Why is sequencing important?

(A). It allows the programmer to test the code.
(B). It allows the user to understand the code.
(C). It ensures the program works correctly.
(D). It makes sure the code is easy to understand.


Answer 1




If it wasn't in order then the code would fail

Answer 2


C is the right answer because................


Why Is Sequencing Important?(A). It Allows The Programmer To Test The Code.(B). It Allows The User To

Related Questions

QUESTION 7 of 10: A surplus can be best defined as:
a) Having too much money to spend
b) Not having enough money to meet your expenses
c) Having money left over after meeting your expenses
d) An Actual expense


It would actually be C because the definition of surplus is having money left over after meeting your requirements.

A surplus can be best defined as having money left over after meeting your expenses. The correct option is c.

What is surplus?

Surplus means having an excess amount of something that can be stored for future use. A surplus amount is used when there is more money or anything, like food, that can be used for emergencies.

Here, in the options, the best defines the term surplus is to put or save the excess amount of money or food or other things to use in future or emergency situations.

All others are incorrect because not having enough money to meet your expenses, is the opposite of the meaning of surplus, and the others, like having too much money to spend are also not the meaning of surplus.

Thus, the correct option is c. Having money left over after meeting your expenses.

To learn more about surplus, refer to the below link:



The purpose of a windows 10 product key is to help avoid illegal installation True Or False?





A product key is a 25-character code that's used to activate Windows and helps verify that Windows hasn't been used on more PCs than the Microsoft Software License Terms allow.

Assume a TCP segment consisting of 1500 bits of data and 160 bits of header is sent to the IP layer, which appends 120 bits of header. This is then transmitted through some networks (via routers), each of which uses a 24-bit of packet header for packet transmissions. The destination network can accept a maximum packet size of 800 bits. How many bits, including headers, are delivered to the network layer protocol at the destination?



1852 bits


The total number of bits transmitted = Number of data bits + number of header bits sent to IP layer + number of appended header bits.

The total number of bits transmitted = 1500 bits + 160 bits + 120 bits = 1780 bits

Ratio of number of bits transmitted to maximum packet size = 1780 bits / 800 bits = 2.225 = 3 (to next whole number)

Therefore the number of bits, including headers, are delivered to the network layer protocol at the destination =  total number of bits transmitted + (packet header × ratio)

Number of bits = 1780 bits + (3 × 24 bits) = 1852 bits

Why is it important for element IDs to have meaningful names



  to remind of purpose and use


When a data item has a meaningful name, the name can be a reminder of the purpose and use of the item. It can also be suggestive of the range of legitimate values. It also makes error-checking easier.

If the name of it is not meaningful, this information about the item must be found in a dictionary somewhere, often a time-consuming or difficult project. Using elements with non-meaningful IDs provides opportunities for error and confusion--not something that is generally wanted.


to remind of purpose and use

#TODO: This function needs to accept an incoming message and process it accordingly. # This function is called every time the switch receives a new message. #if message.pathThrough == True and message.origin not in self.activeLinks: #self.activeLinks.append(message.origin) #if message.pathThrough == False and message.origin in self.activeLinks: #self.activeLinks.remove(message.origin)



This function is a method of a class object that checks a message path and register or update the previous messages list with only new messages.


def message_check(self ) :

If message.pathThrough == True and \ message.origin not in self.activeLinks:

Self.activeLinks.append( message.origin )

Elif message.pathThrouh == False and \ message.origin in self.activeLinks:

Self.activeLinks.remove( message.origin )

As an administrator of the Contoso Corporation, you are responsible for configuring the users’ mobile computers. You want to ensure that when a computer system accesses a public network—such as the local coffee shop, the airport, or the user’s home network—other computers and devices cannot find your system. In addition, you want to disable file and printer sharing access. However, when in the office and the computers connect to the office using a VPN client, you want network discovery and file and printer sharing available. What should you do?



What i should do is to modified or change network discovery and file as well as the printer sharing by clicking on the advanced sharing Networking and Sharing Center setting, the second step will be to modified the Public network settings and the third step will be to modified the home network settings .


Based on the information given the first step is to go to Networking and Sharing Center on my system and then click on the

the advanced sharing setting in order for me to modified or change the network discovery and file as well as the printer sharing, although this modification will have to based on the location of the network.

Second step will be to click on the Public network settings and check If network discovery as well as the file/print sharingis is in a disabled mode, once it is in a disabled mode the third step will be for me to change or modified the home network setting in order for it to help disable the network discovery as well as the file/print sharing while the last step will be to check the Domain network settings and the Work network settings which I do not need to change reason been that the setting does not need modification.

