Nongovernmental health agencies are funded primarily by:

A. private donations.
B. tax dollars.
C. fees for services.
D. grants from the state health department.


Answer 1

Private donations are the main source of funding for non-governmental health organizations.

What is donation?

A contribution is a gift given to a cause, humanitarian organization, or charity. A donation can come in many different ways, such as cash, alms, services, or tangible objects like furniture, toys, food, or automobiles. A donation could meet a demand for transplantable organs or blood.

What kinds of donations are there?

A donation can come in many different ways, such as cash, alms, services, or tangible objects like furniture, toys, food, or automobiles. A donation could meet a demand for transplantable organs or blood. Gifts in kind are another name for donations of products or services made to charity.

To know more about donation visit:


Related Questions

dmitri is a typical 6-month-old. when he looks into a mirror he is likely to


When Dmitri, a typical 6-month-old, looks into a mirror he is likely to reach toward the image as if it were another child.

In a classic psychological experiment known as mirror test in the 1970s, researchers placed a group of children ages 6 to 24 months with spot of lipstick on their noses in front of a mirror to determine their response. According to the results, young infants (age 6-12 months) seem to think the baby in the mirror is another baby as they smile and approach the baby in a friendly way. Older babies (age 13-24 months) respond with a little more hesitation at this point reason for which was unsure. Toddlers (age 20-24 months) were able to clearly recognize that the reflection in the mirror is their own.

Learn more about Mirror:


Jointness implies cross-Service combination wherein the _____of the joint force is understood to be synergistic, with the sum greater than its parts.


Capability of the joint force

This means that the combined capabilities of the different branches of the military (e.g. the Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marines) are greater when they work together in a coordinated and integrated manner than they would be if each branch operated independently.

The idea is that the combined capabilities of the different branches are greater than the sum of their individual capabilities, and that this synergy can be leveraged to achieve strategic objectives. Jointness is a key principle of military operations and is often used to maximize the effectiveness and efficiency of military efforts.  

To know more about the topic refer to:


Please help me. 55 pts.

You’ve learned a lot about why the Stock Market Crash of 1929 happened on Thursday, October 24, 1929—Black Thursday. Fill in the gaps in this table to review the long-­‐ and short-­‐term causes of the Stock Market Crash of 1929. For example, the first long-­‐term cause listed in the column on the leM is “Buying stocks on margin.” If the column on the right was blank, then in that column, you would fill it in with an explanation of how that cause led to the crash. If the column on the left was blank, then you would fill it in with the cause.


Some of the long-term causes of the crash include:

Economic inequalitySpeculationOverproduction

Some of the short-term causes of the crash include:

The Federal Reserve's tight monetary policyThe Smoot-Hawley TariffBanking crisis

What were the causes of the crash?

Economic inequality: The gap between the rich and the poor had been growing in the years leading up to the crash, with a disproportionate amount of wealth concentrated in the hands of a small number of individuals.

Speculation: Many investors were buying stocks on margin, which means they were borrowing money to purchase shares. This led to speculation, as people were buying stocks not because they believed in the underlying value of the company, but because they believed the stock's price would continue to rise.

Overproduction: The economy had been booming in the 1920s, but by the end of the decade, there were signs that companies had overproduced goods. This meant that there was a surplus of goods and a corresponding decrease in demand, which could lead to a recession.

Some of the short-term causes of the crash include:

The Federal Reserve's tight monetary policy: In 1928, the Federal Reserve raised interest rates to try to curb speculation, which made it more expensive to borrow money and led to a decrease in stock prices.

The Smoot-Hawley Tariff: In 1930, the U.S. government passed the Smoot-Hawley Tariff, which raised tariffs on imported goods. This led to a trade war with other countries, as they responded by raising tariffs on American goods. This further depressed the economy and added to the market turmoil

Banking crisis: Run on the bank and banking crisis further added pressure on the market.

