What can stress do to a woman's body?


Answer 1

Migraines and headaches Your muscles stiffen up when you're under stress and both anxiety and depression and Heart issues.

How does stress affect your body?

Anxiety, sadness, digestive issues, headaches, muscle tension and pain, heart disease, heart attack, high blood pressure, stroke, sleep disturbances, weight gain, and memories and concentration impairment are just a few of the physical and mental health issues that can arise as a result of this.

What is a great stress reliever?

Almost every physical exercise has the ability to reduce stress. Exercise may be an effective stress reliever even when you're not athletic or in terrific physical form. Exercise can increase your levels of feel-good endorphins and many other natural neurotransmitters that improve your mood.

To know more about Stress visit:



Related Questions

What are 3 examples of contamination?


The following are the three categories of contaminants: Toxins form plants, mushrooms, and shellfish are biological examples, as are bacteria, viruses, protozoa, fungi, & toxins. Physical things like dirt, shards of glass, metallic staples, and bones are a few examples of them.

What contamination means

Anything that has been contaminated, tainted, fouled, or defiled must have been made unclean or dirty. A body is said to be "contaminated" if it has been touched to or contaminated by dirt or other unclean materials.

What of the following doesn't constitute contamination?

Frequently, the phrases "defile," "pollute," and "taint" are used interchangeably with the verb "contain." The word "contaminate" describes contact and intrusion into dirt or perhaps another odor that comes from outside the body, but all of these phrases reference to the act of "turning impure or dirty."

To know more about Contamination visit:



These three types of pollutants are classified as follows: Biology provides instances of poisons in the form of bacteria, viruses, protozoa, fungus, and toxins from plants, mushrooms, and shellfish.

Some instances of them include physical objects like dirt, glass fragments, metal staples, and bones. Anything that has been tainted, contaminated, defiled, or otherwise ruined must have been rendered unclean or dirty. When dirt or other unclean elements have come into contact with or on contact with a body, that body is said to be "contaminated." With the verb "contain," the words "defile," "pollute," and "taint" are frequently interchanged. The term "Health care" refers to coming into contact with dirt or perhaps another odour that emanates from outside the body, but all of these expressions allude to the act of "becoming impure or dirty."

Learn more about Health care here



What are the 4 easy food safety practices?


Food safety is achieved in four steps: clean, separate, cook, and chill. Clean, Separated, Cook, and Chill are four easy measures you can do at home to prevent food poisoning for yourself and your loved ones.

How is food judged to be healthy?

You can preserve the wellness of your body & your energy levels by ingesting foods that give you the nutrients you require. The basic components that make up a healthful, well-balanced diet include water, carbs, fat, protein, chemicals, and minerals.

What type of food is regarded as healthy?

Macrobiotics, whole foods, healthy products, and organic foods are a few concepts related to healthy eating. In the macrobiotic diet, whole grains are important. Some of the least processed foods are whole grains and other full meals.

To know more about Health food visit:



keep clean, separate raw and cooked, cook thoroughly, keep food at safe temperatures are the major things to keep food with safety.

Over 200 illnesses, ranging from diarrhoea to cancer, are brought on by food tainted by bacteria, viruses, parasites, or dangerous chemicals. Around 35 million children under the age of five are thought to experience these illnesses each year throughout the Americas. Children, pregnant women, those with weakened immune systems, and elderly adults are also more susceptible to these infections. Foodborne illnesses can cause stomach discomfort, diarrhoea, nausea, chills, fever, and headaches. Foodborne disease can be lethal in rare circumstances. When a person comes into contact with foodborne germs, symptoms can start to show anywhere from 30 minutes to two weeks later, but they often do so during the first 4–48 hours.

learn more about food safety here



Rapid water loss from burned skin is an extreme form of ________ perspiration.
A) imprudent
B) non-sense
C) impractical
D) vacuous
E) insensible


Rapid water loss from burned skin is an extreme form of insensible perspiration.

