Which of the following best completes the diagram above? A. Spread of religions B. System of democracy C. Institution of slavery D. Beginning of civilization


Answer 1




Answer 2



i have to use 20 characters

so nf,ewr gjnentjg njbjwjcebvwjvgtre

Related Questions

Pls help. Multiple choices


He established a committee of reformers (1792–1793) and issued a number of new laws known as the nizam–cedid (“new order”) as a whole.These included changes to taxation, land tenure, and provincial governorships.

What is called for Selim III's reforms?

Selim III, an Ottoman sultan from 1789 to 1807 who implemented a program of Westernization and whose reign was marked by the intellectual and political upheaval brought on by the French Revolution, was born on December 24, 1761, in Constantinople, Ottoman Empire (currently Istanbul, Turkey), and passed away on July 29, 1808, in Constantinople.Selim, an outstanding poet and composer of Ottoman classical music, had previously enjoyed more independence than the previous Ottoman princes.Selim's enthusiasm for reform was influenced by his father, Mustafa III (reigned 1757–1744). When Selim became emperor on April 7, 1789, he made an effort to put an end to the social, economic, and administrative upheaval the empire was experiencing.He established a committee of reformers (1792–1793) and issued a number of new laws known as the nizam–cedid (“new order”) as a whole.These included changes to taxation, land tenure, and provincial governorships.More noteworthy were his changes to the military: he established new corps of infantry educated and equipped along European lines, funded by proceeds from forfeited and escheated fiefs as well as by taxes on alcohol, tobacco, and coffee, in addition to new military and naval colleges.Finally, Ottoman embassies were established in the major capitals of Europe to allow for direct interaction with the West. The treaties of Sistova (Svishtov; 1791) with Austria and of Jassy (1792) with Russia had to be signed by Selim, who ascended to the throne during a war (1787-92) with Austria and Russia.Napoleon's invasion of Egypt in 1798 compelled Selim to form an alliance with Russia and Great Britain.Following the French withdrawal from Egypt (1801), Selim, inspired by Napoleon's victories in Europe, not only acknowledged him as emperor (1804), but also declared war on Russia and Great Britain (1806) according to General Sébastiani, Napoleon's ambassador in Constantinople. The set of Ottoman reforms implemented under Mahmud's sons Abdülmecid I (reigned 1839–61) and Abdülaziz is known as the Tanzimat (1861–76).The Hatt-erif of Gülhane ("Noble Edict of the Rose Chamber"; November 3, 1839) and the Hatt-Hümayun ("Imperial Edict"; February 18, 1856) are the two reforms that are most well-known. There has been a great deal of debate around the Tanzimat.Many Western scholars have criticized Ottoman reform pledges as essentially a ruse to gain European allies at crucial junctures, and some aspects of the Tanzimat seem to confirm this theory.The promises of equality for Christian subjects were not always carried out; for instance, in 1855 it was suggested that the poll tax paid by non-Muslims be abolished and that they be permitted to serve in the army. However, the old poll tax was merely replaced by a new exemption tax levied at a higher rate, and Christians were still barred from the army.

        To learn more about trazimat  reforms refer



SOmeone pleaee help me like relally fast becuase i have to go so PLEASE.


First, let's go over a few primary factors behind the collapse of Rome.

#1: East-West Split

The East was the more powerful half of the empire. Constantinople was easily defended and the richest and most populous provinces like Anatolia and Egypt were in the East.

This left the West economically weakened and missing key population centers for recruiting.

#2: Corruption

Corruption really killed Rome in a number of ways. The system was so broken it is hard to imagine how it could be repaired.

The rich were able to bribe their way into paying no taxes. The middle-class tax collectors were responsible for collecting a set amount and if they failed they would be forced to pay out of pocket to cover the shortfall.

So they would squeeze and abuse the lower and middle classes for every possible penny. This led to rampant poverty and even then the tax collectors never collected enough. So the Empire never got enough money- leading to a perpetual treasury shortage.

In addition, Roman politics didn’t look so good anymore. Political careers were seen as dangerous and corrupt so the brilliant and capable avoided political careers and focused on working in the private sector instead.

#3: A shift in economics

Rome had experienced an economic shift after the crisis. The Empire was short on slaves as all conquest had stopped. So the wealthy Roman landowners began to rely on cheap laborers to run their massive estates.