Learn more about stock market on:


how were the native americans impacted by hernando de soto?


Answer: De Soto enslaved, mutilated, and executed native americans



Which is most likely the US government's aim in taxing imported goods?


US government's aim is to prevent domestic fledgling or rising businesses from being absorbed by or exploited by sophisticated foreign industries, the U.S. government imposes taxes or tariffs on imported commodities from other nations.

What endows the US government with the authority to levies taxes?The Congress shall have the authority to levy and collect taxes, duties, imposts, and excises in order to pay debts, provide for the common defense, and promote the general welfare of the United States; however, all duties, imposts, and excises should be uniform across the country.Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution grants Congress the plenary (i.e., exclusive) right to levy taxes among the three parts of the federal government.US government's aim is to prevent domestic fledgling or rising businesses from being absorbed by or exploited by sophisticated foreign industries, the U.S. government imposes taxes or tariffs on imported commodities from other nations.

To learn more about US government's aim refer to:


Who negotiated a Treaty to end Russo-Japanese War?


U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt.

The Treaty of Portsmouth formally ended the Russo-Japanese War of 1904–05. The negotiations took place in August in Portsmouth, New Hampshire, and were brokered in part by U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt.

About Russo-Japanese War

The war between Japan and Russia lasted from February 10, 1904 to September 5, 1905. This war mainly occurred because of the seizure of the City of Port Arthur (a port city in China) and the Liaodong Peninsula, plus the rail line from the port to Harbin. In the end, the brutal and long battle between Russia and Japan ended with a peace treaty. For 19 months, this battle has claimed many lives. At least around 150,000 troops from both sides died on the battlefield.

Background of war

At the beginning of the 20th century, Russia had become a world power to be reckoned with with vast territories in Eastern Europe and Central Asia. Meanwhile, Japan was also seen as an Asian power thanks to the Meiji Restoration that took place in 1868. In 1904, the Russian Empire, ruled by the autocratic (leader-centred decisions) Tsar Nicholas II, was seen as one of the broadest territorial powers in the world. Still in the same year, the Siberika shipping center from Vladivostok was forced to close for months due to the cold season. Thus, the Russian Empire needed a warm water port in the Pacific Ocean, both for trading purposes and a base for its growing navy. In order to solve this problem, Tsar Nicholas directed his attention to the Korean Peninsula and Liaodong in China. The Russian Empire then leased a port on the Liaodong Peninsula from China, known as Port Arthur.

Meanwhile, Japan has paid special attention to Russia in the East Asia region since the Sino-Japanese War in 1895. Initially, Japan wanted to make a deal by offering control over Manchuria, China. However, Russia rejected the offer. After failing to negotiate with Russia, Japan chose to go to war by carrying out a surprise attack on Port Arthur on February 8, 1904.

Learn more about Russo-Japanese war at


a consensus is developing that the key changes in identity are more likely to take place at _____.


A consensus is growing that the most major changes in identity are more likely to occur between the ages of 18 and 25.

Emerging adulthood, typically defined as the period between ages 18 and 25, is thought to be a crucial time for the development of identity. This is the time when individuals are leaving childhood and adolescence and transitioning into adulthood. They are becoming more independent, and making important decisions about their lives, such as choosing a career, forming romantic relationships, and developing a sense of self. Due to these developmental changes and increased autonomy, it is believed that the key changes in identity are more likely to take place during this period.

Learn more about consensus here:


research on infant long-term memory has shown that infants can remember if the researchers _____.



Use special measures to aid memory retrieval, such as reminder sessions

What is the most comprehensive cybersecurity solution?


A comprehensive cybersecurity solution should generally include the following elements Firewall, Antivirus software, Access controls, Encryption, and Security awareness training.

Firewall: A firewall is a security system that controls the incoming and outgoing network traffic based on predetermined security rules. It is often used to prevent unauthorized access to a network and to protect against cyber threats such as malware and hacking.

