Which of the following is the main idea of a story? (1 point)the point of view of the narratorthe key details in a storythe message that the author expresses through key details in the textthe qualities of the main charactersthe idea that connects the story’s parts


Answer 1

The primary message the author wishes to convey to readers is known as the core theme.The phrase that conveys the main idea of a paragraph is known as the topic sentence. When a writer does not explicitly state the main idea, it is referred to as an implicit major idea.

Finding the main idea is necessary for comprehension. Every sentence in the paragraph or article is related by the main idea. Once you've identified the primary subject, everything in the reading ought to make sense. The remainder of the reading provides supporting information for that core concept.

It is straightforward to identify a major idea that is mentioned plainly in the text. The beginning of each paragraph is usually where readers will locate the important subjects. The first sentence of a passage typically introduces the subject being explored. In the final sentences of a paragraph. The main idea can be stated in two ways: as a summary of the material in the previous paragraph, or as a link to the information in the paragraph after. Sometimes the main message is not made clear. A crucial idea that is implied or inferred is more challenging to identify. It is implied by the usage of other words in the text.

To learn more about author please click on the given link: https://brainly.com/question/9260046


Related Questions

What advice would you like to give to your younger self? Write it down in the form of a poem.What advice would you like to give to your younger self? Write it down in the form of a poem.




If this help please set brainliest.

Oh, dear younger self, I have so much to say

So listen up and pay close attention, okay?

First and foremost, remember to be kind

To others and to yourself, it's the most important find

Take the time to appreciate the world around you

The beauty in nature and the people who are true

Don't let fear hold you back from taking a chance

Embrace the unknown, it can lead to enhance

Don't worry about fitting in or being cool

Just be yourself, it's the only rule

Mistakes will be made, but that's okay

It's how we learn and grow in our own way

So be brave, be strong, and always stay true

And most of all, dear younger self, remember to be kind and do what you love, too.

Read the passage from Animal Farm.

In January food fell short. The corn ration was drastically reduced, and it was announced that an extra potato ration would be issued to make up for it. Then it was discovered that the greater part of the potato crop had been frosted in the clamps, which had not been covered thickly enough. The potatoes had become soft and discoloured, and only a few were edible. For days at a time the animals had nothing to eat but chaff and mangels. Starvation seemed to stare them in the face.

It was vitally necessary to conceal this fact from the outside world. Emboldened by the collapse of the windmill, the human beings were inventing fresh lies about Animal Farm. Once again it was being put about that all the animals were dying of famine and disease, and that they were continually fighting among themselves and had resorted to cannibalism and infanticide. Napoleon was well aware of the bad results that might follow if the real facts of the food situation were known, and he decided to make use of Mr. Whymper to spread a contrary impression. Hitherto the animals had had little or no contact with Whymper on his weekly visits: now, however, a few selected animals, mostly sheep, were instructed to remark casually in his hearing that rations had been increased. In addition, Napoleon ordered the almost empty bins in the store-shed to be filled nearly to the brim with sand, which was then covered up with what remained of the grain and meal. On some suitable pretext Whymper was led through the store-shed and allowed to catch a glimpse of the bins. He was deceived, and continued to report to the outside world that there was no food shortage on Animal Farm.

Which statements about the passage support the idea that this passage is an allegory for the famine in the Soviet Union? Select three options.

A The food rations have been cut and animals are starving.
B The windmill has collapsed and people are talking about it.
C The animals have never had contact with Mr. Whymper.
D The reality of the food shortage is hidden from the public.
E Napoleon resorts to propaganda to spread lies.


We can see here that the statements about the passage that supports the idea that this passage is an allegory for the famine in the Soviet Union are:

A. The food rations have been cut and animals are starving.

D. The reality of the food shortage is hidden from the public.

E. Napoleon resorts to propaganda to spread lies.

What is allegory?

An allegory is a type of narrative, typically in literature or art, in which a story or image is used to convey a hidden meaning, often a moral or political one. The characters or events in an allegory often symbolize something else, and the story as a whole is meant to be interpreted as a metaphorical representation of a deeper, underlying meaning.

One well-known example of allegory in literature is George Orwell's "Animal Farm," in which a group of farm animals overthrow their human farmer and run the farm themselves, only to have the pigs, who had assumed leadership roles, become tyrannical and oppressive themselves. In this story, the characters and events can be interpreted as symbols for the Russian Revolution and the rise of Stalin's dictatorship.

