PLEASE I NEED HELP !!! Charles dickens incorporates dialogue into his passage. use evidence from the passage to write an essay analyzing how the dialogue functions to reveal aspects of Oliver Twist.

THE STORY : [1] The room in which the boys were fed, was a large stone hall, with a copper at one end: out of which the master, dressed in an apron for the purpose, and assisted by one or two women, ladled the gruel at meal-times. Of this festive composition each boy had one porringer, and no more -- except on occasions of great public rejoicing, when he had two ounces and a quarter of bread besides. The bowls never wanted washing. The boys polished them with their spoons till they shone again; and when they had performed this operation (which never took very long, the spoons being nearly as large as the bowls), they would sit staring at the copper, with such eager eyes, as if they could have devoured the very bricks of which it was composed; enjoying themselves, meanwhile, in sucking their fingers most assiduously, with the view of catching up any stray splashes of gruel that might have been cast thereon. Boys have generally excellent appetites. Oliver Twist and his companions suffered the tortures of slow starvation for three months: at last they got so voracious and wild with hunger, that one boy, who was tall for his age, and hadn't been used to that sort of thing (for his father had kept a small cookshop), hinted darkly to his companions, that unless he had another basin of gruel per diem, he was afraid he might some night happen to eat the boy who slept next to him, who happened to be a weakly youth of tender age. He had a wild hungry eye; and they implicitly believed him. A council was held; lots were cast who should walk up to the master after supper that evening, and ask for more; and it fell to Oliver Twist.
[2] The evening arrived; the boys took their places. The master, in his cook's uniform, stationed himself at the copper; his pauper assistants ranged themselves behind him; the gruel was served out; and a long grace was said over the short commons. The gruel disappeared; the boys whispered each other, and winked at Oliver; while his next neighbours nudged him. Child as he was, he was desperate with hunger, and reckless with misery. He rose from the table; and advancing to the master, basin and spoon in hand, said: somewhat alarmed at his temerity:
[3] "Please, sir, I want some more."
[4] The master was a fat, healthy man; but he turned very pale. He gazed in stupefied astonishment on the small rebel for some seconds, and then clung for support to the copper. The assistants were paralysed with wonder; the boys with fear.
[5] "What!" said the master at length, in a faint voice.
[6] "Please, sir," replied Oliver, "I want some more."
[7] The master aimed a blow at Oliver's head with the ladle; pinioned him in his arms; and shrieked aloud for the beadle.
[8] The board were sitting in solemn conclave, when Mr. Bumble rushed into the room in great excitement, and addressing the gentleman in the high chair, said,
[9] "Mr. Limbkins, I beg your pardon, sir! Oliver Twist has asked for more!"
[10] There was a general start. Horror was depicted on every countenance.
[11] "For more!" said Mr. Limbkins. "Compose yourself, Bumble, and answer me distinctly. Do I understand that he asked for more, after he had eaten the supper allotted by the dietary?"
[12] "He did, sir," replied Bumble.
[13] "That boy will be hung," said the gentleman in the white waistcoat. "I know that boy will be hung."
[14] Nobody controverted the prophetic gentleman's opinion. An animated discussion took place. Oliver was ordered into instant confinement; and a bill was next morning pasted on the outside of the gate, offering a reward of five pounds to anybody who would take Oliver Twist off the hands of the parish. In other words, five pounds and Oliver Twist were offered to any man or woman who wanted an apprentice to any trade, business, or calling.
[15] "I never was more convinced of anything in my life," said the gentleman in the white waistcoat, as he knocked at the gate and read the bill next morning: "I never was more convinced of anything in my life, than I am that that boy will come to be hung."
[16] As I purpose to show in the sequel whether the white-coated gentleman was right or not, I should perhaps mar the interest of this narrative (supposing it to possess any at all), if I ventured to hint just yet, whether the life of Oliver Twist had this violent termination or no.



Answer 1
The answer is artificial crab because it’s fake

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Read this paragraph from the article, "Caring for Vets Should Be National Duty."

