Why did Keats write Ode on a Grecian Urn?


Answer 1

Keats wrote Ode on a Grecian Urn because he was inspired to write the poem after reading two articles by English artist and writer Benjamin Haydon.

Who is Keats?

The second generation of Romantic poets included English poet John Keats (31 October 1795 – 23 February 1821), Lord Byron, and Percy Bysshe Shelley. Only a few years had passed since his poems were first published when he died of tuberculosis at the age of 25.

They received poor reviews while he was alive, but after his death, his fame soared. The Encyclopaedia Britannica of 1888 referred to one ode as "one of the final masterpieces," and by the turn of the century, he had been admitted to the canon of English literature and had significantly influenced many Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood writers.

Learn more about John Keats



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why do people ask my advice then get mad when they dont like what i have to say provide three possible reasons why someone would write this as their status update


The people  that people get mad when given advice is that:

The person giving the advice might feel that their perspective was not valued or respected. They might feel that the person asking for advice was simply looking for validation or confirmation of their own views, rather than genuinely seeking out new insights or perspectives.

Why do people don't like taking advice?

There are a few possible reasons why someone might write that they feel angry or frustrated because someone asked for their advice but then got mad when they didn't like the advice. Here are three possible reasons:

The person giving the advice might feel that their advice was not taken seriously or was not given due consideration. They might feel that the person asking for advice simply dismissed their thoughts out of hand, rather than taking the time to reflect on what was said.

Lastly, The person giving the advice might feel that they were unfairly blamed or criticized for the outcome of the situation. They might feel that the person asking for advice held them responsible for things that were outside of their control.

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What is the tone of the poem in these lines?


The tone of a poem is the writer's attitude toward the subject or audience that you feel when you read it. The tone of a praise poem is approval. Irony is felt in a satire. Protest or moral indignation may be felt in an anti-war poem.

What is poem?

A poem is a literary work that a poet creates by adhering to this principle. Early poem on the Eurasian continent developed from folk songs like the Chinese Shijing, religious hymns like the Sanskrit Rigveda, Hurrian songs like the Hurrian songs, and Hebrew Psalms, or from the need to retell oral epics like the Egyptian Story of Sinuhe, Indian epic poetry, and Homeric epics like the Iliad and Odyssey.

Greek definitions of poetry, like those in Aristotle's Poetics, emphasised speech's functions in rhetoric, drama, song, and comedy. Later attempts focused on aesthetic qualities that set poetry apart from more objectively informative prosaic writing, such as repetition, rhyme, and verse form.

Learn more about poem



List the pronouns and identify each pronoun as a subject pronoun in the nominative case or an object pronoun in the objective case. 1. I will tell you a story about three characters in mythology. 2. They are named Daphne, Apollo, and Cupid. 3. Apollo loved Daphne, but Daphne did not love him. 4. The malice of Cupid caused the dissention between them. 5. Apollo said, "Cupid's arrows are not worthy weapons for me. ​


Cupid's perspective about Apollo in passage 1?

B) Apollo is strong in the context of war, but Cupid knows Apollo cannot defend against his arrow.

According to the given passage, we can see that the narrator talks about the role which Cupid played in bringing the love of Apollo's life to himself.

The narrator acknowledges that he is a skilled and powerful warrior but even with all his military might could not defend against Cupid's arrow.

This statement has both connotative and denotative meanings as the arrow symbolizes both an instrument of love and instrument of war.

Therefore, the correct answer is option B

What Happens in Hamlet at the end of act3?


When Hamlet enters, he notices Claudius meditating. He sees his golden chance to murder Claudius but restrains himself. He is aware that Claudius murdered King.

What happens in Hamlet's third act?

Hamlet kills Polonius in Act 3, Scene 4, accuses his mother, and encounters the ghost once more. Summary: Polonius and the queen hear Hamlet approaching while they are in Gertrude's private quarters. Polonius hastily ducks behind a curtain with the intention of listening in on the mother and son's talk.

What transpired during Act 3 of Hamlet?

Act 3's main events include:

Play about the death of the king is being performed by actors; Claudius departs in the middle; Hamlet decides not to kill Claudius while the monarch is praying; Hamlet unintentionally kills Polonius; and Hamlet informs Gertrude that Her husband was murdered by Claudius.

