Please help I can not figure out these questions
1.Choose the sentence that is not logically connected in the paragraph.
1)Every Sunday morning in the summer, I push back the curtains to watch the sunrise stealing down A steeple which stands opposite my chamber window.(2)it flashes on the weathervane.(3)A fainter luster gives the spire an airy aspect. (4)Next, it encroaches on the tower and causes the index of the dial to glisten like gold as it points to the figure of the hour.

2.(second question) Choose the sentence that does not connect logically in the paragraph.

(1)Eric approached the plate with as much confidence as he could.(2)He had prepared for this day all spring, spending time at the batting cages and working on his hitting skills.(3)since the team had done well all season,this last game could get them to the playoffs, if they play well.(4)Although, waiting for the pitcher, he tried to stay relaxed and focus his eyes on the ball.(5)Next, he watched the ball as it hurtled towards him.(6).Then he hit the ball on his first swing.(7)However, to his surprise, he realized the ball had gone farther than expected.(8)Suddenly, the crowd was cheering. It was a home run.

A.All sentences are logically connected.

3.(3rd question) choose the sentence that is not logically connected to the paragraph.

(1)On a recent trip to Poland, the diplomat's speech was greeted with laughter instead of an expected round of applause.(2)it seems he intended to greet the audience with the Polish expression for "The United states sends it's welcome."(3)On the other hand, what it came out to mean was, "The United States sends you it's Ham"!

D.All sentences are logically connected.

Will MARK BRAINLIEST 30 points


Answer 1


First one C)3

Second B)3 although am a bit confused

Third C)3

Related Questions


Which two lines in this excerpt from Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice suggest that Mr. Darcy is questioning his hasty judgment and has fallen in love with Elizabeth?

Occupied in observing Mr. Bingley's attentions to her sister, Elizabeth was far from suspecting that she was herself becoming an object of some interest in the eyes of his friend. Mr. Darcy had at first scarcely allowed her to be pretty; he had looked at her without admiration at the ball; and when they next met, he looked at her only to criticise. But no sooner had he made it clear to himself and his friends that she hardly had a good feature in her face, than he began to find it was rendered uncommonly intelligent by the beautiful expression of her dark eyes. To this discovery succeeded some others equally mortifying. Though he had detected with a critical eye more than one failure of perfect symmetry in her form, he was forced to acknowledge her figure to be light and pleasing; and in spite of his asserting that her manners were not those of the fashionable world, he was caught by their easy playfulness. Of this she was perfectly unaware; to her he was only the man who made himself agreeable nowhere, and who had not thought her handsome enough to dance with.



Line 1) "But no sooner had he made it clear to himself and his friends that she hardly had a good feature in her face, than he began to find it was rendered uncommonly intelligent by the beautiful expression of her dark eyes."

Line 2) "Though he had detected with a critical eye more than one failure of perfect symmetry in her form, he was forced to acknowledge her figure to be light and pleasing; and in spite of his asserting that her manners were not those of the fashionable world, he was caught by their easy playfulness."


In line 1, the story indicates that although he agrees otherwise with his friends, Mr. Darcy finds Elizabeth uncommonly intelligent.

In line 2, the story hints that Mr. Darcy admires Elizabeth despite some judgement. Although the has 'more than one failure of perfect symmetry', Elizabeth's figure is 'light and pleasing'.

please I really need help with this...Having finished the novel, interpret and analyze the significance of chapter 21's title, "The Departure". Include examples of how it applies to different characters within the novel.


American author Nathaniel Hawthorne began writing The House of the Seven Gables: A Romance in the middle of the 1850s.

American author of short stories and novels, Nathaniel Hawthorne. His writings frequently deal with morals, religion, and history. He was born in Salem, Massachusetts, in 1804 to a family that had a long history there.

The Judge's reputation quickly crumbling serves as the most striking illustration in the concluding chapters of The House of the Seven Gables, which serve as a general refutation of public opinion. Similar like the residents of the house, the town has exhibited myopia throughout the book. The Judge's treatment of his cousin harshly was the sole clear infraction prior to his death, and even this was only known to Hepzibah.

