Type of figurative language?
"Then Edgetho's brave son spoke."
O kenning
O personification
O simile
O oxymoron


Answer 1


The type of figurative language used is:

A. kenning.


A kenning is a stylistic device typical of Norse and Anglo-Saxon poetry. This device uses metaphorical two-word phrases to describe something or someone, instead of simply using a single word. In the line we are analyzing here, the narrator says "Edgetho's brave son" instead of simply saying Beowulf. This is an example of kenning. As a matter of fact, the epic poem "Beowulf" has several instances of kenning, such as "shepherd of evil" for the monster Grendel.

Related Questions

4: In passage two, which sentence from the text contains specific clues as to the author's mood?
OA: That night, I could hardly sleep in anticipation of what I would find out the next day.
OB: Disappointed, I left the store with my one hundred and fifty dollars which was enough to buy a new bicycle..
OC: Many of the on-line sites had it valued anywhere from one hundred dollars to forty eight thousand dollars. I was hoping
for the latter
OD: Two coins, one dated 1894 and the other dated 1897, had to be worth something I told myself as I cleaned them and
began to do research.


Answer: A

Explanation: Hope that helped

Answer: A


the second sentence so that it means the same
as the first sentence using the word given
The flats in this tower block aren't too expensive
and the flats in the tower block opposite aren't





There are English phrases which are often used to connect the meaning of sentences, it help avoid having to repeat anther sentence to mean what is meant by the previous.

In the sentences Given;

[The flats in this tower block aren't too expensive and the flats in the tower block opposite aren't] ;

The complete statement would be ;

[The flats in this tower block aren't too expensive and the flats in the tower block opposite aren't too expensive].

However, it suffice to say ;

[The flats in this tower block aren't too expensive and the flats in the tower block opposite aren't either]

I’ll play some one to do my class for me ? Just offer me a price and we can meet


Depends for what class
What class is it though?

When, in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one portion of the family of man to assume among the people of the earth a position different from that which they have hitherto occupied, but one to which the laws of nature and of nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes that impel them to such a course. (1).....

The second paragraph includes all of the following devices EXCEPT





aIm pretty sure its D i had this on a test and got a 100


D. Oxymoron If the Edge. exam is titled Multiple-Choice Timed Practice


I got a 100 trust me. This should be the passage "We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men and women are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness; that to secure these rights governments are instituted, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. Whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of those who suffer from it to refuse allegiance to it, and to insist upon the institution of a new government, laying its foundation on such principles, and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shown that mankind are more disposed to suffer. while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object, evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their duty to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their future security. Such has been the patient sufferance of the women under this government, and such is now the necessity which constrains them to demand the equal station to which they are entitled. (2)"

A boy trudged down the sidewalk dragging a fishing pole behind him. A man stood waiting with his hands on his hips. Summertime, and his children played in the front yard with their friend, enacting a strange little drama of their own invention. It was fall, and his children fought on the sidewalk in front of Mrs. Dubose’s. . . . Fall, and his children trotted to and fro around the corner, the day’s woes and triumphs on their faces. They stopped at an oak tree, delighted, puzzled, apprehensive. Winter, and his children shivered at the front gate, silhouetted against a blazing house. Winter, and a man walked into the street, dropped his glasses, and shot a dog. Summer, and he watched his children’s heart break. Autumn again, and Boo’s children needed him. Atticus was right. One time he said you never really know a man until you stand in his shoes and walk around in them. Just standing on the Radley porch was enough"

Waht is the meaning of this quote?



This passage from Chapter 31 is Scout’s exercise in thinking about the world from Boo Radley’s perspective. After she walks him home, Scout stands on Boo’s porch and imagines many of the events of the story (Atticus shooting the mad dog, the children finding Boo’s presents in the oak tree) as they must have looked to Boo. She at last realizes the love and protection that he has silently offered her and Jem all along. The blossoming of Scout’s ability to assume another person’s perspective sympathetically is the culmination of her novel-long development as a character and of To Kill a Mockingbird’s moral outlook as a whole.



You never know how good or bad someone has it until you have walked in their shoes.


Which statement best describes the theme in each poem?
There Will Comes Soft Rains


O 1.

Poem 1 states that war can lead to the end of humanity, and Poem 2 glorifies battle and struggle.

0 2. Poem 1 reveals that life without nature is not worth living, and Poem 2 portrays life as a universal struggle.

