what does a dog plus a cat = ???



Answer 1

- Answer:

my puppy that thinks it’s a cat


Answer 2


I've heard that one before... A puppy that thinks it's a cat!!


It makes me laugh everytime!!

Related Questions

please help me please help me​



My sister and I are very adventurous. However, she really dislikes insects. Whenever we go on a hike, she will only go if we practically bathe in bug spray. I always make the joke, "the bugs shall be dead before we even start," to make her feel better.


April had been eagerly awaiting her prom. She felt low realizing that she was short the money to buy herself a dress, a pair of shoes, and earrings to go with the dress. She tried asking her elder sister Lily for some money. Lily refused to lend her money but agreed to assist her. She walked up to April's closet and emptied it. She went through all the gowns April had and selected one. She then helped April add some buttons and laces to the dress to make it look grand. As April had shoes that went with the dress, she only had to buy new earrings. April was not sure about her appearance, but Lilly assured her that she looked beautiful. At the prom, everyone praised April for her beautiful and unique outfit. Which is the best summary of the paragraph? A. April does not have enough money to buy a new dress for the prom. With her sister's help, April redesigns one of her old dresses with buttons and laces and makes it look grand enough for the prom. B. Lily helps April redesign an old dress to wear at the prom rather than spending money on buying a new dress. Lily assures April that she looks beautiful, and at the prom too, everyone compliments her for her dress. C. April feels unsure of her look in the redesigned gown. However, Lily confidently assures her that she looks beautiful in her new earrings and the gown that was decorated with buttons and laces


The best summary of the paragraph is option A, "April does not have enough money to buy a new dress for the prom. With her sister's help, April redesigns..."

How to choose a summary

A summary must contain all the most important information found in another text. Therefore, we must read the paragraph first and take notes on what is important:

April does not have enough money for a dress, shoes and earring for the prom.Her sister Lily helps her redesign one of her dresses.The result is good, and April looks beautiful.

Those are the three main facts or events in the story. Therefore, we must find a summary that addresses most or all of them. We can eliminate option B because it focuses too much on Lily, and she is not the main character. Option C is also incorrect because it focuses only on the third event.

That is why option A is the best answer choice for this question. It focuses on the two first events and on the fact that April is the main character.

Learn more about summaries here:



In the following sentence, the italicized words are an example of what?
The playful puppy was bemused and befuddled by the darting mouse.


In the following sentence, the italicized words are an example of alliteration

What is alliteration?

Consonant sounds in two or more nearby words or syllables are repeated in alliteration. Usually, the first or initial sounds are repeated—as in "seven sisters"—but it's also typical for non-initial stressed or accented syllables to repeat certain sounds, as in "appear and report."

Poetry typically uses alliteration, but it may also be found in songs, raps, speeches, and other types of literature, as well as in expressions like "dead as a doornail" and "beautiful as a painting."

Alliteration is frequently compared to assonance and consonance as a literary device. Assonance is the repeated stressed vowel sounds in two or more words with differing end consonants, like "stony" and "holy," and consonance is the repeated end or medial consonants like "stroke" and "luck."

To know more about alliteration visit here:



Read the following paragraph from the text.

It isn't right that—that if trends continue—by the year 2000 nearly all of the poor people in America will be women and children. The rules of a decent society say, when you distribute sacrifice in times of austerity, you don't put women and children first...
What is the author implying about the trends referred to in this paragraph?



Hey there! The author of this paragraph is implying that if current trends continue, a disproportionate number of poor people in America will be women and children by the year 2000. The author suggests that this is not right or fair, and that the "rules of a decent society" dictate that women and children should not be the first to bear the burden of sacrifice in times of austerity.

It is not clear from this paragraph alone what the specific trends are that the author is referring to, or what has caused these trends. However, the implication is that these trends are negative and that they are likely to have negative consequences for women and children in particular.

Who ...... For ? Does he work​


Uhhhhhhhhhhh what ???




Topic Sentence: The modern automobile is made up of thousands of components, but one of the most important is the car catalyst.

Facts: A car catalyst is a device found inside the exhaust system that functions to reduce the amount of harmful compounds that are emitted from all motor vehicles.