In advance of this year’s Veterans Day, on Nov. 11, the legions of men and women who have served in our nation’s military received some welcoming news: Congress finally agreed to fund the VA Mission Act, which since its June passage had been mired in budgetary disputes.

Which word best describes the tone of the paragraph?









A tone of a paragraph represents the writer's/author's feeling and emotions towards a particular passage. In this passage, the author is presenting a celebratory tone.

This is because in the passage the author is relaying a welcoming news which was the news of how Congress had finally agreed to fund the VA Mission Act. This is a celebratory victory because this bill has been finally passed after much budgetary disputes in the Congress. Thus, the author is happy and excited for the passage of this long debated bill.


Celebratory :)


Please refer to story B2 and answer the following question. Which idea can be supported from the first paragraph?
a. Ms. Pugh is a bitter woman.
b. Ms. Pugh is an old woman.
c. Ms. Pugh has been through a lot.
d. Ms. Pugh was a world class ballerin



c. Ms. Pugh has been through a lot.


In the short story "Ursula Pugh," the speaker/ narrator mentioned in the first paragraph about the protagonist Ursula Pugh. The short yet informative detail describes how Ms. Pugh had changed so drastically.

In that first paragraph, Ms. Pugh is described as someone who's been through a lot. The speaker reveals, "At an earlier time in her life, Ursula Pugh was – before injuries, before a disastrous marriage, before the death of her beloved  sister – a glorious dancer." The fact that the narrator uses "was" and "at earlier times" signifies that whatever Ms. Pugh was before, she no longer is now. And the "injuries, ... disastrous marriage... death of her beloved sister" are all hard times for Ms. Pugh.

Thus, the correct answer is option c.

“In a moment of decision, the best thing you can do is the right thing. The worst thing you can do is nothing” Explain


If you are having difficulties deciding on what to do, it’s always best to do what you believe is the right thing. If you decided to do nothing, you could ultimately be making the wrong choice.

Example: You’re at the grocery store and you dropped a can of soda in the isle. You feel bad and you aren’t sure if you should report it to an employee so they can clean it up or if you should just walk away and pretend like nothing happened. Now if you do nothing, someone might come and slip on the soda and hurt themselves badly (the worst thing). But if you decided to tell an employee, you’re making the right choice because you’re preventing that future person from slipping.

I hope this makes sense!

Read the lines from "My Father is a Simple Man."
and tells me the orange has seeds and so is perpetual; and we too will come back like the orange trees. How does the word choice in the lines convey the speaker's father's view on life?

He believes that a good life starts with good nutrition.

He feels that a life worth living is one spent in nature.

He knows that life is a cycle of death and rebirth.

He thinks one should search for the simple things in life.


Answer: He knows that life is a cycle of death and rebirth.


The father of the speaker in this poem must believe in the cycle of life, death and rebirth because he compares human lives to that of an orange which gets to live, make orange seeds and then get reborn when those orange seeds grow into orange trees.

In believing that human life is perpetual, he shows his belief that humans live perpetually and in likening it to oranges coming back, the method of the perpetual living is being reborn.

Palpable : Intangible :: _________

Just need to know which two words fit


The answer is c hope this helps :)


the answer is the letter c

The impact that technology has had in teenagers life


Potential benefits of technology for teens

teens people love going online, for very good reason. By using the internet, they can:

easily access information to inform and educate themselves

maintain and develop supportive relationships

form their identities (through self-expression, learning and talking)

promote a sense of belonging and self-esteem through staying connected with friends and being involved in diverse communities.

Research shows that the things that help young people have a positive experience online are:

having a good understanding of the internet and how online media work (including things like privacy settings)

having the skills to critically understand, analyse and create content that adds value for themselves and others.

Potential risks for teenagers

Some risks associated with being online are:

Cyberbullying: This is when people use technology to embarrass, harass or bully someone. Cyberbullying can include posting mean or untrue statements, making fake online profiles intended to embarrass people, sharing embarrassing photos, and more.