Antivirus software: Antivirus software is designed to detect and remove malware from a computer or network. Access controls: Access controls are used to restrict access to a computer or network based on user credentials and permissions.

Encryption: Encryption is the process of encoding data so that it can only be accessed by authorized users. It is an important component of a comprehensive cybersecurity solution, as it helps to protect against unauthorized access to data, both in storage and in transit.

Security awareness training: Security awareness training helps users to understand the importance of cybersecurity and to recognize and respond to potential threats.

To learn more about cybersecurity


What caused McCarthyism in the U.S. ?


McCarthyism was influenced by a variety of causes, some of which had their origins in the First Red Scare (1917–20), which was motivated by the rise of communism as a recognized political entity and the extensive social unrest caused by unionizing and anarchist activities in the United States.

The American Heritage Dictionary defines McCarthyism as,  The political practice of making unfounded public charges of disloyalty or subversion; and the use of biased investigative and accusatory techniques to silence critics.

The Bolshevik Revolution in Russia, which gave rise to widespread fears that immigrants, especially those from southern and eastern Europe, particularly from Russia, intended to destroy the U.S. government; After World War I, there was a drop in production requirements and an increase in unemployment.

To know more about McCarthyism visit :


McCarthyism was influenced by a number of factors, some of which stemmed from the First Red Scare (1917-20), which was motivated by the rise of communism as a recognized political entity and widespread social unrest in the United States as a result of unionizing and anarchist activities.

McCarthyism is defined as "the political practice of making unfounded public charges of disloyalty or subversion; and the use of biased investigative and accusatory techniques to silence critics" by the American Heritage Dictionary.

The Bolshevik Revolution in Russia, which raised widespread fears that immigrants, particularly those from southern and eastern Europe, particularly Russia, intended to destroy the United States government; Following World War I, there was a decrease in production requirements and an increase in unemployment.

To know more about McCarthyism visit :


What is the difference between a strong mayor and council manager form of government?


The primary distinction is who has the legal ability to hire and remove city employees. The manager has that authority in a council-manager system. (There are a few exceptions.

The mayor is the top executive of the city, and the council is the primary legislative body. The following are the general characteristics of powerful mayor-council governments: The mayor has the authority to appoint and remove department heads. Political authority is concentrated in the mayor under the "strong mayor" arrangement, which means that other members of the elected body cede at least some of their policy-making power and influence. While mayors are elected, city managers are not. Mayors are normally elected for a two-year or four-year tenure.

Learn more about to council-manager


Mayors are elected, but city managers are not.

Ordinarily, mayors are chosen for either a two- or four-year tenure. A legislative body typically hires or dismisses city administrators, who are typically long-term city employees.

What distinguishes the mayor from the council?

The council serves as the city's main legislative body, while the mayor is its chief executive. Strong mayor-council regimes typically exhibit the following traits: Department heads may be appointed by and removed by the mayor. A budget is drafted by the mayor and presented to the city council.

What distinguishes a mayor-council system from a council-manager type of government?

Who has the legal authority to hire and fire city employees is the key distinction. In a system with a council manager, the  manager has that power. (There are limited exceptions.

To know more about Mayors visit:


Whether you practice public information with a journalistic set of values or advocacy, it is critical to be:


The principle of transparency is critical whether you practice public information with a journalistic set of values or advocacy.

Any information or communication pertaining to the processing of personal data must be readily available, understandable, and written in plain language in order to comply with the concept of transparency. Fair use of personal information is required. This means that you must not process the data in a way that is excessively harmful, unexpected, or deceptive to the public involved. People must be told upfront how you plan to utilize their personal information in a transparent, open, and honest manner. We serve the public interest by acting as responsible advocates for the people we represent.

To learn more about The principle of transparency, click on:


What are the 3 taxes we have to pay?


The three main taxes that a person has to pay are individual income tax, Corporate Income Taxes and  payroll tax.

