What are the structures labeled #1 and #2 in the diagram below?

A- centrioles; spindle fibers
B- chromosomes; centrioles
C- spindle fibers; centrioles
D- centrioles; sister chromatids

What Are The Structures Labeled #1 And #2 In The Diagram Below?A- Centrioles; Spindle FibersB- Chromosomes;


Answer 1


A- centrioles; spindle fibers


Spindle fibers radiate away from the centrioles.

What Are The Structures Labeled #1 And #2 In The Diagram Below?A- Centrioles; Spindle FibersB- Chromosomes;

Related Questions

Do slow twitch muscles fatigue quicker than fast-twitch muscles?


False. Slow twitch muscles tire more quickly than fast twitch muscles. Slow twitch muscles are more fatigue resistant.

There are two types of skeletal muscles: fast-twitch and slow-twitch muscles. Fast-twitch muscles contract quickly and release energy in a very short time. Meanwhile, slow-twitch muscles are muscles that contract less quickly and release energy gradually.

Slow-twitch muscles that release energy gradually cause the power generated to be more controlled so that it is more resistant to fatigue, so it is usually used for long-distance running because of its long endurance and not getting tired easily. While fast-twitch muscles produce high energy in a short time but tire easily, so it is used for vigorous bursts of movement such as sprinting because it tires quickly.

Learn more skeletal muscles at:



Why are socks an important component of your exercise clothing?


The reason why socks is an important component because  socks will keep your feet dry that prevent you from slippery and injury from small things while exercise.

What is another benefit of having sock when doing exercise?

Using socks when exercise as some benefit to you, such as:

It keep your foot cool. It prevent you foot getting damage from a small materialIt keep out your foot from blister

As to reminder, you should use proper sock or it might damage your foot such as:

When using smaller sock than your size. Its tight disturb you blood circulation and muscle movement so the injuries can easily occurWhen using bigger sock than your size. It will increase slip chance.

Learn more about sock function here


brain dopamine levels are important in all of these except __________.


Brain dopamine levels are important in all of these except  Huntington's disease. The functional capacities of a person are significantly impacted by Huntington's diseases.

Huntington's disease initial signs and symptoms significantly include: trouble focusing, memory lapses, sadness, which includes poor mood, a lack of interest in activities, and feelings of hopelessness, as well as tripping and clumsiness.  With time, Huntington's disease impacted certain areas of the brain's functionality. It is something that a person inherits from their parents. After a period of up to 20 years, it typically becomes fatal as a result of a slow progression.

To learn more about Huntington's disease, click here:



Environmental factors supercede genetic factors in the adaptation of plants to their environment.


It is true that environmental influences can take precedence over genetic ones in how plants adapt to their surroundings.

Environmental variables that aren't encoded in the organism's DNA are part of the process of adaptation to the environment.

According to science, how genes and environment interact affects how people grow. Research dispels the myth that genes are "cast in stone," demonstrating that early experiences may affect which genes are expressed, how they are expressed, and even whether they are expressed at all.

Environmental Factors

FoodTemperaturePollutants etc.

Environment have greater effect on transcriptomes than genetics which is why it is able to influence disease risks and more pronounced in adaptation of organisms to the environment.

Read more about Environmental factors here brainly.com/question/18194666


apples oranges peanuts and rice grains are produced by


Answer: plants

Explanation: also the fruit is the ovary of a plant. plants can reproduce sexually by the pollen from the stamen (the male sex organ of a flower) of one flower making its way to the stigma (female sex organ of a flower) of another flower; i.e., the pollen that was sticking to a bee's legs came off onto the stigma of a flower. plants can also reproduce asexually by pollen from the stamen of a flower making its way to the stigma of that same flower.

elongation of bones is accomplished via ____________ growth.





interstitial growth grows bones longitudinally (long) and appositional is more for increasing bone's diameter

All foods contain _____. nutritional benefits a combination of fats, carbohydrates, and proteins a combination of salts, minerals, and flavors


All foods contain macros, nutritional benefits a combination of fats, carbohydrates, and proteins a combination of salts, minerals, and flavors.

