Read the excerpt below from act 1.1 of A Midsummer Night’s Dream by William Shakespeare and answer the question that follows.

EGEUS: Happy be Theseus, our renownèd Duke! [20]
THESEUS: Thanks, good Egeus. What’s the news with thee?
EGEUS: Full of vexation come I, with complaint
Against my child, my daughter Hermia.—
Stand forth, Demetrius.—My noble lord,
This man hath my consent to marry her.— [25]
Stand forth, Lysander.—And, my gracious Duke,
This man hath bewitched the bosom of my child.
Thou, thou, Lysander, thou hast given her rhymes,
And interchanged love tokens with my child.
Thou hast by moonlight at her window sung [30]
With feigning voice verses of feigning love,
And stol’n the impression of her fantasy
With bracelets of thy hair, rings, gawds, conceits,
Knacks, trifles, nosegays, sweetmeats—messengers
Of strong prevailment in unhardened youth. [35]
With cunning hast thou filched my daughter’s heart,
Turned her obedience which is due to me
To stubborn harshness. And, my gracious Duke,
Be it so she will not here before your grace
Consent to marry with Demetrius, [40]
I beg the ancient privilege of Athens:
As she is mine, I may dispose of her,
Which shall be either to this gentleman
Or to her death, according to our law
Immediately provided in that case. [45]
THESEUS: What say you, Hermia? Be advised, fair maid.
To you your father should be as a god,
One that composed your beauties, yea, and one
To whom you are but as a form in wax,
By him imprinted, and within his power [50]
To leave the figure or disfigure it.
Demetrius is a worthy gentleman.
HERMIA: So is Lysander.
THESEUS: In himself he is,
But in this kind, wanting your father’s voice,
The other must be held the worthier. [55]
HERMIA: I would my father looked but with my eyes.
THESEUS: Rather your eyes must with his judgment look.
HERMIA: I do entreat your grace to pardon me.
I know not by what power I am made bold,
Nor how it may concern my modesty [60]
In such a presence here to plead my thoughts,
But I beseech your grace that I may know
The worst that may befall me in this case
If I refuse to wed Demetrius.
THESEUS: Either to die the death, or to abjure [65]
For ever the society of men.
Therefore, fair Hermia, question your desires.
Know of your youth, examine well your blood,
Whether, if you yield not to your father’s choice,
You can endure the livery of a nun, [70]
For aye to be in shady cloister mewed,
To live a barren sister all your life,
Chanting faint hymns to the cold fruitless moon.
Thrice blessèd they that master so their blood
To undergo such maiden pilgrimage; [75]
But earthlier happy is the rose distilled
Than that which, withering on the virgin thorn,
Grows, lives, and dies in single blessedness.
HERMIA: So will I grow, so live, so die, my lord,
Ere I will my virgin patent up [80]
Unto his lordship, whose unwishèd yoke
My soul consents not to give sovereignty.
THESEUS: Take time to pause, and by the next new moon—
The sealing day betwixt my love and me
For everlasting bond of fellowship— [85]
Upon that day either prepare to die
For disobedience to your father’s will,
Or else to wed Demetrius, as he would,
Or on Diana’s altar to protest
For aye austerity and single life. [90]

Theseus is pleading for Hermia to
run away
beware of false loves
choose a husband wisely
obey her father’s wishes
join a nunnery rather than risk the perils of love


Answer 1


Option D


Option D obey her father's wishes

Related Questions

what figure of speech is the lamp fell and hit the ground with a crash ​





An onomatopoeia is a word that suggests the sound of the action that it refers to. For example, in your sentence, the word crash is an onomatopoeia because it’s a sound word and it describes that lamp fell with a crash.

Hope this helps :)

What causes air masses to move? O A difference in air pressure and temperature occurs. O Weather conditions change rapidly to produce storms. O A collision takes place between two natural wind patterns. O Long, narrow bands of wind blow in the upper atmosphere. ​



D) Long narrow bands of wind blow in the upper atmosphere


winds blowing the air masses

Sorry for bad explanation, good on edge...

Hope this helped bye!




If you had to stay inside all day, how would you spend your time?



reading a book or listening to music


is fun


By drawing anime characters


Because I love anime.

That is it.

Help plzzzzz
Good luck



either improve or catapult. I think it's improve.