The landowners did not want their labor force to be recruited. So they used their wealth to shield their estates from recruiting.

#4: A shift in religion

Rome became a Christian Empire with the rise of Constantine the Great. While this was not as bad as many made it out to be (Edward Gibbon) it nonetheless caused significant problems.

The biggest problem was determining what branch of Christianity was Orthodox and what wasn’t. There was an immediate divide in the Christian community and this divide led to conflict and political struggles.

#5: Barbarians inside the gates

The Goths showed up on the border in the 370s. Valens, the emperor at the time allowed them to settle.

Many other barbarians start making incursions into Roman territory.

#6: Racism

Rome had been uncommonly tolerant throughout its history. Their ability to abandon ideas or cultural elements without prejudice was among their greatest strengths.

Rome was tolerant of all cultures and religions- to a degree that’s hard to imagine for the time. They were not perfect but this toleration allowed them to rule over one of the most ethnically diverse empires in history.

But around the late 300s, the Roman aristocracy decided to draw a strange line. Now being a full-blooded Roman was necessary to be taken seriously.

Pls Mark As Brainliest

In your opinion, did the facts presented support the claim that the military situation justified the temporary suspension of parts of the Constitution? Justify your answer*


The US government ordered the relocation and arrest of Japanese Americans living in that region based on military advice that there was a real threat of Japanese invasion of the west coast, as well as a credible threat of Japanese espionage. This was justified.

What was it about?

The Supreme Court decided that Korematsu's violation of the evacuation order was legal, and that it was unnecessary to consider the constitutional racial discrimination problems in this case.

According to the majority view, the court should not address the full of the order under which Korematsu was convicted, which contained provisions compelling individuals to report to assembly and relocation facilities. The majority felt it was only essential to determine on the constitutionality of the specific clause under which Korematsu was convicted.

Learn more about Constitution on:



How did the government try to affect the public's opinion on the war?
A. They put a ban on all reports about the Vietnam War
B. They stopped recruiting heavily in schools
C. They launched a media campaign of positive reports
D. They let reporters give live reports from Vietnam showing the progress



D. They let reporters give live reports from Vietnam showing the progress.


The Vietnam war is often referred to as "The living room war" because it's the first war to be televised.

Name one contributor and their contribution to the Renaissance from each of the following cultures: Spanish, Dutch, English, French, and German.


The contributors to the Renaissance  are:

Spain: Pedro Berruguete, also known as Pedro Espaol or Pietro Spagnuolo, was the first major Renaissance painter in Spain and the father of Alonso Berruguete, the finest 16th-century Spanish sculptor.

Dutch: Among those involved in the movement was the Dutch playwright, poet, and prose writer Frederik Willem van Eeden.

English: William Shakespeare Jonson carried out his ambitious aesthetic experiments on stage in unprecedentedly broad public entertainments.

French: Leonardo da Vinci was a genius in the arts as well as many other sciences.

Germany: Albrecht Dürer was a very skilled and diverse German Renaissance artist.

What is the Renaissance?

The Renaissance is an era in European history that spans the 15th and 16th centuries, representing the transition from the Middle Ages to modernity and defined by an attempt to resurrect and exceed the concepts and achievements of ancient antiquity.

The Renaissance was characterized by a revitalized interest in ancient antiquity, a growth in humanist philosophy (confidence in oneself, human worth, and individual dignity), and profound shifts in religious, political, and scientific views.

Learn more about the Renaissance:

How have anthropologists and historians interpreted the symbols on the "Sun Stone" that now sits in the National Mueum of Anthropology in
Mexico City?


One way to comprehend the effects of this rapid evolution is through archaeological data, and this dissertation will examine these topics by analyzing stone sculpture that  anthropologists and historians interpreted the symbols on the "Sun Stone" that now sits in the National Museum of Anthropology in Mexico City

What is Stone sculpture?

Rapid societal change characterized the Late Postclassic period (1200–1519) in the Basin of Mexico. The rise of the Aztec Empire and the Mexica people, who reigned from the capital city of Tenochtitlan, is among the most important. At its height, this city was one of Mesoamerica's most important urban centers. Carefully planned with four main sectors, each one representing a cardinal point in their cosmological system, and the Main Precinct with 78 buildings and the Great Temple (Templo Mayor) to symbolize the central axis point connecting the various realms together, this city was one of Mesoamerica's most important urban centers.In the incredibly brief span of 90 years during which the Aztec Empire grows, portable art in the form of stone sculpture develops into enormous works, and the narratives on these stones innovatively blend religious imagery and political symbolism.