What are macronutrients?

Mаcronutrients, or mаcros, аre essentiаl nutrients the body needs in lаrge quаntities to remаin heаlthy. Mаcronutrients provide the body with energy, help prevent diseаse, аnd аllow the body to function correctly. There аre three mаin types of mаcronutrients: proteins, fаts, аnd cаrbohydrаtes.

Mаcronutrients аre different to micronutrients, such аs vitаmins аnd minerаls, аs the body requires them in lаrger quаntities. А number of fаctors, such аs аge, sex, fitness goаls, аnd preexisting heаlth conditions cаn influence the аmount of mаcronutrients а person requires.

For more information about macronutrients refers to the link:  https://brainly.com/question/11460512


Differentiate between the role of plasma membrane and different organelles.


Answer: The plasma membrane is the outer barrier of the cell that separates the inside from the outside environment, while organelles are specialized structures within the cell that perform specific functions necessary for the cell's survival and function.

Explanation: The plasma membrane, also known as the cell membrane, is a thin, flexible barrier that surrounds the cell and separates the inside from the outside environment. It is composed of lipids and proteins and plays a crucial role in maintaining the integrity and function of the cell.

On the other hand, organelles are specialized structures within the cell that perform specific functions. Some examples of organelles include the nucleus, mitochondria, endoplasmic reticulum, and Golgi apparatus.

The nucleus is the central organelle that controls the cell's genetic material and is involved in the synthesis of proteins. The mitochondria are the cell's powerhouses, responsible for producing energy in the form of ATP. The endoplasmic reticulum is involved in the synthesis and transportation of proteins, while the Golgi apparatus is responsible for modifying, sorting, and transporting proteins and lipids.

Although lung cancer is not common, about ______ percent of all lung cancers occur in smokers. A. 10. B. 25. C. 40. D. 80. D. 80.


Although lung cancer is not common, about  80 percent of all lung cancers occur in smokers, Correct option (c).

Cancer is a disease in which the cells of the body multiply uncontrolled. Lung cancer occurs when cancer originates in the lungs.

Lung cancer starts in the lungs and can spread to the lymph nodes or other organs, including the brain. Cancer can spread to the lungs from other organs. Metastasis occurs when cancer cells travel from one organ to another.

Lung cancer is frequently divided into two types: small cell and non-small cell (including adenocarcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma). These types of lung cancer grow and are treated differently. Non-small cell lung cancer outnumbers small cell lung cancer.

Learn more about  lung cancers  to visit this link





the myoblast cell line gives rise to which mature blood cells?​


All other created components are formed by myeloid stem cells, including erythrocytes, megakaryocytes, which make platelets, and a myeloblast lineage, which produces monocytes and three types of granular leukocytes: neutrophils, eosinophils, and basophils.

When referred to either a heart muscle cell (cardiomyocyte) or a smooth muscle cell (both of which are tiny cells), a muscle cell is also known as a myocyte. A muscle fiber is a long, threadlike skeletal muscle cell with numerous nuclei. Myoblasts are embryonic precursor cells that grow into muscle cells (including myocytes and muscle fibers).

Myoblasts combine to generate multinucleated skeletal muscle cells known as syncytia during the myogenesis process.

Both skeletal and cardiac muscle cells include myofibrils and sarcomeres and create striated muscle tissue.

Learn more about  the myoblast cell



stem cells. All other generated elements, such as erythrocytes, platelets produced by megakaryocytes, monocytes, and the three types of granular leukocytes—neutrophils, eosinophils, and basophils—are derived from myeloid stem cells.

A progenitor cell known as a granulocyte/macrophage (GM) progenitor cell gives rise to the two professional phagocytic cells, neutrophils and macrophages. Hemocytoblasts are a type of stem cell found in the red bone marrow. They are the source of all the blood's produced constituents. A stem cell will differentiate into a new red blood cell if it decides to become a proerythroblast, a type of cell. A red blood cell can be formed in roughly two days.

To know more about neutrophils, click here:



Is muscular endurance health or performance related?