Fill in the function shopSmart(orders,shops) in shopSmart.py, which takes an orderList (like the kind passed in to FruitShop.getPriceOfOrder) and a list of FruitShop and returns the FruitShop where your order costs the least amount in total. Don't change the file name or variable names, please. Note that we will provide the shop.py implementation as a "support" file, so you don't need to submit yours. Run python autograder.py until question 3 passes all tests and you get full marks. Each test will confirm that shopSmart(orders,shops) returns the correct answer given various possible inputs. For example, with the following variable definitions: orders1 = [('apples',1.0), ('oranges',3.0)] orders2 = [('apples',3.0)] dir1 = {'apples': 2.0, 'oranges':1.0} shop1 = shop.FruitShop('shop1',dir1) dir2 = {'apples': 1.0, 'oranges': 5.0} shop2 = shop.FruitShop('shop2',dir2) shops = [shop1, shop2] test_cases/q3/select_shop1.test tests whether:



def shopSmart(orderList, fruitShops):  #function definition

   shop = fruitShops[0] #sets the shop to first item of fruitShops list

   leastAmount = shop.getPriceOfOrder(orderList)  #passes the orderList to getPriceOfOrder method which returns the total cost and saves it to leastAmount

   for fruitshop in fruitShops[1:]:  #iterates through the shops in fruitShops list

    cost = fruitshop.getPriceOfOrder(orderList)  #checks each cost or order using getPriceOfOrder method and passing orderList to it

    if cost < leastAmount:  #checks where order costs the least amount in total

     shop = fruitshop  #sets the FruitShop where order costs the least amount in total

     leastAmount = cost  #sets that minimum of order cost to leastAmount

   return shop #returns the FruitShop where order costs the least amount in total


Here are the getPriceOfOrder() and getName()) methods that is used in the above method.

def getPriceOfOrder(self, orderList):        

       totalCost = 0.0              

       for fruit, numPounds in orderList:

           costPerPound = self.getCostPerPound(fruit)

           if costPerPound != None:

               totalCost += numPounds * costPerPound

       return totalCost

def getName(self):

       return self.name

Here is the main program:

orders = [('apples',1.0), ('oranges',3.0)]

dir1 = {'apples': 2.0, 'oranges':1.0}

shop1 =  shop.FruitShop('shop1',dir1)

dir2 = {'apples': 1.0, 'oranges': 5.0}

shop2 = shop.FruitShop('shop2',dir2)

shops = [shop1, shop2]

print("For orders ", orders, ", the best shop is", shopSmart(orders, shops).getName())

orders = [('apples',3.0)]

print("For orders: ", orders, ", the best shop is", shopSmart(orders, shops).getName())

Notice that the statement:

print("For orders ", orders, ", the best shop is", shopSmart(orders, shops).getName())

has orders list which is:

[('apples',1.0), ('oranges',3.0)]

and it has shops which is a list containing two shops:

shops = [shop1, shop2]

It also calls method shopSmart by passing orders and these two shops to get the shop where the order costs the least amount in total. It has a for loop that iterates through each shop and check the orders using getPriceOfOrder method to determine at which shop the order costs the least amount in total. When the least amount is found it is set to the variable leastAmount and the shop corresponding to this order which has least amount is set to shop variable. At the end this shop is returned by the function. getName() method is used in the main program to get the name of the shop with least amount of order cost. So above print statement gives the following output:

For orders  [('apples', 1.0), ('oranges', 3.0)] , the best shop is shop1    

The entire program along with its output is attached.                                

LAB: Simple statistics
Given 4 floating-point numbers. Use a string formatting expression with conversion specifiers to output their product and their average as integers (rounded), then as floating-point numbers.
Output each rounded integer using the following:
Output each floating-point value with three digits after the decimal point, which can be achieved as follows:
Ex: If the input is:
the output is:2072 72071.680 7.125



n1 = float(input())

n2 = float(input())

n3 = float(input())

n4 = float(input())

product = n1 * n2 * n3 * n4

average = (n1 + n2 + n3 + n4) / 4

print('{:.0f}'.format(product) + ' {:.0f}'.format(average) + ' {:.3f}'.format(product) + ' {:.3f}'.format(average))


Ask the user to enter 4 numbers as float

Calculate the product, multiply each number

Calculate the average, sum the numbers and divide the sum by 4

Print the results in requested formats

What was the goal of the 2009 Educate to Innovate campaign?

