Which of the following would be an appropriate topic for a five-page paper?
The existence of ghosts in Charleston, South Carolina
The existence of ghosts in South Carolina
The existence of ghosts in North America
The existence of ghosts in the world


Answer 1

An appropriate topic for a five-page paper would be The existence of ghosts in South Carolina.

Choose a topic that corresponds to the length of your report. Frequently, the themes that students select are too broad to be fully covered. Narrow issues encourage close examination, but broad themes foster overgeneralization.

If you're writing a five-page paper, focus on one instance in the history of women's rights rather than the entire subject. It is recommended to steer clear of subjects that encourage you to summaries rather than simply discuss or analyze. select a subject that catches your attention.

Choose a topic with resources if your task requires research.

To know more about  topic here



Related Questions

what was the different about the veitnam war compared to the united states' previous wars



Unlike the second world war, there was moral ambiguity in Vietnam. America faced an ill-defined enemy that was hard to distinguish from civilians. There were American atrocities and massacres of unarmed civilians. It was hard to portray this war as "good" versus "evil", as had been the case during the Second World War.


Which is the best comparison of tone in these two essays on genetically modified food?

Both essays rely on pathos and have an angry tone.
Both essays rely on pathos and have a chaotic tone.
Both essays rely on logos and have a somber tone.
Both essays rely on logos and have a serious tone.


The best comparison of tone in these two essays on genetically modified food is:

Both essays rely on pathos and have an angry tone.

What is the best comparison of the essays?

The essays that talk about genetically modified foods, titled, Fuels of the Future, incorporate an angry tone.

An angry tone is seen in the essays because they both lament about the future and the fact that members of the society and government were not paying attention to the problems that lay ahead if they did not do something to control the changing climatic conditions in the world at large.

Learn more about pathos here:



Answer: its a


Select all the correct answers.
Look at the examples in highlighted text. Which show Clifford's problem with depression? (Choose three.)
Continually, as we may express it, he faded away...
"My dearest cousin, cannot you tell me...
Each time, the delay seemed to be without purpose...
Yet there were no tokens that his physical strength..
"This is our cousin Phoebe...


The three examples shows Clifford's problem with depression are:

Continually, as we may express it, he faded away...

My dearest cousin, cannot you tell me...

This is our cousin Phoebe...

Today, the House of the Seven Gables is most famous for serving as the backdrop for the 1851 book of famed American author Nathaniel Hawthorne.

The 17-year-old Phoebe is the cousin of Hephzibah and Clifford. She grew up outside the Pyncheon family's sphere of influence in the nation, and her entrepreneurial, competent personality is a trait she shares with her mother.

To know more about Book here



every summer, my dad teaches a science class about sea
turtles in the atlantic ocean.
Rewrite the sentence with the correct capitalization.
Type your answer here.


Every summer, my dad teaches a science class about sea turtles in the Atlantic Ocean.

nobody is perfect and everybody makes mistake describetive eassay writing​


Answer:As we go through this life we have, we must accept and realize that nobody is perfect in the world, and human nature makes all kinds of mistakes. I believe that when people make mistakes, its really important to never repeat it again and learn from the first time. We make mistakes on tests, we make mistakes on choosing our better half who ends up to be the total opposite of who you had known from before, we make mistakes on our work, in our homes, in choosing friends who are really not that great to be around with and hanging out with the wrong crowds. These can all be corrected when we make the right choices in life and when we are selective and very careful about associating with types of people there are in the world. Making mistakes is part of human nature, but we must also realize to prevent from the same things to happen again.

If at first you don’t succeed, and when you make a mistake in a test, or in an assignment, the willingness to re-do and try it again is totally up to you, but I would take it. If this happens to you, go up to the teacher, professor and have a civilized conversation with him/her and explain honestly on what happened and see if you can redo an assignment and hand it in. I know sometimes some teachers give an assignment or test and you cannot redo it again, but it never hurts to ask the teacher for a re-test or something and apologize to the teacher and say, I could have done better, I could have excelled more in making the grade and apologize for it. I am certain that when your sincere and you admit that you did not study hard enough and you did many mistakes on a test and when you come clean about it and re-study for it, you mark my words, the teacher will be pleasant and he/she will accept and give you a re-test. Honesty is the best policy and the teacher or professor will appreciate you for it.