Yes. Muscular endurance is related to both health and performance:

It is important for overall health and physical fitness, as having good muscular endurance can help improve posture, balance, coordination, and agility, reducing the risk of injury. It can also help improve performance in physical activities such as running, cycling, and swimming, and can help reduce the risk of chronic diseases. Additionally, having good muscular endurance can help improve overall physical fitness, allowing the body to work for longer periods of time before becoming fatigued. Finally, having good muscular endurance can help improve mental and emotional health, as it can help to reduce stress and anxiety.

Learn more muscular strength and endurance:



both of Jack's parents are dominant homozygous for having detached earlobes however Jack has attached earlobes that hearing is not impacted by this whatsoever which of the following statements is true?

A. Jack has beneficial mutation that allows him too hear better.
B. Jack has harmful mutation that inhibits his hearing.
C. Jack inherited attached earlobes from his parents.
D. Jack has a neutral mutation associated with earlobe shape.


Answer: D

Explanation: Jack didn't get the trait attached trait from his parents which was a dominate trait since both of them had it. Because of that he has a mutation. Since the mutation doesn't affect his hearing than it's a neutral mutation.

Where are Condyloid joints found in the human body?


Condyloid joints are found in the human body at the base of the thumb, the wrist, the elbow, and the knee.

At the base of the thumb, the carpometacarpal joint is a condyloid joint that connects the carpal bone of the wrist to the metacarpal bone of the thumb. This joint allows the thumb to flex and extend, as well as move side-to-side.

The wrist itself is composed of several different condyloid joints: the radiocarpal joint connects the radius bone of the forearm to the carpal bones of the wrist; the midcarpal joint connects the carpals together; and the intercarpal joints connect the carpals to each other. The wrist condyloid joints allow the wrist to flex and extend, as well as rotate in a circular motion.

The elbow is a complex condyloid joint composed of three articulations: the humeroulnar joint, which connects the humerus bone of the upper arm to the ulna bone of the forearm; the humeroradial joint, which connects the humerus to the radius bone of the forearm; and the proximal radioulnar joint, which connects the radius and ulna bones to each other near the elbow. The elbow joint allows the forearm to flex and extend, as well as rotate in a circular motion.

Finally, the knee joint is the largest condyloid joint in the body. It is composed of the femorotibial joint, which connects the femur bone of the thigh to the tibia bone of the leg, and the femoropatellar joint, which connects the femur to the patella (kneecap). This joint allows the leg to flex and extend, as well as rotate in a circular motion.

To learn more about Condyloid joints visit:



Is it possible to remove all water from a cell?


Answer: Yes, but this will completely destroy the cell. One of the ways to do this is osmosis.

Answer: yes but

Without water, cell membranes would lack structure, and without proper membrane structure, cells would be unable to keep important molecules inside the cell and harmful molecules outside the cell removing all of the water would destroy the cell.

Which of the following groups includes examples of only abiotic factors found in an ecosystem?

A. Producers, consumers, oxygen, carbon dioxide
B. Solar energy, water, minerals, producers
C. Plants, animals, fungi, decomposers
D. Solar energy, glucose, oxygen, carbon dioxide



D. Solar energy, glucose, oxygen, carbon dioxide

Abiotic factors are non-living things while biotic factors are living things.

Help what’s the answer for these questions?


When an impulse reaches the axon terminal, Ca²⁺ ions trigger the fusion of synaptic vesicles with the presynaptic membrane, thereby releasing the neurotransmitters in the vesicles into the synapse and initiating synaptic transmission.

Receptor cells receive the impulse and initiate an action potential.

An impulse stops at a synapse since there is a gap at the synapse.

Impulses can be stopped by:

using inhibitor drugsblocking the release of neurotransmitterscutting off an action potential

What is a synapse?

A synapse is a gap or junction between two neurons.

Impulse traveling down a neuron stops at a synapse.

Neurotransmitters are released to continue the impulse across the synapse.

Inhibiting the release of neurotransmitters will stop an impulse.

