Brainliest for correct answer

Both Fourteen and “The Dinner Party” tell the story of a woman’s frustration with the changing guest list for a dinner party that she has planned. What are two major differences between the play and the short story? Give examples from the texts to support your response.


Answer 1


The texts differ in how much of Mrs. Pringle’s voice the reader “hears”. Because the play depends on characters telling the story, there is much more dialogue that is assigned to her character. For example, upon hearing that Mr. Farnsworth has canceled, she rants about several things: her seating diagram; Mr. Farnsworth’s excuse; the missed opportunity for Elaine; the threat to her own reputation; and the fact that Elaine is so shy or meek. She speaks on all of these things with only four attempts at interrupting by Elaine and Dunham, who only get in a few lines. On the other hand, in the story, all of her frustrations are stated in about seven short sentences, which is common or to be expected in short stories.

In the play, lines for Elaine and Dunham often do not reveal much of what they’re feeling, except when and after Elaine speaks to the Tuppers and is upset at the mess she’s made in agreeing that they can bring their guests. In the story, we see the effect of Mrs. Pringle’s rants on Dunham when he thinks to himself, “The woman has gone mad.” We get even more detail about his feelings when he cuts into a conversation to announce the arrival of Mr. Morgan “without his usual regard for a butler’s decorum.”


i just took the test its right

Related Questions

Which of the following words can be used to correctly fill in the blank in the sentence below?

Despair is the _______ of hope.





Explanation: The opposite.

Snake Story (WRITE A ESSAY)

Becky moved off of the porch slowly, backing through the door and into the house. She slammed the sliding glass door shut and stood for a moment, relieved to have something solid between her and the snake on the porch.

The glass was cool under her hands despite her pounding heart. She tried to slow her breathing. She was safe, at last, inside. Or was she? How had that snake gotten into the screened-in and walled-up back porch. If it could get in there, it's possible it could get inside where she was as well.

Becky wasn't someone who was normally skittish about wild things. She'd handled snakes before, picked up lizards many times, caught frogs in the garage and let them go. But snakes seemed to always catch her off guard. They would turn up when least expected. She would see them out of the corner of her eye and just the surprise of it would make her jump; her adrenalin would pump, her heart would thump, and her panic would take over.

What was she going to do? She couldn't just stand there waiting for the snake to decide to leave. What if it were venomous? It didn't look like a viper, but it could be. She would need to get out there soon to water the plants.

"What this requires is some advanced planning," she said out loud to her cat, Louie. "And, I will probably have to go 'once more into the fray' kitty," she said, looking in the cat's direction for emphasis.

"First things first, though," she said. The cat meowed back. It often did that, having become used to being talked to. "Let's look that fellow up," Becky said walking to her bookshelf.

"Let's see, snakes," she said, thumbing through her reptile and amphibian identification book. "It's brown and gray, with some black. With a pattern that looks ... there it is," she said thumping the page so hard that Louie jumped. "Not venomous," she said, triumphantly.

"It's an oak snake, Louie," she returned the book and strode over to her closet. "Not venomous, but I am still not taking chances," she said.

She reached into the closet and pulled out her heaviest jacket. It was lined and stuffed thick with lots of padding. Then she found her mittens and a pair of rubber boots. She knew even non-venomous snakes would sometimes threaten to strike when scared. "And that threat would work on me," Becky said aloud again, though Louie had no idea what she was talking about.

"It's 90 degrees outside, Louie," she said, "so get the iced lemonade ready for when I return."

It wasn't much of a plan, but it was the best she could come up with. With her armor on, she was already sweating when she slowly pushed open the sliding glass door and stepped back on to the porch.

She was pretty sure the snake would slither away from her presence. She propped open the outside door, and hoped she could shoo the snake in that direction.

Sweat dampened her arms and collected on her face. She spread her arms out, and took a few steps toward the snake. There was so much for it to hide beneath. Becky regretted the rocking chairs and all the plant stands between where the snake was in the corner and the door to the outside.

At first it seemed like the snake was just going to remain where it was, flicking its tongue every now and then. Becky waved her arms, lunged in its direction, and stomped her feet. It sat there, coiled in the corner, as if perfectly happy to remain there. In a fit of desperation, she picked up one side of the rocking chair the snake was under and let it drop. The snake jumped, raised its head like it was going to strike, and then stayed right where it was.

"Snake," Becky said, "This is not how it works. You have got to go." The snake moved its head back and forth, swaying a bit, and that gave Becky an idea.

