Short answer from k12 quiz history

What is the definition of Feudalism and how was it used during the Middle Ages in Europe?


Answer 1

Feudalism is a system for structuring society around relationships derived from the holding of land, known as a fiefdom or fief, in exchange for service or labor.

What is service?A service is an " act or use for which a consumer, firm, or government is willing to pay." Examples include work done by barbers, doctors, lawyers, mechanics, banks, insurance companies, and so on. Public services are those that society as a whole pays for.Services are classified into three groups: Business services, social services and personal services. Business services are the services used by businesses to conduct their business activities. This could be banking, insurance and transportation. Business service is a general term for work that supports a business but does not produce a tangible product.Information technology is an important business service that supports many other business services such as procurement, shipping, and finance. Good customer service means following best practices such as respecting the customer's time, having a pleasant demeanor, and providing knowledgeable and resourceful resources, but not just meeting expectations. It also means going the extra mile to exceed  expectations.

To learn more about service from the given link :


Related Questions

Which of the following statements best reflects the rights of the citizens that are protected by the bill of rights?



Every Citizen has the right to practice any religion without fear of the government interference.

When in the Course of human events, it
becomes necessary for one people to
dissolve the political bands which have
connected them with another, and to
assume among the powers of the earth,
the separate and equal station to which
the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God
entitle them, a decent respect to the
opinions of mankind requiresthat they
should declare the causes which impel
them to the separation. Summarized


Thomas Jefferson penned this phrase in the Declaration of Independence (July 4, 1776). When the Declaration of Independence was adopted.

What does it mean when it becomes required in the course of human events?

Take note of the first phrases Jefferson used. It becomes necessary, he wrote. Jefferson was implying that there was only one course of action—waging war—by using these phrases.

The drafters of the Declaration of Independence declared that it was now important to remove the political bonds that bound the two nations before stating the reasons for their decision to secede.

They had to uphold civility by demonstrating that their uprising did not start out of thin air. They continued by listing the causes.

To know more about human events visit:-


How does photosynthesis occur?

The reactants collect in the

energy from the sun drives chemical reactions.

The products include glucose and
, which is released into the air.


Photosynthesis is the process by which plants, algae, and some bacteria convert light energy into chemical energy in the form of glucose and other sugars. This process occurs in the chloroplasts of plant cells, and involves the absorption of light energy by pigments called chlorophyll.

The reactants of photosynthesis are carbon dioxide and water, which are taken in through the plant's leaves. The energy from the sun drives the chemical reactions that convert these reactants into glucose and oxygen.

The glucose is used by the plant as a source of energy and as a building block for other molecules, while the oxygen is released into the air as a byproduct.

What is the effect of the absence of photosynthesis?

Photosynthesis is a process that occurs in plants, algae, and some bacteria, where energy from sunlight is used to convert carbon dioxide and water into organic compounds like glucose and oxygen. If photosynthesis were to stop occurring, it would have significant effects on the biosphere.

Plants, algae, and some bacteria that carry out photosynthesis are the primary producers at the base of many food chains, and they provide the energy that supports all higher life forms. Without photosynthesis, these primary producers would not be able to produce the organic compounds that they use as food, and they would not be able to produce oxygen as a byproduct. This would lead to a lack of energy and nutrients for other organisms that rely on them as a food source.

In addition, photosynthesis plays a critical role in removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and storing it in the form of organic compounds. If photosynthesis were to stop, the levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere would increase, which could contribute to climate change.

Overall, the absence of photosynthesis would have a major impact on the biosphere and could lead to significant changes in the Earth's ecosystems.

Therefore, the correct answer is as given above

learn more about photosynthesis:


The complete question goes thus:

How does photosynthesis occur?

The reactants collect in the (chloroplast/stem)

(Light/Nutrient) energy from the sun drives chemical reactions.

The products include glucose and (nitrogen/oxygen) , which is released into the air.

Who named the mountain ‘Mt. Disappointed?



It was named by explorers Hume and Hovell in 1824, and is now a popular hiking spot. Mount Disappointment. Mount Disappointment is located in Victoria.


Mount Disappointment is a mountain in the San Gabriel Mountains in Los Angeles County, California with a summit elevation of 5,963+ feet (1,818+ m).