3. Poem 1 describes the rebirth of nature, and Poem 2 describes the rebirth of mankind.

4. Poem 1 reveals that nature will survive without humanity, and Poem 2 encourages making the most of life's struggles.



3. Poem 1 describes the rebirth of nature, and Poem 2 describes the rebirth of mankind.


I inculded the poem

the Jamestown settlement faced several difficulties, according to Smith's narratives. which of these problems was NOT something that happened to the settlers?​



Explanation:The Native Americans did not steal the settlers food, rather ... settlement faced several difficulties, according to smiths narratives.




got it right

Read the following passage:

above the upright spines
of this couple
arrested in the name of art
Based on the above passage, and using your prior knowledge, what do you think arrested means?

Taken to jail by the police
Frozen in time
Painted in oil
None of the above



Frozen in time

Please mark brainliest

As per the passage the upright spins and arrested in name of art all indicate being taken to jail by the police. Hence option A is correct.

What dos the do passage tell?

As per the passage the upright position of the spines, and arrest in the name of art. The arrested means to be taken to jail by the police. Hence the passage refers to the two people that have got arrested by the police due to their sold fake art.

FInd out more information about the passage.


which literary device is used in these lines from the first stanza: beneath a skin, the city stretches, each street pulses? in the poem Night Flight?





"each street pulses." and "beneath a skin" suggest the street has a pulse beneath a skin, which we know is not something a street has, but humans do. Personification is when a non-human thing is describes to have the characteristics or aspects that humans have. Which is exactly what the poem is doing, leaving us with the conclusion that the literary device used is Personification.

Drew was so happy! He finally got a puppy for his birthday. He named the puppy Skip because he looked like he was skipping
when he ran
Skip was very cute, but he was not a very good puppy. In fact, he was very naughty! He chewed on everything from clothing to
people. He really liked Mom's shoes. Every time Skip did something bad, Drew got in trouble. Mom said Drew had to train Skip or he
could not keep him.
Drew started training Skip right away. He did not want to lose his dog. He worked really hard with Skip. Slowly, Skip started getting
better. He stopped chewing on things, and he even learned to sit and fetch. Drew was very proud of Skip. He was a good dog now!
Which of the following best summarizes the story?
OA. Drew got a dog for his birthday which looked like he was skipping when he ran. Skip was cute, and Drew
trained him to sit and fetch.
OB. Drew got a naughty puppy for his birthday and named him Skip. His mother said that Drew had to train Skip or
he could not keep him. Drew trained his puppy to be a very good dog.
OC. Skip was a bad dog who chewed on clothes and people. Every time Skip did something naughty, Drew's mother
got angry at Drew. Drew's mother made him train the puppy.
OD Drew's mom said that he had to train Skip or give him up. Drew decided to train the puppy because he loved
him and did not want to lose him. He trained the puppy well.
edmentum. All rights reserved



What do you want me to do?


What three questions should you ask yourself when reading a poem to help you figure out the meaning of the poem?


Answer:what is the meaning, what is the lesson the author is trying to teach, and i’m not sure about another one i’m not that smart i’m just trying to help lol

Explanation: sorry

The following question references the biography of Jorge Luis Borges.

Why was Borges assigned to the Florida group of writers in a literary magazine?

A: He had lived in Europe and was seen as an elite writer

B: He asked to be a part of the “Florida” group

C: He grew up in Buenos Aires, and wrote in local color

D: His friend convinced him to join the “Florida” group


Answer: ok so im not completely sure but if i had to pick an answer is would for sure say C


Borges assigned to the Florida group of writers in a literary magazine, because he grew up in Buenos Aires, and wrote in local color, hence option C is correct.

What is a literary magazine?

A literary magazine is a publication that focuses on writing broadly. Short stories, poetry, and essays are frequently published in literary magazines, along with literary criticism, book reviews, biographies of writers, interviews, and correspondence.

Literary journals and little magazines are terms frequently used to refer to literary magazines in contrast to bigger, commercial magazines.

Therefore, Borges was allocated to the Florida group of authors in a literary journal and grew up in Buenos Aires, option C is the appropriate choice.

Learn more about literary magazine, here:



Can u help me here :((



I guess because money is valuable and a. lot of worth. nowadays earning money is very hard. that is why a small purchase is better as it saves money that purchasing a washing machine which is quite expensive


I hope u get the point

“Soon, the darkness was full of claws, full of the awful unknown and menace.” what does the quote mean?​



Soon the darkness was full of claws, full of the awful unknown and menace. ' This quote illustrates how the fear has grown in the boys, and with this sighting of the 'beast,' the fear is now much stronger and more concrete.