She had read somewhere that snakes can "hear" thanks to the ability to process vibrations through the bone in their jaw. This awareness of vibrations in the ground was one reason it was very hard to sneak up on snakes. She quickly realized that getting the snake out was going to be a lot easier than she had thought.

Becky turned on the radio she kept on the porch and lowered it to the ground, pointing in the snake's direction. She adjusted the controls so that the bass was as high as it could go. Then, she cranked up the volume. She envisioned the snake swaying to the sounds of "Dancing Queen," by Abba, and then leaving the porch and going far, far away.

Coming back into the house, she began peeling off the now damp armaments she had put on earlier. "Louie, there is more than one way to skin a snake," she said laughing. She watched as the snake uncoiled and moved cautiously in the direction of the door. Bending down to pick up Louie, Becky sighed and stroked his head. "'Cause no one ever wants to skin a cat, sweetie."

Review the narrative in a essay "Snake Story" and answer the question below:

How does Louie the cat help develop the character of Becky? Use evidence from the text to support your answer. Source StylesNormal


She’d handled snakes before picked up lizards many times!

Explain how the events, the characters, and the setting described in the excerpt contribute to an atmosphere of fear and paranoia. Then tell how this atmosphere relates to the period of McCarthyism in the 1950s, when Miller wrote the play. (During this time, Senator Joseph McCarthy, believing that Communists were hiding even in the U.S. government, held hearings in which people were accused without evidence of being Communists and if thought guilty, fired from their jobs or blacklisted. Through fear and intimidation, some people even felt forced to falsely accuse others of being Communists.)




You had to live through it to understand McCarthyism.

It was like a black cloud that hung over America. People were afraid of everything McCarthy did. It didn't matter at all about Guilt or Innocence. There was no court room like rules governing how evidence was gathered or presented. There was no such thing as Maranda. There was only McCarthy and his henchmen. Even respected government officials (elected) were afraid of him.  No one was exempt. Everyone and anyone could be accused. There was no proper defense.  

In your own words, describe what your teacher means if they say, “Use your critical thinking skills.”
Can I get The Answer ASAP please!!



I just think it means to think clearly and be rational and try understand the question or situation from the given information and facts to try to figure out the solution

It is to think clearly and rationally about a problem or situation in order to find out a solution using the information and facts available.

Why do teachers tells to think critically?

Educators or tutors or teachers use the word critical thinking to define processes of learning, reasoning, and analysis that go beyond memory and recall of facts and information.

The ability to assess material logically and make a reasoned decision based on the student's analysis is known as critical thinking.

Check out the link below to learn more about critical thinking;


the amendment to The U.S. Constitution guarantee ____.
a. property
b. liberty


C. Rights even though it had more then one amendment

did anyone do a essay with this prompt

Thesis Statement: RFK's most effective rhetorical devices are (insert two: word choice, allusion, repetition or tone).



No, But if so whats the question?


Read the excerpt from chapter 8 of The Travels of Marco Polo. Here again good incense grows in profusion—I will tell you how. It is produced by trees of no great size, like little fir trees. They are gashed with knives in various places, and out of these gashes oozes the incense. Some of it even oozes from the tree itself without any gashing, in consequence of the great heat that prevails. What is most likely the author's purpose for including this detail about Dhofar?



To educate readers about how incense is made and dhofar



To educate readers about how incense is made and dhofar


just took the test on edge

book review on diary of a wimpy review



'The Diary of a Wimpy Kid' books are all about a kid called Greg who fills in his journal (not a diary!!) of all the misadventures in his life.

Everything Greg seems to do has hilarious consequences and his family are very funny. In this book it is summer vacation and even though it is nice and hot Greg insists on staying inside hooked up to his video games with the blinds drawn. His mother is tired of Greg being lazy and decides that this summer should be fun and packed with family activities.

This book was very good. My favourite character has to be Greg as he can be horrible but the audience always roots for him anyway! I really like the part when Greg's mum is forgotten by the whole family at a petrol station in the middle of nowhere - it is hilarious.

I recommend this book to readers around 10-13 who enjoy reading as it is quite easy to read, but it has some challenging words as well.

I give this a big 5/5 because I enjoyed reading it so much.


