Why was Japan so successful in ww2?


Answer 1

In the Far East, Japan's army, navy, and air force were the greatest. In addition to skilled labor and cutting-edge weapons, Japan maintained a number of naval forces in the required islands ,Thats why Japan so successful in ww2.

What made the Japanese so eager to battle until death?

According to a US Office of Wartime Information study from the time of the war, fear of being killed after surrendering was one of the primary motivators for Japanese soldiers to fight to the death, possibly even more so than fear of being humiliated and a desire to die for Japan.

Japan offers condolences for World War Two?

The Government would like to once more convey its deepest regret and apologies to everyone who has endured unbearable suffering as so-called "wartime comfort women," regardless of their nationality.

To know more about ww2 visit :-



Answer 2

In the Far East, Japan had the best armies, navies, and air forces. Japan had a number of naval and air stations in the mandated islands that were perfectly situated for a push to the south, in addition to trained labor and modern armaments.

The 47 prefectures that make up Japan constitute the first administrative and judicial level of the nation and are directly subordinate to the national government. One "circuit" or "territory," one metropolis, 43 prefectures in their own right, two urban prefectures, and two urban prefectures are included. The first prefectures (urban fu and rural ken) were established in 1868 by the Meiji Fuhanken sanchisei administration to replace the urban and rural administrators (bugy, daikan, etc.) in the regions of the nation that were formerly directly under the shogunate's control as well as a few rebel/shogunate loyalist-held territories like Aizu/Wakamatsu. Prefectures split the entire nation in 1871 after the conversion of all remaining feudal domains (han). By the turn of the century, the 47 prefectures that exist today were created in a number of territorial consolidation waves. Many times, these are bordered by the old Japanese provinces.

Learn more about Japan here



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List the Pros and cons of the Obama administration


List of the Pros of Obama’s Presidency

1. The Great Recession ended under Obama’s leadership.

The first pieces of legislation to combat the problems generated by the economic crisis in 2007 came from the Bush Administration, but it was the $787 billion economic stimulus package that worked to get the economy back onto its feet again. This financial legislation included an extension of unemployment benefits, tax cuts, and money to fund public works projects. GDP growth turned positive just six months after.

During the first 7 months of the economic stimulus, the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act put almost $250 billion into the economy. By 2010, growth rates were approaching 4%. Almost all of the money dedicated to the economic recovery had been spent by March 2011.

2. The U.S. automotive industry was able to modernize under Obama.

Without the interventions from the economic stimulus package, almost all of the American automakers would have found themselves in a place where they would have either gone out of business or forced to file for bankruptcy. The federal government ended up taking over Chrysler and General Motors to save them, which also prevent the loss of over 3 million jobs. As part of the intervention process, the Obama administration pushed the companies toward making their products more fuel efficient. This intervention helped U.S. vehicles to become more competitive from a global standard.

3. The Obama Administration reformed health care in the United States.

The Affordable Care Act passed in 2010, changing how Americans could purchase healthcare insurance in the country. 95% of the population was able to have some form of coverage by 2014, with a greater number of people receiving preventive care to reduce the number of emergency room visits that were happening in the country.

Rising costs from the healthcare industry were threatening to overwhelm the federal budget. Before the passage of the Affordable Care Act, over 60% of bankruptcies in the United States were due to medical bills. Although the Trump Administration is weakening the rules from this effort, the period of coverage that did become available helped many low-income families see a doctor, eliminated pre-existing conditions, and allowed parents to keep their adult children on their plans until the age of 26.

4. The banking industry saw regulation improvements in eight critical areas.

The Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform Act passed in July 2010, improving regulations on Wall Street that Democrats and economic experts believed were responsible for the financial crisis in the years before. Harmful practices of mortgage lenders and credit card agencies were scaled back through the Consumer Financial Protection Agency because of this legislation. Hedge funds and banks that were “too big to fail” fell under the guidance of the Financial Stability Oversight Council.

The Volcker Rule banned banks from risking losses with money from their depositors. It also clarified which agencies regulated the institutions of the industry. This legislation also directed the SEC and the Commodity Futures Trading Commission to regulate derivatives and futures while working to improve the credit rating agencies.

