Why is Queen Victoria called “Europe’s grandmother”?


Answer 1



To this day, Victoria is called “Europe's grandmother” because of the fact that her children married into different European royal houses. Her grandchildren occupied the thrones in almost all European countries at the beginning of the 20th century.

Related Questions

The mood of Blake’s poem “London” is:

A. Mysterious
B. Grim
C. Laudatory
D. Flippant
E. Ironic



B.) Grim


The tone of Blake's poem is one of bleak and hopeless sadness at the distress he sees everywhere in London. Blake conveys this sadness at the state of London through word choice. In stanza one, words such as the "weakness" and "woe" seen in "every" face tells us that London is drenched in sadness.

Hope this Helps (✿◡‿◡)

Why to use stainless steel instead of plastic? Use in your own words.



Stainless steel lasts longer than plastic because it is corrosion resistant, and does not leach chemicals when exposed to sun/heat.


Stainless steel is reusable and better quality. Plastic doesn’t last for long and would later become stinky if you reuse it over and over again. One more thing, plastic is causing more problems in our world and has become a big problem.

true or false:
The roots in a plant get water from the soil.





Answer: Plants have root hairs on their primary and secondary roots. Plants absorb water and minerals salt from the soil with the help of root hairs. They absorb water by the process of osmosis. Osmosis is the movement of water molecules (solvent) from a lower concentration solution to a higher concentration solution through a semi permeable membrane.


Nichole's heart pounded when the coach called her off the bench. Minutes later, she kicked the soccer ball toward a teammate. Instead, it hit the goalpost and rolled into the net. Nichole's coach smiled in amazement. Which inference is best supported by the details in the text? O A. Nichole has never played soccer before O B. Nichole's team won the game. O C. Nichole unintentionally scored a goal. D. Nichole's coach never taught her to pass the ball.​



the answer is B, her team won the game.


"Nichole unintentionally scored a goal"


i got it right


It is easy enough to say that man is immortal simply because he
will endure: that when the last dingdong of doom has clanged
and faded from the last worthless rock hanging tideless in the
last red and dying evening, that even then there will still be one
more sound: that of his puny inexhaustible voice, still talking.
How does this passage contribute to the overall purpose of the speech?
A. It describes an end to humankind that is unacceptable to Faulkner, who
B. It explains why Faulkner thinks that mankind is doomed to eventual
C. It describes a dream Faulkner had that led to his winning the Nobel Prize.
D. It explains a scenario Faulkner envisions if people don't start to record
has higher hopes and expectations for humans.
their thoughts rather than saying them out loud.



I think the answer is A


he has a tone that is sad and depressing along with quotes that are as well "dingdong of doom has clanged

and faded from the last worthless rock hanging tideless in the last red and dying evening, that even then there will still be one

more sound: that of his puny inexhaustible voice, still talking."

Answer: It describes an end to humankind that is unacceptable to Faulkner, who has higher hopes and expectations for humans.

Explanation: English 11A

PART A: Close Reading (around 200 words)/ (25 marks)
Question 1: ‘The Necklace’ by Guy de Maupassant
What does this passage reveal about the different characters? Support your answer with evidence from this passage.
‘The Necklace’ by Guy de Maupassant
She had no dresses, no jewels, nothing; and these were the only things she loved. She felt she was made for them alone. She wanted so much to charm, to be envied, to be desired and sought after.
She had a rich friend, a former schoolmate at the convent, whom she no longer wanted to visit because she suffered so much when she came home. For whole days afterwards she would weep with sorrow, regret, despair and misery.

