if you know the npp for an ecosystem, what additional variable do you need to know to estimate the nep? why might measuring this variable be difficult, for instance, in a sample of ocean water?


Answer 1

From estimates of NEP, you need to measure the respiration of all organisms in an ecosystem, not just the respiration of primary producers.

In a sample of ocean water, primary producers and other organisms are usually mixed together, making their respective respiration's hard to separate.

What is npp of an ecosystem?

The rate of energy lost to metabolism and maintenance is subtracted from gross primary productivity to arrive at net primary productivity, or NPP. In other words, it's the rate at which energy is released to consumers in the ecosystem from primary producers such as plants and animals and stored as biomass.

To know more about npp of an ecosystem visit:



Related Questions

Put the steps of the Calvin Cycle in the correct order. Watch the video as many times as you need to understand this process.

1. The enzyme used in this reaction is called Rubisco and results in an unstable 6 carbon molecule that quickly splits into two three carbon molecules called 3-phosphoglycerate

2. ADP and NADP+ return to the thylakoids to be converted back to ATP and NADPH by the light reactions.

3. NADPH and ATP are used to in CO2 reduction where3PG is reduced to form G3P.

4. The cycle turns 6 times to form a glucose molecule.

5. ATP is used to combine the rest of the G3P molecules to form RuBP molecules

6. CO2 is attached to RuBP, a 5 carbon molecule


The correct order of the steps of Calvin cycle are:

6. CO2 is attached to RuBP, a 5 carbon molecule.

1. The enzyme used in this step is called Rubisco and the resultant is an unstable 6 carbon molecule that instantly splits into two three carbon molecules known as 3-phosphoglycerate.

3. NADPH and ATP are used to in CO2 reduction where 3PG is reduced to form G3P.

2. ADP and NADP+ come back to the thylakoids to be converted back to ATP and NADPH by the light-dependent reactions.

5. ATP is used to combine the remaining G3P molecules to form RuBP molecules.

4. The cycle turns 6 times to form a glucose molecule.

Calvin cycle is an important part of the light-independent reaction. It is involved in the synthesis of glucose molecules.

Rubisco stands for Ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase-oxygenase. It is the most abundant enzyme present in the Earth.

To know more about Rubisco, here



a population of mockingbirds has an annual per capita birth rate of 0.08 and an annual per capita death rate of 0.03. calculate an estimate of the population change for a population of 2,000 birds in one year. give your answer to the nearest whole number.


The population change for a population of 2000 birds in one year is positive and The number of individuals added is 100

Births, deaths, and migration are the primary drivers of population change. The difference between live births and deaths is what is meant by "natural increase. "The difference between the number of people moving into a region and the number of people moving out is called "net migration."

As the annual per capita birth rate is 0.08 and the annual per capita death rate is 0.03, the final number of live individuals per capita will be

0.08-0.03 = 0.05

The total population is 2000, and the number of individuals added will be

0.05*2000= 100

know more about population change here: https://brainly.com/question/17155082


How is matter/energy transferred from one organism to the next?


A food web is a model of feeding relationships in an ecosystem. When an organism is eaten, the matter and energy stored in its tissues are transferred to the organism that eats it. The arrows in a food web represent this transfer.

A geologist sees this folded rock when studying in the field. he is drawn to the sample that is labeled a. he determines this formation was caused by compression. what type of landform did he find at label a? anticline syncline plateau fault-block mountain


An anticline is a structural trap with an arch-like structure that typically forms as a result of compressional stress. In an anticline, the younger rocks are created on the outside while the older rocks are found inside.

What is meant by Anticline? A structural trap called an anticline is created when rock layers are folded into the shape of an arch. In an anticlinal trap, the rock layers were initially horizontally stacked until earth movement caused them to fold into an arch-like structure known as an anticline. Examples include the Purcell Anticlinorium, which dates from the Late Jurassic to Early Cretaceous and is located in British Columbia, the Blue Ridge Anticlinorium, which is located in the Appalachians in northern Virginia and Maryland, and the Nittany Valley in central Pennsylvania.Since these are the structures in which the oil and natural gas are confined, these anticlines are very significant in the study of geology. Thus, alternative is the right response (A).