A) promote and develop STEM practitioners and teachers in the fields
B) strengthen America’s global lead in scientific research and education
C) assist American students in becoming leaders in math and science
D) improve technology and attract workers to STEM occupations


The letter choices are randomized for everyone, but the answer is:

— To assist American students in becoming leaders in math and science

The 2009 Educate goal is to improve technology and attract workers to STEM occupations.

What is the main goal of STEM?

The aim of STEM education is to bring up STEM literacy in terms of knowledge and understanding of scientific and mathematical things.

Therefore, The 2009 Educate goal is to improve technology and attract workers to STEM occupations and thus bring out innovation.

Therefore Option d is correct.

Learn more about STEM from



Suppose that we are working for an online service that provides a bulletin board for its users. We would like to give our users the option of filtering out profanity. Suppose that we consider the words cat, dog, and llama to be profane. Write a program that reads a string from the keyboard and tests whether the string contains one of our profane words. Your program should find words like cAt that differ only in case. Option: As an extra challenge, have your program reject only lines that contain a profane word exactly. For example, Dogmatic concatenation is a small category should not be considered profane.



Here is the JAVA program:

import java.util.*;   //to use Scanner class, Lists

public class Main{  //name of class

public static void main(String[] args) {  //start of main function

   String sentence = "CaT and catalog are not same";  //a string

   sentence = sentence.toLowerCase();  // converts the words in the sentence to lowercase

   Scanner sc = new Scanner(sentence);  //creates Scanner class object

   List<String> profane_words = profaneList();  // creates a list of profane words i.e. cat, dog and llama

   int count = 0;  //count the number of profane words

   while (sc.hasNext()) {  //reads string as tokens and returns true if scanner has another token

       String word = sc.next();  //returns the next complete token (word) and store it into word variable

       for (String profane : profane_words) {  // looks for each profane in profane_words list

           if (word.matches(".*\\b" + profane + "\\b.*") && ! sentence.matches(".*" + profane + "[a-z].*\\b" + profane + "\\b.*") && ! sentence.matches(".*[a-z]" + profane + ".*\\b" + profane + "\\b.*")) {  //uses matches() method that identifies whether a word in the string matches the given regular expression.

               count++;  //each time if the word of sentence matches with word given in profane_list then 1 is added to count

               System.out.println("The word " + profane + " is a profane!");  //displays the word which is profane

           }  }    }

   System.out.println("Number of profane words: "+ count);  }  //displays the number of profane words found in the sentence

private static List<String> profaneList() {  //list of profane words

   List<String> profane_words =  new ArrayList<>();  //creates an array list of profane words named as profane_words

   profane_words.add("dog");  //adds word "dog" to the list of profane words

   profane_words.add("cat");  //adds word "cat" to the list of profane words

   profane_words.add("llama");  //adds word "llama" to the list of profane words

   return profane_words;  }} //returns the list of profane words



I will explain the program with an example:

sentence = "CaT and catalog are not same";  

First this sentence is converted to lower case as:

sentence = "cat and catalog are not same";  

Now the while loop uses hasNext() which keeps returning the next token and that token is stored in word variable.

Next the for loop iterates through the list of profane_words to check each profane word with the word in a sentence.

Next this statement:

if (word.matches(".*\\b" + profane + "\\b.*") && ! sentence.matches(".*" + profane + "[a-z].*\\b" + profane + "\\b.*") && ! sentence.matches(".*[a-z]" + profane + ".*\\b" + profane + "\\b.*"))

uses regular expressions to find the profane words in the sentence. The logical operator&& AND between the three expressions is used so all of the three must hold for the if condition to evaluate to true.

word.matches(".*\\b" + profane + "\\b.*")  expression uses \b to check an exact match of the word. \b is meta-character to find a match at the beginning and at the end. So this checks if the word of a sentence matches with the profane in the profane list.

! sentence.matches(".*" + profane + "[a-z].*\\b" + profane + "\\b.*") && ! sentence.matches(".*[a-z]" + profane + ".*\\b" + profane + "\\b.*"))

These two expressions check if profane does not include as a part of another word in the sentence. This solves the extra challenge. Like here in the sentence we have a word catalog which is not a profane but a profane cat is included in this. So this will not be considered as a profane.

Every time a word matches with the profane from profane list, the value of count variable is incremented to 1.

In the end the statement:    

System.out.println("Number of profane words: "+ count);  

prints the number of profane words in the sentence.