To learn more about Nathaniel Hawthorne here:



Read the following passage. Then, answer the question and complete the
activities that follow.
Our bodies are adapted to Earth's gravity. Our muscles are strong in order to
overcome gravity as we walk and run. Our inner ears use gravity to keep us upright.
And because gravity wants to pull all our blood down into our legs, our hearts are
designed to pump hard to get blood up to our brains.
In space, the much weaker gravity makes the human body change in many
unexpected ways. In microgravity, your blood is rerouted, flowing from the legs, which
become thin and sticklike, to the head, which swells up. The extra liquid in your head
makes you feel like you're hanging upside down or have a stuffed-up nose.
-from "Life Without Gravity" by Robert Zimmerman
1. What is the main idea of the passage?
2. Name two details that support the main idea..
3. Write a brief summary of the passage on the lines provided.


Answer: The main idea of the passage is what living in space feels like. According to the passage, "In microgravity, your blood is rerouted, flowing from the legs, which become thin and sticklike, to the head, which swells up." It also states, "The extra liquid in your head makes you feel like you're having upside down or have a stuffed-up nose."

Brief summary: Gravity largely affects how our bodies are designed and work, without gravity, our bodies undergo major changes such as redirected blood flow and muscle atrophy.

In your own words, summarize the main points being made in the following passage.

Knowledge. If priests be good it is so surely;
But when Jesus hanged on the cross with great smart
There he gave, out of his blessed heart,
The same sacrament in great torment:
He sold them not to us, that Lord Omnipotent.
Therefore Saint Peter the apostle doth say
That Jesu's curse hath all they
Which God their Saviour do buy or sell,
Or they for any money do take or tell.
Sinful priests giveth the sinners example bad;
Their children sitteth by other men's fires, I have heard;
And some haunteth women's company,
With unclean life, as lusts of lechery
These be with sin made blind.


The main points being raised in the above passage are:

ReligionCatholicismcritical thinkingIndulgencesSinsHow to discover the main points of a text?

The central ideas of a text are those where the author presents to the reader the ideas that will be discussed in the text, implicitly or explicitly. They can usually be found in the textual introduction or conclusion, where ideas are summarized or reiterated.

In the text referring to the question, we can understand the central ideas regarding the context of the following words:


Therefore, the author makes a reference to Jesus Christ, who is the central figure of Christianity in the passage that says "He sold them not to us, that Lord Omnipotent.", leading to the conclusion that the main theme of the text may refer to a criticism to the Catholic Church of the period and its institutions regarding faith, sin and the sale of inquisitions to tithe sin

Find out more about main idea on:


Usually I have time to eat breakfast where do the comma go



Usually, I have time to eat breakfast


Choose the number of the sentence that expresses the central point in the selection

(1) In recent years, DNA evidence has been used to free many prisoners who were convicted of crimes they did not commit. (2) Many of these prisoners were originally linked to their alleged crimes through the use of fingerprint evidence. (3) While fingerprint evidence can be useful in solving a crime, it is not as foolproof as some people think.

(4) Every individual in the world has a unique set of fingerprints, so it seems as though it should be a good tool for identification. (5) The problem arises in the difficulty of determining whether or not two sets of prints are an exact match. (6) For a set of fingerprints to be properly recorded, the fingers are inked and then rolled, one finger at a time, onto a flat surface. (7) Or else they are scanned into a machine that captures and stores each finger as a digital image. (8) Such properly recorded prints can be quickly analyzed by a computer, accurately identified, and matched with another set of properly recorded prints.

(9) Fingerprints found at a crime scene, however, are rarely clean and distinct. (10) A fingerprint at a crime scene frequently shows only about 20 percent of the whole fingertip. (11) And crime-scene prints are often distorted because they are on an uneven surface or, sometimes, have been covered in blood. (12) These partial prints are difficult to read. (13) A computer cannot make an accurate match from such a print.