Learn more about impulse and synapse at: https://brainly.com/question/13708341


Synthesis of lipids and glycogen takes place at the

(a) ribosomes
(b) rough endoplasmic reticulum
(c) smooth endoplasmic reticulum
(d) Golgi apparatus


Because the smooth endoplasmic reticulum is an extension of the rough ER, it is primarily responsible for lipid synthesis, detoxification, and has glycogen granules on its surface. This is where lipids and glycogen are synthesized.

therefore, correct answer is (c) smooth endoplasmic reticulum.

An interconnected network of tubules, vesicles, and cisternae is created by the eukaryotic organelle known as the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) in cellular structures. Rough endoplasmic reticulum makes proteins, whereas smooth endoplasmic reticulum makes lipids and steroids, breaks down carbs and steroids, controls calcium levels, detoxifies drugs, and attaches receptors to proteins in cell membranes. Just the calcium levels are controlled by the sarcoplasmic reticulum.

know more about eukaryotes here



Weathering and erosion energy source?



The sun's heat energy


During which stage of Prophase I, does the crossing over takes place ?AHomologous chromosomesBSister chromatidsCCross oversDParental chromosomes


Genetic material is exchanged between non-sister chromatids of homologous chromosomes during crossing over. At the pachytene stage of prophase-I, it occurs.

Homologous chromosomes will align with one another and form tetrads during prophase I. DNA sequences between the homologous chromosomes may be swapped during this lining up process. Crossing over is a sort of genetic recombination that enables the genetic differentiation of the daughter cells of meiosis.

Only homologous chromosomes can cross across with one another. After meiosis I, cells become haploid and are unable to complete crossing over. By enabling genetic diversity, cells can take part in evolution and the theory of the fittest. Sister chromatids, which are identical, would exchange alleles if crossing over did not take place until some point during meiosis II. The alleles of the chromatids wouldn't actually change as a result of this material swap because these chromatids are identical.

To know more about Homologous chromosomes



From the right leg, lymph moves in which order? a. right lumbar trunk, right lymphatic duct, left subclavian vein b. right lumbar trunk, thoracic duct, right subclavian vein c. right lumbar trunk, right lymphatic duct, right subclavian vein d. right lumbar trunk, thoracic duct, left subclavian vein


From the right leg, the lymph moves in the d order. right lumbar trunk, thoracic duct, left subclavian vein

What is lymph?

Lymph nodes are part of the immune system which functions to fight infections caused by bacteria, viruses, germs, and parasites. If an infection occurs, the gland will swell to give a sign. After the infection subsides, the gland will deflate on its own and return to its original size.

Lymph nodes have immune cells called lymphocytes in them. They attack bacteria, viruses, and other things that can make the body feel sick. When fighting a dangerous foreign object, the body produces more of these immune cells, so swelling of the glands is inevitable. The order of lymph from the right leg is the right lumbar trunk, the thoracic duct, and then the left subclavian vein.

Learn more about signs of chronic lymph node enlargement here :



In watermelon plants, the allele for solid green fruit (G) is dominant over the allele for striped fruit (g). Pollen from a flower of a homozygous green (GG) watermelon plant is used to pollinate a flower from a heterozygous green (Gg) watermelon plant. What percent of the offspring of this cross will bear striped watermelons


In watermelon plants, some have solid green fruit (G) and some have striped fruit (g). When a watermelon plant that only has the solid green fruit (GG) is used to pollinate a plant that has both solid and striped fruit (Gg), then 50% of the offspring will have striped watermelons.

The 50% of the offspring of this cross will bear striped watermelons because the heterozygous green (Gg) watermelon plant has one dominant allele (G) and one recessive allele (g).

When the pollen from the homozygous green (GG) watermelon plant is used to pollinate the heterozygous green (Gg) watermelon plant, the offspring will have a 50/50 chance of inheriting either the dominant allele (G) or the recessive allele (g).

Since the allele for striped fruit (g) is recessive, the offspring will only show the striped watermelon trait if they inherit two recessive alleles (gg). Therefore, 50% of the offspring will bear striped watermelons.

To learn more about heterozygous visit:



the question is with the paper


Answer: Water can be used as an magnifiying glass.