To know more about Hamlet act3 visit:-



What is direct and indirect characterization in a story?


In contrast to indirect characterization, which reveals character details to the reader indirectly through a person's thoughts, dialogue, as well as internal monologue.

What in a story is indirect characterization?

The technique of describing another character indirectly uses that person's feelings, motives, deeds, words, and dialogue. In order to help the reader come to their own judgments about a character, an author will employ this kind of characterization.

What distinguishes direct from indirect characterization?

Direct characterization occurs when the writer makes it clear to the reader what they want us to understand about the character. When a writer uses indirect characterization, they give the reader information about a character that helps them comprehend their personality and how they interact with others.

To know more about indirect characterization visit:



What are two types of third party coverage?


Liability and property damage coverage are the two basic types of third-party insurance.

Explain about the third party coverage?

An individual or business is protected by third-party insurance from a loss brought on by a third party. An illustration would be auto insurance that would compensate the insured in the event that another motorist damaged the insured's vehicle. Liability insurance and property damage insurance are the two primary subcategories of third-party insurance.

Any sort of insurance that covers the legal responsibility of one party to another is generally referred to as third-party liability coverage. For instance, third-party liability coverage is offered by commercial general, business auto, and errors and omissions (E&O) liability policies.

Third Party Liability (TPL) is the term used to describe the contractual duty of third parties (such as specific people, organizations, insurers, or programs) to cover all or a portion of the costs associated with providing medical assistance provided under a Medicaid state plan.

To learn more about third party coverage refer to:



What was the Brown v Board of Education case about ?


Opinion in Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, May 17, 1954; Supreme Court of the United States Records. In this landmark judgment, the Supreme Court declared racial segregation of students in public schools to be unconstitutional.

What was a issue in the case of Brown v. Board of Education?

The Brown v. Board of Education case was a landmark 1954 Supreme Court case in which the Court declared that state laws establishing separate public schools for black and white students were unconstitutional.

The case was brought by a group of African American parents and the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) on behalf of their children, who were denied admission to the public schools in their neighborhoods because of their race. The Court's unanimous decision, which was based on the principle of "separate but equal" public facilities being inherently unequal, led to the desegregation of public schools throughout the United States.

To learn more about Brown v. Board of Education, refer to:



How does the use of parallelism add to the power and meaning of this section of the speech?


Parallelism in this section of the speech adds to the power and meaning by emphasizing the ideas being presented and by creating a sense of rhythm and flow.

About emphasizing on ideas
When trying to emphasize an idea, it is important to consider the words you use, the tone of your voice, and the body language you use. Using words with strong connotations, speaking with enthusiasm, and using expansive gestures can all help to emphasize an idea. Additionally, using visual aids like diagrams, charts, and photographs can also help to drive an idea home. Finally, it is important to make sure you are speaking clearly and that your argument is well structured. This will help make sure the idea is understood and remembered by the audience.

To know more about emphasizing on ideas

Why did Phillis Wheatley go to trial?
A)To prove she wrote her poetry
B)To establish her freedom from slavery
C)To speak on behalf of George Washington
D)To argue for the right to copyright her work



a) to prove she wrote her poetry


Phillis Wheatley went to trial to prove that she had written the poetry. People thought that African-Americans couldn't write in such a complicated way. Phillis Wheatley was an American author in the 1800s. She was born into slavery and sold to her owners.

Because of the poems she wrote, her masters took her to the New World and taught her how to read and write. Some people didn't believe Wheatley's book of poems from 1773 because they didn't think a black woman could write such complex poetry. Wheatley had to show that she had written the poems, or she would have been charged with forgery.

Brainly.com/question/30243426 has more information about Phillis Wheatley.

What excerpt from Act III of Hamlet supports the conclusion that Hamlet is critical of women brainly?


Act III of Hamlet has the passage that illustrates Hamlet's derogatory attitude toward women "You have one face that God has given you, but you give yourself another. You lisp while you jig and stroll."

What happens at the end of Act 3 of Hamlet?

The turning point in Hamlet's plot happens in Act III, Scene IV, when Hamlet kills Polonius after accusing him of killing Claudius while committing a sin. Hamlet had been torn on whether to carry out his father's ghost's demand for retribution throughout the entire play.