What is individual income tax?

An individual or household must pay an individual income tax (also known as a personal income tax) on their earnings from wages, salaries, investments, and other sources. Numerous individual income taxes are progressive, which means that the tax rate rises as the taxpayer's income rises. As a result, those with higher incomes pay a bigger share of income taxes than those with lower incomes.

What are Corporate Income Taxes?

Federal and state governments impose a corporate income tax (CIT) on business profits, which are calculated as revenues (what a business makes in sales) minus costs (the cost of doing business).

What is payroll tax?

Payroll taxes are levied on wages, tips, and salaries that are paid by both employees and employers. The employer withholds taxes from employee paychecks and disburses them to the government. These taxes consist of federal, state, and local income taxes as well as the employee's share of Social Security and Medicare taxes (FICA). Employers are responsible for paying both federal and state unemployment taxes in addition to their FICA contribution.

To know more about Corporate income tax visit:              


What was Justice Harlan's dissenting opinion?


In his dissent, Harlan held to Radical Republican principles and maintained that the victims weren't asking for special treatment; rather, they wanted to be treated equally with the majority race.

Despite the fact that they both made strong cases for a "color-blind" reading of the Constitution, Harlan and Brown did not favor social equality between races. He disagreed with the mainstream opinion because, in his opinion, legally imposed segregation inhibited political equality.

In his dissent in the Plessy case, Justice Harlan reiterated his critical 13th Amendment argument from The Civil Rights Cases of 1883, in which he asserted that the amendment did more than only ban formal slavery and involuntary servitude. Slavery's "badges and events" were also prohibited.

To know more about Plessy vs. Ferguson:


What is progressive income tax system?


A progressive tax system is one where the average tax burden increases with income. High-income families pay a disproportionate share of the tax burden, while low- and middle-income taxpayers shoulder a relatively small tax burden.

The entire federal tax system is progressive tax system , meaning that higher-income families pay a bigger share of their income in total federal taxes than do lower-income households. The progressive tax structure is exemplified by individual income taxes. The percentage of income that must be paid in taxes under progressive taxes rises as income does. Individual income tax is a type of tax based on a person's total yearly income.

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In a progressive tax system, the average tax burden rises as income does. Low-and middle-income taxpayers bear a disproportionately tiny amount of the tax burden, compared to high-income families.

What exactly is a progressive tax system?

In a progressive tax, the average tax burden rises as income does. Low- and middle-income taxpayers bear a disproportionately small percentage of the tax burden, whereas high-income families pay a disproportionate share.

How Does a Tax System Become Progressive?

In a progressive tax system, higher income levels are subject to higher tax rates. The individual income tax rate for the United States is between 10% and 37%. Due to this design, those with higher incomes are required to pay a bigger share of income taxes than those with lower incomes.

To learn more about the progressive tax system visit:


Why is the amendment 8 important?


The amendment is significant because it gives various "freedom from" rights. It, for example, protects Americans from unusual and cruel penalties.

unusual and cruel penalties is a word used in common law to describe punishment that is deemed undesirable due to the suffering, agony, or humiliation inflicted on the person subjected to a sanction. The precise meaning differs by jurisdiction, but commonly includes penalties that are arbitrary, unneeded, unduly severe in comparison to the offense, or not widely acceptable in society. The Eighth Amendment to a United Specifies Constitution states that cruel or unusual punishments shall not be inflicted." Justice William Brennan established the fundamental criteria on which the US Supreme Court relied to assess whether a particular penalty was cruel and unusual. The phrase "cruel and unusual punishment" originally appeared inside the English Bill of Rights in 1689.

Learn more about Rights here


The 8th amendment is important as it prohibits cruel and unusual punishments.

The Eighth Amendment of the United States Constitution, which is a part of the Bill of Rights, places restrictions on the punishments that people who are charged or found guilty of unlawful behaviour may endure at the hands of the criminal justice system. There are three articles that establish upper and lower bounds on the amount of bail associated with criminal offences as well as the possible fines and punishments.