Explanation: If it was in a magnifying glass it would make stuff look bigger and in that situation water does the same thing.

what will happen to a species if an environmental gradient changes so rapidly that it quickly goes beyond a species' limit of tolerance before the species is able to adapt?


If an environmental gradient changes so rapidly that it quickly goes beyond a species' limit of tolerance before the species is able to adapt then there will be intolerance to the given condition which can disturb the diversity of the species.

A species is both a unit of biodiversity and an organism's basic taxonomic classification in biology. A species is the largest collection of organisms in which any two people of the appropriate sexes or mating types can conceive a fertile offspring, typically through sexual reproduction. In addition, a species can be recognized by its karyotype, DNA pattern, anatomical features, behavioral traits, or ecological niche. Additionally, paleontologists employ the chronospecies concept because fossil reproduction cannot be investigated.

To learn more about species click on the given link: brainly.com/question/13259455


A student peeled the skins from grapes, exposing cells with membranes that are only permeable to water and small diffusible solutes. The student measured the mass of the peeled grapes. The student then placed each peeled grape into one of five solutions. After 24 hours, the student removed the peeled grapes from the solutions, measured their final mass, and calculated the percent change in mass (Table 1).


Based on Table 1, which of the following best explains the difference in water potential between certain solutions and the grapes?

A. NaCl and tap water have a lower water potential because these two solutions caused the grape to gain water.

B. Grape soda and NaCl have a lower water potential because these two solutions caused the grape to lose water.

C. Tap water and grape juice have a lower water potential because these two solutions caused the grape to lose water.

D. Grape soda and grape juice have a lower water potential because these two solutions caused the grape to gain water.


The observation is that; Tap water and grape juice have a lower water potential because these two solutions caused the grape to lose water. Option C

What is solute potential?

We have to note that a solution can be composed of a solute and a solvent. The solvent is the liquid while the solute is the solid or that gas that is to be dissolved. In most of the cases, the solvent is water and this is especially so when we have a biological system.

When we say that a system is semi permeable, the implication of that is that the system can allow some substances to pass through but it would not allow some of the substances to pass through.

In the case of the susbtnace thay we havehere. We can see that the more concentrated the grape juice is, the more the solute lost water and the mass of the solute was found to have decreased.

Learn more about solute potential:https://brainly.com/question/28300184


A human is classified in domain and kingdom

O Eukarya ... Fungi
O Eukarya ... Protista
O Eukarya ... Plantae
О Eukarya ... Animalia
O Bacteria ... Archaea


It should be Eukarya and Animalia.

7 What part of the cell holds all the excess
food and water in a cell? It is much larger in
plant cells than animal cells
C.Cell wall





Vacuoles might store food or any variety of nutrients a cell might need to survive.

The ureter extends downward

1-behind the parietal peritoneum and joins the urinary bladder from above.

2- behind the parietal peritoneum and joins the urinary bladder from below.

3- in front of the parietal peritoneum and joins the urinary bladder from above.

4- in front of the parietal peritoneum and joins the urinary bladder from below.

5-and then loops up around the bladder.


The ureter connects the urinary bladder from below and continues downhill beneath the parietal peritoneum.

What does ureter pain feel like?

Suffering from side, ribs, or abdominal pain. pain that is intense or acute and comes in waves. discomfort that radiates to your groin. Specifically if the pain is brought on by kidney stones, nausea and vomiting are frequently experienced together with kidney discomfort. A damaged ureter can be repaired using a range of reconstructive techniques, from simple outpatient

Can ureters heal on their own?

On occasion, a nephrostomy or catheter is all that is intervention required to divert the urine stream. Most people who have ureters without strictures recover. A balloon dilatation or endoureterotomy can be used to treat a stricture endoscopically if it does happen to form.

To know more about Ureter visit:



Which term best describes DNA replication?

Multiple "bubbles" form in the DNA that proceed with replication in both
directions from the bubble.

A single "bubble" forms in the DNA that proceeds with replication in a single
direction from the bubble.

DNA polymerase adds nucleotides to each separated strand of the DNA
molecule at the replication fork replicating two leading strands at one end of
the bubble and two lagging stands at the other side of the bubble.