What is unique about the New Mexico supreme court compared to a district

A. Justices on the supreme court must have been practicing law for 20 years.

B. The supreme court hears appeals from lower courts.

C. The supreme court has 12 justices, including a chief justice.

D. Justices on the supreme court must be at least 65 years old.


The unique aspect of the New Mexico Supreme Court compared to a district court is that it hears appeals from lower courts.

What is Supreme Court?

The Supreme Court of the United States is the highest court in the American judicial system, and is the final court of appeal in the federal court system.

District courts are trial courts of general jurisdiction and handle criminal and civil cases, while the Supreme Court is an appellate court and hears appeals from the decisions made in district court. The Supreme Court is the highest court in the state, and its decisions are binding on all other courts. Justices must have been practicing law for 20 years, must be at least 65 years old, and there are 12 justices, including a chief justice.

To learn more about Supreme Court

The ethical responsibility to guard confidentiality would most likely apply to what type of information in a company?


Simply it includes protecting information from unauthorized access, use, disclosure, modification, loss, or theft is part of the ethical duty of confidentiality.

Information disclosed to or known by a specific employee as a result of that employee's employment with a corporation is often referred to as confidential information. This information is either not widely known outside of the company or is legally protected. Any type of information, including textual materials, records, and digital data, can be considered confidential.

The ethical responsibility to guard confidentiality would most likely apply to the information of the company's employees and client's personal information or even includes the upcoming launches of the company.

Sometimes it is necessary to strike a compromise between the ethical duty of confidentiality and competing for ethical concerns, legal requirements, or professional standards that demand disclosure of information developed or obtained in a research context. To protect the health, life, or safety of a participant or a third party, for instance, researchers may be required to report material to authorities under extraordinary and compelling situations.

To learn more about Confidential Information, click here:


What was the impact of Roosevelt's bank holiday?


The bank holiday had an impact on the economy by stabilizing the banking system and preventing further runs on the banks.

The bank holiday had a significant impact on the economy as a whole. It helped to stabilize the banking system and prevented further runs on the banks. When Roosevelt declared a bank holiday on March 6, 1933, he closed all banks in the United States for a four-day period.

This was done in order to prevent runs on the banks and to stabilize the banking system. The holiday had a significant impact on the economy as a whole. It helped to stabilize the banking system and prevented further runs on the banks.

For more questions like Bank holiday click the link below:


Why were the American colonists driven to declare war on Britain
Please write a body paragraph about this


The American colonists were driven to declare war on Britain due to growing tensions over taxation and representation.

Who are  American colonists?

The term "American Colonists" refers to the people who settled in North America's British colonies during the 17th and 18th centuries. They were mostly British, Dutch, German, and Irish. These individuals were largely responsible for the establishment of English colonies in North America, as well as the establishment of democratic systems of government and religious freedom.

The colonists felt that they were not being given a fair say in how their taxes were spent, and that the British government was trampling on their rights.

The final straw came when the British imposed the Intolerable Acts, which the colonists saw as a direct assault on their freedom and liberty.

Therefore, this led to the Revolutionary War, during which the colonists eventually declared their independence from Britain.

To learn more about American colonists, click here:


What effects can have an A poem choose four answers?


Effects that a poem can have:

Inspire emotion Stimulate thoughtCreate a sense of understandingCreate a vivid image in the reader’s mind

The Power of Poetry: Evoking Emotion and Stimulating Thought

Poetry is a powerful literary form that can evoke emotion and stimulate thought in the reader. By using vivid imagery, creative word choice, and thoughtful structure, a poem can create a sense of understanding and provide insight into the poet's perspective. Poetry can also create a vivid image in the reader's mind that they can draw on to gain a better understanding of the poem's message. Through the use of these techniques, a poem can be a powerful and inspiring experience for readers.

Learn more about poetry:


How did the Reconstruction era affect life for women?
OA. Women were able to continue working in the roles they took over during the Civil War.
OB. Women were granted the right to vote when the Fifteenth Amendment was passed.
OC. Women began fighting for more rights and opportunities after seeing former slaves granted
freedom and citizenship.
OD. Women became more involved in politics, running for a variety of government positions.



One way in which the Reconstruction era affected life for women was: Women began fighting for more rights and opportunities after seeing former slaves granted freedom and citizenship (C).


The Reconstruction era (1865-1877) was a period of political, social, and economic transformation in the United States following the Civil War. During this time, the federal government implemented a series of measures designed to rebuild the South, reintegrate former slaves into society, and extend civil rights to African Americans.