Details: There are two types of car catalysts - three-way and oxidation. Three-way car catalysts are designed to reduce carbon in the atmosphere and emissions of nitrogen oxide, while oxidation catalysts help break down hydrocarbons and carbon monoxide. Both types of catalysts work together to reduce emissions and make the air we breathe healthier.

Closing Sentence: Car catalysts are a vital component of modern automobile engines, as they help keep our environment clean.

Restate Controlling Idea: In conclusion, car catalysts are essential to the efficiency and safety of any motor vehicle, as they serve to reduce harmful emissions that could otherwise damage the environment and our health.

Concluding Statement: With regular maintenance, car catalysts can remain effective for several years and continue to help us keep the air we breathe clean and safe.

Can someone help me write the central idea of the article, "The appeal of dystopian novels for teens"? Please make it short!



The article explores why dystopian novels are appealing to teenagers.


In a paragraph of 5-10 sentences, write a summary of the central idea of the Richard M. Nixon/John F. Kennedy Debate.

Remember to:

Write in complete sentences
Use correct capitalization and punction
Focus on the main ideas, not the minor details (imagine you were explaining to someone who had never read the debate what it was about)



The central idea of the Nixon/Kennedy debate was that each candidate had very different approaches to how the country should be run. Nixon was more experienced and had a more detail-oriented approach, while Kennedy was more charismatic and optimistic. In the first presidential debate between John F. Kennedy and Richard Nixon, Kennedy appeared calm and collected while Nixon was sweating and looked uncomfortable. This debate is often considered to have been a turning point in the election, as it was the first time that candidates were seen on television and Nixon's poor performance cost him, voters. The debate focused on domestic issues such as the economy, taxes, and communism. Kennedy came across as more presidential and won the support of many Americans.

1. Review and Clarify With your group, discuss the "long train of
abuses and usurpations" that are listed in the document. If you were to
categorize them, what headings would you use? Explain.



The "long train of abuses and usurpations" listed in the document refer to a series of actions or behaviors committed by a government or authority that are perceived as oppressive or unjust. These actions are often viewed as a violation of the rights or freedoms of the people being governed.

If I were to categorize the "long train of abuses and usurpations," I would use headings such as "Violations of Civil Liberties," "Abuse of Power," and "Unjust Policies."

Under the heading "Violations of Civil Liberties," I would include actions such as the restriction of freedom of speech or the right to a fair trial.

Under the heading "Abuse of Power," I would include actions such as the abuse of authority or the use of force to control or intimidate the population.

Under the heading "Unjust Policies," I would include actions such as the implementation of discriminatory laws or policies, or the failure to protect the rights and interests of the people being governed.

Overall, the "long train of abuses and usurpations" listed in the document represent a wide range of actions and behaviors that are perceived as oppressive or unjust by the people being governed. Categorizing them under headings such as "Violations of Civil Liberties," "Abuse of Power," and "Unjust Policies" can help to better understand and address these issues.


Break the word examination into morphemes


It is a word or a word-containing phrase with significance. It cannot be broken down into more manageable meaningful pieces without losing its significance or leaving behind meaningless leftovers. Furthermore, it returns with a largely consistent meaning across a range of word settings.

What Break the word examination into morphemes?

A brief language unit that satisfies three fundamental requirements is known as a “morpheme.” It is a word or a word's component with meaning. It can't be broken down into more manageable chunks without doing so in a way that alters its meaning or results in a meaningless leftover.

Therefore, Prefixes, suffixes, and roots/bases are three categories of morphemes. Prefixes are morphemes that are added before the root or base of a word. The morphemes that make up a word's root or base are typically responsible for conveying its meaning.

Learn more about morphemes here:



Directions for Extension Activity: Select ONE amendment to focus on. Research a time in history (or in recent news) that a person or group protested that their “Amendment Rights” were being violated. See the assignment in Canvas, where you will write a 5 sentence summary of the issue behind the case AND explain how it connects to the amendment you chose. Make sure the case is SPECIFIC.