One evening her husband came home with an air of triumph, holding a large envelope in his hand.
"Look," he said, "here's something for you."
She tore open the paper and drew out a card, on which was printed the words:
"The Minister of Education and Mme. Georges Rampouneau request the pleasure of M. and Mme. Loisel's company at the Ministry, on the evening of Monday January 18th."
Instead of being delighted, as her husband had hoped, she threw the invitation on the table resentfully, and muttered:
"What do you want me to do with that?"
"But, my dear, I thought you would be pleased. You never go out, and it will be such a lovely occasion! I had awful trouble getting it. Everyone wants to go; it is very exclusive, and they're not giving many invitations to clerks. The whole ministry will be there."
She stared at him angrily, and said, impatiently:
"And what do you expect me to wear if I go?"
He hadn't thought of that. He stammered:
"Why, the dress you go to the theatre in. It seems very nice to me ..."
He stopped, stunned, distressed to see his wife crying. Two large tears ran slowly from the corners of her eyes towards the corners of her mouth. He stuttered:
"What's the matter? What's the matter?"
With great effort she overcame her grief and replied in a calm voice, as she wiped her wet cheeks:
"Nothing. Only I have no dress and so I can't go to this party. Give your invitation to a friend whose wife has better clothes than I do."
He was distraught, but tried again:
"Let's see, Mathilde. How much would a suitable dress cost, one which you could use again on other occasions, something very simple?"



1. What is the fourth paragraph mainly about? *

5 points

The reasons why phones are banned from camp

The actions that teenagers take to be able to have their phone at camp

The benefits of having phones at camp

The justification for teenagers having phones even at camp

2. What is Kimberly Fink’s viewpoint on technology for teens? *

5 points

Teens should not go to summer camps that do not allow technology

Teens will make more friends if they go to a summer camp that bans technology

Teens need technology to inform parents about how they are doing

Teens are too dependent on technology

3. What is the eighth paragraph mainly about? *

5 points

The action one camp director takes to reduce parents' fears about their children's safety at camp

The types of electronic devices that are forbidden at the Canteen Roads Teen Travel Camp in New York

The reasons parents inquire about the rules against cell phones before sending their children to camp

The Web site for parents of campers attending the Canteen Roads Teen Travel Camp in New York

4. Which statement from the article best supports the opinion that teens should stop worrying about their gadgets and go to camp? *

5 points

Dr. Michael Assel is a pediatrician at the University of Texas Health Science Center.

The lack of communication can be unnerving for both parents and campers.

"They keep you so busy [and] you are having so much fun [that you] forget about the computer."

"I just thought it was too much for me to handle," Tim admitted.

5. Re-read the following paragraphs from the article, and use context clues from the to select the most logical definition for the word apprehensive? *

5 points

Captionless Image

engaging; catchy

nervous; fearful

excited; thrilled

angry; annoyed

6. According to the article, why do experts think it's a good idea for camps to ban the use of electronic gadgets? *

5 points

Because without their gadgets, teens are more likely to socialize with other campers

Because without their gadgets, teens feel a little strange, as if a part of them is missing

Because without their gadgets, teens will likely tune out from the events happening at camp

Because without their gadgets, teens are prevented from contacting their parents and friends

7. Based on evidence from the article, what inference can we make about how being without devices impacts teens when they are away at camp? *

5 points

They have a hard time to begin with but eventually they strengthen their communication skills and form new friendships.

They grow more and more anxious by the end of their time at camp and desperately need their phones back.

Parents argue they have no way of communicating with their child.

Camps will allow teenagers to have their phones half way through their stay at camp.

8. Which detail from the text supports the claim that teens easily adjust to being without their devices? *

5 points

“Many teens find it hard to imagine going without computers, cell phones, and iPods—so hard that they're reluctant to go to a summer sleep-away camp where these things are forbidden”

“To reassure them, he gives parents his cell phone number and provides campers with a prepaid calling card.”

“It's a "shock to the system" for teens who are digitally dependent to surrender their technology”, said Anastasia Goodstein

“ He said that teens may at first feel a little strange, as if a part of them is missing, but once they get involved in camp activities, these feelings often go away.”