(14) Therefore, it is up to fingerprint experts to compare the crime scene print with a properly recorded print. (15) A fingerprint expert must then determine, to the best of his or her ability, whether or not the prints match. (16) Frequently, the link between a crime-scene fingerprint and a particular individual is determined solely by the skill and judgment of the person attempting to make the match. (17) Far from being foolproof, the determination is an inexact and subjective decision.


The number of the sentence that expresses the central point in the selection is this:  (3) While fingerprint evidence can be useful in solving a crime, it is not as foolproof as some people think.

What is the central point of the text?

The central point of the text is the one that states that fingerprint evidence is not as fool proof as many people make it out to be. We can see that the author of this text went on to provide many reasons that show that fingerprint evidence is not as foolproof as some people think it is.

The main point of the text was shown at the concluding part of the introductory paragraph and it was backed up with evidence.

Learn more about the main point of a text here:


Read the following excerpts from Faust and the book of Job before you answer the question.

No, Lord! I find things there, as ever, in sad plight.
Men, in their evil days, move my compassion;
Such sorry things to plague is nothing worth.

The Lord
Know'st thou my servant, Faust?

(5) The doctor?

The Lord

He serves thee truly in a wondrous fashion.
Poor fool! His food and drink are not of earth.
An inward impulse hurries him afar,
(10) Himself half conscious of his frenzied mood;
From heaven claimeth he the fairest star,
And from the earth craves every highest good,
And all that's near, and all that's far,
Fails to allay the tumult in his blood.

The Lord
(15) Though in perplexity he serves me now,
I soon will lead him where more light appears;
When buds the sapling, doth the gardener know
That flowers and fruit will deck the coming years.

What wilt thou wager? Him thou yet shall lose,
(20) If leave to me thou wilt but give,
Gently to lead him as I choose!

The Lord
So long as he on earth doth live,
So long 'tis not forbidden thee.
Man still must err, while he doth strive.

(25) I thank you; for not willingly
I traffic with the dead, and still aver
That youth's plump blooming cheek I very much prefer.
I'm not at home to corpses; 'tis my way,
Like cats with captive mice to toy and play.

The Lord
(30) Enough! 'tis granted thee! Divert
This mortal spirit from his primal source;
Him, canst thou seize, thy power exert
And lead him on thy downward course,
Then stand abash'd, when thou perforce must own,
(35) A good man in his darkest aberration,
Of the right path is conscious still.

'Tis done! Full soon thou'lt see my exultation;
As for my bet no fears I entertain.
And if my end I finally should gain,
(40) Excuse my triumphing with all my soul.
Dust he shall eat, ay, and with relish take,
As did my cousin, the renowned snake.1

The Lord
Here too thou'rt free to act without control;
I ne'er have cherished hate for such as thee.
(45) Of all the spirits who deny,
The scoffer is least wearisome to me.
Ever too prone is man activity to shirk,
In unconditioned rest he fain would live;
Hence this companion purposely I give,
(50) Who stirs, excites, and must, as devil, work.
But ye, the genuine sons of heaven, rejoice!
In the full living beauty still rejoice!
May that which works and lives, the ever-growing,
In bonds of love enfold you, mercy-fraught,
(55) And Seeming's changeful forms, around you flowing,
Do ye arrest, in ever-during thought!
(Heaven closes, the Archangels disperse.)

1 "So the LORD God said to the serpent, "Because you have done this, "Cursed are you above all livestock and all wild animals! You will crawl on your belly and you will eat dust all the days of your life." Genesis 3:14

The book of Job excerpt

6One day the angels came to present themselves before the Lord, and Satan also came with them. 7The Lord said to Satan, "Where have you come from?" Satan answered the Lord, "From roaming throughout the earth, going back and forth on it."

8Then the Lord said to Satan, "Have you considered my servant Job? There is no one on earth like him; he is blameless and upright, a man who fears God and shuns evil."

