Describe two ways Walter Raleigh promoted the Virginia project


Answer 1


Using the words strata, parallel and perpendicular and create definitions for CONCORDANT and DISCORDANT coastlines


Using the words strata, parallel and perpendicular and create definitions for CONCORDANT and DISCORDANT coastlines

Related Questions

Citing Textual Evidence
Dawson states that war makes "even the hearts of
women" bitter. How does she support this claim?
May 9th
This is a dreadful war, to make even the hearts of women
so bitter! I hardly know myself these last few weeks. I,
who have such a horror of bloodshed, consider even
killing in self-defense murder, who cannot wish them the
slightest evil, whose only prayer is to have them sent back
in peace to their own country, -I talk of killing them!..
O! if I was only a man! Then I could don the breeches,
and slay them with a will! If some few Southern women
were in the ranks, they could set the men an example
they would not blush to follow. Pshaw! there are no
women here! We are all men!
-A Confederate Girl's Diary,
Sarah Morgan Dawson
O She describes her wish to be able to fight in the
conflict like a man could
She explains how the roles of women changed
during the Civil War.
x She includes quotations from other women that
explain their feelings about the war.
She cites several statistics related to women taking
part in battles in the conflict.



whats all this i don't understand


It is a <3


Can you help me with these asap




the pink-ish one


What region is at the heart of the conflict? Describe the claim that both groups have on this region.

My assignement is about the The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict


Answer: Describe the claim that both groups have on this region. Since the war of 1967, Palestinians have come to accept the reality of Israelwithin the 1948 boundaries. The heart of the conflict was in the West Bank, Gaza Strip, and East Jerusalem.


What does this line mean?

“Attitude is a little thing that makes a BIG difference”



I think it means what it says im not for sure for sure.



I think Attitude is the way we think and feel about people, places and things; a feeling or way of thinking based on what we think influences our feelings, mental state and behaviors.


Can someone please help me with this?



ireland, England, and France


The Cathlioc church did not send any missonarys to Antartica, because no one lives there.

7. How many survivors were there out of the 30.000 imprisoned at Tuol Sleng Prison?



12 in total


7 adults, 5 children


12 people


and there was only 20,000 imprisoned

will mark as brainlist please help



The relationship between human activity and global warming could be named many things, but the true reason for global warming is the increase of humans going past numbers in which are already high as it is. Due to the carbon release from human bodies as we all live on our merry little ways, could be producing a green-house effect in which we could all be unaware of. Thus trapping heat in area in which it could be doubled or possibly even tripled if exposed to sunlight and other heat-giving existences.

Air pollution is another one. Fossil fuels are not only bad for us to breath in the lingering particles, but can also provide extra heat due to the burning of as well as possible emitting something even more dangerous for our bodies than we thing, the same goes for coal, oils, gases, and pretty much anything high in mainly carbon dioxide.

Scientists agree that global warming is caused mainly by human activity. Specifically, the evidence shows that certain heat-trapping gases, such as carbon dioxide, are warming the world, and that we release those gases when we burn fossil fuels like coal, oil, and gas.

Of course there's still electricity in which provides a source of heat as well as static. The high energy in which man-kind has been producing throughout the world for quite the number of years now, also has a part in global warming.

Three reasons for global warming are often known as

carbon pollution.

climate change.


(I dont have an answer for the second question)

If such a thing could be possible, world leaders who are well educated in what they face could even make a change still to this day. Lowering the amount of electricity humanity relies on as well as the amount and density of the burning of fossil fuels, coals, oils, and gases. Giving the heat in the sunlight as well as the heat added from human body heat a place to linger to (from all the stuff mentioned earlier). Definitely being more non-relying to such things could lower and help re-cool Earth. Gaining insight on what could help the world could actually help it heal faster, rather than destroying all the forests, mountains, fish ponds, oceans, lakes, rivers, and all the wildlife each place provides as well as the habitats for animals to live peaceful. Why don't we re-plant forests, fish for sports but release them and making sure they return to the waters alive in order to restore our water-living creatures. Most of all, rather than killing off species that have done rather nothing to us compared to what has been done to them.