An abrupt sound startled him. Off to the right he heard it, and his ears, expert in such matters, could not be mistaken. Again he heard the sound, and again. Somewhere, off in the blackness, someone had fired a gun three times.
Rainsford sprang up and moved quickly to the rail, mystified. He strained his eyes in the direction from which the reports had come, but it was like trying to see through a blanket. He leaped upon the rail and balanced himself there, to get greater elevation; his pipe, striking a rope, was knocked from his mouth. He lunged for it; a short, hoarse cry came from his lips as he realized he had reached too far and had lost his balance. The cry was pinched off short as the blood-warm waters of the Caribbean Sea dosed over his head.
He struggled up to the surface and tried to cry out, but the wash from the speeding yacht slapped him in the face and the salt water in his open mouth made him gag and strangle. Desperately he struck out with strong strokes after the receding lights of the yacht, but he stopped before he had swum fifty feet. A certain coolheadedness had come to him; it was not the first time he had been in a tight place. There was a chance that his cries could be heard by someone aboard the yacht, but that chance was slender and grew more slender as the yacht raced on. He wrestled himself out of his clothes and shouted with all his power. The lights of the yacht became faint and ever-vanishing fireflies; then they were blotted out entirely by the night.
Rainsford remembered the shots. They had come from the right, and doggedly he swam in that direction, swimming with slow, deliberate strokes, conserving his strength. For a seemingly endless time he fought the sea. He began to count his strokes; he could do possibly a hundred more and then--
Rainsford heard a sound. It came out of the darkness, a high screaming sound, the sound of an animal in an extremity of anguish and terror.
He did not recognize the animal that made the sound; he did not try to; with fresh vitality he swam toward the sound. He heard it again; then it was cut short by another noise, crisp, staccato.
"Pistol shot," muttered Rainsford, swimming on.
Ten minutes of determined effort brought another sound to his ears--the most welcome he had ever heard--the muttering and growling of the sea breaking on a rocky shore. He was almost on the rocks before he saw them; on a night less calm he would have been shattered against them. With his remaining strength he dragged himself from the swirling waters. Jagged crags appeared to jut up into the opaqueness; he forced himself upward, hand over hand. Gasping, his hands raw, he reached a flat place at the top. Dense jungle came down to the very edge of the cliffs. What perils that tangle of trees and underbrush might hold for him did not concern Rainsford just then. All he knew was that he was safe from his enemy, the sea, and that utter weariness was on him. He flung himself down at the jungle edge and tumbled headlong into the deepest sleep of his life.

Question: Were is a simile in this passage there is only one


the simile in the passage is in the sentence “He strained his eyes in the direction from which the reports had come, but it was like trying to see through a blanket.”

it is saying that he couldn’t see anything, which is why it is being compared to seeing through a blanket.

\Read the sentence.

Salim and Anna met when they were in first grade, and they have been best friends for 10 years.

Which part of this sentence is a clause?

Salim and Anna met
in first grade
best friends for
10 years



Salim and Anna met


i took the quiz




Someone who has a __________ personality might “just go with the flow,” rather than insist on organization and structure.



C. Spontaneous.

A spontaneous person is someone that decides to do something in the spur of the moment.


C spontaneous


as that quoted statement fitz in to the person who is spontaneous

List 4 things that all participants of discussion group have in common??



1. the answer

2. friendly ness

3. open mind

4. the book

What was the effect of Stanton's father moving his office into the family's home? Stanton was given the opportunity to learn more about the gender inequality in the law. Stanton became friends with the men and women whom her father and his lawyers helped. Stanton was often bothered by having to listen to lawyers in the office discuss different legal issues. Stanton had continued conflict with her father over their conflicting views about the law.



A Stanton was given the opportunity to learn more about the gender inequality in the law.

Hope this helps you

Have a nice day -_-

The effect of Stanton's father moving his office into the family's home Stanton was allowed to learn more about gender inequality in the law. The correct option is a.

What is gender inequality?

Gender inequality is the social phenomenon in which men and women are not treated equally. The treatment may arise from distinctions regarding biology, psychology, or cultural norms prevalent in society. Some of these distinctions are empirically grounded, while others appear to be social constructs.

While current policies around the world cause inequality among individuals, it is women who are most affected. Gender inequality weakens women in many areas such as health, education, and business life. Studies show the different experiences of genders across many domains including education, life expectancy, personality, interests, family life, careers, and political affiliation. Gender inequality is experienced differently across different cultures and also affects non-binary people.

Across the board, several industries are stratified across the genders. This is the result of a variety of factors.

Learn more about gender, here:


Which sentence uses "blue" as an adjective?
ABlue is my favorite color. incorrect answer
BMy cat's name is Blue. incorrect answer
CThe blue parakeet sang all day. incorrect answer
DOrange goes well with blue.