Mistakes is something that a lot of people do not admit in doing and there is really no shame in doing mistakes because everybody does it. It is hard to admit our mistakes and we try to hide it as much as we can, but it comes out no matter what happens. Do not worry about it so much, but worry about it if its been done more than once or twice. In Order to succeed, go forward and excel in life, we have to make mistakes in order to do better things in the long run and in order to progress well. If we ourselves do not make mistakes, then how will we ever know to do the right thing? I know the solution. Always analyze and think about your actions and words before you say and do them. Do your best to not make the same mistake twice and it does not hurt to ask for guidance and assistance with things. Not asking for help and making mistakes is a mistake in itself. There is no shame in it.

I know a lot of us are proud and want to do things on our own without help, without asking, without coming clean about it, but that really is not a great way to deal with it. There are many websites out there with so much information, there are people who can help us, make a phone call, send an e-mail when curiosity strikes, when you want to know how to do something, make something or get something done. There really is no shame in asking. It is a shame if you do not. Helping each other out and doing things together is very important. I know a lot of people are independent and do everything on their own and have never asked for help in anything, but one day we may need that help.

So try not to make mistakes, but make mistakes to learn and get ahead. Nobody achieves greatness without it.

Explanation: I dont know if this is good eniught.

1-The woman asked me where the hotel was, so I told.....how to get there. b-herself C-her d-she a-hers ​


The right pronoun for the blank here is her.

Her is a form of personal pronoun. An easy replacement for a person's real name is a personal pronoun, which is a brief word. The person, gender, number, and case of the noun it substitutes are all indicated by one of the personal pronouns in English. Them are all personal pronouns, along with I, you, he, she, it, we, and they.

In our phrases, the humans (and occasionally the animals) who star are represented by personal pronouns, which are like the stunt doubles of grammar. Because they prevent us from repeatedly using clunky proper nouns throughout the day, they help us to speak and write more economically.

There are mainly three types of personal pronouns.

A first-person, second-person, or third-person pronoun designates the speaker, the subject being addressed, and the subject being talked about, respectively. Additionally, there is a plural for each of these three grammatical persons.

To know more about personal pronouns visit:



Match the description of a person's lifetime to the time of year that would best symbolize it.

1 .
the beginning of a person's life; new and young
2 .
the part of a person's life in which he is vibrant and active
3 .
the advanced years in a person's life; aging and slowing
4 .
the person's old age and impending death

i dont know witch ones witch


The description of a person's lifetime has been matched to the time of year that would best symbolize it as follows:

1. Spring: The beginning of a person's life; new and young

2. Summer: The part of a person's life in which he is vibrant and active -

3. Fall: The advanced years in a person's life; aging and slowing

4. Winter: The person's old age and impending death

What happens during these times of the year?

Spring is a period of time in the year when new vegetation begins to sprout. There is a reinvigoration of plants and other natural elements. Summer is a period of time that is hot and filled with a lot of activities. During Fall, the normal vegetative processes gradually come to an end.

This period of the year ushers in winter which is known to be cold. Fall symbolizes the period of time when a person becomes advanced and starts aging. Winter is a very cold period when all vegetative processes come to an end and this can be likened to the person's old age and impending death.

Learn more about the seasons of the year here:



Answer: For Monarch aop 2023!

1. Summer                  4 The beginning of a person's life; new and

                                       young life.

2. Fall                          1  The part of a person's life in which he is vibrant

                                        and active.

3. Winter                    2 the advanced years in a person's life; aging and

                                       slowing of the years.

4. Spring                    3 The person'e old age and their impending


How does the blizzard in "Zlateh the Goat" move the plot forward?


The blizzard in "Zlateh the Goat" moves the plot forward by making Aaron's family ill and dependent on him for money.

How did Aaron and Zlateh make it through the storm?

Aaron becomes disoriented as snow covers his path, and he quickly begins to seek shelter, his and Zlateh's lives now in grave danger. He comes across a pile of hay in a field and digs a shelter for himself and the goat that is both weatherproof and warm enough for both of them to survive.

Aaron is concerned that they will perish if they do not find shelter in a snow-covered haystack. The two spend three days together in the warm, dry haystack and grow closer and more dependent on one another.

Therefore, Aaron's family becomes ill as a result, and they rely on him for financial support.