We see that the selected answers actually support the idea of the allegory in this passage.

Learn more about allegory on https://brainly.com/question/30127522


What is meant by the formulation of universal law?
a.) Acting according to a maxim that respects everyone
b.) Acting according to the categorical imperative
c.) Acting according to a maxim everyone can use
d.) Acting according to an action's objective morality
According to Kantian deontology, which of the following would make an act impermissible?
a.) It is harmful to myself.
b.) It is considered sinful by sacred texts.
c.) It is forbidden by local custom or law.
d.) It violates the categorical imperative.
Which of the following violates a person's humanity, according to Kant?
a.) Trying to influence someone
b.) Hitting someone
c.) Protecting someone from harm
d.) Lying to someone


The formulation of universal law is a.) Acting according to a maxim that respects everyone

According to Kantian deontology, the option that would make an act impermissible is d.) It violates the categorical imperative.

The option that violates a person's humanity, according to Kant is D. Lying to someone.

How to illustrate the information?

According to Kant's deontology, the formulation of universal law refers to acting according to a maxim that respects everyone and can be used by everyone, also known as the categorical imperative. This means that the act should be considered morally right regardless of its consequences or the personal desires of the actor.

An act would be impermissible according to Kantian deontology if it violates the categorical imperative. This means that the act cannot be universalized, or made into a universal law that everyone can follow, without contradiction.

According to Kantian deontology, an act would be impermissible if it violates the categorical imperative. The categorical imperative is a moral principle developed by Kant that dictates that one should act only in ways that one can will as a universal law, meaning that the act should be morally acceptable for anyone in any situation. If an act cannot be willed as a universal law, then it is considered morally impermissible according to Kantian deontology.

According to Kant, lying violates a person's humanity because it undermines their autonomy and dignity by treating them as a mere means to an end. Trying to influence someone, protecting someone from harm, and hitting someone may or may not violate a person's humanity depending on the circumstances and the intentions behind these actions.

Learn more about law on:



What does it mean that the pigs have now learned to walk on two legs?


The pigs' ability to walk on two legs demonstrated how similar they have become to humans.

Why are pigs the cleanest animals?

Contrary to popular belief, pigs cannot sweat; instead, they wallow in dirt to cool off. Pigs are often associated with sloppiness because of their unwarranted appearance of filth. Pigs are among the cleanest animals you'll come across; if given the choice, they won't urinate close to their living or feeding areas.

Are pigs friendly to humans?

Pigs are gregarious animals that bond well with people. They'll happily cuddle up next to you and roll over for a belly rub. They don't scream, roam the streets, or spout rabies. Pig berries, which have a moderate smell, are easier to clean up than dog poop.

To know more about Pigs visit:



What are the four values of dance?


Dance strengthens one's physical, psychological, emotional, and creative abilities.

What are the five benefits of dance?

In addition to burning calories and strengthening muscles, dancing also enhances balance, promotes flexibility, and works the heart. Furthermore, dance has been shown to significantly boost growth.

Why is dance considered an art form?

In addition to being a performance art, dance is a filled with lots art form, a means of expressing one's innermost thoughts, feelings, and experiences, as well as having its own end in mind. The body automatically expresses itself via dance, and as a result, the spirit does as well.

Is dancing a talent or a skill?

Another hobby and talent that can benefit you in many aspects of your life is dance. Your social confidence will rise as a result of learning to dance.

To know more about Dance, visit:

What did grandfather clause allow?


In 1899, the grandfather clause exempted males from a new requirement that voters own property and be literate. This gave men whose grandfathers had voted the right to vote.

What is the purpose of the grandfather clause?

Between 1895 and 1910, seven Southern states employed the grandfather clause as a legal or constitutional provision to prevent African Americans from exercising their right to vote. It specified that anyone who had the right to vote prior to 1866 or 1867, as well as their lineal descendants, would be exempt from later voting limits on education, property, or taxation. Because former slaves were not allowed the right to vote until the Fifteenth Amendment was established in 1870, these restrictions effectively prohibited Black people from voting while granting the right to vote to many impoverished and illiterate white people. The bill repealed voter requirements and subjected voter registration to federal monitoring.

