Fill in the blank with the right conjugation of the verb: Chanter.
Je (chanter) chaque jour.



Answer 1
Je chante chaque jour

Related Questions

Paul et Lucie _____ de Belgique.



Paul et Lucie sont de Belgique.




Paul et Lucie sont de Belgique.

please hel0 me with making sentences about food in french and please ad some examples
pleaseeeeeee I really need helppp​


English: I love to eat chocolate cake.

French: J'adore manger un gâteau au chocolat.

English: I enjoy eating pancakes

French: J’aime manger des crêpes

31. tu / avoir confiance / en Myriam
how do you say “do you put all your trust into myriam”?




Tu as confiance en Myriam ?

how do u say me in french​





I think, Hope this helps

How do you say "Hello, my bestie!" in French. I have a friend and shes french



Bonjour ma meilleure amie


Here’s your answer.
“Bonjour, mon pote!”

Rien n'est prêt pour la fête! Fais des phrases au passé composé.
1. Mes amis / ne... pas / aller acheter le gâteau d'anniversaire
2. Moi, Lucas, je / ne... pas encore / partir au supermarché
3. Ludivine, tu / ne... jamais / descendre à la boutique de cadeaux
4. Nous, les garçons, nous / ne... pas /venir avec les CD
5. Vous, les filles, vous / ne...pas / rester faire le ménage. Use AVOIR or ETRE



1- n'ont pas acheté

2. n’étais pas encore parti

3. n’étais jamais descendu

4. n’étions  pas venus

5- n’étiez pas restées

what does bonjou means.​


Means hello in French :)
the work bonjou means hello

why are products from other countries sold at markets in france?



the market, as a source of fresh fruit and vegetables, is an integral part of france's famed tradition of good eating, and is one of those french traditions that never died

Which of the following BEST explains the relationship between trustworthiness and integrity? A. Because people who consistently choose to do the right thing have integrity and being trustworthy is the right thing to do, most people who have integrity are trustworthy. B. People who are trustworthy usually don't have integrity because they are only concerned with doing what is beneficial for them. C. Trustworthiness is not really connected to integrity because



I think the answer is A



Your answer would be A.


Can you please make sure that all of these answers are correct and if not, please fix them. The Images below are the ones to be checked

Thank you.


The first two photos are all correct. In the last photo are you supposed to change the endings to verbs? Because if so, it is wrong

Your host sister Camille is shopping online for a new jacket. She can’t decide what color jacket to get. What color does the jacket come in?




no ans the that question



That's the answer.

11. Mets la lettre au discours indirect:

Chère Christine,
Ça va ? Moi, je vais très bien, mais c'est le stress au lycée en ce moment. Pourtant je veux écrire
une petite lettre parce que j'ai beaucoup de questions. Est-ce que tu apprends le français aussi
depuis deux ans comme moi i'aiiemand ? Nous avons une prof très sévère en allemand. Et toi ?
Ton prof de français est dur ?
En plus : Est-ce que tu as vraiment un cours de religion ? Chez nous ça n'existe pas et je trouve
ça très intéressant. Notre prof dit que vous n'avez pas de salle de permanence, alors : Où est-
ce que tu fais tes devoirs ? Moi, je fais le devoir souvent à l'école.
Une autre question encore Tu as des sœurs et des frères ? Ils ont quel âge ? Et ils s'appellent
comment ? Moi, j'ai seulement un frère, il s'appelle Stéphane et il a 17 ans.
Alors je te laisse maintenant. Ecris vite !!!
Bisous Monique



yes is your answer if you need more help tell me:)

Complétez les petites annonces. Titre : Fonctions : rencontrer les gens, couvrir des événements, écrire des textes Langues : français, anglais Conditions d'emploi : 35 heures par semaine Contactez la Directrice Générale, 382 Boulevard du Nord, Paris. Can someone tell me the answer?



whats the answer i forgot how to do french

Fill in the blank directions: Help your classmate Romane send an e-mail to her new e-pal by inserting the correct definite articles in Romane's e-mail below.