Learn more about "Zlateh the Goat" from the given link.



Which answer choice best describes Camazotz?

A. a small world filled with gross and frightening creatures
B. a planet much like Uriel in its beauty and strangeness
C. a planet like Earth that the children find disturbing
D. a gray world that is similar to the one where the Happy Medium lives


C. a planet like Earth that the children find disturbing

The correct answer would be C

What causes online disinhibition?


Answer:Anonymity, asynchronous communication, and empathy deficit



Anonymity, asynchronous communication, and empathy deficit contribute to online disinhibition. Anonymity can make a person feel safe online, like a different person; one might even take on a new persona.


For example, a group of students might bully a classmate online and then feel encouraged to force him or her in person. There have been several well-documented cases of online bullying leading to organized efforts to ostracize classmates and severe depression in victims. The ODE has positive consequences like more accessible self-expression and negative consequences like cyberbullying. The negative effects of online disinhibition like hate speech are often called toxic disinhibition. Sometimes it simply affects how people reveal themselves online (called benign ODE).

Give an example of an archetype. Name a story or movie where you will find that archetype. Describe what makes the character or plot element an archetype. Give an example of an allusion. Then explain what the allusion alludes to and how that allusion creates meaning.

I'll give Brainliest I'm giving 100 points for correct answer!!!!




what an archetype is:

it is a type of character that is used in literature which is a recurring or universal symbol of human nature. These are characters that share similar traits throughout history. For example, a hero. The hero is an archetype and in each story a hero is found, his characteristics will be similar.

Example 1

The most famous example of an archetype is the Hero. Hero stories have certain elements in common – heroes generally start out in ordinary circumstances, are “called to adventure,” and in the end must confront their darkest fear in a conflict that deeply transforms the hero. Luke Skywalker is a perfect example of a this archetype: he’s born on Tatooine, is called to adventure by R2-D2 and Obi-Wan Kenobi, and must then face Darth Vader in order to become a Jedi. (There’s a book, called The Hero with a Thousand Faces, that lays out in detail the archetypal Hero story, and George Lucas read it many times before making Star Wars.)

Example 2

After the Hero, the most common archetype is probably the Trickster. Tricksters break the ordinary rules of society and even nature. They are often androgynous (having both male and female attributes), and they love to play tricks on those around them. They may also laugh at things others find terrifying, such as death or isolation. Tricksters are believed to symbolize the chaotic and complex realities of the world that are beyond the understanding of the human mind. Tricksters can be evil (like Loki or the Joker), or they can be good (like Bugs Bunny).

Example 3

Another archetypal character is the Anti-Hero, who has many of the attributes of a Hero but is not a traditional “good guy.” Batman, for example, is an anti-hero: while he fights crime and stops super-villains, he is also a moody recluse with a slightly cruel streak. As heroic as he may be, he is also fearsome and probably wouldn’t be much fun to have around.


The concept of “going down the rabbit hole” is an allusion to Lewis Carroll’s Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland. It’s shorthand for spending more time than you intended exploring an intriguing, strange concept. Even if you aren’t familiar with Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, you probably know what it means to go down the rabbit hole. That’s because this is an extremely popular allusion that you’ve seen in countless movies, television shows, comics, art, and other media.

Allusion is a reference to a well-known person, character, place, or event that a writer makes to deepen the reader’s understanding of their work. Allusions aren’t reserved for writing, though—we frequently use them in our speech.

An allusion is a concise way to communicate a lot of meaning. Think of it like a writing shortcut. You could spend a paragraph or two describing why a proposed business venture is doomed to fail despite it checking all the boxes for being the best in its market, or you could describe it as “unsinkable” and instantly communicate the same sentiment.

What are some examples of allusion?

A few famous examples of allusion include:

“Five score years ago, a great American, in whose symbolic shadow we stand today, signed the Emancipation Proclamation.” —Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. in his famous “I Have a Dream” speech

“White Rabbit,” a 1967 song by Jefferson Airplane

East of Eden by John Steinbeck

what has occurred between john proctor and abagail williams before the time in wich the play begins


American dramatist Arthur Miller wrote The Crucible in 1953. The Salem witch trials, which took place in the Massachusetts Bay Colony in 1692–1693 and were dramatized and somewhat romanticized, are depicted in this play.