Replication occurs at a single replication fork that replicates
leading strands in the same direction.
ing and


During DNA replication, there is a formation of multiple bubbles in the DNA that proceed with replication in both directions from the bubble.

DNA replication can be defined as the process by which a particular organism replicates its DNA. DNA replication plays a very important role in the process of reproduction and inheritance in living beings.

The two strands, which are the leading as well as the lagging strand, of the DNA run in opposite directions from each other and hence they must be constructed in different ways. The DNA replication in case of eukaryotes is multi-replicon which means that there a number of different origins of replication and hence multiple replication bubbles are formed which allow the replication of the DNA strand.

To know more about replication bubbles here



Choose THREE examples that correctly predict the effect of a change on the ecosystem.
A decrease in the kangaroo rat population will cause a decrease in the coyote
A decrease in the desert tortoise population will cause a decrease in the
rattlesnake population
A decrease in the rattlesnake population will cause an increase in the kangaroo


A decrease in the desert tortoise population will cause a decrease in the rattlesnake population describes the change on the ecosystem.

What is Ecosystem?

An ecosystem is a region where different species of plants, animals, and other organisms coexist in harmony with the environment, including the climate and geography.

An ecosystem is a region where a bubble of life is created by plants, animals, and other organisms interacting with the weather, environment, and other factors. Abiotic variables, or nonliving components, coexist with biotic components in ecosystems. Plants, animals, and other species are biotic factors. Along with rocks, temperature and humidity are abiotic variables.

Every component of an ecosystem is directly or indirectly dependent upon every other component.

Therefore, A decrease in the desert tortoise population will cause a decrease in the rattlesnake population describes the change on the ecosystem.

To learn more about ecosystem, refer to the link:



What is the difference between a condyloid and ellipsoid joint?


Condyloid joints, additionally called ellipsoid joints, are composed of an egg-formed bone called a condyle that suits right into a in addition formed hollow space.

Although it sounds just like a ball and socket joint, condyloid joints simplest permit for forward-backward and aspect to aspect motion and do now no longer permit rotation. Condyloid joints are gift withinside the elbow, wrist joints, carpals of the wrist, and at the bottom of the index finger. The MCP joint is shaped among the metacarpal bones and the proximal phalanges of the fingers. In this, the rounded head of the metacarpal articulates with the shallow hollow space of proximal phalanges. The wrist joint additionally called the radiocarpal joint is a condyloid synovial joint of the distal top limb that connects and serves as a transition factor among the forearm and hand.

To learn more about Condyloid joints check the link below:



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19. The two major types of markets are the: A. primary market and the secondary market. B. B2B market and the C2C market. C. consumer market and the business-to-business market. D. target market and the niche market. 20. By employing a relationship marketing strategy, Jocelyn found success as an entrepreneur. The goal of this strategy is to: Aluse radio and television advertising to attract new customers. B work closely with existing customers to better satisfy their wants and needs. C.target large market segments of potential customers by working closely with a variety of suppliers. D. communicate to buyers the advantages offered by your firm's low prices and standardized products. A. Ps. 21. A firm's marketing mix consists of 4 major components, which are generally referred to as the four: B. Keynotes to success C. Intangibles of marketing D. Persuaders 22. Which of the following statements is the most accurate assessment of the role packaging plays in product offerings? A. The importance of packaging has diminished as the use of the Internet has grown. B. While packaging plays an important role in marketing goods, it is not relevant to the marketing of services. C. Effective packaging eliminates the potential of product linbility suits. D. The importance of packaging is greater now than ever. 23. The combination of all the factors that consumers evaluate when deciding whether or not to buy a good or service is called a A. total product offer. B. product mix. C. product differentiation D. product package 24. When consumers calculate the value of a product, they: A. subtract the cost of production from the market price. B. eliminate all nontangible elements that might affect their perception of the product. C. look at the benefits the product provides then subtract the cost D. identify the variable and the fixed components of the product's benefits. 25. PMI is a: A. computer program used to help managers write mission statements. 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