What are your health and fitness-related goals for the course? Set at least three different goals, explain why you chose them, list any obstacles you may face before reaching them, and include any other comments you may have about each goal.





Answer 1

1. I want to eat healthy to help my body change

2. To be able to lift ___ pounds on each arm

3. To loose all the fat on my body and turn it into muscle

Change the words to your own!


Answer 2
1. I want to eat better
2. I want to work out 3x a week
3. I want to cut down on sweets

Related Questions

True or false Social media can be a catalyst for many mental health problems that can lead to substance abuse.


True because many scientists have researched and social media and technology can cause many mental health problems.
false only you know what your doing you can always stop it ‍♀️

End of game “situations” are commonplace in basketball. Imagine that you are the coach of the Chasele. Cougars and the score is 90 to 90. There are ten seconds left in the game, and your team is taking the ball out at the half-line. Base on this information, answer the questions that follow.

1. List two common concepts to remember when coaching end of game situations.

2. Oh man! Your team threw the ball away and now there’s only five seconds left. Your opponents will take the ball out under your team’s basket. What will you instruct your team to do?

will mark if correct xo.




A common concept some coaches will do is sub in the best playmaker or scorer and make sure they get the ball through off ball screens so he/she can get spacing on the floor to take their man 1 on 1. Or Run the clock out so they can get the last shot and the worse case senario is overtime.

The plan will be no fouling on any three point shot and make sure to stay disipline if the other player gets a pass in the lane. Most likely the other team wants the best shot possible and will go for a wo to play it safe or a corner three for spaced shooting, so our team will run a 2-3 zone to make sure they shoot the ball with tight defense.

No no health is it yahhh

________ ending a team's right to serve following an infringement of a rule by the serving team





volleyball basics

side out it’s the only answer

Sweat glands in your skin secrete more sweat when your body is hot. What causes sweat glands to do this?

Skin muscles contract and squeeze sweat out of sweat glands

Sweat glands produce sweat as a reflex

Blood vessels in the skin dilate and push sweat out of sweat glands

Your brain signals the sweat glands to secrete sweat to cool your body



What makes the sweat glands in the skin secrete more sweat when the body is hot is the brain signaling the sweat glands to secrete sweat to cool the body.


The sweat produced by the sweat glands is an important mechanism of body thermoregulation.

The perception of the increase in temperature is captured by specific receptors, which send the information to the central nervous system, specifically to the preoptic area, placed near the hypothalamus. Once the information is processed, the brain sends an efferent response to the effector cells, in this case, the secretory cells of the sweat glands.

The body temperature decreases with sweating because evaporation means that the water in the sweat absorbs heat so that this process occurs, which lowers the body temperature.

The sweat is made from the sweat pro...

When was the last time you immediately regretted something you said?


I do this all the time.
everyday litterally everydayyy

Help simple question brainliest if correct

Gerald and Juan were lifting weights. Juan was easily doing the exercise and he didn't feel like the exercise was very intense. Gerald suggested he increase the weight stack amount by 25 percent. Juan was using 20 pounds initially. What amount should he use based on Gerald's suggestion? (2 points)



25 pounds

25 percent of 20 is 5, which you add to the 20.

20 + 5 = 25

25 pounds because 25% of 20 is 5
So 20+5=25

Which gland is located above each kidney?



Thyroid gland


The thyroid gland is located above each kidney

the thyroid


People i need help jus make up a name if u dont want me to know ur name jus plz help me out itz due tommrow but i need 4 and i only got 1 plz help MEEE
itz ok if y'all fake a condition .this for pe btw
Interviewee Name:

Job: None
Date and time of interview:
1. What are some major health concerns that you have?

1. Are there ways that you know you can prevent these health concerns (or other concerns like obesity)?

2. If you need to find out more about a specific health issue, what do you do? Please be specific. (Don’t let them say “look on the internet”, because we have already learned that not everything on the internet is reliable! They should tell you a specific site if they use the internet as a source.)

3. What do you think is the biggest health concern facing our country?

4. What are some things that you do to help monitor your health?

5. How do you monitor your food and water intake now?

6. How would you help get the word out about this major health concern?

7. How do you think the media influences what concerns we have for our health?



14 years old
12/17/20202- 11:12 AM

1- blood pressure and migraine
1-yes by taking care of my health more and doing more exercise. And drinking a lot of water

2- I would ask my mom because she is a nurse and then probably go to the doctor


4-I check my weight

5-The food I try not to eat too much bad stuff and water I try to drink at least 4 cups of water per day

6-Post stuff on social media saying how bad that is

7-they can be very helpful by showing good examples but they can also be bad because some website post stuff that are not true

Answer:  Jake /15 /male /august 4th 4:00 pm /increased blood pressure / yes/ i go to my expert approved doctor to help me out i don't trust the internet/ obesity / take pills go on walks etc / i make sure to drink at least half a gallon of water each day and i make sure to read the ingredients for everything i eat/ maybe by putting billboards up about taking care of yourself or start a charity/ i think it influences us by making us more aware but personally i don't trust it.             HOPE THIS HELPS!!!!

how many strands of hair does the normal human body have?