Act 3: What does Claudius disclose?

As he kneels down in front of his own altar, Claudius tells God that he killed his sibling and made a confession.

To know more about Hamlet's opinion of women, visit:

What is the major instructional focus for students at the consolidated alphabetic phase?


In the consolidated alphabetic phase, children show sophisticated phonemic awareness, including deletion, replacement, and reversal of phonemes, as well as developing spontaneous sight word knowledge,

What does the combined alphabetic phase mean?

Children at this stage are becoming more automatic readers. Students start to recognise letter combinations and patterns (such as -igh, ai) and frequent morphemes instead of sound out each letter in a word separately (e.g., pre-, dis-, -ing, -ed). Words are not interpreted in an alphabetical sense during the pre-alphabetic stage of decoding, but rather as icons employing what Ehri and McCormick refer to as "non-alphabetic, visually prominent cues." If a person can name a few letters or recognise a few phonemes in words, they are said to be in this learning stage. We are all aware of how crucial it is to be able to sound out words. But the story will be pointless if your child doesn't comprehend the words they hear out.

To know more about consolidated alphabetic visit:



In no less than 150 words, describe some of the methods Penelope uses in The Odyssey in order to avoid the suitors’ advances. Explain why even though some of those methods are offensive, she was sometimes forced into using them.


In the story, Penelope uses weaving to avoid the suitors’ advances and to buy herself time, but the weaving is itself an image of time. The methods are offensive because it leads to waste of suitor's time.

Who Is Penelope in The Odyssey?

Penelope is a significant character in Homer's Odyssey, an epic poem written in ancient Greece. She is married to Odysseus, the poem's protagonist, and they have a son named Telemachus.

Penelope, a Greek mythology character familiar to ancient audiences, was the daughter of Icarius of Sparta and Perioboea, a nymph. The emblem of Penelope's cleverness is the device by which she tricks her suitors for three years, her weaving.

Read more about Penelope



What is persuasive essay short answer?


The argument essay, also known as persuasive writing, uses logic and reason to demonstrate that one viewpoint is more trustworthy than another.

It tries to convince the reader to adopt a particular viewpoint or take a particular action.

Simply put, what is a persuasive essay?

An essay that aims to persuade the reader to agree with you is called a persuasive essay. You are attempting to persuade the reader in one way or another by presenting arguments, research, and concepts.

What is an example of persuasion?

A non-fiction piece that aims to persuade the reader of a particular point of view is known as a persuasive text. Newspaper columns and advertisements are excellent examples of persuasive text.

To learn more about persuasive writing here:



3. A word's
meaning is any nonliteral suggestion it makes.


A word's meaning is any nonliteral suggestion it makes. This means that a word's meaning is not necessarily the literal definition of the word, but rather the connotations and associations that the word carries.

What is word?

Word is a unit of language that typically consists of a combination of letters and sounds that has a distinct meaning. It is used to communicate ideas, thoughts, and feelings. Words can be used to express a wide range of emotions, from joy to sadness, and can be used to describe a variety of objects, people, and places. Words can also be used to create stories, poems, and other forms of literature.

For example, the word "home" can mean a physical structure, but it can also suggest feelings of comfort, safety, and security.

To learn more about word

What is an effect of Gideon v. Wainwright?


Following the Gideon v. Wainwright decision, all defendants facing imprisonment—not just those facing the death penalty—were given the right to an attorney under the Sixth Amendment's provision of a fair trial.

The Gideon v. Wainwright quizlet is what.

In the case of Gideon v. Wainwright, the issue is whether or whether people accused of crimes in civil cases also have access to such privilege. The entitlement to government-funded legal representation in criminal proceedings was a question that the Judicial Branch had to determine in 1963.

What justification did Gideon v. Wainwright use?

Gideon's justification was rather simple: The Sixth Amendment recognizes the right to counsel as a basic right, and the Fourteenth Amendment extends this protection to the states. Florida violated the Fourteenth Amendment's guarantee of due process by refusing to give him a lawyer.

To learn more about Gideon visit:



A student read a brochure about the Piney Woods of Texas and learned the average annual rainfall is 40‒52 inches (100‒150 cm) each year and the humidity is typically high. The information the student read is called —
a weather forecast
local erosion factors
regional climate data
last year's weather data


If a students reads about the average annual rainfall f Piney Woods of Texas in a Brochure, the information they've is called is option C. regional climate data.

