the yard stands straight and spruce. But
sometimes (like right now), as I sit in the cool,
green-draped parlor, the grindstone begins to turn,
and time with all its changes is ground away • and
I remember Doodle,


A grindstone stands where the bleeding tree, an oriole sings in the elm its song seems to die up in the leaves and The flower garden is prim is an Imagery sentence that is used.

What is an Imagery?

In literary works, but in many other contexts like psychotherapy, imaging is figurative language often conjures a mental representation or other sorts of sensory experience.

A grindstone is located where the bleeding tree was. An oriole sings inside the elm, but its sound appears to fade amid the leaves. Prim is indeed a sentence that uses imagery. Language-based imagery seeks to convey the thrilling and emotion experiences in a text, rather than just painting a visual.

Learn more about Imagery, Here:


What was the message of President Obama's FOIA memorandum?


"Openness prevails in the face of scepticism," he said in his essay. "Agencies should take affirmative steps to make information available," the President's FOIA Memorandum further urges.

What exactly are FOIA memoranda?

As part of the IRS's commitment to openness in government, this document outlines each employee's duty to advance transparency in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act.

All federal agencies must abide by the FOIA, which mandates prompt responses to requests for the records and information they keep. We have 20 business days to reply to a FOIA request. Each and every IRS employee is jointly responsible for fulfilling this legal requirement, and we are dedicated to doing so.

To know more about constitution:


What are 4 causes and effects of the Great Depression?


Great Depression was characterised by rapid rises in the rates of poverty and homelessness, mass unemployment, and pricing and industrial production decreases (deflation).

What are the causes of the Great Depression?

The Central Bank of America's adoption of strict monetary policies. 1929 stock market collapse The stock market fall had an adverse effect on banks, causing them to fail as more customers withdrew their savings, causing them to close. reduced spending as a result of lower savings.

What are the effects of Great Depression?

Production, employment, incomes, and trade all saw sharp decreases. The decline in agricultural prices and the devastation of metropolitan centres had the greatest impact on rural regions and communities. People were living in conditions of extreme poverty as a result of unemployment.

To know more about The Great Depression visit:


Should we scoff at the idea of love at first sight?
BY: James Kuzner




Yes, we should scoff at the idea of love at first sight. I do not want to sound pessimistic but in factual or practical life we can not fall in love just by looking at his/ her first sight there's just only infatuation that happens with us and makes us feel good. I suppose love has an essential connection with peace and warmth, which can be felt when you spend time with that person.

How do you show commitment at work?


you can show commitment at work by being punctual, volunteering to help,  being confident and being a good team player.

How can you show commitment at work ?

Because companies frequently seek employees who will contribute to the success of a business or organization and actively participate in guaranteeing that success through their own professional development efforts and dedication, commitment at work is crucial.

Being on time demonstrates professionalism and effective time management. Getting to work on time demonstrates that you prioritize your work and try to provide outstanding work every day.

The best thing an employee can do for the company is offer to take on a task that is not their job. If an employee who is supposed to handle a task or assignment is not available, offer to take on the duty even if it is unpaid. Teamwork helps other employees contribute their skills and perspectives to a task, it lightens the workload, and it fosters relationships between employees, all of which are advantageous to the business. Working together as a team boosts output quality and productivity.

To read more about commitment, click here:


Explain how the range in a set of data is computed


Answer: The range is calculated by subtracting the lowest value from the highest value. While a large range means high variability, a small range means low variability in a distribution.

What was the first show Emma Watson was in?


Hermione Granger played by Emma Watson in the Harry Potter movie series was her first significant acting role.

How did Emma Watson succeed?

As a model, actress, and activist, Emma Watson has led a fruitful career. Hermione Granger's performance mostly in Harry Potter film series, that was incredibly well-liked and helped make her a household figure, is where she first became well-known and achieved renown. After completing her work on the Harry Potter movies, Watson continued to appear in a variety of other movies and TV episodes. She has also acted as a model and brand ambassador. In particular the fields of education and gender equality, Watson has had success in her efforts. Since 2014, she has worked as a UN Women Goodwill Ambassador, supporting numerous programs for women's rights and gender equality. Additionally, Watson has made a strong case for the importance of education, especially for girls and women. She has collaborated with groups like the Global Partnership for Education and the Malala Fund to advance equity and access in the field of education.

To know more about Emma Watson, visit:


What is an author's tone example?


Adjectives like cynical, melancholy, empathetic, happy, indignant, positive, furious, sarcastic, prayerful, sardonic, serious, spiteful, passionate, and thrilled are frequently used to define an author's tone.

How are tone and mood chosen?Tone | (n.) The attitude of a writer toward a topic or audience that is communicated via word choice and writing style. The general mood or emotion of a piece that is frequently produced by the author's word choice and use of imagery. The tone is the author's attitude toward the subject, while the mood is the story's atmosphere. By examining the scene, characters, details, and word choices, we may determine both.The tone conveys the author's attitude. Adjectives like cynical, melancholy, empathetic, happy, indignant, positive, furious, sarcastic, prayerful, sardonic, serious, spiteful, passionate, and thrilled are frequently used to define an author's tone.