5. The 2010 Tax Cuts helped to continue the economic stimulation.

Congress and the Obama Administration worked together to create an $858 billion tax cut that would help to continue the economic stimulus that was started earlier in the year. There were three primary components of this legislation.

There was a $350 billion extension of the tax cuts from the Bush Administration.

$120 billion was provided to reduce the payroll taxes of workers.

Another $56 billion in unemployment benefits were provided as well.

Businesses also received $140 billion in tax cuts to encourage them to make capital improvements, along with $80 billion in research and development tax credits. from the Middle East.

Navy SEALs were ordered to attack the compound of al-Qaida leader Osama bin Laden on May 1, 2011. This attack led to the elimination of key leadership figures in the organization, including bin Laden himself. Over the next three years, there would be a slow withdrawal of troops from Iraq, although a return became necessary thanks to the rise of ISIS in the region.

7. President Obama received the Nobel Peace Prize in 2009.

Although some Americans saw the move as one that was controversial, Barack Obama was the recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize in 2009. The Committee noted when they made the decision to offer the honor that the Obama Administration had worked to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between different people.

What was the banking reform of the New Deal?


The banking reform of the New Deal was the interventionist policy initiated by Franklin D. Roosevelt against the effects of the Great Depression in the United States.

What was the New Deal?

President Franklin D. Roosevelt launched between 1933 and 1938 a program that included:

Economic support to the poor population.Reform of financial marketsResizing of the US economyBanking reform

Two New Deals were produced, one in 1933 and one in 1935.

First New Deal

It was produced during Roosevelt's first Hundred Days. Important investments were made and access to financial resources was allowed through various government agencies.

It was aimed at obtaining short-term improvements. Its results were moderate and consisted mainly of:

Banking reform lawswelfare programsJob Assistance ProgramsAgricultural support programs.

Second New Deal

It meant a new and broader distribution of resources and power.

The second New Deal was much more expensive than the first New Deal and increased the public deficit. This new program included:

New union protection lawsA new Social Security LawAid programs for farmers and informal workers.National Recovery Administration and Public Works Administration programs created

Learn more about the New Deal at https://brainly.com/question/815650


What did education emphasize during the Soviet era?


The education during the soviet era was very good with emphasis on math, science, and engineering. The education was free but manditory. This produced generations of technology focused government officials. they also made up the soviet intelligentsia. After the fall of the soviet union, the schools began to teach language, history, and literature. The country's unstable economy has limited school budgets.

History of education in the Soviet Union 

Before the Bolshevik Revolution in 1917, more than three-quarters of Russia's population could neither read nor write. Most of these non-literates came from the peasantry and some of the workers because schools were indeed not provided for this group before the people's revolution took place. This situation changed suddenly and as a result, school became easy for everyone.

Soviet youth showed a keen interest in learning. As one of them said: “We all know that we can do nothing without knowledge.”

Knowledge opens the way to a wide variety of jobs in the arts, sciences, and young people's coveted professions.

After the revolution, Lenin told the youths, “It is not enough to understand what electricity is; what is more necessary is to understand how to apply that electricity to industry and agriculture.”

Since then, Soviet leaders have always emphasized that what is learned must have practical value for society and this has become a guideline in developing a new education system so that all schools in the Soviet Union are run by the government.

Toddlers and even babies, whose mothers work, are often placed in child care homes. For even older children there is a kindergarten.

Compulsory schooling begins at age 7 in first grade and is expected to continue in school until age 17. However, many young people, especially in the villages, drop out of school before the age of 17.

Lessons at school emphasized math and science, Russian, literature, and history. In fifth grade, students begin learning a foreign language, usually English or French. Children in non-Russian republics also learn their native language and culture. Both men and women receive polytechnic or "trade" training.

The school paid a lot of attention to vospitanie (to grow), which meant developing the spirit of communism into one's attitudes and behavior.