What more can be learnt about regional climate date?

A sequence of date collected overtime about the climatic conditions of a place can help locals make an educated guess and provide near-accurate information about the future climatic conditions of their area. Information about the local climate of a particular place is referred to as regional climate data.

Regional climate represents the location's long-term average of weather.

Climate data are considered the records of the observed climate conditions made at specified locations and times using specific instruments using a predetermined set of protocols.

In the excerpt, we can see that it's been observed that Piney Woods of Texas has an average annual rainfall is 40‒52 inches (100‒150 cm) each year. And that the humidity is typically high. They put this regional climate data in a brochure to inform visitors of what they should likely expect of the weather.

Learn more about climate data here;



insert ,omit or change articles where necessary:- 1 chinese is not a easy language


They insert, omit or change articles where necessary are;

Chinese is not a easy language.

Chinese is not an easy language.

What is articles?

The term article refers to a component of English grammar. The article is the sort of word used to indicate a noun. The categories of the part of speech were divided by an article. There are only the words “the,” “a,” and “an” included. There are several scenarios in which different articles are utilized.

According to the insert, omit or change articles are the sentence are:

Chinese is not a easy language.

Chinese is not an easy language.E starts with a consonant sound 'EE'

Learn more about the article, here:



How many core capabilities does the National preparedness goal describe?


The National Preparedness Goal lists 32 actions, referred to core competencies, deal with biggest national security threats. Each of these fundamental competencies has competency target associated with it.

What are the FEMA's main capabilities?

All five task areas are covered by three basic competencies: organization, public information , warning, and find appropriate. The performance of the various core competences depends in large part on these shared core capabilities, which help to unify the objective domains.

What are the three fundamental abilities?

Three basic capabilities—agility, proficiency, and community—are at the center of every data-driven enterprise. Trust, change management, and organizational intent all support the three competencies.

To know more about core capabilities visit:



Read the statement below, and then answer the question that follows it.

President Obama believes that creativity is a valuable trait for people to have.

Explain how you can tell that the above statement is true. Write a paragraph responding t
this question. Use at least two details from the passage to support your response.


Creativity is a valuable trait for people to have as it's vital in solving problems and innovation.

What is creativity?

It should be mentioned that creativity is just the propensity to come up with solutions to problems. People that possess creativity are in high demand since it is essential for problem-solving and innovation. This is crucial for developing a nation. The ability to approach a task or an issue in a novel or unusual way, or the capacity to utilize one's imagination to develop novel ideas, are both examples of creativity. You can solve difficult puzzles or come up with intriguing methods to approach assignments when you're creative. If you're creative, you approach things from a fresh angle.

To know more about Creativity visit:



How does God respond to those who are humble?


But He extends more mercy. As a result, He declares that "God resists the haughty, but provides grace to the humble." James 4:6. God is capable of receiving all of my plans.

How does God favor the humble?

God favors people who are modest because they will inherit the entire planet. The irony is that those who are humble are unlikely to want to inherit the earth. However, everything is flipped on its head in the kingdom of God.

When God humbles you, what happens?

Let God humble you, and turn from your sin. And out of his terrible mercy, he runs the universe in a way that exposes the particular sins of his people in fresh ways. By doing this, he challenges us to name specific instances in which we veered off course.

To know more about humble visit :-



“God resists the proud,

But gives grace to the humble.” James 4:6.

Above mentioned is an excerpt from The Epistle of James, which states that God treats the humble with grace.

The Christian Biblical Canon is a collection of scriptures, grouped as the New Testament and the Old Testament.

The Christian New Testament contains the book The Epistle of James. The author is said to be James, Jesus' brother and the first Bishop of Jerusalem. The text is structured within a general theme of patient persistence during difficulties and tribulations. The scripture condemns numerous sins and exhorts people to be patient.