Trolling: This is when people deliberately try to start arguments or to upset people on the internet, often causing considerable distress.

Isolation: Too much time spent online and using technology is time not spent face-to-face with family and friends, which can create barriers and contribute to a sense of isolation.

Inappropriate material: Teenagers posting inappropriate pictures or content online, or sharing such material with friends, may humiliate themselves or others.

Inappropriate relationships: Strangers or others may try to form inappropriate relationships with young people.

Why would a Tasmanian devil not make a good pet?
A) They are only suited to certain climates.
B) They are savage and would be dangerous to have around people.
C) They would eat all of the grass and vegetation at your house.
D) They are merely cartoon characters and do not actually exist.



B they are savage and would be dangerous to have around people


thats how ppl describe them

Martin describes having hard conversations with what specific people in the letter?


Answer:n this unit, students read Martin Luther King, Jr.'s “Letter from Birmingham Jail” ... analyze how he uses rhetoric and specific word choices to advance that purpose. ... Engage in productive evidence-based conversations about text. ... King describes the clergymen as “men of genuine good will

Explanation:tell me if im wrong

Name: ___________________________________
The Giver and Theme

Rules of the Community
Exploring the Setting of The Giver

Directions: You will close-read various passages from The Giver in order to identify and analyze the different rules of the community in the novel. You will then record all the community rules (including their pros and cons) on the graphic organizer below. An example has been provided.




1. You must share your feelings at dinner.

Helps release negative emotions
Prevents anger, violence, etc. in the community as negative emotions won’t build up and explode
Allows people to brainstorm solutions to problems with others instead of dealing with it alone
People feel better after sharing their feelings
Helps families get closer

The citizens are emotionless robots
The government uses these “therapy sessions” to control the people (i.e., make sure they do not have any dangerous feelings)

2. You must not fly over the community in a plane.

It wouldn’t drive people’s attention
People wouldn’t be curious about how they leave the community
It wouldn’t make a lot of commotion
People wouldn’t be frightened

People would be scared of the plane
It’s getting everyone’s attention

3. You cannot speak rudely to anyone.

No one would be embarrassed
They would be able to make great friendship
There would be no arguments
Everyone would be caring for one another

People would making

4. You cannot take snack food from the recreation area.

5. You cannot brag about accomplishments.

6. You cannot look at one another’s unclothedness.





Reflection Questions:

What do all these rules have in common? What is their overall purpose in the community?

Do you think these rules create a utopia or a dystopia? Why?

What do we learn about Father’s relationship with the rules in Chapter 2? Given our discussion on the community rules, how would you describe his personality? What do you think might happen to him later on the novel as a result?