9"Does Job fear God for nothing?" Satan replied. 10"Have you not put a hedge around him and his household and everything he has? You have blessed the work of his hands, so that his flocks and herds are spread throughout the land. 11But now stretch out your hand and strike everything he has, and he will surely curse you to your face."

12The Lord said to Satan, "Very well, then, everything he has is in your power, but on the man himself do not lay a finger."

Then Satan went out from the presence of the Lord.

What is the purpose of the allusion to the book of Job in this excerpt? (2 points)
It elaborates on the background knowledge needed to understand the symbolism.
It emphasizes the difference between Mephistopheles and the devil.
It illuminates humanity's questions about the origin and purpose of suffering.
It provides additional information necessary to understand the setting.
It reveals the extent of Goethe's religious training and preference for the story.


The purpose of the allusion to the book of Job in this excerpt is that elaborates on the background knowledge needed to understand the symbolism. Therefore option A is the correct response.

Who is Faust?

Based on the real-life Johann Georg Faust, Faust is the main character of a well-known German legend. The immensely successful but disillusioned Faust makes a deal with the Devil at a fork in the road, selling his soul for limitless knowledge and material pleasures.

Faust, also known as Faustus or Doctor Faustus, is the protagonist of one of the most enduring stories in Western literature and mythology. It tells the tale of a German necromancer or astrologer who trades his soul for knowledge and power to the devil.

The phrase refers to the story of Faust, also known as Faustus or Doctor Faustus, a figure from German folklore and literature who, in exchange for otherwise unattainable benefits, agrees to give his soul to an evil spirit (in some interpretations, Mephistopheles, or Mephisto, a representative of Satan) after a predetermined amount of time.

To read more about Faust, refer to -


Describe the morale in the 2nd ghetto the small ghetto


The morale in the 2nd ghetto the small ghetto is that people are still upbeat despite their living conditions. it shows the  racial struggles that people do undergo daily.

What is the morale of the 2nd ghetto in  the small ghetto about?

People attempt to maintain a positive attitude in the tiny, unprotected slum. This is seen in the fact that when Eliezer's family moves into the home that belonged to his uncle's family before them, it looks as though everyone had been abruptly and unceremoniously ejected.

When an elderly non-Jewish servant named Martha pays a visit, she encourages the family to flee and hide in her community. Eliezer's father says he can go if he wants , but declines to do so. Eliezer won't take his family out of the ghetto, so they all stay there.

Note that they are mistakenly optimistic when they first wake up in the morning and compare being deported to taking a vacation and they do have positive  towards life.

Learn more about ghetto  from

Question 1
How much time did you spend studying or doing homework (for this and all of your
other classes)?
Edit View Insert Format Tools Table
12pt ✓ Paragraph v BIU Av2v T²v
50 pt
approximately 3 to 4 hours a day


For students, homework is a necessary part of the academic experience. As part of their daily homework, students are required to study the answers to questions, fill out worksheets, perform exercises, and other tasks. While many students dislike doing their homework, some students enjoy it.

Most kids dislike doing their homework because it feels like a burden to them. In essence, this is dependent on the kind of assignment assigned to the kids. If the assignments are extensive, they become incredibly tedious. If homework is made into smart homework, it will engage kids more and be completed more effectively. For the students, schoolwork becomes exciting when creative elements are added. They won't want to avoid doing their homework; instead, they will enjoy it.

I've tried to fit about 6 hours of schoolwork into each day of this school year so far. And yet, despite planning everything out and creating a daily timetable for when I start what schoolwork, I never manage to finish it all that night, even working for more than 6 hours.

I begin my homework about 5 p.m. and work until 11 p.m. or 12 a.m., occasionally even 1 or 2 a.m., depending on whether I'm too exhausted to continue or not.

So, whatever homework I didn't finish gets carried over to tomorrow's load, and so the cycle continues.

What do you mean by homework?

A series of chores given to pupils by their teachers to be done outside of the classroom is known as homework or a homework assignment.