During the Reconstruction era, women saw African Americans (including former slaves) gain new rights and freedoms, such as the right to vote, the right to own property, and the right to be free from discrimination. This led many women to begin fighting for their own rights and seeking more opportunities for themselves. Women's suffrage (the right to vote) was a key issue during this time, and women's suffrage organizations were formed to advocate for women's rights.

1. Hernan Cortez--Research how and why Cortez was so successful at conquering the Aztecs. Your final product should be in the form of a newspaper article. You can make it be an article written from an Aztec viewpoint or from a Spaniard's viewpoint. Remember to include the 5 W's...what, where, when, why, who.

2. Research "tribute". Write 3 to 5 sentence about what it was and why it was important.

3. Research the different ways the Plains Indians used the buffalo. In a column chart form, list the parts of the buffalo and how they used it.

Make it interesting and include pictures if you want to make it really good.


Hernan Cortez was a Spanish conquistador who is known for his role in the conquest of the Aztec empire in Mexico. Cortez was successful in conquering the Aztecs for a number of reasons. Firstly, he had access to advanced military technology such as firearms and horses, which gave him a significant advantage over the Aztecs.

Tribute was a system of taxation or payment in kind that was used by many ancient and pre-modern societies.

The Column Chart is:

Part of the Buffalo      How they are Used

Meat                       Food

Hides                        Clothing, shelter

What is the  Hernan Cortez case about?

Additionally to issues regarding Hernan Cortez, he was able to form alliances with other indigenous groups who were hostile towards the Aztecs, which helped him to gain access to Aztec territory and resources. Cortez was also a skilled tactician and diplomat, and was able to negotiate and manipulate his way into the Aztec capital of Tenochtitlan.

Tribute was typically paid by conquered or subjugated peoples to their conquerors or overlords in exchange for protection or other services. Tribute was an important source of revenue for many empires and was often used to fund military campaigns and other state activities.

Therefore, the Plains Indians used the buffalo in a variety of ways. They used the meat for food, the hides for clothing and shelter, the bones for tools and weapons, and the sinews for bowstrings and other uses. The Plains Indians also used the buffalo for spiritual and cultural purposes, and held the animal in high regard as a symbol of abundance and prosperity.

Learn more about   Hernan Cortez from


Now you will begin your research. During your research, be sure to select reliable websites and collect the information needed to cite your sources. Take notes for your presentation text and look for images, movies, sound, and other media that you could include. Include any links for these resources. Create a table to fill in the information you gather while researching the civilization. An example is provided.

Category What It Was Like Then What It’s Like Now Source Link to Image/Media

India was a huge peninsula.
The land included mountains, deserts, and fertile plains.
Indus and Hindu Kush were part of India.

The Indus Valley is no longer a part of India.
The Indus River is now located in the dry region of the Thar Desert.
Modern India has mountains, deserts, and fertile plains.
New World Encyclopedia: The Indus Valley Civilization


While describing the Indus Valley Civilization, it will be important to mention that:

The Indus Valley is no longer a part of India.The Indus River is now located in the dry region of the Thar Desert.Modern India has mountains, deserts, and fertile plains.

What are important details we should know about Indus Valley Civilization?

The Indus Valley Civilization was a cultural and political entity that flourished in the northern Indian subcontinent between approximately 7000 and 600 BCE. Its modern name derives from its location in the Indus River valley, but it is also known as the Indus-Sarasvati Civilization and the Harrapan Civilization.

These latter names are derived from the Sarasvati River, which flowed adjacent to the Indus River and the ancient city of Harappa in the region, the first of which was discovered in the modern era. None of these names are derived from ancient texts because, while scholars believe this civilization developed a writing system (known as Indus Script), it has yet to be deciphered.

As well, the Indus civilization is known to have included two large cities, Harappa and Mohenjo-daro, as well as more than 100 towns and villages, many of which were small in size.

Read more about Indus Valley Civilization


According to a sermon by JP2, what does the story of the Samaritan woman teach the Church about women, sexual sin and redemption


The thing that the  story of the Samaritan woman teach the Church about women, sexual sin and redemption was It is a reminder to us that God can save us no matter our circumstances.

What can we learn from the Samaritan woman's story?