All seventeen years of my life I've never once picked up a book outside of the classroom. No matter how bored I was, no matter who asked me to read, my lack of reading skills discouraged me of ever being fond of reading. Realizing that my eighteenth year is coming up and that I’ll be attending college soon, I’m starting to see just how important having a solid foundation of reading really is. Reading teaches skills in ways that no other subjects can such as analyzing. Because I want to be a computer engineer, I need to be an all around good reader and be able to retain the information I read. I haven't had the chance to be exceptional at reading because of the amount of judgement I received as a child.
The first grade is when I can first recall ever having to read a book. The classroom was full of young minds ready to learn to read. Our teacher was going over some words in the book as the students said them aloud. I can remember having a immense amount of trouble pronouncing the words, so after school I went home to ask my parents for help. When I arrived at my front door I was greeted with hugs and kisses, like always, but to my dissatisfaction, I noticed that my parents had no motive to help me with my reading. I begged them all night to listen to me; I wanted to be able to go back to school and read like all the other students. I felt alone and deeply angered, trying to find other means of help, but there were none.
In the third grade I faced a challenge. At my school we had a reading system called ‘AR reading’. There were a variety of books with many different colored dots on the spines, each color being a different skill level. The only books I wanted to read were fantasies because they gave me an escape from the real world. The books I craved most were marked at a level much higher than mine, and once again my lack of skill and experience in reading angered me. The kids in my class were going through the reading levels like normal, but I wasn’t. I struggled to find books that I could get sucked into and enjoy, but the books I was capable of reading were childish and meant to entertain a mind much younger than mine. I couldn't ever get into reading these books because although I was maturing along with everyone else, my reading abilities were not improving. Instead of trying to get better, I quit.
A year later, in the fourth grade, I learned to hate reading the most. Everyday in language class my classmates and I would read small passages from our school books in a “popcorn reading” style; the kids would read a small section then pass it to a different student to read. I would sit in the back, dreading the thought of my teacher even possibly uttering the words “pull out your books!” but every day, around the same time, she would say it. I knew what would happen if I was called upon to read; embarrassment to the highest degree. I’d never felt more discouraged in my life than when I had to read in front of people, the whispers of classmates behind me as I stumbled over words and ravaged pronunciations; I could feel them judging me. I never wanted to read. Knowing that people were making fun of me killed my drive to be an exceedingly good reader. I was so confused on why I couldn't get what I was saying in my head while reading, out of my mouth. I practiced and practiced, but could never get it right, and still no one would help me. That whole year my classmates would call on me and then laugh at me as I fumbled over my words. The teacher did not stop them, and I could not defend myself against their cruelty.
Throughout my childhood I struggled with reading. In this past year I finally decided to reach out for help for one last time, and to my surprise, help was given. For the past 12 years of school I had struggled, and now in my senior year, I found the reason why. I had dyslexia. Having had no idea what was wrong with me until my last year of high school, I was bothered. No one had reached out to try and help, and here I was with a large obstacle I could have overcome years ago. Now, as I sit here at the end of my primary educational career, I am thankful. I spent years struggling, but now I am equipped with the tools to push hard through tough battles. Reading did not teach me to find deeper meanings or to be a literary expert. Reading taught me to be hardworking, persistent, and to never lose sight of a goal that you really want, because every goal is achievable.

The Bureau of Consumer Affairs authorized the immediate closing of the____
and shady telemarketing firm for attempting to swindle naive
customers out of large sums of money.





Sleazy is an English word used to describe something or someone that is considered to be of low quality, inferior, corrupt, dishonest and immoral.

Therefore, the right word to be used in describing a telemarketing firm that attempted to swindle naive customers is sleazy because they are corrupt, dishonest and lacking good morals as a business firm offering services to customers.

Hence, the Bureau of Consumer Affairs authorized the immediate closing of the sleazy and shady telemarketing firm for attempting to swindle naive

customers out of large sums of money.

why did kanzi become a candiate for learning language



Merlin Donald tells the story of Kanzi, a bonobo who learned language. Some chimpanzees and bonobos (a distinct species of pygmy chimpanzee) have ...


Why are some theories (like cell theory or plate tectonics) more widely accepted then
the theory of evolution, even though they are both scientific theories (and evolution has
more scientific data available)?




These theories have all been proven with evidence and widely accepted around the world unlike the theory of evolution. The theory of evolution can be argued that there's no proof discoving any human evolving. Many have been stated but all of these have been proven false. If evolution is actually true then the fossil records should show continuous (although gradual) changes from the bottom to top layers. And this doesn't show. All of these animals in the fossil record appear fully developed simultaneously and very suddenly. In fact, just the human body is so complicated that it can't just evolve. That's why Christianity is so widely accepted because everything shouts that something made it. So to answer your question the theory of evolution can be argued and cannot really be proven unlike some of the other theories.

Unlike the idea of evolution, all of these hypotheses have evidence to support them and are widely recognized worldwide. It might be countered that there is no evidence supporting the hypothesis of human evolution.

What is the theory of evolution?

Many things have been said, but they have all been disproven. The fossil records should reveal continuous (albeit slow) changes from the bottom to top strata if evolution is genuinely true.

These creatures all appear to have fully formed simultaneously and very quickly in the fossil record.