Unless there was a blatant instance of misuse of authority in determining the penalty, fine appeals are frequently not reversed. When it comes to bail, the goals of the legal system and society at large are balanced against those of the individual.

Know more about 8th amendment here


What is the role of public property?


Public properties are objects that a country's residents jointly own and use. If it was their obligation to build the property, then people have a duty to help the government preserve it.

What do you mean by public property?

In contrast to private property, public activity is defined as owing to the government (or its agency). The broader public owns it. Several public playgrounds, streets, paths, libraries, schools, and some other public areas are examples. Contrast: private property.

Why is public property so important to us?

Occasionally, whether on purpose or not, people harm public property. As a result, individuals, families, society, and the country as a whole experience financial losses. Maintaining public property is necessary in light of this.

To know more about Public properties, visit:


Why do governments impose tariffs ?


Government impose tariffs to serve as a source of revenue, to protect domestic industries, and to remedy trade distortions (punitive function).

Governments often impose tariffs as a way to manage international trade and protect domestic industries. These tariffs, also known as customs duties, are typically imposed on imported goods and services and can have an effect on both the importing and exporting countries.

Tariffs are used to discourage imports and protect domestic production from foreign competition, as well as generate revenue for the government. They are an important tool in the government's arsenal of economic and trade policies, allowing them to adjust the flow of goods and services in the global marketplace.

To know more about tariffs, click here.


Tariffs are imposed by the government to generate revenue, protect domestic industries, and correct trade distortions (punitive function).

Tariffs are frequently imposed by governments in order to manage international trade and protect domestic industries. Tariffs, also known as customs duties, are typically levied on imported goods and services and can affect both importing and exporting countries.

Tariffs are used by the government to discourage imports, protect domestic production from foreign competition, and generate revenue. They are an important tool in the government's economic and trade policy arsenal, allowing them to control the flow of goods and services in the global marketplace.

Learn more about governments to visit this link


Systematic desensitization is based on the idea that ________ facilitates the elimination of fear.
a.the placebo effect
b.movement of the eyes
c.therapeutic touch
d.relaxation listening


The foundation of systematic desensitization is the notion that letting go makes fear easier to get rid of. A kind of counterconditioning that links pleasant relaxation with escalating anxiety.

Which statement best describes the process of systematic desensitization?

Identification of anxiety-producing stimuli, understanding how to relax, and then applying relaxation to handle an increasing succession of anxiety-provoking stimuli are all parts of progressive muscle relaxation.

What is the foundation of systematic desensitization?

A form of systematic desensitization based on the idea of classical conditioning is called systematic desensitization. It was created in the 1950s by Wolpe. With the help of counter-conditioning, this therapy tries to progressively replace a phobia's fear reaction with a resting state to the conditional stimuli.

To know more about Systematic desensitization visit:


In the u.s., over 3 million children are reported as abused or neglected each year, and more than 1 million are confirmed as victims of child maltreatment.
a. True
b. False


That is true. Every year, almost three million incidences of child abuse involving minors are recorded. The United States has one of the worst statistics among developed nations, losing five children per day to child abuse and neglect.

What exactly is child abuse?

Child abuse is a serious felony that involves the infliction of physical, emotional, sexual, and/or negligent damage on a child. It can manifest itself in a variety of ways, including physical pain, mental trauma, neglect, and sexual abuse. Physical abuse can include hitting, shaking, burning, or any other physical contact that causes bodily harm. Verbal aggressiveness, threats, and other types of psychological manipulation are examples of emotional abuse.

We must do more to raise awareness and assist individuals who are victims of child abuse and neglect. We must also seek to avoid it by providing parents, carers, and professionals with knowledge and resources.

To learn more about child abuse, click


What type of government did Joseph Stalin support?