Which MOST CLOSELY analyzes the information about Briony's dreams of becoming an Olympic athlete? A) Olympic athletes symbolize international competitive excellence, so her goals help the reader understand her high level of commitment and desire. B) Olympic athletes symbolize international competitive excellence, so her goals help the reader understand that Briony is probably unrealistic. C) Olympic athletes symbolize fame and attention, so Briony's dreams of becoming an Olympic athlete reveal her interest in glory and praise. D) Olympic athletes symbolize fame and attention, so Briony's dreams of becoming an Olympic athlete reveal her strong fear of failure.



the answer is A


The information about Briony's dreams of becoming an Olympic athlete can be analyzed to show that; Olympic athletes symbolize international competitive excellence, so her goals help the reader understand her high level of commitment and desire. The Olympic Games are an international event of summer and winter sports, in which thousands of athletes compete in a wide variety of events. Many consider the Olympics to be the ultimate contest for an athlete.




Olympic athletes symbolize international competitive excellence, so her goals help the reader understand her high level of commitment and desire

What is this group of words?
The giant turtle named Bob.
O a good sentence
comma splice


I think your answer is b because it fits in more

what are the opposing force in this passage the in the outsiders


Answer: Social inequality, such as the high and low classes. Socs clashed with Greasers, West side:rich clashed with east side:poor


What is not a likely reason the creators of this ad chose the slogan “Utah. Life Elevated”?

It is a play on the use of the definitions of the word “elevated,” referring to the elevation of Utah's mountains and a life of joy.
It is memorable because it is short but also relevant to the state's tourism features.
It highlights Utah's ski industry and also suggests that Utah has more to offer than just skiing.
It contains only sixteen letters and would be easy to design into a rectangular shape.





took the test the other day today dude


the answer is d


Explain the University of Minnesota's experiment with White Castle and why this is related to hamburger meat's negative reputation.

I really need help with the question i can’t find it anywhere in the text i was provided called “The Pioneers” by Hamburger Charlie.



Eating food from White Castle can result in food poisoning. The restaurant chain recalled frozen sandwiches in 2019. Listeria is the most commonly reported diagnosis from White Castle, and diarrhea and nausea are the most commonly reported symptoms.


Mr. Bailey decides to do an experiment to see if different types of popcorn pop faster in the microwave. The TV commercials say that popalicious is the fastest popping popcorn in the world. Mr. Bailey's hypothesis was, "if i pop jiffy pop, popalicious, and pop-tastic popcorn in a microwave, then the popalicious will pop faster because the commercial says so. "he takes jiffy pop, popalicious, and pop-tastic and places them each in the microwave for 2 minutes. After two minutes is up, he counts the number of popped kernels in the bag. After three trials, jiffy pop had an average of 256 popped kernels, popalicious had an average of 341 popped kernels, and pop-tastic had an average of 357 popped kernels. What is the independent variable in this experiment?





In this specific scenario, the independent variable would be the popcorn brand. This is simply because the popcorn itself does not depend on the microwave or any other factor of the experiment for better results. Instead, it is the microwave that depends on the popcorn brands to affect the overall outcome of how many kernels were popped. Therefore in this scenario, the microwave is the dependant variable while the popcorn is the independent variable.

The independent variable in this experiment will be popcorn.

An independent variable is simply the variable that the researcher thinks is the cause. It should be noted that in an experiment, the independent variable is always manipulated.

The dependent variable is seen as the effect. The independent variable in this experiment will be popcorn. It is the variable that the researcher is manipulating.

Read related link on:

Write a letter to your friend to invite him or her to your house to spend this Puja vacation with you.​



Hello (choose a name) do you want come into my house to spend this Puja vacation with me ?

Buck's feet were not so compact and hard as the feet of the huskies. His had softened during the many generations since the day his last wild ancestor was tamed by a cave-dweller or river man.
The mention of the "cave-dweller" is most connected to the theme of _____.

the effect of the environment
civilization vs. the wild
the value of work



Civilization vs. the wild


A cave-dweller is a prehistoric person who lived in caves. The dog was a man's best friend even during the prehistoric period.

The prehistoric man was still a part of nature, wilderness, while the modern man is assosicated with civilization. The definition of civilization is: a complex human society, usually made up of different cities, with certain characteristics of cultural and technological development. All of this can't apply to the said cave-dweller.

Which of the excerpts from The Monsters Are Due on Maple Street best foreshadows that the residents of Maple Street will turn against Les Goodman? “That's Les Goodman's house. He's got lights!” “He always was an odd ball. Him and his whole family. Real odd ball.” “What is this, a gag or something? This a practical joke or something?” “Why I've known Ethel Goodman ever since they moved in. We've been good friends"





to simplfy it

The excerpts from The Monsters Are Due on Maple Street best foreshadows that the residents of Maple Street will turn against Les Goodman was “He always was an odd ball. Him and his whole family. Real odd ball.” The correct option is (B).