The answer would be B

To propel

Which statement best describes an effect of alliteration in lines 22–26 of “The Wanderer”?



Can I see lines 22-26 then I'll answer



It highlights the link between the words dances and daffodils, emphasizing how the flowers cause the speaker’s heart to dance

What does consumer mean



okay so the word consumer actually has diff meanings and i'll list both of them out to you, just choose the one that best fits whatever you're working on:

A person who purchases goods and services for personal use.

ex:  An example of a consumer is a person who purchases a new television

A person or thing that eats or uses something.

ex: Carnivores that feed on herbivores or detritivores are called secondary consumers

hope this helps, plz vote me the brainliest :)

A consumer is someone who buys things like goods and services. For example, you yourself are a consumer because you buy goods like groceries from Walmart or wherever you shop. Basically, anyone can be a consumer because you always buy things from the grocery store or get service done like your nails or a car wash.

Which is true about summarizing as an active reading technique?

A. A summary is always shorter than a paraphrase.
B. A paraphrase is always shorter than a summary.
C. Summarizing is rewriting an essay in your own words.
D. Summarizing is only a useful strategy for reading narrative essays.





I did the same question

plz vote brainllest

Identify a prepositional phrase in this sentence:
"I never really feel relaxed unless I'm on my own, in my room."
"I never
unless I'm
'in my room
'really feel relaxed



A. I never



C "in my room" even though you didn't put c there thats the answer


Fill in the blanks with “it” or “there”.

______ was too windy. ______ was no use going to the beach.
______ was no wind, though ______ was very cold.
______ was day already. ______ was a ride in the country to look forward to.
______ was still a day to spare. ______ was great luck.
______ wasn’t enough light. ______ was difficult to read.
______ was light coming through the trees. ______ was hope in it.
______ was a great joy to get the news of our team’s victory. ______ was a celebration ahead.
______ was a joy written all over her face. ______ was no sham.
______ could be anybody. ______ was difficult to see through the mist.
______ was nobody in the house. ______ could be no mistake about it.
______ was not much to be added, and ______ was a relief.
______ was too much to be said about him, and ______ was felt by everybody present.
______ is another letter from Polly, isn’t ______ fine?
______ was another of his letters, and ______ was a lot of bitterness expressed there.
______ is about ten already. ______ is time to start. ______ is all the time we need. ______ is no need to hurry.


Answer: it, there, there, it, it, there, there, it, there, it, there, there, it, there, there, it, it, it, there, there, it, there, there, it, there, it, it, there, it, there, it, there


Look at the principle and Historical significance. What persuasion tactic is 10 points
being used in this picture?
POSTER: Women of
Britain Say "Go"
COUNTRY: United Kingdom
Used to encouragemen
to join the war effort
during World War L
Wat is the persuasion
tactic in this picture
Draws on emotion, in this case a man's eve for his wife.
Uses guilt to coerce the men to go to war.
urges men to protect the women and children by moving to Britain



urges men to protect the women and children by moving to Britain


According to the principle and Historical significance, the persuasion tactic that is used in this picture is that it is urging men to protect the women and children by moving to Britain.

This is necessary and important because an image of a woman and children are used which is used to motivate the men to fight for what they love so that they would not lose them.

Frost covered the ______ of the houses this morning.





Top...I hope I helped

A strong narrative presentation clearly connects ideas by using transitions. Transitions help the audience understand
the relationship between ideas in a story. Choose the most effective transition words to connect the ideas in this
sample narrative.
I had always wanted to go on a bike tour of bike trails upstate,
didn't have much experience with bike
I didn't have a good bike.
I realized that this trip would require a lot of
preparation and money. I set to work making preparations. vi got a job so I could afford a nice bike.
I borrowed a friend's bike to practice riding. vi got my own bike, I practiced even more.
I was very prepared for the trip. v. I planned the route and took off on my bike. It was a
great trip!



A strong narrative presentation clearly connects ideas by using transitions. Transitions help the audience understand the relationship between ideas in a story. Choose the most effective transition words to connect the ideas in this sample narrative.

I had always wanted to go on a bike tour of bike trails upstate,

✔ even though

I didn't have much experience with bike riding.

✔ Additionally

, I didn't have a good bike.