I chose the First Amendment which states “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.” The case I chose to focus on is Tinker v. Des Moines Independent Community School District (1969). The case revolved around five students - John Tinker and his sister Christopher Tinker, Mary Beth Tinker, and her brothers Paul and Phillip - who wore black armbands to school in December 1965 to silent protest the Vietnam War. The school board threatened to suspend the students, so their parents made the decision to file a suit against the school. This case focused on whether or not the students’ First Amendment rights to free speech were being violated by the school’s ban on the armbands. The Supreme Court ruled in favor of the students and stated that students do not “shed their constitutional rights to freedom of speech or expression at the schoolhouse gate.” This case had an enormous influence on the interpretation of the First Amendment in public school systems, as it set the legal precedent that not all student speech may be censored due to its potential to be disruptive.

Please answer the question in the picture provided. I will guarantee that I will mark the correct answer brainliest!








By adding the "he is the best singer in his chorus" we are emphasizing just how good Rafiki is.

writing a paragraph using active and passive verbs based on garment production​


Garment production is an intricate process that starts with the design of the product and ends with the delivery of the garments to consumers.

What is consumers?

A consumer is a person or group of people who use goods, services, and experiences to satisfy their needs and wants. Consumers are the foundation of the economy, since they purchase goods and services produced by businesses. Consumers can be individuals, families, or businesses. Consumers play an important role in the economy as they are the end users of goods and services, and the ultimate source of revenue for businesses. Consumers can have a direct or indirect influence on the production and distribution of goods and services.

Designers create the fabric patterns and styles, and the fabric is then cut and sewn into the final product. Once the garment is finished, it is inspected for quality assurance before being packaged and shipped. The entire process is carefully monitored to ensure that the garments reach the customer in perfect condition.

To learn more about consumer

What territory did Carthage control in 264 B.C.?


North,West Africa,majority of Spain and some islands off the coast of Italy

Please answer the question in the picture provided. I will guarantee that I will mark the correct answer brainliest!


Yes, the statement of president which is given in the text below is a punctuated correctly sentence.

What is president?
is a title of the highest office in a government. It is usually held by an individual who is elected or appointed by the people of a particular country. The president serves as the head of state, the head of government, and the commander-in-chief of the armed forces. The president is responsible for the enforcement of laws, general oversight of the government, and the initiation of policies. The president can also have the power to veto bills, and in some cases, the authority to dissolve the legislature. In a democratic system, the president is usually the most powerful political figure and is the representative of the people. In a monarchy, the president is often a ceremonial figurehead who serves as a symbol of the nation. In some cases, the president may be a dictator who holds absolute power.

To learn more about president


Read the excerpt from Franklin D. Roosevelt's inaugural address.
Values have shrunken to fantastic levels; taxes have risen, our ability to pay has fallen; government of all kinds is faced by serious curtailment of income, the means
of exchange are frozen in the currents of trade; the withered leaves of industrial enterprise lie on every side, farmers find no markets for their produce, the
savings of many years in thousands of families are gone.
Using your knowledge of figurative language, the bold-faced section is an example of which technique?
O Alliteration


The figurative language used in the statement, "the means of exchange are frozen in the currents of trade; the withered leaves of industrial enterprise lie on every side, farmers find no markets for their produce," is metaphor. Option B.

How to identify a metaphor in a text?

A metaphor is a figurative language that describes an object or action in a way that isn't literally true, but helps explain an idea or make a comparison. To identify a metaphor, look for a phrase that describes one thing as being another thing, or a word used to describe something that it doesn't literally mean. For example, "life is a journey" is a metaphor because life isn't actually a journey, but the comparison helps convey the idea of growth and development over time.

Learn more about metaphor here;




The Gettysburg Address

"Fourscore and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent a new nation, conceived in liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal. Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nation or any nation so conceived and so dedicated can long endure. We are met on a great battlefield of that war.

We have come to dedicate a portion of that field as a final resting-place for those who here gave their lives that that nation might live. It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this. But in a larger sense, we cannot dedicate, we cannot consecrate, we cannot hallow this ground. The brave men, living and dead who struggled here have consecrated it far above our poor power to add or detract. The world will little note nor long remember what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here.

It is for us the living rather to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced. It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us-that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion-that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain, that this nation under God shall have a new birth of freedom, and that government of the people, by the people, for the people shall not perish from the earth."