What do you mean by the Maple street?

The 22nd episode of the first season of the American television anthology series The Twilight Zone is titled "The Monsters Are Due on Maple Street." Rod Serling, the show's creator and narrator, wrote the episode.

Late summer on Maple Street, USA. A small, tree-lined world of front porch rockers, barbecues, kids laughing, and ice cream cart bells. On Maple Street, it will be precisely 6:43 p.m. when the roar and the light flare.

After the neighbor's question whether the object that flew overhead was a meteor, the story continues. This late Saturday afternoon is Maple Street. The final peaceful and contemplative moment on Maple Street before the monsters arrived.

Therefore, the excerpts from The Monsters Are Due on Maple Street best foreshadows that the residents of Maple Street will turn against Les Goodman was “He always was an odd ball. Him and his whole family. Real odd ball.”

To know more about the Maple street, visit:

#SPJ6 a gerund or participle​





Living is a verb that ends in "ing," and verbs that end in "ing" are gerunds

Kevin decides to find out which fertilizer is best for tomatoes. He set up three plants, giving one no fertilizer, giving the second type A fertilizer, and giving the third type B fertilizer. He kept the first plant inside in a large pot, and the other two he planted in the yard. Is Kevin's experiment designed correctly?


Answer: No, his experiment is not designed correctly.

Explanation: He didn't use the same measurements in each experiment. He should've either buried them all in the yard, or she should've kept them all in pots. Not having them in the same environment could affect the results of his experiment, thus making it inaccurate.




In "everyday use" by Alice walker, how does the physical setting give support to the contrasting attitudes of both the mother and dee? Does the author indicate that one or the other of them is entirely correct in her feelings about the house and yard?


Answer and Explanation:

The physical environment featured in "Everyday use" is a simple home in a rural setting in the southern USA. Dee's mother had to grow up in this environment that presents few opportunities for blacks and strong racism. This meant that Dee's mother had to work and work hard, feeling what it is like to live in a region that is contrary to her race. Dee, however, did not go through all of this, but lives in contact with the black intellectual community of more progressive states, living a totally different reality than the mother lived. In other words, the physical environment gave the mother a real experience of what it is to be black, while Dee had a theoretical and often glamorized experience.

Freewriting is when I write for 3-5 minutes to help me find a topic. It looks like a diary or journal entry. True or False



True I do it all the time




It's too specific to be anything else. This is specific to your class though so it may not be right for everyone.

Which of the following sentences is capitalized correctly?

A. Samantha's teacher assigned the book For whom the bell tolls by Ernest Hemingway.

B. Samantha's teacher assigned the book For Whom the Bell Tolls by Ernest Hemingway.

C. Samantha's Teacher assigned the Book For Whom the Bell Tolls by Ernest Hemingway.

D. Samantha's teacher assigned the book For Whom The Bell Tolls by Ernest Hemingway.





hope this helps!

Summary of social responsibility. Only 2 sentences needed!



Social Responsibility is really just that a buisness has to act in a way that benefits the society. If a buisness does not do that, they are not practicing Social Responsibility.


Hope I helped!

Which statement best explains how details in the
passage develop the central idea that Boxer is dedicated
to the farm?
Read the passage from Animal Farm.
Boxer was the admiration of everybody. He had been a
hard worker even in Jones's time, but now he seemed
more like three horses than one; there were days when
the entire work of the farm seemed to rest on his mighty
shoulders. From morning to night he was pushing and
pulling, always at the spot where the work was hardest.
He had made an arrangement with one of the cockerels
to call him in the mornings half an hour earlier than
anyone else, and would put in some volunteer labour at
whatever seemed to be most needed, before the regular
day's work began. His answer to every problem, every
setback, was "I will work harder!"-which he had
adopted as his personal motto.
O The details show that everybody likes Boxer.
O The details show that Boxer is inventive.
O The details show that Boxer misses Jones.
O The details show that Boxer is tireless.


The details of the passage develop the idea that Boxer was tireless. That's because he was very dedicated to the work of the farm and felt good doing it.

As shown in the question above, this excerpt is taken from the book "Animal Farm" which tells the story of a farm where animals rebelled against humans and decided to take control of the farm themselves.

Boxer is one of those animals. He is a pack horse and likes the work he does and the importance of that work to the farm. For that reason, he works as hard as he can without showing laziness or fatigue.

You can find more information about "Animal Farm" at the link below:

Answer: The details show that Boxer is tireless.


its D

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