However, One way to comprehend the effects of this rapid development is through archaeological data, and this dissertation will explore these topics using an examination of a sculpture in stone.

To learn more about Stone sculptures go through this link



Explain two of the factors that threatened Hollywood's dominance of entertainment in the 1950's?


"Hollywood was facing structural development because of the Paramount decrees, the expansion of independent production , etc."

"The studio system was questioned with the antitrust laws in a Supreme Court ruling which decided to distinct production from the distribution ending such doings, thus, fastening the finish of the studio system. The Paramount  consent decree needed different ownership for production businesses and theater networks went into effect on 1 January 1950. Numerous of adults were marrying, having family, and moving to the country side, which influenced the dominance of movie theaters and Hollywood . Trade restrictions ,  the end of the Production Code and  changes in movie-watching habits also affected the entertainment industry."

To learn more about Hollywood,



How was the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution received in Congress?
A. It was nearly unanimously supported
B. They were actively opposed to it
C. It divided Congress by party lines


With just two votes against it, the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution was adopted by the Senate and the House of Representatives.

Under the assumption that the president would return and receive their assent before escalating the conflict further, Congress voted in favour of the resolution.

In the Senate, only Wayne Morse (D-OR) and Ernest Gruening were against it (D-AK). Sending "our American guys into battle in a fight that we have no business being involved in, that is not our war, that we have been erroneously drawn into, and that is rapidly expanding," was something Sen. Gruening opposed.

What was the result of the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution?

It was approved by the US Congress on August 7, 1964, in reaction to an alleged attack on two American naval warships stationed off the coast of Vietnam. The formal impetus for the United States' substantial involvement in the Vietnam War was the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution.

To learn more about Gulf Of Tokin Resolution, visit the following link:



Before Catherine the Great became the ruler of Russia, she wanted to help the serfs. Select the reasons below that caused her to change her mind and not change serfdom (Choose 3)

A) The landowning nobles did not want to lose their labor force.

B) The Serfs paid high amounts of taxes and the government needed that to fund the army.

C) The Serfs owned a majority of the land in Russia. Catherine the Great wanted their land.

D) The Serfs revolted in 1773 slaughtering nobles and looting their estates.


Before Catherine the Great became the ruler of Russia, she wanted to help the serfs  the reasons why she change her mind and not change serfdom are:

The landowning nobles did not want to lose their labor force. The Serfs owned a majority of the land in Russia. Catherine the Great wanted their land. The Serfs revolted in 1773 slaughtering nobles and looting their estates.

What was the reaction of the Catherine the Great towards the serfdom?

The reaction of the  reaction of the Catherine the Great towards the serfdom can be seen during the reign of Catherine , was able to do away some of the state-owned peasants so that they can be turned to a private serfs.

It should be noted that one of the factors that can be attributed to the reasons why she change her was about how she wanted their land.

Therefore, option A C D are correct.

Read more about Catherine at:



What’s the correct answer answer asap for brainlist


english ? not 100% sure about that

Which social study skill is important because it allows historians to sequence event?



chronlogical thinking

Chronological Thinking, should be the answer!

What was daily life like in the internment camps? Cite at least 2 examples from your reading.

What impact did the internment camps have upon those affected?


Internees slept in barracks or cramped rooms without running water, ate in huge mess halls, and conducted much of their daily business in public.

"Psychological distress and cardiovascular illness resulted. Former internees had a 2.1 higher risk of cardiovascular disease, mortality, and premature death than non-internees."

This is further explained below.

What are the internment camps?

Generally, At least 125,284 persons of Japanese heritage were forcefully transferred and detained by the United States government during World War II.

There were 75 documented detention locations where these people were held. The majority of people resided in concentration camps in the western interior of the nation, which were located along the Pacific Coast.

Internees slept in barracks or tiny compartments without running water, ate their meals in enormous mess halls, and conducted the majority of their daily business in public while they were in the camps. Camp life had a distinct military aspect.

What kind of repercussions did the internment camps have?

"The long-term effects on health included mental agony as well as an elevated risk of cardiovascular disease.