Its a escape room assignment, the letters to unscramble are answer choices A,B,C,D. for each number there is a number that represents it. I have to type in the 4 numbers for the 4 questions answers which I have but I cant figure out what number is what letter.


Explanation: i think you add them to get the corresponding number

"We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men and women are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness; that to secure these rights governments are instituted, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. Whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of those who suffer from it to refuse allegiance to it, and to insist upon the institution of a new government, laying its foundation on such principles, and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shown that mankind are more disposed to suffer. while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object, evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their duty to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their future security. Such has been the patient sufferance of the women under this government, and such is now the necessity which constrains them to demand the equal station to which they are entitled. (2)"

In context, the word “despotism” in paragraph 2 most closely means





Despotism is related to tyranny/dicatorship. Which means absolute power.

Whose letters to her husband suggested increased rights for women? * 1 point Martha Washington Susan B. Anthony Abigail Adams Betsy Ross


i think Susan b anthony ???

what events led to the civil war? help please ​


• Economic and social differences between the North and the South.
• States versus federal rights.
• The fight between Slave and Non-Slave State Proponents.
• Growth of the Abolition Movement.
• The election of Abraham Lincoln.

Who did the poor turn to in order to
revolt against the rule of the



The Athenian Revolution



i think the athenian revolution sorry if not

How did the American Revolution impact other parts of the world? *
3 points
A. It led to Great Britain giving up its other colonies.
B. It made other nations fearful of American strength,
C. It encouraged other nations to fight for their independence.
D. It made citizens of other nations fearful of a fight for independence.



C. it encouraged other nations to fight for their independence

Which is an acceptable method for evaluating the validity of a historical account?

describe the historical context for the account

compare the account to other sources of information about the event

identify the approximate age of the historical account

summarize the sequence of events and main ideas in the source


maybe the 2nd one but I’m not sure

Answer: B


what are three things that Hideki Tojo did while he was in power?



military ranks. He was first appointed minister for defense and in 1941 was appointed prime minister by the emperor. however, he also kept the defense  ministry and also took over the portfolio of commerce. This made him to have a lot of powers.

hope this is correct



Tojo was found guilty of, among other actions, waging wars of aggression; war in violation of international law; unprovoked or aggressive war against various nations; and ordering, authorizing, and permitting inhumane treatment of prisoners of war


How did the expansion of slavery to the west cause conflict between the north and the south



Expansion lead to economic promise and fueled the manifest destiny but it also lead to sectional tension over slavery. The north contained a lot of abolitionists while the south was commonly pro-slavery, this increased sectional tension because each side wanted to see their ideals extended into the west.


Why was the Battle of San Jacinto, one of the battles of the Texas Revolution, important?

A. The victory by Texas in the battle convinced Spain to support them in the conflict.
B. It led to the capture of Mexican leader Santa Anna and brought the war to an end.
C. It was the first battle of the conflict and led to more than a year and a half of fighting.

D. The victory by Mexico led Sam Houston to advise Texas settlers to flee their lands.​


B, because I am right and you should believe me because I said so.

group the programs johson created into categories



Johnson tasked state and local governments with creating work training programs for up to 200,000 men and women. A national work study program was also established to offer 140,000 Americans the chance to go to college who could otherwise not afford it.

Other initiatives the so-called War on Poverty offered were:

A Community Action program for people to tackle poverty within their own communities. Ability for the government to recruit and train skilled American volunteers to serve poverty-stricken communitiesloans and guarantees for employers who offered jobs to the unemployed.funds for farmers to purchase land and establish agricultural co-opshelp for unemployed parents preparing to enter the workforce

                                      -More Info If Needed-

Johnson knew battling poverty wouldn’t be easy. Still, he said, “…this program will show the way to new opportunities for millions of our fellow citizens. It will provide a lever with which we can begin to open the door to our prosperity for those who have been kept outside.”