Dr. Flores would like to hear from you about your investigation into what happened to the lake on Titan. Did the lake evaporate or freeze on Titan? After you clearly state your claim, she explains how the evidence connects to the claim to support your argument. Remember to explain what happened on both the macro and molecular scales.




An increase or decrease of energy could have caused the liquid methane to change phase.The lake disappeared during Titan's summer, when the amount of energy being transferred into the lake was higher than at other times, so the lake must have evaporated, not frozen.An increase or decrease of energy could have caused the liquid methane to change phase. If the energy increased, this would have caused the kinetic energy of the molecules to increase, and possibly their freedom of movement to increase.

sorry if wrong

According to the author, which statement would support cultural relativism but conflict with the best explanation of notion of “respect”?


Answer: To respect another person or culture is to affirm that there is nothing inferior or superior about another culture, and therefore nothing to admire or criticize


Cultural relativism simply means that people should understand the belief and practices of other people according to the person's culture and should not judge or criticize the person but rather respect their culture.

Therefore, the statement which supports this stance is that "to respect another person or culture is to affirm that there is nothing inferior or superior about another culture, and therefore nothing to admire or criticize".


c. "I wonder why they decided to make food out of worm paste"


edge 2022 quiz and topic test

what do you think will happen if giving justice for everyone is not equal?​



10 Reasons Why Social Justice Is Important

1.It ensures that everyone gets the essentials for a good life

2.It ensures everyone gets adequate healthcare

3.It protects people with disabilities.

4.It protects people from religion-based discrimination

5.It protects people from ageism

6.It protects people from sexuality-based discrimination

7.It defends people from racism

8.It helps promote equality between genders

9.It helps promote economic equality

10. It helps improve educational opportunities for kids

hope it helps u you can mold it by ur self

Read the excerpt in the picture.

In this excerpt, Neil Simon helps the audience best understand Eugene’s

irritation he feels toward his mother for cooking spaghetti.

desire to be like his idols, the Yankees baseball players.

annoyance at being asked to clean his hands.

the frustration he feels because his middle name is Morris.



I think the answer is B. Desire to be like his idols because I put c before and it was wrong. I have to check.


I put b and its right B. Desire to be like his idols, the Yankees baseball players


B. desire to be like his idols.


wich statement best expresses a theme if the short story examination day



run why you are young


they will kill you if your too smart

please help me take 30point just look The picture and write​


*BLANK* are where you can insert your own answer that applies to you

also this isn't part of it, but lofi cantina band by Closed on Sunday is SO GOOD for studying and vibing. highly recommend even if you don't like Star Wars or haven't seen it.


My beginners luck. I've always had it! If it's playing *SPORT* with my friends, or just playing board games with my *FAMILY MEMBER*, most of the time I would win on the first round or so. I like to try new things, so I often try to challenge myself to different situations that I am not familiar with. One time back in *COUPLE YEARS AGO*, I was sitting in my room, listening to music when my *FAMILY MEMBER* popped in the door, and told me we were going to the local laser tag arena to celebrate my *FAMILY MEMBER'S* birthday. I, of course was very exited. I put on my shoes immediately, and I waited for my *INSERT ALL DIRECT FAMILY MEMBERS HERE* to be ready. My *ADULT FAMILY MEMBER* drove us there, and I was very excited. Now I was only *2 OR 3 YEARS YOUNGER THAN YOU ARE NOW*, and as far as I can remember, I hadn't ever played laser tag before. We went into *LASER TAG PLACE NEAR YOU* and had to wait about an hour to get started. There were so many people there because there was a sale for laser tag. I believe it was if you bring *HALF YOUR FAMILY SIZE* then you get half off, which was perfect because there were *YOUR DIRECT FAMILY SIZE* of us. But I guess everyone thought the same thing because *LASER TAG PLACE NAME* was packed that day. We had to wait outside in the heat for a while, but we eventually made out way in. When it was finally our turn, they escorted us into a dim room where all the gear was. We all put on the correct gear according to our size while we watched the tutorial and rules on a TV that was set up in the room. after the video was done, we were brought into another big room. (This was the arena) It was dimly lit, but with neon pillars and decorations all around the room. A different family also joined us fro the opposite side of the room. We had 30 minutes to score as many points as possible against the other family. Their family consisted of about 5 people. When the 30 minute timer started, I immediately ran to an area I had been eyeing. It was higher up, on the second level and was almost impossible to see. My back and sides were covered by walls, and I could see everyone. I heard a lot of blasts, and the sound of someone refilling their laser gun. A boy on the red team was crouched down with his back to me about 10 feet away from me. I shot him on his back plate with the laser gun about 6 times before he noticed it was him being shot. He turned around and fired about two shots, but missed. I hit about four more on his shoulder blade targets before he turned back around and ran to the nearest red team refilling station. Below me, another teammate on the red team looked up at me, and ran to the stairs. You could see through the floor, but it wasn't completely glass. The teammate ran up the stairs and started shooting at me. he hit about two shots before I picked up my laser gun, and shot him about four times. (I only know this because each of the helmets had go-pros on them, and you could buy the video is recorded after the match.) This continued on for 25 more minutes. A red teammate would see me, run up the stairs, and try to hit me with no avail. After the match, I came out in first place out of everyone in that match! I felt very accomplished, and still wonder to this day how I managed to win the first game of laser tag I ever played.