To learn more about homework from the given link


Question 17 (Mandatory) (1 point) ✓ Saved
Which sentence is punctuated correctly?
a) Did Sara ask Daniel to the dance?
b) Did Sara ask Daniel to the dance.
c) Did Sara ask Daniel to the dance!
d) Did Sara ask Daniel to the dance,





The sentence is a question, so you would add a question mark at the end

Please answer the following
I will mark brainliest


The sentence is complete because it has a subject and predicate.

For the future:
Ask if the sentence has a who and what

Regarding number and person agreement, _______ pronouns, like "anybody," "nobody," "someone," or "anyone," are singular. Therefore, any pronoun that refers to them must be singular.


This statement can be completed thus: Regarding number and person agreement, Indefinite pronouns, like "anybody," "nobody," "someone," or "anyone," are singular. Therefore, any pronoun that refers to them must be singular.

What are indefinite pronouns?

Indefinite pronouns refer to those kinds of pronouns that do not reference any person in particular. In the statement, we can see that pronouns like anybody, nobody, and someone do not refer to any definite person.

If these pronouns are used for persons in a group, then anyone can respond to the call because they are not used in reference to just one person.

Learn more about indefinite pronouns here:


Please help me asap will mark brainliest !!!
To Lucasta
Tell me not, Sweet, I am unkind,
That from the nunnery
Of thy chaste breast and quiet mind
To war and arms I fly.
True, a new mistress now I chase,
The first foe in the field;
And with a stronger faith embrace
A sword, a horse, a shield.
Quick Write
Examine the metaphors highlighted in
the poem. Explain what comparisons
are being made by the poet, and how
they contribute to the theme of the


Metaphor 'nunnery Of thy chaste breast and quiet mind ' in the poem explains that his relationship with Lucasta is not sexual, but something more pure and "chaste." Nunnery is a place nuns live.

The speaker wants Lucasta to understand that he's leaving the peace and quiet of being with Lucasta for the  war. He is trying to cover his bases here as he wants to make sure that this woman won't think that he is unkind for leaving her to go fight a war.

'a new mistress now I chase'  metaphor suggests that: He may be cheating and refers to his new mistress as the one he's now chasing, instead of Lucasta.  

"the first foe in the field" suggests that there's something alluring about war and battle, for the speaker. Something that he can't resist. He compares the idea of chasing an enemy soldier on the battlefield to chasing “a new mistress.” He knows that Lucasta  feels like he's leaving her for something newer and exciting.

To know more about metaphor, refer


a. I asked...................leave. (to, for)
b. Let us go...................foot. (on, to)
c.I am sorry.............. the delay. (at, for)
d.The train is....................its time. (to, behind)​



a. to

b. on

c. for

d. behind


How are the plant height genotypes TT and Tt similar?(1 point)

Both are expressed as a tall phenotype.

Both are expressed as a short phenotype.

Both are examples of homozygous genotypes

Both are examples of heterozygous genotypes.


The plant height genotypes TT and Tt similar are both are expressed as a tall phenotype.

Genotypes for the plant height are TT , Tt , tt . genotypes can be homozygous and heterozygous . Phenotypes for the plant height are tall or short. The plant height TT and Tt genotypes both expressed the tall phenotype because the T is dominant to t. The principle of the dominance will explains why genotypes differ from the phenotypes. so from above the dominance factor explains that T is dominant over t.

Thus, The plant height genotypes TT and Tt similar are both are expressed as a tall phenotype.

To learn more about genotypes here


. It was a very ............. match! England won with 3-2 with a goal in the last minute.


Since England won at the last minute with a goal, I am sure it was an optimistic win

Which of the following groups of words is the fragment?

To receive a certificate.
Six courses must be taken.
Both of the above.
Neither of the above.


The following groups of words are the fragment ; 'To receive a certificate' and 'Six courses must be taken.'