The Crucible begins in the residence of Reverend Samuel Parris, where his daughter Betty is discovered unconscious in an upper bed. Before the show even began, Parris discovered Betty, his niece Abigail, and Tituba, a black slave from Barbados, dancing in a forest outside of Salem about midnight.

The messages shows that Abigail and Proctor had an affair some seven months earlier while Abigail was residing and working in the Proctor home. Abigail was subsequently fired by Goody Proctor. Even though Proctor won't confess it to her or himself, Abigail now claims that he is still in love with her.

The previous maid for John and Elizabeth Proctor was named Abigail. Over the course of the opening two acts, it is revealed that Abigail and John, a former employee of the Proctors, had an affair. She was fired after Elizabeth questioned John about her doubts, at which time he confessed.

To know more about The Crucible, click on the link below:



which genre is handel said to have invented?



English oratorio


Handel's most important contribution to music history undoubtedly lies in his oratorios. Although the genre had existed in the 17th century, Handel seems to have invented the special type known as English oratorio, with its dazzling choruses.

Write a paragraph (5-7 sentences) persuading another student to begin listening to podcasts to get their news. Think about how students get their news currently and why podcasts would be a better source.


A sample paragraph that persuades another student to begin listening to podcasts to get their news is given below:

Getting access to news content is one of the most important things for a student and a citizen at this point in time as it helps keep you abreast of events and what better way to do this than to listen to podcasts that contain up-to-date information, from several persons

What is a Persuasive Text?

This refers to the type of text that is used in order to persuade or convince a person about a particular thing/

Hence, we can see that a sample paragraph in response to the given question has been given above.

Read more about persuasive texts here:



Read this sonnet, and then complete the sentences that follow.
Sonnet 4
by Edmund Spenser
Be not dismayed that her unmoved mind
Doth still persist in her rebellious pride:
And love not like to lusts of baser kind,
The harder won, the firmer will abide.
The durefull Oak, whose sap is not yet dried,
Is long ere it conceive the kindling fire;
But when it once doth burn, it doth divide,
Great heat, and makes his flames to heaven aspire.
So hard it is to kindle new desire,
In gende breast that shall endure for ever.
Deep is the wound, that dints the parts entire
With chaste affects, that naught but death can sever.
Then think not in long in taking little pain,
To knit the knot, that ever shall remain.
The sonnet is written in the
form. The rhyme scheme is
The main idea of the poem is
The poet has used the
of burning an oak to emphasize how patient one to needs to be when trying to win the love of a lady. He
also uses the metaphor of the
to emphasize the depth of love.


1. English

Edmund Spenser is English. He fluctuated the conventional Shakespearean English piece structure by changing the rhyme plot which makes couplet interfaces that associate the quatrains together.

2. abab bcbc cdcd ee

Spenserian pieces rehash the last rhyme as the primary rhyme of the following quatrain. This continuation of a rhyme from one quatrain to another ties them together more than past piece structures.

3. enduring adoration

The writer utilizes phrases like "persevere for ever" and "nothing yet demise can cut off" to demonstrate the way that long love can endure.

4. illustration

He is contrasting the consuming oak with the tolerance it takes while charming. He doesn't utilize like or as which would show a metaphor. Additionally, the oak isn't being given human characteristics which is expected for embodiment.

5. hitch

He looks at the profundity of adoration to a bunch so firmly tied and tangled that it can't be scattered.

Learn more about sonnet here:



How is the Ancient Greek belief of xenia used throughout the epic poem? Analyze at least one character who demonstrates the tradition and one character who violates the tradition.


In the Odyssey, Xenia is likewise demonstrated to be one of the signs of an enlightened society, permitting us to pass judgment on the social orders that Odysseus visits by their mentalities to xenia. For instance, the Cyclopes are all around informed about Xenia, yet ignore it since they have no feeling of dread toward the God's revenge.

The Odyssey's Penelope is a scholar, an individual who is powerful in confronting her reality and its concerns by thinking right out of them. She is, maybe, significantly all the more a scholar rather than her much-concocting spouse, as he is still, infrequently, given to "settling" his concerns with savage power.

The principal job of Athena in the Odyssey is her job as the benefactor goddess of Odysseus and his loved ones. She shows this significant job through her help from above in various episodes of the Odyssey.

