Which event in "dark they were, and golden-eyed" is most important in preventing the family’s return to earth?.


Answer 1

An atomic world war breaks out on Earth. In “Dark They Were, and Golden-Eyed,” what is Mr. Bittering's first clue that his world is changing?

What transpired at the conclusion of Golden-Eyed and Dark They Were?

They stay content in the mountain villas instead of going back to the abandoned settlement. The "ridiculous" homes of the "ugly" Earth people, who they are "happy" have left, are discussed by Harry and Cora. Men from Earth show up five years later and declare that they have won the conflict.

What's the premise of the tale Dark They Were, and Golden-Eyed?

Lesson Summary The short story "Dark They Were, and Golden-Eyed" was written by Ray Bradbury. When a nuclear war breaks out on Earth, a group of settlers leave for Mars in the story. Harry, Cora, Dan, Laura, and David Bittering are the main characters of the tale.

to know more about Dark They Were, and Golden-Eyed follow the link brainly.com/question/19053415


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university students were observed to pull harder on a rope when they thought they were pulling alone than when they thought several other people were pulling with them on the same rope. this best illustrates:


University students were seen to pull more forcefully on a rope when they believed they were pulling alone as opposed to when they believed three other people were tugging with them. This exemplifies social loafing the best.

How does social loafing work?

The psychological phenomena known as social loafing is the belief that team members perform less in a group context. According to the social loafing effect, people don't perform their share when they're perceived as a group member.

Social Loafing Illustrations. An entertainment inviting a crowd to scream, a tug-of-war, or a group project for homework are all instances of social loafing because the collective effort of a group decreases as the number of members increases. The ideal illustration is Tug of War because it is where Maximillian Ringelmann first discovered it.

What leads to social loafing?

Workplace culture, task significance, and expectations for coworker performance are all factors that can affect social loafing. According to the Collective Effort Model (CEM) of social loafing, the members' expectations of and value for the group's aim determine whether or not social loafing happens.

Learn more about social loafing: https://brainly.com/question/28275101


as mental illness treatment shifted from institutional to community settings, public dollars were allocated on the basis of units of service delivered, not on results of care. discuss the implications of this policy on the deinstitutionalized severely mentally ill.


Deinstitutionalization has led to a significant increase in the number of mentally ill people living in the community. In addition, there aren't many community psychiatric options, such as hospital beds.

- Effect of deinstitutionalization on severely mentally ill patients :

- Homelessness, frequent rehospitalization, and noncompliance with treatment regimens are all effects. 21% of clients struggled with substance misuse. Families attributed a number of issues, such as a lack of case management and social isolation, to the prevalence of substance misuse.

- Since the middle of the 1950s, deinstitutionalization has advanced. It has been a failure for some people even though it has been successful for many others. The rise in homelessness, and violent crimes among people with serious mental illness is clear evidence of system failure. Hospital re-admissions of those for whom deinstitutionalization has failed are rising. People who have spent 20 days in the hospital over the course of ten years are not uncommon. Tragically, there are more people incarcerated with mental illnesses than there are state hospitals.

To know more about deinstitutionalization, kindly click on the link below :



a(n) credit check can uncover past criminal behavior or other information that suggests a potential for future misconduct or a vulnerability that might render a job candidate susceptible to coercion or blackmail.


A (n) credit check can reveal information about a candidate's criminal history, vulnerability to coercion or blackmail, or other indicators of potential future misconduct.

What is an employment credit check?

An important indicator for positions in which the employee will be handling or managing money is a record of a person's credit-to-debt ratio and previous bankruptcies, both of which are shown on employment credit checks.

What data is included in a credit check?

The types of credit accounts you have had, your payment history, and certain other information like your credit limits are all included in your credit reports. Account information may vary between the three national consumer reporting agencies: Equifax, TransUnion, and Experian.

Learn more about credit check here:



When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

How does the author’s choice of the words “dissolve” and “separation” illustrate his point of view regarding the nature of this disunion?


The choice of words that the author uses here tells that the need for the people to be separated from the British had become necessary while all forms of unions that they had together had to be dissolved.

What was the declaration of independence?

This is the term that is used to refer to the reasons that were given why it had become necessary for the people of the United States to be separated from the leadership of the British government.

From the excerpt that we have here, the speaker is talking based on the fact that it had become good for those that were tired of the people that they used to have a relationship with to go their own way.