It serves as a reminder to us that God can save us regardless of our situation and that we are not need to conquer our sins on our own before turning to Him. As we communicate the Gospel with our neighbors, we must also keep in mind that everyone, including those who society views as the lowest and most undeserving, should hear it.

The woman raced off to notify others as soon as she had the right idea. In addition to satisfying her hunger, the filling also gave her a renewed determination to use the energy to pursue her goal. to make disciples and to preach the gospel. The example of the lady at the well is one of love, honesty, and restoration.

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How was asain americans treated during world war i?


Asian Americans were discriminated against in numerous instances during World War l. But despite that many Asian Americans joined the U.S. Army and served with distinction during World War I on the battlefields of France.

Who were the Asian Americans?

Asian Americans are Americans of Asian ancestry including naturalized Americans who are immigrants from specific regions in Asia and descendants of such immigrants. Although this term had historically been used for all the indigenous peoples of the continent of Asia, the usage of the term Asian by the United States Census Bureau only includes people with origins or ancestry from the Far East, Southeast Asia, and the Indian subcontinent.

It excludes people with ethnic origins in certain parts of Asia, including West Asia who is now categorized as Middle Eastern Americans.

Learn more about Asians, here:


which states do not celebrate martin luther king day


Almost every state in the United States of America celebrates MLK day, but a state like New Hampshire is one of the states which does not observe this day.

As a federal holiday, Martin Luther King Jr. Day is observed in the US to honor his birth. It is celebrated on the third Monday of January each year. King was born in 1929, and his actual birthday is January 15. The holiday is equivalent to days off set forth in the Uniform Monday Holiday Act.

Even though he believed the Beloved Community was possible, Dr. King campaigned for systemic reform. On his example, we base our proposal. Only one federal holiday, Martin Luther King Jr. Day, has been designated a National Day of Service in an effort to encourage all Americans to volunteer and support their communities.

To learn more about MLK Day, click here:


Which of the following sparked the Pequot War?
O Colonists enslaved many Pequot people.
O Colonists desired to control the region.
Colonists defended themselves against the Pequot.
O Colonists controlled the area's fur trade.



b) Colonists desired to control the region


before the war, both sides were trying to get control over the fur trade, and the incident that sparked the war was when the Pequot people murdered a colonist named John stone and several of his crew


B.) Colonists desired to control the region.


Got it right on edge

Why were texans from the western and northern regions of the state against secession? question 5 options: a. they had an economy that worked independently from enslaved labor. b. they supported edward clark.
c. they refused to support governor sam houston. d. they had an economy heavily based on trade with other countries.


The Texans had an economy that worked independently from enslaved labor.

The state of being owned by another person, often known as slavery. The majority of the rights typically enjoyed by free people were denied to slaves, who were regarded by law as chattel, or property. There is no universal agreement on the definition of a slave or the nature of the institution of slavery. However, most of the following traits must be present in order for a person to be classified as a slave, according to historians, anthropologists, economists, sociologists, and those who study slavery. The slave was a type of property; as such, he belonged to another person. Slaves were viewed as fixed property, such as real estate, in some societies, and as moveable property in others.

Learn more about slavery here:


The essential clarification Texans in the Western and Northern areas of Texas would have rather not removed was that they didn't rely upon abused fill-in as much as various regions.

Texas before the Nationwide conflict

In a general sense relied upon cotton development.Had a tremendous people of enslaved people.

This incited most Texans to pull out from the Relationship to defend their economy. The Western and Northern locale, regardless, had separated away from requiring enslaved work and consequently had little motivation to pull out.

Texans from the western and northern locales of the state were against withdrawal a. they had an economy that was independently from enslaved labor.

Hence option (A) is correct.

Learn more about texans:


What did Carrie Chapman Catt do after the 19th Amendment?



On August 26, 1920, the Nineteenth Amendment officially became part of the United States Constitution. Stepping down from the presidency of NAWSA after its victory, Catt continued her work for equal suffrage, founding the new League of Women Voters, and serving as its honorary president for the rest of her life.

Which major American composer brought jazz to Carnegie Hall in New York in the 1930s?


George Gershwin was the American composer who brought jazz to Carnegie Hall in New York in the 1930s.

He did this by incorporating jazz elements into his classical compositions, such as his Concerto in F. George Gershwin an American composer who lived in the early 20th century. He is most well-known for his classical compositions that incorporated elements of jazz, such as his Concerto in F.