✔ As a result

, I realized that this trip would require a lot of preparation and money. I set to work making preparations.

✔ First

I got a job so I could afford a nice bike.

✔ At the same time

, I borrowed a friend's bike to practice riding.

✔ When

I got my own bike, I practiced even more.

✔ Consequently

, I was very prepared for the trip.

✔ Finally

, I planned the route and took off on my bike. It was a great trip!


The correct response is - Transitions in a compelling narrative presentation make it evident how ideas are related. The audience can better understand how ideas in a tale are related with the use of transitions. To link the concepts in this example narrative, pick the transitional phrases that work best.

What is a Transition?

Transitional words and phrases highlight the connections between sentence components, sentences within a paragraph, or paragraphs within a longer piece of writing (i.e., an essay, short story, novel, magazine article, etcetera). Although transitional words and phrases don't have much meaning on their own, they are crucial for rationally and easily connecting your thoughts to give your paragraphs coherence. According to the type of relationship, you as a writer are aiming to convey, transitional words and phrases can be categorized. You must master eight (8) fundamental categories:

To Display Time. When, always, whenever, at last, at once, momentarily, eventually, ultimately, right away, in the meantime, in the past (or future), last, later, in the interim, next, never, right now, frequently, once, instantly, occasionally, soon.

To read more about Transitions, refer to -


the root crusta -can be found in a word crustacean what dose root crusta mean

a ocean
b shell
c snail
d water





I have done this before

In six months time I (pass) grade 10. (Correct tense of the verb)​



In six months time I will pass grade 10.


will pass


In six months time, I will pass grade 10. This sentence is talking about something that is going to happen in six months which is the future, therefore it must use the future tense. In this case, the correct way to put this verb into the future tense is to add will in front of pass.

charechter vs nature is an example of an External conflict. true or false





external conflict is a conflict that takes place between the character and some outside force.

True , because how can you nature is something from the outside .

2. What
does Palmer
think is the
worst day of
the year?



Answer Why the Arnold Palmer Invitational is so hard this year ... upon Florida on Saturday, making for a treacherous day of golf at the Arnold Palmer Invitational. ... Koepka shoots career-worst 81 as woes continue ... "I think a lot of people are sitting at home saying what they would do out here,


that’s what was on Google

write an essay on business​






Determine your purpose in writing your essay. Are you trying to persuade your reader, inform them of a new product or development or make an argument for a certain idea?


Consider the audience of your essay and how that will affect its tone and structure. Tailor your essay to fit your audience's requirements. Why will they be reading your essay? What should they do after they read your essay?


Outline your main points, including the main question or argument, its supporting evidence, any counterarguments or counterpoints and your conclusion. Use concrete evidence whenever possible, and always cite any references.


Write a rough draft of your essay using your outline for guidance. Try to explain each point clearly but concisely. State your main point in the first paragraph and make your conclusion clear in your final section.


Consider the structure of your draft. Does your argument flow logically? Consider changing some block text to bullet points to increase readability. Use specific and informative section titles and subtitles to make your essay easier to read.


Examine the tone and sentence structure of your draft and make any necessary changes. Although your tone should always be polite, professional and sincere, it may also be enthusiastic, persuasive or confident, depending on your purpose and audience.


Proofread your essay for grammar and spelling. If possible, have a co-worker or friend read through the essay.


Business plays a major role within our society. It is a creative and competitive activity that continuously contributes to the shaping of our society. By satisfying the needs and wants people cannot satisfy themselves, businesses improve the quality of life for people and create a higher standard of living.

It is a way for individuals to provide goods and services to consumers, and at the same time, produce a profit for themselves. Businesses are not only important because they provide goods and services for consumers, but they also improve the economy and increase jobs for people within society which is an additional fact producing a higher standard of living. To measure our societies standard of…show more content…

International trade deficits occur when a nation imports more then it exports. The Decline of Smokestack America is when there is a change from an industrial to a post-industrial economy. Finally, the conservation of energy is so that there are a sufficient amount of natural resources necessary to produce goods. General economic growth or stagnation also has an important influence on business within our society. Many factors can affect it's condition, such as war, new inventions and technology, political assassinations, the discovery of physical and natural resources, labor negotiations, government action, and many others. When the economy is strong and the demand is high, businesses can prosper. Regardless of how great the economy may become, businesses still must compete with other firms for scarce raw materials and labor.