To learn more about tone refer to:


What is a key difference in the purpose of the articles by Susan and Midnight Assassin?


A key difference in the purpose of the articles by Susan and Midnight Assassin is that Midnight Assassin attempts to convince the reader of Margaret Hossack's innocence, while the articles attempt to convince the reader of Mrs. Hossack's guilt.

Between 1884 and 1885, the Midnight Assassin was an unidentified American serial killer who preyed on the city of Austin, Texas. O. Henry is credited with coining the term. Contemporary sources referred to the eight axe murders as the Servant Girl Murders. Margaret Hossack was tried and convicted of his murder and sentenced to life in prison on April 11, 1901, after five days of witness before an all-male jury. She was released on bail one year later to await a retrial; jurors at this second trial were unable to reach a decision, and she was released.

Learn more about Mrs Hossack a Murderess


What lessons can we learn from St. Joseph?


The patron saint of fathers, Saint Joseph, offers us five enlightening insights. If Christian men seek to be like St. Joseph every day, they will come a long way toward becoming the men God has called them to be :

1. Obedient : Saint Joseph obeyed God's wishes throughout his life. When the Lord's angel advised Joseph to take Mary as his bride and talked to him about the birth in a dream, he listened and obeyed. In order to flee King Herod's plot to murder baby boys, he fled his family from Bethlehem to Egypt in obedience to the Lord. Later, Joseph followed the angel's advice to go back to Israel and establish a family there with Mary and Jesus. Joseph serves as a wonderful example of how men of God should be careful to avoid letting pride or self-control interfere with their allegiance to God.

2. Noble : Joseph the Saint was noble and generous. Although we don't know much about Joseph, we do know that he served Mary and Jesus in a humble manner. His actions were also motivated by a selfless love and dedication for his family. He serves as an example for fathers on how to prioritise their Godly calling over distractions and temptations.

3. Faithful Leader : Saint Joseph set the bar high. Although his words are not mentioned in the Bible, it is evident from his deeds that he was a good, loyal, and loving man. Many people think that our words have the biggest impact on other people, yet deeds are considerably more powerful than words. Most of the time, people won't recall what you said, but they'll always remember how you made them feel. Saint Joseph sets a high bar for other men to aspire to with every choice and action that is documented.

4. Hard Worker : Saint Joseph put up a lot of effort. He used his vocational expertise to benefit his community. He instilled in Jesus the value of perseverance. Saint Joseph, the patron saint of workers, exemplifies the importance of our daily labour and shows how it serves to honour God, provide for our families, and advance society.

5. Determined : Saint Joseph was determined. He concentrated on finding Mary a place to give birth to Baby Jesus after being turned away from the Bethlehem Inn. He led her to a stable to give birth because he was determined and obeyed the Lord. He conveyed his family to Egypt safely after the birth of Jesus. He put in a lot of hard work in his workshop to provide the family with a home to live and food to eat. He showed Jesus the ropes and how to conduct himself in a manly manner.

Keep in mind that God gave men a distinct and important role as you consider these five life teachings from St. Joseph. He serves as a reflection of Jesus Christ in the family.

Visit here to learn more about the Bible:


St. Joseph was a laborer. He was a straightforward craftsman who helped his neighbors with his creations. He instilled in his foster son Jesus the value of perseverance.

What motivates you about St. Joseph?

While St. Joseph is shown in the Gospels as a strong, bold, and hard-working man, we can also see that he has a deep tenderness, which is not a sign of weakness but rather of inner fortitude and the capacity for true care, compassion, and love. The Holy Family was dutifully served by Joseph, who kept them safe from harm so they may carry out God's mission. In his humanity, St. Joseph demonstrated how to be a man to Jesus. He undoubtedly taught him woodworking skills in addition to teaching him how to be a devout Jew. Joseph was a pioneer. However, not in the manner we might think of leadership today.

To know more about Joseph visit:


On Sunday mornings Squealer, holding down a long strip of paper with his trotter, would read out to them lists of figures proving that the production of every class of foodstuff had increased by two hundred percent, three hundred percent, or five hundred percent, as the case might be. The animals saw no reason to disbelieve him, especially as they could no longer remember very clearly what conditions had been like before the Rebellion. All the same, there were days when they felt that they would sooner have had less figures and more food. –Animal Farm, George Orwell What technique is used in the passage to promote propaganda? What is the purpose of Squealer’s use of propaganda?


The technique used is card-stacking, and the purpose of Squealer's propaganda is to persuade the animals that the production of the farm is excellent.

What is card-stacking?

Card-stacking is a technique used in propaganda that persuades people by distorting and manipulating facts, numbers, statistics, etc. After reading the passage from "Animal Farm," we can tell that is the technique Squealer is using. He is changing the real numbers concerning the farm's production to convince the animals that it is booming.

The purpose is to keep animals under control by making them believe the production is good when they, in fact, do not see the results. The food they produce does not reach them, is not eaten by them. Therefore, the embellished numbers are a just a way to keep the animals from rebelling.

Learn more about propaganda here:



What technique is used in the passage to promote propaganda?

✔ card-stacking

What is the purpose of Squealer’s use of propaganda?

✔ to make the animals think that production is booming


This is the Answer. I hope this helps! :))))))

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