I think he is right will edit this later



Answer: 20.5

Explanation: mafth

Which I of the following is not a characteristic of a good research question?



It confuses the totality of the study's concept. obviously



The butterflies and moths both belong to the great order of scale-winged insects—the Lepidoptera. They are distinguished, however, by certain general characteristics, which hold true for the most part in both groups. The butterflies fly by day; the moths fly by night. All of the higher butterflies go into the chrysalis state without making a silken cocoon, while most of the higher moths make such a cocoon. Which inference can be made based on the information in the passage?



No higher butterflies make cocoons. Some higher moths do and some don't.


Select the correct answer
How did the standardization of the English language in the eighteenth century benefit publishers?
O A.
It attracted readers from lower classes.
• B.
It reduced printing costs.
O C.
It motivated authors to create more works.
© D.
It increased sales of literary works.
Answer: B It reduced printing costs.






B. It reduced printing costs.



Ricardo is writing a report about animal shelters. His purpose is to persuade his classmates to help out at animal shelters. He will read the
paragraph aloud to the class.
Which sentence should Ricardo use to best persuade his classmates?
O 1. People sometimes help shelters by spending time with the animals.
2. You can change animals' lives by spending time with them at a shelter.
3. You can adopt a pet dog or cat at an animal shelter in your neighborhood.
4. There are many reasons people should help at an animal shelter.



You can adopt a pet dog or cat at an animal shelter in your neighborhood.


Because this would give them an better reason to want to help out at an animal shelter who knows they might find a dog in the shelter that they like and would like to keep as their own.

A reader can infer from the passage that the author only
succeeds after he embraces his natural instincts for
Which sentence best supports this inference?
1. "By day, I read stories for their children,
enjoying the rhythm of the English language. At
night, I stayed up late writing." (Paragraph 5)
2. "I read and wrote harder than before... I kept
up my morning ritual of three hours of writing."
(Paragraph 5)
3. "Whenever I found it difficult to describe a
certain scene, I had my usual temptation to
delete it" (Paragraph 18)
4. "While chasing the coveted shoes in my mind,
tried to capture the rhythm of my own language
in English writing (Paragraph 18)





I resd

Write a paragraph to provide an example of how Animal Farm is an allegory for the Russian Revolution. Consider the characters and events that George Orwell includes in his novel, as well as people, philosophies, events, and organizations from history. Include evidence from the story as you make your comparisons






Help me please. Need help please



around the


Which describes a challenge of omniscient narration? A. The writer needs to develop the voice of a particular character and imitate that hharacter's speech. B. The writer should be careful not to enter too many characters' heads or the reader may become confused. C. The writer has to focus on one character and can only hint at other characters' perspectives. O D. The writer is encouraged to explore character but may be tempted to neglect setting and detail.​


Answer: the correct answer is B: the writer should be careful not to enter too many characters’ heads or the reader may become confused.

Explanation: I just took the test

What are the most important things in Kara’s life and how are they threatened?



Which Kara are you talking about because there are alot of Kara's. There is one from SUPERGIRL !



Her family boat moana And the dregding ban


in white dolphin,  jake tells her that we will buy moana and chop her into pieces and the dredging ban is lifting up soon and dougie evans will come again and kill those endangered speices.

mark me the brainliest!

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