In this regard, teachers are assisted by two Communist Party-sponsored organizations that are active in schools—the Pioneers, for children aged 9-14, and the Komsomol (Communist Youth League) for children in their late teens and early 20s. an.

A student who has completed his 8th level can continue on to general secondary school for 2 years; pass on to a special vocational school, where he can earn a high school diploma; or looking for work and school in the afternoon.

Many young people want to continue their studies at universities or other higher education institutions, but there is only one seat available for every 5 new high school graduates. In practice, students from cities will have a much better chance of being accepted than students from villages, where the quality of their studies is much lower.

The Soviet people were proud of the fact that higher education in their country was free of charge and that students even received a stipend for books and daily necessities.

Perhaps the most important thing about education in the Soviet Union is that the country has been trying to rapidly raise the educational level of the entire population and this has indeed been proven.

Learn more about Soviet Union at https://brainly.com/question/1234280.


What is the basic premise of "Love and Responsibility"?


The basic premise of "Love and Responsibility" is sacrifice.

The basic premise of love

The basic premise for love and responsibility is sacrifice. Love and responsibility comes together this is because love makes an individual responsible for the partner or whoever the love is express towards.

Sacrifice for each other mostly explain the depth of the love and the extent to which the individual is responsible.

Therefore, responsibility is for a person that is closest and it comes with utmost sacrifice.

Learn more on love below



There are two famous photographers who focused on Indians as the subject of their
photography. How were their photos different?


The famous photographers who focused on Indians as the subject of their photography was Edward S. Curtis, whose photos were different from others depicting the portraits of Native Americans.

What is photography?

Photography is the art, application, and practice of making long-lasting images by capturing light, either electronically with an image sensor or chemically using a light-sensitive substance like photographic film.

At the turn of the twentieth century, Edward S. Curtis believed he was in a frantic race against time to chronicle the North American Indian through film, sound, and study before white encroachment and the federal government demolished what remained of their inhabitants' way of life.

Learn more about photography here:



Which part of the Declaration of Independence would a supporter of the Enlightenment most likely agree with?
Select the best answer from the choices provided.
Loyalty to a man's country is most important
Every man is entitled to basic human rights.
Every attempt beace should be made.
Every leader should have common sense.


Every man is entitled to basic human rights which part of the Declaration of Independence would a supporter of the Enlightenment most likely agree with. The correct option is B.

Which idea in the Declaration of Independence came from the Enlightenment?

A movement known as the Enlightenment focused on the function of government as well as individual liberties, rights, and reason. Natural rights are ones that are guaranteed by natural law, according to John Locke. The Declaration of Independence lists three natural rights—life, liberty, and property—among others.

Enlightenment thought is the foundation of the idea that "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" are inalienable human rights. This section of the Declaration of Independence has strong literary roots in Locke. We are said to be endowed with these rights at birth.

Thus, the ideal selection is option B.

Learn more about the Declaration of Independence here:



What were a common diversion for urban dwellers, spreading to most areas of the country by the early nineteenth century


By the early nineteenth century, industrial development, population growth, and the explosive increase of jobs in cities had become the most popular pastimes for urban residents.

Early in the nineteenth century, the rate of industrial growth was very rapid, and for economic reasons, a large number of rural residents moved to metropolitan areas. Due to this, urban problems including squalor, traffic congestion, pollution, and poor sanitation quickly got worse.

This led to the development of slums, an uptick in crime, and a rise in poverty. Due to this enormous disparity, the socioeconomic landscape miraculously changed, and the Western world rose to prominence.

To learn more about the Common diversion of urban dwellers,



How do you know that Confucius and Lao-Tzu were contemporaries?



Confucius and Lao Tzu were both seekers of spiritual truth and were also contemporaries. Lao Tzu was 20 years Confucius' senior. In his early 30s Confucius paid a visit to Lao Tzu, who was the famous author of the "Tao Te Ching" and a renowned philosopher in China.

Most battles were fought in the ___ part of North America.


If I am correct, you are asking about the Civil War. In that case, the Mideast and Midwest were the locations for majority of these battles. Although, I would assume the more correct answer would be the Mideast for the simple fact that Virginia was the host of more than 120 principal(important) battles. This makes sense because the runner-up state to this number is Tennessee with 38 principal battles. With all this information, your answer is most likely the Mideastern or just eastern part of North America.

Why did African Americans move from the South to these states between 1910 and 1930?

The housing was free.

There were fewer taxes.

There were more jobs.

The climate was better.





there were more jobs

what well-known american patriot was the lawyer for the british soldiers on trial for the 1770 boston massacre?


The future President represents the defense of the 8 British soldiers accused of murdering Boston, one disturbance in Massachusetts on March 5, 1770, while he was still young in the law profession.

John Adams, a well-known attorney in Boston who would later become the second president of the U.S., was requested to take the British on the unpleasant task of defending Capt. Boston Lancaster and the eight British soldiers. John Adams was 35 years old, and his 1770 notes are here on the Boston Massacre trials. The Boston demonstrators, called Patriots, denounced the President’s decision to seize their country by the British soldiers dispatched to Harvard in 1768 to enact the unpopular taxation laws without American participation in the British parliament.

Learn more about British soldiers here:



The right to petition the government translates into the right to:
A. Challenge the status quo; Hold current office holders available
B. Divide the government into branches
C. Will of the people
D. Permission of the people


The right to petition the government translates into the right to: Challenge the status quo; Hold current office holders accountable.

What is government translates?

Government translates as the exercise of authority over a population or area by a ruling political body. It is the set of rules, regulations, and laws established by a governing body to manage the affairs of a state, nation, or region. Government is responsible for making and enforcing laws, protecting citizens, providing services, and creating and managing taxes. Government also works to create and maintain a secure, peaceful, and prosperous environment for its citizens. Government is a key factor in ensuring social stability, economic prosperity, and civil rights.

To learn more about governing body

Which European country were the first successful explorers in Africa?



The Portuguese


The first Europeans to enter Southern Africa were the Portuguese, who from the 15th century edged their way around the African coast in the hope of outflanking Islam, finding a sea route to the riches of India, and discovering additional sources of food.

Analyze the extent to which two of the following influenced the development of democracy between 1820 and 1840. Jacksonian economic policy changes in electoral politics second great awakening westward movement.


The expansion of democracy in the Westward was inspired by Jacksonian economic policies from the 1820s and 1840s as well as the Second Great Awakening. 

The "Force Bill," which Congress approved in 1833 and which decreased the tariff while also militarily threatening South Carolina, is an example of Jacksonian economic policy.

South Carolina contended that Jackson's reauthorization of the 2nd National Bank was invalid there, thus Jackson vetoed it.

During the Jacksonian Era, white men without land ownership were granted the right to vote, which significantly increased their political influence.

Economically, American reliance on trade with Europe began to decline in favour of the expansion of domestic industries and agriculture. The Second Great Awakening's revivals are bringing people from many different religions together.

To know more about the development of democracy, click here:



The Second Great Awakening and Jacksonian economic policies from the 1820s and 1840s both served as inspirations for the spread of democracy in the West.

Jacksonian economic policy is demonstrated by the "Force Bill," which Congress authorized in 1833 and which reduced the tariff while simultaneously militarily endangering South Carolina. Jackson vetoed the reauthorization of the 2nd National Bank because South Carolina claimed it was illegal there. White men without land ownership were given the right to vote during the Jacksonian Era, greatly increasing their political power. Economically, the United States started to rely less on commerce with Europe in favor of the development of domestic businesses and agriculture. People from many different religions are coming together thanks to the revivals of the Second Great Awakening.

Learn more about democracy here:



The growth of the domestic system marked
A. a movement away from the factory system.
B. a shift toward a new form of production.
C. an increase in the barter economy.
D. a return to traditional forms of production





Which statement best describes why the South supported the spread of slavery while the North and West did not?

A. The North and West believed that the spread of slavery would be an economic disadvantage to them, while the South saw the spread of slavery as an economic boom.

B. The North had never accepted slavery as the South had to gain wealth, and northerners were the majority of people moving west, taking with them their ideas on slavery.

C. The North had seldom agreed with the South on any issue since the formation of the nation and did not want to support any cause being advanced by the South.

D. The North and West understood that a lifestyle based on enslaving others was difficult to maintain, while the South did not have such feelings.



A. The North and West believed that the spread of slavery would be an economic disadvantage to them, while the South saw the spread of slavery as an economic boom.


The issue of slavery was a major cause of tension and conflict between the North and South in the United States in the 19th century. The North and West generally opposed the spread of slavery, while the South supported it. One of the main reasons for this difference was economic. The North and West saw the spread of slavery as an economic disadvantage, as they believed it would lead to competition with cheap labor and would discourage the development of industries that relied on free labor. In contrast, the South saw the spread of slavery as an economic boom, as it provided them with a large, cheap labor force that was essential to the region's agricultural economy.

Drag each tile to the correct box. identify the european countries where each of these religions originated. huguenot anabaptist anglican presbyterian calvinist


Presbyterian-Scotland, Anglican-England, Anabaptist-Germany, Huguenot-France, Calvinist-Austria.

John Knox, a priest at St. Giles Cathedral, led the Scottish Reformed movement within Protestantism that separated from the Roman Catholic Church. This movement gave rise to Presbyterianism. The presbyterian form of church government by representative elder assemblies is where Presbyterian churches get their name. In the wake of the English Reformation and within the framework of the Protestant Reformation in Europe, the practices, liturgy, and identity of the Church of England gave rise to the Western Christian tradition known as Anglicanism. As of 2001, there were roughly 110 million members of this branch of Christianity worldwide, making it one of the largest. A Protestant Christian movement known as anabaptism can be traced back to the Radical Reformation.

Learn more about Presbyterian here:



Huguenot: France, Anabaptist: Switzerland, Anglican: Britain, Presbyterian: Scotland, and Calvinist: Switzerland is the right match.

Huguenot-France: They were an ethnoreligious gathering of French protestants. The term was typically utilized concerning those of the Transformed Church of France during the hour of the Protestant Reorganization.Anabaptist-Switzerland: They were an extremely strict gathering created from the lessons of Martin Luther and Ulrich Zwingli.Anglican-Britain: It was one of the significant branches after the sixteenth-century Protestant Reorganization. It was a type of Christianity that had highlights of Protestantism and Roman Catholicism.Presbyterian-Scotland: It was a piece of the Improved practice inside Protestantism.Calvinist-Switzerland: Otherwise called the Improved Custom, it was a significant part of Protestantism that follows the religious practices and types of Christian practice. It got its name after John Calvin.

Learn more about european countries:



The Parthenon was originally built as a
pagan temple dedicated to Athena
Christian church named after St. Parthenon
a library and treasury
both a law court and place to cast a vote


The Parthenon was originally built as a pagan temple dedicated to Athena. (Option A)

The Parthenon is a marble temple which was built between 447 and 432 B.C. during the period of ancient Greek Empire. It was dedicated to the Greek goddess Athena - the goddess of wisdom, war, arts, and literature and is located high atop a compound of temples known as the Acropolis of Athens. Its decorative sculptures are considered as high points of Greek art and a symbol of Ancient Greece, democracy, and Western civilization. The Parthenon was constructed in thanksgiving for the Hellenic victory over Persian invaders during the Greco-Persian Wars.

Learn more about Parthenon:



What was a major similarity between the social reform movement and the Romantic movement in the 18th and 19th centuries?


The major similarity between the social reform movement and the Romantic movement in the 18th and 19th centuries is Both developed as responses to problems created by industrialization.

The Romantic Movement and social reform both emerged as solutions to the issues brought on by industrialization. Societal reformers seek progressive change by finding answers to the social issues brought on by the industrial revolution. Similar to the Romantic Movement, which used literature, art, and craft to address the problem of industrialisation.

The social reform movement and the Romantic movement both emerged in the 18th and 19th centuries as solutions to issues brought on by industrialization.

Learn more about social reform at https://brainly.com/question/4289915


Where has the Supreme Court placed the bulk of the responsibility for interpreting the 2nd Amendment?


Courts have frequently ruled that "reasonable" gun laws—those that don't fully ban access to guns by law-abiding people are constitutionally lawful ever since the first cases challenging gun controls for violating the Second Amendment or comparable sections in state constitutions.

What is court?

A court is any person or institution with the jurisdiction to arbitrate legal disputes between parties and administer justice in civil, criminal, and administrative affairs in conformity with the rule of law. A court, often known as a court of law, is a person or group of people with the legal jurisdiction to hear and settle disputes in civil, criminal, ecclesiastical, or military issues.

The Second Amendment protects a private right of people to possess weapons for their personal protection, not a right of states to create a militia, according to a 5-4 majority decision that examined the Second Amendment's language and history.

Therefore, Frequently, courts have concluded that "reasonable" gun laws—those that don't outright forbid access to firearms by law

Learn more about the court here:



Why were Europeans eager to trade with Africa and Asia during the age of exploration ? explain!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i will mark you brainliest!


Along with the idea of looking for new trade routes, they also hoped to find new sources of gold, silver, and other valuables. Additionally, Europeans saw exploration as a way to bring Christianity to other cultures that lived in other lands.

What was the most explosive issue facing the United States prior to the start of the Civil


Answer: Slavery's western expansion created problems for the United States from the very start. Battles emerged over the westward expansion of slavery and over the role of the federal government in protecting the interests of enslavers.

The introduction of slavery to the West immediately posed problems for the United States. Both the expansion of slavery into the West and the involvement of the federal government raised controversial concerns.

How did slavery spread throughout the West?

Early slavery was established in the western Atlantic area as a result of the Spanish conquistadors' method of compelling indigenous work in mines or on farms. However, diseases introduced by European settlers destroyed the native population, wiping off the vast majority (if not all) of the natives in a region, prompting European colonists to hunt for more employees.

What caused the brutality?

In the 1500s, European immigrants brought slavery to the western hemisphere. When white settlers were unable to get economical labor from other countries, they increasingly depended on imported slaves from Africa.

To know more about Slavery's western visit:



What are the historical aspects of the 2nd Amendment that make it confusing for modern interpretations?



The Second Amendment to the United States Constitution, which protects the right to keep and bear arms, is one of the most controversial amendments in the Bill of Rights. It is often the subject of intense debate and has been the source of much confusion and disagreement over the years.

One of the main reasons that the Second Amendment is confusing is that it was written in a very different time and context than the one in which we live today. The amendment was adopted on December 15, 1791, along with nine other amendments comprising the Bill of Rights. At the time, the country was in the process of establishing itself as an independent nation and was concerned about protecting its citizens from potential threats, both foreign and domestic.

The Second Amendment was originally intended to provide for the formation of a "well-regulated militia," which was seen as necessary for the defense of the country. The amendment states: "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

However, the meaning and intent of this language has been the subject of much debate and interpretation over the years. Some people believe that the amendment was intended to protect the right of individuals to own and carry firearms for personal protection and recreation, while others believe that it was intended to protect the right of states to maintain a militia for the defense of the country.

As a result, the Second Amendment has been interpreted and applied in a number of different ways, leading to confusion and disagreement about its meaning and significance in modern times.

• Put the years in the correct chronological order. Start with the furthest
back in history to the most recent year.
2022 BC
90 CE
750 AD
905 CE
104 BC
1178 AD
1371 BCE
5700 BCE
416 AD
385 CE



5700 BCE

1371 BCE

104 BC

2022 BC

750 AD

905 CE

385 CE

416 AD

1178 AD

90 CE


The years are listed in terms of their distance from the present day.

The years BCE (Before Common Era) are before the year 1 and the years CE (Common Era) are after the year 1.

The year 1 BCE is followed by the year 1 CE.

The given years are listed in increasing order, starting with the furthest back in history and ending with the most recent year.

I hope this helps! If you have any questions, please let me know.

What is the social contract theory summary?


The social contract theory contends that in order for members of a society to cohabit, they must all uphold a set of moral and political values.

What is the social contract theory?

According to the social contract hypothesis, everyone in a society must abide by a set of moral and political principles before they may coexist.

Some people think that if we follow the social compact, we can live morally out of our own free will rather than because a higher power commands us to.

To maintain the longevity of the system in issue and to safeguard the persons who are a part of it, the social contract's goal is to serve the greater or common good.

As a result, moral behavior is typically governed by the social contract.

Therefore, the social contract theory contends that in order for members of a society to cohabit, they must all uphold a set of moral and political values.

Know more about the social contract theory here:



Refer to the map of Eurasia on page 626 in your text to answer this question.

Which modern country was part of the Persian Empire?


Egypt is the modern country that was part of the Persian Empire according to the Eurasia map. The Option C is correct.

What should we know about Eurasia?

The Earth is divided into regions called continents. Some continents, such as Africa, Antarctica, and Australia, have distinct demarcations and boundaries. Some continents, such as South America and North America, as well as Asia and Europe, are frequently called into question, owing to their geography and geopolitical history.

Eurasia is a large continental area that includes Europe and Asia. Except for the Arabian and Indian subcontinents and some areas near the Chersky Range, the Eurasia continent is almost entirely on the Eurasian plate.

Missing options a) Afghanistan, b) Turkey, c). Egypt d) Syria.

Read more about Eurasia



In a few sentences, describe the history of the United States of America. (Why we
are the way we are)


The history of the United States of America states that  In 1776, in Philadelphia, the Second Continental Congress declared the independence of the colonies as the "United States".

What is history?

History is the study of change over time that encompasses all elements of human civilization. History includes political, social, economic, scientific, technical, medical, cultural, intellectual, religious, and military advancements.

The Second Continental Congress proclaimed the colonies' independence as the "United States" in Philadelphia in 1776. It won the Revolutionary War under the leadership of General George Washington. The new sovereign state's borders were defined by the peace treaty of 1783.

Learn more about America here:



4. Which scientist listed below is not one of those that advanced the study of mathematics?
O Euclid
© Herodotus
O Archimedes


Herodotus is not one of the scientists, who advanced the study of mathematics.

Who created history?

Although Herodotus was much more than just the Father of History, he is known as such. And is also the first travel writer ever, he was also the world's first geographer, anthropologist, explorer, moralist, tireless investigative journalist, and enlightened multiculturalist before the term even existed.

The historical accounts that Herodotus wrote are his most famous works. He is regarded as possibly the first historian to ever exist. He makes it clear in his introduction that he wishes to keep the events as they happened so that the Greeks and the barbarians can be given credit where credit is due.

Therefore, Herodotus is advanced in the study of history.

Learn more about Herodotus from the given link.



Why did the Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act backfire?


The Hawley-Smoot Tariff Act increased import costs to the point where all except the wealthiest could no longer afford them and drastically reduced exports, both of which contributed to bank failures, particularly in agricultural areas.

Hawley-Smoot Tariff Act, also known as the Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act or United States Tariff Act of 1930, was a piece of U.S. legislation that increased import taxes on June 17, 1930, in an effort to protect American businesses and farmers. This had a significant impact on the global economy during the Great Depression. The already high tariff rates in the US were increased by the Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act. The Fordney-McCumber Act, one of the most harsh protectionist tariffs enacted by Congress in the nation's history, increased the average import tax to around 40% in 1922.

Punitive tariffs increased costs to the point that exports from some nations were prohibited from entering the American market. This resulted in retaliatory tariffs, which increased the cost of imports for everyone and caused bank collapses in the nations that implemented such levies. Within two years of the Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act's passage, almost two dozen nations adopted high tariffs that resulted in a 65 percent decline in global trade between 1929 and 1934.

To know more about Hawley-Smoot Tariff Act



What were the main points of President Wilson's asking Congress to declare war on Germany and Austria Hungary?


Wilson highlighted Mexico's attempts to form an alliance against the United States as well as Germany's breach of its agreement to halt unrestricted submarine warfare for starting a war.

What were President Wilson's 14 points?

1. Transparent diplomacy without covert agreements

2. Seaborne economic free commerce in times of peace and war

3. Fair-trade requirements

4. Reduce global military spending

5. Modify colonial claims.

6.  All Central Powers must leave Russia and give it the freedom to decide its own level of independence

7. Belgium must leave and be restored

8. The area of Alsace-Lorraine and other French territories must be returned

9. Adjust the borders of Italy

10. The chance for Austria-Hungary to exercise its right to self-determination

11. Redraw the Balkan region's borders to include Romania, Serbia, and Montenegro

12. Establishment of a Turkish state in the Dardanelles with assured free commerce

13. Establishment of a Polish state of independence

14. The League of Nations was founded

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Refer to Passage 1 of the excerpt from "A Modest Proposal" by Jonathan Swift on the Unit Test Reading Passages page to answer this question.The stated purpose of the author's proposal is to __________. What are the 3 primary foundations for information security? Listen A veterinary pharmaceutical company plans to test a new drug to treat a common intestinal infection among puppies. The puppies are randomly assigned to two equal groups. Half of the puppies will receive the drug, and the other half will receive a placebo. The veterinarians monitor the puppies. This is an example of which study method? 1. census 2. observational study 3. survey 4. controlled experiment Submit Answer What are the visual choices of composition that enhance the content in these photos? Analyze and explain each. What does resetting Outlook account do? 7) Jacob lives in an apartment. He has to tie an 185-meter long rope at the distance of 90 meter from the building to its roof. What is the height of the building?8) There is a cycle ramp at the park. The ramp is mostly used by skateboarders. The incline of the ramp is 320. The height of the ramp is 10m. How long is the ramp? HELP PLEASE :? Please someone help I will give brainiest What is the height of a box with a volume of 50 cubic meters, length of 10 meters, and width of 2 meters? Please help with this send a screenshot with the answers The manager needs 343 table settings. If theplace-mats come in boxes of 26 how manywould the manager need to order. 6. One of the examples of homologous series is given below. H HOH X i. ii. HCHCHOH Define homologous series. [1] Find the mass difference between successive member of above homologous series and calculate the molecular mass of X [2] iii.why do you think in some cases first member of the homologus series is unique than root of the member Comment traite-t-on l'opposition la Ferme des Animaux ? How did the Lend Lease benefit the United States ? Find the electric potential difference across lamp 1 if the source has an electric potential difference of 10.9 V, and the electric potential difference across lamp 2 is 4.8 V and lamp 3 is 4.8 V A barge is 10. 0 m wide and 60. 0 m long and has vertical sides. It is floating in fresh water. A load of 6. 00 mn is placed on the barge. How much does its hull sink into the water?. Write an equation of the form y = mx for the line shown below.(2,6)(1,3) Country Recommendation WorksheetComplete this worksheet to note the information you find about your selected country. Submit the completed worksheet as your assignment.Choose one country in North America (not including the United States) to research. View the map in the lesson to help you choose.Country Name:Research your selected country. Find geography information and data on its standard of living. A helpful resource is the CIA Factbook. Organize your research in the charts below.Standard of Living DataWhat is the number or rate for each of the following?Total population GDP per capita Poverty rate (or Population below poverty line) Geography InfluenceHow has each of the following influenced/affected your selected country? DescriptionWhat is it? Influence why does it matter to your selected country?Land features Water features Climate Location Natural resources In early 2022, the GDP per capita of the United States was $59,312. How does this compare with your selected country? What does it tell you about standard of living in your selected country versus the United States? Respond to these questions using at least three to five sentences.Examine the information you have researched. Decide whether you recommend this country for your family's new home. Write down the reasons you do or do not recommend it. I'm really confused on this question WILL GIVE BRIANLIST TO BEST ASNWERA biome's climate can be described by a graph of its average monthly temperature and average monthly precipitation. What information can be determined from one of these graphs? its employees a 10-percent raise at the end of the year if productivity has increased and management feels it is warranted. Quick-n-Serve must