According to the findings of a survey, formerly interned individuals had a 2.1 times higher risk of cardiovascular illness, cardiovascular mortality, and premature death when compared to their non-interned counterparts."

Read more about cardiovascular illness



here i reposted it, if you see it answer it please! i put the picture down below and if you can’t fit a lot of it in your answer just put it in the comments



1. it's saying we live in a world where people think more about themselves and try to protect themselves from other people

2. The second one is saying people are naturally good but influences and the decision they accept make them bad.

3. I agree with both

if you choose column A: I agree with column A because people do tend to put themselves before others instead of putting others before themselves in order to protect themselves from danger

if you choose column B: I agree with column B because a person can be raised up to be a great person, but once they're exposed to evil and agree with it, then they become a bad person through their choice and influence.

4. (i think it was The French Revolution of 1789) when i searched this last question i found: "The ideas of the Enlightenment undermined the authority of the monarchy and the Catholic Church and paved the way for the political revolutions of the 18th and 19th centuries. A variety of 19th-century movements, including liberalism, communism, and neoclassicism, trace their intellectual heritage to the Enlightenment."

Click the button below to review a map created by the NOAA, a government agency.

Hide Map
What is the purpose of this map?

to warn people living in certain regions that wildfires are likely in their area

to inform people of how wildfires have ravaged certain ecosystems

to warn people not to light fires outside during certain months of the year

to inform people of where wildfires have historically occurred in America


The Geospatial mapping, which is created by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration will most likely serve the purpose of warning the people living in certain regions that wildfires are likely in their area

What is the role of NOAA Agency?

The NOAA Agency is a short form of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Government agency in United States. It is a scientific and regulatory agency within the United States Department of Commerce that forecasts weather, monitors oceanic and atmospheric conditions, charts seas, conducts deep sea exploration and manages the fishing and protection of marine mammals.

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Government agency have main five fundamental activities. They are:

Constant monitoring and observing of Earth systems with instruments and data collection networks.Describing and Understanding of Earth systems through research and analysis of data.Assessment and prediction the changes in these systems over time.Advising and informing the public and partner organizations with relevant information.To be a custodianship of environmental resources.

Read more about NOAA Agency




to warn people living in certain regions that wildfires are likely in their area


i got it right

Describe the “golden age of jewish culture” in Spain during the middle ages.


The golden age of Jewish culture in Spain, which coincided with the Middle Ages in Europe, was a period of Muslim rule during which, intermittently, Jews were generally accepted in society and Jewish religious, cultural, and economic life flourished.

How or what events occurred to put the Harlem Renaissance in the history books?


African American culture experienced what is regarded as a "golden age" during this time, which is reflected in writing, musical, theater, and visual arts.

What is Renaissance?

When anything changes for the better, this is referred to be a Renaissance. This time saw a number of advancements or developments in a number of areas, including philosophy, technology, and the arts.

As in this area the people were migrating from different countries with that they were bringing various cultures and technologies which help the African Americans console to uplift themselves and was termed as an golden age. This was the Harlem Renaissance that was being implicated.

Learn more about Renaissance, here:



The Transcontinental Airway System

What pushback might have been received by members of the community where beacons and arrows were


Airports used inexperienced beacons and airlines used crimson beacons. The beacons flashed identity numbers in Morse code.

Beacon lighting are flashing crimson lighting geared up at the pinnacle and backside fuselage of an plane commonly on large passenger plane. Their motive is to alert floor group and different plane that an engine is beginning up, walking or shutting down, or that the plane is set to begin moving.Vehicles on web website online have to use lighting/beacons etc in darkness or terrible visibility to resource detection with the aid of using different vehicles.

Transcontinental Airlines keeps a automatic forecasting device to forecast the range of clients in every fare magnificence who will fly on every flight with a purpose to allocate the to be had reservations to fare training properly. For example, recall economy-magnificence clients flying in midweek at the midday flight from New York to Los Angeles.

Learn about transcontinental airline:



What is Zeldin’s experience before running for Governor?


its a very good experience

Drag the tiles to the correct boxes to complete the pairs.
Match each of the Reconstruction amendments with its effect on black men.


Matching each Constitutional amendment with its goal-

1. Thirteenth Amendment - Abolish slavery in the United States

2. Fourteenth Amendment -  Guarantee citizenship to anyone born in the United States

3. Fifteenth Amendment - Guarantee all men of the United States the right to vote.

What is Constitution?