Minor water loss from the skin takes place via sweat glands. Insensible perspiration is the loss of water from the skin that does not manifest as perceptible perspiration. An imperceptible degree of sweating occurs at an almost constant rate and reflects evaporative losses from epithelial cells of the skin. Unlike sweating, the fluid lost is pure water.

Dissolved material is not lost. Insensible perspiration can be defined as water loss from the skin. This sweat is imperceptible to humans because dissolved substances are not lost. Both solutes and solvents are lost from the body in the form of sweat, and when this type of sweat is felt by a person, noticeable sweating can occur.

In humans, it is carried out by sweat glands in response to external factors such as ambient temperature and humidity.

For more information on Insensible perspiration , visit :



Can a chronic illness be cured?


People who have chronic conditions sometimes struggle with managing day-to-day symptoms that impair their quality of life, as well as acute health issues and consequences that may reduce their life expectancy.

How long do chronic conditions persist?

Generally speaking, chronic diseases are problems that last for a year or longer, necessitate continuous medical care, restrict everyday activities, or both. The main causes of death and disability not only in the US but worldwide are chronic diseases like diabetes, cancer, and heart disease.

How is a chronic condition treated?

There are several ways to treat a chronic illness, including surgery, physical therapy, psychological counselling, and radiotherapy. The use of medication, however, is one of the most popular therapeutic modalities.

To learn more about chronic diseases visit:



the prokaryotes that cause tooth decay have a ________ relationship with humans.





they live on us us humans and breakdown pieces of food but poor dental hygiene can cause them to break down tooth enamel

Which of the following resulted from the Great Depression?
a) Increased trade barriers and devalued currencies.
b) A stable exchange rate system.
c) Free international capital flows.
d) None of the options given is correct.


c none of the options given is correct.

this is correct because non of them are correct

The ________-point gait is used when one leg is stronger than the other or when there is no weight bearing on one leg.


When one leg is stronger than the other or when one leg is not bearing any weight, the three-point gait is adopted.

Three-point gaits are what?

When one of the lower extremities (LE) cannot support all of the body's weight, this gait pattern is adopted (due to fracture, amputation, joint replacement etc). Three points of contact are made with the ground. The involved leg is the first point, the crutches are the second point, and the unaffected leg is the third point. The afflicted limb approaches the crutches after both crutches have moved forward. After that, the weight-bearing limb walks through, past the crutches. At any given time, there are always three points of contact with the floor.

To know more about crutches visit: https://brainly.com/question/30168034


What is a reliable resource to check out information on nutritional values and healthy eating?


For trustworthy health information, the Institute Of medicine website is a terrific place to start. Typically, federal government agency-sponsored health websites are reliable sources of information.

Which source for health information can you trust the most?

In actuality, health websites like Mayo (42%), followed by governmental websites (24%), are the most reliable sources when searching for medical symptoms online. It's also crucial to remember that being proactive with regard to one's health and looking for solutions is not a bad thing.

What are the top 7 trustworthy sources for health information?

Interviews, bureaucratic and hospital records, billing information, vital records, surveillance, illness registries, and peer-reviewed research are the primary sources of health statistics.

To Know more about health information Visit:



What is refrigerated food storage?


Foods that must be kept chilled fall under the category of refrigerated storage (but not a freezing temperature). These include goods like meats, milk, cheese, and eggs that must always be kept cold.

Which foods rank as the top four?

You should consume foods from the following four major food groups every day to get the nourishment you require for your personal wellness. These include cereals, dairy products, fruits and vegetables, milk, and diets strong in protein.

What dish is flavorful the best?

Rendang from Indonesia. Source Rendang is made by boiling beef with milk and a mixture of the finest spices, such as curcumin, garlic, ginger, chillies, and other spices and spices. It is frequently referred to as "the worlds largest most splendid dish."

To know more about foods visit:



The ________-point gait is used when one leg is stronger than the other or when there is no weight bearing on one leg.


The three-point gait is used when one leg is heavier or stronger than the other, or when one leg is not carrying any weight.

What is a three-point gait?