In the 1930s, he brought jazz to Carnegie Hall in New York by performing his own compositions there that incorporated jazz. This was significant because it brought jazz to a wider audience and helped to legitimize the genre.

For more questions like George Gershwin click the link below:


What role did the railroad play in both creating and destroying Dawson as a coal town? (Site



They were located only in two of the Harvey Hotels. d. Mary Colter got her start creating displays for curio rooms.

civil rights leader who founded the naacp nyt?


The civil rights leader, Ida B. Wells founded the N.A.A.C.P NYT.

What do you mean by civil rights?

Civil rights are individual legal protections from discrimination and other forms of oppression based on race, gender, religion, national origin, age, sexual orientation, or other characteristics. They are protected by both state and federal laws and include the right to vote, the right to equal protection under the law, freedom of speech and assembly, and the right to due process of law.

The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) was founded in 1909 by Ida B. Wells, an African-American civil rights leader and journalist. The organization was formed in response to the increasing level of discrimination and violence against African Americans in the United States, and its mission is to ensure the political, educational, social, and economic equality of rights of all persons and to eliminate race-based discrimination. Through lobbying, legal action, and public education, the NAACP works to secure equal rights for all citizens and to end racial discrimination.

To know more about civil rights,


50 points and will be marked as brainliest if answer is right

Short answer from k12 quiz history

What is the definition of Feudalism and how was it used during the Middle Ages in Europe?


Feudalism is the dominant social system of medieval Europe, the nobility owned land from the king in exchange for military service, the vassals were the aristocratic sharecroppers, and the peasants (birds or serfs) were obliged to live and give to the lord's land.

What is Feudalism?A portion of his homage, labor, and fictitious offerings in exchange for military protection.Feudalism, also known as feudalism, was a combination of legal, economic, military, cultural, and political practices that flourished in medieval Europe from the 9th to the 15th centuries. Broadly speaking, it was a way of building society around the relationships that stemmed from owning land in exchange for services or work. However, the term feudalism and the system it describes was not understood as a formal political system by those who lived in the Middle Ages.Classicalism by François Louis Ganshof (1944) The definition describes a set of mutual legal and military obligations that existed among the warrior nobility and revolved around three key concepts: lord, vassal and fief.A broader definition of feudalism, as explained by Marc Bloch (1939), includes not only the duties of the warrior nobility, but also those of all three of his fiefdoms of the empire.Aristocrats, clerics, and peasants were all bound to the system of Manorialism. This is sometimes called a "feudal society". Since the publication of Elizabeth A.R. Medieval historians question whether feudalism was a useful construct for understanding medieval society, such as Brown's The Tyranny of the Construct (1974) and Susan Reynolds' Fiefs and Vassals (1994). A decisive debate continues between them.

learn more about feudalism


Imperialist nations had the benefit of additional__from their colonies.


Imperialist nations had the benefit of additional labor from their colonies.

For the imperial power, colonies not only functioned as sources of rich raw commodities (such as diamonds, gold, lumber, oil, rubber, and many others), but also as outlets for the manufactured goods produced in the mother nation.

Imperialism mostly benefited European colonial nations. Spain, Portugal, France, the United Kingdom, Belgium, Germany, and the Netherlands were among them.

Because of the good effects of technological progress, economic gain, and political power, imperialism was beneficial to developing countries. Technology advancements in the fields of transportation, warfare, and communication were significantly influenced by European imperialism.

To know more about colonies, click here:


The correct answer is labor. Imperialist nations had the benefit of additional labor from their colonies.

When a nation uses various forms of control to exert authority over another, this is known as imperialism. It defines a system of economic, political, and social dominance whereby one nation subjugates and enslaves others. Economic, cultural, political, moral, and exploratory control are some of imperialism's driving forces. The resources of the conquered nation are frequently used by imperialists for personal financial benefit. Colonialism and imperialism are closely related in terms of control, but colonialism also includes the extra tactic of the imperial state sending settlers to reside in a colony. According to imperialists, the world's wealth is limited and economics is a "zero-sum" game. They contend that for money to be gained, wealth must first be lost.

Learn more about imperialism here:


Which power is exclusive to the Senate brainly?


The Senate's exclusive power is the power to ratify treaties.