Around 5 million hair follicles
Most healthy women and men have 80,000 to 120,000 strands of hair on their head.

Skill related fitness has _______ parts.



option C is correct


skill related fitness has 6 parts

C bc it’s the correct and it makes more sense

When kneeling next to a patient and performing CPR where do you place your hands?

Question 1 options:

in line with the right nipple above the nipple.

at the top of the sternum on the collar bone

find the nipple line and place hands in the middle of the sternum.

at the bottom of the sternum on the xiphoid process.

Question 2 (2.5 points)
The rate of compressions for CPR is ALWAYS 30:2

Question 2 options:


Q1: C. find the nipple line and place hands in the middle of the sternum.

Q2: True

1. C: Find the nipple line and place hands in the middle of the sternum.
2. True

Describe two ways you can respond to avoid pressure during an activity or sport.


Think of how your going to do it and do it.

Practice and practice


Stretch before said activity or sport to get your muscles less tight and relieve pressure

When you imagine things, do you see it directly as if it's actually there?
If not, describe how it looks when you're imagining/visualizing.


For some reason I do see something things when I imagine them... like they’re either in my hand or on the floor in front of me. Other times I can picture them really clearly in my head and it’s rather interesting and weird.


Um i wouldn't say i directly imagine things it complicated i mean it takes awhile to imagine things unless it super well known yk. If i were to imagine a ball that would be easy but like other things can be hard. Also how does imaging stuff work because i can see and not see it if you know what i mean. honestly im confused now

Okay, I'm nearly positive that I have it, people have explained what imagining is like, and I genuinely haven't done that before. I did research, and people with aphantasia CAN dream, but their dreams are dull and flat, and mine are the same. I'm not self diagnosing, but, I think I do have it. Before I jump to conclusions, though, I'm going to talk to my therapist about it, since she's a mental health specialist.



Yeah you should definitely talk to someone about it. I hope everything is ok though!

yes definitely talk to her about it and i hope your doing well




Meditate and let your mind be free in a peaceful place


im so sorry but its like real life in your mind you can make up a world of your own

People i need help jus make up a name if u dont want me to know ur name jus plz help me out itz due tommrow but i need 4 and i only got 1 plz help MEEE
itz ok if y'all fake a condition .this for pe btw
Interviewee Name:

Job: None
Date and time of interview:
1. What are some major health concerns that you have?

1. Are there ways that you know you can prevent these health concerns (or other concerns like obesity)?

2. If you need to find out more about a specific health issue, what do you do? Please be specific. (Don’t let them say “look on the internet”, because we have already learned that not everything on the internet is reliable! They should tell you a specific site if they use the internet as a source.)

3. What do you think is the biggest health concern facing our country?

4. What are some things that you do to help monitor your health?

5. How do you monitor your food and water intake now?

6. How would you help get the word out about this major health concern?

7. How do you think the media influences what concerns we have for our health?





Job: None

Date and time of interview:Dec 17  10:07AM

1. What are some major health concerns that you have?

1. Are there ways that you know you can prevent these health concerns (or other concerns like obesity)?

Mental heath

2. If you need to find out more about a specific health issue, what do you do? Please be specific. (Don’t let them say “look on the internet”, because we have already learned that not everything on the internet is reliable! They should tell you a specific site if they use the internet as a source.)

Ask a doctor

3. What do you think is the biggest health concern facing our country?


4. What are some things that you do to help monitor your health?

mental health days

5. How do you monitor your food and water intake now?

app on my phone

6. How would you help get the word out about this major health concern?

posting abt it

7. How do you think the media influences what concerns we have for our health?    it like shows different diseases and health happening today




Job: None

Date and time of interview: Dec 17  10:14AM

1. What are some major health concerns that you have?

Sports injuries and asthma.

1. Are there ways that you know you can prevent these health concerns (or other concerns like obesity)?

Sports doctors and inhaler.

2. If you need to find out more about a specific health issue, what do you do? Please be specific. (Don’t let them say “look on the internet”, because we have already learned that not everything on the internet is reliable! They should tell you a specific site if they use the internet as a source.)

Ask a doctor, and look at Web MD.

3. What do you think is the biggest health concern facing our country?


4. What are some things that you do to help monitor your health?

Mental health days, and taking days off from sports

5. How do you monitor your food and water intake now?

Apple health app.

6. How would you help get the word out about this major health concern?

Talking about it with my friends and family.

7. How do you think the media influences what concerns we have for our health?    it like shows different diseases and health happening today


People seem to be a lot more open about their mental health (and more) but some people self diagnose.


What areas of fitness show an improvement through these fitness assessments, and what activities do you think contributed to these improvements?


Ansthere is no lnk


there is no link

Running an push ups.....

Read the scenario below and highlight the external and internal influences that could factor into Taylor’s decision to smoke or not to smoke. Answer the questions that follow.

Kelly is a sixth grade student at Happy Times Middle School. She enjoys spending time with her family and friends. Going to the mall and playing basketball are her favorite pastimes. Kelly is currently learning about the harmful effects of tobacco and ESDs (E-cigs) use in her health class and from discussions with her parents.
Lately, Kelly’s best friend Taylor has been talking about trying smoking or juuling. Taylor is curious about what it is like to use these products. Taylor thinks that if she uses she will fit in better with her peers. Both of Taylor’s parents smoke cigarettes and say they do so to help them relieve stress and because they are addicted.
While reading her favorite teen magazine, Kelly finds some advertisements stating why tobacco and ESDs are harmful. She decides that she is going to talk to Taylor about staying tobacco and ESD free.





To smoke:

Lately, Kelly’s best friend Taylor has been talking about trying smoking or juuling. (External)

Taylor is curious about what it is like to use these products. Taylor thinks that if she uses she will fit in better with her peers. (Internal)

Both of Taylor’s parents smoke cigarettes and say they do so to help them relieve stress and because they are addicted. (External)

Not to smoke:

Kelly is currently learning about the harmful effects of tobacco and ESDs (E-cigs) use in her health class and from discussions with her parents. (External)

While reading her favorite teen magazine, Kelly finds some advertisements stating why tobacco and ESDs are harmful. (Not sure... External?)

She decides that she is going to talk to Taylor about staying tobacco and ESD free. (External)

Choose a team sport you are interested in participating in or coaching, design a practice session, and answer the questions below.

Team Sport:

1. What skills are needed to excel in the sport?

2. Who are some of the successful coaches in the sport? What makes them successful? What are some of their techniques?

3. Design your own two-hour long practice session based on the necessary skills and exercises for the sport. Be sure to include a warm-up and cool-down routine, strategy planning, and other applicable exercises for the sport.
Warm-up routine:

Strategy plays:

Other exercises:

Cool-down routine:

1. What challenges did you face when planning a practice session?

2. How can planning practice sessions help you improve on your own team sport skills?

3. After doing this exercise, is coaching a sport something you might be interested in doing? Why or why not?


Teamwork, and Focus are the most important things to win a game every single time.
basketball i guess
and skills you need to excel in a sport is: Team work.
Time management.
Competition and sportsmanship.
Handling pressure.
Management and responsibility.

The Mississippians were the most advanced Native Americans. Why do you think agriculture was an important industry for this culture?



The Mississippian culture was a Native American civilization that flourished in what is now the Midwestern, Eastern, and Southeastern United States from approximately 800 CE to 1600 CE, varying regionally. It was known for building large, earthen platform mounds, and often other shaped mounds as well.


hope this helps =]

The introduction to corn became an important crop for them. They grew the crop in large amounts which accompanied a large population.

Use the following charts to make a plan for improving or maintaining your endurance in each fitness area. You will have a chance to revise your initial fitness plan each time you submit a Fitness Log to your teacher.
Cardio-Respiratory Endurance (Aerobic Exercise)



Is their like any numbers or is this all the information?


I don’t get it is this the correct information or is there more

Which molecule breaks down into amino acids? *






I learned this last year and remember the charts we made. I don't really know how to give an explanation

The kidneys are important organ in excretory system. Kidneys are located above renal cells in the level of organization that describe the excretory system. What does this show about the relationship between renal cells and the kidneys?

A. Renal cells are made up of many tissues.

B. Kidneys are made up of many renal cells.

C. Kidneys are less complex than renal cells.

D. Renal cells are less important than kidneys.


Answer is B


Thank me later

B) kidneys are made up of many renal cells

What is your idea to help your High School become more unified/friendly/tolerant?
please share your ideas with me quick!(due 3:00 pm today)


1) stop the bullying, just everyone be nice to each other and keep to themselves
2) grades. grades shouldn’t be as important as they are
3) mental health needs to be focused on
Every month or so there should be a “mental health day” where the students still have to do work, but there is no specific due date, just work that can be turned in whenever

Read the following scenario. Explain what Isidro can do to make the dying process more meaningful for his father and himself.

Isidro and his father went through some hard times when Isidro was growing up. They have never been on warm terms. Now Isidro's father is near death. There are things Isidro wants to say, but his father seems disoriented.


Isidro should still say what he wanted to say because his father still has not passed so there is still time he can not be certain that his father can not hear him
Isidro should explain to his father that he’s always loved him, even at times it didn’t seem like it. And that he will always cherish the moments he had with his father, even the not so good ones.

Which statements explain the structures of plants and animals? Check all that apply.

Animals have chloroplasts, while plants do not.
Both plants and animals have mitochondria.
Plants have chloroplasts, while animals do not.
Animals have mitochondria, while plants do not.
Both plants and animals have chloroplasts.
Plants have mitochondria, while animals do not.


1. False

2. True

3. True

4. False

5. False

6. False

This should be right. If it’s not sorry.

Answer:1. Incorrect

2. Real The True

3. Real The True

4. Incorrect

5. Incorrect

6. Incorrect


If people receive a purple heart for bravery, what would other color hearts represent?


In my personal opinion:

Red - Love
Orange - Courage
Yellow - Honesty
Green - Leadership
Blue - Loyalty
I just wanted to say hi but I agree with the other dude

help with this please



1: digestion of food, absorption of nutrients, and elimination of solid food waste

2:esophagus,stomach, small intestine, large intestine


1:motility: breaking down of food and passing down the digestive tract. Secretion: release of enzymes and hormones. Digestion: chemical breakdown of food. Absorption: body absorbing the nutrients in the food
2:mouth, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine

How does alzheimers /dementia affect the brain.
and how are they the same and different


Alzheimer’s: neurons are injured and die throughout the brain
Dementia: damage interferes with the ability of brain cells to communicate with each other
Alzheimer's is the most common cause of dementia.
Alzheimer's is a specific disease Dementia is not.
Dementia is a decline in mental ability that interferes with daily life

Alzheimer a brain illness that cause brain changes

Which of the following molecules do NOT enter the cell? *




Amino Acids


Glucose I believe because it is too large




Other Questions
Help will give brianlest for right answerLook at picture Write each set of fractions in order: Less to Great. 4/5, 3/10, 1/2. Which of the following is true concerning mangrove forests?a. Mangrove forests are found at temperate latitudes.b. Mangrove forests are not found at tropical latitudes.c. Mangrove forests are named for the mangrove tree.d. Mangrove trees are named for the mangrove forest. PLS ANYONE HELPP.. i have no idea Easy! Smartest gets brainliest!2. I paid the bill last week.Is paid Transitive or Intransitive Youre playing tug-of-war in gym class at the start you take two steps back the other team pulls you and takes three steps forward which equation can be used to find how far you are from your original position?A: -3+2B: -2+(-3)C: -2+3D: 2+3 4.) Mrs. Jeeves' 4th grade class is collectingmoney for an animal shelter. Their lemonadestand made $315. They worked a total of 6hours. How much did they earn per hour oftheir service?This is forth grade math I need help please someone help. I will wait here untill he comes.why the word (comes) is correct? por que se considera que las tics se han convertido en un recurso imprescindible en el estudio de las matemticas? Explain the meaning of the Metaphor.He turned over a new leaf. BRAINLIST Describe at least two major points of the Declaration of Independence. Fix the one word that is used incorrectly.When working out, you should rise and lower weights with slow, controlledmotions to maximize the benefits of lifting.Submit Weng CPAs charges for their services based on the following: Labor rate $ 171 per hour Materials markup 30 % Using time and materials pricing, what is the total price for services requiring 6 labor hours and $61 of materials Count the rhythm pls help HELPPPP ME PLSSSSS!!!The girls decide to only spend $40 betweenthem. On average, how much money con poohgirl spend? Write and solve an inequality foreach scenario. 5x - 20y = 2 inslope intercept form Translate this sentence into an equation.The product of Carlos's height and 7 is 91.Use the variable c to represent Carlos's height. X/2 + 3 > 9 what is the answer Why do businesses study supply and demand?A. To figure out how much to charge for productsB. To decide whether to support a command economyC. To increase the amount of scarcity in a countryD. To increase the opportunity cost of making a new product label the midpoint from 86.39 and 86.40