Learn more about clause here: https://brainly.com/question/27892321


What is experimental drama?


Experimental drama is the display of original works and the creation of new stage production concepts and methods.

What is experimental drama?The phrase experimental drama is nebulous and used to describe a variety of theatrical groups and styles that had their start in the 1900s.At that time, naturalism, which aims to reflect reality in the form of acting, dialogue, costumes, and sets, was highly influential on the acceptable rules for the writing and production of plays. The definition of experimental theatre has evolved through time as many once-radical genres have been embraced by mainstream theatre.It is essentially synonymous with the term avant-garde theatre. A loosely linked body of work known as experimental theatre after the black arts movement presents fresh perspectives on drama, history, and black identity.

To learn more about Experimental drama, refer:



How do I humble my heart?



1) A humble heart has a dependence on God.

"I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing." (John 15:5)

2) A humble heart trembles before God’s word.

“For all those things My hand has made, And all those things exist," Says the Lord. “But on this one will I look: On him who is poor and of a contrite spirit, And who trembles at My word." (Isaiah 66:2)

3) A humble heart lets go of things that are not of God.

"So I said:

“'Woe is me, for I am undone! Because I am a man of unclean lips, And I dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips; For my eyes have seen the King, The Lord of hosts.'” (Isaiah 6:5)

4) A humble heart is willing to embrace Christ’s strength in weakness.

"And He said to me, “'My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness.'” Therefore most gladly I will rather boast in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me.” (2 Corinthians 12:9)

5) A humble heart has the fruit of obedience.

"For he held fast to the Lord; he did not depart from following Him, but kept His commandments, which the Lord had commanded Moses." (2 Kings 18:6)

6) A humble heart serves others as well.

"Let each of you look out not only for his own interests, but also for the interests of others." (Philippians 2:4)

7) A humble heart accepts the role of a servant.

"Remember the word that I said to you, ‘A servant is not greater than his master.’ If they persecuted Me, they will also persecute you. If they kept My word, they will keep yours also." (John 15:20)

Learn more about humility at https://brainly.com/question/30164008.


What is Ophelia's tragedy?


She is a young  noble woman who is the daughter of Polonius, the sister of , and a future wife of Prince Hamlet. As a result of Hamlet's actions, she descends into , which ultimately causes her to drown.

Why is Ophelia a tragedy?

Ophelia experiences a sorrow attack as a result of the brutality of her ex-lover and the passing of her father. She becomes insane in Act Four and mysteriously passes away. The tragedy of Ophelia's story is how she loses her innocent through no fault of her own.

What does Ophelia's passing mean?

The drowning of Ophelia is the quintessential illustration of an eternal retreat into the feminine, exchanging a personal voice for an eternity of silence in oneness with feminine essence. Her passing also illustrates the

To know more about Ophelia  visit:



How does Claudius betray his guilt?


Hamlet's betrayal by Claudius results in his death, the theft of his wealth, his wife, and his throne.

How does Claudius admit to being guilty?

In front of his own altar, Claudius falls to his knees and tells God he killed his brother. Despite his admission that this was a terrible mistake, he refuses to give up his newfound authority and position. Instead, he pleads with God to soften him so that he can ask for forgiveness.

How does King Claudius trick other people?

Should Laertes' poison-tipped foil fail to kill him during the duel, Claudius plans to offer Hamlet a cup of poisoned wine that has been laced with a poisonous pearl. Claudius continues to use deception to mislead everyone about his nefarious intentions until the very end.

To know more about Claudius  visit:-



What point of view is the following passage: To make a great chili, one must start gathering ingredients early in the season. I would suggest that you first plant some tomatoes. When you are sure that they are ripe, pluck. Don't wait too long or else you'll regret it. You'll soon be on the path for the best recipe soon! Third Person Limited Second Person First Person Fourth Person



First Person


The person says 'I recommend'.

The point of view of the passage is third person limited.

Why was Tom and Huckleberry so frightened?


Due of their dread of him and his potential revenge, the locals are prepared to believe Injun Joe.Huck and Tom's fear of Injun Joe is therefore justified.