A businesses environment creates many opportunities as well as problems for prospering businesses. The environment determines what a business can do by shaping and channeling its development. Businesses function within an environment by allowing entrepreneurs to raise capital and create profits freely. The supply of money available within a business as well as the economic stability through times of growth and recession have strong effects on businesses. Not only is the physical environment, including natural resources, pollution and energy as discussed previously, important, but many other

If the weather improved, our crops would flourish. Which conditional is this?​


The result part of the sentence is then written in the "would + infinitive verb" form; this is called the present conditional tense. For example: I would answer if he called. If the weather improved, our crops would flourish.

The correct response is - The "would + infinitive verb" form, also known as the present conditional tense, is then used to express the result portion of the phrase. For instance: If he called, I would pick up. If the weather were to get better, our crops would prosper.

What are Crops?

Some of the most important food crops worldwide include cassava, maize, plantains, potatoes, rice, maize, soybeans, yams, wheat, and yams. Horticulture, floriculture, and industrial crops are crucial non-food crops. Plants utilized for other crops are considered horticulture crops (e.g. fruit trees).

Fruits, vegetables, grains, and tubers like potatoes are among them. Wheat is the most widely farmed crop worldwide. Grains, which include crops like rice, corn, and wheat, are the most widely consumed foods worldwide. To feed animals like cows, horses, pigs, and sheep, feed crops are raised and harvested.

To read more about Crops, refer to -


What is the theme of this story? And what happens in the story that leads you to believe this?


Answer: Dont be unfriendly. Don’t believe everything you read.

Use common sense.

Explanation: Ulysses believEd stuff that he read apparently to what I just read, not everything that you read is real. He should of used his common sense and went along. He was a bit unfriendl therefore no one asked to hang out with him.

I need help please ​



I guess


u should see videos


The First thing to view is the Title


The title lets the reader know what, why, and gives a sneak preview into the concept of the website.

Keep on tracking~! Merry Christmas!


Which words have a negative connotation for the word dignified





Which word, in the sentence below, should you pause after for strong reading fluency?
Three and a half years after the attack on Lower Manhattan, too many of the elaborate and eve.
rebuilding seem frozen on paper.
a. years
C. too
b. Manhattan
d. frozen
Please select the best answer from the choices provided


I think it’s A because all the other choices seem to be wrong.


B, Manhattan


A comma is used to signal the reader to pause.

I believe this is the original sentence. Some of yours got cut out:

"Three and a half years after the attack on Lower Manhattan, too many of the elaborate and even inspiring plans for rebuilding seem frozen on paper."



The answer is: Diminish

It means to make or become less
Diminish. It’s the right answer because the definition of it means to become or cause to be less

What is more important: the place you go to or the people you travel with? Write an essay about it



Do wood chucks chuck?



While woodchucks don't “chuck” wood, they do “chuck” dirt as they build underground burrows.


Which sentence in the passage should be revised for wordiness? Pick one of the blue lines shown below.



the last sentance that is blue .. starts with “In other words...”

hope this helps!

by the time the teacher comes to class, the students (complete ) their homework......wat tense will complete be​


bhai school nahi kulane ja raha hai

and happy new year

What Childhood Memory You thought Was Normal but Traumitized You Later In Life


please explain it more


When my mum was having ‘a bad day’ (before I’d leave by myself for primary school) she would say ‘if I’m not here when you get back, you know why’ implying that she would kill herself because of her stressful life.

Which of the following best describes what Lennie, Curley, Candy and Whit have in common?

Answer choices for the above question

A. They all feel proud of their work.

B. They all fear the future.

C. They all crave companionship.

D. They all crave wealth and prosperity.



C. They all crave companionship.


According to the book Of Mice and Men

by John Steinbeck, Lennie, Curley, Candy and Whit are all social outcasts who do not participate in social events that other men of their age would engage in. They are described as being crippled in a way, either physically or mentally.

Therefore, they all crave companionship.

short summary o fmisery stephen king pls??


The novel's narrative is based on the relationship of its two main characters – the popular writer Paul Sheldon and his psychotic fan Annie Wilkes. When Paul is seriously injured following a car accident, former nurse Annie brings him to her home, where Paul receives treatment and doses of pain medication.
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