A sentence fragment is a "piece" (or part) of a sentence since it lacks the necessary details to comprise a full sentence. A sentence fragment is one that is either incomplete or lacks a subject and verb. As the first and second sentence are unclear, they both are fragmented.

When sentences have been broken up into individual clauses or parts, the result is a sentence fragment. A subject, a predicate, or a wholeness of thought are absent from fragments.

Hence the correct option is 'both the above.'

To know more about  fragment here


What is the exposition?
The part of the story where events begin to get complicated, generating
excitement, tension, or suspense.
An important event that introduces the conflict.
The beginning of a story where the setting, characters, and the basic situation
are introduced.
The turning point of the story and the moment of highest interest and emotion. Please help nobody is helping me and it this due today so help


Exposition a literary device that is created to express important information about the story.

The meaning of Exposition is Comprehensive written description. In English literature, Exposition is a literary device which is used to convey an important information about an event or about the story.

In the Exposition of a story, the narrator or author introduces the situation of the story and its characters. It can be in the form of a novel, or a short story or any essay and gives the point of view of story.

Exposition can improves the reader’s understanding of a literary work and strengthens their connection towards it.In simple word we can say that Exposition is pre - introduction and back stories of the story.

Learn more about Exposition at  

How does the author contrast his experience as a slave with the experience of the white children?


We can actually deduce here that the author contrast his experience as a slave with the experience of the white children by revealing how him and other slaves never knew their birthdays and were maltreated but the white children knew their birthdays and were never maltreated.

Who is an author?

An author is actually known to be someone who writes and publishes books and articles in order to pass knowledge and skill to the readers. Authors are actually known to be helpful as they help readers to acquire information and knowledge.

We see that in, "White Children In The Autobiography" by Fredrick Douglass, Douglass revealed how he and other slaves were treated and how the white children were treated as well.

Learn more about author on


Please help please help


Significant Creative and artist abilities are not a quality of what Hume would call a person of taste.

Explain about the David Hume?

Beauty is not a property of objects in and of themselves; rather, it is a trait of the mind that contemplates them, and each mind sees beauty differently. "Generally speaking, faults in philosophy are just silly; errors in religion are serious."

Reid's theory of taste has clear fundamentals. Taste is a type of perception that is founded on its own fundamental ideas and doesn't require any justification. These fundamental ideas are founded on the superiority of the thing in question. The characteristics that serve as obvious indicators of that quality are beauty and majesty.

The Moral Sense Theory of Hume. Hume argues that if reason is not what allows us to discern between moral excellence and badness, then there must be some aspect of human nature that gives us the ability to form moral judgments.

To learn more about David Hume visit:


Short text not an essay!

I need help please!!!!

Write a commentary on the spoken narrative.
Using your notes and analysis from Exercise 1 Analysing a spoken narrative write a commentary on the text.


Breaking down plot points, organizing the order of events, and identifying how the author's voice and point of view affect the storytelling are all necessary steps in the analysis of a narrative.

Write shot essay about spoke4n narrative?

You may show your reader the route the author chose to take them through the novel by looking at these features. presents students with key aspects of spoken language that do not always occur in written language.Instead of paying attention to and studying examples of actual spoken language, teachers and students in many language courses spend a lot of time evaluating examples of modified written language.In fact, from the moment they begin learning a second language, language learners are exposed to a wide range of written texts, including essays, short tales, letters, and modified paragraphs from popular publications.Unfortunately, teachers rarely incorporate spoken language samples into their ESL or ESL classes to aid students in understanding various sorts of writings, such as narratives or descriptions.What components of discourse analysis are applicable to teaching utilize when writing stories?Can language instructors assist their pupils in deciphering and analyzing spoken language samples?Is there a benefit to using spoken texts instead of printed ones?It is well recognized that there are numerous distinctions between the spoken and written modes that must be taken into account. In actuality, these traits can lead to a greater comprehension of the target language.The major goals of this article are to clarify important discourse analysis principles and show how they can be used to the study of an oral narrative produced by an English native speaker.In order for students to understand how spoken mode functions in actual circumstances, the usage of spoken texts—such as oral narratives—is more significant and compelling.Unfortunately, gathering oral texts presents two challenges.First, finding relevant story lines might be challenging.To avoid this issue, the researcher should first determine whether his or her speakers have captivating or alluring tales that could elicit an emotional response interest of students.Second, transcription of oral stories takes a lot of time.The narrator's articulation and intonation patterns are some factors that affect script preparation. recognizing and classifying the subject's oral narrative's idea units Before attempting to examine oral narratives, the concept of the idea unit is important.As a result, one of the objectives in the analysis of a spoken text is to separate it into its concept units, or the fundamental components of consciousness that the narrator employs to effectively convey a message.These bursts of words have been referred to as concept units by some scholars.These thought units can be recognized when intonation is taken into account.