The Exclusive Power of the Senate: Ratifying Treaties

The Senate has exclusive power to ratify treaties because the Constitution grants the Senate the "advice and consent" role in the treaty-making process. This means that the Senate must approve any international agreements or treaties before they can be ratified and put into effect. The Senate must also approve any appointments made by the President for ambassadors, cabinet members, and Supreme Court justices. This power is exclusive to the Senate and not shared by any other branch of government.

Learn more about Senate's at:


Why did Axum whant to take over Kush?


Axum actually took over Kush because its leader was provoked by trade competition between the two kingdoms.

What should we know about Axum kingdom?

Kush was succeeded by a series of smaller kingdoms along the Nile, but the next powerful civilization to emerge in East Africa began further south in Axum. The kingdom of Axum began as a small city in what is now northern Ethiopia's highlands.

Axum, located near the Red Sea, was well positioned to become a major player in international trade. Axum quickly became wealthy as a result of this trade, dealing in everything from African goods such as gold, ivory, and slaves to Mediterranean goods and Far Eastern products.

Read more about Axum Kingdom


What was the 18th Amendment better known as?



The Volstead Act


What did Adam Smith believe about philosophy?


In his "History of Astronomy," Adam Smith defines philosophy as a discipline that attempts to connect and regularise the data of everyday experience (Smith 1795: 44-7);

in TMS, he attempts to develop moral theory from ordinary moral judgements, rather than beginning from a philosophical vantage point above those judgements. One of Adam Smith's main philosophical contributions was his theory of moral sentiments, which he developed in his book "The Theory of Moral Sentiments" (1759). In this work, Smith argued that the moral sense or moral sentiment is a natural human faculty that allows us to understand and evaluate the actions of others. He believed that this moral sense is universal and that it is the foundation of moral behavior.Smith also made significant contributions to the philosophy of economics with his book "An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations" (1776)Overall, Adam Smith's philosophical contributions were wide-ranging and had a significant impact on the development of modern economic thought and ethical theory.

Learn more about Adam Smith here:


He describes philosophy as a field that seeks to connect and regularize the data of everyday experience in his book "History of Astronomy."

What was Adam Smith's philosophy?

Adam Smith was one of the first thinkers of his era to assert that money is produced via labor that is productive and that individuals are driven by self-interest to make the most use of their resources. He believed that capital investments generated profits, and that capital is allocated where the greatest profits may be realized. Adam Smith was an economist and philosopher who lived in the 18th century. The Wealth of Nations, which later led to the development of macro economics, was undoubtedly Smith's most well-known work. Smith, who is frequently referred to as the founder of economics, is the source of most of contemporary economic theory. Smith contends that individuals looking out for themselves (rather than the government) end up doing a better job deciding what people should create in one of his most well-known theories, the invisible hand theory. In contrast to the "physical hand" of a central planner employed by the government, he compared the process to a "invisible hand" that better directed the market. Later, capitalism was built on top of this premise.

Learn more about macro economics from here;


What was special about the city Jeddah on the Silk Road?


If I recall correctly. It was a city that did not persecute for religious beliefs? Therefore markets were created where travelers from all walks of life could come and trade goods from around the world. Compared to the local markets that only had local goods.

How did oppression and discrimination lead to the Holocaust and how did
the Universal Declaration of Human Rights seek to protect the Jewish people and
the rest of humanity?



The Holocaust was the culmination of a long history of antisemitism and discrimination against Jews in Europe. The Nazis used propaganda and discriminatory laws to dehumanize Jews, and then used this as a justification for their murder.

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, adopted by the United Nations in 1948, sought to protect the rights of all individuals and groups from the kind of oppression and discrimination that led to the Holocaust. The Declaration recognised the inherent dignity and equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family as the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world.


How was the East India Company formed Class 8?


The East India Company was formed in 1600 as a joint-stock company by Royal Charter.

Queen Elizabeth, I granted a Royal Charter to the Company in 1600, authorizing it to trade with East Indies. The East India Company was formed to exploit the spice trade, in particular the lucrative pepper and cloves markets in India.

The company established its first factory in Surat, India in 1613. The company's initial capital was raised through the sale of shares to investors, and it was given a monopoly on trade in the East Indies.

The company's success soon led to other European nations establishing their own East India companies, and the competition for resources and markets led to a series of wars between the European powers in India.

For more questions like East India Company click the link below:


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