What are the benefits of being a humble person?


Answer 1

The benefits of a humble person include managing anxiety, advanced tone- control and better connections.  Humility allows people to be open to the possibility of making a mistake.

It's an integral part of moral leadership. However, if you are lacking in modesty, you are less likely to fete the eventuality of crimes or miscalculations in your work or opinions.  Humility helps those around you fete that you value further than just your own ideas – that you suppose outside your pride.

One way to be humble person is to give due credit to platoon members. Likewise, when a commodity goes wrong, do not cast blame. For illustration, humble people handle stress more effectively and report advanced physical and internal well-being situations. They also show lesser liberality, helpfulness, and gratefulness — all effects that can only serve to draw us near to others.

To learn more about humble person, visit here



Related Questions

How many community lifelines are there?


Safety and security, health and medical care, communications, hazardous materials, food, water, shelter, energy (power & fuel), and transportation are the seven societal lifelines that FEMA has defined.

What does FEMA actually do?

The Federal Emergency Management Agency's (FEMA) objective is to assist the public and first responders in spreading the message that we should all work together to increase our nation's capability to anticipate, fight from, respond to, recover from, and reduce all risks.

For what reasons will FEMA reject you?

FEMA assistance typically does not cover damage to landscaping, non-essential areas, or ruined food. You didn't report any home damage. FEMA will deem you ineligible if you apply for national disaster assistance but stated that your home has not been damaged by a disaster.

To know more about FEMA visit:



How many types of disclosure are there?


There are four kinds of self-disclosures: intentional, unavoidable, accidental, and client prompted.

What are the four different forms of disclosure?

A prospectus is one of four forms of disclosure documents. An offer information statement, a profile statement, and a basic corporate bonds prospectus in two parts.The use of Confidential Information for the purposes of assessment or joint research and development for academic study is referred to as the Purpose of Disclosure.

Disclosure includes the name of the organization, the party to the loans, approval, date and location of signing, significant conditions such as loan tenure, interest charged, annual percentage rate, total processing costs, loan statement, and prepayment.

To learn more about Disclosure to refer:



Which word has a positive connotation?


The words hero, flower, puppy create a positive connotation

What was the purpose of big stick diplomacy ?


The Emancipation Proclamation to the Truman Doctrine is the name given to Roosevelt Eisenhower's strong strategy toward Latin America including the Caribbean. It is frequently referred to as his "Big Stick" approach.

What was the big stick approach to diplomacy?

The phrase "talk softly and carry a large stick; you will go far" was the motto of President Theodore Roosevelt, and it is sometimes referred to as "big stick philosophy.

What was Theodore Roosevelt's most notable accomplishment?

Conservation was one of Roosevelt Chamberlain's most successful endeavors. He significantly expanded the West's national forests, set aside land for the public's use, and encouraged large irrigation projects.

Big stick ideology, big stick diplomacy, or big stick policy refers to President Theodore Roosevelt's foreign policy, "speak softly and carry a big stick you will go far.

To know more about Theodore Roosevelt's visit :



How old was Ophelia when she died in Hamlet?


Ophelia is eight years old than Hamlet. These both characters have been chosen from a great tragedy Hamlet.

How does Ophelia die in the novel?

Ophelia is one of the two female characters in William Shakespeare's Hamlet.

She is depicted as a young noblewoman from Denmark who Prince Hamlet might wed.

She is the sister of Laertes and a Polonius heir. The facts of Ophelia's death are still being investigated because there are various accounts of what happened.

She might have been killed in a mishap.

This article will answer the topic, "How does Ophelia die in Hamlet?" by examining these several stories and the circumstances surrounding her passing.

Hamlet's mother, Queen Gertrude, appears in Act IV, scene vii and at first weeps. This is one of the most poetic death notifications in all of literature.

To know more about hamlet, visit:-



When the office became paper free?


A workplace that uses digital records instead of several paper-based procedures is known as a "paperless office." Some businesses refer to themselves as "paper-light" since many offices and divisions are unable to totally get rid of paper files due to regulatory or operational needs.

How much would getting rid of paper cost?

If you don't currently have any of the required digital tools, you should prepare to invest between $25 and $300 up front for going paperless as well as an additional $5 to $20 per month for those tools.

Is going paperless a wise decision?