9. Re-read the following paragraph (11) and use context clues to select the most logical definition for the word fleeting. *

5 points

Captionless Image





10. What is the author’s viewpoint on teenagers giving up phones and devices? *

5 points

The author does not express his/her viewpoint in the article.

The author thinks teengaers should have phones and devices while they are at camp.

The author thinks that teens should have a choice about whether or not to give up their devices during their time at camp.

The author thinks that teenagers use their phones and devices too often when they are not at camp.


1: What can the reader infer from textual evidence in the last paragraph?
A: All pets with allergies will exhibit irregular behavior.
OB: A check-up will ensure that your pet will remain allergy free.
C: Allergies can affect cats and dogs at any time, and at any age.
D: Humans are more likely to be affected by allergies than animals.



OB: A check-up will ensure that your pet will remain allergy free.


This is true going by the suspicion by the person about the reaction of the pet being due to allergies. In order to resolve this issue, there is need to do a thorough medical check-up on the pet. This would help in the treatment of the allergies leading to it being allergy-free.

Read the excerpt below and then answer the question that follows:

The Book of Dragons
Chapter III The Deliverers of Their Country, an excerpt
By E. Nesbit

It all began with Effie's getting something in her eye. It hurt very much indeed, and it felt something like a red-hot spark—only it seemed to have legs as well, and wings like a fly. Effie rubbed and cried—not real crying, but the kind your eye does all by itself without your being miserable inside your mind—and then she went to her father to have the thing in her eye taken out. Effie's father was a doctor, so of course he knew how to take things out of eyes.

When he had gotten the thing out, he said: "This is very curious." Effie had often got things in her eye before, and her father had always seemed to think it was natural—rather tiresome and naughty perhaps, but still natural. He had never before thought it curious.

Effie stood holding her handkerchief to her eye, and said: "I don't believe it's out." People always say this when they have had something in their eyes.

"Oh, yes—it's out," said the doctor. "Here it is, on the brush. This is very interesting."

Effie had never heard her father say that about anything that she had any share in. She said: "What?"

The doctor carried the brush very carefully across the room, and held the point of it under his microscope—then he twisted the brass screws of the microscope, and looked through the top with one eye.

"Dear me," he said. "Dear, dear me! Four well-developed limbs; a long caudal appendage; five toes, unequal in lengths, almost like one of the Lacertidae, yet there are traces of wings." The creature under his eye wriggled a little in the castor oil, and he went on: "Yes; a bat-like wing. A new specimen, undoubtedly. Effie, run round to the professor and ask him to be kind enough to step in for a few minutes."

"You might give me sixpence, Daddy," said Effie, "because I did bring you the new specimen. I took great care of it inside my eye, and my eye does hurt."

The doctor was so pleased with the new specimen that he gave Effie a shilling, and presently the professor stepped round. He stayed to lunch, and he and the doctor quarreled very happily all the afternoon about the name and the family of the thing that had come out of Effie's eye.

But at teatime another thing happened. Effie's brother Harry fished something out of his tea, which he thought at first was an earwig. He was just getting ready to drop it on the floor, and end its life in the usual way, when it shook itself in the spoon—spread two wet wings, and flopped onto the tablecloth. There it sat, stroking itself with its feet and stretching its wings, and Harry said: "Why, it's a tiny newt!"

The professor leaned forward before the doctor could say a word. "I'll give you half a crown for it, Harry, my lad," he said, speaking very fast; and then he picked it up carefully on his handkerchief.

"It is a new specimen," he said, "and finer than yours, Doctor."

It was a tiny lizard, about half an inch long—with scales and wings.

So now the doctor and the professor each had a specimen, and they were both very pleased. But before long these specimens began to seem less valuable. For the next morning, when the knife-boy was cleaning the doctor's boots, he suddenly dropped the brushes and the boot and the blacking, and screamed out that he was burnt.

And from inside the boot came crawling a lizard as big as a kitten, with large, shiny wings.

"Why," said Effie, "I know what it is. It is a dragon like the one St. George killed."