Melantho, the disrespectful servant girl who sleeps with Eurymachus, confronts the beggar/Odysseus once more.

Learn more about Odysseus here:



Read the passage.
The violin sang its haunting melody, inviting the rest of
the orchestra to respond. Soon, the timpani marched
in, leading the other instruments to a crescendo.
Which type of figurative language is most used as an
element of style in this passage?
O alliteration
O personification
O simile
O allusion


The figurative language used in this passage the most is personification. I say this because the instruments are given human characteristics. For example, a violin can’t sing because it doesn’t mouth, but its sound can be described as a voice.

The type of figurative language is most used as an element of style in this passage is personification. The correct option is b.

What is personification?

Personification is the figurative language that is utilized most frequently in this text. This is because the instruments have been given human traits. For instance, a violin's tone can be compared to a voice even though it cannot sing because it lacks a mouth.

Personification, which frequently uses a metaphor, imparts human characteristics and attributes, such as feelings, wants sensations, gestures, and speech. In visual arts, personification is frequently utilized. Examples in writing include "the sun smiled at us," "the water sighed," and "the leaves waved in the breeze."

Therefore, the correct option is b, personification.

To learn more about personification, refer to the link:



Do you think online disinhibition is a good thing or a bad thing? Why?



Yes and no because it offers several benefits and  can also have positive outcomes. People that are shy, that feel they can't talk about certain things in their real lives and encourage and  o encourage cyber-bullying and group think. This effect can cross over into real life.


In reading sonnet 130 by William Shakespeare, what elements of this sonnet are unusual where is the Volta or turn in the poem how does the poem change at the Volta what is the central theme of the work


The sonnet addresses the subject of love, but it does so differently than most other sonnets do. To make his point clear, he focuses more on the mistress's negative traits while contrasting her with the other parts.

Who is Volta?

Alessandro Giuseppe Antonio Anastasio Volta was an Italian physicist, chemist, and lay Catholic who made significant contributions to the development of electricity and power. He is credited with discovering methane and with inventing the electric battery.

The volt is named after Volta because his voltaic pile served as the prototype for the battery and was for many years the most reliable way to generate power. At the International Electrical Congress in 1881, the phrase became standardized.

By practically stacking numerous galvanic cells on top of one another in series, Volta created the modern battery in 1799. With a voltage of approximately 50 volts for a 32-cell pile, this voltaic pile significantly increased the net emf for the combination. Numerous regions of Europe still refer to batteries as heaps.

To read more about Volta, refer to - https://brainly.com/question/19496413


Which of these is the symbolic meaning of a media message that's often hidden within the obvious or common-sense meaning?
A. Construction
B. Connotation
C. Narrative
D. Denotation



the answer for your question is option A


Write an essay that explains how the foreshadowing in "The Monkey's Paw" by W. W. Jacobs creates tension, suspense, or both. Your essay will have an introduction paragraph, several body paragraphs, and a conclusion paragraph. The ideas in your essay must be linked by transitions.
Make sure you show a good understanding of what foreshadowing, tension, and suspense mean. Also make sure you can pick out examples of these elements in "The Monkey's Paw" so that you can support your essay's claim with evidence.
Your essay should include the following elements:
A claim about how the foreshadowing in W. W. Jacobs's story creates tension or suspense
An introduction paragraph, at least two body paragraphs, and a conclusion paragraph
Evidence from the story that supports your claim
Transitions that link words and ideas
You should have completed a draft of this assignment in the activity before this one. If you haven't done so, go back and complete that activity now.


You can write an essay with the claim that foreshadowing in "The Monkey's Paw" creates both tension and suspense, and then explain the reasons why.

An essay on foreshadowing

Foreshadowing is a device used by authors in which they reveal a piece of information that will later prove itself to be extremely relevant in the story. In "The Monkey's Paw," we have foreshadowing when the sergeant-major tells the White family about the curse of the paw and warns them not to use it. Such foreshadowing helps create both suspense and tension in the story.

It is not possible for us to write the essay for you, but we can give you the ideas to write one.