This walking pattern is used when one of the lower extremities (LE) is unable of bearing the entire weight of the body (due to fracture, amputation, joint replacement etc). With the ground, there are three points of contact. The injured leg is the first point, the crutches are the second point, and the unaffected limb is the third. Once both crutches are moving forward, the injured limb moves toward the crutches. Afterward, the weight-bearing limb passes by the crutches and continues on. Three points of contact with the floor are always present at any given time.

To know more about crutches visit: brainly.com/question/30168034


Anomalous origin of RCA from left coronary sinus presenting as PSVT and recurrent acute coronary syndromes


A myocardial infarction happens when the heart's arteries weaken and constrict. Blood is mostly delivered to the right side of the heart through the right coronary artery.

The coronary arteries would serve as the blood supply for the capillaries in the myocardial. The right and left coronary arteries, which deliver oxygenated blood to the heart, are used for myocardial irrigation. At the root of the ascending aorta, close to the aortic valve, both arteries begin at the level of the sinuses of Vassal. Blood is supplied to the left side of the heart by the left coronary artery, which separates into the anterior descending artery and the circumflex artery. Blood is mostly delivered to the right side of the heart through the right coronary artery. Normally, fluctuations in myocardial O2 consumption cause local metabolic systems to self-regulate coronary flow.

Learn more about The coronary arteries  here:



What are the 4 tips to prevent harmful bacteria from causing a foodborne illness in order )?


Clean, Separate, Cook, and Chill are the four steps to ensure food safety. You and your loved ones can avoid getting food poisoning by cleaning, separating, cooking, and chilling food at home.

What is the most crucial step in avoiding a bacterial foodborne illness?

Washing your hands often, especially after using the restroom, changing a diaper, caressing an animal, and before preparing or eating food, is the most crucial thing you can do to prevent foodborne illness.

What method of preventing bacteria is most crucial?

Keeping germs at bay Before eating or touching your eyes, nose, or mouth, wash your hands. After interacting with someone who is sniffling, coughing, or blowing their nose, wash your hands. Never share anything that could be infected with respiratory germs, including towels, lipstick, toys, and other items.

to know more about foodborne illness here:



Part/o- and Toci- (Partur/ition; Dys/toc/ia) mean: o Lactation o Pregnancy Birth Conception


Pregnancy is the situation that happens when the sperm fertilises the egg, resulting in the formation of the zygote. Parturition refers to the process of giving birth to children.

Childbirth, often known as labour and delivery, is the termination of a pregnancy in which one or more infants depart the mother's internal environment by vaginal delivery or caesarean section. Vaginal delivery is the most prevalent mode of childbirth globally. It consists of four phases of labour: the first is the shortening and opening of the cervix, the second is the descent and birth of the baby, the third is the delivery of the placenta, and the fourth is the postpartum recovery of the mother and newborn. The first stage is distinguished by stomach cramping or back discomfort that lasts about a half-minute and occurs every 10 to 30 minutes.

Pregnancy is the period during which one or more children (gestates) grow inside a woman's uterus (womb). A multiple pregnancy produces more than one child, such as twins. Pregnancy is normally caused through sexual contact, however it can also be caused by assisted reproductive technology methods.

To learn more about Parturition and Pregnancy, here



Why is it important to do warm-up and stretching activities before dancing ?


For dancers, warming up prior to any dance practice is essential because it gets the body ready for longer, more expansive motions and helps to lessen stress on the muscles and joints.

What are the top three benefits of warm-up exercises?

Three factors make warming-up exercises crucial

They help increase the temperature of the body and the muscles: Your body temperature will rise as a result of a proper warm-up, which is especially good for your muscles.You'll be less likely to sustain an injury or become overheated throughout your exercise if you warm up your muscles and allow for effective cooling.They can help you mentally get ready by: Without the proper preparation, diving into a workout can completely knock you off your game, especially if the preparation is emotional rather than physical.

To know more about warming-up activities visit: brainly.com/question/2377829


For a hot or cold therapy to be effective, the pack should be applied for how long to the injured area?


For a hot or cold therapy to be effective, pack should be applied for 20 minutes to the injured area.

How long should you apply hot and cold therapy?