What this tells us is that they were clamoring for the need to separate because the people did not have the respect that they should get and they were not treated based on the natural law that God has entitled mankind with.

Read more on the declaration of independence here:



1.what is the impact on development from malnutrition that begins after age 3? a.children will likely develop permanent and severe cognitive deficits. b.children will develop temporary physical deficits but not cognitive deficits. c.children will not likely experience permanent cognitive or behavioral deficits. d.children will develop temporary cognitive deficits but not physical deficits.



c. Children will not likely experience permanent cognitive or behavioral deficits.


At the age of 3, when malnutrition begins, children will not likely experience permanent cognitive or behavioral deficits.

overeignty is a. the ability of one coutnry to have influence over another b. the development of participatory institutions of social life c. a goal of international organizations in world affairs d. political control over the military e. a state government answering to no higher authority


You mean Sovereignty. In the context of Sovereignty- Option (e) is correct, i.e., a state government answering to no higher authority.

Sovereignty is a power held by each and every country ensuring no external interference in their domestic matters, rules, and laws.

This is one of the important components of making a state.Sovereignty is the source of recognizing any state as a state considered by another country.It protects small countries from powerful countries and gives them equal sovereignty having autonomous power to them.

Other given options are defining power, globalization, military dictatorship, etc.

Therefore, option e is correct which states that a state government answers to no higher authority.

To know  more about sovereignty, follow the below link:



while conducting research on a new flavor of oreo cookie, a nabisco interviewer finds that a subject is not at home; to complete the sample, the interviewer substitutes the nearest available subject for the missing subject. this practice is


while conducting research on a new flavor of oreo cookie the interviewer substitutes the nearest available subject for the missing subject. This practice is not recommended as it complicates the problems by increasing the proportion of at-homes in the sample.

Market research combines consumer behavior and economic trends to support and improve your business concept. It's critical to comprehend your customer base right away. Market research enables you to reduce risks even while your firm is still just an idea in your head.

Consumer observation, focus groups, surveys, and interviews are four common types of market research approaches.

Primary market research frequently involves interviews, which can range from in-depth discussions to straightforward questions. When a company phones a current client to inquire about how they are enjoying a product they recently bought, that is an example of a market research interview.

To know more about marketing research: https://brainly.com/question/24906199


the cognitive-behavioral view of schizophrenia: a. provides a complete explanation for the origins and symptoms of schizophrenia. b. provides no explanation for the origins and symptoms of schizophrenia. c. has not been explored to further understand the origins and symptoms of schizophrenia. d. provides a partial explanation for the origins and symptoms of schizophrenia.


The cognitive-behavioral view of schizophrenia provides a complete explanation for the origins and symptoms of schizophrenia.

Cognitive models of schizophrenia posit that individuals' view of the self is encouraged through a combination of genetic vulnerability, early youth revel in, and environmental stressors later within the existence, and that those elements decide how inner and external reviews are interpreted.

According to a piece of writing on schizophrenia.com, written files identifying schizophrenia can be traced to Egypt, some distance back as the second one millennium BC. despair, dementia, as well as thought disturbances that are traditional in schizophrenia, are defined in detail in the Egyptian e-book of Hearts.

Learn more about schizophrenia here: https://brainly.com/question/7201954


The United States government introduced the Reconstruction Amendments So


The answer The Reconstruction Amendments—also called the Civil War Amendments—are three additions to the United States Constitution that abolished slavery, granted equal rights to formerly enslaved people, and enshrined the right to vote for people of all races.

rachelle and luis really want a new sports utility vehicle, but have recently had their first child. luis says to rachelle that the car will have to wait until sometime when they have more resources. his attitude is an illustration of the .


The attitude of Luis is an illustration of the ego.

The ego can serve to be both good and bad for a person. Sometimes, your ego makes you choose good over bad, ethical over unethical whereas it might be the opposite in other cases.

In the case of Luis, it is his ego that doesn't let him buy a sports utility vehicle for his child. His ego makes him believe that the necessity of his child is more important that his want for a new sports utility vehicle.

He also shows the attitude of ego when he tells Rachelle that they will indeed buy the sports utility vehicle at any cost but they just will have to wait for it for a little time.