Je m'apelle Romane Bourrigault. J'ai quinze ans. Et toi? Tu as quel âge? Tu aimes __1____ école? Moi, j'aime bien ___2__ maths et ___3__ anglais. Tu aimes lire? J'aime bien lire ____4__ journal, mais je n'aime pas lire ___5___ bands dessinées. J'adore ____6__ musique modern et j'aime écouter _7____ radio. Et toi?

A plus tard!



1. à l’
2. les
3. l’
4. du (?)
5. des
6. la
7. la

Choose the write answer:
John (manger) de la pizza.
O John mange de la pizza.
O John manges de la pizza.
O John manger de la pizza.


John manages de la pizza


John mange de la pizza.


Elle/Il/On = e /verb -er






Nous cherchons quelqu'un d'intelligent.

Nous cherchons quelqu’un d’intelligent

complete the following sentences with un, une, des, or de.

1. Il y a télé et ordinateur.

2. Il y a chaises dans la classe?

3. Il n’y a pas fenêtres dans la classe de Mia.

4. Il y a filles mais il n’y a pas garçons.

5. Est-ce qu’il y a lecteur de DVD dans la classe?

6. Il n’y a pas bureaux dans la classe.

7. Il y a cartes et tableau dans la classe.

8. Il y a élèves mais il n’y a pas professeur.

9. Il n’y a pas DVD.


1- il y a une télé et un ordinateur
2- il y a des chaises dans la classe ?
3- il n’y a pas de fenêtre dans la classe de Mia
4- il y’a des filles mais il n’y a pas de garçons
5- est-ce qu’il y’a un lecteur de DVD dans la classe ?
6- il n’y a pas de bureaux dans la classe
7- il y’a des cartes et des tableaux dans la classe
8- il y’a des élèves mais il n’y a pas de professeur
9- il n’y a pas de DVD

Question: PLEASE HELP!!!
The lines of this conversation are given in the wrong order. Write them out correctly.
A: Excusez-moi, vous parlez
B: On dit: "merci."
A: Ah bon, alors merci!
A: Comment dit-on "thank you" en
B: Oui, un peu.
B: Il n'y a pas de quoi.


A. Excusez-moi, vous parlez anglais?

B. Oui, un peu.

A. Comment dit-on "thank you" en français?

B. On dit: "merci."

A. Ah bon, alors merci!

B.  Il n'y a pas de quoi.

Which of the following words would NOT be associated with an injury?
la blessure





Because it means getting bigger and it is the one that is less related to the word Injury.

Answer: Grossir is right.

Explanation: The answer below is the right answer.

Decide if the following sentence is contextually CORRECT or INCORRECT.
Oliver se brosse les lèvres tous les matins.
O Correct
O Incorrect





This means: " Oliver brushes his lips every morning." The correct answer would be "se brosse les dents".

Select the correct answer.
Which personality trait best fits this description?
Il a une personnalité très drôle.
B. sympathique
OC. généreuse





Timide means shy

Sympathique means sweet and caring

Generous means nice and generous

Amusant means fun

Well I know I’m late but the answer is amusant.

Pierre ne parle pas avec tout le monde. Il est tres ______.

A. Triste

B. Sympathique

C. Timide

D. Sportive


i think the answer is Triste
C, timide because it says my dad does talk to anyone beachside he is shy

Can someone please help me w this ASAP?!


Students in France go to school four days a week. School normally starts at around 8:30 in the morning and ends at around 4:30 in the afternoon, and students receive two breaks during the day. Twelve courses are taken, including mathematics, a foreign language, and physics. Students spend up four or five hours on homework each night. Uniforms have not been required in schools since 1968, but some boarding schools still have them. Sports are not really a big thing in France; if children do sports they are normally only with the community they live in.

In the United States, students go to school for twelve years, with three different stages also: elementary school, middle school, and high school. Elementary school usually consists of grades kindergarten through fifth, however, the grade levels can vary. Middle school contains grades six through eighth.  High school goes through twelfth grade, and college tuitions can average from $9,139 to $31,231.