The treatment should be applied for about 20 minutes and then can be reapplied every two hours for few days. After that, injury should be well into healing phase and the swelling and inflammation will gradually subside.

Whether you use heat or cold, wrap the pack in a thin towel to help protect your skin. Apply the pack to the painful area for 15-20 minutes several times daily. Whether you use heat or cold, you can notice that your skin looks a little pinker after applying compress.

To know more about hot or cold therapy, refer



a nurse is caring for a client who is 2 days postoperative following a total knee arthroplasty. The client is using a continuous passive motion (CPM) machine. Which of the following interventions should the nurse recommend for the plan of care?
a. Store the CPM machine on the floor when it is not in use.
b. Keep a sheepskin pad between the client's extremity and the CPM machine.
c. Check the cycle and range-of-motion settings at least every 12 hr.
d. Align the frame joint of the CPM machine with the middle of the client's calf.


The nurse should check the cycle and range-of-motion settings at least every 12 hours in the continuous passive motion (CPM) machine

The continuous passive motion (CPM) machine is a device used to help increase range of motion and reduce stiffness in a patient following a joint replacement surgery such as a total knee arthroplasty. It is important for the nurse to check the cycle and range-of-motion settings at least every 12 hours to ensure that the machine is functioning properly and that the patient is receiving the appropriate treatment.

Keeping the machine on the floor when not in use, placing a sheepskin pad between the patient's extremity and the machine, or aligning the frame joint of the machine with the middle of the client's calf are not necessary interventions for the patient's plan of care.

Learn more about CPM:



What are the 4 things that you should consider when choosing insurance?


A corporation and a customer enter into a contract for health insurance. In exchange for the payment of a monthly premium, the corporation offers to cover all or part of the insured person's medical expenses.

What are things to remember while choosing a health plan?

Things to consider when choosing health insurance- 1. Plan inclusions and exclusions. The extent of the policy is determined by the conditions for which a claim cannot be filed (exclusions) and the coverage provided by the health insurance plan (inclusions).

Choosing health insurance as soon as possible?

It's wise to have health insurance early in life. Selecting the best health insurance provider. When it comes to health insurance, the insurance company is crucial. You should only choose the best insurer because claim processing times differ between them.

To know more about health insurance here: brainly.com/question/28580013


for most adults, the greatest portion of their energy expenditure is for ________.


Simply breathing, existing, and essential bodily functions account for the majority of energy expenditure. NETO (non exercise thermogenic output) is another considerably contributing component of energy expenditure. This is physical activity done without significant conscious effort, such as typing, standing and moving during everyday mundane activities, fidgeting, etc. In contrast to exercise, which is activity that is thoroughly planned with conscious acknowledgement of its purpose contributes to the least for most. Exercise really doesn’t burn as much as calories as one would think or desire. Especially since most exercise is done for only so long. Not all day long.

A pharmacy has determined that a healthy person should receive 70 units of proteins.


Based on the information that was supplied. Using the formula Minimize Z = 2x1 + 3x2 + 5x3 + 6x4 + 8x5 + 8x6, a mathematical model may be created.

What are Carbohydrates?

Carbohydrates, sometimes known as carbs, are molecules of sugar. Along with proteins and lipids, carbohydrates are one of the three main nutrients included in meals and beverages.

Carbs are converted by the body to glucose. Your body's cells, tissues, and organs use glucose, sometimes referred to as blood sugar, as their main source of fuel.

Therefore, we possess 70 protein units,100 carbohydrate units, and 20 fat units, Z should be reduced by 2x1, 3x2, 5x3, 6x4, 8x5, and 8x6.

Learn more about carbohydrates, here:



The given question is incomplete, so the most probable complete question is,

A pharmacy has determined that a healthy person should receive 70 units of proteins, 100 units of carbohydrates, and 20 units of fat daily. If the store carries the six types of health food with their ingredients as shown in the table below, what blend of foods satisfies the requirements at minimum cost to the pharmacy? Make a mathematical model for the given problem.