List<String> profane_words =  new ArrayList<>(); creates the list of profane words and add() method adds the words to the list profane_words. So profane_words list contain "cat", "dog" and "llama"

Hence the output of this program is:

The word cat is a profane!                                                                                                                      Number of profane words: 1

The program output is attached in screenshot


What type of volatile memory is used on small systems such as laptops?

Select the correct answer.






SODIMM is the "mini" version of desktop ram. it is smaller to accommodate the laptop's size.

the answer is SODIMM

Nancy is working on a spreadsheet in excel on a Microsoft windows system. Which statements are true about the software she is using?
A. Microsoft windows is an example of system utility software.
B. Besides system utilities, the only other type of software is application software.
C. Spreadsheet software, such as excel, is an example of application software.
D. Application software control and interact directly with computer hardware.



The explanation of this question is given below in explanation section. however, the correct answer is C.


A. Microsoft windows is an example of system utility software (Incorrect). Microsoft windows is an example of system utitilty software. But the Nancy is using spreadsheat in excel software that is example of application software.  

B. Besides system utilities, the only other type of software is application software (incorrect). It is right that besides system utlilites, the only other type of software is application software.But this option does not match and make sense about Nancy working on the software.

C. Spreadsheet software, such as excel, is an example of application software (correct). Because, Microsoft Excel (that is spreadsheet software) is an example of application software.

D. Application software control and interact directly with computer hardware (incorrect). Because, driver that are example of utilities software, directly control and interact with hardware. So, this option is incorrect. Excel is an example of application software and application software does not directly control and interact with software.


The answer is C.  Spreadsheet software, such as excel, is an example of application software.


I got it right on the Edmentum test.

Acceleration is the rate at which an object changes its velocity. It is typically represented by symbol a and measured in m/s2 (meters per second squared). Write the algorithm (steps in pseudocode) and the corresponding program to calculate the acceleration of a vehicle given the speed in miles per hour and the time in seconds. Use the formula provided below to calculate the acceleration in meters per second squared. The program must prompt the user to enter a velocity in miles per hour and a time in seconds as double precision real numbers and then display the resulting acceleration as a double precision real number. The acceleration must be rounded off to one decimal digit but displayed with two decimal digits.




INPUT velocity

INPUT time

SET velocity = 0.44704 * velocity

SET acceleration = velocity / time

SET acceleration = round(acceleration, 1)

PRINT acceleration


velocity = float(input("Enter a velocity in miles per hour: "))

time = float(input("Enter a time in seconds: "))

velocity = 0.44704 * velocity

acceleration = velocity / time

acceleration = round(acceleration, 1)

print("The acceleration is {:.2f}".format(acceleration))


*The code is in Python.

Ask the user to enter the velocity and time

Convert the miles per hour to meters per second

Calculate the acceleration using the formula

Round the acceleration to one decimal using round() method

Print the acceleration with two decimal digits

Which of these is an application? Microsoft Windows Linux Microsoft Word Apple ios​



I think it's Microsoft windows


it is microsoft word just took test

Complete the sentence.
A data ___ is the precisely formatted unit of data that travels from one computer to another.



A data packet is the precisely formatted unit of data that travels from one to another


A packaged unit of data that is transmitted along a network path is known as a data packet. The Internet Protocol (IP) makes use data packets for transmission of data in computer networks and on the World Wide Web.

The parts of a data packet includes the payload, which is the raw data, and meta data located in the header such as information on the source and destination IP addresses of the data known as routing information.


A data packet is the precisely formatted unit of data that travels from one to another


What is another way that the condition below could be written? ​ ( num <= 10 )



 ( (num < 10) || (num = 10) )


Here we have the condition as num <= 10 which means the condition gets satisfied till less than 10 i.e., (9) and condition also gets satisfied when the num is equal to 10 .

We can get same result using ( (num < 10) || (num = 10) ) because in OR when either of the input is true the output is true .

When does information become a liability for an organization



A. When it is not managed properly


when stuff is not mananged as it should then it becomes a liablilty

To view paragraph marks, click on the ______ tab, in the paragraph group, click show/hide

Question 3 options:



Page layout






Thank Quizlet, lol!

I’m nobody. Who are you?
Are you nobody, too?
The There’s a pair of us - don’t tell!
They’d banish us, you know.

