What are THREE reasons to communicate plans before hiking?


Answer 1
So you would not get lostSo u can be preparedand you'll be sure about what's going on

Related Questions

August 14, 1942 - September 28, 1942

What does Anne say she recognizes about adults compared to children?


i don’t speak english good
Adults can drive and drink and stuff and kids can’t




Moving from place to place


Nomadic means (groups of people) tending to travel and change settlements frequently.

Please give brainliest if this helps.


Moving from Place to place


this is about Analyzing Drama - “Sorry, Wrong Number”
Define the following drama terms.
Drama -

Cast of characters


Stage directions




1. Why is it essential to read the background on p. 131 before reading the radio play?

2. How do you think a radio play would differ from a stage play?

While You Read - Read the play and fill out the detailed plot chart based upon the radio play, “Sorry, Wrong Number”.
-Setting (Time & Place)

-Major Character
-Minor Characters

Rising Action:
-Problem/Conflict Identified

-Important Detail


-Foreshadowing (Clues what will happen in the story)


Climax (highest point of action)
-What major change in the story occurred?

-Inference that Reader Makes

Falling Action

-Event 3

-Dramatic Irony (what the audience/reader knows)


please help many as possible



Setting is the where and when the story takes place.

Dialogue speaking of characters and can also be classified into thinking.

Plot is pretty much how a sequence of events is affected in the story aka cause and effect.

Conflict is when something in the story happens that is portrayed as wrong. For example maybe someone loses their phone so they have to find it before they can go to the mall with a friend.

Hope this helps



B because people
Don’t think the cat is intimating because it’s small

Answer in a full paragraph. What is your favorite Ara in time? Were you apart of it? Were you a child? Or did you just read about it?





I think 2008 was an amazing time because life was so much more simple.




The first one!


Thank you!


The first one, man!


follow the instructions in photo.

please help with 8-12, i’ll mark brainliest


8- I emailed Ms. Emily Rayward with my decision on September, 15.
9- A local lawyer, Mr. Richard Kanton, was quoted in the newspaper article yesterday.
10- Emma made an appointment with Dr. Richardson for May 4, 2010.
11- Tussey Mountain, near State College Penn is home to a small ski resort!
12- Yes Lilly, we do need to stop in Athens, Georgia on the way home.
I think these are correct


I e-mailed Ms. Emily Rayward, with my descion on Sept, 15.

A local Lawyer Mr. Richard Kanton was quoted in the newspaper article, Yesterday

Emma, made an appointment with doctor Richardson for May 4, 2010

Tusday Mountain, near State College Penn, is home to a small ski resort

Yes Lilly, we do need to stop in Athens Georgi, on the way home.


Hope it helps (:

1. article) A Huge Tornado *
2.(journal) Journal of Music and Dance

underline or quotations marks?


A huge tornado and underline boom

Does anyone have book recommandtions for me ?
The kind of books I like: Romance, Sad, Deep, Depression, Fiction, Realistic Fiction, Books about depression and future life!
The Books I read that I love: All This Time
To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before
Turtles All the Way Down
How Hard Can Love Be?
The Places I’ve Cried in Public
Holding Up the Universe
It Only Happens In Movies
They Both Die at the End
How to Be Happy (Or At Least Less Sad)
The Little Book of Life Hacks
The Book of Questions
14,000 Things to be Happy About
This is for the Woman Who Don’t Give a Apple
The Book of Human Emotions
I Can Get Paid for That?
The Wish List
101 Essays That Will Change the Way You Think
Finish This Book



loveboat taipei!


Loveboat taipei is a coming of age novel with a love interest. I think you would really like it!

to all the boys i’ve loved before! :)

Please Help

1. How do Mrs. Jones and Roger meet?

2. What does Roger expect Mrs. Jones to do?

3. What does Mrs. Jones do instead?

4. Confirm your understanding of the story with a brief summary that covers the 5Ws of how the story happened: Who was involved? What happened? Why did it happen? When did it happen? Where did it happen? (5 points)

5. What has this story taught you about the kinds of events, actions, and people that can cause a change in someone’s life?

6. How did the author organize the story's plot in order to build tension toward the conflict, and did the resolution provide a sense of satisfaction for you, the reader? Explain your response citing at least two examples from the text.



1. Roger and Mrs. Jones met on a roadside..about eleven o'clock.

2. Roger expects Mrs. Jones to call the police on him.

3. Mrs. Jones takes him home and makes him something to eat.

I honestly hope it helps if it doesn't I'm truly sorry this is as far as i go cause i have my own work to do pls rate comment and ill try to finish the rest in comments later thank you and God bless.

Mrs jones does something like pluck all of her pubes of ( use Socratic for better answers were you can search pages)

Read the excerpt from Act I of The Monsters Are Due on Maple Street.

The boy suddenly stops again conscious of the parents staring at them and of the sudden hush of the crowd.




(in a whisper, sensing the antagonism of the crowd)

Tommy, please son . . . honey, don't talk that way –

What does this excerpt tell the reader about Sally’s point of view?

She is frustrated that no one in the group believes her son’s theory. point of view
She is concerned because her son is speaking the truth about the flash.
She is worried about the well-being of her son among an angry group.
She is confused about why the group may be agitated by her son.



She is worried about the well-being of her son among an angry group.  

This play is all about the destruction of a mob mentality. The neighborhood is looking for a reason for the strange events on Maple Street. When Tommy speaks up he makes people suspicious of him. His mom is worried for his safety because she sees their anger.


Hope this helps and pls mark brainlest!


C (She is worried about the well-being of her son among an angry group.)

Based on what you know about Brian so far, do you think he will survive?

Why or why not?

What evidence in the text makes you think this? (Use R.A.C.E.)


What chapters are these

In chapters 4 and 5 of The True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle, it is becoming clear that Charlotte values appearances. For example, she believes Captain Jaggery to be a good person, because his clothes are nice. On the other hand, she seems to look down on the rest of the sailors because they're dirty and unkempt. Think of a time in your life when you judged someone based on appearances and were wrong. What were your first impressions? What was your judgment of this person? How did that first impression change and why?

ur amazing :)



Zachariah led a mutiny against captain Jaggery because he thought that the captain was a gentleman and trustworthy but he did not turn out to be trustworthy and cheated.


According to Zachariah and Charlotte, captain Jaggery was a trust worthy man. Both of them thought that he was a gentleman and could be trusted very easily. But to their surprise, captain Jaggery turned out to be completely opposite of both of them thought the captain to be.

Captain Jaggery was not a gentleman at all and not at all trust worthy. He had deceived every one and that was the reason why Zachariah had led a mutiny against him and he said that the rebellion was totally justified which was against the captain.

english help please!! i need a metaphor that compares poetry not using like or as



Poetry is a short experience that can last a life time?

Sorry if this doesnt work

The dog is baby gas josh don’t like

Please answer all? tysvm!!!!!



I do not know exactly because I was not around that long. :D


victory through air power is a book

Sir Isaac Newton was contemplating the universe in his garden one day in 1665 when he noticed an apple fall from a tree. Newton wondered to himself, “Why should the apple always fall to the ground? Why does it not go sideways or upwards but directly toward the Earth’s center?” After much contemplation Newton concluded that objects are pulled to the Earth through a force that he called gravity, which means heaviness in Latin. On July 5th, 1687 Newton formally expressed his law of universal gravitation in series of books called The Principia.

What is the topic of this text?


A. The Earth

B. An apple

C. Gravity

D. The Principia


C. Gravity

I hope this helps <3
The answer is Gravity :)

Here feel we but the penalty of Adam,
The seasons' difference, as the icy fang
And churlish chiding of the winter's wind

The Bible, Genesis 3: 17-19
To Adam he said, “Because you listened to your wife and ate fruit from the tree about which I commanded you, ‘You must not eat from it,’

“Cursed is the ground because of you; through painful toil you will eat food from it all the days of your life. It will produce thorns and thistles for you, and you will eat the plants of the field.”

Select the correct answer.
Read the two excerpts. One is from a play and the other is from the Bible. Based on the biblical reference, what is William Shakespeare saying about the cold wind?

It’s one of the trials to test humanity’s faith in God.
It’s a punishment for one particular person.
It’s a part of the natural cycle of seasons, which repeats each year.
It’s been a part of life that humans must endure since the curse of Adam.
It's a necessary obstacle that all humans must face in order to reach their goals.


The answer is D

I believe




The penalty of Adam refers to the curse that resulted from Adam's choice.  The "churlish chiding" of the wind: churlish is to be mean or rude in a mean-spirited way, and to chide is to scold- so the wind is figuratively mocking him in a mean way.

The question is asking you to focus on what the writer of the poem (Shakespeare) says about the WIND.  The wind is not testing, the wind is not punishing, and it's described as too mean to be just part of a natural cycle.  The answer D references Adam, which is a huge clue.  The wind, while it is an obstacle in life, is not described as anything but mean- and the biblical reference means that it wasn't just a consequence for Adam, but one that would affect people that came after Adam too.

Need help please I'm really behind on work...-



they where not good people

and the boy thought

that they where evil

and looked up into their eyes

There! I did most of it

trust/don't trust me u do u boo


the answer is they where not good with people

If this is my rough draft what can be my final draft for my essay.

Why Athletes are good role models.

Ever since the ancient years, we have admired athletes and the hard work that they do to achieve their goal of winning. We idolize them and wish we were more like them. What happens though when the realization sinks in that they are human too and that some of them do get greedy and selfish? A lot of athletes are model citizens that you should really look up to, but there are also some bad apples in the bunch that ruin it for everyone. Athletes can inspire young people to work hard so that their efforts can pay off, but no one is pure and flawless. Greed does take a hold of some players, but they shouldn't be the ones we devote all of our attention to. We should look at the Shaquille O'Neal bought over 1,000 turkeys and gave to needy families all across the nation on Thanksgiving. I did not hear one mention of that in the news. They are making us believe that all athletes are bad people with their propaganda. If they spent half the time covering the good-hearted stories that they do the bad ones, we would have a different opinion on the hard working athlete. Michael Jordan has started a foundation that donates money for research to help physically challenged children. He has been running up the tabs at Atlantic City casinos, but who hasn't gambled? We are not perfect. Michael may gamble, but he does his share of helping and works hard for what he has acquired. Gambling is no crime, so then he is not showing us a negative thing. If parents disapprove of him gambling, then they should outlaw it because he is not doing anything wrong. Michael, and other athletes as well, is aware that he is constantly being watched by millions and tries to act accordingly. There has been a major controversy in the NBA lately thanks to Charles Barkley and his claim in an interview that he is not a role model, but that is the job of the parent. He says that parents shouldn't be blaming the athletes if they can't control their own children. Another person that agrees with this notion is football and basketball star Deion Sanders.





Honestly it’s pretty good I don’t see any flaws.

Why did schools shut down in Little Rock, Arkansas in 1958, and how did students continue to learn?



“The Lost Year” refers to the 1958–59 school year in Little Rock (Pulaski County), when all the city’s high schools were closed when the Arkansas governor closed the public schools to block desegregation.

I cant find how they still learned Im sorry.

Answer: why the school shut down

The Lost Year applies to the 1958–59 school year in Little Rock Pulaski County where all of the city's high schools were suspended in an attempt to block the desegregation.

Explanation: how did they continue to learn  the learn from the tv at home





Because nutritious is good and veggies but it said desserts

Which TWO of the following statements are correct?

A. El Salvador is the largest country in Central America.

B. El Salvador’s climate is too hot and dry for plants to grow there.

C. El Salvador is located near the Pacific Ocean.

D. El Salvador’s flower festival is lively, happy celebration.

E. Only one U.S. president has visited El Salvador in the past 25 years.


Answer: D and E


Explain how the idea/theme "There is a consequence to being arrogant" is conveyed in both "Casey at the Bat" and "The Story of David and Goliath" in a short essay. Be sure to cite specific evidence from both texts.


U have to give an example

This is why the Nuer and Dinka history of conflict. Use chapter 3 to answer your questions and write a constructed response using the race method.

Why d0es the woman from the Jur-chol tribe help Salva? Why does she move one with him? Use text details to support your answer should be a full RACE paragraph.

How is this one compare to the one you turned in last week? Compare and contrast.

the story is called a long walk from water i need this asap please


dont mine me just taking some points. i’m so sorry but i need help on my math hw and i can’t put out a thing till i anwser questions




Sir Isaac Newton was contemplating the universe in his garden one day in 1665 when he noticed an apple fall from a tree. Newton wondered to himself, “Why should the apple always fall to the ground? Why does it not go sideways or upwards but directly toward the Earth’s center?” After much contemplation Newton concluded that objects are pulled to the Earth through a force that he called gravity, which means heaviness in Latin. On July 5th, 1687 Newton formally expressed his law of universal gravitation in series of books called The Principia.

What is the main idea of this text (What is the author trying to say about the topic)?


A. A falling apple inspired Newton to think about gravity

B. Gravity is when objects are pulled to the Earth

C. Newton wrote a series of books called Principia

D. Newton discovers gravity


Answer: D (or A, but I believe it's D)


"A. A falling apple inspired Newton to think about gravity." Yes this is true, but instead of only thinking about it, he expressed his law of universal gravitation, etc. I understand how this could be the answer though. :>

"B. Gravity is when objects are pulled to the Earth." This is true aswell, but the text gives off more information than just what Gravity is. Newton is a big part of the text. Mostly the main character but narrating in third person.

"C. Newton wrote a series of books called Principia." Newton did this, but this isn't the main idea. If it was, the text would've explained more about it. This is more of a detail or maybe key detail.

"D. Newton discovers gravity.' I choose this as the correct answer because, the text talks about Newton discovering gravity, and when using the word discover in this, it's also like saying he discovered gravity from a falling apple, and contemplated about gravity.

the answer to this question is D

When do you plan to get your driver’s license? Why?


I want to get my drivers license as soon as possible. I want to get it so soon so I can drive as far away as possible from this place.


What setbacks does Brian experience in Chapter 16 and how does he respond to these setbacks?



In Chapter 16, Brian hunts a foolbird near the lake. When he gets his kill, he goes to the lake to rinse the blood from his hands. As he is doing this, a moose, a large North American animal with antlers, charges and attacks him twice. Brian is badly injured, but stays mentally strong and heads back to his camp.



  While washing his hands in the lake, he senses something and turns around just in time to face a huge moose. The moose attacks him, throwing him into the water, thrashing him around, and badly hurting his ribs and his shoulder. Retrieving his bow, spear, and foolbird from the water's edge, Brian, in enormous pain, attempts to make sense of the attack before falling asleep. A far-off roar awakens Brian in the middle of the night. Suddenly, a tornado pounds down on him, slamming him on the side of the shelter. The tornado departs as quickly as it had arrived, leaving Brian out in the open, his shelter and fire obliterated. Without the protection of the fire, mosquitoes find him once again and he lies sleepless for the remainder of the night, contemplating how his situation has changed so drastically in one day. In the aftermath of the moose attack and the tornado he has little left.

Explanation:  I read hachet awhile back in school and this is the best answer i can give u should edit some of the parts though so it dosent seem too good lol.

Why did people gather at Puente Maldonado by the thousands? "A bittersweet memoir" story



During the early 1900s, the popularity of major-league baseball skyrocketed. The World Series—baseball’s championship games—grew to be one of the nation’s leading annual sports events. Outstanding players such as Cy Young and Ty Cobb became national stars. Bigger and more modern ballparks were built. In the 1930s, radio broadcasts of baseball games attracted many fans, and the first major-league night games were held, allowing fans to attend games after work.

• In 1939, the National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum opened in Cooperstown, New York, to display baseball memorabilia and to honor the games greatest players. In 1946, the first major-league game was televised, further increasing baseball’s popularity.

• Roberto Clemente joined major-league baseball in the 1950s and became one of the nation’s best-loved players. In 1954, Clemente was drafted by the Pittsburgh Pirates. He led the team to two World Series victories. Clemente was elected to the Baseball Hall of Fame in 1973, a year after his death.


I got it from this person.

^^^^ they are right


Which word or phrase best clarifies the relationship between ideas in this example?


Answer: A however



B! however


i took the test :p

What is Afrika's ransom in the book True North by Kathryn Lasky? Please don't delete this. Real answers, please. Need answer ASAP.



Afrika's ransom in the book is amounted to $200.


"True North" is a novel written by Kathryn Lasky. The novel is about two girls, Lucy and Afrika, from two distinctive worlds, embarking on a journey together.

Afrika is a nineteen year old slave runaway girl. In Chapter 19, when Afrika was hiding with the Hunns, her former owner, Jenk Thomas had a bill published, claiming a reward of two-hundred dollars to the one who will hand Afrika over to him.

So, the ransom amounted to $200 on Afrika in the book.

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OMG PLEASE HELP I WAS AN IDIO>T FOR LEAVE THIS TILL LAST MIN CAN U PLEASE WRIGHT AN ENDING TO THIS PLEASEFar, far away lay a small farm with all the animals you would expect, horses, cows, dogs, and cats. Mary Jonson and her brother, Luckes were wandering around the old run-down house in which they lived. They went to the old Oak tree, on top of Cherry hill. The tiny hill overlooked the little graveyard in town. Mary was scared of the small patch of land by the old church. They reached the top of the hill where Mary could hear a soft humming noise from inside the old tree. She saw the small beehive at the top of the tree. She knew why her brother brought her here at the top of the small hill. See, Luckuss class was learning about honey bees, and for most of the summer break, he had been leading her to where he had found the small buzzing, bright yellow insects.It was very comfortable at the top of the hill. The hot summer day was coming to an end, and twilight was upon them and a soft breeze was ruffling their hair . Meanwhile luckus was staring at the small hive in awe.Mary sat down on the warm yellowing grass and looked down in the small graveyard. She could see a man walking down one of the rows of the old worn down gravestones. He was holding a bouquet of bright red flowers that she could see at the top of the hill.She laid back on the grass and looked up at the soft orange sky. Mary was fifteen years old and her brother was nine. Mary had been homeschooled for her whole life while her brother was going to the public school down in town. Her parents had decided that she should go too.It was the last day of summer break and tomorrow would be the first day of school. She lay on her back, thinking about the next day and what it would bring.Seeing Mary would be what other kids thought to be odd she thought her first day would not be that enjoyable. She had fiery red hair that she often braided with flowers. Her face was covered in freckles and she had big round glasses that covered her big green eyes. Her brother had the same look about him. They could be twins if they weren't born six years apart. She lay there in a doze, on the itchy grass when her brother had let out a yelp and she sat up. She turned and looked at her brother who was holding his left hand. He had tears in his bright green eyes. hat happened! Mary she said, turning on her heels and walked over to her brotherI..I...w...was...p..playing with...t...the bees He said thru bug sobs. A...and...o..one of...of...them...c...came...and...and...STUNG...ME...ME! Her brother was on his knees now, and sobbing. Ok, ok... Said Mary helping luckus up off his knees. let's get back to the house. Then mom can fix you right up. They both got up and started walking down the hill towards the house. They pushed open the front door and walked into the kicken. Hi can you make this sound like its your own words? Thank you! :)"Revere knows his task is dangerous and requires the utmost in terms of celerity, discretion, and energy. He comes across as a man impatient to carry out a mission that will save lives and push back against British tyranny, a man who will let nothing stand in his way.""Revere knows his task is dangerous and requires the utmost in terms of celerity, discretion, and energy. He comes across as a man impatient to carry out a mission that will save lives and push back against British tyranny, a man who will let nothing stand in his way.""Revere knows his task is dangerous and requires the utmost in terms of celerity, discretion, and energy. He comes across as a man impatient to carry out a mission that will save lives and push back against British tyranny, a man who will let nothing stand in his way.""Revere knows his task is dangerous and requires the utmost in terms of celerity, discretion, and energy. He comes across as a man impatient to carry out a mission that will save lives and push back against British tyranny, a man who will let nothing stand in his way.""Revere knows his task is dangerous and requires the utmost in terms of celerity, discretion, and energy. He comes across as a man impatient to carry out a mission that will save lives and push back against British tyranny, a man who will let nothing stand in his way.""Revere knows his task is dangerous and requires the utmost in terms of celerity, discretion, and energy. He comes across as a man impatient to carry out a mission that will save lives and push back against British tyranny, a man who will let nothing stand in his way."