Joseph Stalin supported a communist dictatorship government.

Joseph Stalin led of the Soviet Union from 1922 until his death in 1953 under a communist dictatorship government with policies of Marxist–Leninist. Under a communist dictatorship government, the country was led by a single authoritarian leader with one party which is the communist party who control every aspect of life in the country from economy to politics. Productions and distribution of goods and services are tightly controlled by the government, as well as the means of production are also owned and controlled by the government rather than by individuals.

To learn more about Joseph Stalin visit:






Explanation:6. process

7. duration is the time during which something continues.

capacity is the maximum amount that something can contain.

The ___________________ of a debate is when the participants build their argument with evidence and reasoning. a. introduction c. rebuttal b. body d.


Option b (body) is correct, The body of a debate is when the participants build their argument with evidence and reasoning.

The bulk of your argument speech should be in the body paragraphs. The judges will make notes of your key points here so they may later compare them to those of the opponents. There must be a statement to introduce the points you want to make in each paragraph.

A formal discussion on a particular subject between two opposing parties is known as a debate speech. When a topic is discussed, one side is in favor and the other is opposed. It offers a Summary of Your Arguments: Give a succinct summary of your points to help the audience understand the thrust of your speech.

To learn more about the debate, click at:


Who is an altruistic person?


Altruism is characterized by selflessness and concern for the welfare of others acting out of a genuine desire to help, rather than because of a sense of duty, allegiance, or religious obligations.

Please list two qualities of a kind person?

Enhanced health There are numerous ways in which acting kindly can enhance physical health. People who volunteer tend to be in better general health, and routinely doing good deeds is associated with significantly lower mortality. Enhanced mental health It might make you feel good about yourself and the world to help others. According to research, when people do kind things for other people, their happiness levels increase. Altruism is characterized by selflessness and concern for the welfare of others acting out of a genuine desire to help, rather than because of a sense of duty, allegiance, or religious obligations.

To know more about the  altruistic person visit:


A trait theorist would most likely challenge the study findings described in the passage by asserting that researchers failed to assess:


A trait theorist would most likely challenge the study findings described in the passage by asserting that researchers failed to assess B. whether personality changes were maintained following the period of intervention.

In the study described in the passage, researchers investigated the effectiveness of a particular intervention on personality changes. The study findings described in the passage suggest that certain personality traits can be successfully altered with intervention.  

However, a trait theorist could challenge the results of this study by questioning whether the personality changes observed were maintained after the intervention period ended. Hence, option B is correct.

This raises the possibility that the observed changes were only temporary, and could not be replicated in the long-term.

Therefore, further research is needed to determine whether the personality changes induced by the intervention are sustained.

Although a part of your question is missing, you might be referring to this question:

A trait theorist would most likely challenge the study findings described in the passage by asserting that researchers failed to assess:

A. which interventions were most effective in eliciting changes in personality.

B. whether personality changes were maintained following the period of intervention.

C. the influence of human interactions in enabling changes in personality.

D. each participant's reason for the specific personality trait chosen.

To learn more about trait, click here:


Which of the following BEST describes the purposes of the 14 executive departments?
to provide the president with information, administer programs, and carry out the
laws instituted by Congress in their particular area


The statement that best describes the purposes of the 14 executive departments is to provide the president with information, administer programs, and carry out the laws instituted by Congress in their particular area.

Who is a President of a country?

The Commander-in-Chief of the armed forces and the head of state and government of the United States of America are the President.

According to Article II of the Constitution, the President is in charge of carrying out and upholding the laws passed by Congress.

The President has the authority to veto measures passed by Congress or to sign them into law. However, Congress can override a veto with a two-thirds majority in both houses. The President has the authority to negotiate and sign treaties, which are then ratified by the Senate. The Executive Branch also engages in diplomacy with other countries. Executive orders are documents that the president can issue to direct executive offices or to explain and advance current laws.