The human body alone is so intricate that it cannot simply develop. As a result, unlike some other ideas, the theory of evolution can be contested but cannot be conclusively established.

Therefore, countered that there is no evidence supporting the hypothesis of human evolution.

Learn more about evolution, here:


The county cleared this path and paved it with packed gravel, so they would have a peaceful place to hike and bike.

Which of the following alternatives to the underlined portion would NOT be acceptable?

1. path, paving
2. path and then paved
3. path before paving
4. path paved


Answer: 4. path paved


Based on the options, one can surmise that the underlined area is ''...path and paved it ...''.

After the county cleared the path, they then paved it with packed gravel. These were two distinct actions and so need to be separated when written. Options A through to C manages to do this as both actions are separated by a commas or conjunctions.

In option D however, there was no separation of both actions which makes it grammatically wrong and unacceptable to replace the underlined part.

Match the definition to the single-word palindrome.
1 an Eskimo boat
2. a fast automobile
3. a flat surface
4. to peek or look inside something
5. a female sheep
6. another word for midday
7. a baby wears this when she eats



7. bib

2. racecar

1. kayak

3. level

4. peep




maybe im not 100 percent sure


A female sheep - ewe

a fast automobile - race car

a flat surface - level

to peek or look inside something - peep

an Eskimo boat - kayak

another word for midday -noon

a baby wears this when she/he eats - bib


I took this class and i got a check on this answer so please chose this one i'm not asking this because i want the points it is because i know this is right i promise that this one is the right one.=D

Which sentence from the selection most clearly reveals the author's
bias in favor of the updated green curriculum he describes?



D) "While most citizens were in favor of making the enviornment a key component of the curriculum, a small minority had an aversion to change and thwarted the plans by organizing demonstrations."


___means any form of communication that reaches a lot of people.


The answer is C. Have a good day.


c media


correct me if I'm wrong



Answer: A

Explanation: Hope this helps


i think its a, i dont know, this question was difficult


in “the hate u give” by Angie Thomas, how is Starr’s struggle to be her authentic self resolved or not by the end of the novel?

A- Her fight with Hailey

B- Her testimony to the grand jury

C- Her involvement in the protest

D- Her family moving

Also explain the answer, I’m pretty sure it’s B, but I’m just not sure why because I never read the book. I’ll give brainliest to the first actual answer!


Answer: Yep it’s B ^^

Explanation: Her testimony was to tell the truth of what happened the night Khalil was killed.

I hope this helped!

Her testimony to the grand jury, in “the hate u give” by Angie Thomas, how is Starr’s struggle to be her authentic self resolved or not by the end of the novel. Thus, option (b) is correct.

Who is Angie Thomas?

Angie Thomas was the born on the September 20, 1988. She was the belongs to the American country. The education was the Behaved University. She was the 34 years old. She was the achieved the so many things. She was the believed the empower the next generation of leaders.

According to the “the hate u give” by Angie Thomas. She was the telling the truth what happened in the night Starr testifies to Khalil's personhood. Starr silently promises Khalil to tell the truth was the affirming that his life mattered on the matter of it. She was the fight.

As a result, the her testimony to the grand jury. Therefore, option (b) is correct.

Learn more about on Angie Thomas, here:


Jonas never heard such a sound. It was the sound of rage and grief. It
never seemed to end. This sound was *

an elephant's roar


The Giver's massive bookcase falling on the floor and spilling out thousands of books

The Speaker crackling overheard about another pilot flying overhead in the community



An elephant's roar


It would make the most sense for something that's supposed to sound like rage and grief.

Type of figurative language?
"greedy and grim, he grabbed thirty men
from their resting places and rushed to his lair,
O metaphor
O hyperbole
O simile
O kenning


the answer would be a simile. It can also be alliteration!
The answer is hyperbole most likely because it says he grabbed thirty men, which is exaggerating the sentence. The second best answer would be a metaphor.

What do you notice when you change the distance between the star and the planet by dragging the planet?