A constitution is a fundamental document that defines rules and regulations, laws and legislation as well as the power and authority of the government to conduct the functioning of any country.

An Amendment refers to any alteration or modification taken place in existing laws to support the welfare of the people living in the country by improving the objective for better implementation.

The amendments' primary goal is to give regulation to the federal government's authority. It is a new provision or amendment to the US Constitution.

Learn more about the Constitutional amendment, here:-



The complete question is probably

Match each Constitutional amendment with its goal.

1. Thirteenth Amendment

2. Fourteenth Amendment

3. Fifteenth Amendment

A. Guarantee all men of the United States the right to vote

B.Abolish slavery in the United States

C.Guarantee citizenship to anyone born in the United States

the first americans arrived on the north american continent approximately_____________


Myself and other college archaeology students learnt in the 1970s that the earliest people to reach North America were from Asia and Siberia, and that they did so between 13,000 and 13,500 years ago through a land bridge.

The required details for archaeology in given paragraph

By recovering and examining artifacts from the past and now, archaeologists can conduct scientific investigations on human behavior. The archaeological record is made up of artifacts, buildings, biofacts (also known as eco facts), sites, and cultural landscapes. Both a social science and a humanities discipline, archaeology can be seen as both. While in North America archaeology is considered as a sub-field of anthropology, it is frequently viewed in Europe as either a discipline in and of itself or as a sub-field of other disciplines.

Archaeologists investigate the prehistoric and historical periods of humankind, beginning with the first stone tools.

To know more about archaeology , click here



Part C
Read the excerpts from Articles I, II, and III of the Constitution. Which founding principle is expressed in
these Articles?
Article 1, Section 1
All legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist
of a Senate and House of Representatives.
Article II, Section 1
The executive Power shall be vested in a President of the United States of America.
Article III, Section 1
The judicial Power of the United States, shall be vested in one supreme Court, and in such inferior Courts
as the Congress may from time to time ordain and establish.
indirect democracy
freedom of religion
separation of powers


         The first three articles lay out the roles and responsibilities of the three branches of government: legislative (Congress), executive (President's office), and judicial (Federal court system). Any one of these various abilities cannot take control due to a system of checks and balances.

What rule does Section 2 of Article 1 state?

     According to Article 1, Section 2 of the United States Constitution, members of the House of Representatives must be elected every two years by the people of the various States, and the electors in each State must meet the requirements for electors of the branch of the state legislature with the greatest number of members.

Allocation of Seats in Clause 3

       The actual enumeration must be completed within three years of the United States Congress's first meeting and then every ten years thereafter, in accordance with the manner specified by law.

Senators' Section 3

       No one may serve as a senator if they have not attained the age of thirty, have not been citizens of the United States for nine years, and are not residents of the state for which they are being chosen at the time of their election.

To Learn more About first three articles, Refer:



Why were chinampas important to the Aztec economy?

They allowed them to grow more food.
They protected them from foreign invaders.
They helped them travel over land to trade.
They supplied weapons.


The importance of chinampas to the Aztec economy was that They allowed them to grow more food.

What were chinampas?

A Chinampa was a farming technique that cultures such as the Aztecs, used in Mesoamerica. This farming technique called for the rectangular plots being used to grow crops.

These rectangular plots would be established close to wetlands and on areas that had fertile land. As a result, the crops being grown would get the best nutrients to be able to grow. This technique was important to the Aztec economy as they were able to grow more food.

Find out more on Chinampa at https://brainly.com/question/1621254


Chinampas were important to them as they allowed them to grow more food. Thus, option A is correct.

What is a Chinampa?

Chinampas is a system of agriculture that help in growing crops. They provide a rectangular frame that they used to grow their crops. This land was fertile and gave a good yield of crops.

By using this technique of cropping the Aztecs were growing significantly. In this system, there was a small rectangular floating land stretch where the crops would grow.

This was a man-made piece of land that they used to crop and fulfill their demand for it which boosted the economy. Therefore, option A is the correct option.

Learn more about Chinampa, here:



Which of the following statements describe network backups? Check all of the boxes that apply.

Network backups help secure networks against failure.

Network backups are usually done nightly.