And Effie was right. That afternoon Towser was bitten in the garden by a dragon about the size of a rabbit, which he had tried to chase, and the next morning all the papers were full of the wonderful "winged lizards" that were appearing all over the country. The papers would not call them dragons, because, of course, no one believes in dragons nowadays—and at any rate the papers were not going to be so silly as to believe in fairy stories. At first there were only a few, but in a week or two the country was simply running alive with dragons of all sizes, and in the air you could sometimes see them as thick as a swarm of bees. They all looked alike except as to size. They were green with scales, and they had four legs and a long tail and great wings like bats' wings, only the wings were a pale, half-transparent yellow, like the gear-boxes on bicycles.

What words best describe the tone set by the narrator in the opening lines? (5 points)

A. Amazed, fearful, sinister
B. Interested, entertained, concerned
C. Peculiar, odd, strange
D. Suspicious, outrageous, funny





I used process of elimination.

Answer A doesn't work because there was no "amazed" and "sinister" part in the opening lines.

Answer B doesn't work because "entertained" isn't really an adjective to describe the opening lines.

Answer D doesn't work because there's nothing "funny" about getting something stuck in your eye.

I hope this is correct.

I think C is the most appropriate for the tone.
You can use elimination to find out the answer

essay on games and sports​



Tips for Writing a Sports Essay

First and foremost, talk about a game you are interested in, or you know about. ...

Next, choose the topic wisely. ...

State important facts about the game. ...

Describe the game plan and strategy which was used in the last game.


This World by Mary Oliver Have you ever felt captivated by nature in the same way as the speaker? Cite examples from the text, your own experience, and other literature, art, or history in your answer.



joe mama


Read the excerpt from act ll scene vi of Romeo and Juliet Which is an example of a paradox within the excerpt


Read the excerpt from Act II, scene v of Romeo and Juliet.

Friar Laurence: These violent delights have violent ends,

And in their triumph die, like fire and powder,

Which, as they kiss consume: the sweetest honey

Is loathsome in his own deliciousness

And in the taste confounds the appetite:

Therefore love moderately; long love doth so;

Too swift arrives as tardy as too slow.

Which is an example of a paradox within the excerpt?


the sweetest honey / Is loathsome in his own deliciousness


A paradox is a statement that at first sounds contradictory but a closer look shows that it is true.

Therefore, the excerpt from Act II, scene v of Romeo and Juliet, there is a monologue from Friar Laurence and the paradox there is "the sweetest honey / Is loathsome in his own deliciousness*.

His unpleasant behavior at the party was abominable.

If abominate means “to hate or loathe intensely,” what does abominable mean?

not able to be hateful; loving

capable of being hated; disgusting

previously hateful; reformed

neither loved nor hated; neutral



I believe the answer is: capable of being hated; disgusting



capable of being hated; disgusting


The other answers either says the opposite of abominable, nothing similar to it, or reformed for it.

However, the second one describes the word best.

12. Which quotation best expresses the author's viewpoint about being an "also-ran"?


By explaining the concept of being an “also-ran,” the author describes someone who enjoys participating in a contest even though he or she does not win. The quotation from paragraph 9 expresses the author's positive viewpoint of “also-rans” who “finish third in a three-horse race.

Part A
How does Poe use a narrative structure to create meaning and effect in "The Raven e?
Hint: Try grouping the stanzas by similarity of events and classify them as part of the exposition (introduction to the
narrative), rising action, climax, falling action, or resolution.



He emphasizes the setting of the story by using events and powerphrases as a way to do it.



The narrative structure uses the first two stanzas to establish the setting and mental state of the narrator. The narrative structure creates a spooky and mysterious mood. The remaining stanzas build the story by describing events that create rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution.


Exact Sample Answer on Edmentum

Connotation does not refer to:
A. the meaning of a word that changes depending on someone's
B. the meaning of a word that changes depending on someone's
C. the dictionary definition of a word.
D. the feelings and emotions attached to a word.


B. The meaning of a word that changes depending on someone’s culture

According to new documents, what was Snowball’s role in the Battle of the Cowshed?

(animal Farm)



Snowball is a hero at the Battle of the Cowshed, bravely leading the animals' defensive operations to decisive victory over Mr. Jones, who tries to retake the farm.


What is the largest type of artery called
A. the apple
B. aorta
C. capillary


The largest type of artery should be B. Aorta

Take on the role of a teacher who is helping students understand Macbeth. Choose one scene from the play and create 12 to 18 annotations, or explanatory notes, to explain the meanings of words and figurative language and to analyze the poetic structure. Then write one or two conclusion paragraphs explaining how Shakespeare's language supports the tone and character development in the scene. Your assignment should include the following elements: Annotations that explain unfamiliar words and expressions in a scene from Macbeth, including the pronunciation and origins of at least two words Annotations that describe the meaning of the figurative language in the same scene from Macbeth Annotations that show the meter of three to six lines of the scene A paragraph or two examining the development of one of the scene's characters and the scene's overall tone You should have completed a draft of this assignment in the activity before this one. If you haven't done so, go back and complete that activity now.



I'm on the same exact assignment do you understand what we have to do or have the answers?


A figurative language simply means the description of something by comparing it with something else.

Figurative language simply means the words that deviate from the conventional order in order to convey a meaning that's more complicated

Examples of figurative language include simile, metaphors, personification, onomatopoeia, hyperbole, etc. In this case, it's important for you to understand the figurative languages that were used and the impact that they had on the passage.

Learn more about figurative language on:


Connotation does not refer to:
A. the meaning of a word that changes depending on someone's
B. the meaning of a word that changes depending on someone's
C. the dictionary definition of a word.
D. the feelings and emotions attached to a word.



C. the dictionary definition of a word.


Connotation is not the dictionary definition, that would be denotation, and since the question asks which answer is incorrect, it would be C.

i think it’s C?!!?!!!!

What does the Nightingale do at the end of stanza I?


The speaker wishes that through the potion of nightingales song, he might fade away into a beautiful dream world. ... The nightingales song leads the narrator into a long reverie in which he longs to cast off human consciousness so he can feel mad carefree and eternal as the bird, who is not oppressed by human anxieties.

Genesis is moving a box of books into her treehouse. How will the amount of work change if she uses an inclined plane to get to the treehouse?
The amount of work will decrease when she uses the inclined plane.

The amount of work will not change when she uses the inclined plane.

The amount of work will increase when she uses the inclined plane.

The amount of work will decrease at first and then increase.


Answer: A: the amount of work will decrease when she uses the inclined plane.


The inclined plane is a ramp. So, it will make the work easier when she pushes the books up the ramp..

(ELA) Read the sentences below. Then use the allusion to the Egyptian sphinx to figure out what a dimcult word means.

The assistant principal watched us with the eyes of a sphinx as we listed our excuses. Then she delivered her pronouncement
What does the word "pronouncement" mean?

A. an angry response

B. a wise and dignified message

C. a joke

D. a punishment


A wise and dignified message

Who reappears while Percy, Annabeth, and Grover are on the bus? How do they escape?



the math teacher and her sisters


Answer: Miss Dodds reappears and they escape by jumping off the bus.


Read the excerpt from Story of My Life by Helen Keller.
Which detail from the excerpt is a minor detail that is
not necessary in a summary?
O Laura Bridgman had dressed the doll that Miss
Sullivan gave to Helen.
O After Helen played with her doll, Miss Sullivan
spelled the word "d-o-1-1" into Helen's hand.
O Helen copied Miss Sullivan and made the letters for
doll with her hand,
The morning after my teacher came she led me into her
room and gave me a doll. The little blind children at the
Perkins Institution had sent it and Laura Bridgman had
dressed it; but I did not know this until afterward. When
I had played with it a little while, Miss Sullivan slowly
spelled into my hand the word "d-0-1-1." I was at once
interested in this finger play and tried to imitate it. When
I finally succeeded in making the letters correctly I was
flushed with childish pleasure and pride. Running
downstairs to my mother I held up my hand and made
the letters for doll. I did not know that I was spelling a
word or even that words existed; I was simply making
my fingers go in monkey-like imitation. In the days that
followed I learned to spell in this uncomprehending way
a great many words, among them pin, hat, cup and a
few verbs like sit, stand and walk. But my teacher had
been with me several weeks before I understood that
everything has a name.
O Helen learned to spell many words with her fingers
but she did not understand their meaning.


Answer: "Laura Bridgman had dressed the doll that Miss Sullivan gave to Helen"


All of the other details feature development and more information about Keller and her learing to communicate. The selected detail does not provide much value to the story in terms of content but makes the reader feel more connected to the story.




using the information, how can on business increase its productivity?



there's no information to use but.  Consider cultural fit when hiring. Your company's culture can include its values, ethics, expectations, and goals.  

Communicate clearly.  

Practice positive reinforcement.  

Empower your workforce.  

Develop your staff.  

Prioritize employee wellbeing.  

Be flexible.  

Set realistic goals.


hope this helps a little ig have a good rest of your day :)

Which version best uses a variety of sentence structures to enhance the flow
and writing style of a story?
O A. Tico sat on the curb in front of the school, and because he felt
nervous, he twirled a stick in his hand. Aunt Maricel would be there
soon, and since he knew she would ask about his trumpet, he
knew he would have to explain everything.
B. As he sat on the curb in front of the school, Tico twirled a stick in
his hand. Aunt Maricel would be there soon. Tico felt nervous
because he knew she would ask about his trumpet, and he would
have to explain everything.
C. Tico sat on the curb in front of the school. He twirled a stick in his
hand. Aunt Maricel would be there soon. He felt nervous. He knew
she would ask about his trumpet. He would have to explain
O D. As he sat on the curb in front of the school, Tico twirled a stick in
his hand. Because Aunt Maricel would be there soon, he felt
nervous. Since he knew she would ask about his trumpet, he knew
he would have to explain everything.



B. As he sat on the curb in front of the school, Tico twirled a stick in  his hand. Aunt Maricel would be there soon. Tico felt nervous , because he knew she would ask about his trumpet, and he would  have to explain everything


The version that best uses a variety of sentence structures to enhance the flow and writing style of a story is option is C "As he sat on the curb in front of the school, Tico twirled a stick in his hand. Aunt Maricel would be there soon. Tico felt nervous , because he knew she would ask about his trumpet, and he would have to explain everything".

This is the right answer because all the other options are not structured properly. Option C enhances the flow as the option is structured properly as the words also flow along well.

Answer: B


What are traits? A the struggles in the plot of a story B descriptive adjectives that tell you what a character is like C all of the events that happen in a story D the places where a story happens



B is the correct response

B character traits are descriptive adjectives

Identify the subject of the sentence
Some of the council members were angry.



I think its history subject

The subject of a sentence is the person, place, thing, or idea that is doing or being done. With this being said it is the council members

HELP ASAP please!!! Select the correct text in the passage.
Which pronouns in this excerpt from Mark Twain's "Eve's Diary" show it is written in the first-person point of view?
Stars are good, too. I wish I could get some to put in my hair. But I suppose I never can. You would be surprised to find how far off they are, for
they do not look it. When they first showed, last night, I tried to knock some down with a pole, but it didn't reach, which astonished me; then I
tried clouds till I was all tired out, but I never got one. It was because I am left-handed and cannot throw good. Even when I aimed at the one I
wasn't after I couldn't hit the other one, though I did make some close shots, for I saw the black blot of the cloud sail right into the midst of the
golden clusters forty or fifty times, just barely missing them, and if I could have held out a little longer maybe I could have got one.