Why is Injun Joe causing fear in Tom and Huck? He is the epitome of evil, and we can understand how terrible he is by the fact that he would kill a man for no good cause at all or just for retaliation.Due of their dread of him and his potential revenge, the locals are prepared to believe Injun Joe.Huck and Tom's fear of Injun Joe is therefore justified.Tom and Huck brought a dead cat to the cemetery at around midnight with the intention of simply getting rid of it, but they ended up being present for a murder.The protagonist of other Twain works, the best friend of Huck, Huck's peer, and the leader of the town boys on adventures are all Tom Sawyer.

To learn more about  Huckleberry refer



How does Deggans describe his friends who never learned how to code-switch?


Deggans describes his friends who never learned how to code-switch as limited in their ability to navigate different social and cultural situations effectively.

When a speaker switches back and forth between two or more languages, or language varieties, during a same conversation or circumstance, this is known as code-switching or language alternation in linguistics.

How to explain the code switching

Linguistic code-switching is frequently practiced in bilingual and multilingual cultures for a variety of reasons, including the desire to fit in, habit, or the need to express ideas and concepts that would be simpler to explain in a particular language.

The capacity of Deggans' friends to successfully navigate various social and cultural contexts is limited in comparison to those pals who never learned how to code-switch.

Learn more about code switching on:



What is the smartest University in California?


Stanford is recognized as one of the best colleges in the world. The most selective and intelligent university in California is Stanford University.

What sets Stanford University apart?

Stanford has earned a reputation as one of the country's top colleges by consistently ranking among the top ten institutions nationwide. Leland Stanford Junior University, a private research university in Stanford, California, is Stanford Junior University. With 8,180 acres, the campus is one of the biggest in the country and is home to over 17,000 students.

Stanford is recognized for its successful student body and high rate of return on investment in addition to its top-notch academics. Several of the most gifted and tenacious pupils in the world attend Stanford University in California. Stanford is one of the most difficult institutions to get into.

To learn more about Stanford University, visit:



Write an email to the advertising company who asked you to review the website. Explain in your email which website you feel use presentational devices most effectively. Give reason for your decision.

Can choose any website



Dear [Advertising Company],

I recently received your request to review a website and provide my thoughts on which one uses presentational devices most effectively. After careful consideration, I believe the website for [Company X] stands out in this regard.

One of the main reasons I believe this website uses presentational devices effectively is the use of visual elements. The website incorporates high-quality images and graphics that are not only visually appealing, but also effectively convey the message of the company and its products. Additionally, the layout of the website is well-organized and easy to navigate, making it user-friendly for visitors.

Another aspect of the website that I found particularly effective was the use of language and messaging. The copy on the website is clear and concise, and it effectively communicates the value and benefits of the company's products. The website also includes various calls to action that encourage visitors to take further action, such as signing up for a newsletter or purchasing a product.

Overall, I believe the website for [Company X] effectively utilizes presentational devices to convey its message and engage with visitors. Thank you for the opportunity to review this website and provide my thoughts.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

What are the two kinds of lie?


The two main methods of lying are concealment and falsification.

What is meant by lie?

According to my definition, a lie or deceit happens when someone intentionally tries to deceive someone else or others without disclosing their intentions in advance and without the target's explicit permission.

Even though this definition may seem simple or uninteresting, people continue to be fascinated by falsehoods and those who tell them. Yet why? Our interest in tales of deceit may be due to the simple fact that every time a liar is exposed, we are made aware of how susceptible we all are. It may be difficult to accept, but recognizing the most common lies is the greatest way to start defending yourself against liars and con artists.

To learn more about lie refer to :



An author claims that internet usage and screen time for teens should remain the same. They provide the following reason as support:

An awesome article in Kids Love Phones Magazine says there is no harm in spending all day on your phone, computer, or tablet. I completely agree! It would be heartbreaking for kids to give up something they love. It is a silly idea that grownups thought up to make themselves look smart. We do not deserve to be punished!

Which choice describes the support the author provides?

It is effective. It supports the claim clearly and logically with evidence.
It is emotional. It expresses personal feelings that cannot be backed with research.
It is irrelevant. It discusses a fact that is off topic and does not support the claim.
It is unverified. It does not cite a source to show where the information was found.


Answer: A: It is emotional. It expresses personal feelings that cannot be backed with research.



The first person who answered is correct!

Give them brainliest :D

What are the types of self-disclosure?


There are five types of self-disclosures: deliberate, unavoidable, accidental, inappropriate and client- initiated.

What is self-disclosure?

Self-disclosure is a communication process in which one individual shares personal information to another. Thoughts, sentiments, aspirations, objectives, failures, achievements, fears, and hopes, as well as likes, dislikes, and favorites, can all be included in the material. Self-disclosure is the belief that relationship creation is based on trust with another person, which is proved by gradually sharing personal information, such as ideas, feelings, and experiences that they may or may not share with anybody else.

Self-disclosure includes benefits such as not having to worry about hiding mental disease experiences, discovering people who have similar experiences, and helping others understand mental health difficulties, which may even aid one’s own recovery process.

To learn more about  self-disclosure to refer:



You are conducting research for an argumentative essay about why screen time and internet usage should be decreased for teens. Which of the following would be ineffective support?

A graph about the relationship between increased internet usage and screen time and performance in school
A video of a recent news report with expert testimony about school performance, internet usage, and screen time
An interview with a teen who has strong opinions about their internet usage and screen time
An online article about the effects of internet usage and screen time with links to other sites to verify information


An interview with a teen who has strong opinions about their internet usage and screen time would be ineffective support. Thus, option C is correct.

What is research?

Research is a methodical inquiry method that involves gathering data, recording vital information, and then analyzing and interpreting that information and data in conformity with appropriate procedures established by particular professional and academic professions.

Gathering information for an essay as to why the adolescent world wide web should indeed be limited. This was detected with the teen and the way the opinion was being changed on the internet. As there can be various effects that need to be taken in a teenage way and the people's support will be affected by this. Therefore, option C is the correct option.

Learn more about research, here:



Answer: C.An interview with a teen who has strong opinions about their internet usage and screen time


How can I be more humble as a Catholic?


Every day, ask God for the gift of humility, and He will be there to help you develop it because He is the source of all good.

According to the Catechism's dictionary, humility is the quality that allows a Christian to recognise that God is the source of all good. In addition to preventing excessive ambition or conceit, humility lays the groundwork for turning to God in prayer. "Poverty of spirit" is a good way to define voluntary humility. St. Teresa of Avila stated it more plainly, "Humility is truth."

Seeing oneself as one does in the eyes of God is another way to define humility. He is aware of all our flaws and inadequacies, but he still has love and tolerance for us. Everything that is good in us comes from him.

To grow humility, you have to consider that God is the source of all good. Therefore, ask God for the gift of humility, and He will be there to help you develop it.

Learn more about Catholicism here: https://brainly.com/question/929974


read the following list of classroom activities. select the one that targets phonological awareness only, without attempting to address other language skills.


Ms. Chang repeats a word and instructs the pupils to repeat it, applaud for each syllable, and count the syllables.

What is phonological awareness?

The capacity to detect and alter the spoken elements of sentences and words is referred to as phonological awareness. Examples include detecting rhyme, alliteration, segmenting a sentence into words, distinguishing syllables in a word, and blending and segmenting onset-rimes. Whole segment processes and modification type processes are the two primary categories of phonological processes. Phoneme blending and phoneme segmentation are the most crucial phonological awareness abilities for children to master at these grade levels, while education may need to begin at more elementary levels of phonological awareness, such as alliteration or rhyming, for certain children.

To know more about phonological awareness, check out:



Which cueing system is the most important?


Answer: Semantic cueing system.

Who is the clever talker in Animal Farm?


Squealer is the name of one of pigs in "Animal Farm". "A small chubby pig named Squealer, with really round cheeks, bright eyes, agile movements, and a strident voice,". He was a gifted orator.

What does Animal Farm's underlying message mean?

A good analogy again for 1917 Russian Revolution is Animal Farm. All Russian laborer & workers are represented by Boxer, whereas Old Major represents Karl Marx, Snowball represents Leon Trotsky, Napoleon represents Josef Stalin, Squealer represents propaganda, and Snowball represents Leon Trotsky.

Is reading Animal Farm worthwhile?

This novel is such a delight to read if you actually take the time to savor every word. It reflects what occurred at the time and transforms it into a viewpoint that we can all picture ourselves in. Everyone should read Animal Farm at least one time in their lives since it is a fantastic novel. A novel that anyone should read.

To know more about Animal Farm visit:



What are the main negative effects of social media?


The main negative effects of social media are Cyberbullying, Mental Health Issues, Sleep Deprivation, Addiction and Privacy Issues.

What is social media?

Social media is an umbrella term used to refer to the various forms of online communication tools. These include tools such as websites, applications and platforms that enable people to interact and share information with one another.

1. Cyberbullying: Cyberbullying is a form of bullying that takes place over digital devices such as cell phones, computers, and tablets. Cyberbullying includes sending, posting, or sharing negative, harmful, false, or mean content about someone else.

2. Mental Health Issues: Social media can have a deep impact on mental health, both in positive and negative ways. Excessive use of social media has been linked to depression, anxiety, and low self-esteem.

3. Sleep Deprivation: Being active on social media can lead to sleep deprivation. The blue light emitted from screens can cause disruption to the body's natural sleep cycle, leading to fatigue and difficulty focusing.

4. Addiction: Social media can be addictive, as it encourages people to continuously seek validation from their peers. It may lead to an obsessive need to check for updates and notifications.

5. Privacy Issues: Social media can pose privacy risks, as users may inadvertently share personal information with others. Additionally, data breaches can lead to the theft of personal information.

To learn more about social media

You are trying to persuade members of your class to volunteer to tutor underprivileged children in pathos



so that they can become better children

What is self-disclosure in ethics?


Self-disclosure can be used to express empathy and to help these clients feel that their emotions and experiences are being validated.

What exactly is self-disclosure?

Self-disclosure is the practice of intentionally or unintentionally disclosing information about oneself to another else. Details might range from the trivial, such as your favorite meal or TV show, to extremely intimate information, such as religious convictions and major life events. Self-disclosures are classified into five types: intentional, unavoidable, accidental, inappropriate, and client-initiated.

Self-disclosure can be utilized to demonstrate empathy and assist these clients feel validated about their emotions and experiences. Counseling partnerships are intentionally one-sided. That is, the emphasis should always be on the client, not the counselor.

To learn more about self-disclosure to refer:








Un expectingly boring


I would say Fun, Yet a bit aggressive and long.

Which are examples of themes Hamlet Part 8?


Part 8 of the play includes themes like vengeance, madness, appearances vs. reality, the corrupt nature of power, the explosiveness of truth, and many others just a few instances.

What are the different themes of Hamlet?

The drama "Hamlet" by William Shakespeare is a complicated, multi-layered masterpiece that examines a variety of subjects. The following are a few examples of topics that appear in Part 8 of the play:

Revenge: Hamlet is motivated to exact revenge on Claudius for killing his father, making it clear that this is one of the play's main themes. As Hamlet executes his plot for retaliation in Part 8, which ultimately results in the deaths of several characters, this subject is evident.Madness: The notion of madness is another important element in "Hamlet," and several of the play's characters are portrayed as being driven insane by the unfolding events.Appearance vs. Reality: Characters wrestle with the concept of what is genuine and what is not throughout the play, with many of them concealing their true motives beneath a façade.

To know more about Hamlet, visit:



What is the destination MAC address?


Type ipconfig/all and press Enter once you are at the command prompt. Look for a value description of the Physical Address field for the network adapter, which contains the device's MAC address, as you scroll down.

Is the destination MAC address the router?

The MAC address of a distant destination is unknown to and unimportant to a router. In a network with a direct connection, MAC addresses are solely utilized for delivery in layer-2 segments like Ethernet. To any node outside of that section, the addresses are meaningless.

The source is represented by the MAC ID of the sending device, while the destination is represented by the MAC ID of the receiving device. The MAC is given to the Network Interface Card (NIC) of any device that can connect to the internet.

To learn more about internet visit:



Write a paragraph about what you did over winter break



Winter breaks are meant to be full of fun


Winter break is the best time of the year. winter is beautiful, chilly and the coldest season of the year. we see snow everywhere I think it is so beautiful, so I did many things in winter break some are:

1. I got winter vacation during the most beautiful festival which is Christmas at that time I learned how to cook it was the best experience I learned how to bake cakes and chocolates.

2. I enjoyed my vacation so much because I visited my relative's house and I enjoyed playing with my friends.

3. I got a lot of homework from my college which I completed during the winter break.

4. During this winter break I learned many hobbies that I really want to learn from past years like content writing and many others.

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