hich best describes why investing can be such a challenge?

All investments involve major risks.
There is never a sure way to predict the likelihood of success.
There are no guaranteed investments.
The market is totally unpredictable.


Answer 1


C. There are no guaranteed investments.


Answer 2

C)There are no guaranteed investments.

How do investments work?

Within the maximum straightforward experience, making an investment works when you buy an asset at a low rate and promote it at a better fee. This form of going back in your funding is known as capital gain. Income returns via selling assets for an income—or figuring out your capital gains—is one way to make cash investing.

Earlier than you're making any decision, recall these areas of importance:

Draw a personal financial roadmap. Evaluate your comfort zone in taking on risks. Consider an appropriate mix of investments. Be careful if investing heavily in shares of employer's stock or any individual stock. Create and maintain an emergency fund.

Short-time period Investments also are called marketable securities. Investments in marketable securities without difficulty convertible to coins that an enterprise plans to maintain for 1 yr or much less. They allow the employer to invest cash for a quick time frame and earn a return till coins is needed.

Learn more about Investments here: https://brainly.com/question/1305349


Related Questions

Which of the following occurred on the home front during World War One?
African-Americans were extended universal suffrage, even in the South
Most Americans refused to support the war and Congress moved to impeach President Wilson
C Americans were asked to buy Liberty Bonds and the rationing of essential materials was instituted
D. O An economic recession occurred causing many people to lose their jobs


Answer: C Americans were asked to buy Liberty Bonds and the rationing of essential materials was instituted


The United States was able to finance both World Wars in part by selling war bonds to her citizens. In WWI they sold Liberty bonds and in associating it with American victory, made it a symbol representative of one's patriotic duty.

As Europe was being devastated by war and could not produce much of its own food, the Americans can to step up and do more of that. This led to the rationing of essential materials.

Which of the following influences our paradigm or worldview?

Choose the best definition for the following terms.
Family and friends
Cultural values
All choices are correct




it's B

Its D, everything has a say on our views

The most radical phase of the French Revolution that followed the execution of the king and queen
and oppressive rule of Maximilien Robespierre is known as the

Reign of Terror


Thermidorian Reaction

Glorious Revolution



Reign of Terror


In the aftermath of the French Revolution, there was a series of public executions that was a violent response to any person who was opposed to the revolutionary ideas. This is known as Reign of Terror . It was lead mostly by Maximilien Robespierre, one of the leading figures of the Revolution and it ended after he and his allies were arrested and killed.

The most notable was the execution on the guillotine of Queen Marie Antoinette, but there were around 170 000 people killed in total. Many were victims of the massacres (like prisoners killed in the September Massacre), and some were first allied with Robespierre and executed after trying to oppose him and his rulership.


 Reign of Terror


D is citizenship for Mexicans who lived in Texas



i think its D because the whole war started when mexico considered Mexican territory since the government did not recognize the Velasco treaty signed by Mexican General Antonio López de Santa Anna when he was a prisoner of the Texian Army during the 1836 Texas Revolution.



The answer should be C


The excerpt below from the Declaration of Independence describes the natural rights that all people have and the circumstances that justify people overthrowing their government.

Answer both following questions in paragraph form. Support your ideas with facts from the unit. Be sure to answer in complete sentences.

Were the South American revolutionaries justified in fighting wars for independence?
How successful were the new nations in protecting individual rights?

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights . . . life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. —That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, —That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government. . . . Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes. . . . But when a long train of abuses . . . [shows an intent] to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security."



what did you say


What would today be like if Carthage had won and conquered the Roman lands?



The Carthaginian Empire would have united itself as the most impressive power in the Western Mediterranean though Rome would have been hindered from growing further, yet I assume that they actually would have had the option to do battle with the Greeks and Macedonians since there were at that point Roman powers arranged in Greece at those occasions. Nonetheless, with Rome's annihilation in the West, the Romans will be unable to grow to Spain, where they would have the majority of their future great heads.  

The Celtic clans of Gaul and Spain would have grown all the more gradually when contrasted with what the Romans would have had the option to do as Roman law, foundation, organization, training, osmosis would have not been actualized. Western Europe would in any case be a savage and ignoble spot, changing like the status of the Germanic clans, continually at battle for assets.  

The future Frankish, Ostrogothic,Visigothic, Lombard and Burgundian clans would have had a considerably more difficult battle in involving the spots they would possess in our course of events, yet to the extent I see it, they would've likely consolidated or acclimatized with the Celtic populace, framing a Celtic-Germanic populace as the Huns showed up.  

In the East, the Parthians or the Pontic Kingdoms may have been the provincial authorities, and with Rome losing glory and spirit after their annihilation, they would have been diminished to simply strategic binds with these forces. Constantinople would in any case be Greek and Egypt would stay Ptolemaic causing the Arab Islamic triumphs to most presumably not occur on account of the immense militaries and strict impacts of these close by nations. Greek phalanxes would in any case rule the eastern Mediterranean.  

Further into the future, at around 500–1000 AD Europe and the Near East would most likely be still at our current timetable at 280BC-200BC. Improvement would simply be substantially more slow. Rome had a gigantic effect no uncertainty.


What is the basic plot of “The birth of a nation”








The plot of The Birth of a Nation revolves around two families living on either side of the Mason-Dixon Line who become friends when their sons board together at school. The Stonemans, the Northern family, live in Washington, D.C., and own a rural getaway in Pennsylvania.

Need please on this one



That is B.) The Crusades


That's the routes where they fought

We petitioned the ______ to improve the subway system.





The right of petition is the right of a citizen or group of citizens to submit a request to official bodies such as the government. The petition is an instrument for citizens to signal to representatives that their action is necessary.  

In the United States of America, the First Amendment to the United States Constitution contains a Petition Clause. This right is also based on the right to bring legal proceedings against the government.

What happened the same week in 1914 when the Panama Canal opened?​


Answer:In response, President Theodore Roosevelt gave tacit approval to a Panamanian independence movement, which was engineered in large part by Philippe-Jean Bunau-Varilla and his canal company. On November 3, 1903, a faction of Panamanians issued a declaration of independence from Colombia. The U.S.-administered railroad removed its trains from the northern terminus of Colón, thus stranding Colombian troops sent to crush the rebellion. Other Colombian forces were discouraged from marching on Panama by the arrival of U.S. warship Nashville.


The colonists boycotted English goods because
O they did not like them.
Othe prices were too high.
O therce was taxation without representation.
Oitwas too difhcult to get them.


Answer: there was taxation without representation

Explanation: they were getting taxed unfairly

Why do you think montaigne repeated the word without ?



Michel de Montaigne is widely appreciated as one of the most important figures in the late French Renaissance, both for his literary innovations as well as for his contributions to philosophy. ... These additions add to the unsystematic character of the books, which Montaigne himself claimed included many contradictions.

When year was world war one


28 July 1914 – 11 November 1918

What are some ways that a country can pay off debt?



Issuing Debt With Bonds.

Interest Rate Manipulation.

Instituting Spending Cuts.

Raising Taxes.

Lowering Debt Successes.

National Debt Bailout.

Defaulting on National Debt.


uhm , it explains itself

During the 21st century, one of the major economic problems in Greece has
A. high corporate tax rates.
B. high levels of debt.
C. little trade with Europe,
D. expensive wars.





Ap3x Approved


Explanation is correct

I don’t need #2




Martin Luther King


a black man who tried to fight for rights and allowed his brothers to join him, but they abused his name bu initiatiting violent riots and eventually getting him in trouble with the law.

Which passage provides the more effective argument, and why? Passage 1 is more effective because passage 2 relies on personal anecdotes as the main evidence. Passage 1 is more effective because it uses overstatement for extra emphasis, and passage 2 does not. Passage 2 is more effective because passage 1 contains a bandwagon appeal and a false dilemma. Passage 2 is more effective because it presents data as empirical evidence, and passage 1 does not.



Passage 1 is more effective because passage 2 relies on personal anecdotes as the main evidence.


The first passage makes more effective evidence because while it relies on data and figures, the second portion relies on personal incidents as its main evidence.

The first passage makes very reasonable and logical reasoning about the importance of video games in the life of juveniles and how there has been a reduction in juvenile offenses while there have been in video game sales.

However, the second passage uses personal encounters with her children to make a discussion which is not relevant at all but rather a request to emotion.

How did the Treaty of Ghent change the relationship between the United States and Britain?



The Treaty of Ghent (8 Stat. 218) was the peace treaty that ended the War of 1812 between the United States and the United Kingdom. It took effect in February 1815. ... The treaty restored relations between the two parties to status quo ante bell-um by restoring the prewar borders of June 1812.


the peace of treaty ended the war between the United kingdom

Help please I’m litteraly begging you I have so much work to do that I just need to get them done please help I’ll mark you brainly! Yes



1 Napoleon changed the bureaucracy by promoting military officers based on their ability and opening Careers Parts of the grand empire The French empire, dependent states, and allied states

1B the French Empire, dependent states, and allied states.

2 dependent states were states that Napoleon's relatives governed, and allied states were states that he had conquered. Russia, Denmark, Sweden, were allie states dependent states were Holland, the kingdom of Italy, the Swiss Republic

3  Britain's ability to resist Napoleon and the rise of nationalism in the people he conquered were two important causes of the empires collapse

4  he caused a major backlash against his ideas and against the prospect that a single country could dominate Europe. Napoleon got  his personal power through propaganda, private army, and religion.

“we hold these truths to be self-evident, that al men are rested equal, that they are endoned by thelr Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Lfe, ubery and the pursu of Happiness.That to secure these rights, Govements are instituted among Men, deriving thelr just powers from the consent of the governed,-That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, It ls the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to lnstitute new Government, laying lts foundation on such prindiples and organtzing its powers in sudt form, as to them shall seem most llkely to effect their Safety and Happiness. The theme of this passage from the Declaration of Independence is best described as:


They are declaring their independence from British and they hold their beliefs to be relevant.

Which type of change—political, social, or economic—had the most impact on Southern life?

Which type of change—political, social, or economic—faced the most challenges? Why were Southerners against this type of change?

For the first hundred years of the United States, only white males were able to vote. Since then, amendments to the Constitution have made it so that any citizen aged 18 or older can vote. Which amendments granted different groups the right to vote? Why were amendments needed to expand voting rights?



Which type of change—political, social, or economic—had the most impact on Southern life?

for that answer it would be

Explanation:1. The two types of changes that came to my head first was that the states didt want to come together and also teh civial war that changed the states.

2. This goes along with the states becoming together. After the civial warnthe whole north side wanted teh south to change this included things like slavery.

3. The 26th, 19th, and 15th. They were placed due to the fact that it made it easier to elect a new president.

Describe four scenarios in which a public official faces an ethical dilemma and therefore, has a difficult decision to make. State the correct legal choice that the official should make keeping in mind the general aspects of the code of ethics.



Scenario 1: A public official, such as a city administrator, may need to approve a building project for a corporation. If he has made investments in that corporation, his decision could positively affect his personal finances. The correct path would be to abstain from a decision. In other words, the official should recuse or remove himself from the situation.

Scenario 2: A public official, such as a police officer, may have probable cause to search the house of a relative or close friend for criminal evidence. In this case, the ethically correct decision for the official would be to stick to her code of ethics and carry out the search nonetheless. She should thus not let her emotions get in the way of her duties and responsibilities.

Scenario 3: A public official, such as a federal judge, may have to preside over a criminal trial involving a family member. In this case, in order to ensure that the proceedings are fair and unbiased, the official must recuse himself from the criminal trial.

Scenario 4: A public official, such as an ambassador, may not necessarily like the cultural aspects of a country to which the president has assigned her. However, from an ethical perspective, she must do complete justice to her role as a negotiator between the governments of the two countries. She must respect the people (citizens and dignitaries) of the host country regardless of her opinions about their culture.



The curiosity rover is still exploring and investigating Mars true or false





The curiosity rover is still exploring + investigating because it is built to explore and find ancient life in Mars. The rover is still active.

In 1847, Louis-Desire Blanquart-Evrard discovered that soaking paper in emulsion rather than brushing it on made the paper



Salt-print pessimistic method was researched by Louis-Desire Blanquart-Evrard, would become the first individual in France to report negative/positive print picture processes in 1847. Instead of rubbing these industrial treatments on the floor, he developed a technique of soaking the document in potassium permanganate and silver nitrate formulations.

why wasn’t Ferdinand killed during the original assassination attempt


Answer:Why was Archduke Franz Ferdinand killed?

Nationalism played a specific role in World War I when Archduke Ferdinand and his wife were assassinated by Princip, a member of a Serbian nationalist terrorist group fighting against Austria-Hungary's rule over Bosnia. Entangled alliances created two competing groups.


Another term for terracing is ______ farming because of the flat areas created in rows on the side of mountains for farming.

A. fertilizing
B. irrigating
C. plowing
D. step



D. step


Which of the following statements is FALSE?
The growth of the manufacturing industry in Texas during and after the Civil War was a positive impact of the war.
Problems with labor resources in Texas during and after the Civil War was a negative impact of the war.
Land settlement increased in Texas after the Civil War.
Plantations increased in Texas after the Civil War.

Please select the best answer from the choices provided



C or b
I strongly think it’s one of those two and if it’s not I’m so dearly sorry

i know its late but i am doing this for people who have the same question. The answer is D . I just took the test .

What effect did the entrance of the US have on the war?


The entry of the United States was the turning point of the war, because it made the eventual defeat of Germany possible. It had been foreseen in 1916 that if the United States went to war, the Allies' military effort against Germany would be upheld by U.S. supplies and by enormous extensions of credit.


The entry of the United States was a turning point in the war because it allowed Germany to be defeated. It had been predicted in 1916 that if the United States joined to war, the Allies' military effort against Germany would be supported by US supplies and massive credit extensions.

What would happen if the Soviet Union won the Space Race ? ( How would it affect the U.S ? ) The Cold war ?



There would be their flag on the moon


There would have been a Soviet flag on the moon planted on the lunar surface by a cosmonaut rather than a USA flag planted by an astronaut. The USA would have saved US $ Billions.

hope this helps

What was one characteristic of early European exploration?
It was safe
It was fast.
It was expensive.
It was predictable.



It was expensive


It took a lot of money to load a large boat, fill it, and go for weeks or months at a time





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