What factors make voter turnout low or high?


Answer 1

Voter turnout can be high or low depending on a number of factors, including new election rules, the kind of election (e.g., presidential or midterm), and the level of competition in the race.

What factors lead to higher voter turnout?

The type of election (e.g., presidential or midterm) and the level of competition in the race are other factors that affect voter turnout. the total number of voters in a jurisdiction that are of voting age (18 years of age or older).

What impact does age have on voter turnout?

In a presidential election year, voters between the ages of 18 and 29 turn out between 47 and 65 percent of the time, while those over 60 turn out at a rate above 80 percent. People under 30 vote at a rate of 17–35% in midterm elections, whereas people over 60 vote at a rate of 70%.

To know more about voter turnout, visit:



Related Questions

in its written form, the criminal law is also known as ________.





one purpose of law is to provide for ________ in human events.


One goal of legislation is to make provisions for predictability  in human events.

The law accomplishes a variety of goals. The basic four of them are preserving order, setting standards, defending liberties, and settling disputes. Predictability is desirable because it allows persons who are subject to the law to use earlier instances as a legal compass to steer their behaviour in line with the law when they know that new cases will be treated similarly to previous ones. The goal of law is to provide order in society so that its citizens can advance and flourish with some sense of future security. Laws are made by the state.

The government uses the might of the state to execute penalties for disobedience of state laws. Nothing that is not enforceable is law.

Read more about purpose law at



in order to classify information the information must concern at least one of the categories 13526 t or f


Information must pertain to at least one of the categories 13526 in order to be classified. This assertion is accurate.

What is the proper order to mark information as classified?

The highest level of classification for the material contained in each section, part, paragraph, and similar portion of a classified document must be indicated, or the document must be marked as unclassified.

Which of the following groups does Executive Order 13526 list?

This order establishes a standardized framework for classifying, protecting, and declassifying information pertaining to national security, including data related to the fight against transnational terrorism. A unified system for classifying, labelling, preserving, and declassifying national security information is established by E.O. 13526. This information is defined as data whose unauthorized disclosure might reasonably be expected to harm the national defense or foreign relations of the United States.

To learn more about classifying information visit:



How much does it cost to take someone to small claims court in Iowa?


It'll take $95  to take someone to small claims court in Iowa. Review the instructions for self-represented litigants filing small claims proceedings before starting a case.

The proper small claims Original Notice form will then be electronically filed, along with the $95 filing fee. On this page, official forms for use in Iowa small claims proceedings are freely accessible. The expense of serving the petition on the opposing party may be extra. Your case has officially begun once you have submitted the Original Notice and paid the necessary filing and additional fees. Unless the court grants you permission to file on paper, you must file electronically. On this page, official forms for use in Iowa small claims proceedings are freely accessible.

To know more about small claims proceedings :



the majority of men who perpetrate assault and violence against women are harshly punished in the legal system.


Depending on how bad the case is, they could get a long sentence. But, most men who perpetrate assault and violence against women end up never going to jail or prison, and even if they do it is for a short amount of time.

How can lawmakers benefit from lobbyists information ?


Campaign planning Getting the public's support is a fantastic strategy to ensure that lawmakers pay attention to the lobbyists' requests. Legislators may be persuaded to vote a specific way in order to remain in office.

Who are considered lawmakers?

A lawmaker is a person who writes and passes laws, particularly if they are a legislator's representation (also known as both a deputy or lawmaker). Citizens of the state routinely elect legislators.

What are the lawmakers' goals?

Legislators are those who create and pass a law for such a governmental system, such as the Federal United States federal government. Politicians typically hold legislative positions and are typically chosen in a democratic process by the broader public.

To know more about Lawmakers visit:



in contract law, "consideration" refers to the time that a party takes to evaluate a deal.


In contract law, "consideration" refers to the time that a party takes to evaluate a deal. false.

Despite disagreements over the precise definition of the term, law is commonly understood to refer to a system of regulations that social or governmental entities establish and enforce in order to control behavior. It has been described as a science and the application of justice by various people.

In common law states, a law can be passed by a single legislator, a group of legislators, the executive branch, or judges. Private parties have the authority to enter into legally binding agreements, such as arbitration clauses that replace traditional court action and other forms of alternative conflict resolution. The rights listed in a constitution, whether explicit or implicit, may influence how laws are written.

To know more about contract law visit :



What is the relationship between quantity demanded and supplied at equilibrium?


When the quantity supplied and demanded are equal, an equilibrium is reached. The amount demanded will exceed the quantity provided if the price is below the equilibrium level. A shortage or an excess of demand will exist.

What is quantity demand?

The entire amount of a product or service that consumers demand more than a specific time period is referred to as the quantity demanded in economics. The quantity required is influenced by a product or service's pricing in the market. The proportion of a good or service that customers are willing and able to purchase at specific pricing during a specific time period is known as demand. The amount of an item or service that will be purchased at a specific price at a specific time is known as the quantity demanded. Quantity supplied in economics refers to the volume of products or services that manufacturers will make and offer for sale at a specific market price. Because price fluctuations affect how so much supply producers really put out, the amount supplied is different from the amount actually delivered.

To know more about demand visit:



What happens if you don't comply with CCPA?


Customers must inform the business of the CCPA laws they believe it has broken and give it 30 days to correct the situation. But if the business doesn't make the necessary repairs, each impacted customer might be awarded statutory damages of $100 to 750.

The California attorney general's office is responsible for enforcing the CCPA and may pursue civil fines of $2,500 for each violation or $7,500 for each deliberate violation following notification and a 30-day opportunity to cure.

To know more about business click on the link below:



The California attorney general's office is responsible for enforcing the CCPA and may pursue civil fines of $2,500 for each violation or $7,500 for each intentional violation following notice and a 30-day opportunity to cure.

What is intentional violation?

An act or omission by a public body or public body member in knowing violation of the Open Meeting Law is referred to as a "intentional violation." G.L. c. 30A, § 18. The Attorney General will consider, among other things, whether the public body or public body member 1) acted with specific intent to violate the law; 2) acted with deliberate ignorance of the requirements of the law; or 3) had been previously informed by a court decision or advised by the Attorney General that the conduct at issue violated the Open Meeting Law.

To know more about intentional violation visit:



Who must comply with privacy laws?


Everyone has the right to privacy like have their personal information protected. Such data must be processed equitably for predetermined goals and with the affected person's agreement or another legal justification allowed by law.

The right to privacy is what kind of right?

The right to privacy is a component of many legal systems that aims to regulate public and private actions that jeopardize people's privacy. The right to privacy is included in more than 150 national constitutions. When a person's privacy is invaded at home or in another setting where they reasonably anticipate it, the First Amendment provides the strongest protection. For instance, in Stanley, even though obscenity is not covered by the First Amendment.

To know more about right to privacy visit:



Who is the most responsible to protect your privacy?


The subject of who should be in charge of data privacy is now up for debate. While some consumers believe they have a responsibility to address this complicated issue, others believe firms or the government are better suited to do so.

Government requirements, such as the GDPR or data breach disclosure legislation, make businesses accountable for securing data. However, users must utilize the existing security measures available to them. For instance, many banks, online merchants, and social media platforms provide two-factor authentication as an option.

To know more about privacy click on the link below:



Concerning who is in charge of data privacy, there is no agreement. However, some consumers believe that firms or the government are better suited to handle this complex issue than they are.

Is privacy protected by the government?

By prohibiting unauthorized disclosures of such information, the Privacy Act of 1974 (5 U.S.C. 552a) safeguards personal information maintained by the federal government. A person's rights also include the ability to access this information, ask for corrections, and get notification of any disclosures. Government mandates hold companies responsible for data security, such as the GDPR or data breach disclosure laws. Users must, however, make advantage of the current security tools at their disposal. A lot of banks, online shops, and social media platforms, for instance, provide two-factor authentication as a choice.

To know more about privacy visit:



The american community survey is completed by the us census bureau to obtain information about households in the us. One variable of interest is how many people reside in each household (vacant households were recorded as having zero people). Based on data from 2014, here is the partially completed probability distribution of hhh, the number of people residing in a randomly selected us household:.


According to the statement, there are 0.12 chances of missing data.

What tasks does the census bureau have and also explain significance of missing data?

The Census Bureau is the largest statistical organization in the federal government. The people, locations, and economy of America will always be covered in the most recent information that we provide. All data is gathered by the Census Bureau in compliance with federal law, which ensures its privacy. Missing data refers to a data value for a variable that is not preserved in the relevant observation (or missing values). The problem of missing data is relatively common in almost every study and can have a big impact on the conclusions that can be drawn from the data. The following information is provided in the query:

H: 0 1 2 3 4 5

P(H): x 0.24 0.30 0.14 0.11 0.09

X = 1 - 0.88


To know more about census bureau visit:



What is the final step of a bill becoming a law ?


The President receives the measure for examination. When Congress is in session and a bill is not signed by the president within ten days, it becomes law.

What is the name of the last phase of a bill?

A measure is deemed "enrolled" once it has been approved in exactly the same fashion by the House and Senate. The enrolled bill is forwarded to the President, who can either sign it into law, veto it and send it back to Congress, allow it to become law without his or her signature, or pocket veto it at the end of a session.

How are laws passed one by one?

A representative first sponsors the measure. A committee is then charged with studying the bill. The measure is placed on a calendar to be voted on, discussed, or altered after it has been issued by the committee. The bill goes to the Senate if it receives a simple majority (218 votes out of 435).

To know more about Bill visit:



the legal contract setting forth the terms and provisions of a corporate bond is a(n) ________.


A(n) indenture is a legal contract that specifies the terms and provisions of a corporate bond.

An indenture is a legally binding contract that is commonly used in connection with bond agreements, real estate, or bankruptcy. An indenture contains specific information about terms, clauses, and covenants. The bond term is the period of time between bond issuance and maturity. A term bond's face value, or principal amount, must be repaid to the bondholder on the maturity date. Bond characteristics include their maturity, coupon (interest) rate, tax status, and callability. Bonds are subject to a variety of risks, including interest rate risk, credit/default risk, and prepayment risk. Most bonds are rated according to their investment grade.

Learn more about indenture here:



What are the 3 decisions that the U.S. court of appeals could make when reviewing a case?


The 3 possible decisions that the U.S. court of appeals could make when reviewing a case are:

1) Reiterate the trial court's ruling; in this case, the jury's verdict stands.

2) Appeal the ruling back to the trial court, at which point a fresh trial might be mandated.

3) Remand the case back to the trial court. This frequently occurs when the court establishes a new legal standard and the trial court must retry the case or convene a fresh sentencing hearing.

The appeal is more than just a fresh trial with a new judge. It is a legal defense made before an appellate court panel on a legal problem. In order to avoid favoring one party over another, the appellate court will not pronounce a "guilty" or "not guilty" verdict.

To know more about appeals:



Which of the following losses could be paid under Uninsured Motorists coverage? (Assume that there are no endorsements attached to the policy.
a. The insured's car is stolen and never recovered.
b. Leslie, the insured, is injured when she is struck by a car that runs a red light. The driver has no Liability insurance.
c. Collision Coverage of Part DCoverage for Damage to Your Auto
d. Occupants of a vehicle that is struck by the insured's vehicle


Part D Collision Coverage for Damage to Your Vehicle. Part D Collision Coverage for Vehicle Damage.

Your auto insurance policy may include underinsured motorist coverage. It protects you if you are involved in an accident with someone who does not have adequate insurance. In the event of an accident, the at-fault party's insurance is supposed to compensate the other injured party. If the at-fault party's policy has a limit that is less than the cost of the damages, the injured party's underinsured motorist coverage will cover the difference.

Though the two types of coverage may be bundled together, underinsured coverage is not the same as uninsured coverage, which covers cases in which the at-fault driver has no insurance at all. A few states require uninsured motorist coverage, while many others require underinsured motorist coverage.

To learn more about Collision Coverage:



The Collision coverage of part D coverage for damage to auto could be paid under the Uninsured Motorists coverage.

What is Collision coverage?

Underinsured motorist coverage might be a part of your car insurance. It safeguards you in the event that you are hurt in an accident with someone who does not have enough insurance. If there is an accident, the insurance of the party at blame is supposed to pay the other wounded party. Underinsured motorist coverage from the injured party will pay the difference if the at-fault party's policy has a maximum that is lower than the cost of the losses. Underinsured coverage is different from uninsured coverage, which covers situations where the at-fault driver has no insurance at all, even though the two forms of coverage may be combined. Uninsured motorist coverage is mandated in a few states, but underinsured motorist coverage is mandated in the majority of them.

To learn more about collision, visit:



What are the steps that a case may take through the judicial system?


The judicial process entails the hearing of a complaint by one party to a dispute and a defense by the other party, along with their witnesses, by impartial parties, followed by a determination of which party has the stronger claim.

The steps that make up the judicial procedure in the federal court system are as follows:

Determining your Jurisdiction. Different laws in each jurisdiction will have a significant impact on your case.- Choosing an Action - Making a case appealThe Federal Court might begin the procedure if the appeal is granted. Examine all related responses

What actions are taken in a case?Investigation.Charging.initial court appearance/arrest.Discovery.Plea NegotiationHearing in the interim.Motions in limine.Trial.

To learn more about Judicial System from given link



What is the importance of knowing the roles responsibilities and power of local government?


To complement their formal community plan and their responsibilities for guiding community growth and deciding on land use, local governments can spearhead a community's economic planning initiatives.


The following local government duties have an impact on economic development and planning: Bylaws for zoning and planning. Taxation.

Why is learning about local government administration crucial?

The most fundamental public services, such as those related to health and safety, transportation, sanitation, the environment, and utilities, are provided by local governments. Public administrators in North America and other parts of the world are essential to the provision of these services and the management of local government entities.

To Know more about Taxation.



Drag each tile to the correct box.
Place the steps of the presidential election process in the correct order.
Voters participate in the general election.
National party conventions are held.
Voters participate in primaries or
The candidate with the majority of the
votes wins the presidency
The Electoral College votes.
Candidates announce they are running for
their party's nomination?


National party conventions are held.

Candidates announce they are running for their party's nomination

Voters participate in primaries or caucuses.

Voters participate in the general election.

The Electoral College votes.

The candidate with the majority of the votes wins the presidency.

What is the meaning of the Electoral College?

An example of a system where an executive president is indirectly elected is the United States Electoral College, which has electors from each of the 50 states plus the District of Columbia. The electors, who formally select the president through the electoral college, are determined by the public's votes.

Although the phrase "Electoral College" does not appear in the U.S. Constitution, it is how we refer to the procedure by which the United States elects the President. The Vice-President and the President are chosen by the States, which also include the District of Columbia for this procedure.

Learn more about the Electoral College here:



When was the North American model of wildlife conservation developed?


The model's roots may be found in 19th-century conservation movements, the almost complete extinction of some animal species, notably the American Bison, and the growth of middle-class sportsmen, even if it wasn't explicitly defined until 2001.

The North American Model of Wildlife Conservation is the most effective set of rules and legislation in the world for restoring and protecting fish and wildlife, as well as their ecosystems, via solid management and scientific research.Early on, there weren't many regulations protecting fish and animals, and as a result, our natural resources suffered greatly. Market hunters freely stole fish and animals, and when habitat was destroyed by plows and highways, wildlife numbers were drastically reduced.

To know more North American Model of Wildlife Conservation about click on the below link:



Although not formally articulated until 2001, the model has its origins in 19th century conservation movements, the near extinction of several species of wildlife (including the American Bison) and the rise of sportsmen with the middle class.

By conservation, what do you mean?

In order for these resources to survive for future generations, they must be taken care of and protected. It involves preserving the diversity of organisms, genes, and ecosystems as well as sustaining environmental services like nutrient cycling.

Human conservation is what?

Human conservation is the interaction of humans with their surroundings. Human conservation frequently refers to the measures taken by people to protect natural resources or the consequences of the environment on human health.

To know more about Conservation visit:



What constitutes the unauthorized practice of law in Colorado?


According to Colorado law, it is illegal to promote or represent oneself as an attorney licensed to practice law in the state or to engage in the actual practice of law without having a current license and membership in the Colorado State Bar.

For what is Colorado renowned?

The striking terrain of Colorado includes mountains, forests, high plains, mesas, canyons, plateaus, rivers, and desert areas. Colorado, one of the Mountain States, is found in the western and southwestern regions of the country. The most populated and capital city of Colorado is Denver. Colorado, a state in western America, offers a varied terrain that includes snow-covered Rocky Mountains, river canyons, and arid desert. Rocky Mountain National Park helps to safeguard some of this territory. Ancestral Puebloan cliff homes can be seen elsewhere in Mesa Verde National Park. The largest and capital of Colorado, Denver, is perched a mile above sea level and has a bustling downtown.

To know more about Colorado visit:



over the past several decades, the ________and the ________have benefited most from apportionment.


Over the past several decades, the South and the West have benefited most from apportionment

A variety of circumstances require apportionment. In the context of insurance, an apportionment is the division of a loss among all of the insurers for a certain item of property. Each insurer's holdings of obligation as of each allocation are determined. Plans for liability and property insurance usually include apportionment clauses. An apportionment provision outlines the formula to determine each insurer's portion of the loss liability when a property is covered by many insurance policy.

To learn more about apportionment refer here:



Number the set of events 1-3 in the correct order
_____ The Court of Appeals remands the case
_____ A new trial begins
_____ The first verdict is appealed


This simply means that the case should be returned to the lower court to correct some mistakes in the judgment. As a result, in this case, the correct answer is options C, B, and A in chronological order.

Given the options, the Court's order with each set of events in the correct order begins with "The first verdict is appealed. "The following is the subsequent order of actions in court:A  new trial has begun. The case is remanded by the Court of Appeals. This is due to the fact that in order for a case to reach the Court of Appeal, it must first be decided by the lower court. Thus, the first order in this case is that "the first verdict is appealed." Following the first decisionThe case is transferred to the Court of Appeal after the first verdict is rendered and appealed, and "A new Trial Begins." The Court of Appeals may remand the case after a new trial has begun in the appeals court.

To learn more about Court of Appeals:



Simply put, this indicates that the matter needs to be sent back to the lower court so that the verdict can be revised. In this instance, selections C, B, and A in chronological order are the proper responses.

What is an appeals court?

The criminal defendant or any party in a civil case may appeal the trial court's ruling if they don't agree with it. A request for a new court to hear the case is known as an appeal. A person who has been convicted of a crime has one automatic right to challenge their conviction, with assistance from counsel if necessary.

The prosecution cannot ask for an appeal if the defendant is found innocent in the trial court. Both the plaintiff and the defense must ask the court of appeals to review the case; neither party has the right to an automatic appeal in civil matters. A hearing may or may not be granted by the court of appeals.

To learn more about the court of appeals:



What led to the passage of the Pendleton Act ?


For the selection and management of government employees, the Pendleton Act established a merit-based system.

In the simplest words, what is the Pendleton Act?

It was approved in reaction to President James A. Garfield being killed by a disgruntled job seeker. The Pendleton Act mandates that appointments to jobs in the federal government be made on the basis of qualifications, and that applicants for these posts must successfully complete examinations. The law also prohibited political motives from being used as an excuse to fire or demote personnel who were covered by the law.

What are the key components of the Pendleton Act of 1883?

After President James A. Garfield was killed by an enraged office worker, the Pendleton Act, also known as the Civil Service Act of 1883, which created a professional corps of administrators, was implemented.

To know more about pendleton act visit:



"Certiorari" is a key term in the article.
How does the author refine the meaning of this
term over the course of the article?
A through the use of vivid descriptions and
B through the use of definitions and procedures
C through the use of metaphors and allusions
D through the use of historical and modern


The author in the given term uses Certiorari as Through the use of Historical and Modern narratives.

What do you mean by Certiorari?

Certiorari is a legal procedure used to request judicial review of a ruling made by a subordinate court or government body. The term "certiorari" is derived from the name of an English prerogative writ that a superior court issued to order that the record of the lower court be submitted to the higher court for review.The Supreme Court will hear a case if four Justices concur to review it. This is known as "granting certiorari," also shortened as "cert." The Court won't hear the case if four Justices don't agree to review it. Denying certiorari is what is meant by this.

To know more about Certiorari here



what argument could you provide to the defense’s claim that if a suspects cartridge shell castings were not found at a crime scene he must be innocent


The argument  you could  provide to the defense’s claim that if a suspects cartridge shell castings were not found at a crime scene he must be innocent is: There is tendency that they people that committed the crime has clean up the crime scene in order not to keep ant trace of evidence.

What is crime scene?

Crime scene can be defined as the actual place in which a crime was committed.

The argument you could provide is that despite not seeing cartridge shell casings on the crime scene it might means that the people who committed the crime might  may not have shot the gun that they had with them.

Another argument is that they might have cleaned up the crime scene before leaving the crime scene so as to not to leave any trace of evidence.

Therefore there is tendency that they people that committed the crime has clean up the crime scene in order not to keep ant trace of evidence.

Learn more about crime scene here:https://brainly.com/question/10702774


A. What are your thoughts about the arguments set out by Iceland’s President Ólafur Grímsson regarding citizens’ substantive rights (i.e., education and healthcare), social justice, and the competitiveness of Nordic (i.e., Scandinavian) businesses in the marketplace? Are citizens having substantive rights involving education and healthcare essential both to a country’s businesses’ competitiveness and to a country’s economic well-being and success?


Yes, the  Are citizens having substantive rights involving education and healthcare essential both to a country’s businesses’ competitiveness and to a country’s economic well-being and success because all these determine the development of the country.

How critical is education to a nation's economic growth?

The link between economic growth and education. Increased education spending boosts economic growth, according to decades of study. This entails higher gross domestic product, improved labor productivity, and better individual compensation.

Learn more about education at:



The law enforcement budget at the county level is approved by the ________.
a. constable
b. county commissioners' court
c. city council
d. sheriff
e. county judge


The county commissioners' court approves the law enforcement budget at the county level. Option b is the correct response.

Budgeting entails more than just collecting revenue and expense estimates. It is a financial process in which law enforcement officials choose objectives and devise strategies for achieving those objectives. Except for certain positions that are elected or appointed by the judiciary or other committees, Commissioners Court is responsible for budgetary decisions, tax and revenue decisions, and all personnel decisions. The commissioners court is the county's governing body. According to the Texas Constitution, the courts are made up of a county judge and four county commissioners who are elected by qualified voters in individual commissioner precincts. The county judge preside over the county commissioners court.

Learn more about enforcement here:



Carson owns shares of a money market mutual fund. During the year, he received $2,800 in dividend distributions, $700 of which he received in cash. He elected to use the remaining $2,100 to purchase additional shares of the fund. The total amount of dividend income subject to tax is



The Amount is $0


In accordance with Tax Law:

If a person receives dividends or other income from mutual funds that is greater than 5,000 in a calendar year, 10% TDS will be applied.

The dividend amount in this case, which is less than 5000, is 2800. So, there is no tax due. The only time Xavier's income is taxable is if he earned a dividend of more than $5,000 annually.

Which are employee rights under the OSHA Act?


The following are the rights under the OSHA Act:

The right to a safe and healthy working environment.The right to information and training on safety and health dangers, as well as associated OSHA rules.The right to be safeguarded against retribution or discrimination for exercising OSHA rights and to report such retaliation or discrimination.What is the OSHA Act's purpose?

The Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 is a piece of labor legislation that oversees federal occupational health and safety rules in both the commercial and public sectors in the United States. It was passed by Congress in 1970 and signed into law by President Richard Nixon in December of that year.

The Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 established the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) to protect employees' safety and health via the development and enforcement of standards, as well as the provision of training, outreach, information, and support.

To learn more about OSHA Act, click



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