The complete question is,

A geologist sees this folded rock when studying in the field. He is drawn to the sample that is labeled A. He determines this formation was caused by compression. What type of landform did he find at label A? A)anticline B)syncline C)plateau D)fault-block mountain

To learn more about Anticline refer to:




A geologist sees this folded rock when studying in the field. He is drawn to the sample that is labeled A. He determines this formation was caused by compression.

What type of landform did he find at label A?

Answer: anticline

Record your data from each trial in the data chart below:
Type of Factor
Beginning Frog Count
Simulation 1 (Low)
Simulation 2 (High)
Predators (alligators)


Food (mosquitoes)


Limiting factors are the biotic and abiotic environmental elements that model a species  population size affecting their carrying capacity. 1) alligators and mosquitoes 2) pollution 3) alligators 4) pollution 5) frogs are control species 6) + alligators, - frogs // + mosquitoes, + frogs.

What is a limiting factor?

Limiting factors are all the environmental elements, biotic and abiotic, that act directly on populations and individuals, limiting their distribution and growth.

These factors affect the carrying capacity, influencing on natality and mortality rate, migration, etcetera.

In the exposed example, limiting factors are

Alligators (predator)Pollution Mosquitoes (food)

These three elements model the Frog population size according to their magnitude and population sizes.

Two simulations per factor were performed in order to see how much each factor affected the frog's populations.

The data chart shows the following tendency,


- Low number of alligators →  there was an increase in frogs number from  

                                                10 to 18.

- High number of alligators →  there was a decrease in frogs number from  

                                                 10 to 3.


- Low pollution level →  there was no change in frogs number

- High pollution level →  there was a decrease in frogs number from  

                                        10 to 7.


- Low number of mosquitoes →  there was a decrease in frogs number

                                                     from 10 to 5.

- High number of mosquitoes → there was an increase in frogs number  

                                                      from 10 to 17.

Information from the graph expresses thesame tendency,


- Low number of alligators →  there was an increase from 50k to 90k.

- High number of alligators →  there was a decrease from 50k to 10k.


- Low pollution level →  there was no change

- High pollution level →  there was a decrease from 50k to 35k.


- Low number of mosquitoes →  there was a decrease from 50k to 25k.

- High number of mosquitoes → there was an increase from 50k to 85k.

1. Which limiting factor(s) in this lab simulation are biotic?

Alligator (predator) and mosquitoes (food)

2. Which limiting factor(s) in this lab simulation are abiotic?


3. Which limiting factor impacted the cricket frog population the most? Use evidence to support your answer.

According to the chart and to the graph, the presence/absence of predators impacted the most on the frogs population.

4. Which limiting factor impacted the cricket frog population the least? Use evidence to support your answer.

Pollution is the factor that least affected the frogs population size.

5. Mosquitoes can carry and transmit disease to animals and humans. Explain how the cricket frog plays an important role in limiting the spread of mosquito-borne illnesses like West Nile virus and malaria.

Since frogs feed on mosquitoes, they become a natural control species for the mosquitoes, limiting their spread and effects on humans and animals.

Frogs are a biotic limiting factor for moesquitoes population.

6. Predict the long-term effects of these limiting factors on the cricket frog population in the pond ecosystem.

It depends on the pond ecosystem.

If there are too many alligators, frogs population will decrease. This decrease will probably affect alligator population size (assuming no other source of food for this last species), and only when predator population size decreases, frogs population will increase again.

If there are too many mosquitoes, frogs population will increase, which will cause a decrease in mosquitoes population. Less mosquitoes will drive to less frogs. The decrease in the number of frogs will increase the number of mosquitoes again.

↑ alligators and ↑ mosquitoes ⇒ ↓ frogs

↓ alligators and ↑ mosquitoes ⇒s ↑ frogs

↑ alligators and ↑ mosquitoes ⇒↓frogs

↓ alligators and ↓ mosquitoes ⇒ ↓frogs

You can learn more about limiting factors at




During pyruvate oxidation pyruvate is converted to a molecule of acetyl. Pyruvate is a 3-carbon molecule while acetyl is a 2-carbon molecule. What do you think happened to the carbon molecule that was lost?.


The three-carbon compound pyruvate is changed into the two-carbon molecule acetyl CoA, which is joined to coenzyme A.Coenzyme A is an essential component of this process, which turns a NAD+ molecule into NADH and releases a carbon dioxide molecule.

How  is pyruvate converted to acetyl?

The splitting, or lysis, of glucose is known as glycolysis.The 6-carbon glucose is broken down by glycolysis into two 3-carbon pyruvate molecules.In the presence or absence of oxygen, this activity takes place in the cytoplasm of the cell.Four ATP and a little quantity of NADH are produced during glycolysis. Be aware that this procedure totally converts one molecule of the three-carbon organic acid pyruvate to three molecules of CO2.Four molecules of NADH, one of FADH2, and one of GTP (or ATP) are created during this process. Each pyruvate molecule loses one carbon atom during the conversion of pyruvate to acetyl CoA due to the release of carbon dioxide.When pyruvate is broken down, electrons are transferred to NAD+ to create NADH, which the cell will use to make ATP. The inputs (reactants) of pyruvate oxidation are pyruvate, NAD+, and Coenzyme A. The outputs (products) are carbon dioxide, NADH, and acetyl CoA.A carbon is removed from the three-carbon pyruvate molecule created during glycolysis to create the new, 2-carbon acetyl CoA molecule.The carbon that is extracted leaves the body as carbon dioxide (CO 2 start subscript, 2, end subscript), taking two oxygens from pyruvate with it. One carbon atom from the pyruvic acid splits off inside the matrix to create carbon dioxide, which is subsequently discharged into the atmosphere.Pyruvic acid's additional two carbon atoms rearrange to create acetic acid, which is then attached to a substance known as coenzyme A.The final product is a molecule known as acetyl-CoA. Each pyruvate molecule loses one carbon atom during the conversion of pyruvate to acetyl CoA due to the release of carbon dioxide.When pyruvate is broken down, electrons are transferred to NAD+ to create NADH, which the cell will use to make ATP. A two-part oxidation reaction using pyruvate that involves NAD+ and the co-enzyme A molecule, commonly referred to as "CoA," is one of the most researched oxidation reactions in the field.Pyruvate is oxidized in this reaction, one carbon is lost through decarboxylation, and acetyl-CoA, a new molecule, is produced.

     To learn more about pyruvate oxidation refer



The results of one experiment carried out by a research team would be considered valid if
A) All the members of the research team came to the same conclusion
B) The experiment had more than 1 variable
C) The experiment was repeated and same results were obtained each time
D) The experiment had no control set up




Explanation: hope it helped

C. Should be The right one

The bar graph below shows the total amount of product from a chemical reaction performed at
three different temperatures. The same enzyme was involved in each case.




The bar graph (P 58) shows the total amount of produce from a chemical reaction performed at three different temperatures. The same enzyme w

Answer · 0 votes

35 C created the most amount of product (2 mg), 25 C creates




a graph shows the total amount of product from a chemical reaction performed at three different temperatures. the same enzyme was involved i

Answer · 0 votes

•at 25 degrees C there was 1 mg of product •at 35 degree




CHEMISTRY Effects of Temperatures on a Reaction Interpreting a Graph The bar graph shows the total amount of product formed from a chemical reaction that was performed at three different temperatures for the same time period. The same enzyme was involved each time in the chemical reaction 2 Describe the results at each temperature. Total Product (mg) 1

Answer · 1 vote

Interpretation from graph: From the graph it is clear that at first with rise in temperature product increases , but after a certain temperature (35oC) , product decreases with ri...


Course Hero


Can you help me answer it please? I need it before 9pm today! Can...

Answer · 1 vote

Reactants are starting molecules that undergo chemical change in a chemical reaction. Based on diagram 3, an arrow in a chemical reaction represents a chemical change. It means that the reactants in the left side undergoes a reaction leading to the right-side products. The molecules that come after the chemical change are called products. They are the results of the chemical change of the reactants. Based on diagrams 5-8, another word for reactants is "substrates". Looking at our diagrams, you can see that the substrates attach to the enzyme in the left side. Therefore, in order for the reaction to take place with an enzyme, the reactants or substrate must attach to the enzyme. After the reaction takes place, you can see in diagrams 5-8 that the products formed leave the enzyme. The enzyme detaches the products from itself. You can see various drawings of enzyme showing different shapes of active sites. This is because each enzyme has different active sites. In diagram 10, there are 3 …



In a DNA molecule, the number of guanine nucleotides will most likely equal the number of


In a DNA molecule, the number of guanine nucleotides will most likely equal the number of cytosine.