School runs Monday through Friday, starting at 8:30 in the morning and ending around 3:00, with students getting a small break for lunch. The subjects vary depending on the grade level, however, there are four core classes–math, science, language arts, and history. In middle school and high school, students have some choice in the classes they take. Sports are very common.

Children in the United States do not tend to spend as much time on homework. Uniforms are also not required in America, but, similar to France, some schools still have them.


In France, school meals are planned two months in advance. The school menu consists of a wide range of vegetables, different kinds of fish, and a very large variety of cheese.  The management staff is cautious of sugar intake and making sure the meal is balanced with proteins, fruits, vegetables, and complex carbs. To make the meal healthier, children do not consume pre-packaged fruit or vegetables, and soups are prepared the day of, not days prior. Studies have shown that healthier eating habits result in better educational outcomes and less sick days.

On the contrary, students across America are consuming foods that are high in sugar, fat, and salt. Experts say this is contributing to obesity tremendously, and that it later leads to children doing poorly in school. Additionally, students’ eating habits are not monitored, so many of their lunches consist solely of snacks, and some do not eat at all. Despite being allowed to bring lunches from home, numerous children buy their lunch, and the number of those who pack decreases as they age.

Students in the U.S.A have the option to bring a packed lunch from home, however, the number of those who do so decreases as they age.

Kids in France receive a two hour lunch break. According to Eric Rimm, professor of epidemiology and nutrition,”Kids learn a lot at school. They should also learn how to eat slowly and enjoy their food.”

On the other hand, in America, lunch periods last around thirty minutes, which does not give students enough time to digest their food. Kids who have to buy their lunch often have to wait in a long line before they can even purchase their lunch, which takes up ten-to-fifty minutes.

Lunches in the United States can range anywhere from two dollars and seventy cents to three dollars and ten cents. In Paris, France, some families can pay up to seven dollars.

Students are discouraged from bringing their own lunches from home in France. They have a strict policy on portion sizes the students are allowed to eat, the cooking methods. Students are only allowed to have fried foods once a month. Schools deny students being able to serve themselves freely with their own choice of condiments (ketchup,mustard,barbecue sauce,..etc). At lunch, the children drink water only. The dairy expectations are met with cheese and yogurt meaning the students did not get anymore diary during that lunch period.

Both countries have their own unique way of teaching, cooking their food, and creating the schedule that the children use everyday in their daily lives.

I don’t understand any of this well, can somebody help.



its french



1. Death



Fill in the blank with the French word that best completes the sentence.

Le père de ma mère est ___________.

mon père
mon fils
mon oncle
mon grand-père



mon oncle


“ Mon grand- père”because it says my mom’s dad is my what which is grandpa.

Tu es
Oui. Je
suis de
Oui. Je suis
de Dallas.
Je m'appelle
Tu es américain?



Answer: I totally agree with the one on top.

Explanation: Good luck.


the one on top


HELP solve part a for me I don’t understand it


1. où
2. combien
3. que
4. comment
5. pourquoi
6. quand
7. qui

ll est sept heures et demie I need to know what time it is I think its 7h50



ll est sept heures et demie : 7h30

11 CH1 Grammaire 2
Select the correct article to complete each of the sentences below. (10 points)
1. Dans la classe, il y a élèves.
a. un
b. de
c. des



1. Dans la classe, il y a "des" élèves.

c. des

Hier, ............................................ des CD ; aujourd'hui, j'écoute la radio.
2. Hier, ............................................. le flamenco ; aujourd'hui, nous dansons le rock.
3. Hier, ............................................ au basket ; aujourd'hui, il joue à la pétanque.
4. Hier, ...................................... des sandwichs ; aujourd'hui, vous mangez une pizza. 5. Hier, .......................................... tes livres ; aujourd'hui, tu ranges tes vêtements.



1. Hier, j'ai écouté des CD--------------

2. Hier, nous avons dansé le flamenco ; ---------------

3. Hier, il a joué au basket ; --------------------

4. Hier, vous avez mangé des sandwichs ; ------------------

5. Hier, tu as rangé tes livres,-------------

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