To learn more about ego, click here:



strong sense of alienation, which motivates them to try to change government. strong sense of independence, which motivates them to try to defeat incumbents. strong sense of civic duty. all these answers are correct. desire to use government as a vehicle to help other americans rather than themselves.


Regular voters tend to be characterized by a strong sense of civic duty.

Civic duty refers to an action or responsibilities required by law to be performed by a citizen. It is the patriotic and ethical duty of all citizens to actively participate in the society and consider the concerns and interest of others in the community. It defines the attitudes and actions associated with democratic governance and social participation. Civic duties ensure that democratic values in the Constitution and Bill of Rights are upheld. An example of civic duty is serving on a jury in court. As voting is considered a civic duty, regular voters are strongly influenced by their civic duty.

Learn more about Civic duty:



dr. haskins has been tasked with evaluating a program designed to reduce anxiety and increase academic achievement among students who have a parent who is incarcerated. however, she is unsure what types of struggles related to an incarcerated parent lead to anxiety in the first place. thus, she decides to conduct some preliminary interviews with parents and students to help understand these situations better and formulate the best possible survey questions during the evaluation research. what concept best describes what dr. haskins is doing? group of answer choices pre-post design


The phrase that best captures what Dr. Haskins is doing is "formative research."

How does formative research work?

Formative research is the procedure through which academics or professionals in the field of public health establish a community of interest, figure out how to reach that group, and explain the characteristics of the community that are pertinent to a particular public health concern.

Direct observation, in-depth interviews, focus groups, structured and semi-structured surveys, and pile sorts were the main methodologies employed in the formative research projects.

Formative research, also known as research conducted before and during the campaign to define and fine-tune the campaign planning process, offers accurate, up-to-date information to strategically create the campaign on a solid foundation.

Learn more about research: https://brainly.com/question/28413359


How mainly does the author justify to the clergy his presence in birmingham and his protest of civil rights?.


He says he was forced to travel to Birmingham and protest because he had no other option. The "Letter From Birmingham Jail" by Martin Luther King Jr. is described as an open letter that advocates "breaking arbitrary laws and taking essential steps instead of waiting for the justice to come our way."

King believes that breaking such rules is morally right and responsible. In response to the question, King explains that he had no choice but to travel to Birmingham and demonstrate because he believes that "injustice everywhere is a threat to justice everywhere" and that his presence there was justified by his advocacy for racial rights.

King supports his decision to travel to Birmingham by using the state's pervasive inequities as justification for his morally just conduct. He makes a comparison between his arrival and that of the apostle Paul, who left his hometown to spread the gospel to other countries.

To know more about Martin Luther, click here:-



stressors are known to increase the likelihood of an array of disorders, but the dsm singles out one primary disorder where a severe stressor, a trauma, is required. what is that disorder?


Stressors are known to increase the likelihood of an array of disorders, but the DSM singles out one primary disorder where a severe stressor, a trauma, is required, which is Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder.

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is defined as a mental condition or disorder that develops in individuals who have witnessed or experienced a traumatic event. PTSD symptoms may range from severe anxiety, insomnia, flashbacks, nightmares, and uncontrollable event related thoughts and can be triggered by anything. Stressors can increase the probability of a range of disorders; however, PTSD is a primary disorder that, according to DSM requires a severe stressor – a trauma to occur. The symptoms associated with PTSD can be short-term after a trauma, or long-term lasting for years.

Learn more about Post-traumatic stress disorder:



According to claude steele, how can teachers combat the effects of stereotype threat in the classroom?.


According to claude steele, teachers  can combat the effects of stereotype threat in the classroom by ---- Making  it evident that they value the diversity of their students.

What is a stereotype threat in the classroom?

Stereotype threat determines  to the risk of confirming negative stereotypes about an individual's racial, ethnic, gender, or cultural group which may  create high cognitive load and minimize  academic focus and performance.

What is an effective way to combat stereotypes ?

The effective  way to combat stereotypes is to reveal  those who hold the stereotypes to positive experiences with the group  in which they are prejudiced against. Education can be  the best way to combat stereotypes.

Learn more about Claude Steele:





The business I would do and the products I would sell will be tech electronics-related products and the business will be largely online.

Why would I want to take the above decision?

According to statistics, the age group within the population pyramid that is the largest in the US are adults between the age of 30 and 34. Hence, the products these age groups love the most are:

Earbuds3D GamesOnline GamingMobile PhonesElectronic Gadgets etc.