From the Providence Journal

"We know not where to look for a more admirable speech than the brief one which the President made at the close of Mr. Everett's oration ... Could the most elaborate and splendid be more beautiful, more touching, more inspiring, than those thrilling words of the President? They had in our humble judgment the charm and power of the very highest eloquence."

Write an essay of at least two to three paragraphs analyzing this newspaper remark from the Providence Journal. Use specific quotations from the Gettysburg Address to support or refute the newspaper's claim.


The above essay is an argumentative essay since you are required to give your opinion. It may also be called an Opinion Essay. In this case, you may argue for or against the newspaper's claim. See the sample below.

What is my opinion regarding the Newspaper remark?

Note that the Providence Journal's printed statement, in my opinion, is right on. President Lincoln's Gettysburg Address is certainly a work of art. His remarks were not only wonderful and moving, but also inspirational.

"That this nation under God shall have a new birth of freedom, and that government of the people, by the people, for the people shall not perish from the earth," is a particularly striking sentence that still resonates today.

Thus, one could state that Lincoln's speech was succinct yet powerful, and it's no wonder that it's remembered and cherished today.

Learn more about Opinion Essays:

8. The author writes: "The consequence of the single story is this: It robs people of dignity." She then shares a series of anecdotes (stories) about people she knows. How do these examples prove her point?


Answer: It makes our recognition of our equal humanity difficult. It emphasizes how we are different rather than how we are similar

Tuesdays With Morrie: Who or what is the saving grace that comes into Morrie's life? What does this "saving grace" bring into Morrie's life?


Morrie was a decade old when, Eva, his step-mother came into the family as his redeeming quality. She cherished him and David and really focused on the family through her thoughtful gestures and encouraging tunes in a period of sorrow.

What was the saving hug that came into Morrie's life the next year?

A "saving hug came into Morrie's life the next year: his new stepmother, Eva" (Albom 22). Morrie took solace with her and she showed him the affection and care that he longed to such an extent. With his misfortune, he acquired something different consequently.

What is the fundamental message of Tuesdays with Morrie?

The manner in which you get importance in your life is to commit yourself to cherishing others, dedicate yourself to your local area around you, and dedicate yourself to making something that provides you motivation and significance." Teacher Morrie, with this assertion, illuminated how to accomplish joy and fulfillment.

To know more about gestures visit :-



Read the excerpt from Eleanor Roosevelt’s speech "The Struggle for Human Rights.”

As I see it, it is not going to be easy to attain unanimity with respect to our different concepts of government and human rights. The struggle is bound to be difficult and one in which we must be firm but patient. If we adhere faithfully to our principles I think it is possible for us to maintain freedom and to do so peacefully and without recourse to force.

The future must see the broadening of human rights throughout the world. People who have glimpsed freedom will never be content until they have secured it for themselves. In a truest sense, human rights are a fundamental object of law and government in a just society. Human rights exist to the degree that they are respected by people in relations with each other and by governments in relations with their citizens.

What type of evidence does Roosevelt use to support the claim that the United Nations must attain unanimity on the human rights issue?

Roosevelt uses anecdotal evidence by discussing how other countries have approached human rights struggles in the past.
Roosevelt uses logical evidence by explaining that, once people have seen these freedoms, they will want them for themselves.
Roosevelt uses anecdotal evidence by sharing that, because human rights make government work, they must be part of the law.
Roosevelt uses logical evidence by referring to data about peaceful struggles for human rights around the world.


The type of evidence that Roosevelt uses to support the claim that the United Nations must attain unanimity on the human rights issue is this:

B. Roosevelt uses logical evidence by explaining that, once people have seen these freedoms, they will want them for themselves.

What is logical evidence?

Logical evidence is that which tries to use reason to prove the accuracy of a statement. In the above passage by Roosevelt, we can see that he tries to tell his audience why it is logical to push for unanimity on human rights issues by using simple logical reasoning.

He said that once people have had a dose of freedom they will naturally want to experience the freedom themselves. This is the motivation for becoming involved in the fight for human rights.  A person who thinks in this line will see that the reasoning is correct based on human interactions. So, option B is correct.