You may avoid wasting time sorting, printing, recycling, shipping, and filing paper by becoming paperless at home and at work.

To know more about paperless office  visit:-



What do you call a person who doesn't get angry easily?


Imperturbable is we call a person who doesn't get angry easily. If you're imperturbable you are not easily upset,  then you can't let things bother you or get you stressed.

Who is an impetuous person?When you call someone impetuous, you're referring to their propensity for acting without stopping to consider their actions or exercising caution.Both the terms impulsive and impetuous describe people who act hastily and prematurely, or activities taken without giving them much thought. For example, impetuous vivacity, impetuous passion, and impetuous speech all imply haste, violence, and haste. An act of giving that was spontaneous emphasises spontaneity and lack of thought.imperturbable Include in list Share. Being imperturbable means you don't get offended easily. You cannot allow things to worry you or cause you to feel pressured, uncertain, or furious if your objective is to be imperturbable.

Learn more about Imperturbable refer to ;



Which narrative technique does the author include in this excerpt and how does it support the author's purpose in Enrique's Journey?


it shows that Enrique is resourceful. Read the passage about Enrique's travels.

What narrative techniques used in Enrique's journey?

Author Sonia Nazario shows us how circumstances affect a character along the road and expose how a character truly is in her novel Enrique's Journey by utilizing literary devices including topic, characterization, and POV.

Third-person narration is used by the author to describe Enrique's journey. Most of this is from Enrique's point of view, although occasionally the author also uses other characters to narrate the story. With this writing approach, the reader may see more of the action as it unfolds.

The author wanted to help Americans understand this immigration situation more humanely and nuancedly.

It demonstrates how challenging Enrique's travels have been.

To learn more about Enrique's journey refers to:



Which of the following identifies Malala Yousafzai's main claim in the text?


World leaders need to prioritize access to education for all children, as it is important for all children to be able to succeed.

What is meant by education?

Education is a planned activity with certain goals in mind, such as knowledge transmission or the development of skills and character.These objectives might include the growth of comprehension, reason, kindness, and honesty.For the purpose of separating education from indoctrination, numerous studies emphasize the importance of critical thinking.While some theorists insist that education must lead to a student's improvement, others favor a definition of the term that is value-neutral.The original purpose of education was to pass on cultural heritage to future generations.Formal, non-formal, and informal education are the three main categories of education.Formal education occurs at educational and training facilities, is normally organized around curriculum goals and objectives, and is frequently facilitated by teachers.

To learn more about education refer to



Which paragraph from the article BEST summarizes a central idea from the article?
(A) Eighteen years ago, the Global March Against Child Labour spearheaded a global movement to bring child labor and child slavery to the attention of global leaders. Thanks to the invaluable contributions of fellow activists, workers, educators and businesses, the campaign was a resounding success, leading to the adoption of the International Labor Organization’s Worst Forms of Child Labor Convention.
(B) Specifically, the changes to the Child Labour Act would allow children under the age of 14 to help their families in “non-hazardous” family enterprises or the entertainment industry. This may sound innocuous, but it fails to acknowledge a stark and undisputable reality: Work for “family enterprises” can be as brutal as any other kind. And the list of “hazardous” occupations is far from complete.
(C) My colleagues and I have humbly done our part over the years, rescuing more than 84,000 children from despicable conditions. It has not been enough to end the blight of child slavery, but to those children and their families, it has meant everything.
(D) Before being rescued by my organization, Bachpan Bachao Andolan, 8-year-old Arpita was forced to work 16- to 18-hour days in the home of her uncle as domestic “help.” When we rescued her, we had to break down the door. It was the dead of winter, and she was barely clothed and severely malnourished, covered in wounds and cowering under a rag on her uncle’s balcony.





What was the main effect of the grandfather clauses and literacy tests?


Literacy tests and grandfather clauses prevented a disproportionate number of African Americans from voting. As a result, nearly all African Americans had lost their right to vote by the beginning of the twentieth century.

What do we understand by literacy test?

The goal was to keep those with little literacy from voting, particularly low-income African Americans in the South. This was accomplished by asking these prospective voters to interpret unclear passages in the United States Constitution or by rejecting their applications owing to typographical errors. The Voting Rights Act prohibited states from blocking African Americans from voting through literacy tests and other ways. Prior to this, only around 23% of black persons of voting age were registered in the United States, but by 1969, that figure had risen to 61%. Literacy tests were added to the voting process in the South with the introduction of Jim Crow legislation. Southern and border states passed these state and local ordinances and legislation in the late 1870s to deny Black Americans the right to vote.