According to Chargaff's rule, the ratio of adenine to Thymine is equals to ratio of Guanine to Cytosine.

What is chargaff's Rule?

According to Chargaff's criteria, guanine and cytosine should be equal in amount in the DNA of every species and organism, and adenine and thymine should be equal in amount.

Since the amounts of cytosine and guanine are equivalent, we can just divide their total by 2. 22% adenine, 22% thymine, 28% cytosine, and 28% guanine make up the final makeup.

To learn more about it, refer



bioremediation uses microbes that choose one: a. can modify environmental toxins through normal metabolism. b. can reproduce rapidly and overcome other microbial species. c. are parts of the microbiome. d. can assimilate nitrogen into nitrate.


Bioremediation uses microbes that  a. can modify environmental toxins through normal metabolism.

Bioremediation broadly refers to any process wherein an organic system, living or useless, is hired for casting off environmental pollution from the air, water, soil, flue gasses, industrial effluents, and many others., in natural or artificial settings.

Bioremediation technique is degrading, getting rid of, changing, immobilizing, or detoxifying numerous chemical compounds and physical pollutants from the environment via the interest of bacteria, fungi, algae, and plants.

Bioremediation allows for smoothing up water sources, creating more healthy soil, and improving air great around the globe. but not like excavation-based totally remediation techniques, which may be disruptive, bioremediation is less intrusive and might facilitate remediation of environmental impacts without adverse sensitive ecosystems.

Learn more about bioremediation here:-https://brainly.com/question/14353375


a muscle fiber is stimulated with increasing frequency individual twitches be to summate if no relaxation occurs between twitches the contraction is called


A muscle fiber is stimulated with increasing frequency individual twitches be to summate if no relaxation occurs between twitches the contraction is called Fused tetany .

Fused tetanus is when the muscle fibers are not relaxed between stimuli and it occurs during a high rate of stimulation. A fused tetanic contraction is measured as strongest single-unit twitch in contraction. When tetanized, the contracting tension in the muscle remains constant in a steady state.

Fused tetanus  is caused by electrolyte imbalances most often low blood calcium levels. It's important to talk to your healthcare provider if you're experiencing tetany. They may  require immediate medical treatment.

To learn more about Fused tetanus , here



all of the energy is released as heat when protons (h ) flow from high to low concentration through the group of answer choices atp synthase in mitochondria. atp synthase in chloroplasts. uncoupling protein in mitochondria. photosynthetic electron transport chain. mitochondrial electron transport chain.


A proton is one of the three essential elements of an atom. Atoms contain protons in their nucleus. At the core of each atom, there is a minuscule, dense area.

What is protons?A proton is a stable subatomic particle with the symbols p, H+, or 1H+ and an electric charge of +1 e. Its mass is 1836 times greater than that of an electron and only slightly less than that of a neutron.Every atom has a proton, a subatomic particle, in its nucleus. The particle possesses an electrical charge that is positive and opposite to the electron's.A proton is one of the three essential elements of an atom. Atoms contain protons in their nucleus. At the core of each atom, there is a minuscule, dense area.

To learn more about protons refer to:



Humans are omnivores as shown by the type ofa. enzymes secreted in saliva b. urine they produce c. teeth they have d. taste buds they have



C - teeth they have



C. Teeth they have


Carnivores, herbivores and omnivores may have some similarities in the shape and size of teeth, but each have teeth that are specifically adapted to the drastically different diets these animals consume.

Is the exoplanet like earth in terms of its distance from its star? Explain your answer


The majority of known close-by exoplanets revolve around their sun. A handful have comparable masses to Earth, including planets at YZ Ceti, Gliese 367, and Proxima Centauri, which may be less massive than Earth. The bulk, however, are substantially larger than Earth.

What is an exoplanet ?

In our solar system, every planet revolves around the Sun. Exoplanets are planets that revolve around other stars. Exoplanets are extremely difficult to directly observe using telescopes. The intense light from the stars they orbit obscures them.

Therefore, astronomers employ various techniques to find and research these far-off planets. By observing the impacts that these planets have on the stars they circle, astronomers look for exoplanets.