Additionally, the President has the authority to grant clemencies and pardons for federal offences.

To learn more on President from the link:


A federal executive department must be established by legislative law, not by the head of state or government.

The traditional United States Cabinet (or presidential cabinet), an executive body at the disposal of the President of the United States and which typically functions as a structure Council of the Presidency, is made up of the chiefs of the US executive departments, also known as secretaries of this department. Since 1792, when both the presidency and the vice-presidency become vacant, the members of the cabinet, after the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the president pro tempore of the Senate, make up the presidential order of succession. When it grants authority in Article II, Section 2, the US Constitution refers to these department secretaries. "need the written opinion of the Principal Officer in the Executive Departments on any matter relevant to the Duties of their respective Offices." In a nutshell, the secretaries and their departments serve as the president's executive branch.

Learn more about executive here :


recent studies have shown that cognitive differences between boys and girls ________.


There are no obvious distinctions between the genders when it comes to multitasking. When it comes to being able to solve complex problems, men and women are comparable.

What is the theory of gender schemas?

According to the gender schema theory, children pick up gender-related schemas from their encounters with other kids and adults as well as from TV shows and movies. These preconceived notions or preconceptions serve to organize and structure additional information given to children.

Which three gender theories are there?

Functionalism, strain theory, and interpretivist are the three main sociological approaches that can be used to investigate issues relating to gender, sexuality, sexual orientation, and sexuality.

To know more about cognitive differences visit:


Why was the Spanish-American War a turning point for US world identity?


The spanish american war was marked a turning point in american foreign policy because the United States of America became an imperial world power.

Closely tied to becoming a world naval power,the Spanish American War resulted in the US becoming a world economic power,capable of extending its trading reach under naval protection.This was closely related to item up.Before the war,the US had no commercial fleet to speak.The Spanish-American War of 1898 could be seen as the turning point in foreign policy,as it marks the first confrontation of the United States with a foreign enemy in the nascent era of modern warfare however,one could also argue that the idea has always been around in American politics.A tipping point is an event,era,and or development in world history that has caused significant social,cultural,ecological,political,or economic change. and the wheel in the middle east tool iron created a second burst of human expansion.

To learn more about turning point please click on below link.


Spanish colonial rule in the Western Hemisphere was put an end by the Spanish-American War of 1898, which also cemented America's status as a Pacific superpower.

Why did the Spanish-American War matter so much to the history of the United States?

Spanish-American War, which broke out between the United States and Spain, ultimately put an end to Spain's role as a colonial power in the New World. The United States emerged from the war as a strong world power, with significant territorial claims extending from the Caribbean to Southeast Asia.

Following the Spanish-American War, was US foreign policy altered?

Although the Spanish-American War of 1898, which saw America engage in combat with a foreign adversary for the first time in the developing period of modern warfare, could be seen as the turning point in foreign policy, one could also argue that the idea has always been present in American politics.

Learn more about Spanish-American War:


What was the goal of the temperance in the late 1800s and early 1900s?


Answer: The goal of the temperance movement is to ban manufacture, selling and transporting alcohol beverages.

Damages that are awarded to compensate for gross negligence and to deter wrongdoers (e.g., when there is sufficient evidence of the willful and wanton disregard for the rights of others) are known as:


Punitive damages are used to penalize a criminal in order to dissuade future offenders from engaging in the same behavior.

What Distinguishes Punitive Damages from Compensatory Damages?

To make up for any loss or crime, compensating damages are intended. When the misconduct is considered to have been willfully, maliciously, or with gross negligence, punitive damages are awarded in addition to compensatory damages. These are intended to prevent the offender from harming others or engaging in improper behavior again.

Why are punitive damages awarded?

Damages that are awarded in addition to actual damages are known as punitive damages. They are granted as a kind of retribution for the offender's serious transgression as well as a means of keeping the defendant and others from engaging in similar behavior.

To know more about punitive damages visit:


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