The star moves towards the planet, because the planet is dragging it in. If the planet goes farther away, I don't think the star will move


Part A Read this opening paragraph of a story. What can you most reasonably predict will happen later? Colin slipped in and out of the lab quickly, the stolen documents hidden in his jacket. He easily made his way to the freight elevator and took it to the basement, unaware of the tiny camera in the corner. He was sure he would never be suspected of the theft. A Colin will misplace the documents. В. Colin will have to decode the documents. C. Colin will get away without any problem. O D. Colin will be suspected of the theft. Part B Which detail from the paragraph most clearly supports the answer to Part A? stolen documents​


Part A: D
Part B: “unaware of the tiny camera in the corner”




i think it is



i am back


What does the following passage (paragraph 8) reveal about the onlookers?
His only supernatural virtue seemed to be patience. Especially during the first days, when the hens pecked at him, searching for the stellar
parasites that proliferated in his wings, and the cripples pulled out feathers to touch their defective parts with, and even the most merciful
threw stones at him, trying to get him to rise so they could see him standing. The only time they succeeded in arousing him was when they
burned his side with an iron for branding steers, for he had been motionless for so many hours that they thought he was dead. He awoke
with a start, ranting in his hermetic language and with tears in his eyes, and he flapped his wings a couple of times, which brought on a
whirlwind of chicken dung and lunar dust and a gale of panic that did not seem to be of this world. Although many thought that his reaction
had not been one of rage but of pain, from then on they were careful not to annoy him, because the majority understood that his passivity
was not that of a hero taking his ease but that of a cataclysm in repose.
O A. When the people see the old man cry, they instantly regret treating him so poorly.
OB. They are only interested in how the old man could benefit them.
O C. The people look at the "angel" with awe and admiration, feeling blessed by his presence.
D. They recognize his extreme patience and long-suffering as angelic virtues.



I feel that the answer would be A.


Question 5 of 5
Which sentence uses a comma correctly to set off an introductory phrase?
O A. The music, dancing, and costumes make this performance an
unforgettable experience.
O B. The innkeeper, who was not very friendly, slid the room key across
the desk.
O C. Even, two weeks later Daniel was complaining about losing the
D. To make matters worse, Blake and Tricia were now locked out of
the house,



A, it uses the right Introductory phrase

Sorry if this is late but A is correct

What Means a unique or distinct feature of something or someone



Distinctive feature is defined as something unique or different that sets someone or something apart from the rest. An example of a distinctive feature is striking blue eyes. An example of a distinctive feature is an easy-to-use computer operating system. noun.


Answer: Distinctive feature is defined as something unique or different that sets someone or something apart from the rest.


Where in the plot is this excerpt found? resolution falling action climax rising action


Answer: Its rising action

Explanation: Just took the quiz on edg

The part of the plot where the excerpt was found is it's: rising action.

What is the Rising Action?

The rising action is the part of a story where the author builds tension that eventually results in the climax.

In the excerpt, we learn of how the officer entered the room on a search to find things in disarray. He also saw a checkbook that delighted him. All of these build tension in the story.

Learn more about the rising action here:

Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob had lived and worshiped in Jerusalem.

True or False


False: Abraham lived in Canaan, Isaac lived in Gerar, and Jacob lived in Haran

To what poetry movement was William Carlos Williams a contributing poet?



Answer: Imagism


Imagism is a form of poetry whuch has to do with the description of images through the use of a simple language. It began in early 1900s, when poets created Modernism and changed the ways of writing poems.

Some of the Imagist poets, include Any Lowell, William Carlos Williams, Ezra Pound, etc.

BIGLY points!!!!! After reviewing Nixon's speech, which choice below BEST completes the following sentence about the point of view of his argument?

Nixon addresses ____________________ about ____________________ .

a high school students; how to get involved in politics

b American citizens; issues that would make the U.S. a better country

c other politicians; specific laws they should pass

d everyone in the world; how to be a good person



Explanation:that’s what I put and it said it was right :)

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