The majority of known close-by exoplanets revolve around their sun. A handful have comparable masses to Earth, including planets at YZ Ceti, Gliese 367, and Proxima Centauri, which may be less massive than Earth. The bulk, however, are substantially larger than Earth.

To know more about exoplanet from the given link



How long can sequoia trees live?



3,000 years.giant

sequoias can live more than 3,000 years

cystic fibrosis is a genetic disorder in humans where the person has two homozygous recessive alleles for the gene. if the disease is left untreated, it causes severe health problems in the individual. assuming hardy-weinberg equilibrium, if 198 in 10,000 newborn babies have the disease, 0.0198 would be homozygous recessive. given these numbers, the expected frequency of heterozygote carriers in the population would be


The expected frequency of heterozygote carriers in the population would be individuals, frequency of dominant allele is 0.97.

The existence of two unique alleles at a specific gene locus. One normal allele, one mutant allele, or two separate mutant alleles may be present in a heterozygote genotype (compound heterozygote).

It has two distinct copies of the alleles that code for a certain characteristic. It contains a trait's several alleles. both the recessive and the dominant and also it contains a trait's several alleles. both recessive and dominant.

Gametes are created in two categories. Complete, codominant, or imperfect dominance are possible for heterozygous alleles.

One contentious theory for why genetic variety exists in natural populations is heterozygous advantage. Humans who are homozygous for sickle-shaped cells (as shown in the image opposite) experience a condition known as sickle cell anemia, which is a classic example of heterozygous.

Learn more about Heterozygote here:



In a photosystem, clusters of chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b, and carotenoid pigments function most like?.


In a photosystem, clusters of chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b, and carotenoid pigments function most like an antenna. There are two photosystems in plants. Thus, the correct option is B.

What is a Photosystem?

A photosystem is a protein complex which is a group of two or more proteins, these include chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b, carotenoid, and other accessory pigments which are essential for the photochemistry of photosynthesis. It carries out the absorption of light photons and the transfer of these electrons in light reaction and dark reactions of photosynthesis. There are two photosystems in plants which are Photosystem I and Photosystem II which makes made up of antenna.

Therefore, the correct option is B.

Learn more about Photosystem here:



Your question is incomplete, most probably the complete question is:

In a photosystem, clusters of chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b, and carotenoid pigments function most like

A) an electrical generator.

B) an antenna.

C) a propeller on a motorboat.

D) a windmill.

E) a spring.

How many different types of alleles for a particular gene are present in a homozygous organism?
a. 0
b. 1
c. 2
d. 3
e. 10


Answer: c. 2 alleles

which atp-producing process uses light energy? which term describes atp production resulting from the capture of light energy by chlorophyll? oxidative phosphorylation substrate-level phosphorylation dephosphorylation photophosphorylation


Photosynthesis is the atp-producing process which uses light energy.

Photophosphorylation is the term describes atp production resulting from the capture of light energy by chlorophyll.

Photosynthesis is the process by which light energy is converted into chemical energy in the form of sugars. Using light energy, oxygen is produced as a byproduct while carbon dioxide and water are converted into glucose (or other sugars).

ADP is converted to ATP by the process of photophosphorylation using light energy from photosynthesis. Energy-dense ATP molecules are produced when the ADP molecule is lighted by transferring the phosphate group into it.

Two types of photophosphorylation exists:

1. Circular Photophosphorylation - For instantaneous energy for the cells, the electrons are moved from ADP to ATP throughout this procedure. This procedure typically uses Photosystem I and chlorophyll P700 and occurs in the thylakoid membrane. The cyclic movement of electrons during the synthesis of ATP molecules is known as cyclic photophosphorylation.

2. Non- cyclic Photophosphorylation - Utilizing the energy from excited electrons produced by Photosystem II, the process of photophosphorylation produces ATP molecules. Because the primary acceptor transports the electrons released by P700 before they are finally transferred to NADP, this process is not cyclic.

To know more photophosphorylation visit the link:



Paleontologists find a fossil ape with long arms. What type of environment can they infer it inhabited?.


The type of environment can they infer it inhabited is Woodland.

Environments such as lush rainforests and hot and humid climates are also not good places for fossils to form. Similarly, rocky peaks are not good places for fossils to form without depositing fine sediments. This radiometric method is often used to date the crystals and glasses of rapidly cooled volcanic rocks such as volcanic ash.