The black bolt  was all tired out yesterday


I, we = First person


Just as two colors will, when carefully mixed, form a third and different color (yellow and blue, for example, produce green), so too it is sometimes possible to see in the cooperative efforts of living things a resultant accomplishment that defies description on the basis of the characteristics of the creatures involved. A description of the traits and performances of the individual members of a hive of honeybees or a championship athletic team hardly serves to describe the results of their joint efforts.
Which of the following sentences best describes this paragraph?
Make a Selection:
A. The whole is greater than the sum of its parts.
B. The race goes to the swift.
C. Two is company while three is a crowd.
D. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.





We see that in the last sentence "A description of the traits and performances of the individual members of a hive of honeybees or a championship athletic team hardly serves to describe the results of their joint efforts."

The phrases "joint efforts" and "individual members" in contrast with one another gives us a clue

Other Questions
Ms. Speer's spent a total of $120 while online shopping . Out of the total, $84 was spent just on Amazon. The rest was spent on apple. Write and equation to determine how much Ms. Speer spent at Apple. Write your equation below and determine how much she spent at Apple. A patient is prescribed 100mg/day of antibiotic for 2 weeks. The antibiotic is available in vials that contain 20mg/vial of the drug. How many vials are necessary for the entire treatment? Match each term with the appropriate phrase. Oh my god please help. A car moving has a speed of 35 m/s. What acceleration would it have if it took 5.0 s to come to a complete stop? PLZ HURRY The average adult in the US watches___hours of television each week. A. 12B. 16C. 28D. 48Please select the best answer from the choices provided. Heather works 40 hours a week and she earns $11.50 per hour. When Heather works over 40 hours, her pay is 1.5 times her hourly pay. How much does Heather earn if she works 46 hours in one week? 100 POINTS FOR SURVIVING 2020! GET READY FOR THE NEXT ROUND! alex saved $16 this month. if he decides to donate 3/4 of his savings to charity. hiw much money will alex be donating? What is the difference between an appointment and a meeting?O An appointment does not require coworkers, but a meeting includes coworkers.O An appointment is for personal obligations, but a meeting is work related.O An appointment does not have a location, but a meeting has a specific site.O An appointment is for tasks to accomplish, buta meeting is a time slot on the calendar. Match each sentence with the timeframe in which it might occur. Drag the items on the left to the correct location the right rimos vinleron. A B rimos vienen. rimos van a venir. Hoy Ayer loviendo. E F lover. una tormenta. na tormenta. haber una tormenta. Maana mo A boat is drifting to the right with a speed of 5.0 m/s when the driver turns on the motor. The motor runs for 6.0 seconds causing a constant leftward acceleration of magnitude 4.0 m/s squared. What is the displacement of the boat over the 6.0 second time interval? All stages of plant development are called? solve 3^y = 12 and find y Which of the following cities has caused the most damage to its coastline due to rapid urban development and tourismconstruction?A. BaghdadB. DubaiC. KabulD. Tehran(Edj 2021) help please need this answer quickly!! Two asteroids begin to gravitationally attract one another. If one asteroid has twice the mass of the other, which one experiences the greater force Which president was never elected as either president or vice president? A. Richard Nixon B. John KennedyC. Gerald Ford D. Lyndon JohnsonWILL GIVE BRAINLIESTTT OracionesEscribe oraciones usando la informacin disponible. Usa el presente y haz los cambios necesarios.Modelo Esta pizza / ser / tuyo?Esta pizza es tuya?X 1. Los amigos / suyo /tomar / clasesX 2. l / comer/los pasteles / moX 3. Ser / suyo / ese / maleta?* 4. Por qu / tu amigo / comprar / los zapatos / tuyo?X 5. Noem y Alicia / disfrutar / pasear / las bicicletas / suyo 3d - 5+4d +5=140 how do i solve this i need help