Learn more about Literacy here: https://brainly.com/question/24716030


Identify the correct punctuation in the sentence below.
Jimmy is passing all of his classes however, his brother Joe is not.
O add semicolon between classes and however
O added a comma between brother and Joe
O add a comma between passing and all
O no change needed


Add a comma between brother and Joe would be correct.

Please mark brainliest

Understanding Prepositions
Combine each of the following sentences into one sentence that includes one or two prepositional
phrases. You may have to add, delete, or rearrange words. Some items have more than one sentence.
Please underline your prepositional phrases.
1. It had been hot and sunny. It was perfect day for the beach. Then it began to rain.
2. It was halftime. The girls wanted hot chocolate. The girls ran to the concessions stand.
3. There are moles living in the yard. They make tunnels. There is grass in the yard.
The votes have not been counted. We don't know who won the election.
5. The flag flying on the courthouse is new. It looks beautiful.
6. The oven in the cafeteria is broken. There is no hot food. It will have to be repaired.
7. Annie was sledding down the hill. She stopped against the woodpile.
8. Degas and Monet are Impressionists. The Impressionists are a group of artists.
9. The empty cartons were in the basement. Beth gathered them. She stacked them in the
driveway for recycling.


1. It had been hot and sunny, perfect for the beach, when it suddenly started to rain. 2. At halftime, the girls ran to the concessions stand for hot chocolate.


3. There are moles living in the yard, making tunnels amongst the grass.

4. The votes have not yet been counted, so we don't know who won the election.

5. The new flag flying on the courthouse looks beautiful.

6. The oven in the cafeteria is broken, so there is no hot food and it will have to be repaired.

7. Annie was sledding down the hill and stopped against the woodpile.

8. Degas and Monet are Impressionists, a group of artists.

9. Beth gathered the empty cartons in the basement and stacked them in the driveway for recycling.

What is preposition ?

A preposition is a word that expresses the relationship between two other words in a sentence. Prepositions are typically used to indicate the position of something, the time when something happened, or the way in which something is related to something else. Examples of prepositions include in, on, under, over, above, below, between, through, to, for, by, and with. Prepositions are usually followed by a noun or pronoun.

To know more about Preposition visit:



69 . Gardner's argument for multiple intelligences receives support from the A ) existence of creative intelligence B ) 10 - year rule C) characteristics of savant syndrome D ) existence of a factor


The answer is D. The existence of a factor. Gardner's argument for multiple intelligences is supported by the idea of a “general factor of intelligence”, which is a factor that underlies all intellectual abilities and can be measured through IQ tests.

This factor was first proposed by Charles Spearman in 1904, and it has since been supported by a variety of research studies. Thus, the existence of a general factor of intelligence provides support for Gardner's argument for multiple intelligences.

These studies have shown that there is a general factor of intelligence that underlies all intellectual abilities, such as verbal, spatial, and logical reasoning.

Learn more about Gardner's argument:



Discuss how Edwin Arlington Robinson’s use of language and imagery affects the meaning of “Aunt Imogen.” Cite evidence from the poem to support your position. Your response should be at least two hundred words.


The use of language and imagery that Edwin Arlington Robinson uses in his poem "Aunt Imogen" helps to create and shape the tone of the poem and add a deeper meaning.

What is Imagery?

Edwin Arlington Robinson's use of language and imagery in his poem "Aunt Imogen" serves to build and shape the tone of the poem, while also adding a deeper meaning. "That gazed across the fields; and Imogen / Gazed out with a girl's happiness in her eyes, / Happy to know that she was back once more / Where there were others who knew her, and at last / Had triumphantly gotten away again," as an example of imagery.

Robinson's phrasing and descriptions of this specific event evoke a sense of astonishment and gladness. It depicts Aunt Imogen as cheerful and comfortable, enjoying the view from the window and having a good time.

His phrasing also alludes to a lovely view, giving the viewer a feeling of what it must be like to gaze out that window. Robinson employs imagery and words to convey some of the poem's more serious themes, such as Aunt Imogen's psychological problems.