     To learn more about  oral narrative refer


Help me pls i HATE doing relative pronouns pls helppppppp


The answers of relative pronoun are-

1. Dwayne said "I would like to be friends with someone who is nice to everyone."

2. If she had a million dollars, she would share it with someone whom she trusts.

3. Beatrice wanted the kind of dog that is friendly in nature.

4. When the boys saw the mess in the garage, they wondered who did it.

5. I knew that one day I would find what I want to become in future.

A related clause is identified by a relative pronoun. Its function is to combine modifying details about an antecedent referent. The word which, in the sentence "This is the house that Jack built," serves as an illustration.A relative pronoun connects a supporting clause to the main phrase of a sentence. It would be awful if he lost his job. She made a reckless vow to donate the entire sum of money. A relative clause is a subordinate clause that is introduced by a relative pronoun.Which one? can be answered by a phrase with a relative pronoun as its first word. The number? or Which type? All of the following relative pronouns are used.

Thus this is the meaning of relative pronoun.

To learn more about relative pronoun, refer:


part b: which of the following quotes best supports the answer to part a Tristan and isolade


With regards to the story of Tristan and Isolde, It is to be noted that the answer the Part A is Option D. The quotes from B that best support that answer is found in (Option C) which is Lines  (Lines 53-55).

What is the central idea of Tristan and Isolde?

Tristan and Isolde is a story about desire, what it means in the outside world, where it originates from, and how it relates to love. Desire is the phenomenal manifestation of will; it is the foundation of human life.

The fundamental struggle in this poem focuses upon Tristan and Isolde's love's concealment, and the suffering this secret causes them (as they keep it from King Mark). C. The fundamental conflict in this poem is the battle for Isolde's love and hand in marriage between King Mark and Sir Tristan.

Tristan abandons Isolde to battle against the treacherous Irish for Lord Marke. Marke's decision to show mercy to Tristan and Isolde and let them depart marks the beginning of the Climax. It culminates when Tristan chooses Marke over Isolde and returns to restore his war honor.

Learn more about Tristan and Isolde:

Full Question:

PART B: Which of the following quotes best supports the answer to Part A? A. “Little recked they of the sin; / Nature joined them hand in hand, / Is not that a truer band / Than the formal name of wife?” (Lines 25-28);

B. “So the sunny moments rolled, / And they wove bright threads of gold / Through the common web of life” (Lines 35-37)

C. “Yet would love, in every mood, / Find Heaven’s manna for its food; / For love will grow wan and cold” (Lines 53-55)

D. “Like pale shadows from the tomb, / When an open death of doom / Had been still less hard to bear, / Than the ghastly, cold despair” (Lines 64-67)

PART A: Which of the following best summarizes the narrator’s use of imagery when describing the height of Tristan and Isolde’s love?

A. The narrator describes their love using images of light, sun, and other typically golden images that portray innocence and happiness.

B. The narrator describes their love using images of darkness and obscurity, suggesting that their acts are shameful and should be hidden.

C. The narrator describes their love using images of natural power—such as a storm—suggesting that not only is their love powerful but dangerous.