Introduction - Here, state that there is foreshadowing in the story and explain where it is. State that the foreshadowing helps create tension as well as suspense.Paragraph 1 - Suspense is that overwhelming feeling of curiosity. A story is thus suspenseful when readers are left curious about what events will happen next. Explain that in your own words, showing that the foreshadowing makes readers curious. Is the paw really cursed?Paragraph 2: Tension refers to the anxiety and even stress a story can convey. Explain that in your own words, and then connect it to the foreshadowing. Readers are curious, but they are also tense when they realize how lightly the Whites are taking the warning.Conclusion - Restate your claim that foreshadowing helps develop both tension and suspense in the story, leaving readers curious and tense at the same time.

Some transitions you can use to connect your ideas are:

Given thisFor that reasonHoweverIn addition

Learn more about foreshadowing here:



Which statement best paraphrases lines 11-12 from "To an Athlete Dying Young"? "And early though the laurel grows It withers quicker than the rose."
A) Success in early life is almost always overshadowed by success in later life.
B) The older a person gets, the less he or she cares about winning.
C) A laurel wreath lasts longer than a garland of roses.
D) An early victory usually fades away and is forgotten as the victor ages..


We can actually deduce here that the statement that best paraphrases lines 11-12 from "To an Athlete Dying Young" is: D) An early victory usually fades away and is forgotten as the victor ages.

What is paraphrase?

A paraphrase is actually known to be a piece of writing that is written in the words of the writer. In other words, when paraphrasing a sentence, passage or paragraph, it is very important to write them in your own in order to avoid plagiarism.

Paraphrasing also makes one to show how he/she understands the passage that he/she could write it in his/her own words.  

We see that from lines 11-12 of "To an Athlete Dying Young", an early victory usually fades away and is forgotten as the victor ages, gives us the best paraphrasing.

Learn more about paraphrase on https://brainly.com/question/5032491


In a short answer where you include textual evidence for your support, answer the following question.
The story takes place during the Franco-Prussian War. What state is Paris in at the beginning of the story?


The textual narrative begins in Paris in January 1871, at the height of the Siege of Paris, and introduces Monsieur Morissot, the Prussian and a watchmaker who has joined the National Guard.

When Morissot, who is bored, hungry, and depressed, happens to run into Monsieur Sauvage, a draper from the Rue Notre-Dame-de-Lorette with whom he used to go fishing before the war, the encounter is serendipitous textual. With a laissez-passer from their officer, the two old friends go along the river to Argenteuil, a few miles west of the city, in the area between the French and Prussian lines, and catch up over several glasses of absinthe in a café.

To learn more about textual, click here.



1.my sister is handwritings always only blank mind is a total mess.

whereas or otherwise​


Full question is given below

My sister is handwritings always only blank mind is a total mess.

Use whereas or otherwise

The correct answer is-

My sister’s mind is always only blank, whereas her handwriting is a total mess.

Why whereas is used?

A whereas clause in a contract is an opening sentence that denotes "considering that" or "that being the case." The provision provides justification for the contract's implementation and, in some situations, outlines its goal. The contract can be correctly interpreted using the "whereas" clause.

To learn more about whereas from the given link



Descriptive paragraphs would best be used for an essay that


A descriptive paragraph gives the reader a lively experience by using colourful language and detailed details of the subject. Descriptive paragraphs don't necessarily need to be personal in nature, in contrast to narrative paragraphs, which must incorporate personal ideas, feelings, and progress. Instead, the reader must be accurately and clearly described in descriptive paragraphs.

The writer must employ language that appeals to the reader's five senses—sight, smell, sound, taste, and touch—in order to offer this rich information. The writer must employ descriptive language, typically in the form of adjectives, that portrays the experiences experienced by the senses in order to appeal to these senses.

Writing a descriptive paragraph is an effective technique to share a personal experience or to demonstrate your knowledge of a certain topic. These descriptive paragraphs examples can help you succeed regardless of whether your goal is to write a personal, subjective account or a more thorough explanation of a certain subject.

In a essay, the subject is vividly and in-depth described. The subject is typically a place or item, but it could also be something more ethereal, like an emotion. Like the narrative essay, this kind of essay allows for more creativity than the majority of academic writing.

Finding ways to make your subject come to life for the reader is the key to producing a successful descriptive paragraph. Unlike in more formal essay genres, you are not required to give a literal description.

What is essay?

An essay can be described in a variety of ways, such as a letter, paper, article, pamphlet, and short story. A piece of writing that provides the author's own argument is generally referred to as an essay.

To learn more about essay from the given link



3. The phrase "All soul inspiriting fled with sleep"
from paragraph 2 suggest that the narrator
feels -
A. motivated.
B. fatigued.
C. disheartened.
D. agitated.


The phrase "All soul inspiriting fled with sleep" from paragraph 2 suggests that the narrator feels - agitated. Therefore option D is the correct resposne.

What is Agitation?

Extreme arousal in an uncomfortable state is called agitation. An agitated individual may experience stirrings, excitement, tension, confusion, or irritability.

New surroundings or the withdrawal effects of a substance can both create agitation. Agitation is not a condition, but it might be a sign of other mental health issues such as schizophrenia or bipolar disorder.

While agitation frequently coexists with anxiety or aggressive behavior, clinicians typically reserve the term "agitation" to designate only inadvertent and careless actions that stem from unease inside. These physical actions serve as an illustration of the internal feelings of the individual.

To read more about Agitation, refer to - https://brainly.com/question/13436007


Proofread the following text and correct the 3 subject-verb disagreements.

Astronomers are telling people to be especially watchful this evening, as a rare event could be making a very special appearance. The release of energised particles from the sun – coupled with particularly helpful overnight conditions – are predicted to make the "Northern Lights" visible much further south than normal.

Interviewed earlier today, Derwent University's Professor Andrew Higgins said, 'Everybody are talking about it. It's a once-in-a-decade opportunity that people really shouldn't miss.'

He added: 'The forecasts given out by the weather office enables us to know when the skies will be clear. Either 11pm or 3am will be best, and I'll be over the moon if we get some good photos.'


The three subject-verb disagreements in the following paragraph that need to be corrected are: particularly goes with condition, everybody goes with is, and forecasts goes with enable.

In subject-verb agreement, a singular subject requires a singular verb, whereas a plural subject requires a plural verb. The first sentence's "The discharge of energised... particularly... further south than normal" is the right subject-verb agreement.

The correct subject-verb agreement in the second line is "Everyone is talking... really shouldn't miss." The third sentence's "The forecasts given.... sky will be clear" is the one with the correct subject-verb agreement.

To know more about subject-verb disagreements here



. It was ............. a boring film that we left in the middle of it.

a) so much
b) such a
c) so
d) a such



the answer for your question is b.such a

It was such a boring film that we left in the middle of it. Thus the correct option is B.

What is Determiner?

A phrase that changes, characterize, or establishes a noun is known as a determiner. Determiners are frequently used before descriptive tags to help clarify what a noun refers to.

When used in front of an adjective, pronoun, or noun phrase, prepositions can be employed to present an object or to express time, place, orientation, or direction.

In the given sentence the determiner, "such a " describes the quality or features of the film that the film is so boring that they left the movie in between.

A determiner is an element of parts of speech in English. If any element of parts of speech is absent then the sentence will seem inappropriate in formation or structure.

Therefore, option B is appropriate.

Learn more about Parts Of speech, here:



to what does the speaker compare the passing of time?


The speaker compare the passing of time as the only way to "make defence" against Time with its scythe is to "breed," preserving your youth in your progeny.

What does the speaker hope will stand the test of time ?

The purpose of this sonnet is to attempt to describe the nature of time as it moves along and affects human life. The speaker claims in the opening quatrain that the minutes alternate with one another like waves on a "pebbled coast," with each one replacing the one before it in a set order.

In the second quatrain, he compares a human existence to the sun to describe how it progresses through time: at birth, it rises over the ocean, then creeps up toward noon, before being abruptly undone by "crooked eclipses," which struggle with and confuse the sun's brightness. The third quatrain describes time as a devouring beast that devours youth, eats away at beauty, and stifles young exuberance.

To learn more about sonnet checkout the link below :



3. 10) Indicate which type of order would most effectively develop each topic.
the worst tragedies of the Great Depression
harvesting an apple crop
the life of Alexander Graham Bell
the health benefits of exercise
the beauty of the Smokey Mountains
how to make a cherry pie
an autumn forest


B. Chronological is the form of sequence that can most effectively develop each subject.

How is text organization defined?

This relates to how a text is organized to highlight its key ideas and how it can facilitate understanding.

Thus, it is clear that the usage of chronological order is required since, when closely examined, the many themes demonstrate a process or the sequence in which an event occurred.

Learn more about chronological order.



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