Learn more about Imagery, here:



How does poet compare the dance of waves with dance of flowers in daffodils?


The minstrel compared the swells to the dancing daffodils. He was overjoyed to see how lovely the geography and flowers were. He wants to demonstrate how dancing daffodils appear lovely by comparing to swells.

The minstrel compares daffodils to stars and swells, but why?

Daffodils were stretched out in a straight line and appeared just like stars in the sky, which is why the minstrel compares them to stars in the world. The golden shade of the daffodils gave the print that stars were shining and flashing as they gestured in the breath. The minstrel was inspired to compare them because of these resemblant relation.

To know more about the comparison of Daffodils, visit:


Eva is a quiet girl, but she is really a very funny person.

What is wrong with the above sentence?
It is a run-on sentence.
It is a dependent clause.
There is no error.
It is a sentence fragment.





Answer: B: There is no error

Which two pigs took leadership roles after major died?


Two pigs named Napoleon and Snowball took leadership roles after major died.

How two pigs are portrayed?

Napoleon is shown as a big, fierce-looking hog who is shrewd and clever, and who is more concerned with control and power than with the revolution's objectives. He eventually assumes the role of the ruler of Animal Farm, consolidating his reign through propaganda, coercion, and violence. On the other side, Snowball is portrayed as a wise and forward-thinking pig who is committed to the revolution's goals and sincerely cares about the well-being of the other animals. He works arduously to enhance the farm and instruct the other animals. He is a great speaker and a born leader. Napoleon's competitor eventually has to leave the property as Napoleon consolidates his position of authority and accuses Snowball of betraying him. After Major dies, Napoleon and Snowball step up to run the farm, but they each have their own leadership styles, philosophies, and techniques.

To know more about Animal Farm, visit:



Type the correct answer in the box.
Mention the term
parenting is a belief, or a way of living, that teaches and emphasizes good behavior in the process of raising children.


Parents are largely responsible for their children's behaviour.

Are parents responsible for childrens behavior?

Three main objectives are shared by parenting styles all around the world: protecting children's health and safety, preparing them for adulthood, and passing along cultural values. A strong parent-child bond is essential for a child's growth.

One of the most crucial figures in young children's lives are their parents. Mothers, fathers, and other carers who take on the role of parents are all considered to be parents.

Children rely on their parents to give them the care they require to be happy and healthy, as well as to grow and develop properly, from the moment they are born. As a parent, you have some control over your child's fundamental beliefs, such as their religion, and future-related decisions, such as their educational options. 

To learn more about childrens behavior refer to  :



Which figurative language technique is use to bring the main characters of the story to life


Answer: characterisation

Explanation:One figurative language technique used to bring main characters to life in a story is characterization. This can be achieved through various methods such as direct characterization, where the author explicitly states the character's personality and traits, or indirect characterization, where the author shows the character's personality and traits through their actions, thoughts, and dialogue. Other figurative language techniques such as imagery, symbolism, and metaphor can also be used to enhance characterization and bring the main characters to life in a story.

What does Ponyboy do that worries Two-Bit?


Answer:Two-Bit observes Ponyboy picking up a glass bottle and breaking off the end of it and then using it to threaten some Socs.


Ponyboy now feels that unless he gets "tough," he will get hurt.

At what age do we stop paying into Social Security?


The response is typically never while you're still employed. There are, however, always exceptions to the norm, so be careful to investigate if one of the ones mentioned above seems to apply to you.

Explain about the Social Security?

A government distributes regular benefits to certain groups of people, such as the sick, the unemployed, or those without other sources of income, through the social security system. women receiving social security who did not have employment. Social security-dependent families will suffer a great deal.

Social security is the safety net that a society provides to individuals and households in order to guarantee access to healthcare and to provide financial stability, particularly in situations of old age, unemployment, disease, invalidity, work injuries, maternity, or the death of a primary earner.

A worker has the option to expand their retirement planning on top of the regular Social Security benefit.

To learn more about Social Security refer to:



What makes Jaden an effective group discussion participants?


Group Discussion process commences by the declaration of the topic to the group, which is followed by giving preparation time of 3 to 5 minutes to everyone.

How can a participant in group discussion be an effective?

Listen respectfully, without interrupting.

Listen actively and with an ear to understanding others' views. ...

Criticize ideas, not individuals. ...