Network backups do not take into account users’ needs.

Network backups are usually done during the day.




1.Network backups help secure networks against failure.

2.Network backups help secure networks against failure.

Answer: Listen to the other guy I got it right on an edgenity assignment


when was Sunday adopted as a day of worship?​



Historically it appers that the sudnay being a day of whishep gose as far back as 115 ad there is no pacefic day that is mentioned

can someone help me with these?



physical geography- the study of the earths surface

human geography- the study of how humans interact with one and another an their environment.

geography- the study of earth physical features and natural process


The blue line represents the study of the Earths physical features and natural processes.

The green line represents the study of how humans interact with one another and their environment.

The orange line represents the study of the Earths surface.

How was slavery in the Aztec Empire different from other ancient civilizations
that held enslaved people?
A. Enslaved people could not own property or marry.

B. Enslaved people could be sacrificed as part of religious

C. Enslaved people could buy and sell other enslaved people.

D. Only men and teenage boys could be enslaved.


The slavery in the Aztec Empire was different from other ancient civilizations that held enslaved people because the enslaved people could not own property or marry.

What was slavery structure in the Aztec Empire?

The practice of slavery in the Aztec Empire and the surrounding Mexica societies was widespread with the slaves known by the Nahuatl word "tlacotin". In the empire, the slaves did not inherit their status, people were enslaved as a form of punishment after been captured in war or voluntarily in order to pay off debts.

Most time, the Slaveowners were responsible for their slaves and slaves generally could not be resold. These slaves were usually freed when their owners died and could also gain their freedom by marrying their owner.

Read more about Aztecs slaves



Answer:Enslaved people could be sacrificed as part of religious ceremonies.

Explanation: just took it

What are some positive and negative effects of European immigration and African slaves? One paragraph for positive and one paragraph for negative.



The positive impacts of European colonists' exploitation of mineral riches depleted their resources. They realized cotton, sugar, and tobacco were all in great demand. However, they lacked the means to preserve the crops because of the grueling nature of their job. The problem was solved when the colonists bought African slaves, which was a positive for the Europeans.

The negative impacts in Africa were conflict, population decline, and family separation. They destroyed the African culture and imposed their religion on the Africans. Due to a shortage of manpower and the destruction caused by European colonists, the economy collapsed rapidly. In addition, they introduced several diseases that was devastating.


Learn more about the impact of global religions on Africa:


Complete the following extended response question: Who should have the power?

• Develop a claim in response to the question.
• Cite evidence from the provided sources to support your claim.
• Use your knowledge of government in your response.


Power should be held by intellectuals and the most studied and prepared people in society, as Plato stated in his book "The Laws".

Who should have the power?

From our point of view, power is a good that all citizens of a society must possess because this would allow no one to have more power than others and thus take advantage of this condition for their own benefit. In general, I believe that the way power is distributed in democracy is good because it allows for organization through representation and surveillance of citizens through different forms of participation.

On the other hand, according to the text The Laws of Plato, democracy is a failed system that should not be applied in society. All this because who reaches government positions are people who elected the majority, that is to say that everyone does not agree with this decision.

On the other hand, the fact that whoever is elected is the one with the most votes allows only those people who have the greatest influence in society to be elected, even if they are not prepared for their positions. Therefore, Plato argued that only those intellectual individuals prepared to hold public office should do so because they would be fully aware of their actions and their impact on society. On the other hand, society would be prevented from being managed by ignorant people (as is happening in some cases today).

Note: This question is incomplete because there is some information missing. Here is the complete information:

Source of information:

Plato "The Laws"

Learn more about government in: https://brainly.com/question/16940043


Which of the following was NOT a part of Johnson's inherited state of affairs in Vietnam?
A. Broken down military
B. Large labor issues and revolts
C. Ineffective policy decisions
D. Unstable government coups


A. The state of affairs in Vietnam that Johnson inherited did not include a broken-down military.

Lyndon B. Johnson: who was he?

After President John F. Kennedy was killed in November 1963, Lyndon B. Johnson became the 36th leader of the free world. Johnson, also known as LBJ, started a broad range of progressive reforms as soon as he was elected president with the goal of establishing a "Great Society" for all Americans.