It is to be noted that a population pyramid (age structure diagram) or "age-sex pyramid" is a graphical representation of the distribution of a population (usually that of a nation or part of the world) by age groups and gender; when the population is expanding, it typically assumes the shape of a pyramid.

Males are often depicted on the left, while females are depicted on the right, and they can be quantified in absolute numbers or as a proportion of the overall population. The pyramid can be used to depict the age of a certain population.

It is also used in ecology to calculate the general age distribution of a population, which is an indication of a species' reproductive capability and chances of survival.

Population density is defined as the number of people per unit area of land.

Learn more about business:

social workers must pay special attention to social welfare policies because some policies are unfair and therefore must advocate for them to be changed. true false


True, Many social welfare policies are unfair and social workers should advocate for change.

What would a social welfare policy look like in practice?
A few instances of these programmed in the United States are: Medicare is a form of health insurance available to people over 65 and to people with specific diseases or impairments. Financial assistance provided by Social Security to retirees and other qualified people, such as those with impairments.

Which two categories best describe social welfare policies?

Thanks to Franklin Delano Roosevelt and the Social Security Act of 1935, there are two main types of cash assistance programmed in America today: public aid and social insurance

to know more social welfare policies about follow the link



Explain why the plastic shopping casts a lighter shadow than the cardboard shapes. Did the clear plastic shape cast a shadow? Explain why the cardboard and the plastic shopping bag cast shadows but the clear plastic does not​


Straight lines are the path of light. It can't flex to fit around anything. A shadow results from the cardboard's inability to let light through. The region behind the translucent plastic is illuminated because light may flow through it.

This is further explained below.

What is plastic shopping?

Generally, Light travels in a route that consists only of straight lines. It is not flexible enough to wrap itself around anything.

The difficulty of the cardboard to allow light pass-through causes the appearance of a shadow.

Because light is able to pass through the transparent plastic, the area that is located behind it is lighted.

In conclusion, Objects that are transparent or translucent allow light to flow through them, therefore they do not throw shadows.

Read more about plastic shopping



claude bouchard found that identical twins have similar weights regardless of whether they are raised together or apart. this study provides evidence for the idea that:


Claude Bouchard discovered that identical twins' weights are comparable whether they were raised separately or together. This study supports the notion that genes play a significant influence in weight growth.

What are identical twins'?

When a single egg is fertilised by a single sp-erm and splits into two, the result is identical twins, also known as monozygotic twins. Twins who are identical have the same genomes and are always the same species.

There is a 1 in 250 chance that each person may give birth to identical twins. No family has a history of identical twins. Non-identical twins are more prevalent in particular ethnic groups.

With having the highest incidence and Japanese having the lowest, but there are several other characteristics that increase the likelihood of producing non-identical twins.

Learn more about identical twins' from here:



what type of galaxy is our milky way galaxy


Our milky way is a barred spiral type of galaxy.

A galaxy is a system of millions of stars, dust and gases bound by each other due to gravitational force. Different galaxies have different colors, shapes and sizes.

The night sky which we look at is our Milky Way galaxy, having millions of stars with their constellations and giant clouds of dust and gas. The Sun and the planets are part of our Milky Way.

The shape of the Milky Way galaxy is of barred spiral type. It appears as a milky band of light in the sky, and that's the reason it is called the Milky Way Galaxy.

Most of the galaxies found in the universe are spiral-shaped. There are other shapes of galaxies also like elliptical and irregular.

To know more about Milky Way here




The Milky Way galaxy is a barred spiral galaxy that contains our Sun, Earth, and the rest of our solar system. It is named for the hazy white band that appears in the night sky and is caused by the collective glow of billions of stars belonging to the Milky Way. The Milky Way is estimated to contain more than 100 billion stars, including our Sun, and is approximately 100,000 light-years in diameter.

The Milky Way also has a prominent central bar-like structure surrounded by spiral arms that contain stars, gas, and dust. The exact shape and structure of the Milky Way are still not fully understood, but astronomers have been able to piece together a rough understanding of its features through various observations, including radio, infrared, and visible light.

Learn more about the Milky Way galaxy: ☞ https://brainly.com/question/14728166

What is a spiral galaxy?

- A spiral galaxy is a type of galaxy that has a prominent central bulge and spiral arms that spiral outwards from the center. The spiral arms consist of stars, interstellar gas, and dust. These arms wind around the central bulge, which contains a high concentration of stars.

Spiral galaxies are typically flat, disk-shaped systems with a rotating central bulge. They are often subdivided into two subtypes:

Barred spiral galaxies have a distinct elongated bar-like structure in their central bulge, with spiral arms that begin at the ends of the bar.Non-barred spiral galaxies lack this central bar and instead have spiral arms that extend directly from the bulge.

Our Milky Way galaxy is a barred spiral galaxy, with four main spiral arms that wind around a central bar structure. The spiral arms contain stars, gas, and dust which are illuminated by hot, young stars, giving them a blue tint. However, there are also older, cooler stars in the arms, lending them a reddish hue. The bulge of the Milky Way contains a high concentration of stars, including a supermassive black hole at its center.

Learn more about the spiral galaxy: ☞ https://brainly.com/question/28644362

During which step of business process management are bottlenecks and excesses in the engine identified?.


During the Monitor phase of business process management are bottlenecks and excesses in the engine identified.

Business process management (BPM) is a systematic method for enhancing the procedures that firms employ to complete tasks, provide for their customers, and produce profit.

The field of business process management involves using a variety of techniques to identify, model, analyse, measure, improve, optimise, and automate business processes. BPM refers to any set of techniques used to control a company's commercial operations.

The team should monitor the process during the Monitor phase, assessing efficiency gains and locating any new bottlenecks. The team makes any last-minute changes to the process to enhance business activity in the last stage, Optimize.

To learn more about business process management , refer



someone who believes they are experiencing harassment and/or bullying should: 1 avoid telling the person harassing or bullying to stop 2 wait to seek emotional support from friends, family or school until they have enough evidence of bullying 3 avoid social events 4 seek resolutions and put complaints on record


someone who believes they are experiencing harassment and/or bullying should seek resolutions and put complaints on record.

Working environment tormenting and badgering are difficult issues that can hugely affect a person's close to home and actual wellbeing, worker spirit and execution, and a business' standing. Thus, businesses and those in places of liability really should figure out the distinction among harassing and provocation and can perceive significant ways of behaving, set up precaution gauges, and guarantee there are productive systems for managing grumblings and safeguarding casualties.

What is the distinction bullying and harassment?

The distinction among harassing and provocation is more to do with the manner in which set out legitimately as opposed to the activity has happened/happening. Fundamentally tormenting isn't as plainly characterized in council as badgering is (uniformity act 2010). Taking everything into account has more to do with the people qualities (ie: sexual direction, age or race) though harassing is more designated towards the singular beside safeguarded attributes.

Learn more about bullying and harassment here:



Since texas already has a law requiring voters to show approved ids in order to vote, why was the legislature busying themselves with passing a law to address voter fraud associated with mail-in ballots?.


almost entirely because voters are neglecting to include an ID number on the envelope as the new law demands.

Why was the Texas voter ID measure from 2011 rejected?

Why did the U.S. Justice Department reject Texas' voter ID measure in 2011 because Texas' data showed that the law will have a negative impact on minorities. What kind of political culture is extremely consistent with Texas's history of restricting voting

What happened to Texas' voter ID law in terms of the law?

What was the status of Texas' voter ID law legally as of the 2013 elections? After the Supreme Court ruled that Section 4 of the Voting Rights Act was unconstitutional, it became effective.

to know more about civilization follow the link https://brainly.com/question/1330417


what is a way of monitoring the entire system by viewing multiple inputs being processed or transformed to produce outputs while continuously gatherin


Systems thinking is the way of monitoring the entire system by viewing multiple inputs being processed or transformed.

What is systems thinking?

Systems thinking is a means of understanding the complexity of the world without breaking it down into its component components, instead viewing it as a whole and its interactions. It has been applied as a method for investigating and producing efficient action in challenging situations. The system sciences and systems theory are both influenced by and added to by systems thinking.

It's critical to keep in mind that various people may have different meanings for the term "systems thinking." Systems thinking is a field that encompasses more than simply a set of techniques and tools; it also has a core concept. In the hopes that they may aid in solving their enduring business challenges, many newcomers are drawn to tools like causal loop diagrams and management flight simulators. However, systems thinking also entails sensitivity to the circular nature of the world we live in, awareness of the role of structure in producing the conditions we encounter, awareness that there are potent laws of systems at work that we are unaware of, and awareness that there are unintended consequences to our actions.

To learn more about systems thinking from the given link



what is a way of monitoring the entire system by viewing multiple inputs being processed or transformed to produce outputs while continuously gathering

consider the pet-ch 1 readings discussion of ethical behavior of group members. jim, a member of the uni debating team, likes just to sit and listen to the others in his small group. he rarely says anything and contributes even less. based on his behaviors, jim would be considered a ?


Jim would be considered a social loafer based on his behaviors.

The idea of "social loafing" states that people tend to put in less work when working together as a group than when working alone. In tasks where the contributions of each group member are integrated to produce a group output, making it challenging to pinpoint the input of a single person, social loafing is more noticeable. Laziness can be harmful at work. Reduced productivity can result when team members don't give it their all because they are working together. Workplace culture, task significance and expectations for coworker performance are all factors that can affect social loafing.

To  read more about workplace behavior refer:



Margie insists that she never dreams, but her sister feels she can prove otherwise. To prove that margie does dream, the sister should.


Her sister should according to the question wake Margie up a few minutes after her REM sleep and then ask about what she saw as a dream.

REM sleep and dreams:

Rapid eye movement (REM) sleep is "a type of sleep that occurs intermittently throughout the night and is characterized by faster respiratory and pulse rates, greater dreaming, and increased physical movement." Dreamlessness is a hallmark of non-REM (non-rapid eye movement) sleep.

NREM sleep is characterized by a drop in mental activity and consists of phases 1-3 (formerly stages 1 through 4). It is dreamless sleep. a condition that differs from REM sleep in terms of its EEG (electroencephalographic) pattern and lacks the latter's obvious rapid eye movements and twitches. The person sleeping in this position is still, breathing, has a slow heartbeat and brain waves, and has low blood pressure.

To learn more about REM sleep refer to: https://brainly.com/question/15049461


To prove that Margie does dream, the sister should wake Margie following 5 minutes of REM rest and ask her what she's dreaming.

What is REM?Stage R, often known as rapid eye movement (REM) rest, typically starts an hour and a half after you fall asleep. Your mind starts to move more, your eyes start to move quickly, and your heart rate, blood pressure, and breathing rate all increase. Additionally, most of your dreaming occurs at this time. REM sleep is important for memory and learning. The majority of the time that you are sleeping in REM, your body is still; nevertheless, if you experience exceptionally vivid or shocking nightmares, you may find yourself tossing, kicking, or striking. Clamours include loud noises when you're sleeping, such as yelling or talking.To prove that Margie does dream, the sister should wake Margie following 5 minutes of REM rest and ask her what she's dreaming.

To learn more about REM refer to:



Why didn't the Articles of Confederation work?



Weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation


Congress had not have the power to tax. Congress did not have the power to regulate foreign and interstate commerce. There was no executive branch to enforce any acts passed by Congress. There was no national court system.

if joe smith, a registered republican voter, is allowed to vote in the democratic primary, he must live in a state that uses which type of primary system?


Joe Smith must live in a state that uses open primary system.

What is open primary system?

In an open primary, voters can cast their ballots for partisan candidates without having to be members of a particular political party. In a conventional open primary, participants can choose one party's ballot and cast their votes for that party's nomination. The candidate with the most votes from each party moves on to the main election, just like in a closed primary (when only members of a political party are allowed to vote). All candidates are listed on the same ballot in a nonpartisan blanket primary, and regardless of party affiliation, the top two vote-getters advance to the runoff election.

A partisan blanket primary was earlier deemed unlawful in 2000, but the Supreme Court of the United States upheld the constitutionality of this system in Washington State Grange v. Washington State Republican Party in 2008[1]. [2] Supporters of open primaries point out that voters can make their own decisions, fostering the idea that the existence of different political parties does not fragment or weaken the election process.

To learn more about open primary system from the given link



if joe smith, a registered republican voter, is allowed to vote in the democratic primary, he must live in a state that uses which type of primary system?

stan is a gay college student. he loves reading the publication the advocate and watching the television show modern family because of their positive representations of sexual minorities. what need is stan most likely fulfilling with his use of media?


Stan is fulfilling the need of personal identity with his use of media.

The gender of a person is a larger part of the identity of a person. In many cultures all over the world, the gay community is not considered to be an ethical one due to which the gay people hide their personal identity.

As a human being, gay people will feel peaceful when they watch gay people being supported in any way. It will help them in getting satisfaction of their personal identity.

In the case above, Stan, being gay, also fulfills his personal identity as he watches and reads about sexual minorities.

To learn more about personal identity, click here:



cindi prefers to take exams in the late afternoon rather than during the morning, because her energy level and ability to concentrate are better at that time. her experience most likely reflects the influence of her:


Cindi's experience most likely reflects the influence of her circadian rhythm.

Define circadian rhythm.

Circadian rhythms are 24-hour cycles in a person's physical, mental, and behavioral changes. Most living things, including animals, plants, and bacteria, are however impacted by these natural processes, which predominantly react to light and darkness.

The study of circadian rhythms is known as chronobiology. The 24-hour internal clock of your body, known as the circadian rhythm, controls a number of bodily functions, including your cycle of sleep and waking. Hence if a person's circadian cycle is not being followed, he or she may have problems with insomnia, daytime tiredness, and decreased productivity. Cindi's experience most likely reflects the influence of her circadian rhythm.

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how does the eukaryotic ribosomal small subunit recognize the start codon on the mrna?group of answer choicesit undergoes a conformational charge that recruits other proteins when it hydrogens bonds to the correct tri-nucleotide sequence.it binds an met-trna to the first aug codon after the kozak sequence.it wraps the mrna strand to bring initiation enhancer proteins into the vicinity of the start codon.it binds an met-trna to the first aug codon it encounters.it performs an atp hydrolysis within the small subunit once it encounters a met-trna already bound to the aug. If np 5 and nq5, estimate P(at least 6) with n=13 and p = 0.5 by using the normal distribution as an approximation to the binomial distribution; if np < 5 or nq < 5, then state that thenormal approximation is not suitable.Select the correct choice below and, if necessary, fill in the answer box to complete your choice.O A. P(at least 6) =(Round to three decimal places as needed.)O B. The normal distribution cannot be used Consider the following data. The expected value is -2.1.Find the variance, standard deviation, P(X -1), and P(X -3). i-ReadyDilations and Similarity --Figure LMNO is dilated to form figure L'M'NO'.Where is the center of dilation located?on a vertex of figure LMNOWhat is the scale factor of the dilation?pls help quickly;;; An empty 16 gallon tank is being filled with gasoline at a rate of 2 gallons per minute. State the Domain and Range using interval notation or set notation which element of the promotion mix refers to the set of nonpersonal communication tools designed to stimulate quicker and more frequent purchases of a product? The motor of a table saw is rotating at 3450 rev/min. A pulley attached to the motor shaft drives a second pulley of half the diameter by means of a V-belt. A circular saw blade of diameter 0.208 m is mounted on the same rotating shaft as the second pulley. The value of x =5 is a solution to each of the following except which ?A 3x+2=4x-3B (x+2)(x-5)=0C4x+2=15D 3x-10=x TEST SCORES The average test score in a class is 74%. Half of the class scored within 7 points of the average.One student received a score of x%. Which shows an expression that could be used to determine how far the student's score is from the average?A. |74-7|B. |x|-74C. |x-74|D. 74-|7| Discuss the order of operations to explain why the expressions [(12(2+ 2)] ^3 and (12 2) + 2^3 do not havethe same value. when writing a repeating decimal as a fraction why does the fraction always have only 9s or 9s and 0s as digits in the denominator Please help math 100 points!easy fractions Why do competitive markets move toward equilibrium? Pizza House offers 4 different salads, 5 different kinds of pizza, and 3 different desserts. How many different three course meals can be ordered?...Question content area rightPart 1How many different meals can be ordered?enter your response here What is the surface area of fish tank in the shape of a cube that has a volume of 90 cubic inches. 1. Which process happens when asmall root and stem begin to growout of a seed? Write the inequality stamens in a describing the numbers (-,-5) The multiplier is 5 and, as a result of a change in expenditure, equilibrium expenditure and real gdp change by $200 billion. What was the initial change in autonomous expenditure?. Marketers use data to determine that they want to create messages that appeal to a younger target market. This is part of an overall. in a cohort study, the advantage of starting by selecting a defined population for study before any of its members become exposed, rather than starting by selecting exposed and unexposed individuals, is that: