What was one of the main issues between the United States and Great Britain in the early 1800s?
Britain wanted to ally with the French against the United States.
Britain was interfering with US trade and settlement.
Britain wanted the United States to invade France.

What Was One Of The Main Issues Between The United States And Great Britain In The Early 1800s?Britain


Answer 1




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D is citizenship for Mexicans who lived in Texas



i think its D because the whole war started when mexico considered Mexican territory since the government did not recognize the Velasco treaty signed by Mexican General Antonio López de Santa Anna when he was a prisoner of the Texian Army during the 1836 Texas Revolution.



The answer should be C


Given the words meaning, what choice is best to describe the root word of the word authoritarian?
1. Author
2. Tarian
3. Authority
4. Thor


1. Author

Authoritarian and authority both begin with author, which comes from an ancient Latin word meaning "master," "teacher," or "leader."

Who owned slaves first?
O Africans
O Europeans
O Native Americans



african is ur answer


the first person to own slaves was anthony johnson he was a african so ur answer is african




then europeans

Question 8 (1 point)
These ladies were
living in Pakistan where the majority were muslims


They were a majority Sikhs Muslim

What happened the same week in 1914 when the Panama Canal opened?​


Answer:In response, President Theodore Roosevelt gave tacit approval to a Panamanian independence movement, which was engineered in large part by Philippe-Jean Bunau-Varilla and his canal company. On November 3, 1903, a faction of Panamanians issued a declaration of independence from Colombia. The U.S.-administered railroad removed its trains from the northern terminus of Colón, thus stranding Colombian troops sent to crush the rebellion. Other Colombian forces were discouraged from marching on Panama by the arrival of U.S. warship Nashville.


Explain and identify the role of Puritan men in Massachusetts *I’ll give brainliest if answered correctly*



The early immigrants to the United States, especially in New England in the years after 1630, consisted in part of Puritans who fled religious persecution and formed their own colonies. The Puritans themselves carried out religious persecution, as they were behind the Witch Trials in Salem in the early 1690s.

In puritanical colonies in the United States, many secular pleasures such as gambling, corncobs and theater were banned. The Puritans restricted the use of musical instruments in their worship services, and practices such as sexual intercourse outside of marriage were punished publicly. However, they were not opposed to drinking alcohol in moderation.  

Puritan values ​​are considered to have had some historical significance for the development of society in the United States. Puritans believed that education was necessary for the people, so that they themselves could become readers of the Bible and understand the laws of the land. Therefore, Puritans founded early universities such as Harvard College.

Which of the following influences our paradigm or worldview?

Choose the best definition for the following terms.
Family and friends
Cultural values
All choices are correct




it's B

Its D, everything has a say on our views

During the 21st century, one of the major economic problems in Greece has
A. high corporate tax rates.
B. high levels of debt.
C. little trade with Europe,
D. expensive wars.





Ap3x Approved


Explanation is correct

which of the following is not true about Europe?



circle 2


Another term for terracing is ______ farming because of the flat areas created in rows on the side of mountains for farming.

A. fertilizing
B. irrigating
C. plowing
D. step



D. step


Most history text books contribute the start of WWI to Nationalism. Briefly describe what is nationalism? Then discuss why might nationalism might cause a war like culture in many European countries during the early 20th century?



Nationalism is the view that nations are the basic units of human society, that they are the only legitimate basis for states and that each nation has the right to its own state. Nationalism is often accompanied by the view that the mixing of nations is evil, and in particular that some nations are in some way "superior" to other nations. This belief or policy has been the basis of nations' persecution of others for centuries and is still very prominent in many parts of the world today. Many wars have been waged because of this policy, and some are in full swing today. A clear example of this was nationalism in Europe, which led to the start of WWI.





3. Article I, section 3 of the Constitution requires the Senate to be divided into three classes for purposes of elections. Senators are elected to six-year terms, and every two years the members of one class--approximately one-third of the senators--face election or reelection.


1) heated debate between larger and smaller states over their representation in the newly proposed Senate.

2)Federalist No. 51 addresses means by which appropriate checks and balances can be created in government and also advocates a separation of powers within the national government.

3) six year terms and every 2 years the members of one class 1/3 face election or reelection


Is Swaziland a modern day example of absolutism


Answer:(a) The Monarchy

42 The only absolute monarchy in Africa is Eswatini, formerly Swaziland. ... The current monarch is Mswati III who has ruled Eswatini since 1986, after his father King Sobhuza II died in 1982 and following a period of regency.


In 586 B.C., the Babylonians destroyed Jerusalem and the citizens
of Judah were forced to leave their homeland to live in Babylon. This
event is known as the Babylonian


Babylonians destroyed Jerusalem and the citizens
of Judah were forced to leave their homeland to live in Babylon. This
event is known as the Babylonian.
This is known as the Babylonian Exile.

“we hold these truths to be self-evident, that al men are rested equal, that they are endoned by thelr Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Lfe, ubery and the pursu of Happiness.That to secure these rights, Govements are instituted among Men, deriving thelr just powers from the consent of the governed,-That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, It ls the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to lnstitute new Government, laying lts foundation on such prindiples and organtzing its powers in sudt form, as to them shall seem most llkely to effect their Safety and Happiness. The theme of this passage from the Declaration of Independence is best described as:


They are declaring their independence from British and they hold their beliefs to be relevant.

We petitioned the ______ to improve the subway system.





The right of petition is the right of a citizen or group of citizens to submit a request to official bodies such as the government. The petition is an instrument for citizens to signal to representatives that their action is necessary.  

In the United States of America, the First Amendment to the United States Constitution contains a Petition Clause. This right is also based on the right to bring legal proceedings against the government.

When year was world war one


28 July 1914 – 11 November 1918

Which type of change—political, social, or economic—had the most impact on Southern life?
Which type of change—political, social, or economic—faced the most challenges? Why were Southerners against this type of change?
For the first hundred years of the United States, only white males were able to vote. Since then, amendments to the Constitution have made it so that any citizen aged 18 or older can vote. Which amendments granted different groups the right to vote? Why were amendments needed to expand voting rights?
If you do it for the points i will report you



were Southerners against this type of change?

For the first hundred years of the United States, only white males were able to vote. Since then, amendments to the Constitution have made it so that any citizen aged 18 or older

during the early 1880s what factor most contributed to the South having an agricultural economy
gradpoint ​



There were many farms in the South, in contrast with the industrialized North. To keep these farms working and operating to the full potential, people used slaves. The slaves would pick the crops and do work.

hope this helps

Colonists who supported the revolution would be considered what


The answer is Loyalist
They were considered patriots.

Which Gospel was considered the oldest of the four, and about what year(s) was it written?



mark it was written in (70) CE


I think

The Gospel of Mark is the earliest, written between 65 and 75 CE

What makes the area occupied by the ancient Greeks a crossroads between three continents?



The area occupied by the Ancient Greeks because of speed

Three continents—Africa, Asia, and Europe—converge in the Middle East. It has established significant land- and sea-based trading networks throughout antiquity.

What is an antiquity?

Objects from ancient times are known as antiquities, particularly those from the Mediterranean civilizations such as Classical antiquity in Greece and Rome, Ancient Egypt, and other Ancient Near Eastern societies.

The phrase may also apply to artifacts from previous times, including the Mesolithic, as well as other civilizations from Asia and other regions.

Other cultures, including China, where ritual bronzes from three to two thousand years ago have been avidly collected and imitated for centuries, and Mesoamerica's Pre-Columbian cultures.

Where in particular the artifacts of the earliest Olmec civilization are found reburied in significant sites of later cultures up until the Spanish Conquest, exhibit the phenomenon of placing a high value on ancient artifacts.

Learn more about antiquity, here



People in the Middle East began to join together and find unity based on religion, values, and culture as an effect of European partitioning. This is known as __________.



A. Imperialism.


Imperialism can be defined as a policy, ideology, or advocacy that sought to extend a country's power, dominion, authority and influence over another country through diplomacy, use of military force or colonization (direct territorial acquisition).

This ultimately implies that, imperialism is an advocacy or policy that is typically used to impose or extend a country's power, dominion, authority and influence

In this scenario, people in the Middle East began to join together and find unity based on religion, values, and culture as an effect of European partitioning. Thus, this is known as imperialism because the people are all united and coming together to become a force.


B: nationalism


Got incorrect when I pressed A and EDG and when I did the retake I put B and got it correct. I am 100% sure this is correct.

I hope this helps!

Pls mark me brainllest!

What are the basic beliefs of Confucianism?



The worldly concern of Confucianism rests upon the belief that human beings are fundamentally good, and teachable, improvable, and perfectible through personal and communal endeavor, especially self-cultivation and self-creation. Confucian thought focuses on the cultivation of virtue in a morally organised world.



The worldly concern of Confucianism rests upon the belief that human beings are fundamentally good, and teachable, improvable, and perfectible through personal and communal endeavor, especially self-cultivation and self-creation. Confucian thought focuses on the cultivation of virtue in a morally organised world.


What would today be like if Carthage had won and conquered the Roman lands?



The Carthaginian Empire would have united itself as the most impressive power in the Western Mediterranean though Rome would have been hindered from growing further, yet I assume that they actually would have had the option to do battle with the Greeks and Macedonians since there were at that point Roman powers arranged in Greece at those occasions. Nonetheless, with Rome's annihilation in the West, the Romans will be unable to grow to Spain, where they would have the majority of their future great heads.  

The Celtic clans of Gaul and Spain would have grown all the more gradually when contrasted with what the Romans would have had the option to do as Roman law, foundation, organization, training, osmosis would have not been actualized. Western Europe would in any case be a savage and ignoble spot, changing like the status of the Germanic clans, continually at battle for assets.  

The future Frankish, Ostrogothic,Visigothic, Lombard and Burgundian clans would have had a considerably more difficult battle in involving the spots they would possess in our course of events, yet to the extent I see it, they would've likely consolidated or acclimatized with the Celtic populace, framing a Celtic-Germanic populace as the Huns showed up.  

In the East, the Parthians or the Pontic Kingdoms may have been the provincial authorities, and with Rome losing glory and spirit after their annihilation, they would have been diminished to simply strategic binds with these forces. Constantinople would in any case be Greek and Egypt would stay Ptolemaic causing the Arab Islamic triumphs to most presumably not occur on account of the immense militaries and strict impacts of these close by nations. Greek phalanxes would in any case rule the eastern Mediterranean.  

Further into the future, at around 500–1000 AD Europe and the Near East would most likely be still at our current timetable at 280BC-200BC. Improvement would simply be substantially more slow. Rome had a gigantic effect no uncertainty.


why wasn’t Ferdinand killed during the original assassination attempt


Answer:Why was Archduke Franz Ferdinand killed?

Nationalism played a specific role in World War I when Archduke Ferdinand and his wife were assassinated by Princip, a member of a Serbian nationalist terrorist group fighting against Austria-Hungary's rule over Bosnia. Entangled alliances created two competing groups.


What would happen if the Soviet Union won the Space Race ? ( How would it affect the U.S ? ) The Cold war ?



There would be their flag on the moon


There would have been a Soviet flag on the moon planted on the lunar surface by a cosmonaut rather than a USA flag planted by an astronaut. The USA would have saved US $ Billions.

hope this helps

Which passage provides the more effective argument, and why? Passage 1 is more effective because passage 2 relies on personal anecdotes as the main evidence. Passage 1 is more effective because it uses overstatement for extra emphasis, and passage 2 does not. Passage 2 is more effective because passage 1 contains a bandwagon appeal and a false dilemma. Passage 2 is more effective because it presents data as empirical evidence, and passage 1 does not.



Passage 1 is more effective because passage 2 relies on personal anecdotes as the main evidence.


The first passage makes more effective evidence because while it relies on data and figures, the second portion relies on personal incidents as its main evidence.

The first passage makes very reasonable and logical reasoning about the importance of video games in the life of juveniles and how there has been a reduction in juvenile offenses while there have been in video game sales.

However, the second passage uses personal encounters with her children to make a discussion which is not relevant at all but rather a request to emotion.

The excerpt below from the Declaration of Independence describes the natural rights that all people have and the circumstances that justify people overthrowing their government.

Answer both following questions in paragraph form. Support your ideas with facts from the unit. Be sure to answer in complete sentences.

Were the South American revolutionaries justified in fighting wars for independence?
How successful were the new nations in protecting individual rights?

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights . . . life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. —That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, —That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government. . . . Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes. . . . But when a long train of abuses . . . [shows an intent] to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security."



what did you say


Confirmation leads us from Baptism to the eucharistand full initition in _____



the church


Confirmation leads us from Baptism to the Eucharist and full initiation in the church

Hope this helped!

Have a supercalifragilisticexpialidocious day!

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