The most common minerals dated this way are zircon and apatite. For example, fossils are more likely to be preserved in marine environments where rapid burial by sediment is possible. Less favorable environments include rocky peaks where the carcass collapses quickly or deposits little sediment to bury the carcass.

Learn more about Environments here:-https://brainly.com/question/24182291


Which level of organization is shown in the image?
• cell
• tissue
•organ system


Which level of organization is shown in the image?
• cell
• tissue
•organ system

Answer: Tissue

in a population of lizards, the average tail length is selected against and the long and short tails are selected for in the population. which form of selection is best represented by this scenario?


Natural selection ensures that the fittest lizard survive by transferring the gene for survival to their offspring, preventing extinction.

Which of the following scenarios best exemplifies lizards' method of selection?

According to an article published published this week in Nature, lizards that can securely cling to bushes are often more likely to withstand hurricanes – an instance of natural processes at action.

Hurricanes and other natural catastrophes can have catastrophic effects on ecosystems and cause widespread fatalities. However, it is unclear whether hurricane deaths are random or if they favor those with particular physical characteristics, such the capacity to withstand gale-force winds.

To know more about exemplifies lizards visit:



Paleontologists find a fossil ape with long arms. What type of environment can they infer it inhabited?.


Paleontologists discover a fossil ape with long palms. Woodland of environment can they infer it inhabited.

A paleontologist is a scientist who studies the records of existence on earth via fossil documents. Fossils are the proof of beyond existence on earth and may encompass those shaped by animals our bodies or their imprints (body fossils).

Paleontology is the look at historical life, from dinosaurs to prehistoric flora, mammals, fish, insects, fungi, or even microbes. Fossil proof exhibits how organisms changed through the years and what our planet become like long in the past.

Invertebrate Paleontology: a study of invertebrate animal fossils, which includes mollusks, echinoderms, and others. Vertebrate Paleontology: have a look at vertebrate fossils, from primitive fishes to mammals. Human Paleontology (Paleoanthropology): The look at prehistoric human and proto-human fossils.

Learn more about Paleontology here:



Paleontologists find a fossil ape with long arms. The environment can they infer it inhabited is Woodland.

A paleontologist is a scientist who researches the records of existence on earth via fossil report. Fossils are the evidence of beyond life on the planet and can consist of those fashioned from animal our bodies or their imprints (frame fossils).

Paleontology also has some overlap with archaeology, which commonly works with items made by means of human beings and with human remains, while paleontologists are interested in the characteristics and evolution of humans as a species.

Palenolology, like most technological know-how careers, isn't always particularly nicely paid. it's a lot of work, frequently in harsh conditions, and recognition is not going. Paleontologists ought to scramble for grants to fund their paintings, and frequently need to gift to a couple of sources to get the money for their expeditions.

Learn more about Paleontologists here:-https://brainly.com/question/2257012





A right temperature


Only because you need warm air and wet but not too wet soil you don’t want you plant to drown and freezing temperatures will make it hard and when transferring the plant it will break, and flower petals make no sense.

Within the Phylum Platyhelminthes, what does it mean to be bilateral?A. to have symmetry on your body from side to sideB. to have 2 of each appendageC. to have multiple layers of body tissuesD. to have 2 step in your life cycle


Platyhelminthes present a body that can be divided into two, drawing a line from the head to the tail right in the middle of it, as the following image shows:

which of the following statements is false? in its interaction with hemoglobin, oxygen is: i. a prosthetic group. ii. a ligand. iii. bound at the 6th coordination position of the fe(ii) ion in the heme. iv. homoallosteric effector. v. reversibly bound.


The statement "In its interaction with hemoglobin, oxygen is a prosthetic group." (i) is false.

Each 's iron atom may attach to one oxygen molecule, enabling hemoglobin heme group to carry four oxygen molecules. Each heme group's iron atom may bind one oxygen molecule, giving hemoglobin its maximum ability to carry four oxygen molecules.

A unique non-protein element called a prosthetic group is necessary for some proteins to function. It is firmly attached to proteins. A prosthetic group can naturally take the shape of an organic lipid, vitamin, or sugar or an inorganic metal ion.

Here is another question with an answer similar to this about prosthetic group: https://brainly.com/question/5679226

The wobble phenomenon occurs at _______ end of the anticodon and helps explain why the _______ end of the codon shows the most redundancy.


The wobble phenomenon occurs at the 5' end of the anticodon and helps explain why the 3' end of the codon shows the most redundancy.

What is the wobble phenomenon?

The wobble hypothesis is аn importаnt hypothesis thаt explаins the non-Wаtson Crick bаse pаiring thаt tаkes plаce during the trаnslаtion process. Аccording to this hypothesis, the bаse аt 5′ ends of the аnticodon is not spаtiаlly confined аs the other two bаses аllow it to form hydrogen bonds with аny of severаl bаses locаted аt the 3′ ends of а codon.

Pаiring of the tRNА аnticodon with the mRNА codon proceeds from the 5' end of the codon. Once the first two positions аre pаired, exаct bаse pаiring of the third position are less criticаl. The third (5') bаse of the аnticodon cаn typicаlly pаir with either member of the purine or pyrimidine pаir in the codon аs аppropriаte: it "wobbles". In this exаmple, the double-ringed G cаn pаir with either а single-ringed U or C. This аllows mRNА to be trаnslаted with fewer thаn the 64 tRNАs thаt would be required without wobble. Some wobble positions cаn pаir with аny of the four bаses.

For more information about the wobble phenomenon refer to the link:



1. at 20 seconds into the race, anaerobic glycolysis is responsible for atp in muscle contraction, what would be the primary substrate fueling this system? why? 2. what is a by-product of anaerobic glycolysis? what is something you have heard about this by-product related to exercise and sport? 3. at 38.6 seconds, the aerobic is predominate. why would carbohydrates (glycogen) and not fats be the fuel source for atp synthesis? bonus: (1 point) feedback on watching an event to understand the energy systems rather than just reading about it.


Here are the answers per question:

1. Whether glycolysis is conducted in anaerobic or aerobic conditions, glucose will serve as the substrate if at 20 seconds into the race, anaerobic glycolysis is responsible for atp in muscle contraction.

2a. Lactate is the end product of anaerobic glycolysis.
2b. Muscle aches from strenuous exercise, sports, and physical activity are some products of lactate. Additionally, it develops during anaerobic respiration.

3. Since carbohydrates take less oxygen than fats to produce the same quantity of energy, they are used as an energy source initially rather than fats. Therefore, all muscles use carbs as their main source of energy, with the exception of the heart muscle, which uses lipids.

When there is a shortage of oxygen (O2), glucose is converted to lactate by anaerobic glycolysis. Only brief, intensive activity can effectively produce energy through anaerobic glycolysis, which can last anywhere between 10 seconds and 2 minutes.

Compared to aerobic metabolism, this is substantially quicker. During a maximum exertion, the anaerobic glycolysis (lactic acid) system predominates for roughly 10 to 30 seconds.

Here is another question with an answer similar to this about Anaerobic glycolysis: https://brainly.com/question/14562955

Can the following chemical equation occur on its own?
CH4 + O2 --> FeO2 + CO2 + H2O





This is the word equation

Methane + oxygen - - - > iron oxide + carbon dioxide + water

The equation is missing some elements as the left side has no iron but right side has an iron oxide.

Therefore this equation can not happen on its own because its not balanced

. what is the stage of cell division in a diploid organism if you see seven chromosomes, each consisting of a pair of sister chromatids? mitosis prophase mitosis anaphase meiosis i anaphase meiosis ii prophase


The stage of cell division in a diploid organism if you see seven chromosomes, each consisting of a pair of sister chromatids meiosis II prophase. Option D.

Diploid cells have two complete sets of chromosomes. Most human cells are diploid and composed of 23 pairs of chromosomes for a total of 46 chromosomes. These are 22 pairs of autosomes and 1 pair of sex chromosomes. During telophase, sister chromatids become daughter chromosomes. Mitosis has five main stages prophase metaphase anaphase telophase, and cytokinesis.

Meiosis is the process by which diploid cells become haploid cells. The difference between haploid and diploid cells is that haploid cells contain one complete set of chromosomes, while diploid cells contain two complete sets of chromosomes. Meiosis involves the division of the diploid parent cell. When mitosis is complete, cells have two sets of 46 chromosomes, each surrounded by its own nuclear membrane.

Learn more about Diploid cells here:-https://brainly.com/question/16639332


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