The Head Start program started as an eight-week summer camp run by the Office of Economic Opportunity for 500,000 children ages three to five. Since the program’s inception, it has served over 32 million vulnerable children in America.

Many Great Society programs fell under the War on Poverty umbrella.

I hope this helped please mark me brainliest!!

- Good Luck

Which effect can be traced directly to the Supreme Court's ruling in Plessy v. Ferguson?
1 Southern blacks lost their voting rights for 60 years
2 Lynching of African Americans continued into the 1920's
3 Racial segregation was permitted for nearly 60 years
4 Race riots broke out in New York and other large cities



racial segregation was permitted for nearly 60 years

9 One motivation for English, Spanish, and French colonization of the America A acquire natural resources B avoid causing war in Europe C purchase cheap land D weaken religion influence How did Samuel Adams contribute to early American history?​



the answer is B


the answer is B because no one wanted to go into a war

Which two leaders fought for control over Jerusalem in the third crusade, which resulted in a truce allowing for what to happen? YOOOO ANYON



freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee pointssss


freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee points lol

What marketing strategy was used by theaters to attract more costumers?
Flag pole sitting
Sign spinning


B or D but I have no ideas.

1. Why did the government begin to set regulations on food production and building codes in the early 20th century? What was it prompted people to react and push for protections? Use evidence from the lesson including the video on Industrial New York and the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory,
2. Why did the U.S. creation the Federal Reserve and enact the 16th Amendment? Is there a similar purpose in creating each? Explain. Provide specific details from the lesson including from the Planet Money clip.



It was to maintain and control the quality and labor treatment of the workers and the products. They wanted food regulations, especially in the meat industry and the working conditions. The sweatshop factory that burnt down was a proven statement of the lack of regulation in building to have exits and the # of people that they had in a single building/floor.Federal Reserve was created to consolidate the US monetary system. It was layed to give money for public infrastructure and etc.It was to stabilize money production and the US liquid funds.

What was one idea that the leaders of the American Revolution shared with
Enlightenment thinkers?



One idea that was shared was;


"That people have a right to overthrow their government if it exploit it people and mishandle it's power. Also that the government should stay out of economic and to allow free play of natural economic system.

what makes drinking and driving even more dangerous for teenagers than for adults?



because we already slow as it is and our brain cells have not grown yet on sum shii


What methods did some merchants in the English colonies probably use to get
around the Sugar Act, the Currency Act, and the Stamp Act?



What methods did some merchants in the English colonies probably use to get around the Sugar Act, the Currency Act, and the Stamp Act? Merchants in the colonies may have smuggled or hidden their goods, falsified their tax documents, bartered (traded) for goods, or tried to use illegal colonial money.


can i have brainlist please


How did many escaped slaves flee to freedom in the North?
A. the Trail of Tears
B. the Oregon Trail
C. the Underground Railroad
D. the Santa Fe Trail



C. the Underground Railroad

C. the Underground Railroad

Slavery was defended for many reasons in the 1800s. Which opinion best explains why some citizens of free states might support slavery? (1 point) a Slaves were needed to build railroads and new cities in the west. b Escaped slaves should not be protected by the governments of free states. c New states should be able to choose whether slavery would be legal or not. d Southern agriculture was too important to the U.S. economy to lose slave labor.



D, Southern agriculture was too important to the U.S. economy to lose slave labor.


The South back then heavily supported the US economy with their cash crops. Without slaves doing this free labor, the economy would almost undoubtely decline significantly.

Hope this helps!

This is a tough one, so take my answer with a grain of salt.

It's definitely not A or B, so I would say C.






those cities are in india and china and they traded over seas

Why did Friar Juan de Padilla and two other members of the expedition decide to return to Quivira?
A. They believed the cities of gold were still located somewhere in the region.
B. They knew the American Indians had other valuable goods, and they wanted to start a trading post.
C. They wanted to evangelize the American Indians in the region.
D. They wanted to help the Quivira fight off the constant attacks from a neighboring Kaw tribe.​


The answer is going to be D.


C They wanted to evangelize the American Indians in the region.


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