Learn more about logical evidence here:



The author argues that books about success the fallacy of success



G. K. Chesterton wrote the essay ''The Fallacy of Success'' to expose the false claims of books that teach the secrets of success. He demonstrates how the lessons in those self-help books are empty, vague statements that don't lead readers to gain wealth.


Which sentence from the article explains a reason for the great migration?


The sentence from the article that explains the reason for the great migration is this:

D Two years later, black neighborhoods would come under attack in Chicago.

What is the Great Migration?

The Great Migration was the mass movement of many Blacks from the Southern part of the United States to the Northern part during the early part of the 20th century.

This Great Migration was promoted by the mistreatment of the Blacks in this part of the country. In this article, we learn that they were subjected to different forms of labor and the targeted attack on the black neighborhoods was an even stronger reason to migrate.

List of options:

A The school educated African-Americans to be teachers, farmers and ministers.

B. Sharecropping, working for white farm owners, kept black families in debt.

C Apartment buildings built for five families were filled with 30 families.

D Two years later, black neighborhoods would come under attack in Chicago.

Learn more about the Great Migration here:



What type of literary device is the author using in “Mom’s scent hugs me as soon as I get in the door”?





Scent is a gas so it a object and not a living thing so it can't possibly "hug" you. What the author is trying to say is that the scent is all around me when I enter. When human traits are given to objects, it is called personification.

Find the subject-verb agreement.
The works of American photographer Garry Winogrand reveals nuances of both the joy and the uncertainty that Americans experienced following World War II


The subject-verb agreement in this sentence can be corrected if the sentence is rewritten this way:

The works of American photographer Garry Winogrand reveal nuances of both the joy and the uncertainty that Americans experienced following World War II.

What is the incorrect verb in this sentence?

The incorrect verb in this sentence is the use of 'reveals' instead of reveal. When the subject in the sentence is in its plural form, then it is expected to leave the verb in the singular form.

It is wrong to use a plural subject and a plural verb at the same time. So, the rewritten form of the sentence can be seen above and corrects the subject-verb usage.


Find the error with subject-verb agreement. Select the incorrect verb and type it correctly..

The works of American photographer Garry Winogrand reveals nuances

of both the joy and the uncertainty that Americans experienced following

World War II.

Learn more about the subject-verb agreement here:



Put the sentences in order using the Present Perfect
1. finished have meal They not their yet.
2. Eiffel to already Tower. been the have We
Present Perfect
3. landed Has yet plane? the
4.2 report done the haven't yet Why you
5. already three times. been married has Susan
6 have seen already movie. I that


The sentences  in order using the Present Perfect are mentioned below.

What is present perfect?

The present perfect is a grammatical mixture of the present tense and the perfect aspect that is used to indicate a past occurrence with present repercussions. The word is used mainly in the context of English grammar to refer to expressions like "I have finished".

The sentences in sequence using the Present Perfect are as follows:-

They have not finished their meal yet. We have already been to Eiffel Tower. Has the plane landed yet? Why you haven't done the report yet? Susan has been married already three times. I have already seen that movie.

Learn more about  present perfect here:



How does the question at the beginning of the third stanza help to develop the central idea

of the poem?

Read the poem


The question at the beginning of the third stanza that help to develop the central idea of the poem is option  C. The speaker envies the relationship the father and son reveal during the fishing trips

What is the  central idea of the poem about?

The central idea of the poem is the special bond and relationship that exists between a father and son, and how this relationship can be nurtured and strengthened through shared experiences such as a fishing trip.

The question at the beginning of the third stanza, "Which is happier, man or boy?" serves to highlight this theme and to draw the reader's attention to the joy and happiness that the father and son are experiencing together.

Therefore, The speaker's envy of their relationship, as expressed in the answer to this question ("I envy them, as I see them there / Under the sky in the open air"), suggests that the speaker values and appreciates the bond that the father and son have and recognizes the importance of such relationships in life.

Learn more about central idea  from



See full question below

 A Boy and His Dad by Edgar Guest A boy and his dad on a fishing-trip- There is a glorious fellowship! Father and son and the open sky And the white clouds lazily drifting by, 5 And the laughing stream as it runs along With the clicking reel like a martial song, And the father teaching the youngster gay How to land a fish in the sportsman's way. I fancy I hear them talking there 10 In an open boat, and the speech is fair. And the boy is learning the ways of men From the finest man in his youthful ken. Kings, to the youngster, cannot compare With the gentle father who's with him there. 15 And the greatest mind of the human race Not for one minute could take his place. Which is happier, man or boy? The soul of the father is steeped in joy. For he's finding out, to his heart's delight, 20 That his son is fit for the future fight. He is learning the glorious depths of him, And the thoughts he thinks and his every whim; And he shall discover, when night comes on, How close he has grown to his little son. 25 A boy and his dad on a fishing-trip- Builders of life's companionship! Oh, I envy them, as I see them there Under the sky in the open air, For out of the old, old long-ago 30 Come the summer days that I used to know, When I learned life's truths from my father's lips As I shared the joy of his fishing-trips.

How does the question at the beginning of the third stanza help to develop the central idea of the poem?

A. The speaker realizes that the father and son’s time together is more important than fishing.

B. The speaker understands that the son will soon be ready to face the challenges of life.

C. The speaker envies the relationship the father and son reveal during the fishing trips

D. The speaker imagines what the father and son are learning about fishing.

Which statement correctly outlines the order of events in the excerpt from "The Fall of the House of Usher"?
O Usher tells the narrator that he dreads the future; the narrator decides to visit his friend; the narrator arrives at
Usher's home.
O Usher tells the narrator that he dreads the future; the narrator arrives at Usher's home; the narrator sees that
Usher has changed.
O The narrator arrives at Usher's home; the narrator sees that Usher has changed; Usher tells the narrator that he
dreads the future.
O The narrator sees that Usher has changed; Usher tells the narrator that he dreads the future; the narrator decides
to leave.



2nd option:
The narrator arrives at Usher's home; the narrator sees that Usher has changed; Usher tells the narrator that hedreads the future.

Which of the sentences below offers the smoothest revision of the following "choppy" passage?
The house was dark. I waited for my skin to stop crawling. I went inside. It was smelly. It was creepy.
• I went inside the house, which was dark and smelly and creepy and it made my skin crawl.
) While I waited for my skin to stop crawling, I went inside the house, which was dark, smelly, and creepy.
The house was dark, smelly, and creepy, but after my skin stopped crawling, I went inside.
The house was dark and creepy, and I went inside, waiting for my skin to stop crawling from the smelliness.



C. The house was dark, smelly, and creepy, but after my skin stopped crawling, I went inside.


Hope it helps!

How does Fitzgerald create a sense of
mystery and anticipation at the close of
Chapter one in the Great Gatsby


In the first chapter of The Great Gatsby, Fitzgerald shapes the reader's expectations about Gatsby in several ways where the Fitzgerald, portrays Gatsby as a man who is very different from others in the past.

What is Mystery fiction?

Mystery fiction is defined as a narrative genre where the nature of an event, usually a murder or other crime, remains mysterious until the end of the story. Usually within a closed circle of suspects, each suspect is usually provided with a credible motive and a reasonable opportunity to commit the crime.

The central character is a detective, who ultimately solves the mystery by logical deduction from facts presented to the reader, whereas some mystery books are non-fiction.

Thus, in the first chapter of The Great Gatsby, Fitzgerald shapes the reader's expectations about Gatsby in several ways where the Fitzgerald, portrays Gatsby as a man who is very different from others in the past.

Learn more about Fiction, here:



is narrator an open or closed syllable


The syllable structure of the word "narrator" depends on the pronunciation. If the word is pronounced with the stress on the first syllable (NA-ra-tor), then the first syllable is an open syllable, and the second and third syllables are closed syllables. An open syllable is a syllable that ends with a vowel sound and is not followed by a consonant sound. A closed syllable is a syllable that ends with a consonant sound.

However, if the word is pronounced with the stress on the second syllable (nar-RA-tor), then the first syllable is a closed syllable, and the second and third syllables are open syllables.

For example:
NA-ra-tor (open-closed-closed syllables)
nar-RA-tor (closed-open-open syllables)
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