Avoid blame, speculation, and inflammatory language.

Allow everyone the chance to speak.

Everyone in the group has an opportunity to speak, expressing their thoughts openly and expressing their own ideas and emotions. Everyone in the group can openly hear each other's thoughts and feelings.

An employee who attends a meeting but does not serve in the capacity of leader, recorder, or timekeeper is referred to as a participant. The participation goes beyond simple spectatorship. Their participation is essential to the meeting's success since they can contribute ideas and ask and share insights and questions.

To learn more about  effective group discussion refer to:



What is fine dining service?


Fine dining service indicates to an experience in a restaurant which has high quality and formality comparing to other restaurants.

Fine dining refers to a eatery experience that comprises an advanced quality and lesser formality compared to the experience at a casual dining eatery. The atmosphere of a fine dining establishment is generally more elegant, and the food is served in a more formal way.

Fine dining restaurants are known for delivering the loftiest position of client service. Guests anticipate elegant air, upscale table settings, and a menu with advanced price points. They also anticipate waiters to uphold fine dining form.

To learn more about restaurant here



An experience at a fine dining establishment is more formal and of higher quality than one at a casual eating establishment.

In a fine dining establishment, the ambiance is often more upscale and the cuisine is served more formally. Fine dining is a type of eating that typically occurs in pricey establishments where really good food is provided to patrons, frequently in a formal manner. all-you-can-eat restaurants and cafes. Fine dining and casual dining are the two broadest subcategories. The ambiance and ambiance between the two are among their main differences. In contrast to fine dining, which emits a more formal and elegant ambiance, casual dining is friendlier and more relaxed. There are variations in the food options, and the cost is a factor.

To know more about subcategories refer to the link below :



Who wanted to sleep with Joseph in the Bible?


Potiphar, an Egyptian officer of the Pharaoh, purchased Joseph as a slave. Joseph resisted the Potiphar's Wife's attempts as she tried to seduce him.

The wife of Popitar numerous times asked Joseph to teach her the word of his God and promised that if he granted her wish, both she and her husband would convert to his God. Even after numerous attempts, day after day, Joseph rejected the approaches of Potiphar's wife. He wouldn't even approach her. Genesis 39:8–9 lists Joseph's justifications for not sleeping with Potiphar's wife. Potiphar trusted him and gave him control over all of his possessions.

To know more about Bible, refer to this link:



Who is your hero?
If you could live anywhere, where would it be?
What is your biggest fear?
What is your favorite family vacation?
What would you change about yourself if you could?
What really makes you angry?
What motivates you to work hard?
What is your favorite thing about your career?
What is your biggest complaint about your job?
What is your proudest accomplishment?
What is your child's proudest accomplishment?
What is your favorite book to read?
What makes you laugh the most?
What was the last movie you went to? What did you think?
What did you want to be when you were small?
What does your child want to be when he/she grows up?


If I could live anywhere, it would be in the mountains of Colorado.

My biggest fear is spiders.

My favorite family vacation was a trip to Disney World.

If I could change anything about myself, it would be my self-confidence. What makes me angry is when people don't respect others.

What motivates me to work hard is knowing that I am contributing to something meaningful.

My favorite thing about my career is that it is constantly changing.

My biggest complaint about my job is the long hours.

My proudest accomplishment is completing college.

My child's proudest accomplishment is making the school track team.

My favorite book to read is The Great Gatsby.

What makes me laugh the most is watching comedy films.

The last movie I went to was Wonder Woman and I enjoyed it.

When I was small, I wanted to be an astronaut.

My child wants to be a game developer when he grows up.

If you are involved in a collision, ____.

A. only call 911 if one of your passengers is injured
B. call 911 no matter what
C. leave and call the police
D. stop and remain calm



D. stop and remain calm


If you don't stop, you'll be convicted of a hit-and-run, which means that you'll be accused of being the person who caused the collision and fled the situation.

Call 911 no matter what

Film terms for the count of Monte Cristo
Explain a scene from the movie that best describes the term

Film score
Computer generated imagery
Character actor
Special effects


Choreography: In the scene where Edmond and Mercedes reunite after years apart, they share a passionate dancing scene. This scene has been carefully choreographed to reflect the emotion and tension between the two characters.

What is Choreography?

Choreography is the art of creating and arranging dances. It involves creating patterns and sequences of movements that are often performed to music. Choreographers use a variety of techniques to create their works, including improvisation, composition, and manipulation of movement.

Musical: As Edmond and Mercedes dance, romantic music is playing in the background. This musical score adds to the emotion of the scene, and emphasizes the powerful connection between the two characters.

Film score: The film score for the scene is composed of classical and romantic music, which is used to enhance the emotion of the scene. The score helps to evoke a sense of nostalgia, longing, and love between Edmond and Mercedes.

Dialogue: The dialogue in the scene is minimal, with Edmond and Mercedes only exchanging meaningful glances. Instead of words, the emotions of the characters are conveyed through their body language and the music playing in the background.

Computer Generated Imagery: In the scene, the camera pans out to show a wider view of the couple dancing in the middle of a crowded ballroom. This wider shot is created with the help of computer generated imagery, which helps to emphasize the emotion of the scene.

Cliffhanger: The scene ends with a cliffhanger, as Edmond and Mercedes are interrupted by guards before they can share a kiss. This cliffhanger leaves the audience wondering what will happen next and keeps them engaged in the story.

Screenplay: The dialogue and action in the scene are carefully written out in the screenplay. This helps the director to create a scene that conveys the emotion of the characters and keeps the audience hooked.

Character Actor: Edmond and Mercedes are played by two experienced character actors, who are able to bring a sense of emotion and depth to the scene that lesser actors may not be able to achieve.

Storyboard: Before the scene is filmed, a storyboard is created to help the director visualize the scene and plan out the action and dialogue.

Special Effects: In the scene, there are several special effects used to create the illusion of a crowded ballroom. This includes smoke, lighting, and computer generated imagery.

To learn more about Choreography

What is the most important benefit of teaching art music and movement in early childhood?


Imagination and inventiveness, acquire new vocabulary and ideas, Learn about causes and effects. acquire powerful motor skills.

Why is early childhood education crucial for music and movement?

Children gain greatly from music and physical activity. They assist kids in growing cognitively, solving problems, expressing themselves, and socially. A child's education in the early years is incomplete without music and movement.

Why are creativity and music essential for a child's development?

Through open-ended play, art encourages the development of children's cognitive, social-emotional, and multisensory abilities. After entering elementary school, art continues to offer chances for brain development, mastery, self-esteem, and creativity to children.

To know more about vocabulary visit :-



Would Thoreau's argument have been better served by replacing the questions with statements of fact?


No, Thoreau's argument is better served with rhetorical questions. No need to replace the questions with statements of fact.

The rhetorical questions in both passages are used to challenge the reader's assumptions and encourage them to think more critically about the issues being discussed. In the first passage, the questions motivate the reader to consider the actions of the people who are petitioning the state and to think about the potential consequences of their actions. In the second passage, the questions motivate the reader to think about the role of government in society and the ways in which it can support or inhibit progress and reform.

The device of the rhetorical question is effective in both passages because it engages the reader and encourages them to consider different perspectives on the issues being discussed. In the second passage in particular, the use of rhetorical questions helps to build tension and create a sense of outrage, which may be more powerful than a series of statements of fact alone.

This question related to the rhetorical questions in Civil Disobedience written by Henry David Thoreau. The question should be provided with the passage, as follows:

Some are petitioning the State to dissolve the Union, to disregard the requisitions of the President. Why do they not dissolve it themselves--the union between themselves and the State--and refuse to pay their quota into its treasury? Do not they stand in same relation to the State that the State does to the Union? And have not the same reasons prevented the State from resisting the Union which have prevented them from resisting the State?

Unjust laws exist: shall we be content to obey them, or shall we endeavor to amend them, and obey them until we have succeeded, or shall we transgress them at once? Men, generally, under such a government as this, think that they ought to wait until they have persuaded the majority to alter them. They think that, if they should resist, the remedy would be worse than the evil. But it is the fault of the government itself that the remedy is worse than the evil. It makes it worse. Why is it not more apt to anticipate and provide for reform? Why does it not cherish its wise minority? Why does it cry and resist before it is hurt? Why does it not encourage its citizens to put out its faults, and do better than it would have them? Why does it always crucify Christ and excommunicate Copernicus and Luther, and pronounce Washington and Franklin rebels?

Learn more about Civil Disobedience here: brainly.com/question/17749455


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