How dreary to be somebody
How public, like a frog
To tell your name the livelong day
To an admiring bog!
-“I’m nobody. Who are you?”
Emily Dickinson

Which statement best sums up the meaning of the poem

A. The poet wishes for fame

B. The poet praises the common man.

C. the poet states that being a “nobody” is a terrible thing to be

D. The poet believes the unimportant people are like frogs that never stop croaking.



The poet praises the common man.


The poet states that being a “nobody” is a terrible thing to be

Who is Poet?

One of America's greatest and most creative poets of all time is Emily Dickinson. She claimed definition as her domain and contested the established definitions of poetry and the task of the poet.

Like authors like Walt Whitman, Henry David Thoreau, and Ralph Waldo Emerson, she experimented with expression to liberate it from socially prescribed boundaries.

She created a novel kind of first-person identity, much like authors like Charlotte Bronte and Elizabeth Barrett Browning.

Therefore, The poet states that being a “nobody” is a terrible thing to be .

To learn more about Identity, refer to the link:



websites in which a question appears at the top with boxes underneath that help answer the question are called?


Answer:discussion forums


I did it and got it right

Answer: discussion forums


i got it right lol

Which one is NOT an Apex Legend Character.
1. Mirage
2. Bangalore
3. Lifeline
4. Lara Croft
5. Crypto



lara croft


i think ??????


Lara Croft


She from Tomb Raider

Amy wants to adjust her camera settings so that it automatically sets the apertures and shutter speeds while still allowing her to control the ISO and flash settings. Which mode dial option should Amy choose to achieve this?

A. manual mode
B. aperture priority mode
C. program mode
D. shutter priority mode



C: Program mode


Program mode is similar to Auto but gives you a little more control over some other features including flash, white balance, ISO etc.

Here's what the others do:

Aperture priority mode:

You as the photographer sets the aperture that you wish to use and the camera makes a decision about what shutter speed is appropriate in the conditions that you’re shooting in.

Shutter priority mode:

You as the photographer choose the shutter speed that you wish to shoot at and let the camera make a decision about what aperture to select to give a well exposed shot.

Manual mode:

Everything is controlled by the photographer.

Hope this helps!

Which infection sends information to your computer through a third party


Answer: Spyware


Spyware is a blanket term given to software that gathers information about your computer and the things you do on it, and sends that information over the Internet to a third party


a viriz

Explanation: im only in 69th grade i wouldent know

In below freezing conditions, keep your fuel level at least _________ full to keep moisture from freezing in your gas line.


quarter tank at least

Need some help with Discrete Mathmatics please help urgent?


Answer: 2, 4, 1, 5, 3


P: Arguments are not arranged in regular order like the one I am used to

Q: I cannot understand         ~Q: I can understand

R: I grumble                            ~R: I do not grumble

S: Get a headache

T: Examples are not easy

Here is the logic order of the given sentences:

2)   P

4)   P →  Q

1) ~Q → ~R

5) ~R →  S

3)   S →  T

∴)   T

what is a thesaurus is best used for​




Example: a thesaurus is NOT the best resource

What will happen if you delete system32?


Search Results
Featured snippet from the web
System32 contains critical system files , software programs and they are essential to boot operating system . So deleting it will cause system failure and nothing will work properly . And if you restart your pc then it wont boot at all. You will have to do a clean reinstall to fix things up again .

What is production switching?



Production switching is one way that a business has of coping with uncertainty. Rather than having one plan that they must remain committed to, the process of production switching allows a business to adjust to new circumstances.


How would you declare an interface named Sports that has the following (show them in your answer as well): A method called jump that has no parameters and does not return anything. A method called throw that has one parameter called distance and is an integer and does not return anything. 2) [5 pts] Assuming the interface exist from 1) above. Give me the class header for a class named Football that would use this interface. 3) [5 pts] Assuming a parent class called GrandParents exist. How would you create a child class called GrandChild that would be a direct child of the class GrandParents



See explanation


An interface is declared as follows:

interface interface_name{          

   member fields

   methods  }  

So the Sports interface is declared as:

interface Sports{   }  

You can also write its as:

public interface Sports { }

Now this interface has a method jump that has no parameters and does not return anything. So it is defined as:

void jump();

You can also write it as:

public void jump();

Notice that it has a void keyword which means it does not return anything and empty round brackets show that it has no parameters. Lets add this to the Sports interface:

interface Sports{  

void jump();   }    

You can write it as:

public interface Sports {

  public void void jump();  }

Next, this Sports interface has a method throw that has one parameter called distance and is an integer and does not return anything. So it is defined as:

throw(int distance);

You can also write it as:

  public void throw(int distance)