Learn more about humble here: brainly.com/question/11656550


I thought I'd done well in my exam, but I was __________ disappointed with my result.
a- vitally



b. generally


The right answer is b) generally since the term "generally" reflects the speaker's overall disappointment with their test outcome. In this case, the other possibilities (vitally, cruelly, and primarily) do not adequately communicate the intended sense. "Vitally" relates to anything vital or necessary; "bitterly" to great animosity or hatred; and "mainly" indicates principally or mostly, none of which is appropriate for expressing disappointment. As a result, the right answer is b) in general.

Using the phrase "generally" gives a more comprehensive comprehension of the speaker's displeasure with their test result, spanning a variety of events and circumstances. It suggests that the disappointment is a persistent experience rather than a one-time occurrence. Furthermore, this decision is consistent with standard language and successfully communicates the desired meaning.

Learn more about written communication at: https://brainly.com/question/34281341

New York City is among other cities to eliminate late fees for library books that are returned past their due date. Is this new policy truly beneficial for everyone involved? Use the RACE writing strategy to create a full paragraph response.

Restate the question and give a gist answer.

Answer the question.

Cite evidence to support your answer.

Explain the evidence.

Give a conclusion.


The new policy benefits everyone, as it encourages the return of books and the maintenance of library collections.

How to put this answer in the RACE strategy?R: Is there anyone who has been hurt by the elimination of late fees for returning books to the library?A: There was no harm done in this, as with the elimination of this fee, the number of books not returned to the library decreased and users could enjoy the books for longer.C: Evidence from the text that supports this is the sentence "The goal was achieved: A wave of returned overdue materials came crashing in, accompanied by a healthy increase (between 9 and 15 percent, depending on the borough) of returning visitors. "G: So, we can conclude that everyone involved has benefited.

The cancellation of late fees was very productive for libraries, as many users with attracted books ended up not returning those books for fear of paying too high fees.

This reduced the library's collection and prevented the user from having access to other books, stimulating and optimizing reading.

This question is about the article "The Library Ends Late Fees, and the Treasures Roll In."

Learn more about the importance of reading:



Where was Jesus lived?


Archaeologists working in Nazareth, where Jesus was born and reared in contemporary Israel, have discovered the home that is believed to have been the one where Mary and Joseph raised Jesus.

When did Jesus' life end?

Jesus was born in 4 B.C. and crucified around A.D. 30 according to the PBS FRONTLINE episode "From Jesus to Christ." He was born between 6 and 4 B.C., and, according to Britannica, he died the same year as Frontline.

What language did Jesus speak?

The majority of religious scholars and historians, Aramaic, Pope Francis, and other authorities all agree that the historical Jesus predominantly spoke a Galilean dialect of Aramaic.

To know more about Aramaic visit:-



Who was the 1st God?


According to Catholicism, The 1st God is the Trinity, the One and Only God (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.)

Despite the fact that the word "Father" connotes masculinity, God is typically understood to be a spirit without a biological gender. For example, the Catechism of the Catholic Church No. 239 expressly declares that "God is neither man nor woman: he is God."

The God's name is YHWH or Yahweh, and he exists as ONE God in THREE divine Persons. The Son, who is the second Person in the Trinity, arrived on earth and adopted humanity. Yeshua, which is Hebrew for "Yahweh Saves," is his name. His name is pronounced "Jesus" in English. He is known as the "Christ," which is a title for the Messiah or Anointed One.

Learn more about God here: https://brainly.com/question/25856051


What is the purpose of writing an ode?


The purpose of writing an ode is to express emotion or to glorify or exalt something.

What is an ode?

An ode is a type of lyric poetry (from Ancient Greek:, romanized: d). Odes are elaborately structured poems that praise or glorify an event or individual while intellectually and emotionally describing nature.

A traditional ode is divided into three sections: strophe, antistrophe, and epode. The homotropic ode and the irregular ode are also included. Greek odes were originally poetic pieces accompanied by music.

They became known as personal lyrical compositions over time, whether sung (with or without musical instruments) or simply recited (always with accompaniment). The aulos and lyre were the primary instruments employed (the latter was the most revered instrument to the ancient Greeks).

Learn more about ode



someone help me “cud” used in a sentence



I want to chew the cud a little because there is a fair amount of cud to chew

Can you see God in heaven?


He is undetectable. He can be found anywhere. Furthermore, he does not live where we do. Any modification of our nature won't enable us to see God because it would necessitate a modification of His (invisible) nature.

Do canines accept death?

Similar to how people behave at a time of mourning, dogs may exhibit altered behaviour They might not be as hungry and not be as eager to play. While moping around, they might move more slowly and sleep more than usual.

Do dogs have a sense of impending death?

Dogs may not have the capacity to smell death to the same degree or for the same reasons that people believe they do, but it is true that they do have enhanced senses that allow them to detect not only impending.

To know more about nature visit:-



What are the steps in obtaining reliable information that will help answer the research question?


Determine the circumstances under which using human sources, such as interviews or eyewitness testimony, is suitable. Establish standards for rating research resources. Recognize the reasons why a lot of technological resources are unreliable.

Here are five tips to assist you in determining a trustworthy source:

Do you know where this came from? Is the source cited elsewhere or by credible individuals? How closely does the assertion resemble the main source?

There is no information present, but you can determine what factors make any given piece of information trustworthy overall. The fact that knowledge was drawn from actual experiences and validated by scientists from various fields is crucial since it ensures that diverse people can all agree on a given concept. This option seemed to be the most appropriate because, as far as I can tell, the article was on veterinary studies: It is trustworthy because it is based on numerous investigations conducted by researchers at various veterinary colleges.

To learn more about unreliable please click on below link



In order to obtain a reliable information one must check the source in four steps i.e., (A) Authority (B) Accuracy (C) Coverage (D) Currency

What do you understand from reliable information?

Reliable information must originate from trustworthy sources. A reliable source will provide a thorough, well-reasoned theory, argument, etc. based on strong evidence, according to UGA Libraries.

Why is reliable information important in research?

The significance of relying on trustworthy sources truly boils down to effective communication. If your knowledge is based on untrustworthy sources, you will not be a reliable asset to your company. Credible communication is essential for business success, which is why you should not simply copy and paste information from the internet.

As a result, obtaining information from credible sources will improve your reputation and trustworthiness.

To learn more about research visit:



to grasp it. He did not know that it was already behind him. What overall idea is Fitzgerald criticizing with this quote


Due to the nation's growing infatuation with consumer culture and misperception of the American dream as the accumulation of money, Fitzgerald condemns American society for denying Gatsby his American goal and for doing so.

What is the main message of Fitzgerald?

But Fitzgerald's major point isn't that pursuing unworthy dreams will result in tragedy; it's that doing so will only make things worse.

Nick argues that Gatsby's dream was already behind him, but what does he mean by that?

Gatsby's dream, according to Nick, was already "behind him" (or in other words, it was impossible to attain). Gatsby's continued pursuit of a better life and persistent efforts to get toward that future inspire admiration in his eyes.

To know more about Fitzgerald visit :-



please answer this qustions correctly as in academics as a highshooler

1. Achievable: Is achieving this goal realistic with effort and commitment?
Have you got the resoures to a to achieve this goal? what are they? if not, how will you get them?

2. Relevant :Why is this goal significant to your life?
3. Timely: When will you achieve this goal?
4. This goal is important because:



1) My goal is realistic and I am able to achieve it with the right amount of effort and commitment. I have everything I need, in order to accomplish this goal. The goal that I have set for myself is to make sure that I keep an "A" in all of my subjects. Another one of my goals is to be kinder to people because you never know what someone has had to deal with.

2) The goal of trying to maintain an "A" in all of my subjects will help me have a good GPA. Then I might get into the college that I want when I graduate. With enough hard work and dedication, I know I can do this. For the goal of being kind to others, I need to work on my attitude, then I'm good to go. If I feel angered at all I will do certain coping strategies to get over that feeling. This will help me when I get a job because a boss isn't going to like my attitude, and I might get fired. So it's best for me to work on my attitude starting now.

3) By keeping all "A's" I will achieve this goal in _(how many years it takes you to graduate)__, and hopefully get the college that I want. Which I should do from all my hard work. Then with my attitude towards others, I need about a month's time to get used to being very friendly to others.

4) Getting straight "A's" is important because I do want to go to college to be a _(career choice)__ and I would like if most of it was paid off, and having good grades pays that off. So then that way I don't have student loan debt, that is unbearable to deal with. With my attitude I want to maintain a job so then I'm able o save up for when I move out of the house.


I hope this helps!!!!

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