Many of the initiatives he supported, including Medicare, Head Start, the Voting Rights Act, and the Civil Rights Act, had a significant and long-lasting effect on civil rights, health, and education. Despite his remarkable accomplishments, Johnson's legacy was tarnished by his failure to guide the country out of the Vietnam War's quagmire.

In January 1969, after deciding against seeking reelection for a second term, he retired to his ranch in Texas.

Learn more about Lyndon B. Johnson with the help of the given link:



What adaptation did the people of ancient Egypt have to make to ensure they would have a supply of silt?

People had to gather it quickly and store it in temples.
People had to create mastabas to ensure it would not enter the city.
People had to manage floodwaters to ensure its supply through canals and dams.
People had to water it to maintain its supply all year.


The adaptation that the people of ancient Egypt had to make to ensure they would have a supply of silt was that People had to manage floodwaters to ensure its supply through canals and dams.

The rich and fertile soil of the Nile Delta, which helped the ancient Egyptians thrive, was generated by the silt that was deposited by the annual flooding along the Nile River. Additionally, they are naturally deposited by the Mississippi River flooding, which made the farmlands near the river and at its mouth so fertile.

Silt is a granular substance that ranges in size from sand to clay and is primarily made up of fractured quartz grains. Silt can appear in two different forms: as a soil (typically mixed with sand or clay), or as sediment suspended in water. Silt typically feels like flour when it's dry and isn't very plastic when it's wet. When placed on the front teeth, silt can also be perceived as granular by the tongue (even when mixed with clay particles).

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28-6x=2x-84Prove: x = 14 20, 33, 44, 53, 69, 75, 89, 90 Find the mean and the standard deviation. Round to the nearest thousandth. Peter is trying to ignite the hotplate by turning the gas knob. Suppose thatthe minimum moment of couple about the center of the gas knob requiredto ignite the hotplate is 0.3 N m. Calculate the minimum force (F, and F2)that required to exert. Given that the diameter of gas knob is 5 cm. 4. The density of gold is 18 g/cm3. If the volume of a plece of gold is 13cm, how many grams will it be? What is the shortest distance in which you can stop, after the brakes are applied, without the groceries sliding off the seat? The static and kinetic coefficients of friction are, respectively, 0.65 and 0.45. Assume that the surface of the seat is horizontal. suppose a process in host c has udp socket with port number 2315. suppose both host a and host b send udp segment to host c from source port numbers 1345 and 7876 respectively. what port number will host c receive the segment on? group of answer choices port 7876 port 2315 port 1345 port 4610 Suppose that 13 inches of wire costs 52 cents.At the same rate, how many inches of wire can be bought for 36 cents? one of the goals of delivering bad news is to: group of answer choices protect the audience's self-esteem by only hinting at the news budget additional time to re-explain the message state the news clearly, yet sensitively do whatever is necessary to get the point across, even if offending your audience gloss over facts that may cause legal complications hey can anyone help me on this im failing school xd i need help with this pls a cu2 standard solution was prepared by diluting 1.50 ml of 3.95 x 10-2 m cu2 stock solution to a total volume of 25.00 ml. what is the concentration of cu2 in the standard solution? divide and Simplify 7/5 7/9 Question number three in the photo provided. 3) An experiment is designed to compare the average salaries in a particular Position in two competing companies. The null hypothesis is assumed to be that there is no difference in the average salaries of empoty employees in a particular position in the two companies. What is the alternative hypothesis? determine the interview on which the function is concave upward and concave downward Which equations pass through the points (1, 3) and (7 9)? Question 5 of 8What is the largest proper fraction less than 1 that can be made by using thesenumbers only once: 1, 3, 6, 11 and 12? Which of these statements is false?Compared to the "Silent Generation," Millennial men and women are: more likely to be college-educated Young women from the "Silent Generation" were less likely to employed before 1985Millennials today are four times as likely not to get married compared to their grandparents for reasons such as not being financially prepared or not finding the right partner.Millennials are a more racially diverse group who are more likely to marry interracially because of the change in migration patterns. warren advertising becomes aware of a lawsuit after the end of the fiscal year, but prior to the issuance of financial statements. a loss should be accrued and a liability should be reported if the amount can be reasonably estimated and: 10 ptsQuestion 3Find the measure of each interior angle. Round to the nearest hundredth.4x(6x - 90)(3x + 31)(7x+19)X=(4x)" =(6x - 90)(7x + 19) =(3x + 31) =