D. The narrator describes their love with images of pain and death to imply that their love is doomed to end in tragedy.

please give me these answer I will make him or her brainlist​


1. Shishir works the hardest in the class.
Answer: No one in the class works as hard as Shishir.

2. She can not run so fast as you.
Answer: You can run faster than her.

3. Venus is brighter than any other planet.
Answer: Venus is the brightest planet.

4. She is the most polite girl in the class
Answer: No other girl in the class is as polite as she.

5. No other metal is so precious as gold.
Answer: Gold is more precious than any other metal.

6. His bark is worse than his bite.
Answer: His bite is not as bad as his bark.

7. Rose is lovelier than any other flower.
Answer: Rose is the loveliest flower.

(That’s all I could get, sorry :( but I hope this gives you a good idea on how they expect you to answer these)

Need help fast!!! Which sentence contains an allusion?
A. The wind complained outside her window.
B. Life is like a game whose rules are hidden.
C. No other car on Earth can compare to mine.
D. Your emails don't have to be Shakespeare.





Question 5
Use context to determine the meaning of the word abruptly in paragraph 5. Write your definition of abruptly and explain which words or phrases
helped you understand its meaning.


    Abruptly is a sudden, unexpected adverb (suddenly)abruptly, unexpectedly, and occasionally in an unpleasant way: He rose up and left. When one of the delegates left the room in protest, the discussions came to an abrupt conclusion. More instances.

How may context be used to interpret word meaning?

         Use context cues to help you understand unfamiliar words, such as a restatement, a synonym, an illustration, or a direct description or definition that is part of a sentence or paragraph. To determine the precise meanings of new words and phrases, consider the context as a hint.

Questions and Answers About sudden

         Precipitous, sheer, and steep are a few words that frequently replace the word abrupt. Despite the fact that all of these terms refer to "having an incline that approaches the perpendicular," abrupt suggests a sharper pitch and an abrupt change in level.

       Adjective. A sudden, unpleasant shift or action is known as an abrupt change or action.

Exaggerated Sentences

        He immediately made a turn and left the space. Sarah quickly ended her sentence and grinned submissively. He awoke suddenly, a smile spreading across his face. With horrified eyes, he abruptly withdrew.

          Contextual hints come in many different forms. They consist of inference clues, inference examples, inference synonyms, inference antonyms, inference synonyms, and inference synonyms.

To Learn more About abruptly, Refer:


Write a 6-8+ sentence response to the following prompt:

Overcoming one's fears and anxieties is essential to success in life. What attributes help a person overcome their fear(s)?  

Be specific and explain your answer - provide examples if you can.


One of the most potent feelings is fear and anxiety. Your body and mind are both greatly affected by it.

How can one successfully confront their fears?

By writing, you can discover your fears. I've experienced moments of fear where I wasn't sure why.Exercise Gratitude. Gratitude is essential for learning how to conquer fear.Releasing Control; Speaking Positive Affirmations, and RecitingEvery day, take on one frightening task.

When faced with situations, such as being trapped in a fire or being attacked, fear can trigger powerful signals of response. You won't be able to leave where you are if you don't learn to face your anxieties. You can never adopt a development mindset, take action, embrace change, and achieve success. Instead, you'll stay mired in the same circumstance.. It may significantly hinder your capacity to reach your objectives, be happy, or build a fulfilling job.

Therefore, For a lot of folks, fear and anxiety slice like a knife and digs way too deeply

Learn more about fears and anxieties from the given link.


Which of the following sentences punctuates the appositive or appositive phrase correctly?

A. My friend, who is much older than me, helps me a lot with my homework.

B. My friend who is much older than me, helps me alot with, my homework.

C. My friend who is much older than me, helps me alot with my homework.

D. My friend, who is much older than me helps me alot with my homework.​



C. My friend who is much older than me, helps me alot with my homework.

Which option is an example of expository writing


i need the options .

change into report speech

Paul," the pollution in the city is really bad. I wish they do something about it. "​



Paul said that the pollution in the city is really bad and he wished they did something about it.

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