It is the last week in which Abdul and his team can make changes to the roller derby car they plan to enter in the
town's competition. Everyone agrees to concentrate on getting the last few parts on the car and make sure it is
running. During this busy week, which action would Abdul's teammates find MOST helpful?
Abdul stays at home out of the way unless he is called for specific help.
Abdul concentrates until the last second on making his part of the car perfect.
Abdul rushes to finish his part of the car so that others can work on it before the deadline.
Abdul finishes his part and offers to help anyone else who is still working.



Abdul finishes his part and offers to help anyone else who is still working.


With the event so close they need to work together as a team and be prepared

What would you tell them about your functions as a medical assistant? what would you say to those who asked if you looked through the microscope and reported your findings? one student asks what type of training one would need to work solely in microbiology in a laboratory setting. How would you answer her?.


As a medical assistant, my primary responsibility is to provide support to physicians, nurses, and other healthcare professionals.

What is medical assistant?

A medical assistant is a person who performs administrative and clinical tasks to support the work of physicians and other health professionals. They are responsible for taking vital signs such as height, weight, temperature, and blood pressure, as well as recording medical histories and scheduling appointments. Medical assistants also help with basic laboratory tests, prepare specimens for laboratory testing, and assist in minor surgery. In addition, they may provide patient education on medical conditions, medications, and other health-related topics.

My duties include recording patient histories, preparing patients for examinations and procedures, performing administrative tasks, and providing basic patient care. Additionally, I am responsible for collecting and processing laboratory specimens, registering patients, and explaining treatment procedures to patients.
When asked if I look through the microscope and report my findings, I explain that my role does not involve the examination of specimens under the microscope. However, I do have experience in handling and preparing specimens for testing.

To know more about medical assistant click-

What are the three methods of using to sanitize surface?


Steam, hot water, and hot air are the three types of heat that can be used to sanitize surfaces. The technique most frequently employed in restaurants is hot water.

The sections of the surfaces are cleaned in what ways?

Chemical sanitizing treatments include washing, sprinkler use, and complete submersion. The three-container cooking sanitizer's instructions call for a seven-second phenol immersion period. Use a cleaning agent that is two times as potent as the time it was submerged.

To begin with, why do you disinfect?

It is necessary to lessen the number of germs on things or surfaces in order to get closer to a standard stated in public health legislation or guidelines. Using this method, surfaces are cleansed.

To know more about Sanitize visit:



steam, hot water, and hot air are the three methods to sanitize the surface.  to maintain cleanliness on floor surface, these methods must be followed.

Steam, hot water, and hot air are three ways to apply heat to disinfect surfaces. The technique utilised in restaurants the most frequently is hot water. A three-compartment sink's third compartment must have hot water that is at least 171o F in temperature if it is to be used (77o C). The last rinse must be at least 180 degrees Fahrenheit if a high-temperature warewashing machine is used to sanitise cleaned dishes (82o C). For stationary rack, single temperature machines, the temperature must be at least 165° F. (74o C). A minimum of 30 seconds must pass before cleaned items are exposed to these temperatures. Chemicals. Chlorine, iodine, and quaternary ammonium are recognised as effective sanitizers.

learn more about surface sanitizer here



An injury to a joint, such as ankle, knee, or wrist, which usually occurs when a ligament is wrenched or torn.


Answer nice kid


by ak

Does working out increase life expectancy?


The study found that doing the recommended 150 minutes of moderate exercise (or 75 minutes of vigorous exercise) per week yielded approximately 3.4 extra years to one's life.

What is life expectancy ?

The average additional years that a person can anticipate to live after reaching a certain age, given the present mortality rates for the remainder of their lives, is known as life expectancy.

Numerous significant risk factors for mortality, such as arterial hypertension, type 2 diabetes, dyslipidemia, coronary heart disease, stroke, and cancer, are decreased by physical exercise. When compared to inactive subjects, physical activity reduces mortality from all causes by roughly 30% to 35%.

Learn more about Life expectancy here:



__________ exposure to a chemical occurs at low levels over a long period of time.


Chronic exposure is defined by low levels of chemical exposure over an extended period of time. A disorder that progresses gradually over a long period of time with little exposure is said to as chronic.

In contrast to "mental disorder" or "genetic disorder," the term "physical disorder" (as used in medicine) is ambiguous and widely used. The term "mental disorder" is often used in psychiatric medicine, and it is defined in a number of texts, most notably the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM). Although it is not addressed in many widely used medical textbooks or the WHO's International Classification of Diseases, the more broad term "medical problem" is vaguely defined. There have been attempts to use a definition that is more inclusive, but none of them have been widely embraced.

To learn more about disorder click on the given link: https://brainly.com/question/21431209


dietary sugars and starches are called "protein sparing," which means ________.


Dietary sugars and starches are called "protein sparing," which means Dietary protein can be used for protein synthesis and other vital processes, rather than being used as a source of energy.

Sucrose, dextrose, table sugar, syrups, honey, and sugars from concentrated fruit or vegetable juices are examples of added sugars. Sugar-sweetened drinks, desserts, and sweet snacks are the most common sources of added sugars in the American diet.

Sucrose and starches are carbohydrates that are made up of two or more sugars that are bound together. Before sucrose and starch can be absorbed, the sugars in them must be broken down into glucose molecules in the gastrointestinal system. Starchy foods are our primary carbohydrate source and play a vital part in a balanced diet. Protein restriction aids weight loss by making fat the predominant source of energy for your body rather than carbs. When your body cannot obtain energy from the carbs you consume, it will convert body fat into energy.

To learn more about Dietary sugars and starches, here



the affinity of a receptor for its ligand is a measure of ________.



the strength binding between the ligand and the receptor


that's how affinity works in this case

the strength binding between the ligand and the receptor.

In general, individual sports require better cardiorespiratory fitness.

Please select the best answer from the choices provided.



Individual sports require a person to be physically fit since he or she must cover the entire field of play.

What individual sports require better cardiorespiratory fitness?

The individual is managed for all interaction required by the sport and has no teammates to fall back on. In common, individual sports needed better cardiorespiratory fitness. Participating in either team or single sports provides an excellent chance for students to improve their health and stay in shape

There are certain sports, such as golf, bowling, and tennis that, for the most part, contemplate individual sports, which are sports played alone without teammates.

So we can conclude that Sports also better agility, endurance, hand-eye coordination, and fine and gross motor skills.

Learn more about Sports here: https://brainly.com/question/1744272



Explanation: got it on edge

Which of the following tissues cannot be transplanted?


The tissues that cannot be transplanted based on the list below include the Nerves.

What is the process of transplantation of tissues?

The process of transplantation of tissues is a delicate surgical procedure aimed at restoring the normal function of defective and or damaged tissues, which is based on the utilization of an additional source of tissue obtained from another organism or synthesized under lab conditions.

The process of transplantation of tissues is based on the process of compatibilization and the lack of immune reaction that rejects the new tissue in the organism.

Therefore, with this data, we can see that the process of transplantation of tissues is based on the incorporation of new tissues, which may lead to incompatibilities in the case of nerves and or mechanism limitations that hamper the use of a different tissue from another host.

Complete question:

Which of the following tissues cannot be transplanted?

Options: Blood cells, Fat cells, Tendons, Bones, Nerves.

Learn more about the process of transplantation of tissues here:



Earl, age 50, is terminally ill. He is primarily focused on _____.
A. planning his funeral
B. the pain he might suffer
C. a fear of leaving something undone
D. his fear of death


Earl, age 50, is terminally ill. He is primarily focused on a fear of leaving something undone.

Maslow further expanded the concept to incorporate his observations of people' natural curiosity. His beliefs are similar to many other theories of human developmental psychology, some of which focus on characterising human growth phases.

The hypothesis is a categorization system that begins with the universal necessities of society and progresses to more developed emotions. In addition, the hierarchy of needs is utilised to investigate how individuals inherently participate in behavioural motivation. To express the pattern through which human needs and motivations normally go, Maslow used the phrases "physiological", "safety", "belonging and love", "social needs" or "esteem", "self-actualization" and "transcendence".

To learn more about Maslow's hierarchy of needs, here



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