Notice that this function has a void return type and one int type parameter distance. Now lets add this to Sports interface:

interface Sports{        

   void jump();  

   void throw(int distance);   }

This can also be written as:

public interface Sports {

 public  void jump();  

   public void throw(int distance); }

Next, the class header for a class named Football that would use this interface is as follows:

class Football implements Sports{  }

You can use the methods of Sports in Football too. So the complete interface with class Football becomes:

interface Sports{  

void jump();  

void throw(int distance);


class Football implements Sports{  

public void print(){


public void throw(int distance) {


Next we have a parent class called GrandParents. So child class called GrandChild that would be a direct child of the class GrandParents is:

class GrandChild extends GrandParents {   }

Basic syntax of a parent class and its child class is:

class child_class_name extends parent_class_name


  //member fields and methods


_is necessary for the health growth of bones and teeth fill ups​





Calcium is a necessity and makes your bones stronger. It typically comes in milk.

Other Questions
JENNY LOVES COLLECTING BILLS OF $1 AND $5. SHEHAS A GOOD COLLECTION OF THESE BILLS. ONE DAYSHE COUNTED THEM AND FOUND NUMBER TO BE 18ALSO VALUE OF THESE BILLS IS FOUND TO BE $42.HELP HER TO FIND THE BILLS OF EACH TYPE. An automobile is traveling at a constant 15 m/s, then it undergoes acceleration from that moment forward. Which statement best describes the automobile's new motion? Hi! im not sure which one this is, please help. (: What are three reasons why people moved west in the 1800s? -13 = 2x +7x -4 help please What is NOT a characteristic of critical thinkers?A. They use logic and reason when evaluating information. B. They practice important skills needed for critical thinking. C. They reach for excellence and rarely reflect on their limitations. D. They think for themselves and don't give in to peer pressure. Many people believe physical fitness is aA) trendB) fadC) thing of the past D) waste of time 2. Amy opened a savings account with $152 dollars in the first month. Afterthe first month, Amy plans on depositing 20 into her account each month.a. Complete the table showing the balance of her savings account over the courseof several months.Month Account BalanceUse variable n to write expression Two and three fifths of a number equals 26 . What is the number? The map shows the state of Washington. What do the lines within Washington indicate?A. RiversB. Highways.C. Counties. Scrooge, Inc. prepares adjusting entries only at the end of its fiscal year, August 31. Scrooge has the following unadjusted account balances at August 31. Accounts payable $300 Cash $6,100 Common stock $1,500 Prepaid rent $3,600 Service revenue $5,000 Rent expense $800 Retained earnings $300 Unearned revenue $4,000 Wages expense $600 The following facts are available for the fiscal period: The current pay period concludes on Sept. 8th, when the employee will be paid his wages of $180. The employee earns $100 before August 31st and the rest between Sept. 1st and Sept. 8th. On July 1st, Scrooge paid $3,600 to cover its rent for the next six months. On May 1st, Scrooge collected $4,000 in advance for services to be performed in the future. Scrooge completed 80% of this work before the end of the fiscal year. What net income should Scrooge report for the fiscal year Tickets to the North Carolina State Fairare $6 for adults and $2 for children under 12.If the 1st grade at Smith Elementary Schoolwent to the fair with 24 chaperones and thetotal ticket cost came to $444, how many 1stgrade students went? Which of the following is equal to 4 and 2 over 3 divided by 3 and 1 over 2? On the previous problem, you found a unit rate of ounces per box. Explain how you find a unit rate when given a rate. The Africans did not use money 400 years ago . True or false Select all the correct answers. Which two points should you keep in mind when participating in a group discussion?speak quickly to express an opinionspeak whenever you have an ideabe respectful of othersbe aggressivetake time to think before speaking what are the solutions to the equation (x-6)(x+8)=0? order the numbers from least to greatest7,5/6,2/3,0,-1/2,4/5 Stratovolcanoes - Mt. Etna, Sicily, Italy. Fly to the town of Bronte near Mt. Etna, a large mountain on the island of Sicily. You are a geologic consultant for a company that is considering building a factory in Bronte. Based on your previous work on Mt. Saint Helens and on observations that you make as you fly over the region, which of the following is the answer that you would give the company regarding whether to build here or not?a. no, Bronte is about 15 km from an active composite cone volcanob. no, a previous lava flow has covered the eastern parts of townc. bronte is about 15 km from an active composite cone volcano and a previous lava flow has covered the eastern parts of townd. yes, the weather here is great 1524helpppppppppppppppppplzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz