
what is a short term effect of alcohol on the nervous system?a) cirrhosisb) stomach ulcerc) difficulty concentratingd) dehydration2. what is a proven consequence of smoking?a) arthritisb) diabetesc) lung cancerd) alzheimers3. what are anabolic steroids a synthetic version of?a) estridolb) testosteronec) dopamined) estrogen4. which question is not relevant when looking for advocacy opportunities?a) which activities would work in my school, neighborhood, or community?b) which activities would align with my personal interests and passion?c) which activities would give me a sense of fulfillment?d) which activities would provide the most compensation?5. what does the term accident imply, according to health officials?a) it was intended and malicoiousb) it was a major injuryc) it was out of ones controld) it was an error of judgment6. How can a person learn how to drive safely?a) memorize driving laws and rulesb) read automotive magazinesc) ask an older friend to teach themd) visit blogs with photos of accidents7. which statement about teens who fight is true?a) they are seeking emotional closenessb) they have a history of mental illnessc) they cannot control their angerd) they have a strong political beliefs8. what is the appropriate first aid for a person suffering from hypothermia?a) submerge the affected areas in warm water for 10 miutesb) submerge the affected area in hot water for 10 minutesc) submerge the affected area in warm water for 30 minutesd) submerge the affected areas in hot water for 30 minutes9. what is a form of cadiovascular disease?a) emphysemab) lung cancerc) type II diabetes d) hypertension10. what is a responsibilty of public health?a) insepting food at restaurantsb) providing home hospicec) maintaining sewage plantsd) tracking individuals health spending11. which health problem may be related to air pollution?a) cardiovascular diseaseb) early dementiac) gastrontestinal illnessd) breast cancer